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Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433110 time=1680023125 user_id=46372]
Egon said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433083 time=1680013749 user_id=46372]The way they represent Demons and speak of them in the lore is unacceptable. Obvious jewish projection there.
Nah you're reading too much into it. They do not refer to our Demons they work just like Titans for the ignorant masses. Also what Japanese media has adapted into "Demons" for Western audiences usually means completely different things for them. The point of the game is to Rekindle the flame, choose your path to become a wielder of the flame or let everything into the dark, and keep the cycle of Life, Death and Rebirth like many messages for the Magnum Opus.

The farming Souls thing is just XP farming from the undead, it is not real parasitism one because they are undead and second you're doing them a favor by ending their misery. You defeat the Lord of death that was keeping humans stagnate, to keep the cycle of rebirth going (like the Chronos myth etc.). You do have the choice to be an asshole and steal Humanity and Souls from a living person but there are consequences to it.

What I like the most is that there is no morally evil villains or depravity it is all an inner fight against yourself and how you deal with the circumstances and hardship, just like the old myths but obviously over the top horror and whatnot which I personally don't care. Anyway I don't think there is much of any message or themes in those games like for instance kill the Gods cause they're assholes like in GoW, it is a fight within yourself to become better, different from the the retardendss of literalizing the symbolic language because GoW is kike ass, disabled from getting subtle impersonal and symbolic mechanisms that have nothing to do with fighting moral "evil".

In Sekiro which is the more personal game of the series and has some buddhist yikes there is still positive aspect of Shinto that (SPOILERS AHEAD) you don't need to sever immortality like the base game tells you to, you can actually return the White Dragon to the West and thus fix the same problem of the Souls world but in real Japan.

Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433083 time=1680013749 user_id=46372]
with ugliness and hopelessness in overabundance,
Isn't that awesome? No matter how fucked and ugly the world is you can do better, just like in the game you may commit errors, you learn the patterns from your enemies, and if you do not win in one life you fight even better in the next.

Then what about "Demon King," "Demon Prince" etc... and they all have fire abilities and are typically engulfed in flame. I'm guessing that's the jew trying to depict the high amount of bioelectricity as well as the Solar power. I don't see how these could be related to Titans or any natural forces. As for the Japanese mythology part, the game has separate references to Oni.

Explain also Nameless King (Baal), or Oceiros (Osiris) the consumed king. Lots more like that too. God of War isn't the only deicide simulator, and in some ways Dark Souls takes the cake if you ask me. You get your biggest soul siphons from slaying these bosses that are based off the Gods. The undead thing itself is probably a reference to the biblical mass rising of corpses from the graves, xian apocalypse nonsense typical to the zombie genre. Even if you could call it mercy killing, you're still stealing souls to level up the character. I don't think there's any way to excuse that or interpret it differently.

I see so many subtle curses in Dark Souls that it's hard to count and keep track of them all.

I did play DS1 back in the day, I dunno about it's sequels though, but you are looking at the game from an incomplete lens. The closer representation of the old gods are the dragons, which are an allegory of the sacred winged serpent and therefore the old gods, and not the false gods that the player is meant to fight in the game.

Gwyn is closer to jewsus than any of the old gods, and you very correctly pointed out the similarities to xianity and it's "apocalypse" with the undead curse. Additionally, these "gods" oppose the dragons and this to me is a very clear opposition to the serpent. If you consider this point of view much of it starts to click and make more sense, when all of the hopelessness and rot in the world stems from this false god enforcing and prolonging an age of their making in which they curse and bind humanity forever. I have to disagree with egon because gwyn is completely evil, as in the game he is the one who binds and curses humanity, and is at war with the ancient dragons which I see as the closest allegory to the old gods and the kundalini. Gwyn also ultimately sacrifices himself to the flame and becomes a martyr god which is another parallel to jewsus. So the killing of this "god" doesn't really seem that bad lol

And the player has the option to end the stagnation by killing this false god and allowing their false flame to fade, therefore ending the age of this false god.

As for the demon terms issue, this is mostly due to ignorance and not intended as blasphemy I believe. Generally speaking, the term demon is wrongly associated with fire and beasts of fire. The term demon is misused and misunderstood so much I don't pay it much mind at all especially in the context of games.

I'm more concerned about one of the first scenes in elden ring depicting an aryan god being murdered and having a mark in the shape of a centipede running down his spine destroying the serpent and his soul. This is an oddly specific and gruesome curse...
I'm more concerned about one of the first scenes in elden ring depicting an aryan god being murdered and having a mark in the shape of a centipede running down his spine destroying the serpent and his soul. This is an oddly specific and gruesome curse...

It is a terrible event during the course of the game, and mostly what caused queen Marika to destroy the Elden ring.
In the night of the black knifes, a group of assassins who had a grudge for her, stole a fragment of the rune of death, which is the Plutonian/Mars aspect of the Erdtree, the one that rules "death" and "birth" (also rappresented by roots, the Erdtree got sick when Marika herself removed it).
They used the power of that rune to infuse their knifes with, and kill Godwyn soul.

Godwyn was Marika's perfect son, killing "his soul" was a direct attack to her, not necessarly planned by "huge spoiler name" behind it, more so a grudge by some hench mans.
The breaking of the Elden ring, can be either a good or a bad thing, it dipends on how far you have went into the lore, which i won't spoil too much.

Elden ring is full of alchemy and spiritual allegories.
Your character journey is the Magnum opus, there even are the Eight steps. 7 demigods each rappresenting the low manifestation of the 7 main planets energy (it is not mentioned, i just noticed it), and the "final boss" being both male and female, and what happens after, is clearly an allegory to your character succes at the Magnum opus.

Just know that it is an even more complex opera to understand than the Dark souls.

Some hints:
the Golden order is christianity.
Omens are not evil, as the Golden order says, even Mogh is just a product of their "church".
The outher mother is probably the closest thing to the jewish god.
The true satanic character is Miquella, also known as Saint Trina, allegorically known as both male and female (there is going to be a DLC around him, probably).
The true gods are being kept away from the world.
Anything that the golden order does not like, is either kept as a secret, or closed underground like who followed Ancestor spirits.
The world CAN be saved. As the author said, Elden ring world is in a much more "positive" state than the Dark souls one.
DO NOT trust everything the narrator says in soul like games, hes he really telling things from a "free" perspective? 😬

Still, nobody should play anything if they don't like it.
I personally avoid any God of war and other pure jewish garbage, even if from a PURE game stand point they can have positives.

If I can say something about souls games, Elden ring included, they have a mostly satanic meaning if you dig well. Sekiro is the most evident.
They are just very deceptive, and subtle. They require some time to invest if you want to understand them deeply, not saying i don't think it's worth it.

Still, this is my opinion as somebody who has invested time in them growing up🍀

Also, the things you said about Dark souls are true.
Little note. Nameles king is clearly a great character, as he went against Gwyn and befriended dragons :D

Note to everibody. My old account name was "Karasu".
Dahaarkan said:
I did play DS1 back in the day, I dunno about it's sequels though, but you are looking at the game from an incomplete lens. The closer representation of the old gods are the dragons, which are an allegory of the sacred winged serpent and therefore the old gods, and not the false gods that the player is meant to fight in the game.

Gwyn is closer to jewsus than any of the old gods, and you very correctly pointed out the similarities to xianity and it's "apocalypse" with the undead curse. Additionally, these "gods" oppose the dragons and this to me is a very clear opposition to the serpent. If you consider this point of view much of it starts to click and make more sense, when all of the hopelessness and rot in the world stems from this false god enforcing and prolonging an age of their making in which they curse and bind humanity forever. I have to disagree with egon because gwyn is completely evil, as in the game he is the one who binds and curses humanity, and is at war with the ancient dragons which I see as the closest allegory to the old gods and the kundalini. Gwyn also ultimately sacrifices himself to the flame and becomes a martyr god which is another parallel to jewsus. So the killing of this "god" doesn't really seem that bad lol

And the player has the option to end the stagnation by killing this false god and allowing their false flame to fade, therefore ending the age of this false god.

As for the demon terms issue, this is mostly due to ignorance and not intended as blasphemy I believe. Generally speaking, the term demon is wrongly associated with fire and beasts of fire. The term demon is misused and misunderstood so much I don't pay it much mind at all especially in the context of games.

I'm more concerned about one of the first scenes in elden ring depicting an aryan god being murdered and having a mark in the shape of a centipede running down his spine destroying the serpent and his soul. This is an oddly specific and gruesome curse...

Eh, I see double meanings everywhere in the games. Like I said, too many curses to count.

I'm sure they were confident they could get away with it since dragon slaying has become pretty standard in video games. To me the biggest smoking guns are the curse spitting frogs that you have to kill, the obviously Egyptian snake-men that you have to kill, and the fucking "dung pie" items. What kind of video game maker would put an item called "dung pie" in their creation, if not a jew? That just says it all to me.
Dahaarkan said:
I have to disagree with egon because gwyn is completely evil...
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433110 time=1680023125 user_id=46372]

I forgot to mention that, Gwyn has a slavish monotheist cult. Patches hates the clerics and the false gods, and greedy people. You have to use gold coins to get Gwyn's miracles, and his clerics are obsessed with it and with selling salvation.

You are also not required to kill any dragons although there are some optional ones (one of which in DS3 has been plagued so you mercy kill him), and also one of the dragons is friendly and lets you cut it's tail to get a very overpowered weapon. You can also join his covenant and become a man-dragon.

Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433274 time=1680095804 user_id=46372]
To me the biggest smoking guns are the curse spitting frogs that you have to kill, the obviously Egyptian snake-men...

The curse "frogs" mention, they are just basilisks that petrify humans. Perseus kills the Medusa etc., doesn't mean those things are blasphemy. My point being is the goals of the game are 99% metaphorical abstractions like mythology where you might decide to become a 'Hero' in the mythological sense that slays some monsters that are symbolic and not out of spite for holy things like Western media does. I don't think Miyazaki, in my opinion, has anything of jew in his inspirations, he falls more into category of talented Gentile who slips in deceitful concepts here and there, but is sincere and a talented designer, and don't go for the blasphemy intentionally or otherwise as in spite of holy concepts just neutral like myths.

As for the poop it is not required anywhere in the game and is related to an area in the game that is the lowest of the low strata of society, that has been ignored or cursed because they misused the Fire power to try to rekindle the flame wrongly for the wrong god (stuck Kundalini turning things into mad "demons" so to speak). Just ignore it exists lol, you don't think about it irl, but it is pretty ironic you can actually beat Jeebus by throwing dung pies at him.
Egon said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433274 time=1680095804 user_id=46372]
To me the biggest smoking guns are the curse spitting frogs that you have to kill, the obviously Egyptian snake-men...

The curse "frogs" mention, they are just basilisks that petrify humans. Perseus kills the Medusa etc., doesn't mean those things are blasphemy. My point being is the goals of the game are 99% metaphorical abstractions like mythology where you might decide to become a 'Hero' in the mythological sense that slays some monsters that are symbolic and not out of spite for holy things like Western media does. I don't think Miyazaki, in my opinion, has anything of jew in his inspirations, he falls more into category of talented Gentile who slips in deceitful concepts here and there, but is sincere and a talented designer, and don't go for the blasphemy intentionally or otherwise as in spite of holy concepts just neutral like myths.

As for the poop it is not required anywhere in the game and is related to an area in the game that is the lowest of the low strata of society, that has been ignored or cursed because they misused the Fire power to try to rekindle the flame wrongly for the wrong god (stuck Kundalini turning things into mad "demons" so to speak). Just ignore it exists lol, you don't think about it irl, but it is pretty ironic you can actually beat Jeebus by throwing dung pies at him.

It's not about blasphemy of killing frogs. It's the fact that jews relate the curses upon them with frogs, like literally frogs spitting curses, which is exactly what these "basilisks" in the game do (not a freezing glare, but actual vomit of a game condition called "curse"). So you're slaying a threat to the jews, just like you're slaying many other threats to jews depicted by various enemies in the game - such as the snake-men with snake heads that breathe fire and they are wielding the Egyptian Khopesh which was a holy sword of ancient Egypt, and their temples in the game are filled with goat head statues in lotus pose... like come on. It doesn't get more obvious than that. The jews refer to Satanic souls as "Egyptian."

My point with the dung pies is that jews are obsessed with excrement, and it's no secret that they... anyway, even if they insisted on putting such a disgusting thing as a throwing weapon in the game, they could have just as easily named it "dung ball" so why "dung pie?" It's beyond repulsive, and it's telling.
Corvo said:
Elden ring is full of alchemy and spiritual allegories.
Your character journey is the Magnum opus, there even are the Eight steps. 7 demigods each rappresenting the low manifestation of the 7 main planets energy (it is not mentioned, i just noticed it), and the "final boss" being both male and female, and what happens after, is clearly an allegory to your character succes at the Magnum opus.

Just know that it is an even more complex opera to understand than the Dark souls.

Some hints:
the Golden order is christianity.
Omens are not evil, as the Golden order says, even Mogh is just a product of their "church".
The outher mother is probably the closest thing to the jewish god.
The true satanic character is Miquella, also known as Saint Trina, allegorically known as both male and female (there is going to be a DLC around him, probably).
The true gods are being kept away from the world.
Anything that the golden order does not like, is either kept as a secret, or closed underground like who followed Ancestor spirits.
The world CAN be saved. As the author said, Elden ring world is in a much more "positive" state than the Dark souls one.
DO NOT trust everything the narrator says in soul like games, hes he really telling things from a "free" perspective? 😬


That's what I took from the game as well that the current order was of xianity and why the Tree is so bright like the sun. Purely masculine energy throwing everything off balance and also how in the dark ages the sun in famous paintings had an eye in it representing the church always watching your every move and in the game you have the bright Elden Tree shinning over everything in the land.

Then you have the feminine energy that is represented by Ranni the Witch which if you follow her quest and complete it she herself says she brings forth the age of the moon which is allegorical for the feminine energy of the soul where the Satanic powers are.

Also it's important to point out much of the English translations are off from their original Japanese writing. What Ranni says at the end sounds more like spiritual allegories than the English version. At least in my opinion.

It does seem like it was the journey of an initiate to rekindle the flame of the soul and that's why you start off as no one special but a "lowly tarnished" which is just a regular normal person in the game. You have the demi gods who are corrupted but still have a lot of honor left in them give you praise when beaten as well. One being a General of an army of tarnished in the past. The other being an Amazonian warrioress that had to tame a giant from turning everything more chaotic because of his anger from the corruption they were going thru.

I can see how this might look bad that you have to kill them but like Egon said you're actually freeing them from their current corrupted state.
Egon said:
Dahaarkan said:
I have to disagree with egon because gwyn is completely evil...
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433110 time=1680023125 user_id=46372]

I forgot to mention that, Gwyn has a slavish monotheist cult. Patches hates the clerics and the false gods, and greedy people. You have to use gold coins to get Gwyn's miracles, and his clerics are obsessed with it and with selling salvation.

You are also not required to kill any dragons although there are some optional ones (one of which in DS3 has been plagued so you mercy kill him), and also one of the dragons is friendly and lets you cut it's tail to get a very overpowered weapon. You can also join his covenant and become a man-dragon.

Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433274 time=1680095804 user_id=46372]
To me the biggest smoking guns are the curse spitting frogs that you have to kill, the obviously Egyptian snake-men...

The curse "frogs" mention, they are just basilisks that petrify humans. Perseus kills the Medusa etc., doesn't mean those things are blasphemy. My point being is the goals of the game are 99% metaphorical abstractions like mythology where you might decide to become a 'Hero' in the mythological sense that slays some monsters that are symbolic and not out of spite for holy things like Western media does. I don't think Miyazaki, in my opinion, has anything of jew in his inspirations, he falls more into category of talented Gentile who slips in deceitful concepts here and there, but is sincere and a talented designer, and don't go for the blasphemy intentionally or otherwise as in spite of holy concepts just neutral like myths.

As for the poop it is not required anywhere in the game and is related to an area in the game that is the lowest of the low strata of society, that has been ignored or cursed because they misused the Fire power to try to rekindle the flame wrongly for the wrong god (stuck Kundalini turning things into mad "demons" so to speak). Just ignore it exists lol, you don't think about it irl, but it is pretty ironic you can actually beat Jeebus by throwing dung pies at him.

Actually, to get technical, it seems the depiction of the basilisks in the DS game is based on the lizard that shares the same name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plumed_basilisk just with exaggerated features like the eyes being large etc. to make it look more ... gross. Though it does seem to make it "frog-like". The creature in the game barfs smog on you that builds Curse, if the bar gets filled, you die - like a death curse. Being petrified means being turned to stone.

The basilisks in myth (not the lizard) is a serpent-like creature that petrifies others by looking you in the eye. So there is a pretty big difference happening here in DS.

As for the Gods thing. In the notes for the Nameless King, it states:
The story of The Nameless King is very similar to that of the Japanese Storm god Susanoo, the son of the head god Izanagi that was banished from Heaven after offending his sister, Amaterasu, Goddess of The Sun.

You fight and kill this boss in the game...

Something I'd like to add that stood out to me most in DS3 was the Ghru creatures:
A strange race of creatures resembling bestial satyrs, Ghru are tribal warriors that make their home deep within the swamps of Farron Keep.

Near the Archdragon peak bonfire, there is a building full of dead goat/dragon-like bipedal beings, sitting in meditation. In the middle of the room seems to be a dead Dragon.


This place also has those Egyptian people Jrvan referred to. They're called serpent-man, they breathe fire and wield khopesh.

Out of curiosity, because this stuff is intriguing to me, I went looking at the notes for Oceiros, The Consumed King. His name is pronounced the same as the Egyptian God. He has a staff and wings with horns and an animal shaped skull. His arm is in a cradle position that you do when you hold a child at the beginning of the fight. During the fight, there are sounds of a baby crying. I looked further and turns out this actually got censored in the final version or something due to controversy, because originally he holds an actual human child in his arms. You fight him, and at the beginning of the second phase of the fight, he cradles the child in both hands like it's died during the fight or something, and after ... he slams the child into the floor. Then he goes berserk and attacks you.


https://youtu.be/prownnvrwdo - the above scene is @ 4:09, don't watch if you don't want to see that....
https://youtu.be/wJqqMH1-G1s - censored version, @ 1:50 is where the boss goes through the motions of the above scene with the child being "invisible"/censored.

I'm sorry... but this is nuts.
tabby said:
The basilisks in myth (not the lizard) is a serpent-like creature that petrifies others by looking you in the eye. So there is a pretty big difference happening here in DS.
The curse kills you by petrification. You can see yourself turned into a spiky effigy as soon as the curse hits, and leftovers by other players too if you play online.
You harvest and consume souls from depictions of ancient Egyptians to increase your power, you slay Dragons and Qliphothic depictions of Gods, and you sacrifice souls and an item called "humanity" to a bonfire to level up the bonfire so you can drink more life force from your "estus flask" which is always refilled from said bonfire.

Dark Souls is jewish.
hailourtruegod said:
Corvo said:
Elden ring is full of alchemy and spiritual allegories.
Your character journey is the Magnum opus, there even are the Eight steps. 7 demigods each rappresenting the low manifestation of the 7 main planets energy (it is not mentioned, i just noticed it), and the "final boss" being both male and female, and what happens after, is clearly an allegory to your character succes at the Magnum opus.

Just know that it is an even more complex opera to understand than the Dark souls.

Some hints:
the Golden order is christianity.
Omens are not evil, as the Golden order says, even Mogh is just a product of their "church".
The outher mother is probably the closest thing to the jewish god.
The true satanic character is Miquella, also known as Saint Trina, allegorically known as both male and female (there is going to be a DLC around him, probably).
The true gods are being kept away from the world.
Anything that the golden order does not like, is either kept as a secret, or closed underground like who followed Ancestor spirits.
The world CAN be saved. As the author said, Elden ring world is in a much more "positive" state than the Dark souls one.
DO NOT trust everything the narrator says in soul like games, hes he really telling things from a "free" perspective? 😬

I can see how this might look bad that you have to kill them but like Egon said you're actually freeing them from their current corrupted state.




Still. Nobody of any good will is telling you to kill them.

The two fingers lost connection to The greater will, decades before.
They are trying to "make up" a story about your ideal journey.
They are trying to preserve "order" (for queen Marika's Golden order standards), and by that, they need you to repair the Elden ring with at least two great runes, from 2 demigods. The minimal "damage".

The two fingers are manipulative and amoral.
At times, they even encouraged tarnished to assassinate "bad goyim ones", even throu infiltration. All for the Golden order (christianity).

Once you reach the Erdtree, it's still impossible to repair it, because queen Marika/Radagon herself is blocking the entrance with a wall of thorns.

Then you start a free journey, to find the stolen rune of death, burn the Erdtree and repair the Elden ring once inside it.

You therefore commit a "cardinal sin", as burning the Erdtree violates the core principles of the Golden order.
Marika herself is preventing you from becoming Elden lord, therefore being an obstacle to the Golden order and the fingers herself.

The fingers can't have a responce to such a situation.
They go on an eternal Iatus, trying to contact the greater will, without responce... because it was never there.

The two fingers only follow "order". Anything outside of good for the Golden order, is outside of what they are programmed to do.

There is an interesting thing about a dagger called Cinquedea. Which comes from prehistoric times (from Farum Azula). It clearly depicts 5 fingers:
We know the 2 fingers are order (the rational/masculinity part), a very useful tool for the even more manipulating and punishing Greater will.
The 3 fingers are chaos (feminin energies, the frenzied flame makes you sort of open the third eye), and are kept prisoners in the worst dungeon of the capital sewers.

The 2 fingers are clearly sort of badly cut. Almost if they were once 5 fingers, and were then separated by someone. Probably the greater will, or Marika herself.
This is another paralel to how the Golden order is indeed christianity.

Also, if you become the lord of the frenzied flame for the secret ending of the three fingers, you burn the Erdtree yourself, saving therefore Melina.
But the three fingers alone are "caos", uncontrolled power, and their ending makes you burn the entire lands between to ash.
A ipotetic "5 fingers path" on the other hand, would be perfect, because of both the union of masculine and female spectrum of the soul.

Makes you wonder how things were in "prehistoric" times, before the golden order was a thing, Farum Azula was the capital, the fingers were 5, and Dragons ruled the land between.
Placidusax, the dragon lord, was indeed once... Elden lord, and he even had 5 heads ;)

Sorry, got carried away brother... i just love analyzing this masterpiece :D

Also, there are parallels to Dark souls. There was a time when dragons ruled.



On the other hand, you seem to know Dark souls lore pretty well😁

I mean... i need to had a thing.
In the dark souls world, humanity doesn't come from the self proclaimed Jewsus god of light, but from the furtive pygmy.

Gwyn/Jewsus himself, is actually a precise specie, a Giant. A different sub specie are the Dark souls 2 giants (perhaps that's why the pygmy is a pygmy to them).
Therefore it has nothing to do with humanity on any level.
He self proclaimed himself to be God because of his strenght, and by convincing humans that their power was "dangerous".

The furtive pygmy had huge plans for humans.
Their soul has "humanity" which is like chakras energy, containing emotions like love, anger, happines. The closest thing we see to that, is Londor ending in Dark souls 3, were you are strong enough to take the first flame for yourself, therefore becoming a creator yourself.

The thing that is a constant in Myazakis work is portraying a "decaying world" that still resembled beauty of his past glory.
The dead dragons aren't supposed to be gross, ora ugly, they communicate sadness.

Archdragon peak is indeed kind of like a "pagan" dragon/venerating shrine were people actually meditated to a higher state.
With reference to ancient Egypt. You're character can kind of do that too there :)
It is of course clear, that it was "far away in the past", and you are walking in a "stagnating" world were people have lost their mind and you are doing a favor giving them a last good fight, were all of the worst curses came up because of Gwyn opposing the natural course of the events and cursing humanity to an eternal "offerring circle".

Elden ring is much more positive in his conclusions... it's a like a spiritual successor, were things actually can be fixed for good, and the good gods are actually simply kept outside.



Still... i don't want to be the one reccomending games that have indeed problems, if looked from an SS perspective.
I'm just saying, there are many things in these games that are far beyond what you generally find in a videogame.
There is a huge sensibility and suffering for what the enemy has done to our world, many deep spiritual allegories, and the gameplay encourages you to critically think to actually discover what has really happened... also, I love the art stile.
There are things an SS can enjoy, expecially in Elden ring, or Sekiro, or Bloodborne (you legit fight reptilians, greys and a church that has made a covenant on their blood, a real life reference)... i mean, that's great.
I feel like every game directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki aside from the Armored Core series only deal with corruption, sickness, rot, and the most vile disgusting shit one can imagine.

At least 90% of the bosses are twisted and malformed due to corruption; there are too many to list, but I believe there is also a strong focus on twins that are always sick in some way, which might be some sort of attack on Azazel and Astarte, namely Lothric and Lorian, Malenia and Miquella.

It's always a diseased and sick world, and nothing you do can ever make it batter, only restart the same accursed cycle at best, but never fix things. There is never a "good" ending where things are beautiful and normal again.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433274 time=1680095804 user_id=46372]To me the biggest smoking guns are the curse spitting frogs that you have to kill, the obviously Egyptian snake-men that you have to kill, and the fucking "dung pie" items. What kind of video game maker would put an item called "dung pie" in their creation, if not a jew? That just says it all to me.

Every game should have the dung pie item. What else are you supposed to throw at other players to piss them off?

The game is dark, has dark atmosphere, dark theme and dark story with no happy ending. Though the game has "dark" in the title so I don't know what you were expecting. You're just being a grumpy old man now, it's a fucking game dude.

The people who make these games are spiritually clueless and just ignorantly combine a bunch of different spiritual concepts and allegories without really understanding what they mean, they didn't put egyptian-styled snake-men as enemies in the game as purposeful blasphemy, they put it in the game because they thought they'd look cool as enemies.

They don't know what any of this stuff means or is supposed to represent. So you acting like they are doing this purposefully to blaspheme the gods is just you being a grumpy old man wanting an excuse to complain lol


Sorry guys, grandpa jrvan is grumpy again, I'll get him back to bed.
Dahaarkan said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433274 time=1680095804 user_id=46372]To me the biggest smoking guns are the curse spitting frogs that you have to kill, the obviously Egyptian snake-men that you have to kill, and the fucking "dung pie" items. What kind of video game maker would put an item called "dung pie" in their creation, if not a jew? That just says it all to me.

Every game should have the dung pie item. What else are you supposed to throw at other players to piss them off?

The game is dark, has dark atmosphere, dark theme and dark story with no happy ending. Though the game has "dark" in the title so I don't know what you were expecting. You're just being a grumpy old man now, it's a fucking game dude.

The people who make these games are spiritually clueless and just ignorantly combine a bunch of different spiritual concepts and allegories without really understanding what they mean, they didn't put egyptian-styled snake-men as enemies in the game as purposeful blasphemy, they put it in the game because they thought they'd look cool as enemies.

They don't know what any of this stuff means or is supposed to represent. So you acting like they are doing this purposefully to blaspheme the gods is just you being a grumpy old man wanting an excuse to complain lol


Sorry guys, grandpa jrvan is grumpy again, I'll get him back to bed.

This is specifically a forum thread to discuss video games and movies. I'm allowed to share my opinions and views on them. I'm starting to see what some other members said about you wanting everyone to agree with you.

That being said, think what you want of me.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433484 time=1680193539 user_id=46372]
Dahaarkan said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433274 time=1680095804 user_id=46372]To me the biggest smoking guns are the curse spitting frogs that you have to kill, the obviously Egyptian snake-men that you have to kill, and the fucking "dung pie" items. What kind of video game maker would put an item called "dung pie" in their creation, if not a jew? That just says it all to me.

Every game should have the dung pie item. What else are you supposed to throw at other players to piss them off?

The game is dark, has dark atmosphere, dark theme and dark story with no happy ending. Though the game has "dark" in the title so I don't know what you were expecting. You're just being a grumpy old man now, it's a fucking game dude.

The people who make these games are spiritually clueless and just ignorantly combine a bunch of different spiritual concepts and allegories without really understanding what they mean, they didn't put egyptian-styled snake-men as enemies in the game as purposeful blasphemy, they put it in the game because they thought they'd look cool as enemies.

They don't know what any of this stuff means or is supposed to represent. So you acting like they are doing this purposefully to blaspheme the gods is just you being a grumpy old man wanting an excuse to complain lol


Sorry guys, grandpa jrvan is grumpy again, I'll get him back to bed.

This is specifically a forum thread to discuss video games and movies. I'm allowed to share my opinions and views on them. I'm starting to see what some other members said about you wanting everyone to agree with you.

That being said, think what you want of me.

Its a joke dude
Ancient Apocalpyse 2022 is worth watching:

It's not all factual, but does present evidence and plausible theories that starts to shatter some of the lies we've been told about human history.
Powerofjustice said:
I feel like every game directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki aside from the Armored Core series only deal with corruption, sickness, rot, and the most vile disgusting shit one can imagine.

At least 90% of the bosses are twisted and malformed due to corruption; there are too many to list, but I believe there is also a strong focus on twins that are always sick in some way, which might be some sort of attack on Azazel and Astarte, namely Lothric and Lorian, Malenia and Miquella.

It's always a diseased and sick world, and nothing you do can ever make it better, only restart the same accursed cycle at best, but never fix things. There is never a "good" ending where things are beautiful and normal again.

Well holy shit, I literally write stories this way and I'm going to need at least a gray ending for any of them. I write this way to give people a warning of what to NEVER fall into. Yes, those are one of my leisure activities since I'm someone who thinks a hell lot so...anyone got any good inspirations for a heroic precursor alien remnant character?
Wildfire said:
Powerofjustice said:
I feel like every game directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki aside from the Armored Core series only deal with corruption, sickness, rot, and the most vile disgusting shit one can imagine.

At least 90% of the bosses are twisted and malformed due to corruption; there are too many to list, but I believe there is also a strong focus on twins that are always sick in some way, which might be some sort of attack on Azazel and Astarte, namely Lothric and Lorian, Malenia and Miquella.

It's always a diseased and sick world, and nothing you do can ever make it better, only restart the same accursed cycle at best, but never fix things. There is never a "good" ending where things are beautiful and normal again.

Well holy shit, I literally write stories this way and I'm going to need at least a gray ending for any of them. I write this way to give people a warning of what to NEVER fall into. Yes, those are one of my leisure activities since I'm someone who thinks a hell lot so...anyone got any good inspirations for a heroic precursor alien remnant character?

There was something wrong with me saying this here, please ignore this post.
Dahaarkan said:
hailourtruegod said:
Lol seems like you have complicated feelings about it?

Is your pfp from that game called Plagues Tale? The same friend who recommend me to play ER told me about Plagues Tale and I only played the beginning while skipping thru the custscenes and ignoring the dialogue and haven't touched it since. I thought it was going to be some xian nonsense so I haven't really given it a chance.

It is heavily anti-xian, as the church and inquisition are the primary antagonists of plague tale. I liked it a lot, actually, and the second game also. They aren't very long either, which I appreciate as a lot of games nowadays are super grindy and need hundreds of hours to complete.

I don't know about elden ring though, I have to admit the ritualistic murder of an aryan god as one of the first scenes I saw doesn't make me thrilled to buy it lol

There is nothing anti-aryan about it, Japanese people love european culture. Elden Ring is more aryan in spirit than all western games these days. Japanese people are great at bringing out the best of our culture.
Egon said:
Parody/fun I recommend: Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe

In this movie poor Beavis and Butt-Head have to deal with this world as it's become as retarded as they are.
Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzA41wH73tc


Sounds a lot like "Idiocracy" from your description of it. Is it much different?
Egon said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=439600 time=1682781284 user_id=46372]
Sounds a lot like "Idiocracy" from your description of it. Is it much different?

I haven't watched Idiocracy yet, but it's from the same creator.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Both are written and created by Mike Judge who also created and wrote the show King of the Hill.

I suppose that explains it then. Very cool trivia, thanks guys.

About Idiocracy, I've heard some joking call it a documentary, and sometimes it's hard to say they're wrong with the current state of clown world :lol:
Just watched the new Super Mario Bros. movie, super fun and safe to watch with your kids/family. It's pretty funny they chose a kike to play the part of the creepy reptilian villain who wants to force the princess into being his concubine. Disney would never fucking let that one in unless it had some sob story twist about his disprivileged inter-species tranny alien who just wanna put muh dick in his Aryan waifu and everyone would shed tears of inclusion. Unfortunately they let the special kids out of the room so you have that other unfunny kike forcing his way into playing Donkey Kong.

Egon said:
Just watched the new Super Mario Bros. movie, super fun and safe to watch with your kids/family. It's pretty funny they chose a kike to play the part of the creepy reptilian villain who wants to force the princess into being his concubine. Disney would never fucking let that one in unless it had some sob story twist about his disprivileged inter-species tranny alien who just wanna put muh dick in his Aryan waifu and everyone would shed tears of inclusion. Unfortunately they let the special kids out of the room so you have that other unfunny kike forcing his way into playing Donkey Kong.

Well, about the dubbing problem, that changes in different languages. But every dubbing has at least one jew, unfortunately.

I've seen various SJWs complaining that the movie was not "inclusive enough". Ugh, the fact that the Borg want to force its disgusting agenda even in family friendly movie (be it transgenderism or anti-whiteism) makes me very mad towards them. :x

If only the Sonic movies didn't feature race-mixing...
Dahaarkan said:
So I finally had a look at elden ring after a friend kept bugging me about it and uhhh...



I mean, yeah, that's horrible. And it's not like the game tells you differently. The game goes very far and out of its way to make you realize that what's happening there is awful and horrifying, and the worst crime. Have you seen how his corpse mutated after they killed his soul with that ritual?

I won't share a picture because it's deeply unsettling. His corpse became giant, his legs became like a mermaid's tail, his face kind of turns into a clam. It's dreadful. Also, his corpse is causing an infestation of death to spread and resurrect bodies, creating Those Who Live In Death, zombies and skeletons basically. This is theorically happening because only Godwyn's soul got killed, and not the body (because to kill a Demigod you'd need the full cursemark of death, which looks like a double centipede, and as you can see, there's only half there, the other half was used by Ranni to kill her body alone and not her soul, for reasons I will not explain because it's out of topic right now).

Every single Elden Ring player, myself included, feels really bad for Godwyn. He's is probably the most pitied character, in the sense that everyone is sad about what happened to him, especially since in the lore he appears to be a very gentle but fierce soul.

Actually, it's not only the players, but even most characters themselves, refer to the night of the black knives as the most hideous event ever happened, the most evil thing ever.

So, I get what you mean, you see that awful scene and you think bad of Elden Ring, but the game is not trying to normalize that scene, that's the catalyst for all the bad shit that happened to the Lands Between.

The game is not perfect though. Serpents are considered blasphemy (look up the boss Rykard to get what I mean).

Although you must slay some dragons, they are not depicted as evil, they used to rule the Lands Between, then Golder Order rose, they warred, the dragons lost, but thanks to Godwyn, who befriended the strongest of the Dragons, Fortissax, instead of killing him, the cult of the Ancient Dragons was born, allowed to live alongside the Golden Order, and soldiers could learn Dragon Magick which is basically red lightning, but they used to attune it to the Golden Order principles so that the lightning became of a golden hue. Red lightnings were still taught in secret to the top soldiers.

So yea Elden Ring is by no way a 100% perfect pure Satanic piece of fiction, but it has many great parallels, like the whole journey being the Magnum Opus, with the 8 steps and all. I bought because I've seen people like Egon, who I trust in his opinions, speak good of it. And I am not disappointed. Gameplay wise it's just great, there's really not much to say. Just wonderful.

At the end, the only thing I didn't like were treating serpents as a blasphemous thing (although not every serpent man is evil, there is a serpent woman character who is just a victim and you can help her forget her horrid past) and the ending cutscenes being all too short and underwhelming. But still, 9/10.
Nimrod33 said:
Egon said:
Just watched the new Super Mario Bros. movie, super fun and safe to watch with your kids/family. It's pretty funny they chose a kike to play the part of the creepy reptilian villain who wants to force the princess into being his concubine. Disney would never fucking let that one in unless it had some sob story twist about his disprivileged inter-species tranny alien who just wanna put muh dick in his Aryan waifu and everyone would shed tears of inclusion. Unfortunately they let the special kids out of the room so you have that other unfunny kike forcing his way into playing Donkey Kong.

Well, about the dubbing problem, that changes in different languages. But every dubbing has at least one jew, unfortunately.

I've seen various SJWs complaining that the movie was not "inclusive enough". Ugh, the fact that the Borg want to force its disgusting agenda even in family friendly movie (be it transgenderism or anti-whiteism) makes me very mad towards them. :x

If only the Sonic movies didn't feature race-mixing...
Correct my if I am wrong but isn't Bowser trying to court Peach in the video games? I can't remember which one but I knew he had a thing for her.
Pumpkin671 said:
Nimrod33 said:
Egon said:
Just watched the new Super Mario Bros. movie, super fun and safe to watch with your kids/family. It's pretty funny they chose a kike to play the part of the creepy reptilian villain who wants to force the princess into being his concubine. Disney would never fucking let that one in unless it had some sob story twist about his disprivileged inter-species tranny alien who just wanna put muh dick in his Aryan waifu and everyone would shed tears of inclusion. Unfortunately they let the special kids out of the room so you have that other unfunny kike forcing his way into playing Donkey Kong.

Well, about the dubbing problem, that changes in different languages. But every dubbing has at least one jew, unfortunately.

I've seen various SJWs complaining that the movie was not "inclusive enough". Ugh, the fact that the Borg want to force its disgusting agenda even in family friendly movie (be it transgenderism or anti-whiteism) makes me very mad towards them. :x

If only the Sonic movies didn't feature race-mixing...
Correct my if I am wrong but isn't Bowser trying to court Peach in the video games? I can't remember which one but I knew he had a thing for her.

Yes, and he always gets rejected, even in the latest 3D platform game where he attempted to force her to marry him. It always ends badly for him.
The Elder Scrolls series has some pretty cool pagan themes. Morrowind is probably one of my favorite games of all time. The first Deus Ex is another really good game that is surprisingly redpilled about (((bankers))) and (((globalism))).

garbageman666 said:
The Elder Scrolls series has some pretty cool pagan themes. Morrowind is probably one of my favorite games of all time. The first Deus Ex is another really good game that is surprisingly redpilled about (((bankers))) and (((globalism))).

Talk about redpilling. If only the government was that competent

Rykard is an absolute gigachad. The serpent rebelling against the tyranny of false gods is the most holy and Satanic message, though the tragedy is that the character loses himself and abandons this most holy of rebellion against false gods in feral and animalistic hunger, and dishonors himself and his holy purpose of destroying false gods. People wrongly automatically associate any "gods" with our gods which is a wrong way to look at things.

The golden order is far closer to xianity than it is to Satanism, considering those who worship the erdtree are buried next to it's roots and their souls are devoured by it. The elden ring is the spell that binds the world to the "greater will" which is an astral parasite that devours the souls of those bound to it through the erdtree, which is a manifestation of it.

Rykard & Mohg are the real gigachads of this tale rebelling against this weak and pathetic false "god" that needs to enslave and devour the souls of those bound to it, and all the pathetic and worthless breed of false gods that serve it deserved what they got from the Godskin gigachads.

Mohg specifically is elevated and given power and freedom by the mother of "truth" and is also in open rebellion against the weak and worthless greater will that enslaves the entire world through the elden ring. The fact that the mother of "truth" bestows blood that is on fire may be a hint at how one's blood boils so to speak when one learns the truth about their oppression and enslavement.

It's actually a pretty nice fictional work, thanks for the recommendation.

Rebelling against "gods" is not anti-satanic by default. Depends on which gods we're talking about.
anyone have movie ANTRUM original not remake i wanna see,becoz i finding i google not found but only found antrum with remake not original...
Saw a gameplay of the new game called Bramble: the mountain king which is obvious slander against spirituality for Gentiles while bashing many Nordic fables from a xian perspective. Pure trash. Cute art style but it's obvious the jews meant to slander Whites and scare Gentiles in general from Paganism. I can still see some parts still being good so I'm inclined to believe some Gentiles tried to make a good story about pagan fables but the kikes came in and tried their best to corrupt it.
Dahaarkan said:

Rykard is an absolute gigachad. The serpent rebelling against the tyranny of false gods is the most holy and Satanic message, though the tragedy is that the character loses himself and abandons this most holy of rebellion against false gods in feral and animalistic hunger, and dishonors himself and his holy purpose of destroying false gods. People wrongly automatically associate any "gods" with our gods which is a wrong way to look at things.

The golden order is far closer to xianity than it is to Satanism, considering those who worship the erdtree are buried next to it's roots and their souls are devoured by it. The elden ring is the spell that binds the world to the "greater will" which is an astral parasite that devours the souls of those bound to it through the erdtree, which is a manifestation of it.

Rykard & Mohg are the real gigachads of this tale rebelling against this weak and pathetic false "god" that needs to enslave and devour the souls of those bound to it, and all the pathetic and worthless breed of false gods that serve it deserved what they got from the Godskin gigachads.

Mohg specifically is elevated and given power and freedom by the mother of "truth" and is also in open rebellion against the weak and worthless greater will that enslaves the entire world through the elden ring. The fact that the mother of "truth" bestows blood that is on fire may be a hint at how one's blood boils so to speak when one learns the truth about their oppression and enslavement.

It's actually a pretty nice fictional work, thanks for the recommendation.

Rebelling against "gods" is not anti-satanic by default. Depends on which gods we're talking about.

In my opinion that was the most bad-ass fight. Voice acting was top notch. I can agree with what one can take from the serpent king in the story.
Dahaarkan said:

Rykard is an absolute gigachad. The serpent rebelling against the tyranny of false gods is the most holy and Satanic message, though the tragedy is that the character loses himself and abandons this most holy of rebellion against false gods in feral and animalistic hunger, and dishonors himself and his holy purpose of destroying false gods. People wrongly automatically associate any "gods" with our gods which is a wrong way to look at things.

The golden order is far closer to xianity than it is to Satanism, considering those who worship the erdtree are buried next to it's roots and their souls are devoured by it. The elden ring is the spell that binds the world to the "greater will" which is an astral parasite that devours the souls of those bound to it through the erdtree, which is a manifestation of it.

Rykard & Mohg are the real gigachads of this tale rebelling against this weak and pathetic false "god" that needs to enslave and devour the souls of those bound to it, and all the pathetic and worthless breed of false gods that serve it deserved what they got from the Godskin gigachads.

Mohg specifically is elevated and given power and freedom by the mother of "truth" and is also in open rebellion against the weak and worthless greater will that enslaves the entire world through the elden ring. The fact that the mother of "truth" bestows blood that is on fire may be a hint at how one's blood boils so to speak when one learns the truth about their oppression and enslavement.

It's actually a pretty nice fictional work, thanks for the recommendation.

Rebelling against "gods" is not anti-satanic by default. Depends on which gods we're talking about.

Well said!
Since my last post, I changed my mind greatly, through long and hard reasoning about the game's themes.
I too fell for the mistake of just associating the Golden Order and its gods to Satanism just because it was called "Golden" and because the Erdtree looked like Yggdrasil, but, what is xianity, if not a copycat and impostor? The Erdtree might very well be just that. Even xianity uses gold. Jews use a lot of gold, in their last names, just for instance.

Although I must say that it's impossible to trace a 1:1 comparison.
First of all, we know how xianity is an absolute evil for us. The game instead tries very well to not have any absolute evils, but always dwell in moral uncertainty.
Then, the Erdtree doesn't seem to straight up "devour" souls, but to rebirth them, it acts as some sort of reincarnating force.
This doesn't mean that it's good though, and here's why:
Remember the cursed Omens? I've heard that there are hints that their curse might happen when someone gets reborn from the Erdtree too many times, this could imply that the Erdtree's reincarnation takes a toll on souls. But this is mostly speculation.
One certain thing is that sexual drive has long been lost in the Lands Between (source: turtle neck item description), and there are certain sculpures in game where the Erdtree is depicted absorbing corpses from the roots and then rebirthing people from the branches, so this could mean that the Erdtree not only replaced Destined Death but also births, which is extremely anti-Satanic if you ask me (sexual drive is important).

To continue on why 1:1 associations don't work with Elden Ring, following this logic of the Golden Order being xians, the Greater Will would then be associated with the xian god, and Marika/Radagon with jewsus (you will even find Marika crucified, for the crime of shattering the Elden Ring).
But again, they don't seem to be absolute evil characters, especially Radagon, worst thing he's done was being a slave.
But it could still work.
What doesn't work really well, in my opinion, is how the Greater Will is said to be the responsible for creating order and divisions. Before everything, there was only "The Great One", and it was the Greater Will who shattered it, creating souls, births, etc. (source: Hyetta) while the Frenzied Flame and its chaos, opposite to the Greater Will and its order, wishes to melt everything back into "one" (the Lord of Chaos ending is basically End of Evangelion).
So, my problem is that the Greater Will canonically created souls, but he's more of a controlling father, whose vassal (and then vessel) we kill before achieving whatever ending, as (for reasons not really clear to us) the Elden Beast wants to stop us from becoming Elden Lord (even if you just want to repair the Elden Ring).

Man, I think I just realized that actually it makes a lot of sense for the Greater Will to be an abusive and controlling father, that's literally the xian god in the bible. By talking about how 1:1 associations don't work, I just realized they actually do, LMAO! My mistake comes from looking at the subject from a Satanist POV, anchored in real life truth, instead of drawing parallels with the bible.

There are still issues though--the Formless Mother and Mohg are depicted as evil forces in the game. Obsessed with blood, Mohg's spells are based on "hurting" the Formless Mother, creating a wound, from which Bloodflame drips out and he throws it at you. The Formless Mother is a masochist. Also, Mohg kidnapped his youngling half-brother and wants to marry him... Pedo-incestous stuff right here. And they surely did everything they could to associate him with the figure of the Devil in the bible... He has horns, dresses in black, has wings, uses a Trident, his reign is under the soil (like xian Hell), his palace even looks like the Satan's palace painting we have on the JoS website.

Rykard, even before turning into a mad man, let himself be DEVOURED by the God-Devouring Serpent. The unsettling ritual is shown in the game intro (the same game intro that shows the murder ritual against Godwyn). Unless there's some hidden allegories that I'm missing, a severed head being devoured by a snake as a communing ritual doesn't really feel Satanic.

The Greater Will, although, as explained, is pretty much the xian god, still looks like the minor evil. At least he created souls.
The Frenzied Flame wants to kill everyone and melt everything into the original blob.
The Formless Mother is a masochist cradling wounds with an obsession for blood.
The God of Rot is the Outer God of the Scarlet Rot, a disgusting disease that grows fungi and drives people crazy, to an animal-like state, where even cannibalism occurs.
The God-Devouring Serpent, while is in game considered a blasphemy by the Golden Order, in real life it might very be a blasphemy to us, as it's a serpent, our most sacred animal, doing horrific rituals.
The Fell God of the Fire Giants... actually, we know too little about him. He might have been good. The Fire Giants were exterminated by the Golden Order because with their Fire they posed a threat to the Erdtree.
Not much is known about the other Outer Gods...
The Dark Moon doesn't seem so bad, but Ranni (its vassal in the Age of Stards ending) is still behind the fearsome rite that created the soul-killing knives that murdered Godwyn, so I wouldn't be sure...
The Goddess of the Deathbirds isn't developed enough, but the Deathbirds absorb spirits to use them as weapons so it doesn't look bright either, not much better than whatever the Erdtree does.
I don't remember if there are other Gods in Elden Ring, I think these might be all of them.

As you can see, we are clearly missing a "good" God. They all look either evil or not developed enough upon. I'm only holding some hope for the Fell God of the Fire Giants, but Marika disposed of him.

This new way to see things, depict Marika in a very different way. Now I want to believe that she shattered the Elden Ring to rebel against the Greater Will. I mean, it is pretty obvious that she stopped being a jewsus slave as she herself stated that the days of blind faith were over, and that she would proceed to study the depths of the Golden Order. It's not even a theory, it's just canon.

As things stand in Elden Ring, with all these not-so-wonderful Outer Gods, the best solution seems to maybe be Goldmask's Age of Order ending, where it kind of seems like you remove the "fickleness of Gods, no better than men" (probably removing the Greater Will's influence, although it might be speculated that since we kill the Elden Beast, in any ending the Greater Will can go fuck himself). Notably, in the cutscene, the was-burning now-restored Erdtree starts to glow of a much stronger gold, this might signify that now the Erdtree is of TRUE spiritual Gold, while before it was nothing more than a scam.
Also, with the Mending Rune of Order, discovered and not created (like other mending runes) by Goldmask, when repairing the Elden Ring, appears as a binding circle around it when restoring it.
People with no spiritual knowledge thought that the circle around the Elden Ring meant protection for it, but I think that the opposite, the circle being a binding, makes much more sense.

Elden Ring's lore is huge, and to explore it in one post is impossible... It's already hard to explore it as it is, but we're doing an even harder job by trying to draw associations with our Satanic truth.
For a game that does its best to be as dubious and oblivious as possible.

To recap, my final opinion stays pretty much the same: Elden Ring is full of great parallels and theme, but there are many bad themes too, which I've explored. The gameplay is wonderful, still.

All of the outer gods are written as flawed in someway as to create strife and chaos for the story to take place. Things also to keep in mind is that the erdtree is fake, as the golden projection you see in the game is merely a facade as hinted by the fact that the stump exists, but the rest of the tree is a ghostly projection just like the projection of Godfrey right before Morgot's arena.

This suggests the greater will is a usurper of the natural order and the original Yggdrasil has been destroyed and usurped by this fake tree linked to the parasitic god.

The god of rot seems to be the only god that has no real malicious intent and merely projects a natural cycle of death and rebirth. The rot itself is a byproduct of the elden ring's removal of death which breaks the natural cycle and results in rot.

As nothing dies, everything becomes forever trapped in the stage of rotting before death, and nothing is ever properly reborn. This ties into an incomplete great work which may be the whole point of the narrative that is the great work is incomplete and flawed, resulting in eternal rot.

The god of rot is nature itself and the hideous form the world takes when natural laws are broken and usurped by a false god and a false great work. The unalloyed gold needle is symbolic of the great work and it is used to deter the rot and complete the great work in the sense that it does not corrupt the natural cycle. None of the endings really matter because rot will continue to spread and fester until the great work is completed, and Miquella seems to be the only one who can

Miquella is ultimately the protagonist of this story as the only one to create unalloyed gold thus working to complete the great work. It's no coincidence that his sister is an avatar of nature itself dedicated to protecting him as the completes the great work and shuts out the meddling of false gods and deters, perhaps even could have solved the issue of perpetual rot. But as his work is incomplete, the rot continues to fester.

He attempts to create a new Yggdrasil to heal the world and uses unalloyed gold to deter rot. Unalloyed or "pure" gold is symbolic of the great work and many people glance over this. The "golden" order is alloyed gold, meaning it is mixed with other metals and thus impure, which is indicative of it's false and incomplete nature.

The unalloyed gold not only balances and deters rot but also filters out the meddling of false gods. Thus being the way to bring balance to the world and liberate it from flawed and malicious gods. Miquella being trapped in child form despite being much older is symbolic of his work being incomplete.

Mohg and Morgot are both misguided characters unaware they are puppets in the meddling of outer gods. The formless mother more than anything I think represents rage and lashing out and this fits Mohg and the merciless persecution he faced from birth, which sets his blood on fire. Mohg and Morgot both represent two sides of the coin of victims of abuse, Mohg lashes out against the greater will, where as Morgot submits to it's abuse.

Like Rykard, Mohg is misguided and lost in his ways, but is in the right to rebel against a false god.
Dahaarkan said:

All of the outer gods are written as flawed in someway as to create strife and chaos for the story to take place. Things also to keep in mind is that the erdtree is fake, as the golden projection you see in the game is merely a facade as hinted by the fact that the stump exists, but the rest of the tree is a ghostly projection just like the projection of Godfrey right before Morgot's arena.

This suggests the greater will is a usurper of the natural order and the original Yggdrasil has been destroyed and usurped by this fake tree linked to the parasitic god.

The god of rot seems to be the only god that has no real malicious intent and merely projects a natural cycle of death and rebirth. The rot itself is a byproduct of the elden ring's removal of death which breaks the natural cycle and results in rot.

As nothing dies, everything becomes forever trapped in the stage of rotting before death, and nothing is ever properly reborn. This ties into an incomplete great work which may be the whole point of the narrative that is the great work is incomplete and flawed, resulting in eternal rot.

The god of rot is nature itself and the hideous form the world takes when natural laws are broken and usurped by a false god and a false great work. The unalloyed gold needle is symbolic of the great work and it is used to deter the rot and complete the great work in the sense that it does not corrupt the natural cycle. None of the endings really matter because rot will continue to spread and fester until the great work is completed, and Miquella seems to be the only one who can

Miquella is ultimately the protagonist of this story as the only one to create unalloyed gold thus working to complete the great work. It's no coincidence that his sister is an avatar of nature itself dedicated to protecting him as the completes the great work and shuts out the meddling of false gods and deters, perhaps even could have solved the issue of perpetual rot. But as his work is incomplete, the rot continues to fester.

He attempts to create a new Yggdrasil to heal the world and uses unalloyed gold to deter rot. Unalloyed or "pure" gold is symbolic of the great work and many people glance over this. The "golden" order is alloyed gold, meaning it is mixed with other metals and thus impure, which is indicative of it's false and incomplete nature.

The unalloyed gold not only balances and deters rot but also filters out the meddling of false gods. Thus being the way to bring balance to the world and liberate it from flawed and malicious gods. Miquella being trapped in child form despite being much older is symbolic of his work being incomplete.

Mohg and Morgot are both misguided characters unaware they are puppets in the meddling of outer gods. The formless mother more than anything I think represents rage and lashing out and this fits Mohg and the merciless persecution he faced from birth, which sets his blood on fire. Mohg and Morgot both represent two sides of the coin of victims of abuse, Mohg lashes out against the greater will, where as Morgot submits to it's abuse.

Like Rykard, Mohg is misguided and lost in his ways, but is in the right to rebel against a false god.

You make good points, but I wouldn't say all endings mean nothing.
In all endings you kill the Elden Beast, who is the vessel of the Greater Will. That must mean something.
Even if you just restore the Elden Ring without modifying it, something must have changed. The Greater Will either has no control over the Lands Between anymore, or it's greatly diminished.

I like your arguments on Miquella, and I think that much more will be explained once the DLC (which will revolve greatly around him, as shown by the promo painting) comes out. Maybe we'll get a new ending, that is Miquella's legacy, and unalloyed Gold will be the center of it.

(So far, every ending is either legacy of Marika, Goldmask, Fia, Dung Eater, Ranni, or no one, maybe Shabriri, in the case of the Frenzied Flame ending).

I still think that Goldmask's ending is interesting. The mending rune of Order item description says that this rune will "attempt" to perfect the Golden Order by removing the "fickleness of Gods, no better than men".
The meaning changes drastically, based on what "Gods" are we talking about. Does the text refer to the physical Gods, such as Marika and Radagon, or to the Outer Gods?
If it's the latter, then Goldmask's ending is close to Miquella's goals. This is, in my opinion, validated by the binding circle around the Elden Ring.

There is one thing though that must be said, you rightfully said that removing Death was bad because of Rot, but the Elden Ring itself didn't remove Death.
The Elden Ring is supposed to be a metaphysical representation of universal laws, Death, Birth, etc...
Indeed the Elden Ring had the Rune of Death in it.
It was Marika who removed it, in order to let her and her offspring live forever.
This could very well be the actual failed attempt of Magnum Opus.
The Magnum Opus isn't about removing Death, it actually requires it, with a following rebirth (I am no alchemical expert though, I have yet to explore the depths of the Magnum Opus as it should be done).
Egon said:
Just watched the new Super Mario Bros. movie, super fun and safe to watch with your kids/family. It's pretty funny they chose a kike to play the part of the creepy reptilian villain who wants to force the princess into being his concubine. Disney would never fucking let that one in unless it had some sob story twist about his disprivileged inter-species tranny alien who just wanna put muh dick in his Aryan waifu and everyone would shed tears of inclusion. Unfortunately they let the special kids out of the room so you have that other unfunny kike forcing his way into playing Donkey Kong.

Movie aside, in the video games the theme of Mario saving the Princess after defeating Bowser is a deviation of the popular tales of the prince defeating the dragon to save the princess. Which is an allegorical concept of Pingala reaching Ida.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
