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Memorable Experiences With/From the Gods

HailMotherLilith said:
SilentSeeker said:
SilentSeeker said:
I'll try it then! Haha I tried to ask for signs like that before, and i didn't get anything. Maybe the God i was trying to summon was too busy?

Well, i tried to contact Buer to see if he is my Guardian. I lit a small black candle (the last one i have) and right when i was about to try to contact him, the hour became Mercury. Since Mercury is his planet, i figured it was a good sign.

But for that entire hour, i got nothing. Did i do something wrong? I wasn't sure if i needed to do a formal ritual or simply call out to him. I figured the formal method of summoning a Demon wasn't necessary because i was just trying to see if he was my Guardian, not trying to ask for help or a favour. Maybe that's where i messed up? Anyway, forgoing the formal summoning, i pulled up his sigil on my phone and tried calling to him, both in my head and out loud. I didn't expect to hear anything, and i assume the Gods can hear us even if we can't hear them. I did have the candle burning and asked if he could mess with the flame, since that seemed like the best way to get a clear response i couldn't miss. But nothing happened. I tried for the entire hour of Mercury.

This is the fourth time i tried to contact a God and got no response (that i can tell). But this was my first time contacting Buer. The other three were actual formal rituals to ask Andromalius for help with something.

I know the Gods are busy, and i know my lack of openess is gonna be an obstacle, but is there something I'm doing wrong? Or have i just been unlucky enough to try to contact the Gods when they're really, really too busy? Is there some reason other than being busy that would cause the Gods to not respond to me?

Have you summoned him using this: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html

If you haven't tried it, THERE is your problem.

I did that for Andromalius. I'll try with Buer too.
Reckoned666 said:
SilentSeeker said:
SilentSeeker said:
I'll try it then! Haha I tried to ask for signs like that before, and i didn't get anything. Maybe the God i was trying to summon was too busy?

Well, i tried to contact Buer to see if he is my Guardian. I lit a small black candle (the last one i have) and right when i was about to try to contact him, the hour became Mercury. Since Mercury is his planet, i figured it was a good sign.

But for that entire hour, i got nothing. Did i do something wrong? I wasn't sure if i needed to do a formal ritual or simply call out to him. I figured the formal method of summoning a Demon wasn't necessary because i was just trying to see if he was my Guardian, not trying to ask for help or a favour. Maybe that's where i messed up? Anyway, forgoing the formal summoning, i pulled up his sigil on my phone and tried calling to him, both in my head and out loud. I didn't expect to hear anything, and i assume the Gods can hear us even if we can't hear them. I did have the candle burning and asked if he could mess with the flame, since that seemed like the best way to get a clear response i couldn't miss. But nothing happened. I tried for the entire hour of Mercury.

This is the fourth time i tried to contact a God and got no response (that i can tell). But this was my first time contacting Buer. The other three were actual formal rituals to ask Andromalius for help with something.

I know the Gods are busy, and i know my lack of openess is gonna be an obstacle, but is there something I'm doing wrong? Or have i just been unlucky enough to try to contact the Gods when they're really, really too busy? Is there some reason other than being busy that would cause the Gods to not respond to me?

I performed the ritual, but the Demon didn't show up
I have gotten many e-mails from people who, after several attempts at summoning, the Demon finally appeared and after this, all attempts at contact went fine. Often the reason for this is one is new and/or not psychically open enough to sense the presence of the Demon. Persistence and patience pay off in results. Satan is strong on one having patience. Consistent meditation, breathing exercises, and if one is able to, Hatha [physical] Yoga will open your mind and soul.

Quote is from http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/FAQ.html

Yeah, i know. I need to work on my patience when it comes to spiritual things.
luis said:

Brdredr said:

Guys, please chill out, let that person find the truth on their own.

Do not prolong this heated argument.

I don't care who is right, either stop or get out.
Brdredr said:
luis said:
I'm sorry but your story is really fake. First if you had that many past life you would know that those numbers are not correct at all, especially if you lived in India or Babylon. Second you smoked? Seriously? That is like the stupided thing a SS would so and for sure a true SS would not put it in his story. So you were a Nazi? Of course there are SS here that were Nazi but you sound like you are trying to make yourself something that you are not. Are you just here to sell your album? We alrealy had a very problematic "rapper", we don't need another one.

I may sound harsh but or he is fake as fuck (like i said there are many things in his story that don't sound real) or the entity he talked with the ouja are enemys and lied to them. Sorry but i can't stop to think that he is faking to be this VIP SS that he is not just to sell more album. If i'm wrong i'm sorry but my intuition tell me another thing.

ON ANOTHER NOTE! You can choose to not believe what I'm saying, that's whatever, that's on you but openly disrespecting me like that is how you get punched in the throat. That's how we do it where I'm from.

"First if you had that many past life you would know that those numbers are not correct at all"

Okay, first of all, the numbers include the past lives plus everything in between. A soul doesn't die between lives, stupid. Also, do the math yourself. I got "1234 BC" from the Ouija Board, and if you knew your history a little, you'd know that'd be during the Vedic period (1500BC to 500BC). Hmm...aren't a lot of things on this website traced back to the uhh...VEDIC PERIOD??

Who said I was trying to be a VIP? I rarely ever post on this site because most of the time, there ain't a reason for me to post something. How is that trying to be a VIP? If I was trying to be some sort of VIP, I would be on this community's DICKS all day. Are you sure you're not up on mine right now, since you wanna talk shit and disrespect?

"Of course there are SS here that were Nazi but you sound like you are trying to make yourself something that you are not."

Hey dumbass, I don't know anything about you or where you come from, so for all I know you could be covering yourself up because in all reality you're probably faker than anybody on this damn site. So I'm supposed to act like I'm fucking clueless all of a sudden because I don't tape everything? This thread is about MEMORIES regarding the gods. Not a "big dick" competition where you get to judge me or anyone else. So get rekt, and never disrespect me again.
I have to ask you sorry, i rarely a act like a dumbass and this is not the place. Anyway what i was trying to say is that to me it looked fake, now i can compleatily be wrong, the thing is there are been another "SS" in here that was trying to sell his music and acted all Holy and stuff. If what you are telling is the true then i'm really Sorry, i really don't know what i acted like that.

Anyway the story of my past lifes dose not matter and if what you are telling is the true it's better to be careful, saying that you are such a old soul could open for more attack from the enemy. I was warned another time to shut my mouth for such things. I hope you are not mad at me! I really don't know what i acted like that...

You could've put more thought into how you put your words, especially if you aren't fluent in English, then you can be misinterpreted even more easily. Just take a break.

On another hand, as HP Cobra said, who you were in the past lives doesn't matter that much, what matters is what you do NOW.

Brdredr said:
luis said:
I'm sorry but your story is really fake. First if you had that many past life you would know that those numbers are not correct at all, especially if you lived in India or Babylon. Second you smoked? Seriously? That is like the stupided thing a SS would so and for sure a true SS would not put it in his story. So you were a Nazi? Of course there are SS here that were Nazi but you sound like you are trying to make yourself something that you are not. Are you just here to sell your album? We alrealy had a very problematic "rapper", we don't need another one.

I may sound harsh but or he is fake as fuck (like i said there are many things in his story that don't sound real) or the entity he talked with the ouja are enemys and lied to them. Sorry but i can't stop to think that he is faking to be this VIP SS that he is not just to sell more album. If i'm wrong i'm sorry but my intuition tell me another thing.

ON ANOTHER NOTE! You can choose to not believe what I'm saying, that's whatever, that's on you but openly disrespecting me like that is how you get punched in the throat. That's how we do it where I'm from.

"First if you had that many past life you would know that those numbers are not correct at all"

Okay, first of all, the numbers include the past lives plus everything in between. A soul doesn't die between lives, stupid. Also, do the math yourself. I got "1234 BC" from the Ouija Board, and if you knew your history a little, you'd know that'd be during the Vedic period (1500BC to 500BC). Hmm...aren't a lot of things on this website traced back to the uhh...VEDIC PERIOD??

Who said I was trying to be a VIP? I rarely ever post on this site because most of the time, there ain't a reason for me to post something. How is that trying to be a VIP? If I was trying to be some sort of VIP, I would be on this community's DICKS all day. Are you sure you're not up on mine right now, since you wanna talk shit and disrespect?

"Of course there are SS here that were Nazi but you sound like you are trying to make yourself something that you are not."

Hey dumbass, I don't know anything about you or where you come from, so for all I know you could be covering yourself up because in all reality you're probably faker than anybody on this damn site. So I'm supposed to act like I'm fucking clueless all of a sudden because I don't tape everything? This thread is about MEMORIES regarding the gods. Not a "big dick" competition where you get to judge me or anyone else. So get rekt, and never disrespect me again.
I have to ask you sorry, i rarely a act like a dumbass and this is not the place. Anyway what i was trying to say is that to me it looked fake, now i can compleatily be wrong, the thing is there are been another "SS" in here that was trying to sell his music and acted all Holy and stuff. If what you are telling is the true then i'm really Sorry, i really don't know what i acted like that.

Anyway the story of my past lifes dose not matter and if what you are telling is the true it's better to be careful, saying that you are such a old soul could open for more attack from the enemy. I was warned another time to shut my mouth for such things. I hope you are not mad at me! I really don't know what i acted like that...[/quote]
luis said:
I have to ask you sorry, i rarely a act like a dumbass and this is not the place. Anyway what i was trying to say is that to me it looked fake, now i can compleatily be wrong, the thing is there are been another "SS" in here that was trying to sell his music and acted all Holy and stuff. If what you are telling is the true then i'm really Sorry, i really don't know what i acted like that.

Anyway the story of my past lifes dose not matter and if what you are telling is the true it's better to be careful, saying that you are such a old soul could open for more attack from the enemy. I was warned another time to shut my mouth for such things. I hope you are not mad at me! I really don't know what i acted like that...

I feel I need to apologize as well, I initially thought you were trying to come off as very disrespectful. And I'm not "selling" my music, if you go to my thread you can see I have provided it for free but if people wanted to pay for it, that's fine too. Not like I made much off of it anyway.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
absolute13 said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I'm not entirely certain that this is an outright "experience," but then again perhaps it came from a subconscious, spiritual connection, I'm honestly not sure. I still have progress to make before I can start expecting and picking up on blatant signs.

Regardless, I spend a lot of time lost in my own daydreams much like Ol argedco luciftias was saying, and one of the concepts I ended up developing was a Satanic institution that focuses on, to encompass it all in one word, "wellness." Biological and nutritional research, wellness programs to instruct people in meditation, yoga, healthy eating and exercise, youth programs for children to go out and have enriching experiences that they'll remember fondly later and will hopefully impart good lessons and future passions, things of that nature. I eventually settled on naming this idea "Instytut Życia i Zdrowia," The Institute of Life and Health.

It wasn't until later that I realized the abbreviation for such a name would be IZiZ. May not be exact, but the similarity in spelling to Isis instantly made me think of Astaroth, and I felt so satisfied and happy with that that the name stuck for all future daydreams I had involving this institute. In an ideal world I would like to see to the creation of at least something approaching this concept, and maybe that time will come.

This is an awesome experience in itself as Lady Astaroth name popped up. You can do so much in this overall development daydream by bringing this into reality and gaining more truth and experience in Spiritual Satanism with just the name that you have alone. What other things, people, Gods Goddesses of Hell come to mind as you expand or go a long this name and the institution name. This is definitely a sign that Lady Astaroth is with you as well. This as well since the Z vibration ties Into the serpent meaning your name of Astaroth is actually a window/ chant to bring his about in however many ways.

That's quite exciting in and of itself, if I could actually bring about some manner of institute that follows Satanic teachings and principles and honors our Gods, I would be awash with pride. Nothing has so far really come up in regards to these daydreams other than ideas for what this institute could do and how could it be done; I hadn't even noticed that it abbreviated to IZiZ until I abbreviated it. But I'm thinking that the further I go along with the meditation program and the more I spend time thinking about this as an actual goal rather than a fantasy, more little insights and "coincidences" will manifest and I'll further shape the idprogress something tangibly possible.

Dont let anything stop you. The more advanced you get from your meditation from your program the more you can do for yourself and others. As on the joyofsatan website, preliminary workings are best before the main working. You can use what you have as a beautiful step up like going small and working on the smaller things which your meditation program plays a part in.
Brdredr said:
luis said:
I have to ask you sorry, i rarely a act like a dumbass and this is not the place. Anyway what i was trying to say is that to me it looked fake, now i can compleatily be wrong, the thing is there are been another "SS" in here that was trying to sell his music and acted all Holy and stuff. If what you are telling is the true then i'm really Sorry, i really don't know what i acted like that.

Anyway the story of my past lifes dose not matter and if what you are telling is the true it's better to be careful, saying that you are such a old soul could open for more attack from the enemy. I was warned another time to shut my mouth for such things. I hope you are not mad at me! I really don't know what i acted like that...

I feel I need to apologize as well, I initially thought you were trying to come off as very disrespectful. And I'm not "selling" my music, if you go to my thread you can see I have provided it for free but if people wanted to pay for it, that's fine too. Not like I made much off of it anyway.
Brdredr said:
luis said:
I have to ask you sorry, i rarely a act like a dumbass and this is not the place. Anyway what i was trying to say is that to me it looked fake, now i can compleatily be wrong, the thing is there are been another "SS" in here that was trying to sell his music and acted all Holy and stuff. If what you are telling is the true then i'm really Sorry, i really don't know what i acted like that.

Anyway the story of my past lifes dose not matter and if what you are telling is the true it's better to be careful, saying that you are such a old soul could open for more attack from the enemy. I was warned another time to shut my mouth for such things. I hope you are not mad at me! I really don't know what i acted like that...

I feel I need to apologize as well, I initially thought you were trying to come off as very disrespectful. And I'm not "selling" my music, if you go to my thread you can see I have provided it for free but if people wanted to pay for it, that's fine too. Not like I made much off of it anyway.
Like i already said i'm sorry, just be careful to not say too much about your past life's and be careful with the entity you talk with, the enemy likes to confuse SS. There is a SS here that for many years he talked with enemy entity beliving it was our God's, it can happen, especially if you are not that advanced. Now as far as i know this member was pretty advanced and still it happened to him, just be careful and again i'm sorry i really don't know why i acted like that i just care about our Satanic family!
ive had couple minor experiances but none of them stand out as the one that happoned over not the previous summer but the one before that. I was doing drugs and I didint know how to stop. and at this point i was already dedicated and so i felt even lower then the lowest because I technically had to knowlede to help me out but i lacked the will to apply it. When i was sober all i wanted to do/could think of was the next time i was gonna get high and eveytime i got high all I could think of was being sober and awake.

I felt like i had no way out because lets face with u cant be a Satanic Nazi in this time n age and actually talk about things that engages you with people who havent even meditated for more then 15 mins.

Long story short, i feel so low that i believed i didint even deserve our gods love/patience ect... I closed my eyes and imagined a huge willow tree, i got inside it started to Sob wildy to motherEarth lol. I felt like i was trapped in a war between wildly powerful forces and I just really felt the heavyness of being a pawn in chessboard. All i wanted was to be a happy innocent creature that wanted to just exist without having to worry about literal Reptile aliens trying to use & destry the very core of my being. my soul. And that was the very time that I actually just wanted to die after a very very long time, and that was also the moment i felt the Pagan gods and thier messege was so very warm kind of clear.

Dont. give. up.

i felt as tho i was failing my race, family and myself and for that reason i was avoiding having a connection with gods because I just felt like i was dissapointing them and that they would just look down on me. and I was very very wronge. It has been some time since that happoned and even to this day whenever i feel like things get tough i still think of that experiance and it motivates me.

You know when i was just newly dedicated i would just read others experiances and in all honesty i would feel a little jelly lol now i cant believe in at a place where i can also experiance these things for my self. For anyone who is new.. just dont give up and you will will experiance these things for youself

Hail all the gods of Orion!!
It happened on Tuesday of this week and I think I'm going to remember it fondly.
I had an involuntarily prolonged piano class and I left the school when it was completely dark outside.
I took the fast route home by a tram, but knowing how cities can be at night, I was worried that something could happen to me, even in the non-center parts of the town. I usually go home on a road with a very slim sidewalk and busses and cars pass through frequently. There also was a possibility I could've met someone not so pleasant on my way in the dark curves of the roads, which made me anxious.

I asked Satan and my Guardian Demon (of whom I don't know the name yet) to protect me. I'm still quite spiritually deaf, but I felt much more reassured and certain after asking.

On my way, I "saw" flashes of some energy (I presume) in front of me in a certain shape, later on I found out that it resembled the Algiz rune. I was also inclined to visualise a lot of light around me, so much that I could feel it! When I was nervous, I started to hum "Lore, lore" spontaneously, although this I think is an already build-in habit I had for a longer time.
I made it home in safety and I'm extremely grateful to Satan for protecting me ^-^.
MoonlessNight666 said:
ive had couple minor experiances but none of them stand out as the one that happoned over not the previous summer but the one before that. I was doing drugs and I didint know how to stop. and at this point i was already dedicated and so i felt even lower then the lowest because I technically had to knowlede to help me out but i lacked the will to apply it. When i was sober all i wanted to do/could think of was the next time i was gonna get high and eveytime i got high all I could think of was being sober and awake.

I felt like i had no way out because lets face with u cant be a Satanic Nazi in this time n age and actually talk about things that engages you with people who havent even meditated for more then 15 mins.

Long story short, i feel so low that i believed i didint even deserve our gods love/patience ect... I closed my eyes and imagined a huge willow tree, i got inside it started to Sob wildy to motherEarth lol. I felt like i was trapped in a war between wildly powerful forces and I just really felt the heavyness of being a pawn in chessboard. All i wanted was to be a happy innocent creature that wanted to just exist without having to worry about literal Reptile aliens trying to use & destry the very core of my being. my soul. And that was the very time that I actually just wanted to die after a very very long time, and that was also the moment i felt the Pagan gods and thier messege was so very warm kind of clear.

Dont. give. up.

i felt as tho i was failing my race, family and myself and for that reason i was avoiding having a connection with gods because I just felt like i was dissapointing them and that they would just look down on me. and I was very very wronge. It has been some time since that happoned and even to this day whenever i feel like things get tough i still think of that experiance and it motivates me.

You know when i was just newly dedicated i would just read others experiances and in all honesty i would feel a little jelly lol now i cant believe in at a place where i can also experiance these things for my self. For anyone who is new.. just dont give up and you will will experiance these things for youself

Hail all the gods of Orion!!

This is honestly a nice experience.

Ending addiction of drugs is very tough honestly, it takes time and persistence.
I know I've already posted in this thread but I felt like sharing again.
It seems I regularly encounter the Gods in my dreams. More recently I've received a sort of "prophecy" about my future from Father Satan. Though I'm still trying to grasp what exactly was meant. :? It's difficult to express what being in his presence is like as words feel like they fall short. It's overwhelming acceptance and positive energy, power that is firm and absolute, natural and kind.
Another time, I believe I was with Ose. He's... an interesting fellow. He led me to others of the JOS. Which was appreciated as at that time I had been yearning to connect with others on the same path.
Most other Gods I haven't been able to identify, as they match none of the descriptions from the list on the JOS website. But in their presence I have felt pure bliss and acceptance, power unlike any other, a sort of grounding and understanding that no matter what the physical world throws my way I am not alone and it can not destroy me.
Cyn666 said:
I know I've already posted in this thread but I felt like sharing again.
It seems I regularly encounter the Gods in my dreams. More recently I've received a sort of "prophecy" about my future from Father Satan. Though I'm still trying to grasp what exactly was meant. :? It's difficult to express what being in his presence is like as words feel like they fall short. It's overwhelming acceptance and positive energy, power that is firm and absolute, natural and kind.
Another time, I believe I was with Ose. He's... an interesting fellow. He led me to others of the JOS. Which was appreciated as at that time I had been yearning to connect with others on the same path.
Most other Gods I haven't been able to identify, as they match none of the descriptions from the list on the JOS website. But in their presence I have felt pure bliss and acceptance, power unlike any other, a sort of grounding and understanding that no matter what the physical world throws my way I am not alone and it can not destroy me.

This is interesting! :)
Cyn666 said:
I know I've already posted in this thread but I felt like sharing again.
It seems I regularly encounter the Gods in my dreams. More recently I've received a sort of "prophecy" about my future from Father Satan. Though I'm still trying to grasp what exactly was meant. :? It's difficult to express what being in his presence is like as words feel like they fall short. It's overwhelming acceptance and positive energy, power that is firm and absolute, natural and kind.
Another time, I believe I was with Ose. He's... an interesting fellow. He led me to others of the JOS. Which was appreciated as at that time I had been yearning to connect with others on the same path.
Most other Gods I haven't been able to identify, as they match none of the descriptions from the list on the JOS website. But in their presence I have felt pure bliss and acceptance, power unlike any other, a sort of grounding and understanding that no matter what the physical world throws my way I am not alone and it can not destroy me.

That's reassuring. I've felt energy of Gods only a few times so far, and it was an absolutely bliss as you mentioned.
I love your profile picture by the way.
Reckoned666 said:
Cyn666 said:
I know I've already posted in this thread but I felt like sharing again.
It seems I regularly encounter the Gods in my dreams. More recently I've received a sort of "prophecy" about my future from Father Satan. Though I'm still trying to grasp what exactly was meant. :? It's difficult to express what being in his presence is like as words feel like they fall short. It's overwhelming acceptance and positive energy, power that is firm and absolute, natural and kind.
Another time, I believe I was with Ose. He's... an interesting fellow. He led me to others of the JOS. Which was appreciated as at that time I had been yearning to connect with others on the same path.
Most other Gods I haven't been able to identify, as they match none of the descriptions from the list on the JOS website. But in their presence I have felt pure bliss and acceptance, power unlike any other, a sort of grounding and understanding that no matter what the physical world throws my way I am not alone and it can not destroy me.

That's reassuring. I've felt energy of Gods only a few times so far, and it was an absolutely bliss as you mentioned.
I love your profile picture by the way.

Thank you! a friend of mine shared it with me, saying how it reminded her of me. I felt it was apt for being my icon here. :)
RayaMystika said:
After I dedicated I hadn't talked to Enki for a long time, maybe 2 or 3 month. When I talked to him again the first thing that I heard him say was 'where have you been? we missed you!" and he said it in such a positive way and with a laughter that I really felt loved and accepted.
Before I felt that he is busy and I shouldn't just talk to them because I miss him or whatever. But when I finally talked to him it seemed like I had found the friends I always wanted and that I can talk to him anytime.
Since Im a really lonely person and I dont have many close friends. But Enki and the rest of the Gods always make me feel that they have known me for a long time and that Im loved and accepted by them. It makes me so happy.

Wow... I'm really jealous of your experience... If you don't mind, can we please talk offline?? I'd really love to have someone to talk with. I haven't figured out how to send private messages yet, though...
MaxRideWizardLord said:
RayaMystika said:
After I dedicated I hadn't talked to Enki for a long time, maybe 2 or 3 month. When I talked to him again the first thing that I heard him say was 'where have you been? we missed you!" and he said it in such a positive way and with a laughter that I really felt loved and accepted.
Before I felt that he is busy and I shouldn't just talk to them because I miss him or whatever. But when I finally talked to him it seemed like I had found the friends I always wanted and that I can talk to him anytime.
Since Im a really lonely person and I dont have many close friends. But Enki and the rest of the Gods always make me feel that they have known me for a long time and that Im loved and accepted by them. It makes me so happy.

Wow... I'm really jealous of your experience... If you don't mind, can we please talk offline?? I'd really love to have someone to talk with. I haven't figured out how to send private messages yet, though...

I wouldn't trust someone who only posted ONCE... You could be with the enemy for all we know.....
Not related to this but did you miss the part where I asked you to contact me via proton mail?

Susiję su tavo vertimu JoS į lietuvių kalbą.

FlamingRedRose666 said:
MaxRideWizardLord said:
RayaMystika said:
After I dedicated I hadn't talked to Enki for a long time, maybe 2 or 3 month. When I talked to him again the first thing that I heard him say was 'where have you been? we missed you!" and he said it in such a positive way and with a laughter that I really felt loved and accepted.
Before I felt that he is busy and I shouldn't just talk to them because I miss him or whatever. But when I finally talked to him it seemed like I had found the friends I always wanted and that I can talk to him anytime.
Since Im a really lonely person and I dont have many close friends. But Enki and the rest of the Gods always make me feel that they have known me for a long time and that Im loved and accepted by them. It makes me so happy.

Wow... I'm really jealous of your experience... If you don't mind, can we please talk offline?? I'd really love to have someone to talk with. I haven't figured out how to send private messages yet, though...

I wouldn't trust someone who only posted ONCE... You could be with the enemy for all we know.....
Reckoned666 said:
Not related to this but did you miss the part where I asked you to contact me via proton mail?

Susiję su tavo vertimu JoS į lietuvių kalbą.

FlamingRedRose666 said:
MaxRideWizardLord said:
Wow... I'm really jealous of your experience... If you don't mind, can we please talk offline?? I'd really love to have someone to talk with. I haven't figured out how to send private messages yet, though...

I wouldn't trust someone who only posted ONCE... You could be with the enemy for all we know.....

Omfg!!!!! *Jumps in happiness* Labas!!!!!! :mrgreen:

Aš nežinau tavo protonmail :/
FlamingRedRose666 said:
MaxRideWizardLord said:
RayaMystika said:
After I dedicated I hadn't talked to Enki for a long time, maybe 2 or 3 month. When I talked to him again the first thing that I heard him say was 'where have you been? we missed you!" and he said it in such a positive way and with a laughter that I really felt loved and accepted.
Before I felt that he is busy and I shouldn't just talk to them because I miss him or whatever. But when I finally talked to him it seemed like I had found the friends I always wanted and that I can talk to him anytime.
Since Im a really lonely person and I dont have many close friends. But Enki and the rest of the Gods always make me feel that they have known me for a long time and that Im loved and accepted by them. It makes me so happy.

Wow... I'm really jealous of your experience... If you don't mind, can we please talk offline?? I'd really love to have someone to talk with. I haven't figured out how to send private messages yet, though...

I wouldn't trust someone who only posted ONCE... You could be with the enemy for all we know.....

The primary reason why I even register on this forum, despite it may sound incorrect of many registered users here, is because I actually I AM looking for the truth AND evidence, not just new belief system. There been several of my own experiences with supernatural; and many spiritualists, including adepts of the JoS, had felt me or even talk with gods and they all told similar stories about me.

However, few of JoS adepts had interpreted the postulate about that anyone can talk with gods "only by themselves and not through anyone", and I strongly feel and believe that this is wrong and is falsehood; as "doing power meditation and talking with gods yourself" may end up delusing yourself and you could just talk with your own imagination, as from what I gathered so far that, unfortunatelly, each get their own unique experience. What chance is there that you'd get just absorbed by your own Ego and end up talking with yourself instead? And you end up hearing what exactly what you want to hear; or even more like, hear what you EXPECT to hear, as you end up talking to your own subconsciousness instead? It's like in dream, you're expecting something bad to happen and afraid that this is what exactly might happen even if you believe the chance of it is low, a few seconds later the EXACT same thing happened as you were afraid it could have happened, but with 100% chance of it happening as this is how our subconsciousness works.

This is why I have strong hope that if Gods really do exist, they would come to you and someone else and first thing they would tell you or them is that you shouldn't be afraid of me but actually give me a chance to listen. And what I really want to hope and believe in the most is that these Gods, once proven to be real to me, will show that they trully love me as the JoS website would say, and least thing they want to me is to be in misery; and wouldn't afraid to tell me that even if through someone else if there is no other way possible of communications with me. I really want to have something more than just hope and belief, I want to have the TRUTH, and truth can be only be gathered by the experience.

To tell the truth, I've been familiar with JoS for quite some time, but I couldn't say this place did really bring me goodness in a long run as I've only met with egocentric assholes and dipshits who not only tried to curse me by mere of my photo, but did made my life insufferable; even though back in times I was just desperately looking for spiritualist friends who could at least talk with me on similar topics and similar hobbies, but it end up to be just exact opposite of that even though loneliness is the least thing I would complain about; despite the fact that in first few months I was fully enthusiastic, meditated the crapton and deal with pain and torture like something temporary, a challenge of struggle that eventually will go away for eternity. In the last few months of present time, the most thing I did is actually constantly meditating and pray for the true God of pure Love and compassion\understanding which I view Enki as, or pray in meditative state; even though my life was rough and bring me even more dissapointment and misery despite that; unfortunatelly so far it only gave me a few temporary hopes that just transformed in to a dissapointments that give me even bigger pain and hopelessness. To speak to the point, I'm just extremely desperate trying to find help and THE truth all the possible way I can, which is why I registered here to begin with, even though my introvert nature usually won't allow me to do something like that, as I just doing my hardest to help myself and contact with Gods; untill I hit a complete hopelessness and give up with spiritualism all along, even though my inner spirit would never stop wanting to strive for the pure truth and true spiritualism, freedom and love; and I would hate it...

I strongly believe that THE truth wouldn't put me through path of misery, agony, self-loathing and forcing me to do something against my nature\spirit\TRUEself, even if I forcefully will make myself willing it. THE TRUTH for me is something that inherently must pass from the materialism world toward\through my spirit, then to my consciousness; if my spirit rejects it, feels uncomfortable with it or even hate it and what it makes me to go through, then this is just cannot possible be the truth; not from reasonable, logical, esoterical, theological, and most definitelly not in spiritual point of view. To be clear and honest here, I'd sure wish you could talk with Enki for me as I really hope he wouldn't say anything bad but gives me actual words for hope, but before that, a friendly conversation would be appreciated too...

There isn't anything else for me to talk about on these forums and it took several days untill my posts finally got approved, so I believe judging person just by post amounts I'd say least is unfair. I would appreciate if you could try to feel me and who knows, maybe you could tell me similar story about me as many other spiritualists that I had luck to be contact with back in time.

This is why conversation exist, you get to talk with person before jump to conclusion whether person is "enemy" or not, although I don't approve giving any person a nametag by mere talking a few times then giving any person a indelible stamp as it could be product of mere misunderstanding or cognitive disonance.

I also strongly believe that the truth fears no investigation nor doubting, so if Enk is trully our TRUE God, and trully LOVES us, and more over, understands and accepts us for who we are by nature, then he wouldn't be dissapointed, frustrated or annoyed by the fact if someone loses belief in him or even start to hate or loathe him for the experiences someone had to pass through. In fact, if someone gives him another chance, especially if someone been secretely still kept love and hope for him regardless of having hate and dissapointment toward him, for someone to claim to be the God that TRULLY understand and accepts us, let alone loves us, should definitelly looking for ways to prove his good-will toward said person and definitelly to prove to him his existance, even through someone else as all methods are good. Although sometimes, even to the most established theories like gravity, the scientists demand more evidence of it to determine what exactly it is, thus demanding more experience to know for certain.
MaxRideWizardLord said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
MaxRideWizardLord said:
Wow... I'm really jealous of your experience... If you don't mind, can we please talk offline?? I'd really love to have someone to talk with. I haven't figured out how to send private messages yet, though...

I wouldn't trust someone who only posted ONCE... You could be with the enemy for all we know.....

The primary reason why I even register on this forum, despite it may sound incorrect of many registered users here, is because I actually I AM looking for the truth AND evidence, not just new belief system. There been several of my own experiences with supernatural; and many spiritualists, including adepts of the JoS, had felt me or even talk with gods and they all told similar stories about me.

However, few of JoS adepts had interpreted the postulate about that anyone can talk with gods "only by themselves and not through anyone", and I strongly feel and believe that this is wrong and is falsehood; as "doing power meditation and talking with gods yourself" may end up delusing yourself and you could just talk with your own imagination, as from what I gathered so far that, unfortunatelly, each get their own unique experience. What chance is there that you'd get just absorbed by your own Ego and end up talking with yourself instead? And you end up hearing what exactly what you want to hear; or even more like, hear what you EXPECT to hear, as you end up talking to your own subconsciousness instead? It's like in dream, you're expecting something bad to happen and afraid that this is what exactly might happen even if you believe the chance of it is low, a few seconds later the EXACT same thing happened as you were afraid it could have happened, but with 100% chance of it happening as this is how our subconsciousness works.

This is why I have strong hope that if Gods really do exist, they would come to you and someone else and first thing they would tell you or them is that you shouldn't be afraid of me but actually give me a chance to listen. And what I really want to hope and believe in the most is that these Gods, once proven to be real to me, will show that they trully love me as the JoS website would say, and least thing they want to me is to be in misery; and wouldn't afraid to tell me that even if through someone else if there is no other way possible of communications with me. I really want to have something more than just hope and belief, I want to have the TRUTH, and truth can be only be gathered by the experience.

To tell the truth, I've been familiar with JoS for quite some time, but I couldn't say this place did really bring me goodness in a long run as I've only met with egocentric assholes and dipshits who not only tried to curse me by mere of my photo, but did made my life insufferable; even though back in times I was just desperately looking for spiritualist friends who could at least talk with me on similar topics and similar hobbies, but it end up to be just exact opposite of that even though loneliness is the least thing I would complain about; despite the fact that in first few months I was fully enthusiastic, meditated the crapton and deal with pain and torture like something temporary, a challenge of struggle that eventually will go away for eternity. In the last few months of present time, the most thing I did is actually constantly meditating and pray for the true God of pure Love and compassion\understanding which I view Enki as, or pray in meditative state; even though my life was rough and bring me even more dissapointment and misery despite that; unfortunatelly so far it only gave me a few temporary hopes that just transformed in to a dissapointments that give me even bigger pain and hopelessness. To speak to the point, I'm just extremely desperate trying to find help and THE truth all the possible way I can, which is why I registered here to begin with, even though my introvert nature usually won't allow me to do something like that, as I just doing my hardest to help myself and contact with Gods; untill I hit a complete hopelessness and give up with spiritualism all along, even though my inner spirit would never stop wanting to strive for the pure truth and true spiritualism, freedom and love; and I would hate it...

I strongly believe that THE truth wouldn't put me through path of misery, agony, self-loathing and forcing me to do something against my nature\spirit\TRUEself, even if I forcefully will make myself willing it. THE TRUTH for me is something that inherently must pass from the materialism world toward\through my spirit, then to my consciousness; if my spirit rejects it, feels uncomfortable with it or even hate it and what it makes me to go through, then this is just cannot possible be the truth; not from reasonable, logical, esoterical, theological, and most definitelly not in spiritual point of view. To be clear and honest here, I'd sure wish you could talk with Enki for me as I really hope he wouldn't say anything bad but gives me actual words for hope, but before that, a friendly conversation would be appreciated too...

There isn't anything else for me to talk about on these forums and it took several days untill my posts finally got approved, so I believe judging person just by post amounts I'd say least is unfair. I would appreciate if you could try to feel me and who knows, maybe you could tell me similar story about me as many other spiritualists that I had luck to be contact with back in time.

This is why conversation exist, you get to talk with person before jump to conclusion whether person is "enemy" or not, although I don't approve giving any person a nametag by mere talking a few times then giving any person a indelible stamp as it could be product of mere misunderstanding or cognitive disonance.

I also strongly believe that the truth fears no investigation nor doubting, so if Enk is trully our TRUE God, and trully LOVES us, and more over, understands and accepts us for who we are by nature, then he wouldn't be dissapointed, frustrated or annoyed by the fact if someone loses belief in him or even start to hate or loathe him for the experiences someone had to pass through. In fact, if someone gives him another chance, especially if someone been secretely still kept love and hope for him regardless of having hate and dissapointment toward him, for someone to claim to be the God that TRULLY understand and accepts us, let alone loves us, should definitelly looking for ways to prove his good-will toward said person and definitelly to prove to him his existance, even through someone else as all methods are good. Although sometimes, even to the most established theories like gravity, the scientists demand more evidence of it to determine what exactly it is, thus demanding more experience to know for certain.

Are you even dedicated?

Have you studied www.exposingchristianity.com and www.joyofsatan.org ?

If start to have such negative feelings and thoughts about Father Satan that shows me a lack of knowledge.

Also, one more thing, THERE ARE NO MEDIATORS ON SPIRITUAL SATANISM: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/NoMediators.html

With that being said, I suggest you better meditate and in time and persistence you are going to be able to talk to Father Satan and the True Gods in time.
MaxRideWizardLord said:
The primary reason why I even register on this forum, despite it may sound incorrect of many registered users here, is because I actually I AM looking for the truth AND evidence, not just new belief system. There been several of my own experiences with supernatural; and many spiritualists, including adepts of the JoS, had felt me or even talk with gods and they all told similar stories about me..


MaxRideWizardLord said:
However, few of JoS adepts had interpreted the postulate about that anyone can talk with gods "only by themselves and not through anyone", and I strongly feel and believe that this is wrong and is falsehood; as "doing power meditation and talking with gods yourself" may end up delusing yourself and you could just talk with your own imagination, as from what I gathered so far that, unfortunatelly, each get their own unique experience. What chance is there that you'd get just absorbed by your own Ego and end up talking with yourself instead? And you end up hearing what exactly what you want to hear; or even more like, hear what you EXPECT to hear, as you end up talking to your own subconsciousness instead? It's like in dream, you're expecting something bad to happen and afraid that this is what exactly might happen even if you believe the chance of it is low, a few seconds later the EXACT same thing happened as you were afraid it could have happened, but with 100% chance of it happening as this is how our subconsciousness works..

Your concerns are valid. This is the reason that most people do not have their so called 'experiences' admitted, as simply because, many are on the level described here. The point however is to get past this level. There are also some people for whom this can take a very long time.

You do not really understand how the subconscious works. As for the self fulfilling prophecy, this is also a valid human mechanism.

None of the above dangers should keep someone, who is mature minded, and sane, from trying to communicate with the Gods. There has to be innate delusional character or personal flaws in the personality, that can cause deception, rather than the Gods. The obstacles exist in the given personalities, not in the process of communication. To reach a level of adept communication can take decades, or more. And this is the truth.

However, the Gods can guide and direct people through ways invisible and unknown to them, and there is no time limit for this, and also, this lowers the danger for deceptions.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
This is why I have strong hope that if Gods really do exist, they would come to you and someone else and first thing they would tell you or them is that you shouldn't be afraid of me but actually give me a chance to listen. And what I really want to hope and believe in the most is that these Gods, once proven to be real to me, will show that they trully love me as the JoS website would say, and least thing they want to me is to be in misery; and wouldn't afraid to tell me that even if through someone else if there is no other way possible of communications with me. I really want to have something more than just hope and belief, I want to have the TRUTH, and truth can be only be gathered by the experience.

You're trying to impose your own laws to the Gods and how they can approach or communicate, which is essentially, you falling into the same loop you warned earlier. You are engaging in your own understanding and trying to force the Gods to act in this spectrum. They can prove they are real in their own way, but one has to be open. Your own tendency to empiricism and observation is false. If we cannot see the Sun at night it doesn't mean the sun has disappeared or does not exist.

It's well known even in physics our very senses are very meek in judging the environment and what exists and what does not.

You do not have to believe in the Gods, nor hope in their communication. You just have to ask, be open, and let them guide you in the way appropriate to your own mind and consciousness.

Unlike the fake things like "Jesus Christ" and the related filth, they never answer billions. However everyone here, even the most skeptical, do get signals from the Gods, even those who have zero belief initially about their existence.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
To tell the truth, I've been familiar with JoS for quite some time, but I couldn't say this place did really bring me goodness in a long run as I've only met with egocentric assholes and dipshits who not only tried to curse me by mere of my photo, but did made my life insufferable; even though back in times I was just desperately looking for spiritualist friends who could at least talk with me on similar topics and similar hobbies, but it end up to be just exact opposite of that even though loneliness is the least thing I would complain about; despite the fact that in first few months I was fully enthusiastic, meditated the crapton and deal with pain and torture like something temporary, a challenge of struggle that eventually will go away for eternity.

You do not seem to seek any spiritual friends. You want other spiritual people to waste their time on your delusions, and in trying to convince you, and in being guinea pigs for you to observe, in your endless black hole type of disbelief. If you do not want to be in the JoS, then you can leave. Nobody has to pay for your crap, and nobody asks you to believe. At best, the request is to have an open mind.

You also play the victim. I doubt anyone 'cursed' you unless you fucked up. As to the egocentric types, you could simply avoid association.

There are many ranges of 'spiritual' people, many of whom are jokes.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
In the last few months of present time, the most thing I did is actually constantly meditating and pray for the true God of pure Love and compassion\understanding which I view Enki as, or pray in meditative state; even though my life was rough and bring me even more dissapointment and misery despite that;

I can see why you receive resentment, simply because, you're a pathological christian in the mind, without any true will to experience the spiritual, but rather, superimpose your own alien new age on the Gods, for which, they have no reason to waste time on. Your life is miserable because you suck and you force onto it and yourself an alien xian structure.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
unfortunatelly so far it only gave me a few temporary hopes that just transformed in to a dissapointments that give me even bigger pain and hopelessness. To speak to the point, I'm just extremely desperate trying to find help and THE truth all the possible way I can, which is why I registered here to begin with, even though my introvert nature usually won't allow me to do something like that, as I just doing my hardest to help myself and contact with Gods; untill I hit a complete hopelessness and give up with spiritualism all along, even though my inner spirit would never stop wanting to strive for the pure truth and true spiritualism, freedom and love; and I would hate it...

You do not want truth at this point, all your post shows you just need consoling and loving kindness, which you don't even show to anyone in reality. You are on the level you complained about prior of absorption on the ego. And this is because you put communication with the Gods higher than meditation. And also since you are cowardly to devote yourself fully to an objective such as spiritual growth. All people experience hardship and your situation is nothing new.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
I strongly believe that THE truth wouldn't put me through path of misery, agony, self-loathing and forcing me to do something against my nature\spirit\TRUEself, even if I forcefully will make myself willing it.

Wrong. Your own mind will decide if you will suck and experience all of the crap you do. Apparently for whatever reason it does what it does to you. And not any 'truth'.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
THE TRUTH for me is something that inherently must pass from the materialism world toward\through my spirit, then to my consciousness; if my spirit rejects it, feels uncomfortable with it or even hate it and what it makes me to go through, then this is just cannot possible be the truth; not from reasonable, logical, esoterical, theological, and most definitelly not in spiritual point of view.

Again, you don't seek the truth, but you just seek to repeat your own theories about what it should be, or what it 'ideally' should be, based on lies and mainly a christian mindset. You cannot get anywhere with this, but only dive deeper in misery.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
To be clear and honest here, I'd sure wish you could talk with Enki for me as I really hope he wouldn't say anything bad but gives me actual words for hope, but before that, a friendly conversation would be appreciated too...

Nobody should talk to "Enki" for you, simply because, you do not deserve it. If you are not willing to practice, advance, and peel yourself of the crap you're carrying, you cannot hope an end to misery or lack of understanding, and not any consoling words are going to change anything to you.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
There isn't anything else for me to talk about on these forums and it took several days untill my posts finally got approved, so I believe judging person just by post amounts I'd say least is unfair. I would appreciate if you could try to feel me and who knows, maybe you could tell me similar story about me as many other spiritualists that I had luck to be contact with back in time.

On top of everything, you have a history with lots of charlatans, making your situation harder.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
This is why conversation exist, you get to talk with person before jump to conclusion whether person is "enemy" or not, although I don't approve giving any person a nametag by mere talking a few times then giving any person a indelible stamp as it could be product of mere misunderstanding or cognitive disonance.

We do not have to converse with enemies. However since I believe there is an initial 'teaching value' to the public for your post and to show the never-ending loops of those who are without, I approved your message to answer it.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
I also strongly believe that the truth fears no investigation nor doubting, so if Enk is trully our TRUE God, and trully LOVES us, and more over, understands and accepts us for who we are by nature, then he wouldn't be dissapointed, frustrated or annoyed by the fact if someone loses belief in him or even start to hate or loathe him for the experiences someone had to pass through.

Who are you to say how should he feel, or how should he take it? You're again making definitions.

Anyway as far as reality is concerned, yes, you can be lost, but you cannot at the same time demand that those who help you find yourself are pleased with it, or follow behind your ass to clean your pampers everytime you do crap, because you believe that backstabbing them is fundamental part of 'finding yourself'.

MaxRideWizardLord said:
In fact, if someone gives him another chance, especially if someone been secretely still kept love and hope for him regardless of having hate and dissapointment toward him, for someone to claim to be the God that TRULLY understand and accepts us, let alone loves us, should definitelly looking for ways to prove his good-will toward said person and definitelly to prove to him his existance, even through someone else as all methods are good. Although sometimes, even to the most established theories like gravity, the scientists demand more evidence of it to determine what exactly it is, thus demanding more experience to know for certain.

The Gods are never angry or anything like that because one requests evidence. However, if you request something from a being of another nature, you have to compromise in how you will receive an answer. For example, I cannot from here, give you a pat in the back, so to say, so for you to constantly get back to me and ask me for a pat is stupid. Instead, you could relax with the demands, do your part, and allow the spiritual to reach in your senses in how it can, so to say.
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Can I just aay how much I love you? XD

In a friendly SS Family way, thank you HP!!!!!! ❤
Is that the fucking xtian type guy who asked to be HP again. I remember him he had his own photo on and saying he wasn't afraid lol. Now it seems he dropped the tough guy act and went into whiny mode.
Guess what you do one step the Gods do two for you but they don't have time to waste on trash.
You should thank HP Cobra that he answered so thoroughly to your crying act. That would be a good start to a process of self improvement. And a token of good will.
Sinistra said:
Is that the fucking xtian type guy who asked to be HP again. I remember him he had his own photo on and saying he wasn't afraid lol. Now it seems he dropped the tough guy act and went into whiny mode.
Guess what you do one step the Gods do two for you but they don't have time to waste on trash.
You should thank HP Cobra that he answered so thoroughly to your crying act. That would be a good start to a process of self improvement. And a token of good will.

I see. Another repetitive BS.

Not sure who this is but if he did this, and in such humiliating manner, then I wonder why does he whine on the misery he created for himself.

Normally these people do not seek to self improve, just whine, 'positions' for nothing, and the related irrelevant bs.
Maxride-Whizz-ard, you will simply fail at Satanism because your looking for somebody to coddle you and wait on you. Not everything is about you, your insecurity and resentment and sense of entitlement is epic level. You obvious can not take judgement on any level and believe everyone has to charge to suit you.
Weak people need a god of only loooooooooove and acceptance because they can't stand to be told they need to drop twenty pounds and they are an asshole.

What they mean is a god who will only love and accept their shitty personality they want a servant to flatter them.
One stormy night as Maxride-whizzard stands before an altar and watches in amazement as the room fills with a epic light and the God of Gods appears before him. As Maxwide lizard or whatever stands there with his mouth a gap with shock and surprise the God of Gods looks at him and tells him.....

"Throw that fluttershy plushie out, stop clopping and don't even think of trying to brohoof me, stop being an asshole all your life and put the Mountain Dew and Dorito's in the trash can and no I will not tell you how wonderful you are, I will not get you a super model girl friend who's boob are bigger then yours and you need to shut the fuck up and clean the stains off your shirt. Now stand up straight, suck in that flabby gut and start actually doing some work on yourself."

Then as the light fades and the God of Gods vanishes Maxwide ride or whatever his name is stands there looking god slapped as his eyes roll upwards trying to process everything a loud farting sound breaks the winds of silence as the drool starts to run down his triple chins onto his man boobs and Dorito stains he finally processes a thought he goes on Tumbler and whines about how he got fat shamed. And the only person that cares is that Twitchy Bitch with pit stains on her shirt.
Sinistra said:
Is that the fucking xtian type guy who asked to be HP again. I remember him he had his own photo on and saying he wasn't afraid lol. Now it seems he dropped the tough guy act and went into whiny mode.
Guess what you do one step the Gods do two for you but they don't have time to waste on trash.
You should thank HP Cobra that he answered so thoroughly to your crying act. That would be a good start to a process of self improvement. And a token of good will.

It was a HE? I thought it was a SHE....

They're probably taking hormones if it's like that....
HP Mageson666 said:
One stormy night as Maxride-whizzard stands before an altar and watches in amazement as the room fills with a epic light and the God of Gods appears before him. As Maxwide lizard or whatever stands there with his mouth a gap with shock and surprise the God of Gods looks at him and tells him.....

"Throw that fluttershy plushie out, stop clopping and don't even think of trying to brohoof me, stop being an asshole all your life and put the Mountain Dew and Dorito's in the trash can and no I will not tell you how wonderful you are, I will not get you a super model girl friend who's boob are bigger then yours and you need to shut the fuck up and clean the stains off your shirt. Now stand up straight, suck in that flabby gut and start actually doing some work on yourself."

Then as the light fades and the God of Gods vanishes Maxwide ride or whatever his name is stands there looking god slapped as his eyes roll upwards trying to process everything a loud farting sound breaks the winds of silence as the drool starts to run down his triple chins onto his man boobs and Dorito stains he finally processes a thought he goes on Tumbler and whines about how he got fat shamed. And the only person that cares is that Twitchy Bitch with pit stains on her shirt.

HP, why are you all so amazing???? XD :lol: ❤

Thank you for all of the knowledge you are giving us!!!!!!!
Hey come on...! that answer made me cry! that is the kind of answers that everybody needs at some point of his life. Right now i must to say that stay here is one of the most beautiful things that has happened to me!
I dont have had many experiences with the Gods (or none lol :!: ), but i remember a voice of a woman that answered me a couple of questions some time ago after some power meditations, it was really interesting! her voice came from the depths of my head and i dont felt nothing bad about. And a dream that was really beauty! i was in another planet with two men, i dont remeber who they were, but there were a strange pillars with letters recorded in them, and while they go away from me i raised my head to the sky and (it was night and the sky was really close to us) i saw a really beautiful and "mysterious" blue brilliant star with some spikes spining in all directions and moving across the nocturnal sky! in my mind i did think "the star of Lucifer, the Morning Star" it looked really real! and i felt something different and calm too, i wanted to watch Him for more time..
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:

HP, why are you all so amazing???? XD :lol: ❤

Thank you for all of the knowledge you are giving us!!!!!!!

Slothz power :)

D'awwwwwwwwww!!!! It looks so cute!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: ❤
Theli said:
Hey come on...! that answer made me cry! that is the kind of answers that everybody needs at some point of his life. Right now i must to say that stay here is one of the most beautiful things that has happened to me!
I dont have had many experiences with the Gods (or none lol :!: ), but i remember a voice of a woman that answered me a couple of questions some time ago after some power meditations, it was really interesting! her voice came from the depths of my head and i dont felt nothing bad about. And a dream that was really beauty! i was in another planet with two men, i dont remeber who they were, but there were a strange pillars with letters recorded in them, and while they go away from me i raised my head to the sky and (it was night and the sky was really close to us) i saw a really beautiful and "mysterious" blue brilliant star with some spikes spining in all directions and moving across the nocturnal sky! in my mind i did think "the star of Lucifer, the Morning Star" it looked really real! and i felt something different and calm too, i wanted to watch Him for more time..

That is awesome!!!
Sinistra said:
Is that the fucking xtian type guy who asked to be HP again. I remember him he had his own photo on and saying he wasn't afraid lol. Now it seems he dropped the tough guy act and went into whiny mode.
Guess what you do one step the Gods do two for you but they don't have time to waste on trash.
You should thank HP Cobra that he answered so thoroughly to your crying act. That would be a good start to a process of self improvement. And a token of good will.

Can't say I blame him for wanting to be HP, because I wanted the same thing at first. However I at least took the time to look over the entire website and delve deep into studying before I even dedicated in the first place. It's what many new people forget to do, it's called READING. If someone is serious, they'd take everything into account first.
Brdredr said:
Sinistra said:
Is that the fucking xtian type guy who asked to be HP again. I remember him he had his own photo on and saying he wasn't afraid lol. Now it seems he dropped the tough guy act and went into whiny mode.
Guess what you do one step the Gods do two for you but they don't have time to waste on trash.
You should thank HP Cobra that he answered so thoroughly to your crying act. That would be a good start to a process of self improvement. And a token of good will.

Can't say I blame him for wanting to be HP, because I wanted the same thing at first. However I at least took the time to look over the entire website and delve deep into studying before I even dedicated in the first place. It's what many new people forget to do, it's called READING. If someone is serious, they'd take everything into account first.

This is not bad. I myself always idolized and still idolize the great people, and also, admirable qualities from wherever they come.

However to state you're gonna be Ronnie Coleman and never go to the gym to lift a single pound is just absurd.

To ask to become such when you're a lazy asshole, is also absurd, and nobody has to follow up with these insane unnatural demands.
Sitting around complaining that you aren't where you want to be because you don't want to spend even 30 minutes of your day on advancing yourself is one of the most childish things I've seen here in my 8 years of being part of JoS.

Wanting to be considered a HP is one thing, but wanting it and refusing to even work towards such a title to get it is the most xian mindset I've seen in a while here from someone who claims to be one of us. At least the real SS here know that this is a meritocracy and you are titled to what you work towards, it's the same hierarchy system for the demons.

If you are sitting on your ass whining about not being advanced enough when you've done nothing to work towards it and expect to be treated like you've already reached godhead, then you aren't even worth a shred of pretend pity from me.

If you want to truly be part of this war, and this goes for all ignorant and new SS members that think if they sit and do nothing long enough at the bottom they'll eventually get to the top of the mountain, you need to work for it. Put aside your video games, your movies and television for at least 30 minutes in your day and actually help yourself.

Nobody is forcing you to be here, nobody is forcing you to fight with us, to fight for Satan, the gods and humanity. You're only option in not doing so is slinking back down into your old spot in the line-up of sheeple where you can feel free to sit and do nothing all you want while wasting away in both mind, body and soul.

If you do nothing, you are nothing.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sitting around complaining that you aren't where you want to be because you don't want to spend even 30 minutes of your day on advancing yourself is one of the most childish things I've seen here in my 8 years of being part of JoS.

Wanting to be considered a HP is one thing, but wanting it and refusing to even work towards such a title to get it is the most xian mindset I've seen in a while here from someone who claims to be one of us. At least the real SS here know that this is a meritocracy and you are titled to what you work towards, it's the same hierarchy system for the demons.

If you are sitting on your ass whining about not being advanced enough when you've done nothing to work towards it and expect to be treated like you've already reached godhead, then you aren't even worth a shred of pretend pity from me.

If you want to truly be part of this war, and this goes for all ignorant and new SS members that think if they sit and do nothing long enough at the bottom they'll eventually get to the top of the mountain, you need to work for it. Put aside your video games, your movies and television for at least 30 minutes in your day and actually help yourself.

Nobody is forcing you to be here, nobody is forcing you to fight with us, to fight for Satan, the gods and humanity. You're only option in not doing so is slinking back down into your old spot in the line-up of sheeple where you can feel free to sit and do nothing all you want while wasting away in both mind, body and soul.

If you do nothing, you are nothing.

Well said!
Let’s put this thread back on its rails, shall we?

Recently, I got very worried, as my ability to feel the energy got decreased, and I couldn’t feel and sense Father Satan and Gods and Goddesses in my life anymore.

Two days ago, I made a small shrine for my Guardian, Goddess Crocell, to express my gratitude for Her protection. As I felt into deep trance like state, She spoke to me. And this was the moment that cleared up the confusion and doubt once again. It was so blissful to feel that energy again, so warm and loving. She made me cry. But not out of sadness, it was pure joy.

I promised to make her a small statue of three cats, one biggest is Her, one smaller is my perfect self, and smallest is me now. Why cats? Well, I do not have idea, but She didn’t seem to mind, She welcomed my idea.

She wants to inspire creativity in me. She insists telling me that I have huge talent in creativity, it is just that I do not trust in myself.

This is my most recent experience, and I am so happy to know that She is here. That They are here. That Father Satan is here with me!

Unfortunately, all of these problems that I had were caused by this year, where I was hit by multiple bad events, which made me almost stop meditating, I did so little. Now, that I have stabilized again, I am gonna continue where I left off.

Hail Satan! Forever! Hail Goddess Crocell! Hail all Glorious Gods and Goddesses of Hell!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
