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Movies, games, series

xlnt said:
xlnt said:
Henu the Great said:
In Quake II there are anti-NS subliminals in my opinion, and also a tale of showing off how our enemy operates as it's very much alike to the enemy in the game.

I don't see that in Quake 1 though, which I like more with it's chainsaw monsters and different style.
Overall I don't see as much blasphemy in the Quake series as in the Doom of Wolfenstein ones. I definitely don't play those.

"Doom of Wolfenstein" now that's a title I don't want to see or play either.
I personally enjoyed Quake 4 and Quake Wars, didn't see anything revealing to my eye.
Egon said:

Well, that's an interesting opinion.

I cannot deny that the God of War franchise can (in some parts) look better than other jewish filth such as (((The Last of Us))) or (((Uncharted))). And I can't deny that it got disliked by SJWs for the reason that you've showed.

Still, it hurts me too much every time a video game or any entertainment media portray Our Gods as evil beings. And Kratos being masculine can indeed be a positive thing, but it can also be Jews projecting themselves into a fictional character in order to appear as "badass". Its not the first time they did it, as many masculine characters of Hollywood were played by (((Arnold Schwarzenegger))). And I didn't forget about He-Man, who resembles the Golem of Prague.

I also refuse a franchise that was invented by the Jews or their puppets, unless it is a book or a movie that deserves to be studied (such as Metropolis). God of War is among these because, as I've said earlier in this post, the creator is (((David Jaffe))).

Similarly, I would still struggle to play games that were influenced by Jewish doctrines even tough they are still made by Gentiles. One example was a franchise which I've discovered is influenced by both Jewish Kabbalah and Psychoanalysis, which made me lost the taste.
Pumpkin671 said:
xlnt said:
xlnt said:
I don't see that in Quake 1 though, which I like more with it's chainsaw monsters and different style.
Overall I don't see as much blasphemy in the Quake series as in the Doom of Wolfenstein ones. I definitely don't play those.

"Doom of Wolfenstein" now that's a title I don't want to see or play either.
I personally enjoyed Quake 4 and Quake Wars, didn't see anything revealing to my eye.

I was only referring to my accidently made up title there but ok :)
I also like Quake 4 a lot.

That's pretty much why I got so into GoW before SS as the pagan stuff resonated with me but after becoming a SS I saw the blatant blasphemy.

The few positive things you mentioned is why I understand why the games are so popular and it's annoying trying to discuss it with a normie the bad stuff about it so I just mostly stay quiet when it's brought up unless it's with someone that has a bit of an idea of the pagan things I'm into.

It's still not easy as I can't say all the sources I get my stuff from obviously. Just the other day I had to explain how fat "Thor" is antithetical to the healthy lives all pagan religions preach and that any claims that it's written from back then is misinterpretation of or outright lies.
xlnt said:
Pumpkin671 said:
xlnt said:
"Doom of Wolfenstein" now that's a title I don't want to see or play either.
I personally enjoyed Quake 4 and Quake Wars, didn't see anything revealing to my eye.

I was only referring to my accidently made up title there but ok :)
I also like Quake 4 a lot.
I understand :)
It was a good game.
Nimrod33 said:
What is your opinion on the Chinese Tencent and Saudi prince (((Mohammed bin Salman))) buying video game companies (even in Japan)? Personally, I would rather pirating them than giving them money.

Well, we all know Tencent is here to steal our data and sell it to the CCP.
This may be an effort by Saudi Arabia to improve relations with China, perhaps to further demoralise and undermine the west?
MiniMe3388 said:
Do any of you recommend any horror movie/series?

I was just about to recommend Oats Studios antology. The very first episode "Rakka" is a somewhat accurate depiction of the worst case scenario of the kike reptilian overlords physically taking over Earth, with some downsides of ignorant humanity refering to the good aliens as "angels" or "biblical".
The whole antology was pretty cool imo.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoiezEB9n2Q


Also, the whole V/H/S movie antology. There are plenty of awful clips in there but I enjoyed the hell out of most of it (5 movies as of right now).


Host (2020) and Barbarian (2022) are excellent, though the message in Host is very silly for the spiritually ignorant audiences I still found that to be fun. I suggest not watching any trailer and just going fully blind.



Cosmic horror: Black Mountain Side (2014), As Above So Below (2014), The Void (2016), The Ritual (2017).
This list is a bit silly but I kind of enjoyed them.


Martys (the 2008 French movie not the American remake). Extremely upsetting film about abrahamic-like cults and the kike psychopathy playing with innocent life to achieve whatever the superstition they think they will achieve. Most people might not want to watch this movie actually.



If you watched the above anyway and you want to punch something I recommend the very Satanic Revenge movie Silent Hill (2006), although many people dislike it as being a videogame adaptation and lower budget movie in general I really enjoyed the message as being someone who watched only the movie and didn't play the games.

Egon said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Do any of you recommend any horror movie/series?

I was just about to recommend Oats Studios antology. The very first episode "Rakka" is a somewhat accurate depiction of the worst case scenario of the kike reptilian overlords physically taking over Earth, with some downsides of ignorant humanity refering to the good aliens as "angels" or "biblical".
The whole antology was pretty cool imo.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoiezEB9n2Q


Also, the whole V/H/S movie antology. There are plenty of awful clips in there but I enjoyed the hell out of most of it (5 movies as of right now).


Host (2020) and Barbarian (2022) are excellent, though the message in Host is very silly for the spiritually ignorant audiences I still found that to be fun. I suggest not watching any trailer and just going fully blind.



Cosmic horror: Black Mountain Side (2014), As Above So Below (2014), The Void (2016), The Ritual (2017).
This list is a bit silly but I kind of enjoyed them.


Martys (the 2008 French movie not the American remake). Extremely upsetting film about abrahamic-like cults and the kike psychopathy playing with innocent life to achieve whatever the superstition they think they will achieve. Most people might not want to watch this movie actually.



If you watched the above anyway and you want to punch something I recommend the very Satanic Revenge movie Silent Hill (2006), although many people dislike it as being a videogame adaptation and lower budget movie in general I really enjoyed the message as being someone who watched only the movie and didn't play the games.


I didn't expect so many titles.
Thank you very much for your reply!
Egon said:
If you watched the above anyway and you want to punch something I recommend the very Satanic Revenge movie Silent Hill (2006), although many people dislike it as being a videogame adaptation and lower budget movie in general I really enjoyed the message as being someone who watched only the movie and didn't play the games.


Is the movie really Satanic? I've also never played the games (until very recently) and the only time that I've watched the movie was decades ago.
The whole Hogwarts deal is dumb on both ends. Sure if you want to spend your money on what you find entertaining then there's nothing wrong and this might even be a fuck you to the radical trans movement but let's be real J.K. Rowling is still anti-White and anti-masculinity. I find it dumb that the right wing folk forgot all about this but then again not surprised as their constant dissonance has always been on full display.
hailourtruegod said:
The whole Hogwarts deal is dumb on both ends. Sure if you want to spend your money on what you find entertaining then there's nothing wrong and this might even be a fuck you to the radical trans movement but let's be real J.K. Rowling is still anti-White and anti-masculinity. I find it dumb that the right wing folk forgot all about this but then again not surprised as their constant dissonance has always been on full display.

Did the entire right-wing really supports Hogwarts Legacy? I thought that it was just anti-SJWs.
The extreme leftists have always been the biggest Harry Potter fans, with most other people not caring as much. So right now is an entertaining situation where the most extreme leftists freaks are both the ones who hate JK Rowling the worst, and also are the most deeply obsessed with Harry Potter. So they are focused on Harry Potter and spending an enormous amount of time and energy focusing on it every day, while also pretending that they hate it. Which is a very good example of their mindset in most situations. The extreme leftists, especially the trans ones, are just terrorists. They use their hatred, threats of violence, actual violence, stalking people, and ruining people's lives in every possible way just to try to force people to abide by the slightest different opinions. Doxxing, swatting, cancelling, and trying to destroy anybody who even just plays the first level of the game on Twitch, because JK Rowling is the absolute most evil person in the entire world because she is a feminist who is caring and protective about girls and women, and knows that a man is not a girl.

What I see from Right people is that they don't care about Harry Potter. But they don't like how badly these game developers have been treated when they did nothing wrong, so they have a perspective of wanting to defend the game developers. So many of them bought the game just for that reason, and tried to play it. And many of them say that the game seems to be very well made. They don't know or care about what the Harry Potter story is, but even for somebody who doesn't know the story, the game is getting very good reviews.

The good news is that the majority of people are not on either side and the conflict is not actually as big as it looks like. This is one of the best selling games because regular normal people are liking it. Two of the biggest selling games are Elden Ring and Harry Potter, and both of those games were tried to be canceled by leftist jews.
My take was purely out of venting about how people who disliked Rowling for all these years now are praising her. Let's not play around and pretend like she wouldn't throw anyone here who is white under the bus immediately. The main bad guys in her stories are basically Aryans who want to stick to their own.

I do not trust her. I'll be fair and say at worst she's another self hating anti White who deserves no praise from the noble people trying to better this world BUT at best she's just confused and her actions in the past 2 years or so show that she's becoming less programmed.

Her only redeemable qualities before every thing become so political were that there is a chance the bank goblins were alluding to kikes and that she pretty much is against abrahamism as seen by what she likes to write about and might even have more pagan beliefs than the average person.

That stuff were outweighed by her constant attacks on Twitter towards whites or any one to the right of her.

But like I said and I might be going back and forth here, In the last couple of years she has had some redeemable qualities.

Hogwarts Legacy seems cool and all and have seen videos on it by people out of the political nonsense and have even asked the opinion of a friend who has been playing it. I never took aim at the game itself since obviously it isn't Rowling who made it by her self and as always the team behind it deserves more praise than what they get but like I said my frustration is aimed at Rowling herself and mostly just wanted to finally vent somewhere about it lol.

Elden Ring was one of my favorite games I have ever played but I didn't even know anything about it and only got it because of a friend talking good about it for like a week and a half before it came out. Never eveb heard of it before that.

I wouldn't have cared if it was as enjoyed by so many people and the same goes for Hogwarts Legacy but seeing if people here like it it does give it merit in my biased opinion.

Thanks for the feedback
Ive seen talk of Classic Music not much here , i would suggest you something

Chopin - Nocturne in E-Flat , Op 9 , No. 2

Vivaldi - La Notte

Arpeggione sonata

Pietro Morlacchi - Il Pastore Svizzero

How can’t you think this is not made by Satan?
Masra 666 said:
Ive seen talk of Classic Music not much here , i would suggest you something

Chopin - Nocturne in E-Flat , Op 9 , No. 2

Vivaldi - La Notte

Arpeggione sonata

Pietro Morlacchi - Il Pastore Svizzero

How can’t you think this is not made by Satan?

Classical Music is indeed the highest form of Satanic Music. If you mean about the fact that we don't talk about it, is because we have an apposite thread.

Nimrod33 said:
Masra 666 said:
Ive seen talk of Classic Music not much here , i would suggest you something
Classical Music is indeed the highest form of Satanic Music. If you mean about the fact that we don't talk about it, is because we have an apposite thread.

Speaking of which there are some cool movies on this subject, like The Devil's Violinist, on Paganini.

Clip from the movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy6N077xXZs

Paganini is mentioned in the sermon Music: Satan's Gift to Humanity
It seems the christard church didn't want him from even having a proper burial.


Also recently I have watched the excellent French movie Tous les Matins du Monde about Sainte-Colombe and Marin Marais (this movie is very NSFW, so beware).

Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F97WjvFA7qw


Nimrod33 said:
So, I've recently finished reading the Ghost in the Shell manga. I have to say that perhaps is more redpilled than all of its adaptations. In fact, in some parts both the Israeli's Mossad and the Jewish KGB are involved. They've even show some Soviet Union's members being Jewish.
Cool, I will check that out at some point.
I recently watched a well done documentary about the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Japan in 2011.
It left nearly 16,000 dead and 550,000 people lost their homes.


If anyone would like from YT:
Egon said:
Speaking of which there are some cool movies on this subject, like The Devil's Violinist, on Paganini.

Clip from the movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy6N077xXZs

Paganini is mentioned in the sermon Music: Satan's Gift to Humanity
It seems the christard church didn't want him from even having a proper burial.

I saw that movie years ago on Amazon (long before I've deleted my account) and dropped it after a while. I couldn't stand the fact that they portrayed an historical Satanist as a womanizer degenerate, while at the same time showing Father Satan in the Xian way.

Anyway, the fact that the Church hated him so much should tell us to which God belongs all form of good art. After all, the real Xian art are ugly geometrical paintings, deformed statues and depressed chants in a corrupted version of Latin. If it weren't for Paganism, they would have no good art at all.
I recently watched the Korean movie "Train to Busan".
If anyone likes zombie themes I recommend it.

Edelwise said:
I've recently re-watched Neon Genesis Evangelion. Despite viewing the theme as obnoxious in the past, I now find it rather revelatory. Shinji's story is a desperate one but its ending, although convoluted, is fairly pro-satanic.

Yes, Evangelion IMO has one of the best overall messages of any anime which keeps it at the top of one of my ultimate favorites.

There is a good message for all men, including SS that one must never run away when battle or duty calls against the enemy and to never be overcome with fear. Truly, one of mans most important endeavors during each life is conquering fear.

The enemy in Evangelion represents the ultimate form of communism where this secret (jewish) cabal plans to dissolve all ego's and morph all lifeforms into one spiritual entity. Shinji makes the final decision to remain himself, understanding there is no point of living or of life if he is not an individual.
$ignificant$un said:
The enemy in Evangelion represents the ultimate form of communism where this secret (jewish) cabal plans to dissolve all ego's and morph all lifeforms into one spiritual entity. Shinji makes the final decision to remain himself, understanding there is no point of living or of life if he is not an individual.

Isn't the anime rooted in Jewish Kabbalah and Freudian Psychoanalysis like basically every giant robot anime?
It is - they definately use Kabbalah to establish some of the themes and story line, but I feel much of it was for aesthetic purposes because it was something unknown to Japanese audience at the time. Despite that, it seems to take a different direction with the final "End of Evangelion" movie where the characters basically rebel against the communist, trans-humanist agenda.

It's been quite awhile since I watched it so I would be curious what other SS think of it.
$ignificant$un said:
It is - they definately use Kabbalah to establish some of the themes and story line, but I feel much of it was for aesthetic purposes because it was something unknown to Japanese audience at the time. Despite that, it seems to take a different direction with the final "End of Evangelion" movie where the characters basically rebel against the communist, trans-humanist agenda.

It's been quite awhile since I watched it so I would be curious what other SS think of it.

Well, I watched the End of Evangelion movie and I can say it is a very good one.

Much like how the world already revolts against the communist and trans-humanist agenda and also destructive agenda that is intended towards humanity.

I kind of resemble the people from that movie who rebel :lol:
I have talked before about Ghost Adventures and The Dead Files. Both provide true examples to the public that ghosts, psychic abilities, and higher dimensions are existing. They are great educational and awareness tools, and also entertainment. They have contributed to many closed-minded athiests to be more open and aware of truth.

I have to say with Ghost Adventures, not everything that they say is truth. They have a lot of knowledge from their own experiences, but they do not have a lot of true knowledge beyond that. Because before Joy of Satan, almost nobody had access to true uncorrupted knowledge. So they have some contamination of christian beliefs. But they are still very valuable if you filter that away.

About a month or 2 ago I found a group of people who are similar to both Ghost Adventures and The Dead Files, but are improved from both of them. It is called Unearthing the Supernatural. They are Navajo, so they do have the actual knowledge that Ghost Adventures doesn't have. Navajo are descended from the Golden Age Global Satanic Civilization, and they do have the knowledge given to them by the gods. They are the same as us, just they speak in their own language to describe things.

They do a similar thing as Ghost Adventures where they go to haunted locations, but the difference is they try to help the ghosts instead of just bothering them. One of the team members Hero has trained his whole life as a Medicine Man, on increasing both his knowledge and psychic senses and abilities. He is able to communicate with the ghosts that are there, and offer help to them. Either by giving them blessings and protection, or just by listening to what they want to tell people about.

This is their website. And their youtube channel where you can watch episodes of their show. It is amazing how professional their show looks, the quality of it looks just as good as Ghost Adventures. But they are just a few young people doing everything themselves.



So I finally had a look at elden ring after a friend kept bugging me about it and uhhh...


hailourtruegod said:
Elden Ring was one of my favorite games I have ever played but I didn't even know anything about it and only got it because of a friend talking good about it for like a week and a half before it came out. Never eveb heard of it before that.
Dahaarkan said:
So I finally had a look at elden ring after a friend kept bugging me about it and uhhh...

Dope friends you have.

Elden Ring is an Allegory for Alchemy: https://youtu.be/oilS07zu3JY

I myself won't indulge in much videogames I hope, but if you do you should try the other Miyazaki games too like Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne and Sekiro. It is a shame many people only know Elden Ring and dismiss the others. They are all excellent and one builds up in mechanics and improvements to the next.
Asterion666 said:
$ignificant$un said:
It is - they definately use Kabbalah to establish some of the themes and story line, but I feel much of it was for aesthetic purposes because it was something unknown to Japanese audience at the time. Despite that, it seems to take a different direction with the final "End of Evangelion" movie where the characters basically rebel against the communist, trans-humanist agenda.

It's been quite awhile since I watched it so I would be curious what other SS think of it.

Well, I watched the End of Evangelion movie and I can say it is a very good one.

Much like how the world already revolts against the communist and trans-humanist agenda and also destructive agenda that is intended towards humanity.

I kind of resemble the people from that movie who rebel :lol:

Shinji defies the Cabal's agenda and gives all humans their souls and identities back while striving to better himself against all odds and a cruel world that treated him like crap
I couldn't think of a better ending for the series
Egon said:
hailourtruegod said:
Elden Ring was one of my favorite games I have ever played but I didn't even know anything about it and only got it because of a friend talking good about it for like a week and a half before it came out. Never eveb heard of it before that.
Dahaarkan said:
So I finally had a look at elden ring after a friend kept bugging me about it and uhhh...

Dope friends you have.

Elden Ring is an Allegory for Alchemy: https://youtu.be/oilS07zu3JY

I myself won't indulge in much videogames I hope, but if you do you should try the other Miyazaki games too like Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne and Sekiro. It is a shame many people only know Elden Ring and dismiss the others. They are all excellent and one builds up in mechanics and improvements to the next.

Sekiro looks good. I might play it in the future. They definitely look like games one has to invest time in so maybe over the years I'll get into them when I can.
Dahaarkan said:
So I finally had a look at elden ring after a friend kept bugging me about it and uhhh...



Lol seems like you have complicated feelings about it?

Is your pfp from that game called Plagues Tale? The same friend who recommend me to play ER told me about Plagues Tale and I only played the beginning while skipping thru the custscenes and ignoring the dialogue and haven't touched it since. I thought it was going to be some xian nonsense so I haven't really given it a chance.
hailourtruegod said:
Lol seems like you have complicated feelings about it?

Is your pfp from that game called Plagues Tale? The same friend who recommend me to play ER told me about Plagues Tale and I only played the beginning while skipping thru the custscenes and ignoring the dialogue and haven't touched it since. I thought it was going to be some xian nonsense so I haven't really given it a chance.

It is heavily anti-xian, as the church and inquisition are the primary antagonists of plague tale. I liked it a lot, actually, and the second game also. They aren't very long either, which I appreciate as a lot of games nowadays are super grindy and need hundreds of hours to complete.

I don't know about elden ring though, I have to admit the ritualistic murder of an aryan god as one of the first scenes I saw doesn't make me thrilled to buy it lol
Egon said:
hailourtruegod said:
Elden Ring was one of my favorite games I have ever played but I didn't even know anything about it and only got it because of a friend talking good about it for like a week and a half before it came out. Never eveb heard of it before that.
Dahaarkan said:
So I finally had a look at elden ring after a friend kept bugging me about it and uhhh...

Dope friends you have.

Elden Ring is an Allegory for Alchemy: https://youtu.be/oilS07zu3JY

I myself won't indulge in much videogames I hope, but if you do you should try the other Miyazaki games too like Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne and Sekiro. It is a shame many people only know Elden Ring and dismiss the others. They are all excellent and one builds up in mechanics and improvements to the next.

I haven't bothered with Elden Ring, but I have to disagree about Dark Souls series. I believe they are among the most jewish games of all time. The whole setting is a jewish dystopian wet dream with ugliness and hopelessness in overabundance, like the dark ages but even worse. So many of the bosses are grotesque depictions of the Gods and figures from mythology. The way they represent Demons and speak of them in the lore is unacceptable.
The demons, born of Chaos, harbor fire, and yet they are twisted and malformed, such that they were never meant to be.
Obvious jewish projection there.
You have to kill all of these threats to jews like curse vomiting frogs (could it be more obvious?), Demons, Dragons, Giants, Knights, zombies, deprived peasants, Khopesh wielding "Snake men" with fire breathing snake heads (an unflattering representation of Egyptians), and all the while you are constantly ripping the souls from corpses and then crushing them in your hand to absorb their power so you can transmute them and add them to your own power which is literally jewish vampirism.

I could go on. It's such a grim and disgusting franchise, and the only thing I ever liked about it was the weapon design - and even that isn't always perfect (side tangent: putting aside the stupid fantasy giant swords that could never be wielded by a human, there's also other obnoxious no-no's like barbed swords, item names like kite shield which aren't kite shields, a "broadsword" with no basket hilt, a "longsword" which isn't used like a long sword, and even a lot of armor nitpicking that I could get into. That's off the top of my head).

I think the single jewish thing that bothers me the most though about Dark Souls is the "dung pies." That may as well be their signature.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433083 time=1680013749 user_id=46372]The way they represent Demons and speak of them in the lore is unacceptable.
The demons, born of Chaos, harbor fire, and yet they are twisted and malformed, such that they were never meant to be.
Obvious jewish projection there.
Nah you're reading too much into it. They do not refer to our Demons they work just like Titans for the ignorant masses. Also what Japanese media has adapted into "Demons" for Western audiences usually means completely different things for them. The point of the game is to Rekindle the flame, choose your path to become a wielder of the flame or let everything into the dark, and keep the cycle of Life, Death and Rebirth like many messages for the Magnum Opus.

The farming Souls thing is just XP farming from the undead, it is not real parasitism one because they are undead and second you're doing them a favor by ending their misery. You defeat the Lord of death that was keeping humans stagnate, to keep the cycle of rebirth going (like the Chronos myth etc.). You do have the choice to be an asshole and steal Humanity and Souls from a living person but there are consequences to it.

What I like the most is that there is no morally evil villains or depravity it is all an inner fight against yourself and how you deal with the circumstances and hardship, just like the old myths but obviously over the top horror and whatnot which I personally don't care. Anyway I don't think there is much of any message or themes in those games like for instance kill the Gods cause they're assholes like in GoW, it is a fight within yourself to become better, different from the the retardendss of literalizing the symbolic language because GoW is kike ass, disabled from getting subtle impersonal and symbolic mechanisms that have nothing to do with fighting moral "evil".

In Sekiro which is the more personal game of the series and has some buddhist yikes there is still positive aspect of Shinto that (SPOILERS AHEAD) you don't need to sever immortality like the base game tells you to, you can actually return the White Dragon to the West and thus fix the same problem of the Souls world but in real Japan.

Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433083 time=1680013749 user_id=46372]
with ugliness and hopelessness in overabundance,
Isn't that awesome? No matter how fucked and ugly the world is you can do better, just like in the game you may commit errors, you learn the patterns from your enemies, and if you do not win in one life you fight even better in the next.
Egon said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433083 time=1680013749 user_id=46372]The way they represent Demons and speak of them in the lore is unacceptable.
The demons, born of Chaos, harbor fire, and yet they are twisted and malformed, such that they were never meant to be.
Obvious jewish projection there.
Nah you're reading too much into it. They do not refer to our Demons they work just like Titans for the ignorant masses. Also what Japanese media has adapted into "Demons" for Western audiences usually means completely different things for them. The point of the game is to Rekindle the flame, choose your path to become a wielder of the flame or let everything into the dark, and keep the cycle of Life, Death and Rebirth like many messages for the Magnum Opus.

The farming Souls thing is just XP farming from the undead, it is not real parasitism one because they are undead and second you're doing them a favor by ending their misery. You defeat the Lord of death that was keeping humans stagnate, to keep the cycle of rebirth going (like the Chronos myth etc.). You do have the choice to be an asshole and steal Humanity and Souls from a living person but there are consequences to it.

What I like the most is that there is no morally evil villains or depravity it is all an inner fight against yourself and how you deal with the circumstances and hardship, just like the old myths but obviously over the top horror and whatnot which I personally don't care. Anyway I don't think there is much of any message or themes in those games like for instance kill the Gods cause they're assholes like in GoW, it is a fight within yourself to become better, different from the the retardendss of literalizing the symbolic language because GoW is kike ass, disabled from getting subtle impersonal and symbolic mechanisms that have nothing to do with fighting moral "evil".

In Sekiro which is the more personal game of the series and has some buddhist yikes there is still positive aspect of Shinto that (SPOILERS AHEAD) you don't need to sever immortality like the base game tells you to, you can actually return the White Dragon to the West and thus fix the same problem of the Souls world but in real Japan.

Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=433083 time=1680013749 user_id=46372]
with ugliness and hopelessness in overabundance,
Isn't that awesome? No matter how fucked and ugly the world is you can do better, just like in the game you may commit errors, you learn the patterns from your enemies, and if you do not win in one life you fight even better in the next.

Then what about "Demon King," "Demon Prince" etc... and they all have fire abilities and are typically engulfed in flame. I'm guessing that's the jew trying to depict the high amount of bioelectricity as well as the Solar power. I don't see how these could be related to Titans or any natural forces. As for the Japanese mythology part, the game has separate references to Oni.

Explain also Nameless King (Baal), or Oceiros (Osiris) the consumed king. Lots more like that too. God of War isn't the only deicide simulator, and in some ways Dark Souls takes the cake if you ask me. You get your biggest soul siphons from slaying these bosses that are based off the Gods. The undead thing itself is probably a reference to the biblical mass rising of corpses from the graves, xian apocalypse nonsense typical to the zombie genre. Even if you could call it mercy killing, you're still stealing souls to level up the character. I don't think there's any way to excuse that or interpret it differently.

I see so many subtle curses in Dark Souls that it's hard to count and keep track of them all.
Dahaarkan said:
hailourtruegod said:
Lol seems like you have complicated feelings about it?

Is your pfp from that game called Plagues Tale? The same friend who recommend me to play ER told me about Plagues Tale and I only played the beginning while skipping thru the custscenes and ignoring the dialogue and haven't touched it since. I thought it was going to be some xian nonsense so I haven't really given it a chance.

It is heavily anti-xian, as the church and inquisition are the primary antagonists of plague tale. I liked it a lot, actually, and the second game also. They aren't very long either, which I appreciate as a lot of games nowadays are super grindy and need hundreds of hours to complete.

I don't know about elden ring though, I have to admit the ritualistic murder of an aryan god as one of the first scenes I saw doesn't make me thrilled to buy it lol

Ah good to know. Then I might give Requiem another try then. I wasn't sure if they were going to punish the kid for having what seemed like siddhis like in the movie Cary were at the end she dies as a punishment for using her mental abilities. It was a lot of assumption on my end.

As for Elden Ring I had my doubts and likes about it and I don't even understand the whole story yet but I think that's common lol. I'm liking the conversation between Jrvan and Egon and seeing what's their perspective on it since I never got into any souls like game before ER.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
