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Memorable Experiences With/From the Gods

Sinistra said:
The living meme of SJWs MaxRideaPonyBrony is back. Now with even more whining. Oy vey !

Sinistra said:
How MaxRideHazardLord looks like :

HP Mageson666 said:
Maxium whizztard wants everyone to know he is a big brained brony. However most people fell asleep halfway thought reading its yawn inducing posts.

These posts really made my night!!!! XD :lol: :lol:

Happy Yule brothers and sisters!!! :D :) :mrgreen:
Guys don't make Maxium Whizzfarts mad, he is really smart, like yo, stand back a brainicane is coming though, smart.
We should keep him around for entertainment purposes as he seems to have no other use at this point. It's unfortunate because in a past lifetime he seriously might've been someone with major potential. Obviously that is not the case in his current one... or future ones it seems.

Can't save everyone.
My only complaint here is his bullshit post is making me take longer to scroll down xD
Ghost in the Machine said:
We should keep him around for entertainment purposes as he seems to have no other use at this point. It's unfortunate because in a past lifetime he seriously might've been someone with major potential. Obviously that is not the case in his current one... or future ones it seems.

Can't save everyone.

You speak the truth, brother.

Prepare yourself for another novel lol xD
Dypet Rod said:
My only complaint here is his bullshit post is making me take longer to scroll down xD

The first time I saw that long ass novel,I thought it would never end, the horror xD

I didn't even bother reading it all.
Iam the last smartest man on earth! And you need to stand in awe of muh BIG BRAIN!

That's right Whizzard be lovin some books, all night Whizzard be reading dem books,
When you be doing some dumb shit, Whizzard be down and up into dem books.

Bow down to muh Big Brain!
Extra Fries Do or Die said:
MaxRideWizardLord said:
Whether or not they trully cursed me is unknown, although they trully did gather up against me, all because they didn't like the photo of me, and then my life got much worse, whether that related or not is unknown for me either.
So when you posted that picture of yourself, and everybody here was warning you that there's a lot of rabbis here who look around trying to find ways to curse us. Because focusing on a picture of your face is one of the easiest ways to connect directly with your soul and fill you with jewish curses. Then what happened? Exactly what we warned you about. And why did you spend so much time trying to argue that it wasn't you who came in with that picture and begging to be made a High Priest so you can do Satanic weddings, when you just admitted right here that you are the same person?

And you talk about High Priest Cobra projecting his own problems onto you. You called all of us here at JOS worthless fat losers, but no offence (some offense), we saw your picture and see you writing about how bad you failed, so who's really projecting? You said that the couple Satanists you personally know are fat losers so somehow all of us must be that way, but you admitted you live in some Midwest shithole town where everybody is either obese or on meth (or both).

I can see what your problem really is. It's your mindset. Page after page of crying, all you have shown me is your constant negative affirmations. You're always focusing on how it isn't working, or how you are failing. But this is what you program to happen, what do you expect? So maybe you did some meditations, but while you were doing them your shit self-destructive mindset affirmed your own failure. You programmed yourself to fail. So whatever energy you did generate, you programmed this force to tear yourself down. This is why you have been declining worse. Another thing is you have extreme ties to the christian thought-form virus in your soul. It doesn't matter that you are an athiest or that you know Chtistianity is wrong, you still have very deep ties to the christian ball of curses. And through the picture of yourself, you opened up rabbis to curse you by connecting you even deeper with christian curses. Then you went and studied extremely deeply through the bible to try to point out the problems with it, but this act of putting so much of your energy into going through the bible, this has connected you even more. And all your constant endless negativity, expectations of failure, all this shit has forced you to fail. If your soul is a ball of negativity, failure, and shit, and you go and use meditations to make it stronger, what are you actually strengthening? Your only hope is to start doing extremely deep and thorough cleanings to remove all this shit out of your soul that you've been piling up. Whatever little power you ever gathered through meditations, you have immediately programmed with your negative mindset to work against you. So you come to us, you have taken our tools and used them to cut yourself down, then blame us for you falling. And question how could all of the rest of us be doing so perfectly. Because we use our tools to bring ourselves up higher and improve, but you have used our tools to strengthen and amplify the christian thought-form ties and failure and shit that you are comprised of. Don't blame us for you tearing yourself down with negative affirmations and expectations of failure. Don't blame us that you have opened yourself up to more and more shit, we did warn you and try to help you.

If you care to know why your life is shit, read the information in these links. Because you've spent all this time shoveling more and more and more shit into your soul, more failure, more curses, more ties to the christian thought-form. Your only hope is to completely turn yourself around. You have to do very deep cleanings with muñka and RTR, and using positive constructive affirmations that all the negativity is removed. Your thoughts become yourself, if every moment you focus your thoughts on failure and shit and negativity what do you even expect to be.
Extra Fries Do or Die said:
Iam the last smartest man on earth! And you need to stand in awe of muh BIG BRAIN!

That's right Whizzard be lovin some books, all night Whizzard be reading dem books,
When you be doing some dumb shit, Whizzard be down and up into dem books.

Bow down to muh Big Brain!

Yea you been deep into them Bibles and Rainbow Kabbalah books.

I almost don't know why I took the time to give you an actual answer. If all you've ever done is shove and pile constant shit and curses into your own soul, don't blame us that this is 100% all you are. You only did it to yourself.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Extra Fries Do or Die said:
MaxRideWizardLord said:
Whether or not they trully cursed me is unknown, although they trully did gather up against me, all because they didn't like the photo of me, and then my life got much worse, whether that related or not is unknown for me either.
So when you posted that picture of yourself, and everybody here was warning you that there's a lot of rabbis here who look around trying to find ways to curse us. Because focusing on a picture of your face is one of the easiest ways to connect directly with your soul and fill you with jewish curses. Then what happened? Exactly what we warned you about. And why did you spend so much time trying to argue that it wasn't you who came in with that picture and begging to be made a High Priest so you can do Satanic weddings, when you just admitted right here that you are the same person?

And you talk about High Priest Cobra projecting his own problems onto you. You called all of us here at JOS worthless fat losers, but no offence (some offense), we saw your picture and see you writing about how bad you failed, so who's really projecting? You said that the couple Satanists you personally know are fat losers so somehow all of us must be that way, but you admitted you live in some Midwest shithole town where everybody is either obese or on meth (or both).

I can see what your problem really is. It's your mindset. Page after page of crying, all you have shown me is your constant negative affirmations. You're always focusing on how it isn't working, or how you are failing. But this is what you program to happen, what do you expect? So maybe you did some meditations, but while you were doing them your shit self-destructive mindset affirmed your own failure. You programmed yourself to fail. So whatever energy you did generate, you programmed this force to tear yourself down. This is why you have been declining worse. Another thing is you have extreme ties to the christian thought-form virus in your soul. It doesn't matter that you are an athiest or that you know Chtistianity is wrong, you still have very deep ties to the christian ball of curses. And through the picture of yourself, you opened up rabbis to curse you by connecting you even deeper with christian curses. Then you went and studied extremely deeply through the bible to try to point out the problems with it, but this act of putting so much of your energy into going through the bible, this has connected you even more. And all your constant endless negativity, expectations of failure, all this shit has forced you to fail. If your soul is a ball of negativity, failure, and shit, and you go and use meditations to make it stronger, what are you actually strengthening? Your only hope is to start doing extremely deep and thorough cleanings to remove all this shit out of your soul that you've been piling up. Whatever little power you ever gathered through meditations, you have immediately programmed with your negative mindset to work against you. So you come to us, you have taken our tools and used them to cut yourself down, then blame us for you falling. And question how could all of the rest of us be doing so perfectly. Because we use our tools to bring ourselves up higher and improve, but you have used our tools to strengthen and amplify the christian thought-form ties and failure and shit that you are comprised of. Don't blame us for you tearing yourself down with negative affirmations and expectations of failure. Don't blame us that you have opened yourself up to more and more shit, we did warn you and try to help you.

If you care to know why your life is shit, read the information in these links. Because you've spent all this time shoveling more and more and more shit into your soul, more failure, more curses, more ties to the christian thought-form. Your only hope is to completely turn yourself around. You have to do very deep cleanings with muñka and RTR, and using positive constructive affirmations that all the negativity is removed. Your thoughts become yourself, if every moment you focus your thoughts on failure and shit and negativity what do you even expect to be.

Not sure if my message would be edited or not, but i'll reply anyway.

First of all, it was many years ago and there wasn't any rules regarding "do not post any photo". They were just a bunch of people who gather on facebook and had all their photo there posted, some of which had even videos. I find such people on yahoo forums, none of admins warned about it either and even encouraged to find friends and get together on any social media if possible. I didn't upload any picture myself, though.

Second, where the hell do you gather such information that it was me? I didn't admit anything and (unless some of my old messages got edited without my approval, as well). I never did wanted to be "high priest", neither wanted some "Satanic weddings".

Third, I wasn't the one who started namecalling, so yould check the date before assuming that. I didn't even said that all of jossers are fat losers, all I said is that I find it ironic that JoS memebers talk about weight when I saw their pictures and they were at least 300 pounds, then I said it doesn't that matter for me.

>but you admitted you live in some Midwest shithole town where everybody is either obese or on meth (or both).

ROFL I have no idea where you such false information. I'm not native english speaker, neither american, but that doesn't I live somewhere in midwest. I won't say where I live for safety reasons, but pretty sure that meth and obesity in my town is very rare, especially considering making meth here is very hard. Either there is immetator of me who spread any kind of fictional garbage about me (by the way, some of the people back in time who claim to be jos members did that to me, and pretty much stalk me everywhere online, which is why I said they kinda made it insufferable, although then I just stop caring and just ignored them), either you're assuming things

But regarding other things. Like I said, I was pretty euthusiastic in the first year, and did a lot of meditations. Some of them did work as I felt dizziness like website would warned me, the other didn't felt like working but I still kept pushing and pushing to a point I just lost any point and reason in it, so then I start to learn other exercise methothods and approach, and then did I start learn and study other teachings and religions too. Notice, I didn't said word failed. Neither do I question how you doing so perfect. Neither did I cry, but were open to eleborate my views regarding it and how I feel about it. I start to look on things differently, too. Also yes, I know about these websites too.

How do you even know anything about my "soul" and "energy", do you just assume things or you actually try to sense me? If the information about me wanting to become HP, do satanic wedding and that I live somewhere in midwest among fat and methheads, then it's wrong and you sense someone else. Besides, on this very forum alone, nobody did really warn me of anything, and I see you reply to me for the first time. Yet you still accuse me that I bring all the "shit" to myself, even though I was both positive and read the website thougroughly, and it didn't said anything about not having spiritual satanists as friends, or meeting them on yahoo forum.

Most of the time, especially lately, I doing meditations rather to expend consciousness than to "power up" anything. I reject the materialistic and dualistic worldview that often attacked to spiritualism. I neither believe in the objective power of "energy affirmation". I could be super ethusiastic, full of positive belief and hope, but get only dissapointment, pain and any kind of failture. Then I can get pessimistic, angsty and negative, but end up seeing the world around me is improving. However, by the very definition of the word "hope", I mean that I keep\kept positive and goodwilling thoughts of things that could happen to me, but reality speaks for itself and good\positive things aren't just materialising itself in to reality. Having no consideration of possibility that some things may not work is not a good thing either, since you might waste whole life doing what doesn't benefit you nor what you do enjoy, falling for the trap that other might create for you. This is more of a christian mindset for me, since they have "blind faith" and often it doesn't help them, often doesn't even cheer up, but they keep pushing it with only positive thoughts of faith. If I'm entirely wrong and even the spiritual world is entirely materialistic, where only good things happen in you life if you keep positive thoughts and hope, but when bad things happen then it's destiny to fell in to oblivion of suffering, I wouldn't care about such crappy world to begin with and rather create my own, even if it's hardly as dense as the "physical" one.
MaxRideWizardLord said:
How do you even know anything about my "soul" and "energy", do you just assume things or you actually try to sense me?
We wish we would have the pleasure not to sense you, but like a stinking pile of toxic waste you are very invasive on the senses.
Sinistra said:
MaxRideWizardLord said:
How do you even know anything about my "soul" and "energy", do you just assume things or you actually try to sense me?
We wish we would have the pleasure not to sense you, but like a stinking pile of toxic waste you are very invasive on the senses.

Can you tone it down and be a bit more polite. What is the problem again...
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sinistra said:
MaxRideWizardLord said:
How do you even know anything about my "soul" and "energy", do you just assume things or you actually try to sense me?
We wish we would have the pleasure not to sense you, but like a stinking pile of toxic waste you are very invasive on the senses.

Can you tone it down and be a bit more polite. What is the problem again...

MaxRideWizardLord is apparently an old member whom we've had drama with in the past where he expected everybody to treat him like a HP or that he was somebody who was super advanced. The actuality of the situation is that he just doesn't take this path seriously and the slight evidence for his workings not going as he disproportionately expected with magical glitter and glowing balls of light and instant telekinesis apparently means the gods hate him or that he isn't loved and thus he doubts their existence and demands they prove it to him.

Or at least that's what his first post was.... now he's just bitching about a fat pic, how everybody's ganging up on him and trying to justify his xian mindset.
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sinistra said:
MaxRideWizardLord said:
How do you even know anything about my "soul" and "energy", do you just assume things or you actually try to sense me?
We wish we would have the pleasure not to sense you, but like a stinking pile of toxic waste you are very invasive on the senses.

Can you tone it down and be a bit more polite. What is the problem again...
That I have to do 108 RAUM to clean just from reading him. Oh Gods..
MaxRideWizardLord we did everything we could to help you but it appears you are unwilling to be helped and you're just around to larp, attack and troll members.

For this reason you cannot post but you can just take your time and study and try to get down of your wizard horse.

If not you can create a dimension of your own and be a larper there. When you realize it's just a dream, you may find your way back and finally study.
MaxRideWizardLord said:

That other username long ago was posting about how they wanted to be a High Priest so they can officiate Satanic Weddings. And talked about the exact location they live, how bad it is there and how they want to be a High Priest so they can help their community there and lead people to the truth. And speciffically mentioned how bad of a meth problem there is there. This person had a picture of his own face, which everybody was warning him to get rid of the picture because he could be cursed using the picture. And it ended up being this whole big argument because that person was basically just saying "I'm too tough for anything bad to happen. I have confidence in myself that this is safe." When everyone was trying to convince him that it's a bad idea and to be more careful. Then in that giant comment you wrote this morning, because I actually did read the whole thing. I read the part where you wrote this morning
MaxRideWizardLord said:
Whether or not they trully cursed me is unknown, although they trully did gather up against me, all because they didn't like the photo of me, and then my life got much worse, whether that related or not is unknown for me either.
This is taken directly from that giant comment you wrote. I'm not going to go looking for this line again to find the context around it, but you just wrote this in your comment today. So it sounds like you're obviously this same person referencing this same event. We warned this person against having a picture of their face because they might get cursed, then here you are talking about that time everybody was all trying to get you to take that picture of yourself down because you might get cursed through it. Do you see here how you connected the dots and admitted it without even realizing it that you are this same person? This is what I was talking about. You were so focused on writing out a full book here that you didn't realize you let this slip.

And I purposefully try to NOT feel your soul or energy as I don't want to connect with it at all. But it is very easy to see the energies and patterns which influence and create the physical. I can see about someone and where they are at from what it says in their comment, and through this it is usually pretty easy to see the energies which created and influenced it to be this way, and also the path to rise out of the problem. Like if you see where something is, you can tell what direction it was going to end up there. I think a good relation is like how forensic teems study the scene of a car crash, and they can see from the positions of different things all kinds of information like what direction the car was going, how fast it was going, things like this. Except it is much more obvious, some things can just be seen so easily. Nothing starts from nowhere, you can see where it came from.
ANYWAY to try and bring back the original topic, here's an experience I had not too long ago.

I usually do my RTRs during the hours of Saturn so the amount of times I do them in a day varies from 2 to 4 or even 5. Sometimes I say fuck it and do them whenever. Now I believe this happened just a week ago. I was busy about the day with my routine tasks and was away from my computer at random times. My PC usually notifies me immediately when it's the hour of Saturn and then I'll do the RTR.

However because the things that pulled me away or distractions that bypassed these hours I had only managed to get one hour of Saturn for the RTRs.... or maybe I didn't get any and just picked a random hour.... I can't quite remember but the point is I was looking towards doing one during Saturn's hour, but it was late and I needed to sleep.

Later in the middle of the night at about 4 in the morning, I woke up to a knock at my window which is just above my bed. It was just one knock I heard that made me initially wake up, but it was another knock that actually made me sit up and look out my window in confusion. I even knocked on the glass with my knuckle and it produced the exact same sound. But there's nothing anywhere near my window, not even a tree, so the idea of anything hitting it was obviously out of the picture and I assumed it was some kind of spirit. I initially wasn't sure if it was an enemy that came to harass me as they have definitely done it in the past.

Anyways I eventually got this thought in my head about the planetary hours and went to my computer to turn it on. I had my suspicions but once I checked, lo and behold, the hour of Saturn had just begun. I squeezed 2 RTRs into the hour and meditated a bit before going back to bed. It's obvious it was either my GD or someone of Satan that knew of my pattern and situation that day and decided to help me out.

Let it be known those 2 were the most powerful and most torturous of RTR sessions that I have done thus far as I felt like I was suffocating in my skin from unbearable heat that just kept building with each vibration, crawling on my skin. Nonetheless I pushed through them both and it was a major satisfaction. The knocking hasn't happened again since.
Something very similar happened to me a less than a week ago. Instead of knocking it was my name being called out in a very stern way. I was sleeping and I heard it in my sleep but it was like when you hear someone say something loud irl that it makes you jump out of your sleep. It did scare me out if my sleep because of how loud it was and it sounded like it was right outside my rooms door. I waited to see if it was someone there and if they said anything else. Nothing. When I got up I just wanted to make sure and nope no one was there. The whole time right after waking up I felt a feeling like I should be doing something right that instant. By logic if this was the case I came to the realisation that if it wasn't the enemy harassing me then it was the gods wanting me to do the RTR. I did check the forums first to see if something was posted that was super urgent to read but that wasn't the case. So I went with that I should do the Final RTR. I can't remember how many times I did it but it was like 3-5 times. Afterwards that "nagging" feeling went away. But the energies while doing them did feel more powerful. This tends to happen on and off so I didn't think of it much until now.

Maybe the gods really needed some of us to do the RTR at those specific times?

I was gonna write about this experience the day it happened but I decided not to at the last second and just wrote it down and saved it somewhere else.
Ghost in the Machine said:
ANYWAY to try and bring back the original topic, here's an experience I had not too long ago.

I usually do my RTRs during the hours of Saturn so the amount of times I do them in a day varies from 2 to 4 or even 5. Sometimes I say fuck it and do them whenever. Now I believe this happened just a week ago. I was busy about the day with my routine tasks and was away from my computer at random times. My PC usually notifies me immediately when it's the hour of Saturn and then I'll do the RTR.

However because the things that pulled me away or distractions that bypassed these hours I had only managed to get one hour of Saturn for the RTRs.... or maybe I didn't get any and just picked a random hour.... I can't quite remember but the point is I was looking towards doing one during Saturn's hour, but it was late and I needed to sleep.

Later in the middle of the night at about 4 in the morning, I woke up to a knock at my window which is just above my bed. It was just one knock I heard that made me initially wake up, but it was another knock that actually made me sit up and look out my window in confusion. I even knocked on the glass with my knuckle and it produced the exact same sound. But there's nothing anywhere near my window, not even a tree, so the idea of anything hitting it was obviously out of the picture and I assumed it was some kind of spirit. I initially wasn't sure if it was an enemy that came to harass me as they have definitely done it in the past.

Anyways I eventually got this thought in my head about the planetary hours and went to my computer to turn it on. I had my suspicions but once I checked, lo and behold, the hour of Saturn had just begun. I squeezed 2 RTRs into the hour and meditated a bit before going back to bed. It's obvious it was either my GD or someone of Satan that knew of my pattern and situation that day and decided to help me out.

Let it be known those 2 were the most powerful and most torturous of RTR sessions that I have done thus far as I felt like I was suffocating in my skin from unbearable heat that just kept building with each vibration, crawling on my skin. Nonetheless I pushed through them both and it was a major satisfaction. The knocking hasn't happened again since.

That is so interesting!!!

You probably felt really lucky, happy and excited, huh? :mrgreen:
hailourtruegod said:
Something very similar happened to me a less than a week ago. Instead of knocking it was my name being called out in a very stern way. I was sleeping and I heard it in my sleep but it was like when you hear someone say something loud irl that it makes you jump out of your sleep. It did scare me out if my sleep because of how loud it was and it sounded like it was right outside my rooms door. I waited to see if it was someone there and if they said anything else. Nothing. When I got up I just wanted to make sure and nope no one was there. The whole time right after waking up I felt a feeling like I should be doing something right that instant. By logic if this was the case I came to the realisation that if it wasn't the enemy harassing me then it was the gods wanting me to do the RTR. I did check the forums first to see if something was posted that was super urgent to read but that wasn't the case. So I went with that I should do the Final RTR. I can't remember how many times I did it but it was like 3-5 times. Afterwards that "nagging" feeling went away. But the energies while doing them did feel more powerful. This tends to happen on and off so I didn't think of it much until now.

Maybe the gods really needed some of us to do the RTR at those specific times?

I was gonna write about this experience the day it happened but I decided not to at the last second and just wrote it down and saved it somewhere else.

That is very interesting.

I can relate in the calling a name part. It's interesting. :)
MaxRideWizardLord said:
a lot of stuff
If you were genuinely in search of the truth you’d be doing that, instead of arguing here, which is just a waste of time for everyone.
Your 1st comment you made here about meet ups has been spoken about numerous times as to why that’s a bad idea.
You can read about it here : https://web.archive.org/web/20170724020727/josministries.prophpbb.com/topic16534.html
Ignorance is not an excuse, and the reaction you got here is to be expected.

I don’t even know why you waste your time arguing here either, that quote you mentioned about everyone following their own nature, yet it seems you expect people to act outside of their nature to provide some sort of assistance to you, no one has any obligation to help, nor do the gods.

[Concerning those who only care about themselves and see Satanism as a religion only for the self and disregard Satan]
"They are of no importance to me." –Satan
source: http://web.archive.org/web/20150412072333/http://webzoom.freewebs.com:80/spiritualwarfare666/Hell's%20Army%20Spiritual%20Warfare%20Training%20Manual.pdf

You spoke about going through hardships, the reality of the situation is that these are your own problems, not anyone else’s and like I said no one has any obligation to help you, so why agrue with the people here? solves noting.
Having my name called was another thing not too long ago. Never happened to me before but I was doing a lot of RTRs during a time where I was supposed to be working on an assignment. I remember collapsing onto my bed for a brief moment to rest because the energies can be very exhausting. I told myself I wanted to do just one more RTR but I was also very sleepy.

I was just so relaxed that I almost completely blacked out on the verge of falling asleep, but a male voice said my name rather sternly. It was like in my head but audible in my right ear as if it was someone literally speaking inside of my head. Either way it woke me up and I managed to get that last RTR done.

If I had fallen asleep I would've lost several hours to do my other meditations so I'm glad I was brought back to wakefulness when I was.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Having my name called was another thing not too long ago. Never happened to me before but I was doing a lot of RTRs during a time where I was supposed to be working on an assignment. I remember collapsing onto my bed for a brief moment to rest because the energies can be very exhausting. I told myself I wanted to do just one more RTR but I was also very sleepy.

I was just so relaxed that I almost completely blacked out on the verge of falling asleep, but a male voice said my name rather sternly. It was like in my head but audible in my right ear as if it was someone literally speaking inside of my head. Either way it woke me up and I managed to get that last RTR done.

If I had fallen asleep I would've lost several hours to do my other meditations so I'm glad I was brought back to wakefulness when I was.

That's interesting :)
I was warned before an acident could have happened.

So i was on my bicycle going home and there was another street on my right and when i got close to it i got a though that i should stop because a car is coming from that street and then i sad ok i will stop and for my surprise there was a car coming but luckily i stopped, i wanted to go straight as usual because from that street usually there is no car coming. As i remembered i thanked the one telling me to stop i think it was my GD. An accident could have happened if i haven't stoped because i couldn't see if there was a car or not because a house was very near the road.
Catalincata94 said:
I was warned before an acident could have happened.

So i was on my bicycle going home and there was another street on my right and when i got close to it i got a though that i should stop because a car is coming from that street and then i sad ok i will stop and for my surprise there was a car coming but luckily i stopped, i wanted to go straight as usual because from that street usually there is no car coming. As i remembered i thanked the one telling me to stop i think it was my GD. An accident could have happened if i haven't stoped because i couldn't see if there was a car or not because a house was very near the road.

That's a close one! Glad you're okay!!
Just re-skimmed through the thread to see what's been going on. Goodness fucking gracious, that was disheartening.

To help bring things around, not too long ago I was meditating, working on either my crown chakra or pineal gland - something somewhere in the head. While I was doing it, I noticed against the blackness of my monitor that I was starting to see what I'm guessing was energy. As I looked at it, it swiftly became what was quite clearly the sigil of Satan; I took a moment to share some thoughts with Him and continue meditating.

Not too long after this, after doing some more work on my whatever-it-was, I tried to look at this energy again, but it was different. Somewhat oval, with blank spots that resembled eyes. I realized in that moment that I was seeing what greatly, greatly resembled a Grey. Whilst I cannot know for certain that's what I was seeing, the resemblance was absolutely spot on and I grew alarmed. I quickly called out to Satan, asking for assistance as I might be in danger. I envisioned this Grey being blasted and scorching up in blue, Satanic fire, and as I did so, it seemed to turn its head away, and even bring up a long-fingered hand as if trying to keep the flames away. Shortly after, the energy "changed" again, beginning to resemble a more human head, with somewhat broad human shoulders. I could not see any facial features, but I assumed that this very well might be one of the Gods, and I felt relieved and safe. I thanked Satan and the Gods for helping me through that, even if it may have just been me seeing things that really weren't there in actuality. Regardless of whether I was really seeing anything or it was just in my head, it definitely ranks up there as one of my more intense meditative experiences.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Just re-skimmed through the thread to see what's been going on. Goodness fucking gracious, that was disheartening.

To help bring things around, not too long ago I was meditating, working on either my crown chakra or pineal gland - something somewhere in the head. While I was doing it, I noticed against the blackness of my monitor that I was starting to see what I'm guessing was energy. As I looked at it, it swiftly became what was quite clearly the sigil of Satan; I took a moment to share some thoughts with Him and continue meditating.

Not too long after this, after doing some more work on my whatever-it-was, I tried to look at this energy again, but it was different. Somewhat oval, with blank spots that resembled eyes. I realized in that moment that I was seeing what greatly, greatly resembled a Grey. Whilst I cannot know for certain that's what I was seeing, the resemblance was absolutely spot on and I grew alarmed. I quickly called out to Satan, asking for assistance as I might be in danger. I envisioned this Grey being blasted and scorching up in blue, Satanic fire, and as I did so, it seemed to turn its head away, and even bring up a long-fingered hand as if trying to keep the flames away. Shortly after, the energy "changed" again, beginning to resemble a more human head, with somewhat broad human shoulders. I could not see any facial features, but I assumed that this very well might be one of the Gods, and I felt relieved and safe. I thanked Satan and the Gods for helping me through that, even if it may have just been me seeing things that really weren't there in actuality. Regardless of whether I was really seeing anything or it was just in my head, it definitely ranks up there as one of my more intense meditative experiences.

That was a nice experience, but I'm sorry about the grey shit popping up....

Seeing them is ALWAYS ugly and disgusting, they're like far more worse than sewer and dump combined... Blegh :?

But I'm glad it all turned out well and you were safe.

I don't think you were seeing things, I think it was genuine.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I noticed against the blackness of my monitor that I was starting to see what I'm guessing was energy.

Now there's something I never thought to try. The blackness of an unpowered computer monitor could prove to be an alternative to a black mirror in scrying. This is definitely something I will experiment with.

As for your experience, that fucker got what it deserved and I'm glad you were able to deter it. Do not be afraid of these filthy hostiles and instead use them as practice for your spiritual warfare attacks. Greys are just nuisances that can serve no purpose to us other than training dummies.

I'm actually kind of disappointed that they don't bother me as much anymore as I thoroughly enjoy burning them and making them suffer... perhaps it's because I am not afraid as they feed off of your fear, thus they are weak with nothing to attack me with.
Godmode said:
Another time I was laying in bed and picked up a book on my nightstand. The book was a marxist manifesto from outer space that described a planet that was ruled by robotic pyramids that were A.I. controlled. There were white/Nordic aliens in the typical blue suits but all brainwashed by this bizarre evil government. After staring at the cover and reading the back (a blurb on how great the government was, etc, cheesy manifesto summary) the book turned into sand or like dust or ash and then my vision got all weird like a psychedelic drug trip and all of a sudden the dust was no longer there. This was at the beginning of my journey more or less and around the time I realized that Satanism is no joke and we are actually going to "do this". As in, Satanism isn't just a gift, it's a real thing and we're at war. This experience is what made me realize that.

I think there's a couple more but I can't remember. My astral senses are not amazing yet.

Question, how the fuck is that even possible? Books can't vanish into dust.
I'll mention here two instances in which the Gods literally saved my ass. I had many nice experiences with the Gods.

Once happened a long time ago while I was still a kid, I got sick and I was prescribed some medication. When my mother went to pick it up at the pharmacy, the pharmacist gave her a completely different medication, something really strong that was used for those in rehab. The names were similar enough and my mother didn't notice. So I was given this medication multiple times a day, for a couple of days in total. They were so strong that they knocked me out a good deal, where I would just collapse out of the blues, I couldn't walk straight, or I would fell off the chair; one day I went for the afternoon nap and woke up late at night, sleeping some 15-16 hours in total that day. I don't remember whether this happened the second or the third day, but after I left the kindergarten and on the way to the bus station, I saw a person in the sky surrounded by this big super bright light. Soon after I started to get better. So one of the kindergarten staff noticed I was given the wrong medication and sounded the alarm. Now, I also don't remember whether the staff sounded the alarm first, or I saw the bright person first. What's clear though is that after I saw that person, I started to get better and I got out of it with no long-term side effects whatsoever. Now this was a really big thing and we're still talking in the family how I was so close to end up destroyed for life, or worse. Years later, after I dedicated to Father Satan, I realized that it was either him or one of the Gods who came that day and basically saved me.

The other incident happened not long ago. To make a long story short, I lost my bag with many valuable items inside, including all my work. Now I'm not someone who looses his belongings just like that, since I'm always very careful. But that day it just happened. The expectancy of just getting it back was really low. I asked Father Satan for help, and to 2 very close friends. Half an hour later, my bag was back in my hands, with EVERY single one of my belongings inside. Nothing was missing. I couldn't believe my eyes. That showed me once again how we're really not alone and how the Gods really have our backs. And this not with empty promises but in very concrete and tangible ways.
ThomaSsS said:
I'll mention here two instances in which the Gods literally saved my ass. I had many nice experiences with the Gods.

Once happened a long time ago while I was still a kid, I got sick and I was prescribed some medication. When my mother went to pick it up at the pharmacy, the pharmacist gave her a completely different medication, something really strong that was used for those in rehab. The names were similar enough and my mother didn't notice. So I was given this medication multiple times a day, for a couple of days in total. They were so strong that they knocked me out a good deal, where I would just collapse out of the blues, I couldn't walk straight, or I would fell off the chair; one day I went for the afternoon nap and woke up late at night, sleeping some 15-16 hours in total that day. I don't remember whether this happened the second or the third day, but after I left the kindergarten and on the way to the bus station, I saw a person in the sky surrounded by this big super bright light. Soon after I started to get better. So one of the kindergarten staff noticed I was given the wrong medication and sounded the alarm. Now, I also don't remember whether the staff sounded the alarm first, or I saw the bright person first. What's clear though is that after I saw that person, I started to get better and I got out of it with no long-term side effects whatsoever. Now this was a really big thing and we're still talking in the family how I was so close to end up destroyed for life, or worse. Years later, after I dedicated to Father Satan, I realized that it was either him or one of the Gods who came that day and basically saved me.

The other incident happened not long ago. To make a long story short, I lost my bag with many valuable items inside, including all my work. Now I'm not someone who looses his belongings just like that, since I'm always very careful. But that day it just happened. The expectancy of just getting it back was really low. I asked Father Satan for help, and to 2 very close friends. Half an hour later, my bag was back in my hands, with EVERY single one of my belongings inside. Nothing was missing. I couldn't believe my eyes. That showed me once again how we're really not alone and how the Gods really have our backs. And this not with empty promises but in very concrete and tangible ways.

This is very interesting!!!

Reading the first part of your story I couldn't help but feel like linking your profile gif with this story, not in a disrespectful way tho, relax!
I'll share this very nice experience :)

It was back in 2016 or 2017, (somewhere like that), it was night and I was laying in bed after being done with everything and if my memory serves me right I was crying too. I remember talking to Father Satan and telling him how I never knew what it felt like to receive love, like fatherly or motherly love for example and after a few seconds my heart started to fill up with so much positive and beautiful energy I started to sob in utter happiness. Father Satan made me feel what it feels like to be loved and it was so amazing that words cannot fully describe the REAL experience I had as you'd have to feel it yourself, but the point is, Father Satan is the greatest and the most amazing Father figure for me that I needed for so long. I love you Father Satan, I love you!!! You're the greatest father and being in the whole universe, I'm very grateful to be of the white race and proud to be one of his daughters. :) :3 :) :3 :)

FlamingRedRose666 said:
I'll share this very nice experience :)

It was back in 2016 or 2017, (somewhere like that), it was night and I was laying in bed after being done with everything and if my memory serves me right I was crying too. I remember talking to Father Satan and telling him how I never knew what it felt like to receive love, like fatherly or motherly love for example and after a few seconds my heart started to fill up with so much positive and beautiful energy I started to sob in utter happiness. Father Satan made me feel what it feels like to be loved and it was so amazing that words cannot fully describe the REAL experience I had as you'd have to feel it yourself, but the point is, Father Satan is the greatest and the most amazing Father figure for me that I needed for so long. I love you Father Satan, I love you!!! You're the greatest father and being in the whole universe, I'm very grateful to be of the white race and proud to be one of his daughters. :) :3 :) :3 :)


Those feelings of positivity are familiar to me. I find occasionally when I think deeply about what has happened to humanity, the people that Satan love and what we all once were, I tend to get emotional... as much as I don't like to admit that. But, his children corrupted by enemy filth, taken away and practically taught to fear and hate him... it's sad and just awful. Sometimes when I get emotional like that I'll feel sudden comfort or a feeling of positivity that deters the melancholy thoughts into something positive, and then I realize how grateful I am to be given life and meaning from Satan. It's just something I noticed.

Another thing with positive energy out of no where that I've noticed is when I push myself to do something. I'll have days where I'm tired or stressed and the idea of doing another RTR or working on myself just seems like hard work. But every time I push past that and decide to just do it anyway I get a near immediate reward of pure bliss from my crown chakra that just makes me feel so good. I can't yet discern whether this is from me myself or if it's something the gods reward me with. As much as I'd like to believe it's the latter, I doubt they would bother to with something I'm supposed to be doing anyways. It's probably just some kind of relief from my soul, but it feels good nonetheless.
Ghost in the Machine said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
I'll share this very nice experience :)

It was back in 2016 or 2017, (somewhere like that), it was night and I was laying in bed after being done with everything and if my memory serves me right I was crying too. I remember talking to Father Satan and telling him how I never knew what it felt like to receive love, like fatherly or motherly love for example and after a few seconds my heart started to fill up with so much positive and beautiful energy I started to sob in utter happiness. Father Satan made me feel what it feels like to be loved and it was so amazing that words cannot fully describe the REAL experience I had as you'd have to feel it yourself, but the point is, Father Satan is the greatest and the most amazing Father figure for me that I needed for so long. I love you Father Satan, I love you!!! You're the greatest father and being in the whole universe, I'm very grateful to be of the white race and proud to be one of his daughters. :) :3 :) :3 :)


Those feelings of positivity are familiar to me. I find occasionally when I think deeply about what has happened to humanity, the people that Satan love and what we all once were, I tend to get emotional... as much as I don't like to admit that. But, his children corrupted by enemy filth, taken away and practically taught to fear and hate him... it's sad and just awful. Sometimes when I get emotional like that I'll feel sudden comfort or a feeling of positivity that deters the melancholy thoughts into something positive, and then I realize how grateful I am to be given life and meaning from Satan. It's just something I noticed.

Another thing with positive energy out of no where that I've noticed is when I push myself to do something. I'll have days where I'm tired or stressed and the idea of doing another RTR or working on myself just seems like hard work. But every time I push past that and decide to just do it anyway I get a near immediate reward of pure bliss from my crown chakra that just makes me feel so good. I can't yet discern whether this is from me myself or if it's something the gods reward me with. As much as I'd like to believe it's the latter, I doubt they would bother to with something I'm supposed to be doing anyways. It's probably just some kind of relief from my soul, but it feels good nonetheless.

Yeah.. We're one of the lucky ones to get back to Father Satan.

Or, it could be both :)
ThomaSsS said:
I'll mention here two instances in which the Gods literally saved my ass. I had many nice experiences with the Gods.

Once happened a long time ago while I was still a kid, I got sick and I was prescribed some medication.
Thank you for sharing! I was also saved quite a few times as a kid. One in my birth where I was suffocating and almost had brain damage, in another occasion I was a baby and my grandma accidentaly spew a pan with boiling water on me but nothing happened and few minutes later I stopped crying.

My first credit card's secure number (it's inactive by now so I can tell) was 666. This number is automatically generated by the banks' system. It was delivered to my adress in exact one day before I complete 1 year of my dedication ritual, which is in Ostara.

Also I had this very intrigging spiritual experience that could also be related to my own energy and not just the Gods (it's still thanks to them in all ways), in which for several days I was thinking about the time I had an old Greek language teacher in the phillosophy College, I had this nostalgic feeling and I wanted to study Greek again and buy a dual-language copy of The Odyssey. Some weeks later I went to the bookstore to buy the book and when I was going to pay I met my Greek teacher, who I haven't seen for like 4 freaking years! The same day!!
Egon said:
ThomaSsS said:
I'll mention here two instances in which the Gods literally saved my ass. I had many nice experiences with the Gods.

Once happened a long time ago while I was still a kid, I got sick and I was prescribed some medication.
Thank you for sharing! I was also saved quite a few times as a kid. One in my birth where I was suffocating and almost had brain damage, in another occasion I was a baby and my grandma accidentaly spew a pan with boiling water on me but nothing happened and few minutes later I stopped crying.

My first credit card's secure number (it's inactive by now so I can tell) was 666. This number is automatically generated by the banks' system. It was delivered to my adress in exact one day before I complete 1 year of my dedication ritual, which is in Ostara.

Also I had this very intrigging spiritual experience that could also be related to my own energy and not just the Gods (it's still thanks to them in all ways), in which for several days I was thinking about the time I had an old Greek language teacher in the phillosophy College, I had this nostalgic feeling and I wanted to study Greek again and buy a dual-language copy of The Odyssey. Some weeks later I went to the bookstore to buy the book and when I was going to pay I met my Greek teacher, who I haven't seen for like 4 freaking years! The same day!!

Glad you're okay!!!

And that is a very nice and awesome experience!!!! :mrgreen: :D
magus.immortalis said:
One time, a few months ago, I was with my father was driving and we were heading home from Walmart. I suddenly feel this strong, male presence in the empty backseat. I also feel his presence in my torso-he extended his energy there to get my attention. "Who is it?" I wonder. "It's Phenex," comes the reply. I don't ever recall any of my Guardians appearing in the backseat of the car. He was leaning towards us, with his head in between my father's head and mine. I respectfully ask if we can talk when I am at home. He agrees.

That was my second interaction with Phenex, that I can recall.
The first time was when I was lying down in bed and I get a vision of two baby phoenixes close together side by side, cuddling and somewhat communicating without words. They seemed very peaceful, content and happy.
The colors of that vision was so rich that it made the colors of this world seem pale in comparison. The baby phoenixes had feathers of red, gold, orange that I noticed in the few seconds the vision lasted. They were so beautiful.

I'm so sorry for such a late reply!!

This is a very beautiful and nice experience!!

The first time Lord Phenex was summoned (in my presence), I saw him flying around in his bird form, black feathers falling out and glistening like black diamonds, his long beautiful tail trailing behind him and the sound he let out while being in his bird form is absolutely mesmerising..... It's like music to your ears that nothing and nobody else can make it happen, Only Lord Phenex. :)

I don't have the closest relationship with Lord Phenex as you do, but I feel a more deeper connection with Lord Hael (my second GD, tho, you never know, in the future I might find out that Lord Hael is my only GD, I won't be mad or anything). Lord Hael is very respectable and one to be demanding the respect he deserves, he can be strict when needed, but in a very gentle and caring way, a way that wouldn't hurt you like if somebody else tried to be strict with you and hurt you in the process, Lord Hael wouldn't, that's the difference I am aiming for. :)
Now that I think about it, I think Lord Hael was the one who was playing with me when I was very young xD
You know, I was pretending to be a teacher and imagining that I have students. I would even put papers down to "pretend" that "my students" were writing or cheating or whatever, you know xD It was really fun and I recall not feeling alone when other kids would have.

Honestly, Lord Hael has been amazing and IS amazing and will be FOREVER amazing. He's like a wonderful guardian parent that one could ever have. He is in charge of the project I am doing. (I believe that) Mother Lilith set me on this project back in 2016 and in 2018 Lord Malphas came to me and directed me to continue this project and Lord Hael is now in charge of it, which is honestly great! I have a helping hand from another SS sister to check for grammatical errors and the like, but anyways, Lord Hael made me realise what purpose I have to serve at this given moment and I am thankful to him for helping me with languages that this project requires. :)

ANYWAYS, sorry for trailing on about myself, that wasn't nice, so I apologize, however, I would really LOVE to hear more experiences that you had with Lord Phenex or Lady Marchosias or any other True God :) :D :333333
Before I dedicated, I found myself being guided by Thanatos. (He never revealed his Demon name). My boyfriend had broken up with me and I asked for assurance or an indication of what would become of our relationship. He took me to a mountain range near where my ex lives, which overlooks the sea. He turned and hugged me. As he did, the sea in its entirety froze. My whole body flared with electricity and my eyes began to water. At that moment, it was exactly what I needed. It was so comforting, so peaceful, this almost unspeakable act of emotional kindness. I'll always remember that.

Then there was a dream I had of an exquisitely beautiful man with blonde hair, blue eyes and the friendliest smile I've ever seen, who just radiated positivity and love. He didn't speak, but he gestured for me to sit with him. I have no idea who he was, but I remember every detail of the dream, so he was definitely a deity of some kind.
RamronDoree said:
Before I dedicated, I found myself being guided by Thanatos. (He never revealed his Demon name). My boyfriend had broken up with me and I asked for assurance or an indication of what would become of our relationship. He took me to a mountain range near where my ex lives, which overlooks the sea. He turned and hugged me. As he did, the sea in its entirety froze. My whole body flared with electricity and my eyes began to water. At that moment, it was exactly what I needed. It was so comforting, so peaceful, this almost unspeakable act of emotional kindness. I'll always remember that.

Then there was a dream I had of an exquisitely beautiful man with blonde hair, blue eyes and the friendliest smile I've ever seen, who just radiated positivity and love. He didn't speak, but he gestured for me to sit with him. I have no idea who he was, but I remember every detail of the dream, so he was definitely a deity of some kind.

That's a very deep and interesting experience, thank you for sharing this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
