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Question #794: Why the Hitler worship?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Tactically Hitler was a failure of a leader, choosing war on two fronts, ensuring that Germany would be defeated, rather than fortifying Germany's eastern borders and focusing efforts on the west, as was even recommended by his generals. If he had just done that, then turned his focus to Russia, chances are Germany would have won the war, seeing as Stalin at that point, wasn't even planning for a war. Yes, Russia did turn out to be unexpectedly strong, however with its resources consolidated, and not tied up in a different war, Germany could have won.

Why worship some one who by his own over confidence, destroyed his country by dragging it into an unwinnable war?
You have studied history on a very surface level. You know nothing about his motivations, philosophy, sacrifices, and achievements.

I suggest you study the material you can find about him here, and you will understand.
Tactically Hitler was a failure of a leader
You know nothing about him, nor his feats.
...If Hitler did <x> and <y>, he could have won.
What do you know of war, boy?

What else? You think Stalin was a "real leader"?
Why? Because you're still gorging on Jewish filth like a lab rat.
A blast to the past and quick trip to a gulag would change your mind.
Mayhaps under the Road of Bones, we'll find your remains.

Still drinking the tap water? The same fluoride first used in the gulags.
Made them "docile". Like you, ready to slurp up whatever goyslop you're given.
Unable to think for yourself. Allow me to tear the wool from your eyes, of which you cling so closely.

Who is Adolf Hitler?
A God in the Flesh, The Man Against Time!
The Antichrist, Bane of All Jewry, and Saviour of the White Race!
If not for his unparalleled achievement, there would be no future.
The JoSM would not exist. You wouldn't be asking this either.
"You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy."

Adolf Hitler fought the Physical War against the Jews.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich carried his torch, and fought the Spiritual War.
The Spiritual War which is still ongoing.

We don't worship anyone.
If any being is to be worshipped, it is Father Satan alone.
But neither He, nor the Gods want slavish worship.
We revere the Gods, we don't beg them for blessings.
We bless ourselves. Through the Powers of the Mind and Soul.
Father Satan and the Gods have given us the tools.
We do not ask for miracles. We create them!

I answered a similar question before.
Re: Is Hitler really the antichrist?

You need to learn the truth about Adolf Hitler.
You can start today.

The Third Reich and Satanism
The Black Sun 666
The National Socialist Archive
It is not only about the war and germanism,
but the philosophy behind it and the long term vision and goal, which was to defeat judaism entirely forever.
Hitler was not the problem but a consequence.
The problem was and still is the state of this world which allows jews to have positions of power and do what crimes they want to commit against gentiles without serious repercussions.
If they commit them silently behind the curtains or through others,
it doesn't lose its seriousness and accountability.
All these nations jumped against Germany for what? Look at them now. Look at their demuhcrasy and their slow decay.
Hitler and Germany were the catalysators for this war against judaism at that time.
May all the nations now become catalysators so that the jews can't exploit anyone anymore.
Technically you can make the argument the failure in the East except inasmuch cuck Generals that were working for the allies sending them information. Looking at Kursk or Stalingrad or the incident at Leningrad or the failure to capture several hundred thousand soviets in a massive keselschlactans(Cauldron Battles).

Germany Was Going To Win WW2 With Ease - DiscipleofSatan's post

But I believe Dictator Produlski's failure to pact and ally with Germany would have prevented the start of WW2 and would have made WW2 start either the French start shit up in 1940 or the Germans focus on the Soviet entity itself for 1941. Inasmuch you can make the argument that Hitler's refusal to continue Totaler Kreig and go full War economy ruined him. He would return to civilian constructs and not warfare. Even in the middle of the War what happened in 1942 should have begun immediately September 1, 1939 immediate Totaler Kreig non-stop.

In Stalingrad we believe inasmuch the original Commander was murdered in a plane crash to have Von Paulus in control to ruin the operation in fact Von Paulus ignored Goering's advice and the airlift was ruined. Also 3,000-5,000 Soviets defected and fought for the Germans in Stalingrad till they got captured or annihilated like Mark Felton's production Hitler's Werewolf Stalingrad fighters who fought for weeks and months after the failure in Stalingrad

In Leningrad 15,000 or so Soviet forces were around the Germans would have easily just walked in. And in fact it would allow Finland to come in. After Leningrad, Archsangel was the real target to cut off Allied shipping which is illegal; the same illegal mess in Ukraine with financial, material, and manpower brought into the country, funny NATO is running out of munitions like Styxhexenhammer666 points out we aren't manufacturing enough munitions to supply Ukraine, illegally of course. Sheer fact is it's illegal to supply nations without being Allies and involved in the war. Sheer fact is Ukraine is just a continuation of WW2.

Iron Storm is a video game that came out in 2002. Iron Storm (2002 Video Game). Iron Storm has been around since WW1 technically since the terrorist battles of the mid-late 1800s with the Jacobins/Frankist switching names to Communist League and performing World Wide terrorism such as Irgun and Alchaida(Al-queda) i.e. jewish terrorism in the Europe and elsewhere for Sovietization purposes to relive the Sovietization of France stopped by Napoleon. We've been in total war, totaler kreig since the ends of the Renascence beginnings of the French Sovietization. We've been at each others throats since the 1800s at least. Iron Storm is real and it's accuracy shows how long World War has been occurring to the point of a new World War 3; which is quickly losing steam and war weariness is showing.

Like Hitler's philosophical quote: "It was not Nero who burned down Rome it was the Judeo-Bolshevik Christians. It was not the people of France that murdered the Aristocracy, it was the Jacobonites/Frankists. And it was the Communists(same Jacobin/Frankists) who burned down the Reichstag in '32.

It's hilarious how on-point Hitler is. Like Styxhexenhammer666 mentioned recently. According to Modern Roman Revisionism many Emperors have been talked shit by people who don't like them or don't get benefits. Caligula isn't as bad as people made him out to be and only talked shit because he didn't bribe them or give them gifts so they lied in history about him.

The other issue is Army Group Center. Attacking Moscovy-Smolensk line. Hitler's main attack is capture and liberate Minsk push the Soviets back and wait outside the liberated city so Army Group's South and North take out Moscow and THEN push in with Center once the enemy freaks out and is collapsing. Smolensk-Mosvocy is the main defensive line of the Soviets and reinforced it further and further. Why attack their main strength. Blitzkreig/Schwerpunket[Main Center of Attack] strategies rely on break through weak places and surrounding enemy forces to beat them down from all directions i.e. Keselschlachtan or Cauldron Battles. Hitler could never fight straight up Soviets were too massive but you can sure as hell use technology and tactics to get the upper hand. Why did the Generals cuck? They inasmuch had victory in the palms of their hands.

Hitler would have easily liberated Russia just before the Winter. Plus Soviets were already planning a RedMarch/HellMarch in August of 1941, 6 weeks after Operation Barbarossa.

The biggest mistake in my opinion is Dictator Josez Produlski not allying himself with Hitler. He ignored it he just wanted friendly relations but not a pact. Once he died WW2 started because England and France ordered the Dictator of Poland Smidgly to attack Germans. And so he did in fact many Germans were murdered over the period of time. Eventually with Danzig Hitler said, Fuck everything about this let's just fuck them up. And so the Kosher empire had it's war to regain power and prevent us from breaking out of Kosher Supervision.

In fact a combination of jewish terrorist organizations Alchaida and Irgun as well as Poland entering German territory and fighting the Germans. Some state as early as 2 weeks before September 1, 1939 Polish forces would sweep and enter German sovereign territory starting up fights with the German Army. Sheer fact is Hitler got fed up and was goaded into battle. So the Jews and Shabbos got the narrative that Germany started WW1 and WW2 in future historical context. Poland started it on the behest of France and England hell I wonder what old Rabbi Rothy(Rothschild) was thinking starting this up.

In another WW2 Website around an old one. Several about 9 Jewish terrorists attacked the border town post office. They attacked and raped the postmaster General's daughter in the attack. The German military came in and offered them a few MP40s, P38s, and Stick Grenades to defend themselves. Luckily the old remnant person explained his story and this is one reason WW2 started a combination of Jewish terrorists and Polish intrusion. In fact the Germans captured the Jewish terrorists discovered who they were and asked the SS Justice Divisions for further orders. Reinhard Heydrich ordered execution and they took out 7-9 Jewish Terrorists who were perpetrators in this attack as well as the conspiratorial attack to start WW2.

Army of Mankind Website

Check out at some point it begins explaining on Poland. Produlski SHOULD have formed an alliance the 3rd Largest Army in the World combined with the Germans would have hammered home into Russia. Hell even with Cucking Generals of the Germans they'd think twice cause the Polish would have done with the Germans did and actually fight the battle.

Sheer fact is Hitler is a Philosopher you should study various Main Kampfs and capture the cross-references of them. For example I've read the 1939 Dr. Thomas Dalton and the 40% 1936 E.T.S. Dugdale version. I still need to read Stalag, Marriage, and Ford editions.

My favorite quotes from Mein Kampf:

Dr. Dalton's '39:

"The Goddess of Peace walks along the path assured the God of War is ready for his end of the bargain". I'm sure Hitler would agree with the statement if your ready to break the peace prepare for War.

E.T.S. Dugdale '36: Federian logic from Gottfried Feder which Hitler never had an economic plan till meeting Feder at the National Socialist's meeting he attended.

"If the Government has money in their right pocket. And they grab their right hand, place it into the right pocket and grab the money then place it in the left hand. And into the left pocket. How can the Government turn around and go "We are broke, give us your money!". How can the Government Go broke that doesn't make any sense.

When I read Stalag, Marriage, and Ford I'll find quotes.

My other favorite is from the Dr. Dalton edition. Theoretician vs Politician and Marathon Runners of their Civilization.

My other favorite part is the only wording in the Dr. Dalton edition: "Fundamental Responsibility".

All politicians and all people have a Fundamental Responsibility to uphold themselves and their actions towards others.

11.6 Responsibility of the Leader

When the new statute was approved and I was appointed as first chairman, I had the necessary authority and right to end all that nonsense. In place of committee decisions, the principle of absolute responsibility was introduced.
The chairman is responsible for overall control of the movement. He apportions the work among the committee members under him and among others as needed. Each of these gentlemen is solely responsibility for the task assigned to him. He is subordinate only to the chairman, whose duty is to supervise overall coordination, by selecting personnel and giving
general directions for this. This law of fundamental responsibility is gradually being adopted throughout the movement, at least within the party leadership.

In the small local groups-and perhaps in the counties and districts-it will take years before this principle can be imposed, because cowards and incompetents are naturally opposed to it; for them, sole responsibility for an act is always unpleasant; after every hard decision, they always feel freer and better when hiding behind the majority of a so-called committee. But it seems to me necessary to take a decisive stand against that view. We must not make any concessions to cowardice in the face of responsibility, even though it takes some time to achieve a conception of a leader's duty
and ability. Ultimately this will bring forth leaders who are truly called and chosen for the role. In any case, a movement that wants to fight against this parliamentary nonsense must be immune from this sort of thing. Only thus will it win
the strength for its struggle. At a time when majority rule dominates all, a movement that's based on the principle of the leader-ideal, and the corresponding responsibility, will one day overcome the present situation and emerge victorious. This
is a mathematical certainty.

Anyways explore our websites and learn from us. You'll eventually be redpilled try as much as possible to not be blackpilled.

Like George Orwell and Kane from Command and Conquer series state:

"He who controls the Past, commands the Future, He who controls the Future commands the Present".

Learn from History or lest ye repeat the same mistakes. After all the reason why you came or one reason is the World is going to shit. Why does that need to happen? Don't people want a better World? or don't people DESERVE a better World?

This is the essence of National Socialism and Hitler. A better World through seeking and reconnecting with our Past to go into the Future.
AskSatanOperator said:
Tactically Hitler was a failure of a leader, choosing war on two fronts, ensuring that Germany would be defeated, rather than fortifying Germany's eastern borders and focusing efforts on the west, as was even recommended by his generals. If he had just done that, then turned his focus to Russia, chances are Germany would have won the war, seeing as Stalin at that point, wasn't even planning for a war. Yes, Russia did turn out to be unexpectedly strong, however with its resources consolidated, and not tied up in a different war, Germany could have won.

Why worship some one who by his own over confidence, destroyed his country by dragging it into an unwinnable war?

How would he have one front if Poland ensured France and Britain declared war?
Karnonnos said:
AskSatanOperator said:
Tactically Hitler was a failure of a leader, choosing war on two fronts, ensuring that Germany would be defeated, rather than fortifying Germany's eastern borders and focusing efforts on the west, as was even recommended by his generals. If he had just done that, then turned his focus to Russia, chances are Germany would have won the war, seeing as Stalin at that point, wasn't even planning for a war. Yes, Russia did turn out to be unexpectedly strong, however with its resources consolidated, and not tied up in a different war, Germany could have won.

Why worship some one who by his own over confidence, destroyed his country by dragging it into an unwinnable war?

How would he have one front if Poland ensured France and Britain declared war?

England if declaring would have just bombed Germany while slowly filling up France/Lowlands.

France = England's enemy as Hitler put it in Dalton's if Germany allied after the Sino-Russo War of 1905 with Japan. England and France would have been checkmated. Maybe even form and alliance with Germany to checkmate France.

England had been losing power especially to the French. So France was a burden on England.

In fact Hitler goes so far as to state by allying with Japan WW1 would have been avoided and the communist uprisings might never had happen. As Russia was not massacred by the Germans in WW1. The Russians were kinda backwards a lot in that time only recently did they get into tanks and industrialization even Japan who only recently popped up as an Industrial power surprised the World. Old Jacob Schiff's 200,000,000 dollar contribution to the Sino-Russo war was a bet that even he might have surprised him.

Sheer fact is France was the big bully. And Germany also was coming to power and noticing France's strength.

France is a territory very protected. Germany is very open and with large swaths of land. France's mountains and low-land neighbors gives it a buffer.

It's surprising how the French campaign went. 1700s-1800s-pre-WW1/WW1 tactics against 3rd Generational Warfare.

England would have just continued to do it's bombing on Berlin and industrial centers since the second week of the war. The Germans warned the RAF but they just bombed first bombing casualty the main attraction of the Berlin zoo the Elephant that was obliterated just pieces of meat left behind.

Sheer fact is France would never defeat the German tactics and even though the WW1 tactic is not Blitzkreig per say. It was certainly upgunned with tank and massing strike point/points.

England and France are kinda crappy without American cucks coming in.

Germany would prepare against France and Low-Lands. But allying with Poland and taking out Soviets would have been easy.

Or you follow the alternative History of eliminating WW1 and not having to deal with the great war losses plus the strikes, uprisings, and other marxist kosher terrorists operations. In other words Russia would have probably allied with Germany especially as the Germans explain they diaspora to Russia near the Renascence and upgunned Russia.

Either way even France's scary army, England, Low-Lands was defeated by Germany by 1915. America just came in and attacked while Germany was worn out. Russia was massacred by WW1 trench warfare. The horse cavalry charges were a far cry from the past. Only during WW2 with Poland's cavalry charges did the Polish push and hold the Germans. For some reason even the tanks had trouble with the amount of cavalry the Poles had. It took a while to really punch through Poland before and just slightly after the Soviet backstab. Even still the Germans were struggling against the horseback a bit.

Anyways there are multiple alternative historical events.
I don't think this is as black and white as you describe it as. It's easy to look back on something that has already happended and correct it. I don't think Hitler himself made any incorrect judgements; in fact, I think each and every decision he made was the best decision that could of been made at the time. I have not studied WW2 at all; I am only familair with Nazisim as the political form of Satanism, yet I still believe what I said to be true. You should read things like The Hitler Youth Manual, SS Race Theory, Mein Kamph, etc. You would get an idea of why we all love Hitler and the Nazis.
You answered your own question by explaining the reasons which it was better to attack first, than to wait. The Soviet Union was preparing for war the whole time.

Here is a picture that I like which shows the children of Satan fighting against the enemy, despite the costs of battle, including this one, but also the last 1000 years of battle:


No one worships Hitler. People honor him because he was a hero and a Satanist.

You're focusing too much on the war which Hitler didn't start (Britain first declared war on Germany in 1939) and which he tried to avoid many times by sending ambassadors to the British for peace, but he was rejected. Hitler stated he wasn't prepared for war and he didn't like it.

The war is only one small part. NS Germany was much more than the war: Hitler managed to create a economic miracle and a prosperous society, he arrested the Rothschilds, took all the power from the banks, banned usury, and many other things.

Please, go watch some Nazi-era German videos and you will see how beautiful and ordered the German society was. There were happy people everywhere, and even leaders of other countries who visited Germany had very positive opinions about it.

Hitler was Time Magazine's "Man of the Year 1938" and before the war almost everyone admired him as a great person, even his enemies.
AskSatanOperator said:
Why worship some one who by his own over confidence, destroyed his country by dragging it into an unwinnable war?

Also if it wasn't for Nazi Germany and its allies, I highly suspect the jews would have pushed USSR to invade and conquer the entire Europe and implement communism widescale.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
