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What would/could be the next big thing that happens in the future? And could you give me the estimated time, like could it be that Angelina Merkel will be pulled down from her leadership before the election?
Could you PLEASE NOT IGNORE ME IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER?? Cause i have asked multiple questions before with no answers.?
Here is what many new people don't get.YOU decide when Humanity becomes free! YOU can help! Do reverse torah rituals more than once a day. The more you do, the faster we are out of this shit hole. We really can't put a dot on when it will happen, but the faster it happens, the better. We are all very busy, so don't get angry if your questions don't get answered immediately. HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 27, 2016, at 6:50, "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  What would/could be the next big thing that happens in the future? And could you give me the estimated time, like could it be that Angelina Merkel will be pulled down from her leadership before the election?
Could you PLEASE NOT IGNORE ME IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER?? Cause i have asked multiple questions before with no answers.?
So i can be inspired to make it even sooner!
And Sam what RTR should i do? Because there isnt program for us yet. Maxine will post it but im just exited about when it comes and what RTR i must do. So could someone tell what to do??
Is this year the year of destruction? Talonjackman told me that by numberology it is. So to who is it? For us or for the jews?
Also, i have propably said this before, but if this year would be destructive for us gentiles and the revolt will happen in USA in 4 years im confident that the economy fall will happen before it. Cause what would be the best reason to start a revolt than the fall of something VERY lnportant. And when people revolt then they select a new leader to lead them, and after that people would do everything together and everything would go for better. And before that there would be NS in Germany because NS is against the rapefugees and when Merkel would be thrown away from power (mark my words people cant wait for 2017 for it to happen) they elect a new leader and it would SURELY be NS. Who agrees with all of this?
Ps. What the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 mean in numberology?
Whoa whoa whoa, I NEVER told you that. You must have misunderstood. I never said that this year is the year of destruction. Don't bring me into your childish things. Do not focus on when, just focus on fighting the enemy. It will happen in time.
"You can't just skip some numbers you don't like. For example 6.6.2016 2+0+1+6=9 so it's 6+6+9=21 so 2+1=3.
1.1.2016 again 2016 is 9, so 1+1+9=11 1+1=2, which by numerology terms, is actually a number of destruction. Make sense?" Feels familiar?
Lightshadow is your account.
Lol talon. This mercury retrograde has been bad. The Rx shadow continues two weeks after. It's like you come back on and everyone thinks you completely said the opposite of what you intended. It's kinda odd. 
 But I know my Satanic Family. I can say with a burning joy and pride in my heart that our Brothers and Sisters in Satan have gained a strong bond with one another. No longer do we allow childish nonsensical things to get in the way of our purpose. Our unity has grown into a near unbreakable bond. Together we march into the silent unknown of a new world. Fearless and deviant to the end, we shall triumph over all that has stood in our way. 
  The JOS of the past is gone. The JOS of today is filled with fearless warriors. Standing bravely against all odds. We no longer care, the enemy can do nothing to us anymore. For we are now ready to give our lives if necessary  to this war. The enemy stands in awe of a cutthroat army. They use to laugh about what we did in the beginning. They are not laughing anymore!!!! 
  They now realize today what has been allowed to be created! Their destruction! They shake in fear and panic frantically grasping for straws. As we stand like a statue with a small smirk on our faces. Now Brothers and Sisters! Now the time has finally come to let them taste the sword of Satan! Prepare for the new rituals, when this army of Hell shall shake the very earth!! Justice to all Gentiles!!!!! Death to all kikes!!!

 Hail Father Satan Forever!! Hail the dawning of the golden age
Very well said.
Hail Satan!


On Fri, 1/29/16, aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Question
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, January 29, 2016, 4:22 AM


Lol talon. This mercury retrograde has been bad.
The Rx shadow continues two weeks after. It's like you
come back on and everyone thinks you completely said the
opposite of what you intended. It's kinda
 But I know my
Satanic Family. I can say with a burning joy and pride in my
heart that our Brothers and Sisters in Satan have gained a
strong bond with one another. No longer do we allow childish
nonsensical things to get in the way of our purpose. Our
unity has grown into a near unbreakable bond. Together we
march into the silent unknown of a new world. Fearless and
deviant to the end, we shall triumph over all that has stood
in our way. 
JOS of the past is gone. The JOS of today is filled with
fearless warriors. Standing bravely against all odds. We no
longer care, the enemy can do nothing to us anymore. For we
are now ready to give our lives if necessary  to this war.
The enemy stands in awe of a cutthroat army. They use to
laugh about what we did in the beginning. They are not
laughing anymore!!!! 
  They now realize today what has
been allowed to be created! Their destruction! They shake in
fear and panic frantically grasping for straws. As we stand
like a statue with a small smirk on our faces. Now Brothers
and Sisters! Now the time has finally come to let them taste
the sword of Satan! Prepare for the new rituals, when this
army of Hell shall shake the very earth!! Justice to all
Gentiles!!!!! Death to all kikes!!!

Father Satan Forever!! Hail the dawning of the
golden age

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Every European lets do RTR tomorrow at 4 pm central Europe time. All who is coming to do with me pleasd post a reply.
I have been thinking, that the RTR (not program) has only a few hundred views. But the program RTRs have almost 4000 views!!
So could HC or Maxine make new program instead single one.
Or could you tell me what would inspire me to meditate and do RTR all day? And what meditations and how long do you do them all day?
What does my birth chart tell me? Im born at 25.5.1999. What could be the biggest thing that is going yo happen to me, or when it happens.
What does my birth chart tell me? Im born at 25.5.1999. What could be the biggest thing that is going yo happen to me, or when it happens.
Please, its important.
I am a high school student working on an acting piece and I have to play 3 demons and Satan himself. I was wondering if there is any hand signal things used to praise Satan? Maybe something somewhat similar to how Christians do the whole crossing thing. All help is very much appreciated!
What does it say?! Could someone PLEASE ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTIONS?? How is it that almost ALL others questions are answered but i havent been answered like in FIFTEEN questions!
Calm down, everyone or anyone can answer or not it's a choice, and second it's best to start a new question staid of keep going with a old one. Some of ur questions are already said too search ur questions and u will see what others had put, example hitler did achieve godhood, and someone just posted that the economy will prob happen sometime in 2017, as for ur chart that's ur business and look it up ur self, some one else can put up the link for searching it for I don't know it or just Google it. And don't ask the forum ask someone u can trust to read it for u or learn it to read it. If u haven't read the JOS Web yet then start there and then dedicated and go from there.

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
The enemy wants to crash the economy. Don't focus on that. it is fear porn that the enemy wants you to focus on. And they will not prevail. Take your focus off that. When you put your energy into worrying about that you actually help to make it materialize. Instead: You want a reason to meditate and do the RTR's? OK. How about if we don't we could still lose this thing and fall into the madness and death of a total slave global communist state run by these jew fucks? is that inspiration enough?!??  Now get off your ass and do the RTR's!!!  We won't let it happen! HP Hooded Cobra said to concentrate on the RTR for communications till March 7th:

There is a group of us Satanists doing ongoing RTR's and we invite all other Satanists to join us. The more of us syncing up, the better. This is a rolling RTR thing going 24/7 that will NOT STOP no matter how HPS Maxine D changes the rituals or Hooded Cobra. We will follow whatever RTR they say to do - OF COURSE - but we do NOT STOP. Not unless they say. Pick a time that works for you and join in. There are no excuses. Please help and join. Now raise your energies and join us:

12:30 PM GMT/ 7:30 AM EST / 6:30 AM CST / 4:30 AM PT

3:30 PM GMT / 10:30 AM EST / 9:30 AM CST / 7:30 AM PT

6:30 PM GMT / 1:30 PM EST / 12:30 PM CST / 10:30 AM PT

9:30 Pm GMT / 4:30 PM EST / 3:30 PM CST / 1:30 PM PT

12:30 AM GMT / 7:30 PM EST / 6:30 PM CST / 4:30 PM PT

3:30 AM GMT / 10:30 PM EST / 9:30 PM CST / 7:30 PM PT

6:30 AM GMT / 1:30 AM EST / 12:30 AM CST / 10:30 PM PT

9:30 AM GMT /4:30 AM EST / 3:30 AM CST / 1:30 AM PT

Till March 7 we are focusing on the RTR regarding communications. After that we will focus on whatever RTR HPS Maxine D or HP Hooded Cobra says to focus on. They are our leaders and we follow them. This is a fucking WAR. Is that clear enough? To raise energy:

1. Vibrate VUUUUU into your solar chakra 6 times.
2. Vibrate VAAAHHHH into your heart chakra 6 times
3. Vibrate VOOOHHHHH into your 6th chakra 6 times.


In Nomine dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi. In the name of Satan, True God Almighty and Ineffable who hast created the (your race) to reflect in thine own image and likeness. We invite the forces of Hell to bestow their great power upon us. Open the gates of Hell, greet us as Dedicated Brothers and Sisters in Satan.

Deliver us Oh Mighty Satan from all past Errors and delusions. fill us with truth, wisdom and understanding. Keep us strong in our faith and service that we may persevere in thee Father Satan. With Praise, Honor and Glory be given thee Forever and Ever.

Now Vibrate 9X:


Affirm and Vibrate AUM 9X:

• Vibrate AUM
• The Jews are losing control of the media and of all communications totally, completely and permanently
• All media and communications are now free for Gentiles
• Vibrate AUM




HAIL (your race) !!!
How many of us are doing the RTR? Does anyone know?

Ps. Sorry for spamming with questions. Im just SOOO exited about what will happen if 3000 of us will do 4 RTR a day for a year. I have calculated that if that would happen we would do 4.3 million RTR a year, and that we need like 5 million to destroy the enemy, i got that from Maxines post last year that if we would get all the 15000 to do 1 RTR a day we would win war in 1 year and 15000×365 is 5.4 million and we have done half a million last year. So now we only need 5 million.
What can i do to Father Satan to help me get out of hospital? Im in teens physciatric department and i want out of here! Im HUGELY anxietied and SO FUCKING DEPRESSED THAT I CRIED FOR AN HOUR STRAIGHT! I already offered Him my promise of stopping my addiction of games and start meditating 1 hour a day and doing RTR EVERY SINGLE HOUR i can! IS THAT ENOUGH??? WHAT CAN I DO TO GET OUT OF HERE?? My problem is anxiety but i KNOW that meditation can cure it easily! I want to go home and meditate so i can get rid of this anxiety! PLEASE HELP ME!!
I am not sure how many of us who are doing them. But obviously some satanists don't really take it as serious as they should have. I will be able to do it 4 times today, if not even more. Already done it once and will hit the second now actually.

Hail Satan!!!
From what I've known it takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the sun to reach earth. If the sun were to stop shining it would take 8 minutes for people on earth to notice it. If it takes that long for light from the sun to reach earth since the gods are a lot farther than our sun is away from earth wouldn't it take a ton a lot longer not just a lil longer for calling on a demon for the demon to hear it. How then does summoning demons work. How then does telepathic communication with the gods work.
What am I missing here.
Hey guys,

So I'm 16 now and next month I'll turn 17. I'll do the Dedicate ritual soon so I can thank Father Satan for everything he gave me. I'll ask him for a Relationship with a Demon too. I thought everything through and I sure want to have Sex with my Succubi. But will a Succubi have sex with a 16 year old?
Is there a way to meditate for the destruction of the jews every single second? If so how? And how powerful will it be?
Distance isn't the same on the Astral Plane. When you summon them, they hear it on the Astral plane, which is essentially instantaneous. 
Yes there is, you must advance yourself with kundalini and set your mental stage for the destruction of the jew. This means, you must craft your reality-dream into the correct one in which history climaxes upon the destruction of the jew. Imagine humanity will come together to make the first Aquarian statement upon this Earth and the end of the old age is written in stone. This is reality and the only reason why its hard to believe is because we're not done exposing them, just amplify yourself and never forget it; even if they try to tell you history in the past, present or future is some other way.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
