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Spiritual Warfare At An All Time High

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
For those who have experience with spiritual warfare, they understand that we have been highly successful in unraveling the enemy and foiling their plans.

Conspiracy theorists have been predicting many of these plans and unveiling them for decades. All of this was planned. The enemy has published material plans, and before these, these were agendas that remained hidden. Due to being that exposed [brought to light, in a mystical sense] they now publicly declare them to try to make them look "Normal", but it always remains part of their dark and insidious alien plan.

None of this was decided last year or yesterday, and much of this has been in preparation for whole decades. The spiritual foundation they have been laying for hundreds of years. The failure of these plans would foil future ones, and the consistent top on top failure will topple the enemy completely.

For this reason they are going insane. Indeed, it's observable that the reverberation of these rituals on the jewish soul is not only collapsing them, but they are observably going more and more helpless over it. It's just ripping them apart.

Jews in this forum and others in general will be shitting their own pants over this, for obvious reasons. It is also for certain that their major going downtrend [they can't even enforce the masses to do the simplest aspects of their longterm plans] is hitting very hard on them. They will be frantic and just furious.

One has to also bear in mind that the enemy has high operation during their holidays. This includes confusion spells, attacks, infighting instigation, and whatever else one can imagine. I'd rather not open up this box because the knowledge of the things they do may drive people to draw false conclusions and false correlations.

Some of you here are very psychic [others will get there in time] and you also may have realized that two fundamental things are happening. The enemy's shit is giving in [slowly but assuredly] and at the same rate, they are striking back hard. The why should be obvious.

I am also aware and the Demons do inform us [as they do inform others here] that we are getting besieged. There is nothing to worry about here. However, you may be noticing strange manifestations of the enemy's curses, while others experience great removal.

This is because this garbage is being removed. We aren't there yet, but you may notice changes of perception that are very important, for example, you may feel it's easier to meditate now than it was before, or you may notice that "at times", communication starts to become clear. Removal of the veil will have these anticipated effects.

The enemy, whenever they will attack, they always try to convince people that the correct thing they do is the wrong thing to do. In effect, when the people fight back against them [exactly what people should be doing] the enemy simply reacts and the weak people cave in, thinking that they did the wrong thing.

Just do your protections, remain strong, and be aware of negative energy and in dealing with it. The mind must remain in positivity during all this. Do not doubt Satan's Power, the protection of the Gods, and none of that. We just need to be AWARE of the enemy, do not obsess or dwell on their FILTH.

This war is a very active thing, and in many ways, it has it's own rules and it can be disgusting as with physical war. But it has this: it's spiritual. So the mind is the important thing and control over one's mind is paramount. This is why there will be disinformation [astral], imposters [astral], even astral 'spies' and other things.

I truly want to get deeper into these subjects but due to certainty that it may agitate already over-reactive minds, and that people may accredit wrong things to wrong input, this has to be postponed for when the average level of our group will be more, let's say "mature".

In regards to some people telling me some stuff about certain specific toilets that are forming during this time, such as enemy groups and blah blah. It's to be expected. As the enemy behaves above, so do their agents behave below. The enemy is alarmed.

At this point the "important" ones of the enemy are going out with information they haven't been disclosing ever before. These include all these things that shock people about jews being reptilian, how they come from elsewhere, and what they "are to do".

They are also letting other things out which they know can be a major risk to say and do, but they consider their chances that opening this up may save them compared to not having recruited as many "Experimental Kabbalists", ie, those who engage in psychic warfare.

For example, they have been promoting personalities that are against a lot of secular activity, and they are moving jewish masses into "Experimental Kabbalah", which is basically application of it. They are in other words teaching them openly the occult warfare that others were having secret, because they want them to be "ready" and to "fight for what is to come".

This was a no no by the enemy for many years, but now they have no choice but to enlist literally every jew to try to turn things around. They had comfortable control without them, but now it's a necessary thing they have to do if they want to have a future, or so they assume. As many of the enemy are "activating", many of our own are also "activating".

We are proud to sit upon the creation of an undivided group, that is for once in the recent history of the world, taking down the enemy at the root and doing what nobody else even dared to do. The Gods look at us with appreciation and love for this task, and of course, the enemy is going to hate us for it. So be it, and one should be proud.

Lastly, in regards to recent attacks where people also related about "imposters", the enemy is doing a lot of fake, false positives, and during times of high enemy warfare, spiritual communications and other things can be a bit off. This is nothing else but normal disruption of communication lines, which always does take places in wars.

The way around this is to become accustomed to communication. Refer to topics about this in previous posts. Eventually your own enlightenment will make this all "easier", despite of the shit confusions the enemy is trying to create. This is entirely reliant on one's psychic ability and practice, which will keep increasing as one meditates in a seriously adherent manner.

The Gods are also very busy. The enemy has a story in some of their shit books, that the "Angels" are "fighting in the heavens", and that is to point to the astral warfare taking place between our Gods and their shit tier alien filth.

This is very serious and has to do with the future of humanity, and there are multiple "time dimensions" into this for lack of a better word. On the lower ones, we aren't here yet. Humans currently reside on the lowest of this dimension, so we are far back compared to the higher dimensions the Gods exist and act in.

While our future has been won [time and dimension are correlated], the lower levels in the time dimensions are lagging through and will eventually also appear visibly. Currently, in our timeline we are going through the timeline that has already passed in another dimension, ie, the enemy is still very active, fighting and so on. On the dimension that has come to pass, this is already concluded. This is not to create mind boggling theories, but to give a general explanation to how this works.

We are in the same train, where has crossed the finish line of dark mist in the front wagons, but we are on the last wagon, still seeing the worst fumes, mists, and negative things. If the situation does get very bad, chances are the last wagons may be cut off [which we fight spiritually to reassure that it doesn't happen]. All this is therefore still taking time and fighting back to hold together.

Stay strong and know beyond any doubt, as many of you already do, that the Gods are proud of us. Praised be Father Satan.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Satan! Forever!
Hail Satan.

That's why I don't start anything important in my life during heightened spiritual warfare schedules. I can feel and otherwise experience the astral chaos that could interfere. I also theorize the enemy uses mentally destroyed people, and others that tie into them, to use as pawns.

For example, when a druggie tries to enter my home right as I get done with a couple of hours of RTRs. Not a coincidence.
This is why daily aura cleansing and protection are not to be skipped. It's THAT active.

Nonetheless, It's wonderful being able to activate my third eye with much more ease. I even notice a "web" form(?) as I do rituals.
Excellent sermon. I have noticed a lot of psychic and intuitive things that make 100 percent sense come easier to me now, whereas before, there was this weird 'wall' or things were thrown off.

I also noticed more and more unfortunate things are happening to the enemy elites such as home invasions or attacked by criminals, which never EVER used to happen to them.

Hail Victory!

So what I've saw is right, they "activate" their sheeps for energy and war purposes.

I've also seen how they communicate within themselves. The motive of stones is prevalent. Well nothing new but what we were trained for years to expect and know and fight.

Byebye jevvs
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This war will be intense for the coming years for sure, yet one thing remains that i can also feel, that we are winning! The energy during passover was disgusting but dissipated as quick as at came..during Tetra and RTRs i have felt their strength dwindle. it is chipping away little by little. everytime during the rituals i see this glass wall cracking and toppling down piece by piece. Everytime i feel an attack coming in waves it is also a good sign as it means they are being hit where it hurts. you can even feel it when they are pissed. Their number 777 is everywhere during ritual days. Keep up cleaning and protection which will minimize any brunt of filth that comes out or any attacks. For me, calling on my Guardian helps if it gets too bad.

I can say from my experiences up till now for those that fight and advance as they should that they will be protected. I can attest that my family and i have faired more through this pandemic than MANY can say, as far as finances, and health, significant concerns of which the Gods have given me prior reassurance for that have been confirmed over the past year. they really DO look after us. AFter being back home for a year now i have several significant testimonies to this: My job that i got was only a month after coming back and looking for work..at the peak of the pandemic. the interview was with the moon in the first 2 degrees of taurus which is as permenant as it gets. Despite troubles there i still have my job and even have had extra time off with no reprocussions and even interesting timings to find openings for time off especially around ritual dates. i have been able to pay off all of my debt and make my credit skyrocket and am now saving for a home. more than many can say at this time.

I was having a dream one night, around last year that i was in a doctors office. he was giving me a ct scan for my right ankle that has traumatic arthritis. he told me my treatment would get paid for by the insurance. I come home from work one night limping. i hear someone say "we need to do something about that ankle" next thing i know my dad randomly walks out and comments on my limping..saying hes going to send me to a doctor hes known for years. the appointment ends up being under a virgo moon, and i ended up getting insurance approval for 3 shots for my ankle that would help recruit my cells to repair the joint. my 3rd is in 2 days...i am 70 percent better! the doctor told me " i went through hell and high order to get you these shots"...i am CERTAIN he did.

Abraxas gives me dates from time to time that prove to be very significant or accurate. none have failed to be thus far. one of them was last year the 5th of august, predicted two weeks prior. i had no idea what it was for. turns out i went to the dentist for some pain, and i was a bit anxious. then i hear Abraxas tell me "its not as bad as it could be, but can be if you do nothing". next thing i know the doctor tells me i have 14 cavities...i was lucky to have no need of a root canal as some were there for years. i got them repaired for 2k, a bill which coincidentially was covered by me starting to work overtime and getting nigh differential at that same time...my first appointment scheduled to have me come in to get my teeth fixed? you guessed it AUGUST 5TH.

And the most recent one: I have been worried about breast pain. my mother died of stage 4 infiltrative lobular carcinoma. I went to get a mammogram and ultrasound. before that i heard reassuring voices it was nothing. on the ultrasound they found a small fibroadenoma. i was nervous because the tech was taking so many pics. I called for the Gods and was scared. i heard "not cancer. Benign" sure enough the doc walks in and says its nothing...me being paranoid and stubborn especially given my moms history i demanded a biopsy. i remember driving home and the nights after that scan. The Gods told me "there will be no biopsy" I just get a call from the doctor today reassuring me its benign...and looks too small to biopsy.

For anyone that has doubts, put them out of your mind. The Gods are real and are here for us, just as much as this war is very real that we have to keep fighting untill the enemy is no more. As long as you fight they are there!

Hilarious how you mentioned this HP:
Jews in this forum and others in general will be shitting their own pants over this, for obvious reasons.
they LITERALLY do this...not suprised as they are cowards to the core. that vid of the palastinians chasing the kike out showed it in that cartoon parody...i rolled over laughing sawing that kikes REALLY wear diapers. its funny just as you mentioned this i had JUST come accross this:
This is also a great testimony. However be aware that Abrasax the Great Demon also rules over these things, so don't be surprised, for those who are under him, that they get things like this to happen - with dates etc.

Abrasax rules the passing of seasons, timing, and many other things of this nature, including natural circles. When his page will be updated, a lot of this info will be shared. He can give a lot of counsel on these matters, as he rules all that we humans call seasonal.

Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Abraxas gives me dates from time to time that prove to be very significant or accurate. none have failed to be thus far. one of them was last year the 5th of august, predicted two weeks prior. i had no idea what it was for. turns out i went to the dentist for some pain, and i was a bit anxious. then i hear Abraxas tell me "its not as bad as it could be, but can be if you do nothing". next thing i know the doctor tells me i have 14 cavities...i was lucky to have no need of a root canal as some were there for years. i got them repaired for 2k, a bill which coincidentially was covered by me starting to work overtime and getting nigh differential at that same time...my first appointment scheduled to have me come in to get my teeth fixed? you guessed it AUGUST 5TH.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is also a great testimony. However be aware that Abrasax the Great Demon also rules over these things, so don't be surprised, for those who are under him, that they get things like this to happen - with dates etc.

Abrasax rules the passing of seasons, timing, and many other things of this nature, including natural circles. When his page will be updated, a lot of this info will be shared. He can give a lot of counsel on these matters, as he rules all that we humans call seasonal.

Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Abraxas gives me dates from time to time that prove to be very significant or accurate. none have failed to be thus far. one of them was last year the 5th of august, predicted two weeks prior. i had no idea what it was for. turns out i went to the dentist for some pain, and i was a bit anxious. then i hear Abraxas tell me "its not as bad as it could be, but can be if you do nothing". next thing i know the doctor tells me i have 14 cavities...i was lucky to have no need of a root canal as some were there for years. i got them repaired for 2k, a bill which coincidentially was covered by me starting to work overtime and getting nigh differential at that same time...my first appointment scheduled to have me come in to get my teeth fixed? you guessed it AUGUST 5TH.

I cannot wait for that! yes i am sure of it, and am not suprised. I have also been given messages from him through dreams of crystals and plants his specialties. I have looked at my chart and feel there are very specific aspects that suggest i have been very close to him. It would expain at anyrate my huge attraction toward him among other things. I Love him a great deal and hope i make him proud!
Just like others, i am experiencing better communications with my gd. To the point where i can talk with her and get the help i need in no time and with crystal clarity. Spiritual signs are more frequent and easier to see as well.

Also in Turkey we are experiencing a lot of new people getting interested in SS. Glad to see we are growing more and more.
Add nightmares of psychopathic freaks to the list. *shudders*

Been experiencing a fair bit of “astral imposters/interference” during this ritual schedule, lesson learned to keep the communication to a minimum until these so called “holidays” of the enemy pass. Though I’m happy that one of our own special holidays of the Gods is coming up soon.

The dimension time lag sounds a lot like how sound and vibration travels through air particles. An explosion happens in one location and travels in contractions across to the next location and the next until it’s heard over in Alabama. But the time difference between where one location hears it compared to the next could be a difference of a few hours to days. That’s my understanding of it anyway.

Needed this. Thank you.

Hail Father Satan and all our Gods of Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have been under the guidance of the gods on a more intense level for close to a year now, as they have manifested their influence and presence in my life more then ever before.

This has coincided with meeting, talking. With quite a few of them, and them guiding me on practicing remote viewing, for learning information, and practicing it under their guidance.

It has been something where at times it's been hard for me to not doubt what has been occurring, as they feel very "faint" at times for me to feel, hear and see them, but I've been breaking through.

These latest rituals have helped with this, but it definitely can be confusing at times.

I often make sure to verify what I see, feel, and hear, but I still get very doubtful.

The enemy also can be very vicious with attacks, but they are not as strong as they used to be, thankfully.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe this is a stupid question but I want to ask, would it be better to do more F-RTR and in general focus more energy on it rather than cleaning/protection? At the end of the day the rtr does remove enemy curses and even our own negative karma, would it be a good idea for someone that does not have that much time in a day to maybe do less protection/cleaning and more F-Rtr?
Hail Satan! May we persevere and thrive through every barrier against us.
I read your comment the other day when it was still during the schedule when you mentioned this, HP HC.
That night before your comment I had a dream. It felt like a turning point was reached.

I am sure more people must have noticed it. They probably wont say it though.
Praise Satan.
The Jews don't have a choice - they have a gun to their heads. They are already committed 100% to this ,ride or die. We must also be committed 100% ride or die to the spiritual warfare and our own self preservation.
During attack schedules and this one specifically I've felt my brain get slower if that makes sense. ITs harder to come to conclusions and figure things out, metaphysically speaking. Because the metaphysical is the foundation of the physical though its been spilling over a decent amount and causing a variety of issues. Since yesterday I've felt much more "on track", the weeks of are terrible, but coming out of the proverbial tunnel and seeing the results is absolutely wonderful.
When is next war schedule....I haven't been very active in war lately
Hail Satan!!!

i myself have exprienced some forms of being attacked literally right after either a jewish holiday passed or a local jewish gathering to read verses from the torah took place. Absolute filth and garbage manifested right after.

This is great fuel for the RTR's i appreciate you taking the time to make this post! :D

indeed aura cleansing and aura of protection is very important.. ive witnessed this personally the last couple of days with the attacks. I am currently putting together a 90 day meditation using algiz for me with proper timing for a stronger aura of protection.
Blessings to all satanists, we will never give up, EVER! In the name of Satan we will fight eternally no matter what, we will fight for a more beautiful universe and for the glory of Satan

My most humble thanks to high priest hooded cobra from whom I have learned so much, you have my full support, we are going to win this war no matter what
There indeed is a lot of frustration one can feel in them, manifested in lots of stupid acts, of course, as a result of our RTRs. I feel we're so close than we've ever been before to the climax of our cause, which will manifest suddenly, and appearing "out of nowhere" in the eyes of some. This is the energy that has been put here by all of us, little by little, and will suddenly manifest one day. Just like you are opening your clairvoyance chakras, and you can see only a little or not at all while you are opening and empowering them, and then suddenly one day you can see astrally.

Knowing this and obviously seeing even now the reaction of the enemy, I wonder how the effects of the RTRs will be like when they actually start manifesting, as I personally feel they should. And this unusual, but expected, reaction of them is present even here, in the forums, as we were also talking about infiltrators I think I should speak my mind over this, I'll try to keep it short in length but on point.

So, I always was the type of person who puts a strong emphasis on "knowledge", for people should know what is going on in the world, both inside and outside themselves in all dimensions of existence. Now, most of gentiles who come here and "fall in love" with satanism from the very beginning, tend to take whatever is said here for granted.

Making a reference to astrology, I am thinking about people with Pluto in sigittarius in their natal chart, letting aside other individual aspects. There are and will continue to be lots of young people who come to satanism as it's in their nature, which I saw on my own. When I think about these people, I can really see a strong generation who's going to put down not only christianity but all of the ongoing programs of jews in the future.

These people are, if not now than in the near future, here, reading, watching and, after all, learning. And now coming back to the infiltrators part that I started with, at least in my opinion, if someone here sees that another member is creating confusion or promotes possibly harming stuff in a positive manner, why wouldn't one act? Especially if they have strong evidence over it and has really got a point.

I think if one is doing this, there are a few possibilities, one is that that member may really had been an infiltrator, another may be that the person really didn't know what was going on or are confused and they can be helped, another is that they didn't actually know that what they said is actually wrong, and so on. Now I am not saying that one should engage in endless debates and fights, which would be stupid, but rather, if they have their point of view cristal clear, they can intervine, which may help us further, with this leading to another possibility which is, the one who think they're right, actually commenting on someone else, may realise that they were, in fact, wrong, and fix whatever needs to be fixed.

Going further on talking about this "knowledge" part, I know I said before in the forums that here, in this forums, starts the future of humanity, and being selective with what you choose to take as granted information is crucial, especially during these times. So I think we should keep the forums as clear as possible, without altered information, just so it is easier for new or little ones, and not only, to understand the actual truth and learn how to embrace it. For these young people, you, only being aware that the enemy is here doesn't help, even if, of course, one should clear their own path through this and reach the final truth, as everyone here did.

All this is only how I, myself, see things. We still have, a long way to go, until most people here can understand certain things, and some information can be handled by most people, hence there are still things one should not say in here, but until humanity gets at that level of understanding, here should be built a clear path for others. I, whatever, think that this community is doing a really great job until now, gods are indeed proud of us and this is really inspiring and this thought makes, at least in me, push harder, in both warfare and personal growth areas.

Hail our Father, Satan!
You say there are different dimensions, is there perhaps another physical dimension? Or are they all astral dimensions that influence the physical dimension in which our bodies reside?
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe this is a stupid question but I want to ask, would it be better to do more F-RTR and in general focus more energy on it rather than cleaning/protection? At the end of the day the rtr does remove enemy curses and even our own negative karma, would it be a good idea for someone that does not have that much time in a day to maybe do less protection/cleaning and more F-Rtr?

No. Doing warfare without protection is simply asking someone to get damaged. Protection is a major thing. It should be parallel to each other.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe this is a stupid question but I want to ask, would it be better to do more F-RTR and in general focus more energy on it rather than cleaning/protection? At the end of the day the rtr does remove enemy curses and even our own negative karma, would it be a good idea for someone that does not have that much time in a day to maybe do less protection/cleaning and more F-Rtr?

No. Doing warfare without protection is simply asking someone to get damaged. Protection is a major thing. It should be parallel to each other.
I understand, thank you. It just sometimes its hard to find time in a day to do everything. I still do my cleaning/protection but its less than I did before.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Maybe this is a stupid question but I want to ask, would it be better to do more F-RTR and in general focus more energy on it rather than cleaning/protection? At the end of the day the rtr does remove enemy curses and even our own negative karma, would it be a good idea for someone that does not have that much time in a day to maybe do less protection/cleaning and more F-Rtr?

No. Doing warfare without protection is simply asking someone to get damaged. Protection is a major thing. It should be parallel to each other.
I understand, thank you. It just sometimes its hard to find time in a day to do everything. I still do my cleaning/protection but its less than I did before.
You don't want to entertain the idea of cutting on cleaning and protection during this time.

When shit "falls off", it's still by your feet and you could slip on it. Catch the drift?
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Maybe this is a stupid question but I want to ask, would it be better to do more F-RTR and in general focus more energy on it rather than cleaning/protection? At the end of the day the rtr does remove enemy curses and even our own negative karma, would it be a good idea for someone that does not have that much time in a day to maybe do less protection/cleaning and more F-Rtr?

No. Doing warfare without protection is simply asking someone to get damaged. Protection is a major thing. It should be parallel to each other.
I understand, thank you. It just sometimes its hard to find time in a day to do everything. I still do my cleaning/protection but its less than I did before.

I slacked with cleaning and I got slapped for it. It is something like drinking water, we need it.
Henu the Great said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No. Doing warfare without protection is simply asking someone to get damaged. Protection is a major thing. It should be parallel to each other.
I understand, thank you. It just sometimes its hard to find time in a day to do everything. I still do my cleaning/protection but its less than I did before.
You don't want to entertain the idea of cutting on cleaning and protection during this time.

When shit "falls off", it's still by your feet and you could slip on it. Catch the drift?
Well I'm doing less than before but still a good ammount, in my opinioni. I did a lot of cleaning protection for two years. I just had to cut back. But you are right I have to add something more. One thing I'm doing to clean is the sun square, Returning curses with 72 reps and another protection working. Until some months ago I did everyday 216 reps of Surya with the Returning curses. I feel like I'm protected enough.
Thank you Master Cobra.
luis said:
Well I'm doing less than before but still a good ammount, in my opinioni. I did a lot of cleaning protection for two years. I just had to cut back. But you are right I have to add something more. One thing I'm doing to clean is the sun square, Returning curses with 72 reps and another protection working. Until some months ago I did everyday 216 reps of Surya with the Returning curses. I feel like I'm protected enough.
Yeah, but going below that, please don't.
Henu the Great said:
luis said:
Well I'm doing less than before but still a good ammount, in my opinioni. I did a lot of cleaning protection for two years. I just had to cut back. But you are right I have to add something more. One thing I'm doing to clean is the sun square, Returning curses with 72 reps and another protection working. Until some months ago I did everyday 216 reps of Surya with the Returning curses. I feel like I'm protected enough.
Yeah, but going below that, please don't.
I understand, I just thought that maybe the Frtr was enough for the curses but I guess you still need strong protection.
Anyone have a good source on the Hebrew letters to help me with reversing them? I had one and lost it. Can't find it now.
666999 said:
Anyone have a good source on the Hebrew letters to help me with reversing them? I had one and lost it. Can't find it now.
You mean the Final RTR? Here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11506
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This war will be intense for the coming years for sure, yet one thing remains that i can also feel, that we are winning! The energy during passover was disgusting but dissipated as quick as at came..during Tetra and RTRs i have felt their strength dwindle. it is chipping away little by little. everytime during the rituals i see this glass wall cracking and toppling down piece by piece. Everytime i feel an attack coming in waves it is also a good sign as it means they are being hit where it hurts. you can even feel it when they are pissed. Their number 777 is everywhere during ritual days. Keep up cleaning and protection which will minimize any brunt of filth that comes out or any attacks. For me, calling on my Guardian helps if it gets too bad.

I can say from my experiences up till now for those that fight and advance as they should that they will be protected. I can attest that my family and i have faired more through this pandemic than MANY can say, as far as finances, and health, significant concerns of which the Gods have given me prior reassurance for that have been confirmed over the past year. they really DO look after us. AFter being back home for a year now i have several significant testimonies to this: My job that i got was only a month after coming back and looking for work..at the peak of the pandemic. the interview was with the moon in the first 2 degrees of taurus which is as permenant as it gets. Despite troubles there i still have my job and even have had extra time off with no reprocussions and even interesting timings to find openings for time off especially around ritual dates. i have been able to pay off all of my debt and make my credit skyrocket and am now saving for a home. more than many can say at this time.

I was having a dream one night, around last year that i was in a doctors office. he was giving me a ct scan for my right ankle that has traumatic arthritis. he told me my treatment would get paid for by the insurance. I come home from work one night limping. i hear someone say "we need to do something about that ankle" next thing i know my dad randomly walks out and comments on my limping..saying hes going to send me to a doctor hes known for years. the appointment ends up being under a virgo moon, and i ended up getting insurance approval for 3 shots for my ankle that would help recruit my cells to repair the joint. my 3rd is in 2 days...i am 70 percent better! the doctor told me " i went through hell and high order to get you these shots"...i am CERTAIN he did.

Abraxas gives me dates from time to time that prove to be very significant or accurate. none have failed to be thus far. one of them was last year the 5th of august, predicted two weeks prior. i had no idea what it was for. turns out i went to the dentist for some pain, and i was a bit anxious. then i hear Abraxas tell me "its not as bad as it could be, but can be if you do nothing". next thing i know the doctor tells me i have 14 cavities...i was lucky to have no need of a root canal as some were there for years. i got them repaired for 2k, a bill which coincidentially was covered by me starting to work overtime and getting nigh differential at that same time...my first appointment scheduled to have me come in to get my teeth fixed? you guessed it AUGUST 5TH.

And the most recent one: I have been worried about breast pain. my mother died of stage 4 infiltrative lobular carcinoma. I went to get a mammogram and ultrasound. before that i heard reassuring voices it was nothing. on the ultrasound they found a small fibroadenoma. i was nervous because the tech was taking so many pics. I called for the Gods and was scared. i heard "not cancer. Benign" sure enough the doc walks in and says its nothing...me being paranoid and stubborn especially given my moms history i demanded a biopsy. i remember driving home and the nights after that scan. The Gods told me "there will be no biopsy" I just get a call from the doctor today reassuring me its benign...and looks too small to biopsy.

For anyone that has doubts, put them out of your mind. The Gods are real and are here for us, just as much as this war is very real that we have to keep fighting untill the enemy is no more. As long as you fight they are there!

I did read the main reason for athritis is that we do not use the full movement of our range of motion of our joints. The muskles short over time this creates tension, there for the fascia of the joints get under tension which leads to felting fascia --> athritis. For instance some people are most comfortable with sleep like in a embrio posture. Because through extensive pc work, sitting, the body is used to the bent knees, bent back. The best way to sleep is lying on your back, outstretched arms, legs, without a pillow like corpse positon yoga on a rather hard surface, but not cold.

I found this youtube channel which has good exercises to reverse athritis:

It is important to do them even if you have pain, the physiotherapist did explain pain is from 0-10 10 would be you have to cry from the pain the excercises should be done in a range of 9. Has do do with how the brain does manage pain and without the muskels and fascia do not get streched enouth to have succcess.

About your teeth, if you eat sweets do not chew them, if you chew them the pressure does open the teeth structure and the sugar gets deep into the teeth, which you can´t get away by brusching, there for gummy bears similar stuff are realy bad for your teeth if you chew them. Better dissolve with your tongue. Avoiding refined sugar would be best. After eating something sweet do drink some water so the sugar get´s wasched away. If you use tooth paste with floarid, stop this it only does harden the teeth in the beginning but does make them porous over time. Better alternative for fluorid is cacao based tooth paste like Theodent. It would also be good if you wouldn´t reveal so much personal info about you. Every piece you give is one piece more to you (like in the anime death note). Eat healthy 3/4 plants 1/4 animal products. Drink enouth good clean water along with sport, the channel also has a full body workout:

Fuchs said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This war will be intense for the coming years for sure, yet one thing remains that i can also feel, that we are winning! The energy during passover was disgusting but dissipated as quick as at came..during Tetra and RTRs i have felt their strength dwindle. it is chipping away little by little. everytime during the rituals i see this glass wall cracking and toppling down piece by piece. Everytime i feel an attack coming in waves it is also a good sign as it means they are being hit where it hurts. you can even feel it when they are pissed. Their number 777 is everywhere during ritual days. Keep up cleaning and protection which will minimize any brunt of filth that comes out or any attacks. For me, calling on my Guardian helps if it gets too bad.

I can say from my experiences up till now for those that fight and advance as they should that they will be protected. I can attest that my family and i have faired more through this pandemic than MANY can say, as far as finances, and health, significant concerns of which the Gods have given me prior reassurance for that have been confirmed over the past year. they really DO look after us. AFter being back home for a year now i have several significant testimonies to this: My job that i got was only a month after coming back and looking for work..at the peak of the pandemic. the interview was with the moon in the first 2 degrees of taurus which is as permenant as it gets. Despite troubles there i still have my job and even have had extra time off with no reprocussions and even interesting timings to find openings for time off especially around ritual dates. i have been able to pay off all of my debt and make my credit skyrocket and am now saving for a home. more than many can say at this time.

I was having a dream one night, around last year that i was in a doctors office. he was giving me a ct scan for my right ankle that has traumatic arthritis. he told me my treatment would get paid for by the insurance. I come home from work one night limping. i hear someone say "we need to do something about that ankle" next thing i know my dad randomly walks out and comments on my limping..saying hes going to send me to a doctor hes known for years. the appointment ends up being under a virgo moon, and i ended up getting insurance approval for 3 shots for my ankle that would help recruit my cells to repair the joint. my 3rd is in 2 days...i am 70 percent better! the doctor told me " i went through hell and high order to get you these shots"...i am CERTAIN he did.

Abraxas gives me dates from time to time that prove to be very significant or accurate. none have failed to be thus far. one of them was last year the 5th of august, predicted two weeks prior. i had no idea what it was for. turns out i went to the dentist for some pain, and i was a bit anxious. then i hear Abraxas tell me "its not as bad as it could be, but can be if you do nothing". next thing i know the doctor tells me i have 14 cavities...i was lucky to have no need of a root canal as some were there for years. i got them repaired for 2k, a bill which coincidentially was covered by me starting to work overtime and getting nigh differential at that same time...my first appointment scheduled to have me come in to get my teeth fixed? you guessed it AUGUST 5TH.

And the most recent one: I have been worried about breast pain. my mother died of stage 4 infiltrative lobular carcinoma. I went to get a mammogram and ultrasound. before that i heard reassuring voices it was nothing. on the ultrasound they found a small fibroadenoma. i was nervous because the tech was taking so many pics. I called for the Gods and was scared. i heard "not cancer. Benign" sure enough the doc walks in and says its nothing...me being paranoid and stubborn especially given my moms history i demanded a biopsy. i remember driving home and the nights after that scan. The Gods told me "there will be no biopsy" I just get a call from the doctor today reassuring me its benign...and looks too small to biopsy.

For anyone that has doubts, put them out of your mind. The Gods are real and are here for us, just as much as this war is very real that we have to keep fighting untill the enemy is no more. As long as you fight they are there!

I did read the main reason for athritis is that we do not use the full movement of our range of motion of our joints. The muskles short over time this creates tension, there for the fascia of the joints get under tension which leads to felting fascia --> athritis. For instance some people are most comfortable with sleep like in a embrio posture. Because through extensive pc work, sitting, the body is used to the bent knees, bent back. The best way to sleep is lying on your back, outstretched arms, legs, without a pillow like corpse positon yoga on a rather hard surface, but not cold.

I found this youtube channel which has good exercises to reverse athritis:

It is important to do them even if you have pain, the physiotherapist did explain pain is from 0-10 10 would be you have to cry from the pain the excercises should be done in a range of 9. Has do do with how the brain does manage pain and without the muskels and fascia do not get streched enouth to have succcess.

About your teeth, if you eat sweets do not chew them, if you chew them the pressure does open the teeth structure and the sugar gets deep into the teeth, which you can´t get away by brusching, there for gummy bears similar stuff are realy bad for your teeth if you chew them. Better dissolve with your tongue. Avoiding refined sugar would be best. After eating something sweet do drink some water so the sugar get´s wasched away. If you use tooth paste with floarid, stop this it only does harden the teeth in the beginning but does make them porous over time. Better alternative for fluorid is cacao based tooth paste like Theodent. It would also be good if you wouldn´t reveal so much personal info about you. Every piece you give is one piece more to you (like in the anime death note). Eat healthy 3/4 plants 1/4 animal products. Drink enouth good clean water along with sport, the channel also has a full body workout:


Thanks for all that but the majority of them I already do :). I also installed a fluoride filter in my shower and drinking water. I'm trying to stop sugar.

I might look into those exersises and sleeping on my back I find is better for dreaming yet I am a side sleeper and love blankets and pillows. I'll try it without. I once had the perfect pillow that let me sleep on my back all night. Was awesome
Around these days, I am also far more aware of my spiritual side, and it is undoubtedly more easy for me to communicate with the Gods. I am so happy that the way I feel is not something I made up, but real!! I am truly elated that everyone has this feeling too!!!!
Can't wait for it. The last schedule was the first schedule I could follow without missing a day. On the former schedules, I always found excuses to miss some days. Not gonna let that happen again.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This war will be intense for the coming years for sure, yet one thing remains that i can also feel, that we are winning! The energy during passover was disgusting but dissipated as quick as at came..during Tetra and RTRs i have felt their strength dwindle. it is chipping away little by little. everytime during the rituals i see this glass wall cracking and toppling down piece by piece. Everytime i feel an attack coming in waves it is also a good sign as it means they are being hit where it hurts. you can even feel it when they are pissed. Their number 777 is everywhere during ritual days. Keep up cleaning and protection which will minimize any brunt of filth that comes out or any attacks. For me, calling on my Guardian helps if it gets too bad.

I can say from my experiences up till now for those that fight and advance as they should that they will be protected. I can attest that my family and i have faired more through this pandemic than MANY can say, as far as finances, and health, significant concerns of which the Gods have given me prior reassurance for that have been confirmed over the past year. they really DO look after us. AFter being back home for a year now i have several significant testimonies to this: My job that i got was only a month after coming back and looking for work..at the peak of the pandemic. the interview was with the moon in the first 2 degrees of taurus which is as permenant as it gets. Despite troubles there i still have my job and even have had extra time off with no reprocussions and even interesting timings to find openings for time off especially around ritual dates. i have been able to pay off all of my debt and make my credit skyrocket and am now saving for a home. more than many can say at this time.

I was having a dream one night, around last year that i was in a doctors office. he was giving me a ct scan for my right ankle that has traumatic arthritis. he told me my treatment would get paid for by the insurance. I come home from work one night limping. i hear someone say "we need to do something about that ankle" next thing i know my dad randomly walks out and comments on my limping..saying hes going to send me to a doctor hes known for years. the appointment ends up being under a virgo moon, and i ended up getting insurance approval for 3 shots for my ankle that would help recruit my cells to repair the joint. my 3rd is in 2 days...i am 70 percent better! the doctor told me " i went through hell and high order to get you these shots"...i am CERTAIN he did.

Abraxas gives me dates from time to time that prove to be very significant or accurate. none have failed to be thus far. one of them was last year the 5th of august, predicted two weeks prior. i had no idea what it was for. turns out i went to the dentist for some pain, and i was a bit anxious. then i hear Abraxas tell me "its not as bad as it could be, but can be if you do nothing". next thing i know the doctor tells me i have 14 cavities...i was lucky to have no need of a root canal as some were there for years. i got them repaired for 2k, a bill which coincidentially was covered by me starting to work overtime and getting nigh differential at that same time...my first appointment scheduled to have me come in to get my teeth fixed? you guessed it AUGUST 5TH.

And the most recent one: I have been worried about breast pain. my mother died of stage 4 infiltrative lobular carcinoma. I went to get a mammogram and ultrasound. before that i heard reassuring voices it was nothing. on the ultrasound they found a small fibroadenoma. i was nervous because the tech was taking so many pics. I called for the Gods and was scared. i heard "not cancer. Benign" sure enough the doc walks in and says its nothing...me being paranoid and stubborn especially given my moms history i demanded a biopsy. i remember driving home and the nights after that scan. The Gods told me "there will be no biopsy" I just get a call from the doctor today reassuring me its benign...and looks too small to biopsy.

For anyone that has doubts, put them out of your mind. The Gods are real and are here for us, just as much as this war is very real that we have to keep fighting untill the enemy is no more. As long as you fight they are there!

Hilarious how you mentioned this HP:
Jews in this forum and others in general will be shitting their own pants over this, for obvious reasons.
they LITERALLY do this...not suprised as they are cowards to the core. that vid of the palastinians chasing the kike out showed it in that cartoon parody...i rolled over laughing sawing that kikes REALLY wear diapers. its funny just as you mentioned this i had JUST come accross this:
To add into this, I used to wake up extremely early around 3-5am for most days to get done with meditations, warfare etc and get on with work.
I had a very late night meeting that I missed and while the meeting was on I saw literally my bosses face to which I woke abruptly and came to know of my performance going well. There have been way too many of these to mention, this was the most recent and the one I remember very clearly.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
