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Helping Others, Helps You

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I ain't even bothering sending oven to the whole thing because my name is not Seguace to do so when one simply gives a logical and mindful comment about how you're probably surely unwarily branded ToZ while 'one karma gets fucked if one does not donate' , instead of reading trough that shit you've made and created, you just simply went childish and retard mode.

This is a good opportunity to examine that topic, in general also, about helping and how helping operates to free you.

Nobody said you are fucking up your Karma if you do not donate. But you are not improving it either, by not engaging in very constructive endeavors that will wash out both yours and other human's karma by instructions and learning in the long-term.

Further, if one does choose to not help others, then others can also choose to not help them, which creates a futility loop in existence.

By people not assisting the works of the Gods, they also cumulatively, reduce their ability to improve karmically. So indirectly, they are reducing or ruining their chances. What improvements happen in the path, are connected to people who chose to help, either financially, or in time, creativity and energy.

If for example this place or other things exist to help, educate, or sort out burden from the karma of both members here, or the general public, is because others built it willingly. This helps the creators because they asked the power to create it (found it in themselves to both help and increase their power) so they are stronger individuals than those who did willingly choose not to help. And this strength goes outward, helping others.

Then these others, can recuperate and help themselves if they choose to. This creates a spiral of help between people, and builds great things. The person in denial, is not helping to that end.

No improvement comes from people that don't help. They aren't even helping themselves by not helping (they don't request power from the Gods to be able to help, which does also not improve their condition).

This is like refusal to build a hospital. You are not getting ill directly if you don't help to build a hospital. You say that since you are fine, you don't need it. Might be so; but nature has a way of always getting everyone in a place where one day they might need a hospital or something else. If one has been in these conditions, they understand the value, likely too late, of the things they should have helped create before.

You might also never get ill and never need it, it's possible too. Which I hope this is the case of course, as one does not need to face negativity in order to necessarily address it. It can be addressed via logic, before it happens.

But one day if you might, there might be no hospital, or there might be a private hospital only available to help you, or nothing at all.

And the people who build it, they are not obligated to help, unless on their good-will (which is exploited when one does not help willingly). In that case, what unavoidably will arrive in life, is going to be paid full price with nowhere to turn to.

If the dudes that don't help or try, become too many, those who do, either have to become really powerful (and therefore the Gods rightfully will put them in the front as the mission is improvement) so one also robs themselves of the opportunity to receive help from the Gods to build greater things. And if certain dudes never help, those who help, will see them and ask themselves if they deserve it in the first place.

Imagine being in a village and it has 100 members and only 5 people are building houses. Then, the 95 request housing. The 95 who do nothing are always the most vocal, aggressive, hard criticizing and most demoralizing of the whole, I have found out in all these years.

Well, the 5 are able to refuse housing. Of course, the 95 will respond that "they deserve it". But in reality, they do not. If the 5 will make houses for them, it's still undeserved and likely will lead to even more laziness on the part of the 95. To be on top of it attacked, creates an atmosphere that requires superhuman emotional control of others to manage.

If the mentality of the 95 also eats the 5, everyone remains homeless and in caves. Danger abounds for everyone, so does that reduce their karma? It does. But they do not experience this directly "individually" yet. But it's on the way.

Yet, if the mentality of the 5 who build, affects the 95 who do not, and all 100 start building or at least 80 start building, then you have a glorious city. In one case the virus of entropy spreads, and in the other, the power of creation expands. In 100 people, there are 10 or 20 people that cannot build, because they have problems that are too severe, so nobody asks them to build. But 80, probably do not have this range of problems.

If 80 people start building hospitals etc, they give "something" but the consequence of this is that they have a large, important city. This city absolves them of many problems they had as "individuals" before. These save both themselves and the other 20 people; the 20 people recuperate, and then it becomes 90 or 100 people that build. More power.

Example: if the ToZ brings more people out of the cave of ignorance, who work together to attain some ends, even the most stubborn or difficult lives of individuals can be improved via group workings and works for the Gods. If on the other hand, one takes the other route where they don't care, you will struggle alone with problems likely experiencing failure and insurmountable obstacles.

To not help is always bound to increase karmic load as a result.

Humanity has denied to create the works of the Gods with direct ramifications to it's soul, destiny, or more material and direct pursuits. If humanity has major problems it's largely by it's own hand, not that of others. Yet they all refuse responsibility and blame-shift.

Humanity specializes in digging it's own grave and wasting itself all the time. Nowadays, they name this "individuality".

I was not helped by any people who didn't help nobody, in my journey. Nor anyone else has been helped by them. Therefore, these people always lag behind in development. This was not chosen by those who help; it was a self-imposed restriction on their behalf. They chose to not help and therefore reduce the output of everything.

Its also a net-loss for the Gods to help always a person that is not helping nobody at all, as this help is not reflected upon nobody. That is not favoritism, it's a logical application of energy, be this financial energy, emotional, or imparting of wisdom. Why give anything to someone who won't help in no way, nobody? It's wasted on them.

And those that do not do anything, they cry about their individuality all the time.

Your individuality would be boosted and empowered by helping, expressed, and only positive things are on this side. An empty individuality that doesn't help, does not make you more of an individual, but less. Individuality becomes a pointless claim after a point.

ToZ requires the powerful beings that will do what they have to do. Power is not only size, it's about merely doing versus not doing.

Individuality is made manifest also by the things one does, however small. That's definitive. Inertia is not "individuality". Inertia is just a form of death. Individuality increases by helping, not decrease.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you High Priest! In spite of the private message I just sent you, now that I have read this sermon of yours, I am glad to have been vilified if that led people to look into the issue you just talked about in this sermon. Feeling accused or not is irrelevant when it comes to concepts like showing people that everyone can do their part to help something so when they actually do it, the world improves and what is beyond the world also improves along with those who inhabit the world. Thank you very much!

If the dudes that don't help or try, become too many, those who do, either have to become really powerful (and therefore the Gods rightfully will put them in the front as the mission is improvement) so one also robs themselves of the opportunity to receive help from the Gods to build greater things. And if certain dudes never help, those who help, will see them and ask themselves if they deserve it in the first place.

This thing you said clarified for me why I am getting a higher level of wisdom and power than I would have gotten by working on myself the same amount of time, but without thinking about others anyway. Thank you very much here too!
Thank you High Priest! In spite of the private message I just sent you, now that I have read this sermon of yours, I am glad to have been vilified if that led people to look into the issue you just talked about in this sermon. Feeling accused or not is irrelevant when it comes to concepts like showing people that everyone can do their part to help something so when they actually do it, the world improves and what is beyond the world also improves along with those who inhabit the world. Thank you very much!

This thing you said clarified for me why I am getting a higher level of wisdom and power than I would have gotten by working on myself the same amount of time, but without thinking about others anyway. Thank you very much here too!

People reacted because you did not clarify the topic. Not being clear, despite of intention, can insult others.

You must not tell people that it's a bad thing to not donate "by itself". They have to see the whole idea. On topics such as these, it's good to put emphasis, but allow them to be answered properly.

I am sure most people maybe cannot; those that can, do get the message if explained to them. We do not have evil people in the forums, just people who need to know why they do what they do. Have faith in them. Thanks.
Individuality is made manifest also by the things one does, however small. That's definitive. Inertia is not "individuality". Inertia is just a form of death. Individuality increases by helping, not decrease.
I wanted to quote this for everyone to read.

I want to thank you personally and may I find more space to contribute here in the future.
Very thoughtful sermon here, HPHC. As someone who does everything he can to help, I can attest to the validity of your claims made here. Surely thanks also to the blessings of our Gods such help does afford me, I feel like I am a much more liberated, unique, and expressive individual now than ever before I did.
I would like to donate but I accidentally put in the wrong email in donors when I tried. Could I re-apply?

Yes, you can apply with another e-mail or you can message me here to delete your previous wrong account. Thanks for being a good example. Be blessed.
The ratio is as follows, more ⬆️ToZ Creators -> more ⬆️Creation, more ⬆️Good Creation or ⬆️Creation of the Good. Then more ⬆️Good Creations -> fewer ⬇️enslaving/stopping/devoluting creations from the enemy.
Can I help to ToZ with God Rituals?

Any help is important! :D And even if there isn't an officially published ritual schedule to prioritize, you can perform Rituals for the Gods you feel most connected to or prefer to know better. This also works in sympathy. If, for example, you were attracted to Bastet as a child and today you don't understand why but Bastet still interest you, performing a Ritual to bless this Goddess and receiving her blessed power as a consequence is an absolutely positive thing not to be underestimated :)
Any help is important! :D And even if there isn't an officially published ritual schedule to prioritize, you can perform Rituals for the Gods you feel most connected to or prefer to know better. This also works in sympathy. If, for example, you were attracted to Bastet as a child and today you don't understand why but Bastet still interest you, performing a Ritual to bless this Goddess and receiving her blessed power as a consequence is an absolutely positive thing not to be underestimated :)
Really good new 😊
Hundreds or thousands of times, while I am explaining something to teach someone else, while I am writing it a better understanding is being given to me at the same time so I am also learning and understanding better. If I did nothing to try to teach other people, I would not have learned many of these things as well.
Nobody said you are fucking up your Karma if you do not donate.

Not in those exact words, but:

avoiding donating to the Temple of Zeus affects your Karma by damaging it

I don't agree with that.

This is how I see it:
Those who really are true to the cause of building up ToZ are more likely to donate, and those who aren't are less likely not donate.

So, what SeguaceDiSatanas is saying is basically that those who don't care for ToZ enough to donate are damaging their karmas.
No, they don't simply care for ToZ enough to donate and that's it. Probably due to a lack of insight of why they actually should donate.
The way I see it, this has nothing to do with any karma.
This is an important point, but even more importantly - one small donation from all ToZ members simultaneously = one big donation.

It's true. It has been since the RTRs that HPS Maxine Dietrich explained that our strength lies in our numbers. And the donation page, she created that for the website.
I love how, out of something so "bad," only you, out of everyone, could come up with such a Jupiterian, pure, wise response, and somehow turn the darkness into light. Your wisdom and understanding never cease to surprise me HPHC , you are , not just a priest but a High one indeed and much more!

I haven’t met a person with a purer heart than yours, and I say this with all sincerity. Blessed be your soul forever! And Thank you, for making the world , a greater place and of course , to everyone contributing , may the Gods Bless us all , we are getting stronger by each day, the darkness distorts and fades away more rapidly with each passing day, the more it’s confronted.
I am glad to have been vilified if that led people to look into the issue you just talked about in this sermon. Feeling accused or not is irrelevant.
You say that, but still, you let it affect you. You know very well who you are, what you are, what’s in your heart, and what you’ve done and doing. Take this as a lesson instead of taking it too personally for no reason. No one has anything against you, my brother, and I love you as one. No one is perfect, and things like this happen, but don’t let others influence you when who you are.
Hundreds or thousands of times, while I am explaining something to teach someone else, while I am writing it a better understanding is being given to me at the same time so I am also learning and understanding better. If I did nothing to try to teach other people, I would not have learned many of these things as well.
When we help others, we help ourselves too. By learning more about others, we learn more about ourselves, and the world becomes a better place. I agree with you, brother, spot on!
The people who are helping, the Gods work with us to make our help more effective. They amplify the effectiveness of our efforts. If nobody helped, there is nothing to amplify. (Anything) x 0= 0.
This is how I see it:
Those who really are true to the cause of building up ToZ are more likely to donate, and those who aren't are less likely not donate.

So, what SeguaceDiSatanas is saying is basically that those who don't care for ToZ enough to donate are damaging their karmas.
No, they don't simply care for ToZ enough to donate and that's it. Probably due to a lack of insight of why they actually should donate.
The way I see it, this has nothing to do with any karma.
In reality, if someone doesn't donate, absolutely nothing happens. Life will continue just the same for them, and nothing becomes more negative or positively but on the other hands , good deeds = good things back. I have truly experienced this many many times since I have returned back on the forums and being good and helping around and this is not a 'placebo' effect , this is literally Truth in pure manifestation , it can't simply not be avoided , no matter how blind one is , the rewards and the blessings have been pouring and pouring upon my own existence.
Those who really are true to the cause of building up ToZ are more likely to donate, and those who aren't are less likely to donate.

Haha gaah
Because people need to first understand what ToZ is, what it represents, what it does, and what it’s willing to do in the future. When people realize that we are an organization that wants to do good, promote the truth, and oppose corruption, desiring a better world, they will join us.
Those who do not take care of ToZ are not taking care of themselves.
That’s not true at all. Remember HPHC sermon: “Before someone can be able to help others, he first must be able to help himself.” If you say what you said in the way you did, specifically referring only to this matter, all you’ll do is attract hate and demoralize people, which will only lead them into worse stages in their lives.

And please, be open to understanding. I’m not saying what I’m saying because "I have something against you," because I don’t.
It's true. It has been since the RTRs that HPS Maxine Dietrich explained that our strength lies in our numbers. And the donation page, she created that for the website.
The constant focus on donations makes us look bad, like beggars. She didn’t create the donation page for the website; the entire website is for something greater. We’re all here today because of her, and life’s pieces are coming together for the better. Instead of emphasizing donations, you could bring people here by showing them what we do. Let them decide on donations naturally, without needing someone to convince them.
This is a systemic problem we have in the current subhuman society. Everybody wants to be helped, but only a very small minority is willing to help others. It shows the current level of morality and ethics, and a complete lack of human dignity in those 99%.

It's easier to be a coward nowadays and hide behind faulty policies that tell you can't help someone, rather than actually be the bigger person and treat others with as much respect and goodwill you'd want for yourself.

Then when the person who always helps need help themselves, and is met with no help, only disrespect, doesn't show those supernatural levels of emotional control and also loses all manners when communicating with this basically-evil people and parasites, suddenly the helper is considered the villain because they replied or acted in a disrespectful manner that doesn't even amount to 1% of the disrespect they received by not-helpers.

It's typical non-helpers behaviour to always cry and make a fuss.

I'm confident that with our ascent these evil people will put back in their place, where they belong, which is the bottom of the human social pyramid, not in any position of authority and power. And they will suffer as a result of their actions.

Thank you, High Priest, for this lovely sermon! I hope more and more people will start understanding the importance of contributing to your community.

Hail Temple of Zeus!
evil people will put back in their place, where they belong,
It depends on the case/cases. We need to show people what they are doing wrong the first time and help them in rehabilitating them. Someone, in a position of authority once told me ' Prison has 2 ways, it either makes you a better person, or a worse person, over half in percentage come out worse' that's why I say a rehabilitation system is better than taking them somewhere far away and then having them riot again, people need to be educated, healed and taught.
Lol at comments. Its easy to say its just small amount of money. There are probably more than a few members on hear barely surviving and their money is not going to beer, its going to rent or a minimal amount of food. That being said there a few way to donate that reduce ones own karma and long with the community's collective.

Those who have money can donate money
Those who have mind can help teach or help with problems
Those who have body can donate skills.
There are community based rituals for spiritual warfare.
The more people connect with the Gods the more accessible they will become to everyone. There is a group energy/spirit involved with communion.

There are multiple ways to help. Its very possible someone on here hasn't been able to donate because of their living conditions. In the future that might change for them and they can make a huge donations. What if someone guides another person to SS and that person becomes a super star? What is the good karma for guiding the next Hp. Hoodedcobra666 to ToZ? Money is important, if the community as a whole grows and improves it will attract people with money. Christianity and Islam have a lot financial whales backing them with no spiritual return on investment. Outreach will bring in the money if the community is thriving and advancing because we can offer a spiritual return on investment.
Let us do our best to overcome our obstacles, and become strong pillars for the Temple of Zeus.

I believe in myself and our family. That as we move forward we will have things in the proper order and in accordance to how it is supposed to be.

Let us all reflect on this and move forward.
This is a good opportunity to examine that topic, in general also, about helping and how helping operates to free you.

Nobody said you are fucking up your Karma if you do not donate. But you are not improving it either, by not engaging in very constructive endeavors that will wash out both yours and other human's karma by instructions and learning in the long-term.

Further, if one does choose to not help others, then others can also choose to not help them, which creates a futility loop in existence.

By people not assisting the works of the Gods, they also cumulatively, reduce their ability to improve karmically. So indirectly, they are reducing or ruining their chances. What improvements happen in the path, are connected to people who chose to help, either financially, or in time, creativity and energy.

If for example this place or other things exist to help, educate, or sort out burden from the karma of both members here, or the general public, is because others built it willingly. This helps the creators because they asked the power to create it (found it in themselves to both help and increase their power) so they are stronger individuals than those who did willingly choose not to help. And this strength goes outward, helping others.

Then these others, can recuperate and help themselves if they choose to. This creates a spiral of help between people, and builds great things. The person in denial, is not helping to that end.

No improvement comes from people that don't help. They aren't even helping themselves by not helping (they don't request power from the Gods to be able to help, which does also not improve their condition).

This is like refusal to build a hospital. You are not getting ill directly if you don't help to build a hospital. You say that since you are fine, you don't need it. Might be so; but nature has a way of always getting everyone in a place where one day they might need a hospital or something else. If one has been in these conditions, they understand the value, likely too late, of the things they should have helped create before.

You might also never get ill and never need it, it's possible too. Which I hope this is the case of course, as one does not need to face negativity in order to necessarily address it. It can be addressed via logic, before it happens.

But one day if you might, there might be no hospital, or there might be a private hospital only available to help you, or nothing at all.

And the people who build it, they are not obligated to help, unless on their good-will (which is exploited when one does not help willingly). In that case, what unavoidably will arrive in life, is going to be paid full price with nowhere to turn to.

If the dudes that don't help or try, become too many, those who do, either have to become really powerful (and therefore the Gods rightfully will put them in the front as the mission is improvement) so one also robs themselves of the opportunity to receive help from the Gods to build greater things. And if certain dudes never help, those who help, will see them and ask themselves if they deserve it in the first place.

Imagine being in a village and it has 100 members and only 5 people are building houses. Then, the 95 request housing. The 95 who do nothing are always the most vocal, aggressive, hard criticizing and most demoralizing of the whole, I have found out in all these years.

Well, the 5 are able to refuse housing. Of course, the 95 will respond that "they deserve it". But in reality, they do not. If the 5 will make houses for them, it's still undeserved and likely will lead to even more laziness on the part of the 95. To be on top of it attacked, creates an atmosphere that requires superhuman emotional control of others to manage.

If the mentality of the 95 also eats the 5, everyone remains homeless and in caves. Danger abounds for everyone, so does that reduce their karma? It does. But they do not experience this directly "individually" yet. But it's on the way.

Yet, if the mentality of the 5 who build, affects the 95 who do not, and all 100 start building or at least 80 start building, then you have a glorious city. In one case the virus of entropy spreads, and in the other, the power of creation expands. In 100 people, there are 10 or 20 people that cannot build, because they have problems that are too severe, so nobody asks them to build. But 80, probably do not have this range of problems.

If 80 people start building hospitals etc, they give "something" but the consequence of this is that they have a large, important city. This city absolves them of many problems they had as "individuals" before. These save both themselves and the other 20 people; the 20 people recuperate, and then it becomes 90 or 100 people that build. More power.

Example: if the ToZ brings more people out of the cave of ignorance, who work together to attain some ends, even the most stubborn or difficult lives of individuals can be improved via group workings and works for the Gods. If on the other hand, one takes the other route where they don't care, you will struggle alone with problems likely experiencing failure and insurmountable obstacles.

To not help is always bound to increase karmic load as a result.

Humanity has denied to create the works of the Gods with direct ramifications to it's soul, destiny, or more material and direct pursuits. If humanity has major problems it's largely by it's own hand, not that of others. Yet they all refuse responsibility and blame-shift.

Humanity specializes in digging it's own grave and wasting itself all the time. Nowadays, they name this "individuality".

I was not helped by any people who didn't help nobody, in my journey. Nor anyone else has been helped by them. Therefore, these people always lag behind in development. This was not chosen by those who help; it was a self-imposed restriction on their behalf. They chose to not help and therefore reduce the output of everything.

Its also a net-loss for the Gods to help always a person that is not helping nobody at all, as this help is not reflected upon nobody. That is not favoritism, it's a logical application of energy, be this financial energy, emotional, or imparting of wisdom. Why give anything to someone who won't help in no way, nobody? It's wasted on them.

And those that do not do anything, they cry about their individuality all the time.

Your individuality would be boosted and empowered by helping, expressed, and only positive things are on this side. An empty individuality that doesn't help, does not make you more of an individual, but less. Individuality becomes a pointless claim after a point.

ToZ requires the powerful beings that will do what they have to do. Power is not only size, it's about merely doing versus not doing.

Individuality is made manifest also by the things one does, however small. That's definitive. Inertia is not "individuality". Inertia is just a form of death. Individuality increases by helping, not decrease.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great topic.
This is a good opportunity to examine that topic, in general also, about helping and how helping operates to free you.

Nobody said you are fucking up your Karma if you do not donate. But you are not improving it either, by not engaging in very constructive endeavors that will wash out both yours and other human's karma by instructions and learning in the long-term.

Further, if one does choose to not help others, then others can also choose to not help them, which creates a futility loop in existence.

By people not assisting the works of the Gods, they also cumulatively, reduce their ability to improve karmically. So indirectly, they are reducing or ruining their chances. What improvements happen in the path, are connected to people who chose to help, either financially, or in time, creativity and energy.

If for example this place or other things exist to help, educate, or sort out burden from the karma of both members here, or the general public, is because others built it willingly. This helps the creators because they asked the power to create it (found it in themselves to both help and increase their power) so they are stronger individuals than those who did willingly choose not to help. And this strength goes outward, helping others.

Then these others, can recuperate and help themselves if they choose to. This creates a spiral of help between people, and builds great things. The person in denial, is not helping to that end.

No improvement comes from people that don't help. They aren't even helping themselves by not helping (they don't request power from the Gods to be able to help, which does also not improve their condition).

This is like refusal to build a hospital. You are not getting ill directly if you don't help to build a hospital. You say that since you are fine, you don't need it. Might be so; but nature has a way of always getting everyone in a place where one day they might need a hospital or something else. If one has been in these conditions, they understand the value, likely too late, of the things they should have helped create before.

You might also never get ill and never need it, it's possible too. Which I hope this is the case of course, as one does not need to face negativity in order to necessarily address it. It can be addressed via logic, before it happens.

But one day if you might, there might be no hospital, or there might be a private hospital only available to help you, or nothing at all.

And the people who build it, they are not obligated to help, unless on their good-will (which is exploited when one does not help willingly). In that case, what unavoidably will arrive in life, is going to be paid full price with nowhere to turn to.

If the dudes that don't help or try, become too many, those who do, either have to become really powerful (and therefore the Gods rightfully will put them in the front as the mission is improvement) so one also robs themselves of the opportunity to receive help from the Gods to build greater things. And if certain dudes never help, those who help, will see them and ask themselves if they deserve it in the first place.

Imagine being in a village and it has 100 members and only 5 people are building houses. Then, the 95 request housing. The 95 who do nothing are always the most vocal, aggressive, hard criticizing and most demoralizing of the whole, I have found out in all these years.

Well, the 5 are able to refuse housing. Of course, the 95 will respond that "they deserve it". But in reality, they do not. If the 5 will make houses for them, it's still undeserved and likely will lead to even more laziness on the part of the 95. To be on top of it attacked, creates an atmosphere that requires superhuman emotional control of others to manage.

If the mentality of the 95 also eats the 5, everyone remains homeless and in caves. Danger abounds for everyone, so does that reduce their karma? It does. But they do not experience this directly "individually" yet. But it's on the way.

Yet, if the mentality of the 5 who build, affects the 95 who do not, and all 100 start building or at least 80 start building, then you have a glorious city. In one case the virus of entropy spreads, and in the other, the power of creation expands. In 100 people, there are 10 or 20 people that cannot build, because they have problems that are too severe, so nobody asks them to build. But 80, probably do not have this range of problems.

If 80 people start building hospitals etc, they give "something" but the consequence of this is that they have a large, important city. This city absolves them of many problems they had as "individuals" before. These save both themselves and the other 20 people; the 20 people recuperate, and then it becomes 90 or 100 people that build. More power.

Example: if the ToZ brings more people out of the cave of ignorance, who work together to attain some ends, even the most stubborn or difficult lives of individuals can be improved via group workings and works for the Gods. If on the other hand, one takes the other route where they don't care, you will struggle alone with problems likely experiencing failure and insurmountable obstacles.

To not help is always bound to increase karmic load as a result.

Humanity has denied to create the works of the Gods with direct ramifications to it's soul, destiny, or more material and direct pursuits. If humanity has major problems it's largely by it's own hand, not that of others. Yet they all refuse responsibility and blame-shift.

Humanity specializes in digging it's own grave and wasting itself all the time. Nowadays, they name this "individuality".

I was not helped by any people who didn't help nobody, in my journey. Nor anyone else has been helped by them. Therefore, these people always lag behind in development. This was not chosen by those who help; it was a self-imposed restriction on their behalf. They chose to not help and therefore reduce the output of everything.

Its also a net-loss for the Gods to help always a person that is not helping nobody at all, as this help is not reflected upon nobody. That is not favoritism, it's a logical application of energy, be this financial energy, emotional, or imparting of wisdom. Why give anything to someone who won't help in no way, nobody? It's wasted on them.

And those that do not do anything, they cry about their individuality all the time.

Your individuality would be boosted and empowered by helping, expressed, and only positive things are on this side. An empty individuality that doesn't help, does not make you more of an individual, but less. Individuality becomes a pointless claim after a point.

ToZ requires the powerful beings that will do what they have to do. Power is not only size, it's about merely doing versus not doing.

Individuality is made manifest also by the things one does, however small. That's definitive. Inertia is not "individuality". Inertia is just a form of death. Individuality increases by helping, not decrease.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
i have 2 accounts , one is of my brother whose acc is much older than mine , so what-ever we both earn we had donated some amount to the temple. And we wanna keep donating , everytime we make a profit , because its only because of gods blessing that we even earn enough to donate.

Im a medical student , whose pursing veterinary , and ive had thoughts that once i complete my degree or even if i have the means to do it in a few months , i want to open free check up camps , and ask for donations , which i can donate to TOZ then .

i just pray to the gods , that they give me their power , so that i can move ahead in my life , and become the best versions of myself , so that i can then make the world a better place. That has always been my life purpose , which motivated me to get into this profession

Im sharing this , since i read the sermon , and it just made me feel i wanted to tell this out to people. That in life nothing actually can be done by just being a lone wolf , there is always group work , thats why im assuming we have many gods , even tho by consciousness there one , but its energy multiplied into its different forms.

Hail Zeus
While I think this is a perfectly great outlook, my comprehension is that builders also have to prove they know what they're doing and that they actually will build something stable, especially on volatile grounds. As in real world cases, in which constructions that fall short are the results of the "builders" deciding to roll up a joint and overlook things/pretend there aren't issues and expect their investors to do the same. And this is totally under stable, especially with such a novel idea.

But I think as things gain more traction and results are shown that the gears will eventually start moving. Though I think its better to just let go of some things as not every gentlemen will be on the same page, or probably not in the same position to figure out what exactly the other sees.
It depends on the case/cases. We need to show people what they are doing wrong the first time and help them in rehabilitating them. Someone, in a position of authority once told me ' Prison has 2 ways, it either makes you a better person, or a worse person, over half in percentage come out worse' that's why I say a rehabilitation system is better than taking them somewhere far away and then having them riot again, people need to be educated, healed and taught.
Unfortunately, I have to disagree. If someone is evil, you can show them things how many times you like and waste months and years to make them understand. They won't. I used to do this all the time. Now I just meditate on the situation and use divination tools if necessary for further clarification is necessary. So i stop wasting my time on people who don't deserve it and instead just deserve retribution/suffering.

If people are still redeemable, they're obviously not evil. Just cowards (i.e. understand that something is wrong but lacking the courage to act) or simply weak. Not evil. They can be rehabilitated. Evil people can't. That's why the Gods also have a punitory aspect, such as Zeus Alastor and more.

Helping other people is literally the reason why civilisation exist, and we don't all live in the jungle naked fighting for survival. If people can't understand it and can't be rehabilitated, they need to fuck off in the jungle as they don't belong in a society, to leech off other people and give nothing back. Hell, even in the wilderness many species of animal create packs or similar to make each other's life easier, everyone performing their role as part of a whole to contribute to the greater good of the group.

These evil people need to be removed and fuck off to Tartarus where they belong. Maybe we can have a special island for them until they pass over, so they can end each other over scraps.
that they give me their power

There are no free gifts or gifts on merit. There are conditions you put yourself in because you become able to handle them. This is not a gift from above, but something you have built up from below as much as it seems to belong to what is above. And you yourself must take care of that which is above by availing yourself of the knowledge of the Gods. Knowledge you find in the pages of the Temple.
Unfortunately, I have to disagree. If someone is evil, you can show them things how many times you like and waste months and years to make them understand. They won't. I used to do this all the time. Now I just meditate on the situation and use divination tools if necessary for further clarification is necessary. So i stop wasting my time on people who don't deserve it and instead just deserve retribution/suffering.

If people are still redeemable, they're obviously not evil. Just cowards (i.e. understand that something is wrong but lacking the courage to act) or simply weak. Not evil. They can be rehabilitated. Evil people can't. That's why the Gods also have a punitory aspect, such as Zeus Alastor and more.

Helping other people is literally the reason why civilisation exist, and we don't all live in the jungle naked fighting for survival. If people can't understand it and can't be rehabilitated, they need to fuck off in the jungle as they don't belong in a society, to leech off other people and give nothing back. Hell, even in the wilderness many species of animal create packs or similar to make each other's life easier, everyone performing their role as part of a whole to contribute to the greater good of the group.

These evil people need to be removed and fuck off to Tartarus where they belong. Maybe we can have a special island for them until they pass over, so they can end each other over scraps.

Most if not all evil people are redeemable but what we lack in this society is a proper method to at least attempt that. A reeducation colony where they're not abused just kept in basic conditions and forced to work to ensure their continued survival is a starting point. There they should have access to libraries containing only volumes on subjects relative to their reeducation. Those that are not interested can produce something of worth given back to society and those that are would be monitored for their progress.

If someone is deemed ready to reenter society they would be reinstated some of their rights and liberties for a period of time to see how effective their reeducation has been. This of course would not be an option for grave crimes involving the loss off life, rape or other unpardonable cases.

We haven't really tried it lately, work camps can be an asset to society if well organized. Having them just sit idly in cells or releasing them in jungles to damage the environment is not the way.

Justice is a very difficult subject for humans to master because it requires very broad understanding of many things as well as a very high advancement level which is why only enlightened people should hold the positions of judges and such.

Finally, those that are not "corrected" in this life will surely be better humans in the next ones by the improving conditions of a society that we're building in which there will be less and less space for evil (that is largely ignorance). We will root out all diseases including that one.

It was great to see you active Brother, hope you're doing well.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
