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Jul 16, 2019

Talking And Debating Robots [The NPC Paradigm]

by HP. Hoodedcobra666 Oct 20, 2018

Seriously sometimes, you just get the Alt-right saying stuff like women are hyper emotional, or
that Communists and general democrat leftists are just too 'emotional' and that this is the
reason they want to let all sorts of hordes to take their nations down, why they so feverishly
push for what will ultimately extinct them as species and so forth.

The reality is however as I have stated some years ago that people have been turned into living
Torah - Bots. Most people just speak and talk and talk again like what the jew has programmed
them to say, think, or behave. Above all the jew has programmed them to be oblivious to their
own very programming, and essentially, just deny the existence of their programmer, sort of
how someone would expect a robot in a sci-fi movie to hide it's creator who made it so they can
terminate humanity or something. All the values these people are talking about are not only
random values not tested by time, but also, logically impractical values.

Past a point in programming a brain, the human being just disappears. If one pays close
attentions to christians they are completely, fully, broken down. They just cannot reason
whatsover anymore. One talks to a christian in a sensible or emotional manner and nothing
goes through. Their book is just filled with so many confusing and blatantly lying conceptions,
but they could care less. They cannot even make sense of it but sense is of the devil and
therefore this does not matter. Here we have the full reduction of a human to cattle. Even cats
or dogs when you come to threaten them with a stick or weapon, they may figure it out. These
people will not.

You ask christians. Why is the devil bad, do you know about the devil? No answer, simply
because jews said it, this "Devil" is bad.

The same thing happens with the leftists and many other brainwashed people. You ask them,
why is multiculturalism good exactly? They really have no answer. Why, because there are
many restaurants? What really makes multiculturalism so 'great' as an existential mode of life?
Is it that when many races are put in a room, you suddenly grow wings and you can fly, or that
you become hyper intelligent? All arguments have self collapsed about multiculturalism on their
own. All data and evidence just points out to the opposite, such as drop in IQ, health problems,
loss of personal identity, longterm depression of the people engaging in this process and so

The actual logical outcome of this is that these people will simply go extinct and their respective
cultures and countries will be turned into toilet dumpsters. The cultural aspect is half achieved
by the rise of the abrahamic faiths which have squashed anything that existed before, now the
world is trying to move to the next phase which is the material assimilation of the species that
developed these different ideas.

I have noticed with all the NPC's and others they have a big ego, their ego is bigger than their
thinking process or their so called 'emotions'. Their ego is so big they would rather experiment
with the fate of mankind in the grossest sense, and just turn the world into a living shithole, just
to prove their so called 'convictions' as applicable to reality. This is observable with
Communists. When Communism is applied, nations simply get destroyed, and the Communist
just replies "This is not real Communism". The same happens with Christians, "Catholics are not
real Catholics", "Protestants are not real Christians" and the list goes.

The debate with christians is like that: You mention the place where "Lord" commands to dash
the heads of Gentile infants on stones. Then, they mention a piece of a 3500 page hebrew
contradictory book to 'prove' you wrong. Then you pull another quote. Then they pull another
quote. Then they run out of quotes because they know only a couple, and then they throw a
tantrum saying you will end up in hell for this, or it will turn in physical violence. Just another day
talking to the Christarded NPC's.

The other thing these people are always told and are made to believe they are 'different' people
and revolutionary thinkers or something for wanting to go extinct, and doing weed all day long.
But this is exactly what this system promotes at every other turn. Multiculturalism has reached
even advertisements about socks and shit paper. The state bombards the goyim with endless
ads on the very same thing. And "Emotions" are used. For this reason the alt-right blames some
sort of emotional sentimentality on the behalf of the victims, which also makes them blame
"Women" and other random groups of people.

But these people are not even emotional. I mean yes they throw tantrums on their perceived
enemies, but if they had any figment of sentimental emotions they would think of the following

1. The people that remain homeless or are abused so their jewish dreams can come true.

2. The fact that moving people on the planet doesn't mean you solve any problems.

3. The emotional aspect of literally destroying the minds, cultures, and sanity of the native
populations in this so called 'process'.

4. How most of the people moved become slaves or cheap labor.

5. How that if people who are used to rape in their homeland come to yours, they will simply
rape again.

6. How that if people who are used to kill and do crimes in their homeland come to yours, they
will simply kill and do crimes again.

7. The victims of the above.

8. Those who will not gain state help or other aid simply because some people come to take it
for 'free'.

9. Why people have to, on both ends, lose their nations, and who (((profits))) or may profit out of
this process.

etc etc.

At some other time I was in jewtube watching some news. There was a guy from England who
commented he lived 7 years in the woods, suburbs and homeless because he was flat broke,
and that immigrants take the jobs of the natives. A well 'ed-jew-ated' person, just another dumb
kike, came on the comments and asked this homeless person "Why does he believe that
immigrants take the jobs of the natives".

I guess the fact that some Muslims are paid 6500 eu a month in places were rent is 300 to live
their 12 children is just perfectly logical. While natives just wander in homeless in the woods. It's
all making absolute sense, in full.

"Yea, why goyim? Please answer me with a Thesis on this question. Have you graduated
Harvard Goyim to have any opinion on the subject? Cause as we all know we have 'democracy'
and your 'opinion' really matters. I think you are being racist with your comment here. " - Rabbi
The jew just asks you to prove anything based on his own reasoning, institutions, ways of
thinking and learning, ways of proving things, and ways of approval. If approved by the giant
circles who are chock infested and instructed by jews. And to prove it to WHOM? The jew, and
his society of living NPC's who are forcefed alien morality since the day they were in the womb,
and whose morality is to literally just make their own people extinct, or praise jews to all eternity.
Sounds legit.

If it's just an observation based on your own eyes, do not trust them goyim. This is like trying to
prove someone committed murder, who has removed all traces, bribed the police, and killed all
those that could possibly know anything.

The prove of jewish rulership is just simple. One opens the protocols of zion and you can
literally see them one by one in society. One just opens a couple of jewish sources on that they
wanna take over the planet, and what corrosive methods they use, and here it is.
The same kike that kept the leash before and taught people the hebrew values of using women
as property is still using women as property as it did before. But in just different ways today.
Women are not free, and in many cases, not even close.

In closing debating with NPC's can be quite pointless so no need to have emotionally charged
or fundamentalist debates with them.

Human to NPC is what Gentile Pagan is to Goyim Dumb Slave.

Re: Talking And Debating Robots [The NPC Paradigm]
Postby Mageson666 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:10 am
Having been though years of Marxist schools the trick is they indoctrinate these people to
believe this is just science and its like you know everyone knows this and that somehow this is a
kind of personal gnosis they have come to on their own and this makes them really woke and
wise. That is the ego. Its just fucking Christianity all over again and the jews have tied their
occult workings of the Torah into the Communist left as well. These people reek of jewish stink
energetically all over them like xians do.

Re: Talking And Debating Robots [The NPC Paradigm]
Postby Mageson666 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:19 am

Everyone start creating NPC memes to show the xians for what they are as well. This will use
this popular meme to wake more people up and get them out of the spell of the Jews.


Understand the Gods and your Purpose

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Greetings to All our Comrades and Family.

We need to mention about something important here. I note this, because it must be noted
definitely, and people have to understand. I will do my best to explain this fully.

Knowing the Gods, requires the higher senses to be open. Not only "eyes", "ears", but
understanding. This is for a reason that the Gods communicate with us through these
senses. Although the Gods are human like, and they are "like us", they are NOT us. We are
really behind from the understanding and the conception of the Gods. So many people time
and time again, they state they are "Gods", simply because they found out they can do
magick, or because they dress fancy, or because they have physical influence, or because of
whatever other reason, to fill an empty self, receive a following of people (Who are
obviously blind to matters about being bullshitted) and the list goes. So many also ASSUME
they are Gods, based on what THEY think is to be a God. Its always what THEY think. In their
drunkenness of being a "god", they cannot see the evident that they are not Gods,
obviously. They would rather think that by some years of meditation, they have became so
important. It might be the case, since they have advanced, and they might be strong, but
there are still many parameters to this and this is childish behavior to think so.

When it comes to words, then everyone can be a God. I see this all around. The "ONA"
thought they were Gods, my 95 year old grandma thinks she is a goddess too (excuse her for
she has dementia), my local junkie says they are a "god" (he's high bruh), another joo who
eats his own shit, they think they are "god" too. Such a blasphemy, really. Such nonsense.
How about we get real and get the job done? Both this of becoming REALLY a God and also,
to sweep out the resistence to such who is the enemy? How about we really aim to save
ourselves and our world, instead of escaping? Here below, lets make this chaos an order.
First of all, everyone gets trapped in notions of time. I know this might sound alien right
now, but the time to the Gods is entirely different than what it is for "us" here. If you were
immortal in all levels that you existed, time wouldn't be of much consequence. Also, if you
had rid from yourself all the fear complexes, old age, all the "guilt" and whatever else guides
everyone to be "Scared" of time, the concept wouldn't be to you anything but rather,
something entirely natural that is to be cherished like anything else and that keeps things in
an "order". Time is not an evil concept, but because we are born mortal, it simply means rot
for us pretty much. This whole world and our perception is based around this decay and
escaping momentarily this decay. While if you look at the Ancients, they were building as if
they would live and exist forever. Now buildings are meant to last 100 years at best. This
should show what they "were" really.

Now, how many REALLY try to look at the beings they have in front of them? So many
people have very limited understanding of themselves, so this limited understanding is
transferred to whatever they perceive, or they deceive themselves to perceive. In other
words, one may be able to see or not see the Gods, but to see who they are in essence, is a
whole another matter. Sort of they are trying to make the Gods fit in the own little box, like
they are supposed to. Because of course, everything is about YOU and YOURSELF. Your own
little box, your own little tiredness, your own little reality, your own little "truth", your own
little fears, your own little "suffering" which is self-imposed, your own little notion of justice,
your own little notions of "how things should be". Little you, big you. Giant you. While this
"me" is what makes us exalted, this is what is used by the enemy to drag this Humanity to its
own pit of doom. This "me" cannot exist without this "us" though.

No matter how much I understand this and know this to be Natural, its imperative to try to
get a bit beyond this. So many people are just not balancing this right. On one hand we have
those who are "all for others" and then those who are "all for me" This is again a deep work
of the enemy, to destroy all human relations and as thus destroy civilization. Then we have
serious imbalances, because in fact this imbalance starts from within. This is as natural as its
natural to live inside your own experience, to mind your "environment". The more one gets
to know their "Human" self, they will understand how great its just to be "Human" and how
elevated this thing is in itself. People are being brainwashed that being human is technically,
being a useless unspiritual idiot, and this is the enemy projecting what they are to us.
Nobody says the Truth that the natural state of the "weak" mankind is a state of possible
elevation. They say we are what we are, live with it. And then make insane amounts of effort
to keep people inside this farm they are, so they "are what they are".

Therefore, these so called self-proclaimed and self-deified human "Gods" we have around,
they can't even see past this, because they are looking merely at themselves. "Ego" in this
case is a senseless bullshit, and useless really, so is any other notion that is attached to it to
"puff" it up. Them being a "god" and all this great sci-fi, benefits nobody else, or few at best.
They are just searching for sacrifices and gifts, but them, despite of them being "gods" they
are not being a gift to anyone else. They are rather a delusional curse. So many people try to
puff up their "ego" with anything, just because they are afraid of their own lack of
knowledge of self and emptiness. They want to be made useful through lies, but in Satanism,
there is no need of lies. There is only a use for Truths here. They are afraid to admit that
they are mortals, for instance, or that other beings are so superior to them, that they are
very small to them. And this is the recipe of ALL human and general failure.

In order to advance and evolve, you must cherish on what is "stronger" and more elevated
than you, because you are keeping the Truth of Satan in sight, which is that people will be
given the means to advance to Godhead and therefore, its a matter of "time" and effort to
get there. The enemy teaches everyone to hate what's superior to them, to puff their ego
full of air, but they do not teach them what to do when this egoistical bubble bursts (and
reality will do this according to her own "reasoning") what the fuck they are allowed to do.
Do not bring this stupid nonsense in Satanism, because its not worth it. In Satanism we are
to do worthwhile things with our time, be it a lifetime, or eternity for those who are getting
there. Self proclaimings, asking for "offerings", oh Great God, they don't help us one shit.
They just over inflate people's minds with lies, false expectations and this wreaks havoc. This
damns everyone and if everyone notices this behavior, run away ASAP.

I personally accepted long long time ago, that I am Human. This is in fact Great. I am so
thankful beings so superior as the Gods, of whose I am only a shadow, they pay heed to hear
my crap, guide me to ascend and anything else, as they do to us. This is not to degenerate
myself, this is just the reality. It would be outrageous and a lie to state otherwise. I am all in
for them, I will sacrifice for them, not only literally, but spiritually. It doesn't produce any
result other than the result of self-delusion. People when they open up the Kundalini energy
and things go "their" way, or they rather THINK they go "Their" way, they instantly jump on
the band wagon to tell everyone how they are "Gods", expecting deity sacrifices, honors and
status, some sort of divine respect. I mean, what could be more "Human" than this? Not
even "Human", but grossly, what the enemy considers today to be "Human". A degenerate

All this insanity stems from one thing: Nobody actually pays real attention to the Gods
themselves and to understand, but also admit, that their superiority is so much vaster than
humanity, than really what we can understand. You don't need to lie, as lies here don't
matter and you will only be lying to yourself, as this is only what you are going to achieve
with beings so advanced. Lies never advance anything. All animals and all species are devoid
of this ability to "lie" in that sense. The Gods love us and understand us. We are nothing but
children hiding behind our mother’s skirt while trying to evade the Truth. They are not
"punishers" when it comes to these things, but when you are running from yourself, you are
damning yourself on your own accord. People have to admit where they are, so they can
ascend higher. You have to admit for instance, how you see things. You have to admit that
you are dust in the wind and then, become a boulder. And then a mountain. And then you
will reach the skies.

And the enemy is responsible for this lack of understanding. This lack of understanding
extends so much further in everything in life. If you are limited, then anyone else must be
limited. If you are stupid, then everyone else must be stupid, or better yet, more stupid than
you, because after all, you are the "greatest" and everyone needs to lick your feet. This is
how it goes. Always someone else and you are always against someone else. Someone else
must be brought down, but you must be brought up. After all, you deserve it all. You was
raised a 21st century Queen or King, your highness. But when it comes to positive things,
you will never see any genius say "Oh, everyone is as intelligent as me, or at least they can
be made as such". Positive things fools hold only for themselves, because they know these
are not valid. And from this comes the inflated ego which breaks like a gum bubble.

You have turned the force of competing outwards, and this is a good thing, but when it
comes to inwards, so few are turning this force where it should be. In equilibrium. The
enemy has made confidence, competition and all other things into insanity and dragged this
completely out of context. Setting the baseline higher is better for anyone involved. And this
ensures and bonds people in brotherhood, because everyone sees what they can attain in
someone else and they can carry with them whomever cannot do this. But, all this sounds
like nonsense from this stupid society, maybe even completely alien, so what I can state, just
let go and compete with yourself. The Truth is though, you are not competing with other
beings in this Race of elevation, but with yourself and your older self, so many of which are
clinging because they are afraid they will lose. The list goes and goes endless.

Only when you accept where you are, no matter where you are, without any "guilt", you will
be able to advance. In Satanism we serve the Eternal Truth. Self-made lies are for xians and
the rest of the idiots. Here we are pragmatically, as we should be, in order to reach the
highest sense of existing.

This is because everyone is so afraid and so locked into themselves, that they are always
shunning down both their expression and always making paper castles to prove themselves
superior. Proving is one thing and on this lower level, a Rolls Royce can prove you "superior"
to most of humanity, I admit it, but when you are on the mountain and you are climbing
with the Gods, nothing matters but who you are REALLY and WITHIN. This is what we are
trying to build here. People always think they "see" things, but they are always seeing things
through themselves. From their own "past", their own "programing", their own
psychopathology, their own "expectations" and the list goes endless. Therefore reality starts
to become nothing but a senseless experience when one is always in desire to meet their
expectations and nullify everything that is higher and more elevated. The projectory parts of
your awareness (ie how you perceive everything), affects your environment and also, your
actions, and of course others more or less.

This is why the enemy has everyone under the beliefs that "everyone is worthless" and the
list goes and goes. The statement everyone is worthless is well based since Humanity has
degenerated so much, that its a true statement. But this doesn't get solved by "positive" and
wishful thinking in itself, like saying "Oh everything is fine with humanity" as this is
ignorance. It gets only solved by spiritual elevation. But helping others is always good. This is
also what the Gods are doing. They are looking at us as worthy, lest we prove and place
ourselves worthy. This proves and grounds the concept. If they just look at us as if we are
worthy and we are not, it’s a waste of time.
The enemy has made everything into a perversion. "God" is a psychopath, its spiritual to eat
your own shit (as many Rabbis, "chosen of god" after all have stated) to not meditate is
spiritual, the sooner you die the better and its spiritual, not existing is also spiritual,
humanity is by nature a failure and dysfunctional, because the joo "god" who created "it" in
its fable is equally a corrupt and jealous murderous sociopath and the list goes and
goes...Jewish insanity, plain and simple. And the list of insanity goes.

Another funny thing, the enemy mentions that somehow, "power" is evil. No, power is not
"evil" or "good". Its neutral. Also, power the enemy has translated into that somehow,
whomever has it will wreck physical havoc and the list goes. This is fact, for THEM. They are
sick lifeforms and this is all they are seeing "power" as a purpose. Self "gratification"
(because they are empty indeed) and wreaking havoc to the "goyim". But power when it
comes to us, except of gratifying desires (without becoming their slave- which is denial of
the Higher Nature of Humanity which is boundlessness/Godhead) can be used in the same
way Father Satan and the Gods use it. In a Divine Logos (reasoning). This reasoning opens up
as one opens up their consciousness and mind to the Divine Logos of Nature.
Then things fall in place, you get on the Swastika and enjoy the trip of existence, in the
rightful level where we are supposed to exist. A level of zero suffering. More evil comes
because people are having strange, bizarre and jewish "desires" they want to gratify, never
asking ONCE what they really do. Its like, people are forced to feel discontent, while
naturally, they might be content where they are. This is what "capitalism" and other foolish
ideas are based upon. The Purpose of us is to reach the Absolute and also, elevate the World
as we go. And to create one Blue print that is one of a kind and eternal in the Cosmos, as
parts of the Cosmos and offsprings of it. As personal individuals, and as collectives at the
same time.

To the enemy this means nothing. When the enemy was called an "inferior" it had nothing
to do with "physical" terms. It had to do with understanding. These beings are just
cockroaches in humanoid form, only that cockroaches are higher. The jews are always
tentative to what is "evil", defiling and of a lower conception. They are nothing else but
slaves meant to exist solely on the physical level, because this was the intention of their
reptilian/grey "creators", or whomever else, who are nothing compared to Ours.

The jews are reptilian by deifnition. They are just, like any other being is able, ushering
power to manifest what they have within. A cockroach travelling at the speed of light would
have power too, so what? A toothpick on the speed of light can shatter a mountain, but its
still a toothpick. But nature except of exalted works has made works of all kinds. The jew is
the feces work of nature, the big giant flea of the humanoid form. It would be unnatural and
an existential crime to let them "win" and get their way, because so much potential
greatness will be lost. This is us, Gentiles. This is why I constantly call the enemy a Virus.

They ARE a virus. A virus only wants to sustain the existence of itself, while its so limited and
infact, even more useless for anything around it. Its a product of nature, of the lowest order
though. It doesn't have any other "predisposion" by Nature, but to reach where its already.
Yet it targets even greater beings and if they are weak and stupid enough, they are sweeped
away from it.

Now, I see so many people here, they say they love the Gods, and I know that they meant it
with all their heart. If anything, our struggle is all done by Love, Devotion and Adoration to
whom we love the most, who is Satan and the Gods, but also because we love ourselves and
our world, which is most sensible and aligns with the love of the Gods for all of us. This is
beyond questioning. Do the Gods a favor, and open your eyes. Open them as they are.
Devote yourself to this, no matter where you are now, there is eternity waiting for us.
Expect to see the unexpected. You don't need to "get" anything from it, just let your mind
understand this.

This world is really suffering from "all knowing" authorities, from "gods", from "kings and
queens", so many who have given up, so many bored all knowing mustards, so many "real"
gods such as Bordallah and Jewsus and from all other disney jude pseudofilth. This is why
eventhough we have so much technology, we are still mentally at the bronze age. This must
be stopped by genuine Satanist Truth seekers, like Washington, the Founding Fathers, Adolf
Hitler and anyone else who devoted themselves to this deed and materialized this down
here. The True Masons and Warriors of a Satanic Age. Who place the Truth and its grasping
and realization first and foremost.

You don't need to put this down in paper, write it, or talk about it. This is for you. Open
yourself up, to those who have always been at the side of Humanity, always faithfully
guiding us, even at this moment of complete despair and darkness. Many of you have
experienced Satan's love. Contemplate on it for a bit. How many times have you stood down
to contemplate, who you are telling all your concerns about, or who helps us in all this?
Transcend your so called and "loved" self just a bit, who portrays as a self but it’s just a stuck
notion of egopathy. Your confidence must be based on Truth. In all levels. In other ways, its
just self delusion. And its the worst type of weakness. A weakness so deep, that not only you
can't build an empire with, but you can't build one paper tower to last one hour over. This all
must be shed, like old snakeskin.

The Gods themselves hold the Serpentine energy very highly and they also revere it, because
it’s the "God Force", which makes everyone as "Gods" and transmutes our essence to ever
expanding capability, extending ourselves and advancing ourselves as the Universe does.
This is the source of miracle doing. Its inherent and lives within us. The gift of access to this
energy has been given to us by Satan, which is the Soul and the ability to elevate ourselves
through meditation. This is why in all temples and all mythologies you will see the "Gods"
having been brought to life by "Earth", "Heavens", "Primal Waters" and other essences and
concepts. This is because we are all offspring’s and creatures of what we can call as "Mother
Nature" and the Gods are no exception either. There is no boogie man who "created" the
cosmos and all this. The Swastika is the ever revolving cosmos, the 4 corners, the Kundalini
and Serpentine energy. In this symbol and in the Black Sun there lies the Powerful message
of Creation. These symbols are Divine and not only here, but everywhere else.

The cosmos existed, exists and will forever exist. There is no notion of "outside" or "inside"
the cosmos and all this is enemy gibberish to guide all life forms to insanity and to blind
them, sap them and then destroy them. It's just Nature. People nowadays are so far from
nature they need to have it explained what nature is. But it is what it is, no matter what
forms we create in it. To escape from it is the greatest nonsense. Nature is the life giver,
once you cut the cord with Mother Nature, you die, you perish and you suffer. If you are
joyous its only momentarily. But the more you delve into her, the more you will feel the
eternal pleasures. We are always getting further in understanding her and becoming one
with her again, in the present thing that she intends that we are to be and to keep
becoming. This is the "Divine Logos", or Divine Reason.

Satan is a patron of this realization and He is called the "Adi Yogi", or the "First Yogi" who
reached a state of spiritual elevation, in Hindu literature, and then he made his choice. To
guide us, same as with the Gods and everyone else, to this magnificent way. Satan in that
sense, and in the sense of directly creating us, He is God. All Ancient Cultures testify. Nazism
is based on the Natural way. We are all here as mini creators, meant to ever expand what
Nature intended. The conception of Nature placed us all here, so we can co-create on her
side, eternally and forever, if so we can achieve. The Gods and the Races of the Gods have
achieved this. Now its our turn and our chance. This chance must be seized. If not achieved,
its definitely worth sacrificing for. Our purpose here is to partake our positions as creators,
destroyers, guides and sustainers of the Universe and Cosmos. This choice has been given to
us by Satan.

So many are asking Satan what is their purpose, for instance. I transfer this message, but
know that words really lack. I can only show you a sign that shows the door. The meaning of
Satanism is to meditate and live this, become this and understand this for yourself. This is
our gift from our Creator. The door is for all of us to pass through.
You need to "leave" this old ,xian, bullshiting Humanity behind, as you probably always have
to be here. But this on its own is not the "savior-saved" badge that will save your ass from
anything Natural and ascend you to Godhead. You need to constantly leave things behind, so
that you will be light as Truth. You get the innuedo here. Light as Truth. And become a New
Human being. Not a Human being of lies, of nonsense, of titles and vanity. But what it really
and always was intended to be Human, as our Creator defined this. A Humankind on the
level of the Gods. Not a title of lowness and disgrace, but a title of elevation in all levels.
One last note. We all know Adolf Hitler and how He was of the Greatest Men to ever cross
the planet, if not am I allowed to say, the Greatest. Now, this is what The Fhurer has to state
about the Gods:

"The New man is among us! He is here! I will tell you a Secret. I have seen the Vision of a
New Man- Fearless and Formidable. I shrank from him!"

-Adolf Hitler

Now, if HIM admitted of having shrank to the Greatness of the Gods, imagine what is meant
here. To all those who insist to lie to themselves... I have one thing to say... You have no idea
of what this means and what evil you are doing to yourself. Our ideas are only "touches" to
the greatness of this concept. Paradoxically, in this case, to "shrink", means to Grow. To
"surrender" means to elevate yourself. To "let go" in meditation, means to get going. To
cause the Spiritual Death, will bring the Spiritual Rebirth. To fall, it means to raise yourself.

And to deny “yourself”, whatever you “considered always” it was, means to become
Yourself. To become, who you always was. To know Thyself.

But all the above, without dealing with the enemy, is wishful thinking at the very best. The
enemy has other plans for Gentiles. They envision a man different. To kill all of us, make us
die and become a micro chipped slaves of the jews, living in the grossest physicality, with
zero to no self-consciousness, being a literal no-thing. They state the purpose of “us” all is to
HERSELF. How disgusting. Words lack of the crime being committed when one denies this.

There are two paths. The paths of Heroes and the Path of the jewish slave. The choice is up
to everyone.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
apologies, "Understand the Gods and your Purpose" didn't get added to the title.
SATchives said:
The debate with christians is like that: You mention the place where "Lord" commands to dash
the heads of Gentile infants on stones. Then, they mention a piece of a 3500 page hebrew
contradictory book to 'prove' you wrong. Then you pull another quote. Then they pull another
quote. Then they run out of quotes because they know only a couple, and then they throw a
tantrum saying you will end up in hell for this, or it will turn in physical violence. Just another day
talking to the Christarded NPC's.

Basically, Christard rely on Strawman Arguments. And this wouldn't be the only case when they use it. For example, I remember a Catholic website (now closed) who slandered the JOS. But instead of attacking the Ministry with actual "facts", they've decided to do a Strawman fallacy by using a fake "Satanist" that had nothing to do with JOS. More proof that most, if not all, Christard can't even reason.
Nimrod33 said:
SATchives said:
The debate with christians is like that: You mention the place where "Lord" commands to dash
the heads of Gentile infants on stones. Then, they mention a piece of a 3500 page hebrew
contradictory book to 'prove' you wrong. Then you pull another quote. Then they pull another
quote. Then they run out of quotes because they know only a couple, and then they throw a
tantrum saying you will end up in hell for this, or it will turn in physical violence. Just another day
talking to the Christarded NPC's.

Basically, Christard rely on Strawman Arguments. And this wouldn't be the only case when they use it. For example, I remember a Catholic website (now closed) who slandered the JOS. But instead of attacking the Ministry with actual "facts", they've decided to do a Strawman fallacy by using a fake "Satanist" that had nothing to do with JOS. More proof that most, if not all, Christard can't even reason.

they are also complete thieves I remember many years ago they copied our pdf and called it joy of jewsus, and tried to steal all of our meditations and corrupt them, it severely backfired on them though (now deleted and got what they deserve) the more I advance the more I clearly see it's a wicked spell that many have no control over, one person who I know is leaning pagan, when around a lot of christards will go full christard again, even though he left christardum of his own volition, because he realized it was bs, and evil.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
