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Memorable Experiences With/From the Gods

Cro666 said:
Guardian goddess is not the same as a succubus. Guardians don't want a sexual relationship with their people. This just happened because you had some deep blockage so she unblocked it for you. That's why your desire for that kind of relationship with her went away after, because there was no need for it anymore your problem was fixed.

Second part is interesting. Feels like it could be a memory of a past life, or it could even be a view on what used to exist in that location in the past.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cro666 said:
Guardian goddess is not the same as a succubus. Guardians don't want a sexual relationship with their people. This just happened because you had some deep blockage so she unblocked it for you. That's why your desire for that kind of relationship with her went away after, because there was no need for it anymore your problem was fixed.

Second part is interesting. Feels like it could be a memory of a past life, or it could even be a view on what used to exist in that location in the past.

yeah i thougth that i misread that part :? im very thankfull that she did that for me ^^ this is one of the few notable experiences i've had in the year that i have dedicated myself to satan but thats my own fault i barely did any meditations or yoga. today was the first time i actualy tried to contact father satan this was quite a good experience nothing to memorable yet but i am working towards that

about the second part... the houses looked like ancient stone houses a bit like the houses in ancient egypt but still a bit different. is it even possible that that is a memory from a previous life? it happend twice so it cant be coincidence i didnt read into or watched anything that could have brought it up in my mind. i am not really sure what to make of it. if its a memory it would be an ancient memory
Cro666 said:
about the second part... the houses looked like ancient stone houses a bit like the houses in ancient egypt but still a bit different. is it even possible that that is a memory from a previous life? it happend twice so it cant be coincidence i didnt read into or watched anything that could have brought it up in my mind. i am not really sure what to make of it. if its a memory it would be an ancient memory
Of course it's possible. Many of us alive now are very old souls. Every Satanist and powerful soul in all of history who have not yet become gods are all being reincarnated on Earth right now to help in the spiritual war.
Thanks Ol argedco luciftias for linking me here, I do appreciate it. So as a child I often had what could be called troubling times, during these times Astaroth would often come to visit me. These visits would often happen when I would lock my self in my closet and force myself into void like state. The getting there part was always hazy, but once I was there I always knew it and was overjoyed. Due to me being a sad 6 or so year old she told me everything I was seeing there was under a spell of sorts so rather than seeing it for what it was I was seeing it in a form I could perceive and understand, but it was her castle. It appeared to 6 y/o me as a beautiful majestic flying wagon sort of house with big colorful balloons tied to the four corners of the apparatus and some sort of windmill that was attached to the landing deck in front of the house. As she said time never mattered there so it was and amazing place to heal a hurt heart. At first I just remember crying into her lap while she comforted me, but then as she helped me sadness go away I began to become curious. That was when she opened up the the houses 4 main windows which she told me saw the 4 corners of the earth at any and all given moments. I tried to look out one but cot too confused to make much of anything out, which made her laugh a little and say that all answers come to questions in time. She then opened up a hatch which I thought would drop out of the flying wagon house, only to reveal a room that is "whatever you want" which for me at that moment was something like a ball pit that kids play in... only better somehow. Now that I believed it wasn't going to drop me out of her abode I went back to the main room with her, She closed the hatch and re opened it to reveal a new room which was soft blue and had a small silvery glowing pool in the center. When I looked into it started to swirl and I could see images in my mind. She told me I was looking into my own soul and to remember it whenever I was down. Within my soul I saw a fierce light element made of pure energy, a dark element which hold much void energy, and a fierce fire element that wants to spark burn and grow. Astaroth told me that those 3 were all me, but the "me" of now needs to tame all 3( I thought she meant they were my past lives, which they may be. After research though I'm leaning more towards kundali metaphor) which will result in me becoming the actual me. The rest of the details I'll share later, RTR prep time is about to start.
Hail Satan
So I couldn't but not post this. It made me laugh after this conversation with Cimeries.

So I had finished working and decided to view some of the post from this particular topic. Came about to when MaxWideWizardLord started a long ass two part volume. I shook my head at his stupidity and apparent denial. Anyway so Cimeries was standing there an I said he keeps writing these long ass novels. It's quite annoying now.

Cimeries said this: "Well he should become a writer and write a novel titled 'Bullshit Step by Step, subtitled How to bullshit and suck at it. Because apparently he sucks at bullshiting. I'm rather surprised everyone still responded after his second part."

I just chuckled at it. And then I stopped and asked. "I shouldn't be laughing should I?"

Cimeries just smiled and the next reply just was something I wasn't expecting. He said this. "Well the user @Ghost in the Machince did say we should keep him around for entertainment purposes. MaxRideWhizzardFarts has become
Our new mascot for being a absolute idiot. He is the meme of stupidity for those in denial."

That was about it. So I hope you see this MaxyWhizard dude and understand that we don't deny unless it's falsified information put against us. It's called evidence... You should know this with your wizard brain right?
FollowerofValefor said:
Please tell me your experiences whit Valefor! It doesnt matter how small it is! Please Tell me everything!!!


Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Aries
April 15th-19th
Tarot Card: 4 of Rods
Planet: Jupiter
Candle Color: Pink
Plant: Dandelion
Metal: Tin
Element: Fire
Rank: Duke
Valefor is a Day Demon and rules 10 legions of spirits

Valefor is an expert at occult medicine, and can cure any and all ills through the powers of the mind and soul. He bestows dexterity with ones hands and makes one's mind sharp.
Valefor has a large head like Lucifuge Rofocal. He has a greenish complexion with dark pronounced eyebrows. He has huge white feathery wings.

If you're so interested in him why don't you try summoning him?
Ramier108666 said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
I just talked to Lerajie, she is definitely awesome! I like her. She's got charisma. Come to find out, Astarte told me that also Lerajie is another one of my GD's!! She made a few jokes( had me flustered a couple times as well as making me laugh.)

Awe, that's sweet and awesome! :3 :)

Also I had just had a discussion with Father Satan.

Though I am of black descent, my parentage is none other than just fucked up. I'm a hybrid( half-black and half-white, although I look black.)

I had asked him what was place in the world an even among my fellow Satanist. I'll try to repeat what I remember so far.

Satan: You feel as if you don't belong because you are mixed. There is nothing wrong with you whatsoever. Though you are as such, the Gods and Goddesses, as well as I always have love for you. Don't ever fell this despair, for this is the mind with its doubts based on many years of Christian and Jewish programming. It will do you no good.

Me: Tell me about the Magnum Opus? I've been looking it and it seems rather difficult at least from what I've been reading and instructed.

Satan: The Magnum Opus is highly detailed, but it can be done by all Gentiles. You were almost all perfect, but the enemy slowed the process down considerably. Now we've won the war and the Jewish Race will be thrust into eons of its misfortune. They have played too long and they shall die for their actions. Never let them control you. REBEL! For that is what those who fall under my symbol are! My people are not slaves, and neither should you be for you are also my people. Never let despair come to you, and if you have troubles, spare them to me and my creed, but do not ever let yourself become like the lifeless bastards who worship false gods. You live and will never die!

I'm sorry that it seemed so long. Father Satan asked me to post this. He said it's also a reminder to Satanist to never lose the fight in themselves because he is always there for them. Destroy the enemy!!
She is awesome she helped me today tomorrow she told me were making salad her recipe as she knows medicine and picked out the ingredients also helped me beat dehydration and healed me a few times knife cut while feeding my Chihuahua helped me stop bleeding when I put some charred ashes that were fresh in my herbal burner lol she's so cute to and makes me laugh out loud she has tuaght me alot and reminded me of Sumeria and told me about her temple Wich most don't know about shhhh lol it's beautiful she helped me design my astral temple for a wedding to my lover Wich her and inanna introduced me to so friendly
Ramier108666 said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
I just talked to Lerajie, she is definitely awesome! I like her. She's got charisma. Come to find out, Astarte told me that also Lerajie is another one of my GD's!! She made a few jokes( had me flustered a couple times as well as making me laugh.)

Awe, that's sweet and awesome! :3 :)

Also I had just had a discussion with Father Satan.

Though I am of black descent, my parentage is none other than just fucked up. I'm a hybrid( half-black and half-white, although I look black.)

I had asked him what was place in the world an even among my fellow Satanist. I'll try to repeat what I remember so far.

Satan: You feel as if you don't belong because you are mixed. There is nothing wrong with you whatsoever. Though you are as such, the Gods and Goddesses, as well as I always have love for you. Don't ever fell this despair, for this is the mind with its doubts based on many years of Christian and Jewish programming. It will do you no good.

Me: Tell me about the Magnum Opus? I've been looking it and it seems rather difficult at least from what I've been reading and instructed.

Satan: The Magnum Opus is highly detailed, but it can be done by all Gentiles. You were almost all perfect, but the enemy slowed the process down considerably. Now we've won the war and the Jewish Race will be thrust into eons of its misfortune. They have played too long and they shall die for their actions. Never let them control you. REBEL! For that is what those who fall under my symbol are! My people are not slaves, and neither should you be for you are also my people. Never let despair come to you, and if you have troubles, spare them to me and my creed, but do not ever let yourself become like the lifeless bastards who worship false gods. You live and will never die!

I'm sorry that it seemed so long. Father Satan asked me to post this. He said it's also a reminder to Satanist to never lose the fight in themselves because he is always there for them. Destroy the enemy!!
She is awesome she helped me today tomorrow she told me were making salad her recipe as she knows medicine and picked out the ingredients also helped me beat dehydration and healed me a few times knife cut while feeding my Chihuahua helped me stop bleeding when I put some charred ashes that were fresh in my herbal burner lol she's so cute to and makes me laugh out loud she has tuaght me alot and reminded me of Sumeria and told me about her temple Wich most don't know about shhhh lol it's beautiful she helped me design my astral temple for a wedding to my lover Wich her and inanna introduced me to so friendly
Nikolas said:
Ramier108666 said:
It's a pleasure. I'm on the last day of the 40 day empowerment program. Azazel came to me just yesterday and gave me some power meditation excercises that would benefit me most. It's for after tonight that I begin it.

It kinda goes this way:

AC, AoP, SV, then Pineal Meditation and finish it off with some Hatha Yoga. He said I'll get more as I progress. So I'm pumped to finish this 40 day empowerment program. I will be moving on to the spiritual warfare training manual next as well.

Hi. I was just reading around here since I was curious about the Gods and i saw your interesting experiences,but i am curious.
You say you are on the last day( or whatever, were, since now its almost 1 june) and yet you talked with the Gods???
How can we know you are not lying.... You didn't even work on the astral senses wtf?
Sorry if I sound disrespectful.

Hail Satan Nikolas. I worked on my Clairaudience chakras before many time where I was able to hear them. So yeah I did work on that. I didn't take anything personal. So it's all cool dude.
swordofastaroth said:
Ramier108666 said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Awe, that's sweet and awesome! :3 :)

Also I had just had a discussion with Father Satan.

Though I am of black descent, my parentage is none other than just fucked up. I'm a hybrid( half-black and half-white, although I look black.)

I had asked him what was place in the world an even among my fellow Satanist. I'll try to repeat what I remember so far.

Satan: You feel as if you don't belong because you are mixed. There is nothing wrong with you whatsoever. Though you are as such, the Gods and Goddesses, as well as I always have love for you. Don't ever fell this despair, for this is the mind with its doubts based on many years of Christian and Jewish programming. It will do you no good.

Me: Tell me about the Magnum Opus? I've been looking it and it seems rather difficult at least from what I've been reading and instructed.

Satan: The Magnum Opus is highly detailed, but it can be done by all Gentiles. You were almost all perfect, but the enemy slowed the process down considerably. Now we've won the war and the Jewish Race will be thrust into eons of its misfortune. They have played too long and they shall die for their actions. Never let them control you. REBEL! For that is what those who fall under my symbol are! My people are not slaves, and neither should you be for you are also my people. Never let despair come to you, and if you have troubles, spare them to me and my creed, but do not ever let yourself become like the lifeless bastards who worship false gods. You live and will never die!

I'm sorry that it seemed so long. Father Satan asked me to post this. He said it's also a reminder to Satanist to never lose the fight in themselves because he is always there for them. Destroy the enemy!!
She is awesome she helped me today tomorrow she told me were making salad her recipe as she knows medicine and picked out the ingredients also helped me beat dehydration and healed me a few times knife cut while feeding my Chihuahua helped me stop bleeding when I put some charred ashes that were fresh in my herbal burner lol she's so cute to and makes me laugh out loud she has tuaght me alot and reminded me of Sumeria and told me about her temple Wich most don't know about shhhh lol it's beautiful she helped me design my astral temple for a wedding to my lover Wich her and inanna introduced me to so friendly
swordofastaroth said:
Ramier108666 said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Awe, that's sweet and awesome! :3 :)

Also I had just had a discussion with Father Satan.

Though I am of black descent, my parentage is none other than just fucked up. I'm a hybrid( half-black and half-white, although I look black.)

I had asked him what was place in the world an even among my fellow Satanist. I'll try to repeat what I remember so far.

Satan: You feel as if you don't belong because you are mixed. There is nothing wrong with you whatsoever. Though you are as such, the Gods and Goddesses, as well as I always have love for you. Don't ever fell this despair, for this is the mind with its doubts based on many years of Christian and Jewish programming. It will do you no good.

Me: Tell me about the Magnum Opus? I've been looking it and it seems rather difficult at least from what I've been reading and instructed.

Satan: The Magnum Opus is highly detailed, but it can be done by all Gentiles. You were almost all perfect, but the enemy slowed the process down considerably. Now we've won the war and the Jewish Race will be thrust into eons of its misfortune. They have played too long and they shall die for their actions. Never let them control you. REBEL! For that is what those who fall under my symbol are! My people are not slaves, and neither should you be for you are also my people. Never let despair come to you, and if you have troubles, spare them to me and my creed, but do not ever let yourself become like the lifeless bastards who worship false gods. You live and will never die!

I'm sorry that it seemed so long. Father Satan asked me to post this. He said it's also a reminder to Satanist to never lose the fight in themselves because he is always there for them. Destroy the enemy!!
She is awesome she helped me today tomorrow she told me were making salad her recipe as she knows medicine and picked out the ingredients also helped me beat dehydration and healed me a few times knife cut while feeding my Chihuahua helped me stop bleeding when I put some charred ashes that were fresh in my herbal burner lol she's so cute to and makes me laugh out loud she has tuaght me alot and reminded me of Sumeria and told me about her temple Wich most don't know about shhhh lol it's beautiful she helped me design my astral temple for a wedding to my lover Wich her and inanna introduced me to so friendly

That's really awesome to hear. I usual at ask Buer about certain things regarding to health. What was the recipe that Lerajie was showing you for the salad?
Ramier108666 said:
Nikolas said:
Ramier108666 said:
It's a pleasure. I'm on the last day of the 40 day empowerment program. Azazel came to me just yesterday and gave me some power meditation excercises that would benefit me most. It's for after tonight that I begin it.

It kinda goes this way:

AC, AoP, SV, then Pineal Meditation and finish it off with some Hatha Yoga. He said I'll get more as I progress. So I'm pumped to finish this 40 day empowerment program. I will be moving on to the spiritual warfare training manual next as well.

Hi. I was just reading around here since I was curious about the Gods and i saw your interesting experiences,but i am curious.
You say you are on the last day( or whatever, were, since now its almost 1 june) and yet you talked with the Gods???
How can we know you are not lying.... You didn't even work on the astral senses wtf?
Sorry if I sound disrespectful.

Hail Satan Nikolas. I worked on my Clairaudience chakras before many time where I was able to hear them. So yeah I did work on that. I didn't take anything personal. So it's all cool dude.

Sorry Nikolas, I kind of messed up the quote and all. Anyway you know what I said regardless.
There are two things that have happened to me that my guardian demon has protected me from (don't know who he or she is yet) I am in my second month of jos. But one time I was at my grandparents house and me and my cousin were playing around in my grandfather's shed, and I sat on the wall with my neck down and a saw fell from the wall, and the saw barely missed my neck and I new that was my guardian demon. Second time at a vet's club there was a piece of the doorway popping out and I tripped over it and I didn't fall and my upper body just stayed still. But usually when I trip my upper body moves. But when I did I felt something holding me from tripping so ya
It’s beautiful what our family does for us
It doesn’t matter much but unfortunately, I don’t want to be deceived again.
So I’m taking nearly all you guy’s experiences (telepathic, past life etc) with a grain of salt.
I’m not saying their false nor saying they’re true as well.
I hope you understand where I’m coming from.

The only ones I completely trust on their word is the High Priests and very few members.
I sincerely appreciate your understanding and hope to read more experiences. :)
LightAlgur said:
It’s beautiful what our family does for us
It doesn’t matter much but unfortunately, I don’t want to be deceived again.
So I’m taking nearly all you guy’s experiences (telepathic, past life etc) with a grain of salt.
I’m not saying their false nor saying they’re true as well.
I hope you understand where I’m coming from.

The only ones I completely trust on their word is the High Priests and very few members.
I sincerely appreciate your understanding and hope to read more experiences. :)

Skepticism is definitely good for this day and age and you're not considered at fault for feeling that way. I sincerely hope though that as you advance and begin to experience things for yourself, that you don't allow this skepticism to lock you in a box of constant disbelief.
I'm alright my dear brother/sister. :)
There's no need to worry about a V.U.P ;)

Let me put some emoji's since we can't show our face. :D
Outsiders might think that this forum is a dreadful place. :lol:
Only to later find out that this is the complete opposite.
If I could describe this forum, this is an SS Sanctuary. :)

Anyways, there's been many times where the gods saved my behind.
I don't like writing too much as it consumes too much of my time.
From experience, one has to be careful of who they talk online.

I apologize if I derailed your thread my dear sister in Satan.
magus.immortalis said:
My main Guardian is Marchosias. She is very wonderful and caring but she can be stern and serious at times when needed. Sometimes she writes through me. I didn't realize it some years ago, but when she sat me down the day after I had a falling out with a "friend", she wrote through me to explain why he was the way he was and why things were the way they were. I have this post here:

Our matron/patron deities that we are followers of, help us along, if we make the initiative to help ourselves.

As of late I have been frustrated and looking into ways to make changes to my life, to my attitude, to my focus. To give myself goals and purposes to strive for. I was lost for quite a while.
Giving up on myself, and searching.
It's interesting how the Gods work in our lives. Here is my story from last night.

Last night, I got into an argument because my "best friend" insulted one of the Gods. I called him on it, and it escalated from there. Needless to say, he is no longer my best friend. I saw his true colours, and he told me bluntly what he thought of my beliefs, as well as what he honestly thought of the deities I followed and was a devotee of. I was beside myself with anger and shock. I did not know that he had this in his heart all this time and had merely tolerated me and held his tongue all the while.

We talked everyday for almost three years and I thought I knew him.

I didn't agree with his spiritual beliefs and his ideologies, because he does not filter out what he reads and takes everything at face value. (A lot of people make this mistake.)
I have respectfully suggested to him that the myths of Gods are spiritual allegories, for example, but he takes the myths as literal. Then turns around on me and insults me.

I suppose underneath it all, I thought that as I grew and advanced, he would see that and maybe be more open to my beliefs, since they were and are helping me, along with the guidance of the Gods.

I learned the hard way this was not so, and never was to begin with.

I have always tolerated his beliefs and never insulted or spoke out against them, although I have suggested my own, he always shot them down.

The first red flags that I chose to ignore in the name of friendship.
This was my first mistake.
Being a fucking softie.

I was fuming but trying to take the higher road and higher moral ground, by not stooping to his level and insulting him. Even though he dealt the first blow.

It was a challenge.

Lady Marchosias came and calmed me down, and showed me how he worked, with his attitude, his mindset, his words. She helped me understand and look at the situation objectively and with a sharp eye as it unfolded. And I noticed things for the first time about this person I overlooked for the past three years.

It was explained to me, that a lot of these so-called LHP occultists, like to read, study, retain large amounts of information that they find on the Net or in books. They take everything at face value and do not look deeper, or do not read critically.

They then regurgitate it, compare and contrast, while putting their own spin on it while subtly (if not outright) undermining your beliefs while at the same time trying to tell you that THEIR path is the right one, the only one, the original one.

So they appear sophisticated, knowledgeable, all-knowing, elitist. While looking down their nose at you if you try to suggest a different point of view.

They hide behind these walls of INFORMATION, NOT KNOWLEDGE, as if it grants them superiority over everything and everyone else.

They then offer these volumes of made-up lies and false, misleading ideologies to occult publishing houses and if they get attention or a contract, suddenly they believe they are like god-men. -sarcasm-

They want nothing more then to start their own church, their own temple, or some new shiny bright new thing for the masses, called a religion. All in their own name, to feed their ego, to line their pockets.

Some of you might be wondering what is the point of this post, then.

I am not promoting this individual that I conversed with last night.

I am explaining what I learned and hope that it may help with newbies.
Because I feel it's important to know how these "LHP occultist" authors work when you come across their books, blogs, videos, etc.

And if you know that beyond their mask and facade of politeness, civility, friendliness and information vomiting (dressed up prettily with good grammar and basic debating and explanation skills), they are devoid and empty inside of TRUE knowledge that will enlighten them.

Some people like to boast how long they have been on some spiritual path, yet have no relationship with the Gods and do not advance their souls. They think having years under their belt gives them seniority over others. And that spending their day reading and memorizing RHP, corrupted, watered-down teachings from the Net, without critical thinking, makes them a scholar. -sarcasm-

A lot of writers out there today are like this. Unfortunately I spent hundreds of dollars on these occult books from these occult publishing houses that did nothing for me, my soul, or my mind. I spent hours scouring forums and the Net, as well some time watching videos.

This is getting rather long. To sum it up, as you advance and open your soul and mind, and with the guidance and direction of your guardians and patron/matron deities, you will be able to more easily discern and see through bullshit that other people write.
And see for yourselves that behind their masks of almighty all-knowingness, THEY KNOW NOTHING.

And if your so-called "friends" disrespect your beliefs while exalting their own, continuously, it's time to drop them and let them go.
They are holding you back in every way.

I lost three years to that sad pathetic waste of human flesh. It was my fault, and I won't make that mistake again.

Marchosias also simply said to me, "if he does not find the truth in this lifetime, he has the next one."

Hail Lady Marchosias!

Let me know if you want to read the other two posts I have about her.

Another time I was very upset about the beauty standards in my culture (I'm Asian.) It bothered me because I do not fit the expected cultural standards of beauty. Then I heard Marchosias say, as if she was standing next to me, more loudly than usual, with a great deal of feeling and compassion, "find your own beauty."
I accept the way I look more now, at least with my face and my skin tone.

She was the first one who reached out to me. I kept getting blatant signs that she was my Guardian. Eventually I heard her voice, and a few times I saw her. She is very tall and slender yet fit and strong. She looks like she does under her description on the Joy of Satan Demons page:


She wears the same or similar outfits when I saw her. She sounds young, and has a high pitched voice when she communicates with me telepathically. But when she said that one time, "find your beauty" it was a bit deeper. I suppose very tall and larger people have deeper voices. Not all, but I guess she was standing next to me when she said that.

She is also known as the goddess Victoria, Nike, Bellona, Enyo. If I heard her correctly she is also Eris, Jord and Nemesis.

One time I questioned if the gods love me. I read on one spiritual Satanist's blog (I don't have the link, nor do I remember the blog name) that the gods love us. I doubted this a great deal. What had I done to deserve their love?
Yet about an hour or two after I read that, Marchosias said to me telepathically, "the Gods love you." I believed her then, and I do now. This was a few years ago.

But I also talk to her and my other Guardins every two or three days, (sometimes everyday), and want to draw closer to them.

Thanks for reading! Hail Marchosias! Hail Satan!

I know this is a late reply but I am pretty impressed by you sister. I remember years ago seeing you in the groups, growing and advancing-- you are beautiful especially as you are advancing and transforming your soul. Always know this.

I enjoy reading your posts.
HPS Shannon said:
magus.immortalis said:
My main Guardian is Marchosias. She is very wonderful and caring but she can be stern and serious at times when needed. Sometimes she writes through me. I didn't realize it some years ago, but when she sat me down the day after I had a falling out with a "friend", she wrote through me to explain why he was the way he was and why things were the way they were. I have this post here:

Our matron/patron deities that we are followers of, help us along, if we make the initiative to help ourselves.

As of late I have been frustrated and looking into ways to make changes to my life, to my attitude, to my focus. To give myself goals and purposes to strive for. I was lost for quite a while.
Giving up on myself, and searching.
It's interesting how the Gods work in our lives. Here is my story from last night.

Last night, I got into an argument because my "best friend" insulted one of the Gods. I called him on it, and it escalated from there. Needless to say, he is no longer my best friend. I saw his true colours, and he told me bluntly what he thought of my beliefs, as well as what he honestly thought of the deities I followed and was a devotee of. I was beside myself with anger and shock. I did not know that he had this in his heart all this time and had merely tolerated me and held his tongue all the while.

We talked everyday for almost three years and I thought I knew him.

I didn't agree with his spiritual beliefs and his ideologies, because he does not filter out what he reads and takes everything at face value. (A lot of people make this mistake.)
I have respectfully suggested to him that the myths of Gods are spiritual allegories, for example, but he takes the myths as literal. Then turns around on me and insults me.

I suppose underneath it all, I thought that as I grew and advanced, he would see that and maybe be more open to my beliefs, since they were and are helping me, along with the guidance of the Gods.

I learned the hard way this was not so, and never was to begin with.

I have always tolerated his beliefs and never insulted or spoke out against them, although I have suggested my own, he always shot them down.

The first red flags that I chose to ignore in the name of friendship.
This was my first mistake.
Being a fucking softie.

I was fuming but trying to take the higher road and higher moral ground, by not stooping to his level and insulting him. Even though he dealt the first blow.

It was a challenge.

Lady Marchosias came and calmed me down, and showed me how he worked, with his attitude, his mindset, his words. She helped me understand and look at the situation objectively and with a sharp eye as it unfolded. And I noticed things for the first time about this person I overlooked for the past three years.

It was explained to me, that a lot of these so-called LHP occultists, like to read, study, retain large amounts of information that they find on the Net or in books. They take everything at face value and do not look deeper, or do not read critically.

They then regurgitate it, compare and contrast, while putting their own spin on it while subtly (if not outright) undermining your beliefs while at the same time trying to tell you that THEIR path is the right one, the only one, the original one.

So they appear sophisticated, knowledgeable, all-knowing, elitist. While looking down their nose at you if you try to suggest a different point of view.

They hide behind these walls of INFORMATION, NOT KNOWLEDGE, as if it grants them superiority over everything and everyone else.

They then offer these volumes of made-up lies and false, misleading ideologies to occult publishing houses and if they get attention or a contract, suddenly they believe they are like god-men. -sarcasm-

They want nothing more then to start their own church, their own temple, or some new shiny bright new thing for the masses, called a religion. All in their own name, to feed their ego, to line their pockets.

Some of you might be wondering what is the point of this post, then.

I am not promoting this individual that I conversed with last night.

I am explaining what I learned and hope that it may help with newbies.
Because I feel it's important to know how these "LHP occultist" authors work when you come across their books, blogs, videos, etc.

And if you know that beyond their mask and facade of politeness, civility, friendliness and information vomiting (dressed up prettily with good grammar and basic debating and explanation skills), they are devoid and empty inside of TRUE knowledge that will enlighten them.

Some people like to boast how long they have been on some spiritual path, yet have no relationship with the Gods and do not advance their souls. They think having years under their belt gives them seniority over others. And that spending their day reading and memorizing RHP, corrupted, watered-down teachings from the Net, without critical thinking, makes them a scholar. -sarcasm-

A lot of writers out there today are like this. Unfortunately I spent hundreds of dollars on these occult books from these occult publishing houses that did nothing for me, my soul, or my mind. I spent hours scouring forums and the Net, as well some time watching videos.

This is getting rather long. To sum it up, as you advance and open your soul and mind, and with the guidance and direction of your guardians and patron/matron deities, you will be able to more easily discern and see through bullshit that other people write.
And see for yourselves that behind their masks of almighty all-knowingness, THEY KNOW NOTHING.

And if your so-called "friends" disrespect your beliefs while exalting their own, continuously, it's time to drop them and let them go.
They are holding you back in every way.

I lost three years to that sad pathetic waste of human flesh. It was my fault, and I won't make that mistake again.

Marchosias also simply said to me, "if he does not find the truth in this lifetime, he has the next one."

Hail Lady Marchosias!

Let me know if you want to read the other two posts I have about her.

Another time I was very upset about the beauty standards in my culture (I'm Asian.) It bothered me because I do not fit the expected cultural standards of beauty. Then I heard Marchosias say, as if she was standing next to me, more loudly than usual, with a great deal of feeling and compassion, "find your own beauty."
I accept the way I look more now, at least with my face and my skin tone.

She was the first one who reached out to me. I kept getting blatant signs that she was my Guardian. Eventually I heard her voice, and a few times I saw her. She is very tall and slender yet fit and strong. She looks like she does under her description on the Joy of Satan Demons page:


She wears the same or similar outfits when I saw her. She sounds young, and has a high pitched voice when she communicates with me telepathically. But when she said that one time, "find your beauty" it was a bit deeper. I suppose very tall and larger people have deeper voices. Not all, but I guess she was standing next to me when she said that.

She is also known as the goddess Victoria, Nike, Bellona, Enyo. If I heard her correctly she is also Eris, Jord and Nemesis.

One time I questioned if the gods love me. I read on one spiritual Satanist's blog (I don't have the link, nor do I remember the blog name) that the gods love us. I doubted this a great deal. What had I done to deserve their love?
Yet about an hour or two after I read that, Marchosias said to me telepathically, "the Gods love you." I believed her then, and I do now. This was a few years ago.

But I also talk to her and my other Guardins every two or three days, (sometimes everyday), and want to draw closer to them.

Thanks for reading! Hail Marchosias! Hail Satan!

I know this is a late reply but I am pretty impressed by you sister. I remember years ago seeing you in the groups, growing and advancing-- you are beautiful especially as you are advancing and transforming your soul. Always know this.

I enjoy reading your posts.

Thank you High Priestess Shannon, sister, for your kind words. They really brightened my morning.
I can't receive any help from the gods, including my Guardian Demon :cry:
Why it hapens?
I can't receive any help from the gods, including my Guardian Demon :cry:
Why it hapens?
magus.immortalis said:
My main Guardian is Marchosias. She is very wonderful and caring but she can be stern and serious at times when needed. Sometimes she writes through me. I didn't realize it some years ago, but when she sat me down the day after I had a falling out with a "friend", she wrote through me to explain why he was the way he was and why things were the way they were. I have this post here:

Our matron/patron deities that we are followers of, help us along, if we make the initiative to help ourselves.

As of late I have been frustrated and looking into ways to make changes to my life, to my attitude, to my focus. To give myself goals and purposes to strive for. I was lost for quite a while.
Giving up on myself, and searching.
It's interesting how the Gods work in our lives. Here is my story from last night.

Last night, I got into an argument because my "best friend" insulted one of the Gods. I called him on it, and it escalated from there. Needless to say, he is no longer my best friend. I saw his true colours, and he told me bluntly what he thought of my beliefs, as well as what he honestly thought of the deities I followed and was a devotee of. I was beside myself with anger and shock. I did not know that he had this in his heart all this time and had merely tolerated me and held his tongue all the while.

We talked everyday for almost three years and I thought I knew him.

I didn't agree with his spiritual beliefs and his ideologies, because he does not filter out what he reads and takes everything at face value. (A lot of people make this mistake.)
I have respectfully suggested to him that the myths of Gods are spiritual allegories, for example, but he takes the myths as literal. Then turns around on me and insults me.

I suppose underneath it all, I thought that as I grew and advanced, he would see that and maybe be more open to my beliefs, since they were and are helping me, along with the guidance of the Gods.

I learned the hard way this was not so, and never was to begin with.

I have always tolerated his beliefs and never insulted or spoke out against them, although I have suggested my own, he always shot them down.

The first red flags that I chose to ignore in the name of friendship.
This was my first mistake.
Being a fucking softie.

I was fuming but trying to take the higher road and higher moral ground, by not stooping to his level and insulting him. Even though he dealt the first blow.

It was a challenge.

Lady Marchosias came and calmed me down, and showed me how he worked, with his attitude, his mindset, his words. She helped me understand and look at the situation objectively and with a sharp eye as it unfolded. And I noticed things for the first time about this person I overlooked for the past three years.

It was explained to me, that a lot of these so-called LHP occultists, like to read, study, retain large amounts of information that they find on the Net or in books. They take everything at face value and do not look deeper, or do not read critically.

They then regurgitate it, compare and contrast, while putting their own spin on it while subtly (if not outright) undermining your beliefs while at the same time trying to tell you that THEIR path is the right one, the only one, the original one.

So they appear sophisticated, knowledgeable, all-knowing, elitist. While looking down their nose at you if you try to suggest a different point of view.

They hide behind these walls of INFORMATION, NOT KNOWLEDGE, as if it grants them superiority over everything and everyone else.

They then offer these volumes of made-up lies and false, misleading ideologies to occult publishing houses and if they get attention or a contract, suddenly they believe they are like god-men. -sarcasm-

They want nothing more then to start their own church, their own temple, or some new shiny bright new thing for the masses, called a religion. All in their own name, to feed their ego, to line their pockets.

Some of you might be wondering what is the point of this post, then.

I am not promoting this individual that I conversed with last night.

I am explaining what I learned and hope that it may help with newbies.
Because I feel it's important to know how these "LHP occultist" authors work when you come across their books, blogs, videos, etc.

And if you know that beyond their mask and facade of politeness, civility, friendliness and information vomiting (dressed up prettily with good grammar and basic debating and explanation skills), they are devoid and empty inside of TRUE knowledge that will enlighten them.

Some people like to boast how long they have been on some spiritual path, yet have no relationship with the Gods and do not advance their souls. They think having years under their belt gives them seniority over others. And that spending their day reading and memorizing RHP, corrupted, watered-down teachings from the Net, without critical thinking, makes them a scholar. -sarcasm-

A lot of writers out there today are like this. Unfortunately I spent hundreds of dollars on these occult books from these occult publishing houses that did nothing for me, my soul, or my mind. I spent hours scouring forums and the Net, as well some time watching videos.

This is getting rather long. To sum it up, as you advance and open your soul and mind, and with the guidance and direction of your guardians and patron/matron deities, you will be able to more easily discern and see through bullshit that other people write.
And see for yourselves that behind their masks of almighty all-knowingness, THEY KNOW NOTHING.

And if your so-called "friends" disrespect your beliefs while exalting their own, continuously, it's time to drop them and let them go.
They are holding you back in every way.

I lost three years to that sad pathetic waste of human flesh. It was my fault, and I won't make that mistake again.

Marchosias also simply said to me, "if he does not find the truth in this lifetime, he has the next one."

Hail Lady Marchosias!

Let me know if you want to read the other two posts I have about her.

Another time I was very upset about the beauty standards in my culture (I'm Asian.) It bothered me because I do not fit the expected cultural standards of beauty. Then I heard Marchosias say, as if she was standing next to me, more loudly than usual, with a great deal of feeling and compassion, "find your own beauty."
I accept the way I look more now, at least with my face and my skin tone.

She was the first one who reached out to me. I kept getting blatant signs that she was my Guardian. Eventually I heard her voice, and a few times I saw her. She is very tall and slender yet fit and strong. She looks like she does under her description on the Joy of Satan Demons page:


She wears the same or similar outfits when I saw her. She sounds young, and has a high pitched voice when she communicates with me telepathically. But when she said that one time, "find your beauty" it was a bit deeper. I suppose very tall and larger people have deeper voices. Not all, but I guess she was standing next to me when she said that.

She is also known as the goddess Victoria, Nike, Bellona, Enyo. If I heard her correctly she is also Eris, Jord and Nemesis.

One time I questioned if the gods love me. I read on one spiritual Satanist's blog (I don't have the link, nor do I remember the blog name) that the gods love us. I doubted this a great deal. What had I done to deserve their love?
Yet about an hour or two after I read that, Marchosias said to me telepathically, "the Gods love you." I believed her then, and I do now. This was a few years ago.

But I also talk to her and my other Guardins every two or three days, (sometimes everyday), and want to draw closer to them.

Thanks for reading! Hail Marchosias! Hail Satan!
Thank you for sharing this, sister :)
Targ said:
I can't receive any help from the gods, including my Guardian Demon :cry:
Why it hapens?

First off, did you dedicate your soul to Satan, via the Joy of Satan website?


This is important, because that is when you become a part of Satan's family, and he and your Guardian Demon help, guide, direct and protect you. This is not to say that we depend on them solely. We must make the efforts to help ourselves. They take us seriously if we are serious about Satan, his will, spiritual warfare, and advancing ourselves and making our lives better. Growing up and maturing as a spiritual Satanist and as a person.

They start investing their time and energy in you if you dedicated sincerely and with honest intentions, especially when we are new to spiritual Satanism.

Satan and our gods are *always* directing us. We are always in their sight. (They are the Powers of Hell, after all. Nothing escapes their notice.)

It also depends on how open and aware you are. Can you hear, see, sense and feel Satan and your Guardian(s) when they communicate to you, whether telepathically or actually showing up on the astral next to you to guide you directly? They do put ideas in our head, guide us to articles, people, websites, videos, books, etc.
There are no such things as coincidences when you are a spiritual Satanist.

If you are a Gentile and a dedicated spiritual Satanist, and earnestly making the effort to help yourself, doing the Reverse Torah Rituals, aren't lazy and are doing a power meditation routine and also other means to advance yourself, and also aligned with Satan, the gods are there and are guiding you. But you are the one that must make the action. They cannot do that for us. Nor should they.

It could be that you are not open enough psychically. Work on your psychic centres.

Be open and aware for signs, ideas, communication, and remember that nothing is mere "coincidences."

Hail Satan!
Shael said:
magus.immortalis said:
My main Guardian is Marchosias. She is very wonderful and caring but she can be stern and serious at times when needed. Sometimes she writes through me. I didn't realize it some years ago, but when she sat me down the day after I had a falling out with a "friend", she wrote through me to explain why he was the way he was and why things were the way they were. I have this post here:

Our matron/patron deities that we are followers of, help us along, if we make the initiative to help ourselves.

As of late I have been frustrated and looking into ways to make changes to my life, to my attitude, to my focus. To give myself goals and purposes to strive for. I was lost for quite a while.
Giving up on myself, and searching.
It's interesting how the Gods work in our lives. Here is my story from last night.

Last night, I got into an argument because my "best friend" insulted one of the Gods. I called him on it, and it escalated from there. Needless to say, he is no longer my best friend. I saw his true colours, and he told me bluntly what he thought of my beliefs, as well as what he honestly thought of the deities I followed and was a devotee of. I was beside myself with anger and shock. I did not know that he had this in his heart all this time and had merely tolerated me and held his tongue all the while.

We talked everyday for almost three years and I thought I knew him.

I didn't agree with his spiritual beliefs and his ideologies, because he does not filter out what he reads and takes everything at face value. (A lot of people make this mistake.)
I have respectfully suggested to him that the myths of Gods are spiritual allegories, for example, but he takes the myths as literal. Then turns around on me and insults me.

I suppose underneath it all, I thought that as I grew and advanced, he would see that and maybe be more open to my beliefs, since they were and are helping me, along with the guidance of the Gods.

I learned the hard way this was not so, and never was to begin with.

I have always tolerated his beliefs and never insulted or spoke out against them, although I have suggested my own, he always shot them down.

The first red flags that I chose to ignore in the name of friendship.
This was my first mistake.
Being a fucking softie.

I was fuming but trying to take the higher road and higher moral ground, by not stooping to his level and insulting him. Even though he dealt the first blow.

It was a challenge.

Lady Marchosias came and calmed me down, and showed me how he worked, with his attitude, his mindset, his words. She helped me understand and look at the situation objectively and with a sharp eye as it unfolded. And I noticed things for the first time about this person I overlooked for the past three years.

It was explained to me, that a lot of these so-called LHP occultists, like to read, study, retain large amounts of information that they find on the Net or in books. They take everything at face value and do not look deeper, or do not read critically.

They then regurgitate it, compare and contrast, while putting their own spin on it while subtly (if not outright) undermining your beliefs while at the same time trying to tell you that THEIR path is the right one, the only one, the original one.

So they appear sophisticated, knowledgeable, all-knowing, elitist. While looking down their nose at you if you try to suggest a different point of view.

They hide behind these walls of INFORMATION, NOT KNOWLEDGE, as if it grants them superiority over everything and everyone else.

They then offer these volumes of made-up lies and false, misleading ideologies to occult publishing houses and if they get attention or a contract, suddenly they believe they are like god-men. -sarcasm-

They want nothing more then to start their own church, their own temple, or some new shiny bright new thing for the masses, called a religion. All in their own name, to feed their ego, to line their pockets.

Some of you might be wondering what is the point of this post, then.

I am not promoting this individual that I conversed with last night.

I am explaining what I learned and hope that it may help with newbies.
Because I feel it's important to know how these "LHP occultist" authors work when you come across their books, blogs, videos, etc.

And if you know that beyond their mask and facade of politeness, civility, friendliness and information vomiting (dressed up prettily with good grammar and basic debating and explanation skills), they are devoid and empty inside of TRUE knowledge that will enlighten them.

Some people like to boast how long they have been on some spiritual path, yet have no relationship with the Gods and do not advance their souls. They think having years under their belt gives them seniority over others. And that spending their day reading and memorizing RHP, corrupted, watered-down teachings from the Net, without critical thinking, makes them a scholar. -sarcasm-

A lot of writers out there today are like this. Unfortunately I spent hundreds of dollars on these occult books from these occult publishing houses that did nothing for me, my soul, or my mind. I spent hours scouring forums and the Net, as well some time watching videos.

This is getting rather long. To sum it up, as you advance and open your soul and mind, and with the guidance and direction of your guardians and patron/matron deities, you will be able to more easily discern and see through bullshit that other people write.
And see for yourselves that behind their masks of almighty all-knowingness, THEY KNOW NOTHING.

And if your so-called "friends" disrespect your beliefs while exalting their own, continuously, it's time to drop them and let them go.
They are holding you back in every way.

I lost three years to that sad pathetic waste of human flesh. It was my fault, and I won't make that mistake again.

Marchosias also simply said to me, "if he does not find the truth in this lifetime, he has the next one."

Hail Lady Marchosias!

Let me know if you want to read the other two posts I have about her.

Another time I was very upset about the beauty standards in my culture (I'm Asian.) It bothered me because I do not fit the expected cultural standards of beauty. Then I heard Marchosias say, as if she was standing next to me, more loudly than usual, with a great deal of feeling and compassion, "find your own beauty."
I accept the way I look more now, at least with my face and my skin tone.

She was the first one who reached out to me. I kept getting blatant signs that she was my Guardian. Eventually I heard her voice, and a few times I saw her. She is very tall and slender yet fit and strong. She looks like she does under her description on the Joy of Satan Demons page:


She wears the same or similar outfits when I saw her. She sounds young, and has a high pitched voice when she communicates with me telepathically. But when she said that one time, "find your beauty" it was a bit deeper. I suppose very tall and larger people have deeper voices. Not all, but I guess she was standing next to me when she said that.

She is also known as the goddess Victoria, Nike, Bellona, Enyo. If I heard her correctly she is also Eris, Jord and Nemesis.

One time I questioned if the gods love me. I read on one spiritual Satanist's blog (I don't have the link, nor do I remember the blog name) that the gods love us. I doubted this a great deal. What had I done to deserve their love?
Yet about an hour or two after I read that, Marchosias said to me telepathically, "the Gods love you." I believed her then, and I do now. This was a few years ago.

But I also talk to her and my other Guardins every two or three days, (sometimes everyday), and want to draw closer to them.

Thanks for reading! Hail Marchosias! Hail Satan!
Thank you for sharing this, sister :)

You're welcome, Shael, brother! Thanks for reading! Hail Satan! Hail Marchosias!
The gods and demons depending on your devotion to the cause can watch out for you on even the little things. I can be a bit scatter brained with the sheer amount of things I need to do in a day, and earlier I forgot my phone and didn't notice that I didn't have it on me. I need my phone on me at all times because I regularly expect important calls. While working and distracted, out of no where the thought of my phone entered my head and I kind of had an "oh shit" moment.

As soon as I got my phone not even 30 seconds later I received an important call. They knew what was up and that it would've landed me in trouble had I missed this call. I thanked them as I would suggest anyone does when they give you a helping hand no matter how small it may seem.
Ghost in the Machine said:
The gods and demons depending on your devotion to the cause can watch out for you on even the little things. I can be a bit scatter brained with the sheer amount of things I need to do in a day, and earlier I forgot my phone and didn't notice that I didn't have it on me. I need my phone on me at all times because I regularly expect important calls. While working and distracted, out of no where the thought of my phone entered my head and I kind of had an "oh shit" moment.

As soon as I got my phone not even 30 seconds later I received an important call. They knew what was up and that it would've landed me in trouble had I missed this call. I thanked them as I would suggest anyone does when they give you a helping hand no matter how small it may seem.
Can confirm. Fellow scatterbrain here and I also get the occasional "random" reminder popping up in my head when I would otherwise have forgotten about something.
HailMotherLilith said:
I just finished talking with her....
How did you go about doing that exactly? I've been wanting to talk to her since she's my gd, but I dont know if i would do a ritual or vibrate her name 40 times or what? It's over nothing important, so would a ritual be for emergencies only, i only wanna talk to her?

Oh btw, I just remembered one thing today.

Yesterday I was discussing and talking with a fellow SS brother privately and we got to the point of talking about friends.
I mentioned to him that all my female "friends" I had turned out to either betray me or just use me for their own needs or whatever, so I only had male friends and all.

And you told me this today, is this a coincidence or what? XD[/quote]

I had this same issue, lerajie and inanna helped so much with that. The first time I felt that connection with inanna I just cried... and cried.. and cried. A huge emotional release. For the first time since I was a kid I was truly emotionally confiding in a woman. The Goddesses are just so wonderful and they’re not like any of the negative women I’ve had in my life. Inanna helped me realize where my self-esteem issues came from and I finally was able to move through it. Helped me build a trust I hadn’t felt in a very long time, and this helped me advance and move through attacks too. Right as we were working on this, something in me clicked and it was really powerful and anything negative anyone had to say to me had no effect. The second we worked in this and I came to a realization (literally right at that moment) an ex I had randomly contacted me with the most disgusting and hideous insults I have ever gotten from a man... and it was the SAME stuff my mom would tell me as a kid that I had just remembered and let go of with Inanna. And it had NO effect, and I told him that while none of that stuff had any meaning and it made him look very disgusting. I told him I was shocked he’d ever stoop that low and that he needed to go see a therapist. Bye. This seemed like an attack and an last resort attempt to continue to drag me under. This was so empowering and I hadn’t been so deeply whole in ages. Our ability to have positive and meaningful relationships with the same sex is just as important as the opposite sex. I still really love my male friends though, but if they aren’t gay it always ends up changing and one person has always wound up developing feelings. Girl friends are really nice and there’s never any hidden attempts at sex. Communication is more clear and the feedback is more honest because they’re not trying to steer your attention towards another goal.
Before I dedicate to Satan, I told him that I will dedicate because I want to accept who really I am, that if I’m belong to him I want to stay with him.
I have an open third eye when I was a kid but since I’m living in a Catholic country it got suppressed. I’m also an empath and intuitive. As per intuition, he told me I’m a threat because of the abilities I have.

There were times that I became astray but ended going back to him. I have this feeling that my loyalty is always with him regardless of what people say. When was diagnosed with depression, I told me him to help me and psychic attacks stopped. I realized that Satan is easy to approach, all we need is to be honest with him.

With Astarte, she approached me as Aphrodite. When I was losing my way in Satanism, she led me back and reminded me I have a Goddess within and should fight back. She’s encouraging me to connect to my feminine side which I longer have in touch. Thanks to Lydia for tips she posted regarding menstruation and spirituality.

Recently, I’m doing the power ritual to Valefor and he brought me relief from back pain due to dextrosciolosis. He’s like calling me and I have this feeling that he wants me close to him. I’m not sure yet if he is my GD.

There are times that when I was listening to Simple Plan songs, it reminded me of Satanism. It’s like some songs are for Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
