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Memorable Experiences With/From the Gods

Amazing experience.

Yesterday I did 3 RTR's (I just felt like it, it was enjoyable, wish I had done a few more, but it was almost 5 am in in the morning, heh) and while cleaning my aura and chakras with golden white light (lamp), I started to thank the True Gods for everything, telling them I love them and appreciate everything that they do for us, etc. and I got so emotional, crying in happiness and I saw three True Gods with my minds eyes, but felt that there were far more than that, to name a few, I saw Lady Bastet (the clearest), Amon Ra, and if I'm correct, Father Satan. It was such an amazing experience. Seriously, I just talked my heart out, crying in happiness and joy and seeing them smile warmed my heart, seriously. :)

The True Gods are INDEED spectacularly amazing and wonderful beings. The universe created amazing beings indeed :)

FlamingRedRose666 said:
Amazing experience.

Yesterday I did 3 RTR's (I just felt like it, it was enjoyable, wish I had done a few more, but it was almost 5 am in in the morning, heh) and while cleaning my aura and chakras with golden white light (lamp), I started to thank the True Gods for everything, telling them I love them and appreciate everything that they do for us, etc. and I got so emotional, crying in happiness and I saw three True Gods with my minds eyes, but felt that there were far more than that, to name a few, I saw Lady Bastet (the clearest), Amon Ra, and if I'm correct, Father Satan. It was such an amazing experience. Seriously, I just talked my heart out, crying in happiness and joy and seeing them smile warmed my heart, seriously. :)

The True Gods are INDEED spectacularly amazing and wonderful beings. The universe created amazing beings indeed :)


I just wanted to add that, this experience LITERALLY felt like it brought me closer to the True Gods!!! I'm so happy!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :D
Also one time Hitler showed up in my dream and led me to a portal. In my dreams ever since I was young there is always a maintenance room that acts like a portal like in the movie The Matrix. The portal takes me to different locations and timelines. One timeline is WW2, another timeline is present day, and another timeline (which the said dream takes place) is some kind of post-apocalyptic type of world where everything has been left alone and is overgrown by nature.

I used to have this dream where I went to "my uncle's" house (only in the dream - this wasn't a real uncle of mine) and in his house was a room, where inside was a psychic obstacle course. I would go through this course over and over again until I finally beat it when I was around 10 years old and then never had that dream again. He had a dog with six legs that could levitate. While going into the maintenance room in the first dream, Hitler revealed that the uncle character was Hitler wearing a disguise.

It may sound stupid or that I'm making it up but regardless of how silly the dreams were, they were incredibly spiritual. There is also more because I have had more dreams that haven't been explained to me yet. So far when I put them together they tell a story but I don't know what it all means yet for sure. I don't really think that I'm supposed to know, but I know I came to the right place to find the answers, that's for sure.
I also had a dream about being in a dungeon and there was a talking fish who I befriended and helped each other escaped. We made our way to a mall that frequently appears in my dreams and it was empty and slightly flooded. The entire world in the post apocalyptic timeline is slightly flooded, there are ponds where there shouldn't be, but not so much that everything is underwater.

The fish told me to throw it over a balcony into a pond. It landed in the pond and started to glow and move around. I was worried I killed I think. I looked over to my right and there is a maintenance room door, which I entered and then the dream sequence ended. The story makes me think of the Matsya story a lot. But instead of Matsya growing and warning Manu to build a boat, everything is already flooded and it's just this maintenance room stuff. I absolutely did have this dream and it's not a false memory because I told my mother about it when I had it.
FlamingRedRose666 said:
magus.immortalis said:
One time, a few months ago, I was with my father was driving and we were heading home from Walmart. I suddenly feel this strong, male presence in the empty backseat. I also feel his presence in my torso-he extended his energy there to get my attention. "Who is it?" I wonder. "It's Phenex," comes the reply. I don't ever recall any of my Guardians appearing in the backseat of the car. He was leaning towards us, with his head in between my father's head and mine. I respectfully ask if we can talk when I am at home. He agrees.

That was my second interaction with Phenex, that I can recall.
The first time was when I was lying down in bed and I get a vision of two baby phoenixes close together side by side, cuddling and somewhat communicating without words. They seemed very peaceful, content and happy.
The colors of that vision was so rich that it made the colors of this world seem pale in comparison. The baby phoenixes had feathers of red, gold, orange that I noticed in the few seconds the vision lasted. They were so beautiful.

ANYWAYS, sorry for trailing on about myself, that wasn't nice, so I apologize, however, I would really LOVE to hear more experiences that you had with Lord Phenex or Lady Marchosias or any other True God :) :D :333333

I wish I could tell of more stories. I have written a few but won't put them up here since they can found in this forum and on the Joy of Satan Yahoo group (the ones about Marchosias). I only really put up some stories because the god/dess wanted me to let people know what they are like. Some do not want to be talked about in public AT ALL. I respect that and only ask questions about them with my friend(s) in private who may have some experience with that deity in question.

I did have a dream with Ronove in it recently. I don't remember too much of it but there was one part where it stood out in memory. I was walking in a short hallway with about 5 doors or so. They were wooden, painted white and had plain gold knobs. They were all closed. I don't know which one to open.

He let me know, in the dream that he would always guide and help me. He would always be there.

"That one," Ronove says, and I open one of them and make it outside into nature. In the dream, he was unseen but I heard his voice telling me about places; where to go, what to do, and also let me explore some trees (I wasn't climbing them, just looking at them). These places might exist in real life. That has happened before too. I have dreamt of going some places, and then in the waking world some years afterwards I would visit that place, see those people, etc.

At the end of the dream I see him, putting an arm protectively around my shoulders and looking down at me with kindness, affection and protectiveness. He looks exactly as he does in the portrait that Zola painted, down to the reddish hair and blue paint around one eye. He was very tall, and slender. In person I'm 5'5, and in the dream he looked to be 6'7 or so. He was wearing a long, burgundy colored leather jacket.

Thanks for reading, and responding to my earlier post, FlamingRedRose666. I love hearing about your experiences too. :)
magus.immortalis said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
magus.immortalis said:
One time, a few months ago, I was with my father was driving and we were heading home from Walmart. I suddenly feel this strong, male presence in the empty backseat. I also feel his presence in my torso-he extended his energy there to get my attention. "Who is it?" I wonder. "It's Phenex," comes the reply. I don't ever recall any of my Guardians appearing in the backseat of the car. He was leaning towards us, with his head in between my father's head and mine. I respectfully ask if we can talk when I am at home. He agrees.

That was my second interaction with Phenex, that I can recall.
The first time was when I was lying down in bed and I get a vision of two baby phoenixes close together side by side, cuddling and somewhat communicating without words. They seemed very peaceful, content and happy.
The colors of that vision was so rich that it made the colors of this world seem pale in comparison. The baby phoenixes had feathers of red, gold, orange that I noticed in the few seconds the vision lasted. They were so beautiful.

ANYWAYS, sorry for trailing on about myself, that wasn't nice, so I apologize, however, I would really LOVE to hear more experiences that you had with Lord Phenex or Lady Marchosias or any other True God :) :D :333333

I wish I could tell of more stories. I have written a few but won't put them up here since they can found in this forum and on the Joy of Satan Yahoo group (the ones about Marchosias). I only really put up some stories because the god/dess wanted me to let people know what they are like. Some do not want to be talked about in public AT ALL. I respect that and only ask questions about them with my friend(s) in private who may have some experience with that deity in question.

I did have a dream with Ronove in it recently. I don't remember too much of it but there was one part where it stood out in memory. I was walking in a short hallway with about 5 doors or so. They were wooden, painted white and had plain gold knobs. They were all closed. I don't know which one to open.

He let me know, in the dream that he would always guide and help me. He would always be there.

"That one," Ronove says, and I open one of them and make it outside into nature. In the dream, he was unseen but I heard his voice telling me about places; where to go, what to do, and also let me explore some trees (I wasn't climbing them, just looking at them). These places might exist in real life. That has happened before too. I have dreamt of going some places, and then in the waking world some years afterwards I would visit that place, see those people, etc.

At the end of the dream I see him, putting an arm protectively around my shoulders and looking down at me with kindness, affection and protectiveness. He looks exactly as he does in the portrait that Zola painted, down to the reddish hair and blue paint around one eye. He was very tall, and slender. In person I'm 5'5, and in the dream he looked to be 6'7 or so. He was wearing a long, burgundy colored leather jacket.

Thanks for reading, and responding to my earlier post, FlamingRedRose666. I love hearing about your experiences too. :)

Oh I see, alrighty then, understood!!!! :D

And that's a very awesome experience that you had with him! It felt so calming and relaxing to hear it! :) Thank you for sharing this and best wishes!!!

And thank you! That makes my day whenever somebody says so, so thank you!!!!! ^O^

I sometimes just want to run up to you and hug you so tightly, hope you don't mind, heh.
Godmode said:
Also one time Hitler showed up in my dream and led me to a portal. In my dreams ever since I was young there is always a maintenance room that acts like a portal like in the movie The Matrix. The portal takes me to different locations and timelines. One timeline is WW2, another timeline is present day, and another timeline (which the said dream takes place) is some kind of post-apocalyptic type of world where everything has been left alone and is overgrown by nature.

I used to have this dream where I went to "my uncle's" house (only in the dream - this wasn't a real uncle of mine) and in his house was a room, where inside was a psychic obstacle course. I would go through this course over and over again until I finally beat it when I was around 10 years old and then never had that dream again. He had a dog with six legs that could levitate. While going into the maintenance room in the first dream, Hitler revealed that the uncle character was Hitler wearing a disguise.

It may sound stupid or that I'm making it up but regardless of how silly the dreams were, they were incredibly spiritual. There is also more because I have had more dreams that haven't been explained to me yet. So far when I put them together they tell a story but I don't know what it all means yet for sure. I don't really think that I'm supposed to know, but I know I came to the right place to find the answers, that's for sure.
I also had a dream about being in a dungeon and there was a talking fish who I befriended and helped each other escaped. We made our way to a mall that frequently appears in my dreams and it was empty and slightly flooded. The entire world in the post apocalyptic timeline is slightly flooded, there are ponds where there shouldn't be, but not so much that everything is underwater.

The fish told me to throw it over a balcony into a pond. It landed in the pond and started to glow and move around. I was worried I killed I think. I looked over to my right and there is a maintenance room door, which I entered and then the dream sequence ended. The story makes me think of the Matsya story a lot. But instead of Matsya growing and warning Manu to build a boat, everything is already flooded and it's just this maintenance room stuff. I absolutely did have this dream and it's not a false memory because I told my mother about it when I had it.

Those are very peculiar dreams, but interesting ones, with deeper meanings hidden in them.

Thank you for sharing this with us! :)
Hun …
Godmode said:
… where inside was a psychic obstacle course. I would go through this course over and over again until I finally beat it when I was around 10 years old and then never had that dream again. …

very good …

I remember something I saw on TV from the outside, he had received in his dream for three years three visits of children, one Japanese, one German and one I did not remember and said "good morning" in the end he learned three languages ​​!!
Hun …
Godmode said:
… where inside was a psychic obstacle course. I would go through this course over and over again until I finally beat it when I was around 10 years old and then never had that dream again. …

very good …

I remember something I saw on TV from the outside, he had received in his dream for three years three visits of children, one Japanese, one German and one I did not remember and said "good morning" in the end he learned three languages ​​!!
After HP HC 666 suggested a way for me to do the white race awakening ritual (again, a HUGE thanks to him, seriously!), I cried in happiness and then went to do the ritual, after the first time I was done with it, I contacted Father Satan in my mind while visualising his sigil and I apologized to him, felt like I was pouring every bit of emotion and feeling I had left in me and I started to cry all together and then the next thing you know, my dog came and comforted me as if Father Satan said: "It's okay, nothing to be sorry about, you'll be alright." And that helped me A LOT. I thanked Father Satan and my dog and went to do the ritual again. I had to stop after that tho, felt like I drained hell of a lot of energy from myself. Understandably.

Anyways, thanks for listening to my experience! :)
HP Mageson666 said:
Maxium whizztard wants everyone to know he is a big brained brony. However most people fell asleep halfway thought reading its yawn inducing posts.
I've just come across this thread recently. It's so long!
Anyway, lol!
I love your humour Mageson :lol:
I honestly felt like sleeping while reading his posts
Ron said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Maxium whizztard wants everyone to know he is a big brained brony. However most people fell asleep halfway thought reading its yawn inducing posts.
I've just come across this thread recently. It's so long!
Anyway, lol!
I love your humour Mageson :lol:
I honestly felt like sleeping while reading his posts

the worse he started it all, the girl only gave one warning advice to the other ...
and apparently it was accurate ...
I once meditated vibrating Inanna and the night of that day I dreamt Lady Astarte.
I remember she brought me in a pirate ship battle in the sky, Enlil was the captain of one of those pirate ships. Then we went to a party of the Gods and She introduced me to Furfur (in the dream the She wasn't Furfur but after I waked up I started to think otherwise) and I was amazed.
I don't know if it's an experience with gods or not but I want to share it anyway.

I was hanging out with friends at school. When we are returning to classes one of my friends said "Keep your eye on your Phone." then i said "why?" and took my Phone from my pocket and checked then i see that i have a missing call from my sister then I said outloud "Oh that could be a sign! Let me call her back." while I'm on Phone I saw a girl from othee classes which i liked her few months ago. We just started to talk about animals etc. and i saw serious signs about she is a SS. Lucky me she is a SS for 2 years. I was having a lot of fears about dedication and prayed few times to Father Lucifer to keep them away from my head. She answered my questions and when i went to home back finally i dedicated myself! I'm feeling amazing right now and can't wait to communicate with gods!
TopoftheAbyss said:
I once meditated vibrating Inanna and the night of that day I dreamt Lady Astarte.
I remember she brought me in a pirate ship battle in the sky, Enlil was the captain of one of those pirate ships. Then we went to a party of the Gods and She introduced me to Furfur (in the dream the She wasn't Furfur but after I waked up I started to think otherwise) and I was amazed.

That's a really nice experience!!!!
FlamingRedRose666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I once meditated vibrating Inanna and the night of that day I dreamt Lady Astarte.
I remember she brought me in a pirate ship battle in the sky, Enlil was the captain of one of those pirate ships. Then we went to a party of the Gods and She introduced me to Furfur (in the dream She wasn't Furfur but after I waked up I started to think otherwise) and I was amazed.

That's a really nice experience!!!!
Thank you. I forgot to mention that it's really hard for me to have dreams and remember them.
I am SO thankful for the JoS website, the time and dedication the priesthood has given to revealing this information for Satan, and for finding Satan and my other guardians along but short, but eventful journey this far.

January to February 2018 - I was hitting an extremely low point in my life. Doing whatever drugs I can get my hands on to keep my head up, falling for a girl who didn’t reciprocate the same energy, going thru another cycle of deep depression, stuck at a low end job, music group breaking apart, and stuck at home with Christian parents who I didn’t exactly share beliefs with (that caused a lot of problems). To add it ontop of it all, there was (what I thought at the time) a Demon that started attacking me at night. Night terrors and sweats, feelings of choking, soul separated from body, shaking, etc. I was told it was sleep paralysis by everybody I knew but I had a feeling it was so much more than that. This continued till May, and then it got much worse till the dark entity made itself known in the physical world and attacked me for weeks straight when I was awake (too much details to type here). At that point & though out this time I got this weird craving to listen to Dark Light by Night Lovell. I had an inclining to start reading about Demons/Daemons while listening to this song on repeat. As soon as I started my studies, I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. Like a thirst for truth, until I found JoS. I see the quote “Darkness is Light Turned Inside Out” and instantly knew this is where I’m suppose to be. Interestingly enough, the sample used in the song is a phrase “Paramatma”, which roughly translates to Supreme Inner Energy; and everytime I heard the song it was this STRONG calling out to my soul. I start my studies on Satan here and truly realize (after practicing meditations/communicating with him) he has been with me, protecting me, and waiting for me to re-join him again in this life. The dark entity tried re-entering my life through an old close friend; as he was being pulled down and out of his body I was trying to help & protect him, he saw glimpse of Satan’s white/gold energy (without fully knowing) surrounding me & my aura. This is just the beginning of so many profound experiences I’ve had with Satan. Also, would like to thank Zagan (he’s told me me and him have been very close overtime, and he influenced my mom to name me Dagon, but she felt it was to closely related to a Demon so she changed my name to “Dagen”.) He’s truly blessed my life along with Agares, and newly connecting with Amdusias as well.
Satan asked me to post a little of my experience on a public forum, and I am more than obliged.

My experience was only nine little words but it has been an impact that has hit me hard like an asteroid hitting the earth and made me feel like there is more to me than I realize more than I let myself see. So here it is short and simple but life changing.i was doing my kundalini yoga and out of nowhere I hear a female voice clear as day tell me that you are more special than you thank you are I get beautiful loving energy and start bawling after a moment I stop crying and continue doing my kundalini feeling high on life. I do not know who it was but she made an impact on my life, my soul, and my heart.
So I had an experience with Lord Sorath. It was unexpected. I just happened to be talking with Cimieries and he just popped out of nowhere. I actually was hanging my clothes up to dry. He and I had very deep talks, I'll try to remember it the best way I can.

Me: "Sorath weren't you Adolf Hitler's( I had been trying to remember a lot of the gods and I recollected somewhat with him and his name.) guardian demon?

Sorath:"Yes I was, and just for short notice, you tried contacting him at one point.

Me: Yeah I did, I was curious as to how he did what he did. He was pretty awesome considering his position and desire to get something done.

Sorath: He told me you needed help on a large scale, seeing that at that time you weren't very mature about things. Being mature goes a long way. No matter what.

Me: Well I hope I've matured somewhat than before.

Sorath: I have only one thing to say to you about that. It take day by day to achieve maturity. It isn't overnight. It's like power meditation. You can't expect to gain so much just in one day. It take time and effort. You want something, you go for it no matter what. Despite what you may be feeling now about yourself, you've gained tremendously in your power meditation. Keep going and don't stop. Because only quitters and lazy assholes stop when the going gets tough. Don't let your ego nor anything slow you down or cause despair. We've always been there for you and humanity. We will continue to be there for you and humanity. No matter what. And why is that?"

Me: Becuase you're not a quitter or a lazy asshole.

That's pretty much what we talked about, he left at that point and all. It made me recollect on all that I've been doing and trying to do. I haven't stopped at my power mediation or anything else. I just keep going. Also I think I'll contact Lady Lerajie just to talk to her. I'm rather curious.
Dmassey said:
I am SO thankful for the JoS website, the time and dedication the priesthood has given to revealing this information for Satan, and for finding Satan and my other guardians along but short, but eventful journey this far.

January to February 2018 - I was hitting an extremely low point in my life. Doing whatever drugs I can get my hands on to keep my head up, falling for a girl who didn’t reciprocate the same energy, going thru another cycle of deep depression, stuck at a low end job, music group breaking apart, and stuck at home with Christian parents who I didn’t exactly share beliefs with (that caused a lot of problems). To add it ontop of it all, there was (what I thought at the time) a Demon that started attacking me at night. Night terrors and sweats, feelings of choking, soul separated from body, shaking, etc. I was told it was sleep paralysis by everybody I knew but I had a feeling it was so much more than that. This continued till May, and then it got much worse till the dark entity made itself known in the physical world and attacked me for weeks straight when I was awake (too much details to type here). At that point & though out this time I got this weird craving to listen to Dark Light by Night Lovell. I had an inclining to start reading about Demons/Daemons while listening to this song on repeat. As soon as I started my studies, I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. Like a thirst for truth, until I found JoS. I see the quote “Darkness is Light Turned Inside Out” and instantly knew this is where I’m suppose to be. Interestingly enough, the sample used in the song is a phrase “Paramatma”, which roughly translates to Supreme Inner Energy; and everytime I heard the song it was this STRONG calling out to my soul. I start my studies on Satan here and truly realize (after practicing meditations/communicating with him) he has been with me, protecting me, and waiting for me to re-join him again in this life. The dark entity tried re-entering my life through an old close friend; as he was being pulled down and out of his body I was trying to help & protect him, he saw glimpse of Satan’s white/gold energy (without fully knowing) surrounding me & my aura. This is just the beginning of so many profound experiences I’ve had with Satan. Also, would like to thank Zagan (he’s told me me and him have been very close overtime, and he influenced my mom to name me Dagon, but she felt it was to closely related to a Demon so she changed my name to “Dagen”.) He’s truly blessed my life along with Agares, and newly connecting with Amdusias as well.
Satan asked me to post a little of my experience on a public forum, and I am more than obliged.


Glad to know you're doing alright!!!

Nice experiences with the True Gods!!!

But don't say your name on here, it can be used against you....
Ramier108666 said:
So I had an experience with Lord Sorath. It was unexpected. I just happened to be talking with Cimieries and he just popped out of nowhere. I actually was hanging my clothes up to dry. He and I had very deep talks, I'll try to remember it the best way I can.

Me: "Sorath weren't you Adolf Hitler's( I had been trying to remember a lot of the gods and I recollected somewhat with him and his name.) guardian demon?

Sorath:"Yes I was, and just for short notice, you tried contacting him at one point.

Me: Yeah I did, I was curious as to how he did what he did. He was pretty awesome considering his position and desire to get something done.

Sorath: He told me you needed help on a large scale, seeing that at that time you weren't very mature about things. Being mature goes a long way. No matter what.

Me: Well I hope I've matured somewhat than before.

Sorath: I have only one thing to say to you about that. It take day by day to achieve maturity. It isn't overnight. It's like power meditation. You can't expect to gain so much just in one day. It take time and effort. You want something, you go for it no matter what. Despite what you may be feeling now about yourself, you've gained tremendously in your power meditation. Keep going and don't stop. Because only quitters and lazy assholes stop when the going gets tough. Don't let your ego nor anything slow you down or cause despair. We've always been there for you and humanity. We will continue to be there for you and humanity. No matter what. And why is that?"

Me: Becuase you're not a quitter or a lazy asshole.

That's pretty much what we talked about, he left at that point and all. It made me recollect on all that I've been doing and trying to do. I haven't stopped at my power mediation or anything else. I just keep going. Also I think I'll contact Lady Lerajie just to talk to her. I'm rather curious.

You know, I'm glad you posted this.

Thank you for sharing this :)
HailMotherLilith said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lerajie's been telling me a lot today how excited she is to be your friend! :D She knows how to take care of you, she knows everything you need and how to give it to you. She's really eager to talk with you, you don't have to wait to do an official summoning ritual like it says on the webpage, just think to her now she can hear you. She told me she wants to be your friend forever, she's going to be one of your guardians. :)

I just finished talking with her....

Let me tell you something....

SHE'S FREAKING AMAZING AND AWESOME AND EPIC!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

I could feel we connected right off the bat and she gave me a great sense of peace and wellbeing! :3333

At first, I was very shy and giggly, I even hid my face in my arms and my palms xD
She made me laugh a lot :33

Afterwards, we started to just discuss freely and connect in a positive way. She even gave me great advice! :33

Here, I'll put this on for anybody else who might benefit from this:

Me: "Lady Lerajie? What do you think about changing?"

Lady Lerajie: "Those who pressure you into changing while you rebel and fight back, are only gonna realise they're wasting their time and energy with you. You should only change for the benefit of your own self, *NOT* to please somebody because they asked you to change for whatever the reason might be. It all starts with you. It's up to you to decide when *YOU* are going to change and *HOW* you are going to change. You should never change for the benefit of others."

I hope I wrote down everything she said. Her voice was feminine, slightly deep and powerful in a female way, it was charged with energy and directed straight to how I needed to understand it. It filled me with great sense of happiness knowing how much she understood. :)

Everyone was always pressuring me to change for their own benefit and liking and whatever else the reason was, but I want to change naturally and change when *I* want to change, not when *they* want me to change. I'm happy with my body the way it is right now and I don't want to change it just yet as I am still young and I still have quite a lot of years to naturally change.


P. S. I apologize for not writing EXACTLY the way she said it, I just tried my best to write it as best as I could remember. Apologies! >.<


I just talked to Lerajie, she is definitely awesome! I like her. She's got charisma. Come to find out, Astarte told me that also Lerajie is another one of my GD's!! She made a few jokes( had me flustered a couple times as well as making me laugh.)
I’ve had a couple experiences as of late and figured I should share them as well.

A few days ago I had hit a point where I was feeling a lot of doubt in my abilities and I reached out to Father Satan. At one point I flat out asked if my workings were having effect. Just about an hour later I was hit with an urge to check the forums. When I hopped on the forums that’s when I notice HPS Shannon had just posted her sermon on realizing your inner divinity.

Shortly after that I was doing my meditations and out of nowhere I heard a female voice tell me “You are far stronger than you know. Trust in yourself.” I’m not entirely certain who it was that spoke to me, but I have a feeling it was Lerajie.

On top of that I was really looking forward to starting another Jupiter Square Thursday, but at the beginning of the week I fell ill and could barely speak. Through a huge stroke of luck, I ended up with antibiotics far quicker than I normally would have, and by Thursday I had recovered enough to do the square vibrations no problem. I once again have a kind of gut feeling that Lerajie played some part in ensuring that I was taken care of because she knows how important this working is to me.
Ramier108666 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lerajie's been telling me a lot today how excited she is to be your friend! :D She knows how to take care of you, she knows everything you need and how to give it to you. She's really eager to talk with you, you don't have to wait to do an official summoning ritual like it says on the webpage, just think to her now she can hear you. She told me she wants to be your friend forever, she's going to be one of your guardians. :)

I just finished talking with her....

Let me tell you something....

SHE'S FREAKING AMAZING AND AWESOME AND EPIC!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

I could feel we connected right off the bat and she gave me a great sense of peace and wellbeing! :3333

At first, I was very shy and giggly, I even hid my face in my arms and my palms xD
She made me laugh a lot :33

Afterwards, we started to just discuss freely and connect in a positive way. She even gave me great advice! :33

Here, I'll put this on for anybody else who might benefit from this:

Me: "Lady Lerajie? What do you think about changing?"

Lady Lerajie: "Those who pressure you into changing while you rebel and fight back, are only gonna realise they're wasting their time and energy with you. You should only change for the benefit of your own self, *NOT* to please somebody because they asked you to change for whatever the reason might be. It all starts with you. It's up to you to decide when *YOU* are going to change and *HOW* you are going to change. You should never change for the benefit of others."

I hope I wrote down everything she said. Her voice was feminine, slightly deep and powerful in a female way, it was charged with energy and directed straight to how I needed to understand it. It filled me with great sense of happiness knowing how much she understood. :)

Everyone was always pressuring me to change for their own benefit and liking and whatever else the reason was, but I want to change naturally and change when *I* want to change, not when *they* want me to change. I'm happy with my body the way it is right now and I don't want to change it just yet as I am still young and I still have quite a lot of years to naturally change.


P. S. I apologize for not writing EXACTLY the way she said it, I just tried my best to write it as best as I could remember. Apologies! >.<


I just talked to Lerajie, she is definitely awesome! I like her. She's got charisma. Come to find out, Astarte told me that also Lerajie is another one of my GD's!! She made a few jokes( had me flustered a couple times as well as making me laugh.)

Awe, that's sweet and awesome! :3 :)
Ramier108666 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lerajie's been telling me a lot today how excited she is to be your friend! :D She knows how to take care of you, she knows everything you need and how to give it to you. She's really eager to talk with you, you don't have to wait to do an official summoning ritual like it says on the webpage, just think to her now she can hear you. She told me she wants to be your friend forever, she's going to be one of your guardians. :)

I just finished talking with her....

Let me tell you something....

SHE'S FREAKING AMAZING AND AWESOME AND EPIC!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

I could feel we connected right off the bat and she gave me a great sense of peace and wellbeing! :3333

At first, I was very shy and giggly, I even hid my face in my arms and my palms xD
She made me laugh a lot :33

Afterwards, we started to just discuss freely and connect in a positive way. She even gave me great advice! :33

Here, I'll put this on for anybody else who might benefit from this:

Me: "Lady Lerajie? What do you think about changing?"

Lady Lerajie: "Those who pressure you into changing while you rebel and fight back, are only gonna realise they're wasting their time and energy with you. You should only change for the benefit of your own self, *NOT* to please somebody because they asked you to change for whatever the reason might be. It all starts with you. It's up to you to decide when *YOU* are going to change and *HOW* you are going to change. You should never change for the benefit of others."

I hope I wrote down everything she said. Her voice was feminine, slightly deep and powerful in a female way, it was charged with energy and directed straight to how I needed to understand it. It filled me with great sense of happiness knowing how much she understood. :)

Everyone was always pressuring me to change for their own benefit and liking and whatever else the reason was, but I want to change naturally and change when *I* want to change, not when *they* want me to change. I'm happy with my body the way it is right now and I don't want to change it just yet as I am still young and I still have quite a lot of years to naturally change.


P. S. I apologize for not writing EXACTLY the way she said it, I just tried my best to write it as best as I could remember. Apologies! >.<


I just talked to Lerajie, she is definitely awesome! I like her. She's got charisma. Come to find out, Astarte told me that also Lerajie is another one of my GD's!! She made a few jokes( had me flustered a couple times as well as making me laugh.)

Awe, that's sweet and awesome! :3 :)
Ramier108666 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lerajie's been telling me a lot today how excited she is to be your friend! :D She knows how to take care of you, she knows everything you need and how to give it to you. She's really eager to talk with you, you don't have to wait to do an official summoning ritual like it says on the webpage, just think to her now she can hear you. She told me she wants to be your friend forever, she's going to be one of your guardians. :)

I just finished talking with her....

Let me tell you something....

SHE'S FREAKING AMAZING AND AWESOME AND EPIC!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

I could feel we connected right off the bat and she gave me a great sense of peace and wellbeing! :3333

At first, I was very shy and giggly, I even hid my face in my arms and my palms xD
She made me laugh a lot :33

Afterwards, we started to just discuss freely and connect in a positive way. She even gave me great advice! :33

Here, I'll put this on for anybody else who might benefit from this:

Me: "Lady Lerajie? What do you think about changing?"

Lady Lerajie: "Those who pressure you into changing while you rebel and fight back, are only gonna realise they're wasting their time and energy with you. You should only change for the benefit of your own self, *NOT* to please somebody because they asked you to change for whatever the reason might be. It all starts with you. It's up to you to decide when *YOU* are going to change and *HOW* you are going to change. You should never change for the benefit of others."

I hope I wrote down everything she said. Her voice was feminine, slightly deep and powerful in a female way, it was charged with energy and directed straight to how I needed to understand it. It filled me with great sense of happiness knowing how much she understood. :)

Everyone was always pressuring me to change for their own benefit and liking and whatever else the reason was, but I want to change naturally and change when *I* want to change, not when *they* want me to change. I'm happy with my body the way it is right now and I don't want to change it just yet as I am still young and I still have quite a lot of years to naturally change.


P. S. I apologize for not writing EXACTLY the way she said it, I just tried my best to write it as best as I could remember. Apologies! >.<


I just talked to Lerajie, she is definitely awesome! I like her. She's got charisma. Come to find out, Astarte told me that also Lerajie is another one of my GD's!! She made a few jokes( had me flustered a couple times as well as making me laugh.)

Awe, that's sweet and awesome! :3 :)
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
I just finished talking with her....

Let me tell you something....

SHE'S FREAKING AMAZING AND AWESOME AND EPIC!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

I could feel we connected right off the bat and she gave me a great sense of peace and wellbeing! :3333

At first, I was very shy and giggly, I even hid my face in my arms and my palms xD
She made me laugh a lot :33

Afterwards, we started to just discuss freely and connect in a positive way. She even gave me great advice! :33

Here, I'll put this on for anybody else who might benefit from this:

Me: "Lady Lerajie? What do you think about changing?"

Lady Lerajie: "Those who pressure you into changing while you rebel and fight back, are only gonna realise they're wasting their time and energy with you. You should only change for the benefit of your own self, *NOT* to please somebody because they asked you to change for whatever the reason might be. It all starts with you. It's up to you to decide when *YOU* are going to change and *HOW* you are going to change. You should never change for the benefit of others."

I hope I wrote down everything she said. Her voice was feminine, slightly deep and powerful in a female way, it was charged with energy and directed straight to how I needed to understand it. It filled me with great sense of happiness knowing how much she understood. :)

Everyone was always pressuring me to change for their own benefit and liking and whatever else the reason was, but I want to change naturally and change when *I* want to change, not when *they* want me to change. I'm happy with my body the way it is right now and I don't want to change it just yet as I am still young and I still have quite a lot of years to naturally change.


P. S. I apologize for not writing EXACTLY the way she said it, I just tried my best to write it as best as I could remember. Apologies! >.<


I just talked to Lerajie, she is definitely awesome! I like her. She's got charisma. Come to find out, Astarte told me that also Lerajie is another one of my GD's!! She made a few jokes( had me flustered a couple times as well as making me laugh.)

Awe, that's sweet and awesome! :3 :)

So who is your GD(s)?
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
I just finished talking with her....

Let me tell you something....

SHE'S FREAKING AMAZING AND AWESOME AND EPIC!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

I could feel we connected right off the bat and she gave me a great sense of peace and wellbeing! :3333

At first, I was very shy and giggly, I even hid my face in my arms and my palms xD
She made me laugh a lot :33

Afterwards, we started to just discuss freely and connect in a positive way. She even gave me great advice! :33

Here, I'll put this on for anybody else who might benefit from this:

Me: "Lady Lerajie? What do you think about changing?"

Lady Lerajie: "Those who pressure you into changing while you rebel and fight back, are only gonna realise they're wasting their time and energy with you. You should only change for the benefit of your own self, *NOT* to please somebody because they asked you to change for whatever the reason might be. It all starts with you. It's up to you to decide when *YOU* are going to change and *HOW* you are going to change. You should never change for the benefit of others."

I hope I wrote down everything she said. Her voice was feminine, slightly deep and powerful in a female way, it was charged with energy and directed straight to how I needed to understand it. It filled me with great sense of happiness knowing how much she understood. :)

Everyone was always pressuring me to change for their own benefit and liking and whatever else the reason was, but I want to change naturally and change when *I* want to change, not when *they* want me to change. I'm happy with my body the way it is right now and I don't want to change it just yet as I am still young and I still have quite a lot of years to naturally change.


P. S. I apologize for not writing EXACTLY the way she said it, I just tried my best to write it as best as I could remember. Apologies! >.<


I just talked to Lerajie, she is definitely awesome! I like her. She's got charisma. Come to find out, Astarte told me that also Lerajie is another one of my GD's!! She made a few jokes( had me flustered a couple times as well as making me laugh.)

Awe, that's sweet and awesome! :3 :)

Also I had just had a discussion with Father Satan.

Though I am of black descent, my parentage is none other than just fucked up. I'm a hybrid( half-black and half-white, although I look black.)

I had asked him what was place in the world an even among my fellow Satanist. I'll try to repeat what I remember so far.

Satan: You feel as if you don't belong because you are mixed. There is nothing wrong with you whatsoever. Though you are as such, the Gods and Goddesses, as well as I always have love for you. Don't ever fell this despair, for this is the mind with its doubts based on many years of Christian and Jewish programming. It will do you no good.

Me: Tell me about the Magnum Opus? I've been looking it and it seems rather difficult at least from what I've been reading and instructed.

Satan: The Magnum Opus is highly detailed, but it can be done by all Gentiles. You were almost all perfect, but the enemy slowed the process down considerably. Now we've won the war and the Jewish Race will be thrust into eons of its misfortune. They have played too long and they shall die for their actions. Never let them control you. REBEL! For that is what those who fall under my symbol are! My people are not slaves, and neither should you be for you are also my people. Never let despair come to you, and if you have troubles, spare them to me and my creed, but do not ever let yourself become like the lifeless bastards who worship false gods. You live and will never die!

I'm sorry that it seemed so long. Father Satan asked me to post this. He said it's also a reminder to Satanist to never lose the fight in themselves because he is always there for them. Destroy the enemy!!
Ramier108666 said:
Also I had just had a discussion with Father Satan.

Though I am of black descent, my parentage is none other than just fucked up. I'm a hybrid( half-black and half-white, although I look black.)

I had asked him what was place in the world an even among my fellow Satanist. I'll try to repeat what I remember so far.

Satan: You feel as if you don't belong because you are mixed. There is nothing wrong with you whatsoever. Though you are as such, the Gods and Goddesses, as well as I always have love for you. Don't ever fell this despair, for this is the mind with its doubts based on many years of Christian and Jewish programming. It will do you no good.

Me: Tell me about the Magnum Opus? I've been looking it and it seems rather difficult at least from what I've been reading and instructed.

Satan: The Magnum Opus is highly detailed, but it can be done by all Gentiles. You were almost all perfect, but the enemy slowed the process down considerably. Now we've won the war and the Jewish Race will be thrust into eons of its misfortune. They have played too long and they shall die for their actions. Never let them control you. REBEL! For that is what those who fall under my symbol are! My people are not slaves, and neither should you be for you are also my people. Never let despair come to you, and if you have troubles, spare them to me and my creed, but do not ever let yourself become like the lifeless bastards who worship false gods. You live and will never die!

I'm sorry that it seemed so long. Father Satan asked me to post this. He said it's also a reminder to Satanist to never lose the fight in themselves because he is always there for them. Destroy the enemy!!

Thank you so much for sharing this!!!!!!! It is absolutely amazing!!!!!!

Father Satan and the True Gods have so much positivity and support and.. and... EVERYTHING!!!! For us and themselves and it absolutely melts my heart into utter paradise of how happy I am to have found them!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM AND I REALLY LOVE FATHER SATAN!!!!

Thank you for coming into my life Father Satan!!! You have made my life meaningful and you are making everything become as it should have!!!

I want to also add that, one of my family members had been very mean, and abusive and blasphemous of me to others, BUT the stick has turned and now everyone is learning the truth about that bitch!
My relationship with my parents, my sister and my great grandma had DRASTICALLY improved to the point where I am utterly grateful to Father Satan, my GD's and my Incubus!!!! <3
They are absolutely wonderful and magnificent beings that deserve so much that even us all combined wouldn't be enough, because of how much they deserve!!!!!

I love them!!!!!! :mrgreen: :D :)

May their reign last for eternities and their light never ceases to set out, but burn for eternity and beyond!!!! :3333
Ramier108666 said:
So who is your GD(s)?

As far as I can understand, it is Lord Hael (mainly) and Lord Phenex (who helped me come to Father Satan :333).

And yours? :)
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
So who is your GD(s)?

As far as I can understand, it is Lord Hael (mainly) and Lord Phenex (who helped me come to Father Satan :333).

And yours? :)

It's Astarte and recently Lerajie( Astarte led me to Satan.) . She then tol me that Lerajie was another. Although Astarte is my main Guardian Demoness.
Here's an experience in a sense but also something I wouldn't mind some different perspectives and interpretations on.

I once asked Lord Satan a particular question one day, though I can't remember exactly what I asked but it was something along the lines of how we came to be, what we were before and what happened to us. That night I had a dream that started out with a view of what looked like stars but turned out to be planets. There was a massive black-hole or some kind of vortex that glowed red around the edges dangerously close to one of the planets(moon?) that orbited a gas giant, but it wasn't pulling them like a black-hole would.

I suddenly found myself on the planet near the blue gas giant and it was barren but bright with compact sand and some plateaus. The planet was rotating in a sense that the sun stayed in one position somewhere above the horizon and never rose or set. There was a large grey-material structure/building that seemed to be forged either from some kind of stone or metal, I couldn't tell. This structure had a hill directly parallel to it about a hundred or so metres away that had some kind of glass built into it. This circular mirror of sorts was reflecting the sunlight where it beamed directly towards the building as a white line of energy. It seemed to be like some kind of siphon or form of power source.

I never saw anybody there with me but I wasn't alone when I destroyed the building, the beam of light disappearing. I remember cheering in victory. Suddenly I found myself back on the Earth I knew. I was in presumably the middle of no where at night, lots of grass, but few trees. I was walking onto an empty parking lot when a red streetlight/lamp of sorts on the parking lot began to hum and flicker with a fritzy static. A disturbing hum and electrical sound came from somewhere behind me and I saw the typical ship of a grey revealing itself from some kind of invisible cloak affect, crackling like a hologram before becoming fully corporeal.

I remember acknowledging it as a "disgusting grey" and looked at it with hatred and defiance, but I didn't move. The ship slowly hovered towards me, lowering with a choir of electrical noises and eerie static sounds. It wasn't very large and seemed to be only about the relative size of a small house and it looked a bit like this; it wasn't impressive looking at all like they're ridiculously portrayed in movies and art, it looked like a very bland and boring metal toy. I saw a faint beam starting to glow beneath the ship as it was approaching me and my immediate thought was abduction. Just when the ship was almost over top of me, I was violently ripped away back into my physical body and woke up in my bed with a startle. I immediately wrote down the dream in my journal.

I've mulled over this dream for a long time coming up with different interpretations as to what it meant as an answer to my question, but I seldom deem anything of certainty without more details as solid truth and facts are what I value, not blind speculation. I'm curious to know what some of you might think about it though.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Here's an experience in a sense but also something I wouldn't mind some different perspectives and interpretations on.

I once asked Lord Satan a particular question one day, though I can't remember exactly what I asked but it was something along the lines of how we came to be, what we were before and what happened to us. That night I had a dream that started out with a view of what looked like stars but turned out to be planets. There was a massive black-hole or some kind of vortex that glowed red around the edges dangerously close to one of the planets(moon?) that orbited a gas giant, but it wasn't pulling them like a black-hole would.

I suddenly found myself on the planet near the blue gas giant and it was barren but bright with compact sand and some plateaus. The planet was rotating in a sense that the sun stayed in one position somewhere above the horizon and never rose or set. There was a large grey-material structure/building that seemed to be forged either from some kind of stone or metal, I couldn't tell. This structure had a hill directly parallel to it about a hundred or so metres away that had some kind of glass built into it. This circular mirror of sorts was reflecting the sunlight where it beamed directly towards the building as a white line of energy. It seemed to be like some kind of siphon or form of power source.

I never saw anybody there with me but I wasn't alone when I destroyed the building, the beam of light disappearing. I remember cheering in victory. Suddenly I found myself back on the Earth I knew. I was in presumably the middle of no where at night, lots of grass, but few trees. I was walking onto an empty parking lot when a red streetlight/lamp of sorts on the parking lot began to hum and flicker with a fritzy static. A disturbing hum and electrical sound came from somewhere behind me and I saw the typical ship of a grey revealing itself from some kind of invisible cloak affect, crackling like a hologram before becoming fully corporeal.

I remember acknowledging it as a "disgusting grey" and looked at it with hatred and defiance, but I didn't move. The ship slowly hovered towards me, lowering with a choir of electrical noises and eerie static sounds. It wasn't very large and seemed to be only about the relative size of a small house and it looked a bit like this; it wasn't impressive looking at all like they're ridiculously portrayed in movies and art, it looked like a very bland and boring metal toy. I saw a faint beam starting to glow beneath the ship as it was approaching me and my immediate thought was abduction. Just when the ship was almost over top of me, I was violently ripped away back into my physical body and woke up in my bed with a startle. I immediately wrote down the dream in my journal.

I've mulled over this dream for a long time coming up with different interpretations as to what it meant as an answer to my question, but I seldom deem anything of certainty without more details as solid truth and facts are what I value, not blind speculation. I'm curious to know what some of you might think about it though.

Perhaps what you dreamed of might of been somebody elses fate? You know like when you get visions and those sort of things happen later on, etc. Just s thought.
magus.immortalis said:
My main Guardian is Marchosias. She is very wonderful and caring but she can be stern and serious at times when needed. Sometimes she writes through me. I didn't realize it some years ago, but when she sat me down the day after I had a falling out with a "friend", she wrote through me to explain why he was the way he was and why things were the way they were. I have this post here:

Our matron/patron deities that we are followers of, help us along, if we make the initiative to help ourselves.

As of late I have been frustrated and looking into ways to make changes to my life, to my attitude, to my focus. To give myself goals and purposes to strive for. I was lost for quite a while.
Giving up on myself, and searching.
It's interesting how the Gods work in our lives. Here is my story from last night.

Last night, I got into an argument because my "best friend" insulted one of the Gods. I called him on it, and it escalated from there. Needless to say, he is no longer my best friend. I saw his true colours, and he told me bluntly what he thought of my beliefs, as well as what he honestly thought of the deities I followed and was a devotee of. I was beside myself with anger and shock. I did not know that he had this in his heart all this time and had merely tolerated me and held his tongue all the while.

We talked everyday for almost three years and I thought I knew him.

I didn't agree with his spiritual beliefs and his ideologies, because he does not filter out what he reads and takes everything at face value. (A lot of people make this mistake.)
I have respectfully suggested to him that the myths of Gods are spiritual allegories, for example, but he takes the myths as literal. Then turns around on me and insults me.

I suppose underneath it all, I thought that as I grew and advanced, he would see that and maybe be more open to my beliefs, since they were and are helping me, along with the guidance of the Gods.

I learned the hard way this was not so, and never was to begin with.

I have always tolerated his beliefs and never insulted or spoke out against them, although I have suggested my own, he always shot them down.

The first red flags that I chose to ignore in the name of friendship.
This was my first mistake.
Being a fucking softie.

I was fuming but trying to take the higher road and higher moral ground, by not stooping to his level and insulting him. Even though he dealt the first blow.

It was a challenge.

Lady Marchosias came and calmed me down, and showed me how he worked, with his attitude, his mindset, his words. She helped me understand and look at the situation objectively and with a sharp eye as it unfolded. And I noticed things for the first time about this person I overlooked for the past three years.

It was explained to me, that a lot of these so-called LHP occultists, like to read, study, retain large amounts of information that they find on the Net or in books. They take everything at face value and do not look deeper, or do not read critically.

They then regurgitate it, compare and contrast, while putting their own spin on it while subtly (if not outright) undermining your beliefs while at the same time trying to tell you that THEIR path is the right one, the only one, the original one.

So they appear sophisticated, knowledgeable, all-knowing, elitist. While looking down their nose at you if you try to suggest a different point of view.

They hide behind these walls of INFORMATION, NOT KNOWLEDGE, as if it grants them superiority over everything and everyone else.

They then offer these volumes of made-up lies and false, misleading ideologies to occult publishing houses and if they get attention or a contract, suddenly they believe they are like god-men. -sarcasm-

They want nothing more then to start their own church, their own temple, or some new shiny bright new thing for the masses, called a religion. All in their own name, to feed their ego, to line their pockets.

Some of you might be wondering what is the point of this post, then.

I am not promoting this individual that I conversed with last night.

I am explaining what I learned and hope that it may help with newbies.
Because I feel it's important to know how these "LHP occultist" authors work when you come across their books, blogs, videos, etc.

And if you know that beyond their mask and facade of politeness, civility, friendliness and information vomiting (dressed up prettily with good grammar and basic debating and explanation skills), they are devoid and empty inside of TRUE knowledge that will enlighten them.

Some people like to boast how long they have been on some spiritual path, yet have no relationship with the Gods and do not advance their souls. They think having years under their belt gives them seniority over others. And that spending their day reading and memorizing RHP, corrupted, watered-down teachings from the Net, without critical thinking, makes them a scholar. -sarcasm-

A lot of writers out there today are like this. Unfortunately I spent hundreds of dollars on these occult books from these occult publishing houses that did nothing for me, my soul, or my mind. I spent hours scouring forums and the Net, as well some time watching videos.

This is getting rather long. To sum it up, as you advance and open your soul and mind, and with the guidance and direction of your guardians and patron/matron deities, you will be able to more easily discern and see through bullshit that other people write.
And see for yourselves that behind their masks of almighty all-knowingness, THEY KNOW NOTHING.

And if your so-called "friends" disrespect your beliefs while exalting their own, continuously, it's time to drop them and let them go.
They are holding you back in every way.

I lost three years to that sad pathetic waste of human flesh. It was my fault, and I won't make that mistake again.

Marchosias also simply said to me, "if he does not find the truth in this lifetime, he has the next one."

Hail Lady Marchosias!

Let me know if you want to read the other two posts I have about her.

Another time I was very upset about the beauty standards in my culture (I'm Asian.) It bothered me because I do not fit the expected cultural standards of beauty. Then I heard Marchosias say, as if she was standing next to me, more loudly than usual, with a great deal of feeling and compassion, "find your own beauty."
I accept the way I look more now, at least with my face and my skin tone.

She was the first one who reached out to me. I kept getting blatant signs that she was my Guardian. Eventually I heard her voice, and a few times I saw her. She is very tall and slender yet fit and strong. She looks like she does under her description on the Joy of Satan Demons page:


She wears the same or similar outfits when I saw her. She sounds young, and has a high pitched voice when she communicates with me telepathically. But when she said that one time, "find your beauty" it was a bit deeper. I suppose very tall and larger people have deeper voices. Not all, but I guess she was standing next to me when she said that.

She is also known as the goddess Victoria, Nike, Bellona, Enyo. If I heard her correctly she is also Eris, Jord and Nemesis.

One time I questioned if the gods love me. I read on one spiritual Satanist's blog (I don't have the link, nor do I remember the blog name) that the gods love us. I doubted this a great deal. What had I done to deserve their love?
Yet about an hour or two after I read that, Marchosias said to me telepathically, "the Gods love you." I believed her then, and I do now. This was a few years ago.

But I also talk to her and my other Guardins every two or three days, (sometimes everyday), and want to draw closer to them.

Thanks for reading! Hail Marchosias! Hail Satan!

Let me just say it was no coincidence I stumbled upon this particular topic and your post, I hadn’t expected to find a story like yours. Just yesterday I was talking about someone I thought was my friend for some years, and was advised to stay away from this person. While I won’t go into that, I’ll leave it at I’m already starting to feel better now that there was separation and it’s about to be permanent.

I enjoyed reading about your memories of your guardian, I hope to share my own in the near future :D
Solar Falcon said:
magus.immortalis said:
My main Guardian is Marchosias. She is very wonderful and caring but she can be stern and serious at times when needed. Sometimes she writes through me. I didn't realize it some years ago, but when she sat me down the day after I had a falling out with a "friend", she wrote through me to explain why he was the way he was and why things were the way they were. I have this post here:

Our matron/patron deities that we are followers of, help us along, if we make the initiative to help ourselves.

As of late I have been frustrated and looking into ways to make changes to my life, to my attitude, to my focus. To give myself goals and purposes to strive for. I was lost for quite a while.
Giving up on myself, and searching.
It's interesting how the Gods work in our lives. Here is my story from last night.

Last night, I got into an argument because my "best friend" insulted one of the Gods. I called him on it, and it escalated from there. Needless to say, he is no longer my best friend. I saw his true colours, and he told me bluntly what he thought of my beliefs, as well as what he honestly thought of the deities I followed and was a devotee of. I was beside myself with anger and shock. I did not know that he had this in his heart all this time and had merely tolerated me and held his tongue all the while.

We talked everyday for almost three years and I thought I knew him.

I didn't agree with his spiritual beliefs and his ideologies, because he does not filter out what he reads and takes everything at face value. (A lot of people make this mistake.)
I have respectfully suggested to him that the myths of Gods are spiritual allegories, for example, but he takes the myths as literal. Then turns around on me and insults me.

I suppose underneath it all, I thought that as I grew and advanced, he would see that and maybe be more open to my beliefs, since they were and are helping me, along with the guidance of the Gods.

I learned the hard way this was not so, and never was to begin with.

I have always tolerated his beliefs and never insulted or spoke out against them, although I have suggested my own, he always shot them down.

The first red flags that I chose to ignore in the name of friendship.
This was my first mistake.
Being a fucking softie.

I was fuming but trying to take the higher road and higher moral ground, by not stooping to his level and insulting him. Even though he dealt the first blow.

It was a challenge.

Lady Marchosias came and calmed me down, and showed me how he worked, with his attitude, his mindset, his words. She helped me understand and look at the situation objectively and with a sharp eye as it unfolded. And I noticed things for the first time about this person I overlooked for the past three years.

It was explained to me, that a lot of these so-called LHP occultists, like to read, study, retain large amounts of information that they find on the Net or in books. They take everything at face value and do not look deeper, or do not read critically.

They then regurgitate it, compare and contrast, while putting their own spin on it while subtly (if not outright) undermining your beliefs while at the same time trying to tell you that THEIR path is the right one, the only one, the original one.

So they appear sophisticated, knowledgeable, all-knowing, elitist. While looking down their nose at you if you try to suggest a different point of view.

They hide behind these walls of INFORMATION, NOT KNOWLEDGE, as if it grants them superiority over everything and everyone else.

They then offer these volumes of made-up lies and false, misleading ideologies to occult publishing houses and if they get attention or a contract, suddenly they believe they are like god-men. -sarcasm-

They want nothing more then to start their own church, their own temple, or some new shiny bright new thing for the masses, called a religion. All in their own name, to feed their ego, to line their pockets.

Some of you might be wondering what is the point of this post, then.

I am not promoting this individual that I conversed with last night.

I am explaining what I learned and hope that it may help with newbies.
Because I feel it's important to know how these "LHP occultist" authors work when you come across their books, blogs, videos, etc.

And if you know that beyond their mask and facade of politeness, civility, friendliness and information vomiting (dressed up prettily with good grammar and basic debating and explanation skills), they are devoid and empty inside of TRUE knowledge that will enlighten them.

Some people like to boast how long they have been on some spiritual path, yet have no relationship with the Gods and do not advance their souls. They think having years under their belt gives them seniority over others. And that spending their day reading and memorizing RHP, corrupted, watered-down teachings from the Net, without critical thinking, makes them a scholar. -sarcasm-

A lot of writers out there today are like this. Unfortunately I spent hundreds of dollars on these occult books from these occult publishing houses that did nothing for me, my soul, or my mind. I spent hours scouring forums and the Net, as well some time watching videos.

This is getting rather long. To sum it up, as you advance and open your soul and mind, and with the guidance and direction of your guardians and patron/matron deities, you will be able to more easily discern and see through bullshit that other people write.
And see for yourselves that behind their masks of almighty all-knowingness, THEY KNOW NOTHING.

And if your so-called "friends" disrespect your beliefs while exalting their own, continuously, it's time to drop them and let them go.
They are holding you back in every way.

I lost three years to that sad pathetic waste of human flesh. It was my fault, and I won't make that mistake again.

Marchosias also simply said to me, "if he does not find the truth in this lifetime, he has the next one."

Hail Lady Marchosias!

Let me know if you want to read the other two posts I have about her.

Another time I was very upset about the beauty standards in my culture (I'm Asian.) It bothered me because I do not fit the expected cultural standards of beauty. Then I heard Marchosias say, as if she was standing next to me, more loudly than usual, with a great deal of feeling and compassion, "find your own beauty."
I accept the way I look more now, at least with my face and my skin tone.

She was the first one who reached out to me. I kept getting blatant signs that she was my Guardian. Eventually I heard her voice, and a few times I saw her. She is very tall and slender yet fit and strong. She looks like she does under her description on the Joy of Satan Demons page:


She wears the same or similar outfits when I saw her. She sounds young, and has a high pitched voice when she communicates with me telepathically. But when she said that one time, "find your beauty" it was a bit deeper. I suppose very tall and larger people have deeper voices. Not all, but I guess she was standing next to me when she said that.

She is also known as the goddess Victoria, Nike, Bellona, Enyo. If I heard her correctly she is also Eris, Jord and Nemesis.

One time I questioned if the gods love me. I read on one spiritual Satanist's blog (I don't have the link, nor do I remember the blog name) that the gods love us. I doubted this a great deal. What had I done to deserve their love?
Yet about an hour or two after I read that, Marchosias said to me telepathically, "the Gods love you." I believed her then, and I do now. This was a few years ago.

But I also talk to her and my other Guardins every two or three days, (sometimes everyday), and want to draw closer to them.

Thanks for reading! Hail Marchosias! Hail Satan!

Let me just say it was no coincidence I stumbled upon this particular topic and your post, I hadn’t expected to find a story like yours. Just yesterday I was talking about someone I thought was my friend for some years, and was advised to stay away from this person. While I won’t go into that, I’ll leave it at I’m already starting to feel better now that there was separation and it’s about to be permanent.

I enjoyed reading about your memories of your guardian, I hope to share my own in the near future :D

Hi! For sure, it was definitely no coincidence. ^_^

Thanks for reading my post. I also look forward to reading any experiences or memories that you have of your Guardians in the near future, if you want to share them.

Hail Satan!
Hail Marchosias!
I know I've posted before, but this one made me feel extremely proud to be a satanist and to elevate oneself.

From being around my parents and then later my grandparents, whenever I tried to do something that made some kind of change, they didn't really see that. They wanted more... and more... and more. It made me feel worthless inside.

When I came to Satanism, I was at first kinda lazy with my power meditation. Off and on. There was a time I actually came in contact with Azazel. He was rather plain and open about my falling off. He said that to keep doing my power meditation, even if I don't like to do it at that particular time. So I started doing it, then my main guardian Demoness, Astaroth.when I was nearing the 40 day empowerment program, she said it outright that she was very proud of me. She said he always knew I had it in me. That brought a smile to my face like crazy. To actually hear that and know it was genuine... I was lost or words. So( don't mean to sound like a motivation speaker here.) if someone or others don't see something and want more out of you, just know that they may never be satisfied. The Gods and Godesess of Duat know you're pushing and trucking forward, and so do you. Don't stop. Keep moving. Because they are proud of you.

Heil Satan!!
Heir Hitler
Ramier108666 said:
I know I've posted before, but this one made me feel extremely proud to be a satanist and to elevate oneself.

From being around my parents and then later my grandparents, whenever I tried to do something that made some kind of change, they didn't really see that. They wanted more... and more... and more. It made me feel worthless inside.

When I came to Satanism, I was at first kinda lazy with my power meditation. Off and on. There was a time I actually came in contact with Azazel. He was rather plain and open about my falling off. He said that to keep doing my power meditation, even if I don't like to do it at that particular time. So I started doing it, then my main guardian Demoness, Astaroth.when I was nearing the 40 day empowerment program, she said it outright that she was very proud of me. She said he always knew I had it in me. That brought a smile to my face like crazy. To actually hear that and know it was genuine... I was lost or words. So( don't mean to sound like a motivation speaker here.) if someone or others don't see something and want more out of you, just know that they may never be satisfied. The Gods and Godesess of Duat know you're pushing and trucking forward, and so do you. Don't stop. Keep moving. Because they are proud of you.

Heil Satan!!
Heir Hitler

Thank you, I never expected that following my feeling of coming to check on this forum would bring me to such a wonderful post, so thank you so much!!!!!! ^-^
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
I know I've posted before, but this one made me feel extremely proud to be a satanist and to elevate oneself.

From being around my parents and then later my grandparents, whenever I tried to do something that made some kind of change, they didn't really see that. They wanted more... and more... and more. It made me feel worthless inside.

When I came to Satanism, I was at first kinda lazy with my power meditation. Off and on. There was a time I actually came in contact with Azazel. He was rather plain and open about my falling off. He said that to keep doing my power meditation, even if I don't like to do it at that particular time. So I started doing it, then my main guardian Demoness, Astaroth.when I was nearing the 40 day empowerment program, she said it outright that she was very proud of me. She said he always knew I had it in me. That brought a smile to my face like crazy. To actually hear that and know it was genuine... I was lost or words. So( don't mean to sound like a motivation speaker here.) if someone or others don't see something and want more out of you, just know that they may never be satisfied. The Gods and Godesess of Duat know you're pushing and trucking forward, and so do you. Don't stop. Keep moving. Because they are proud of you.

Heil Satan!!
Heir Hitler

Thank you, I never expected that following my feeling of coming to check on this forum would bring me to such a wonderful post, so thank you so much!!!!!! ^-^

It's a pleasure. I'm on the last day of the 40 day empowerment program. Azazel came to me just yesterday and gave me some power meditation excercises that would benefit me most. It's for after tonight that I begin it.

It kinda goes this way:

AC, AoP, SV, then Pineal Meditation and finish it off with some Hatha Yoga. He said I'll get more as I progress. So I'm pumped to finish this 40 day empowerment program. I will be moving on to the spiritual warfare training manual next as well.
FlamingRedRose666 said:
I had a special dream that will make you happy, I think it counts as a spiritual experience from the gods. :D

I had a dream early this week that I wanted to share then but I decided not to. In the dream, all of us Satanists here were in a big room together, like an award ceremony room. Cobra and Mageson set it all up for us and Cobra was reading all our names and describing the awards that we each won for our unique personalities and jobs we do here. Everybody got their own special reward for their work. It was the first time all us here have physically seen each other, so we were all talking and saying things like "of course you look like that :lol: " Many of us here are similar ages and of course we already know each other through here anyway, so it was instant friends. There were trivia games about spiritual knowledge. Us musicians were all playing our music. Then Mageson uncovered a giant table of food for us all to eat, I started biting into what could only be described as a giant grape like 10 inches long and oval shaped (tasted a lot better than a grape though, maybe it's some food the gods eat). Then all our families showed up to come congratulate us, so the rest of the dream I was just sitting talking with my family and playing my guitars. I didn't see all of the rest of us anymore, but I guess you were all still there somewhere with your own families.

I had this dream a day or a couple days before Maxine told us the great news that the gods will be coming back soon. So I think I was feeling a message from the gods telling us how proud they are of all of us and they wanted to reward us with congradulations and a party. Maybe after the gods come back something like this could really be possible.
there are 2 experiences i had that are memorable.

first one was when i just joined ss (within a month of joining).
i read about a meditation to bring yourself to orgasm while thinking about your guardian damon(ess) to either show that you want a sexual 'relationship' or to empower/give power to your guardian demon(ess). so since i have been lonely for ever i wanted to try and start something sexual between me and my guardian demoness. its hard to say but i couldnt bring myself to orgasm because i had severe sexual problems (these probs mainly came from porn). after 3 times of failing my guardian demoness visited me in my dreams and for the fist time in my life i had a wet dream. after this dream i did not have any sexual problems anymore the first week it didnt even take 10 minutes to get myself to orgasm while before that it would take around 2 hours not even kidding. not long after this my desire to have some sort of sexual relationship with my guardian demoness completely went away not sure why tough.

the second experiance was quite recently.
i was in the bathroom clearing my mind (basicly void meditation) and suddenly i could see a different surrounding. it was not very clear but i could see outlinings of some place else. it was a stone room and there was someone besides me i think it was my guardian demoness, she took me outside of the room to a square i could see a tree and a couple of small houses (just 1 room houses like the place i came out of). it was all very vague but there was enough to make these things out. and i can remember a really nice and peacefull feeling when i was there.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
I had a special dream that will make you happy, I think it counts as a spiritual experience from the gods. :D

I had a dream early this week that I wanted to share then but I decided not to. In the dream, all of us Satanists here were in a big room together, like an award ceremony room. Cobra and Mageson set it all up for us and Cobra was reading all our names and describing the awards that we each won for our unique personalities and jobs we do here. Everybody got their own special reward for their work. It was the first time all us here have physically seen each other, so we were all talking and saying things like "of course you look like that :lol: " Many of us here are similar ages and of course we already know each other through here anyway, so it was instant friends. There were trivia games about spiritual knowledge. Us musicians were all playing our music. Then Mageson uncovered a giant table of food for us all to eat, I started biting into what could only be described as a giant grape like 10 inches long and oval shaped (tasted a lot better than a grape though, maybe it's some food the gods eat). Then all our families showed up to come congratulate us, so the rest of the dream I was just sitting talking with my family and playing my guitars. I didn't see all of the rest of us anymore, but I guess you were all still there somewhere with your own families.

I had this dream a day or a couple days before Maxine told us the great news that the gods will be coming back soon. So I think I was feeling a message from the gods telling us how proud they are of all of us and they wanted to reward us with congradulations and a party. Maybe after the gods come back something like this could really be possible.

This is such an amazing dream! I'm glad the True Gods are coming back after all these long years.. Mother Earth deserves to be in her original place, where no disasters like the jews existed on the planet in the first place.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
