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On Treating Our Gods

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods do not show up to "Hang out" with people uselessly, or have coffee, or to talk about useless drivel.

While they may not immidiately appear, they do still guide people, so from there on, communicating with them or directing a prayer towards them, isn't a bad thing, and can do good to someone emotionally. Think for example, a Thanksgiving Ritual. It's in the Joy of Satan website.

Eventually, as it's stated in the Joy of Satan site, you do not need to do full blown rituals or anything like that, so it is not necessary.

However I have found in many cases, especially if one is new, doing a thanksgiving ritual every so often can be helpful, as it draws stronger attention, and if one is more spiritually dense, may feel things better.

slyscorpion said:
I feel like I have failed to start a relationship with the God's because I thought I could do most things on my own and was independent. I hope I have not angered them in some way. I want to be open and able to talk to them and I want guidance both about what I can do for them to make my life more meaningful and in general spirituality what is the best way to advance etc.

I should probably get on this but I don't know how or where anyways any advice. I kept thinking I should not bother the God's till I am more open. Then again I wonder why no one often shows up and tries to hang out with me.

I would respectfully like to ask one of the God's to find someone who will help me with my financial buisness and relationship ideas. Can the God's lead me to another SS who we could be in a mutually beneficial partnership or relationship or however it will go. I would prefer if this person was in my general local area.

Just putting this on here in case the God's see this I am willing to offer what the God's may desire in return in thanks for helping I would just need a sign as to what that is that they want from me also I will be eternally grateful.

Who do I summon for this and how do I fully hear them or know they heard me.
SS. said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Greetings to all SS cammaredes here and those who read this marvellous site.
I made my commitment last night to Satan. I decieded to join the forums and Satan due to the fact that I feel ready to fight in this war I've been reading joyofsatan.org archives, books (pdf) and this forum and listening to Maxine Dietrich's sermons on jewtube since December 2018. First things first I must admit that I've been a NationalSocialist since 2010 and up to 2014 I was an stupid christian (I was in a political party of my country that combined both NS and christian views) till I began reading how the jews used this filthy so called religion to destroy the Great Roman Empire from within besides I got enthralled by Nietzsche's books (The antichrist, Genaology of Morals, The Gay Science and Thus spoke Zarathustra are really eye opening masterpieces). Moreover, I started doing my own research and with my intelligence it was pretty obvious that this "religion" was nothing more than a programme to decieve ignorant scumbags. I went to read books of astrology, numerology, runes and bought some tarot decks that lack of the nefarious jewish letters which I despise to the core. Anyway I always felt contempt for the morons of the jew age movement especially when one is aware of the jewish problem it becomes easy to realise that the kikes created this shit to extend their dominion and power. I read last yeae some of lavey works and some of his interviews and yeah he is obviously a jew anyone with a bit of knowledge on how to spot kikes can realise it on the spot. However what he says,although he presents Satan in bit disrespectful way since he acknowledges him just as a force, is pretty interesting and a good way to start one's path to Satanism. I got to JOS website and everything written there became so clear but I didn't commit to Satan back in december because first I needed to make some cleanliness on me, on what I knew, and what I thought it was true even though I was already knowledgable of some things of the occult. Great to be here and great to start my part on the battle against the degenerate jews, their so called god their cohorts and the morons who work naively or knowningly for the them either
dreadful christians, new agers, disgusting muslims and any moron who bow down to them. This post will be very usefull for my studies.
Im from Argentina and Im 24 years old by the way.

Welcome, please be careful about sharing personal information here our enemies visit this forum all the time. You already said too much.

I will keep it in mind thanks a lot
I always treat the Gods with total respect, they ARE Gods after all and anyone who doesn’t are just plain out fools. I also try to do my part of advancing myself, doing RTRs every day and trying to help others outside the forum considering if I have the experience.

The timing of this sermon is funny especially the comments here since I’ve been struggling to establish a connection with the Gods especially Father. For the past years I’ve typically only bothered Father say if I needed emotional support or a quick fix to a problem that I couldn’t do myself and he’d help ^^ Which I am really grateful for and love him a lot for. I try to thank the Gods whenever I know they have helped me and try to do an extra RTR or two if I can. I also only really ask for guidance on what working to do using my own powers to fix a problem rather than relying totally on them to help.

But recently everything has been going pretty smoothly, I’ve been able to do things on my own which is great but I haven’t been in contact with Father as much as I want to be. There were two instances recently where I felt the need to contact him and there was a feeling of missing him like how a child misses their parents and I just totally broke down. I have only been keeping the relationship strictly as a teacher-student or like a student going to a guidance counselor so I accidentally end up drawing a line between us where I don’t cross. I tried to talk to Father about this as well and I believe I felt a response saying around the lines I can talk/reach out to him anytime, (of course not about nonsense) but even so due to experience I haven’t really been taught how to do this. Reach out establishing a healthy family relationship. Everything I want to talk about I always label it as unnecessary, for example my passions, it’ll end up with me rambling like how an excited child comes back from school to tell a parent how their day went, exciting things that have happened or their plans to do things, that’s unnecessary, is it not? So it’s been really frustrating recently and the more I advance the more the need to contact Father pops up in my mind. :?
SSGrim88 said:
I always treat the Gods with total respect, they ARE Gods after all and anyone who doesn’t are just plain out fools. I also try to do my part of advancing myself, doing RTRs every day and trying to help others outside the forum considering if I have the experience.

The timing of this sermon is funny especially the comments here since I’ve been struggling to establish a connection with the Gods especially Father. For the past years I’ve typically only bothered Father say if I needed emotional support or a quick fix to a problem that I couldn’t do myself and he’d help ^^ Which I am really grateful for and love him a lot for. I try to thank the Gods whenever I know they have helped me and try to do an extra RTR or two if I can. I also only really ask for guidance on what working to do using my own powers to fix a problem rather than relying totally on them to help.

But recently everything has been going pretty smoothly, I’ve been able to do things on my own which is great but I haven’t been in contact with Father as much as I want to be. There were two instances recently where I felt the need to contact him and there was a feeling of missing him like how a child misses their parents and I just totally broke down. I have only been keeping the relationship strictly as a teacher-student or like a student going to a guidance counselor so I accidentally end up drawing a line between us where I don’t cross. I tried to talk to Father about this as well and I believe I felt a response saying around the lines I can talk/reach out to him anytime, (of course not about nonsense) but even so due to experience I haven’t really been taught how to do this. Reach out establishing a healthy family relationship. Everything I want to talk about I always label it as unnecessary, for example my passions, it’ll end up with me rambling like how an excited child comes back from school to tell a parent how their day went, exciting things that have happened or their plans to do things, that’s unnecessary, is it not? So it’s been really frustrating recently and the more I advance the more the need to contact Father pops up in my mind. :?
Talk to him, after all, this is a Father-son/daughter relation, I’d love if in the future my son or daughter would endlessly talk to me about his/her passions! :)
Too much talking about superficial crap even, unavoidably creates expectations.

So if one talks to them about the color of their fingernails and what they ate the other day, and one has expectations from it, because is only done to emotionally relieve one's self, and almost doesn't count as spiritual communication at all.

Regardless, anyone can do as they think is fit, however, what you expect out of this, and any delusions and/or stupidity, or mutual time wasting, all seem to boil down to pointlessness and wrong treatment from the human side. The Demons know what to care or not care about, and if one talks to them about if they had pizza or not, creates wrong and potentially dangerous expectations, going down all the way towards total insanity for some people, and of course, no actual communication done.
I tginnk the big concept I wanted to show in my album The Sun is Mine is that wheb you first gaun access to so much power it can go to your head but you just have to realize what is yours is not always only yours. We all are chosen ones of Satan and the sun belongs to each of us individually and as a while. And I want to make artwork that, taking advantage of existing nordic alien art and themes, redefine them in the public mind less as visitors and more of elusive livable Gods who have nothing to gain from us.

I didnt quite understand it all when I started but I yoo get sick at this stuff, I cant imagine puttting in decades or work for then let alone being a God and seeing the sick state of this world. The Gods are such beautiful loving beings that it is no surprise all the peiple of this world think to do is abuse abd hate them. It really majes you wanna throw up once you finally see it which is probably part of why people dont wabt to come to terms with it. True love will triumph over the facade.
Another thing I see, is some people think they know better than the Gods, or that they don't need their guidance. Satan and our Demons know us better than we know ourselves, and they want to help us become the best possible versions of ourselves. When a God gives you advice or guides you to something, do it!

For those who don't know what to do, hold a ritual to Satan and ask for guidance on what to study, how to help the forums/groups, how to better yourself, and so on :) If you don't have astral senses open enough, try the tarot or some other form of divination. This is how I became an astrologer here, it's not like I consciously planned this, but it was what was needed and I had the time to study it. Things fall into place, when you are receptive to guidance from our Gods :)
SdD said:
Godmode2 = Godmode ????
Lydia said:
Another thing I see, is some people think they know better than the Gods, or that they don't need their guidance. Satan and our Demons know us better than we know ourselves, and they want to help us become the best possible versions of ourselves. When a God gives you advice or guides you to something, do it!

For those who don't know what to do, hold a ritual to Satan and ask for guidance on what to study, how to help the forums/groups, how to better yourself, and so on :) If you don't have astral senses open enough, try the tarot or some other form of divination. This is how I became an astrologer here, it's not like I consciously planned this, but it was what was needed and I had the time to study it. Things fall into place, when you are receptive to guidance from our Gods :)

I have a rune set that I want to learn to use for divination. Do you think I should hold a ritual and ask the gods to bless them? Should I also empower them with all the elements or something? I'm asking this because I noticed often there's enemy interference and the answers don't make sense.
Lydia said:
Another thing I see, is some people think they know better than the Gods, or that they don't need their guidance. Satan and our Demons know us better than we know ourselves, and they want to help us become the best possible versions of ourselves. When a God gives you advice or guides you to something, do it!

For those who don't know what to do, hold a ritual to Satan and ask for guidance on what to study, how to help the forums/groups, how to better yourself, and so on :) If you don't have astral senses open enough, try the tarot or some other form of divination. This is how I became an astrologer here, it's not like I consciously planned this, but it was what was needed and I had the time to study it. Things fall into place, when you are receptive to guidance from our Gods :)

Always good advice

Shael said:
[quote = "SdD"] Godmode2 = Godmode ???? [/ quote] https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=22659&p=96320#p96320

Stormblood said:
Lydia said:
I have a rune set that I want to learn to use for divination. Do you think I should hold a ritual and ask the gods to bless them? Should I also empower them with all the elements or something? I'm asking this because I noticed often there's enemy interference and the answers don't make sense.
I would ask for them to be blessed. I can't remember if I did that with my tarot deck, but I think I did. I'm not sure about empowering them with elements though.
Lydia said:
Stormblood said:
Lydia said:
I have a rune set that I want to learn to use for divination. Do you think I should hold a ritual and ask the gods to bless them? Should I also empower them with all the elements or something? I'm asking this because I noticed often there's enemy interference and the answers don't make sense.
I would ask for them to be blessed. I can't remember if I did that with my tarot deck, but I think I did. I'm not sure about empowering them with elements though.

Thanks for your answer. Maybe I'll also go through each rune during the ritual, vibrating them one by one for an amount of reps equal to their number.
Stormblood said:
Lydia said:
Stormblood said:
I have a rune set that I want to learn to use for divination. Do you think I should hold a ritual and ask the gods to bless them? Should I also empower them with all the elements or something? I'm asking this because I noticed often there's enemy interference and the answers don't make sense.
I would ask for them to be blessed. I can't remember if I did that with my tarot deck, but I think I did. I'm not sure about empowering them with elements though.

Thanks for your answer. Maybe I'll also go through each rune during the ritual, vibrating them one by one for an amount of reps equal to their number.
Brother, water is psychic so you might wish to infuse water into your runes. Just a thought. And/or maybe Ether.
Have a great day.
NinRick said:
Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666!

Somehow your sermons come to me at the right time, I was just asking some questions, and you gave me the answers.
Thank you.

I completely agree! Whenever I have doubts and I check the forums, there is always a post that pin points the problem!
Greatings Family

Ive Been A Dedicated Spiritual Satanist For precisely six years now , A Proud African Satanist .

Things have been on a rough patch , but I tried deep to understand why things dont go well for me .

Is it because I am African specifically . I found out that No . One actually has to make an oath to oneself to Suffer with the Gods .

Why the word Suffer ? It is because rationally speaking , why would you want to enjoy your success with people who did not even contribute not a single Rand , sweat or tear to it ?

I got a sigh of relief the minute I discovered this after the oath - I hope new members commit to this ideology of actually breaking a sweat and effort to the Gods , So as to gain trust and an open relation with them .

They are beings like you and I - Nobody wants to be taken for granted .

Lets work , Nature will reward and does respond . The Gods do reward and respond.

Do find the courage to hit the enemy hard!!
I also needed to read this post again considering my recent encounters with some demons lately on the astral.

I had hurt one demon's feelings due to lack in trust and 'realness' of the encounter. He had come to me in my temple to provide me love and I practically cast him out as if he was just a thought-up mirage because I didn't trust him or thought he was an enemy. He was all bright and positive but after I did this his aura dimmed and he had a saddened expression for the rest of the interaction.

I've apologized to him twice and he seems to acknowledge it but it feels like he's still withdrawn. I really want to do something for real to make it up to him but I'm not quite sure just what I can yet that will really suffice, I'm struggling to interpret what he likes or wants.

Does anybody know any information on a demon named Haelic?
Ghost in the Machine said:
I also needed to read this post again considering my recent encounters with some demons lately on the astral.

I had hurt one demon's feelings due to lack in trust and 'realness' of the encounter. He had come to me in my temple to provide me love and I practically cast him out as if he was just a thought-up mirage because I didn't trust him or thought he was an enemy. He was all bright and positive but after I did this his aura dimmed and he had a saddened expression for the rest of the interaction.

I've apologized to him twice and he seems to acknowledge it but it feels like he's still withdrawn. I really want to do something for real to make it up to him but I'm not quite sure just what I can yet that will really suffice, I'm struggling to interpret what he likes or wants.

Does anybody know any information on a demon named Haelic?

Sorry to reply to you yet again, but the answer to this may be to make it real within yourself. I’ve often run into this when even though I am consciously accepting of it, there still some kind of emotional blockage or subconscious. I don’t know who that is, but if you’re confident it’s one of our Gods a higher level of contact can be cut with them due to inner doubt. The second thing that can cause this is a more macro scale psychic attack. There have been sudden breeches in communication at times that happen for not just me. Last night I was feeling great and had clear lines of communication. Attacks can also happen more at certain periods of advancement, doubts and sudden struggles and setbacks. These can also be very major and learning the hard way, at this point it’s best to do heavy RTR’s and pace yourself. I’ve experienced the most attacks when working on the crown and once that passed, the heart. If you’re working on these things right now, be patient and pace yourself.

One thing Asmodeus very clearly told me is that no matter what I do or where I go, or how closed off I ever may be, never to deny the Gods very real presence or my own souls existence and capability.

In the beginning phases of my working with Him, he appeared sad as well. 8 years ago. Since I’ve grown, the tone of things have changed drastically. This is also a reflection of our own beings state, which CAN fluctuate. Each time there was communication, I was very confused about the reason for the sadness and questioned how I could possibly make a God sad. This was more of a message and had a reason, in part I was too emotionally closed off with not enough reciprocation. I doubted my worthiness. The Gods get sad and they have very powerful and personal emotions but at the same time they do not take it too personally. He told me he didn’t mind at the same time, and didn’t mind taking time. We can block off the Gods from ourselves by our own openness and readiness. Try not to look into it too far, and try not to take it too personally as difficult as that sounds. Perhaps this God/Goddess was seeking an emotion from you.

When I’m too closed off, if a God/Goddess appears to me feelings of unworthiness can resurface and doubts. In the beginning phases of making a connection with one, more attacks are also present.

I was going through the list of Gods on JoS and paying each one mental respects and honors. It stopped at Raum and He came and he said he understood the reasons for what I desired to resolve. I suddenly blocked myself off by not wanting to ask for such a thing, and realized that what I was asking was a big deal. Instead of allowing him in and directly asking for what I wanted, I immediately jumped to ways I could ever repay it and stopped wanting to ask. Started finding ways to convince myself that I don’t actually want resolution and I should just let it be, and accept the sadness. I felt from him that what he would do would be out of love, and that I should allow that love through and feel that and whatever comes of that love and appreciation is the reciprocation. When I love and appreciate, naturally what follows is reciprocation. This stifling blocked off the communication and I couldn’t feel him anymore, and now I’ve got to wait for the right time again if it comes or do a proper ritual and just ask. I hate asking for things that deal in my personal physical world problems and I’m realizing that I have been expecting that when something is going on if I’m deserving of it the situation will just be magically fixed by either my own power or one of the Gods that would like to help. I’m starting to see this “if they want to help, they will, I don’t want to bother” is wrong. Sometimes I think I’ve got to stand up and take initiative in at least asking.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Sorry to reply to you yet again, but the answer to this may be to make it real within yourself. I’ve often run into this when even though I am consciously accepting of it, there still some kind of emotional blockage or subconscious. I don’t know who that is, but if you’re confident it’s one of our Gods a higher level of contact can be cut with them due to inner doubt. The second thing that can cause this is a more macro scale psychic attack. There have been sudden breeches in communication at times that happen for not just me. Last night I was feeling great and had clear lines of communication. Attacks can also happen more at certain periods of advancement, doubts and sudden struggles and setbacks. These can also be very major and learning the hard way, at this point it’s best to do heavy RTR’s and pace yourself. I’ve experienced the most attacks when working on the crown and once that passed, the heart. If you’re working on these things right now, be patient and pace yourself.

One thing Asmodeus very clearly told me is that no matter what I do or where I go, or how closed off I ever may be, never to deny the Gods very real presence or my own souls existence and capability.

In the beginning phases of my working with Him, he appeared sad as well. 8 years ago. Since I’ve grown, the tone of things have changed drastically. This is also a reflection of our own beings state, which CAN fluctuate. Each time there was communication, I was very confused about the reason for the sadness and questioned how I could possibly make a God sad. This was more of a message and had a reason, in part I was too emotionally closed off with not enough reciprocation. I doubted my worthiness. The Gods get sad and they have very powerful and personal emotions but at the same time they do not take it too personally. He told me he didn’t mind at the same time, and didn’t mind taking time. We can block off the Gods from ourselves by our own openness and readiness. Try not to look into it too far, and try not to take it too personally as difficult as that sounds. Perhaps this God/Goddess was seeking an emotion from you.

When I’m too closed off, if a God/Goddess appears to me feelings of unworthiness can resurface and doubts. In the beginning phases of making a connection with one, more attacks are also present.

I was going through the list of Gods on JoS and paying each one mental respects and honors. It stopped at Raum and He came and he said he understood the reasons for what I desired to resolve. I suddenly blocked myself off by not wanting to ask for such a thing, and realized that what I was asking was a big deal. Instead of allowing him in and directly asking for what I wanted, I immediately jumped to ways I could ever repay it and stopped wanting to ask. Started finding ways to convince myself that I don’t actually want resolution and I should just let it be, and accept the sadness. I felt from him that what he would do would be out of love, and that I should allow that love through and feel that and whatever comes of that love and appreciation is the reciprocation. When I love and appreciate, naturally what follows is reciprocation. This stifling blocked off the communication and I couldn’t feel him anymore, and now I’ve got to wait for the right time again if it comes or do a proper ritual and just ask. I hate asking for things that deal in my personal physical world problems and I’m realizing that I have been expecting that when something is going on if I’m deserving of it the situation will just be magically fixed by either my own power or one of the Gods that would like to help. I’m starting to see this “if they want to help, they will, I don’t want to bother” is wrong. Sometimes I think I’ve got to stand up and take initiative in at least asking.

This came at a very good time and I don't believe for a second it's just a coincidence. Thank you for writing this. I'll try to remember it going forward, it means a lot.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
