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Father Abigor - Thanks and Appreciation

Dec 25, 2020
About 2 years ago, my parents found themselves in a complicated and difficult court matter which could have led to them dealing with the police or arrest. They were not in the wrong but circumstances became such. I made a formal ritual to the GREAT LORD AND FATHER ABIGOR, also known as ELIGOR AND ELIGOS. And everything worked out smoothly without any issues whatsoever. He resolved everything without any issues or police matter.

As my astral senses were still not open enough, I couldn't hear or see him. But I did feel a sense that he acknowledged me. I promised him orgasmic energy and public appreciation in return. I have been giving him orgasmic energy but I am very late on this publicity and appreciation post, for which I am very shameful and very disgusted with myself.

Over the couple years I have found him to be extremely understanding and kind. Genuinely helpful, and of course, glorious. His energy is calm and soothing, doesn't overwhelm you but leaves you feeling heard and acknowledged, and in a state of calm with a feeling that everything is going to be ok. That has been my experience with him.

My Most heartfelt and deepest gratitude and thanks to the GREAT LORD and FATHER ABIGOR. Glory to Father Abigor for all eternity, for ever and ever. I am always ready at your service my great lord and Father Abigor. I love you Father.


People can read more about him here.

Thank you for everything Father Abigor.

I'm so glad to read this!!

Commander Eligos is wonderful!
He has helped me and has been there for me many times, even when not asked. I appreciate him.

God Abigor is GREAT! He has helped me as well! I truly love and respect This GOD!
HAIL ABIGOR! FOREVER! Blessed Be his entire Being!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
