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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The defining factor between Gods and men, is that Gods are always loyal and always on the right side of existence. They don't falter.

Indeed, our Gods have been "removed from the sights" of the world, but they are still there, true as ever. A million years from now, they will be as valid as they are today, as they always were.

Humans come and go, constantly trapped in change, mostly in bad change. That is because they don't have the power.

Key reasons why the Gods have put is in all of this, is to prove that we have certain qualities in our souls. That is individual. Yes, there are no "mediators" in anything; People don't understand, this doesn't make things simpler, it makes things in fact more serious.

We prove ourselves to them directly and then to others, also most importantly, we prove ourselves to ourselves. They expect to see a level of certain qualities to see if we have similarities to them, the question is, do we? And if we don't have these, will we build them and fight for what is right. Do we stay up to tests that life give us?

Loyalty is up above the ethics, likely in the highest place. Loyalty requires bravery, keen perception, strong memory.

By a strong memory, and by a firm character, we are able to hold on what is important, and lift ourselves higher in existence.

Thanks to everyone who walks this path, one must know beyond all doubts, there is the light and power one seeks in the end of it. One must survive it's twists, remain steadfast.

That's when words meet reality. So what are we?

We are all here to prove this, above all, to ourselves. We receive our own justification, and then, the Gods approve us.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Any chance someone can attach the link with the interaction RTR? The one where you can hear how its pronounced and click 9 times while stating each letter? Can't find it anywhere loved the method. Thank you
Love this.

Key characteristics between SS and dabblers, goys, normies, "self-proclaimed rebels", atheists, etc. Is our loyalty to truth.

The enemy somehow made truth the most ultimate mystery. SS have to kill their weaknesses, overgrow their ignorance, find clarity in a world of confusion and discover the truth in lies just to find the essence of the truth.

Most people and most humans in our lives right now if they realized the truth instantly without question. We would have massive breakdowns everywhere.

People would lose everything, as the fact that people have built their lives, communities, relationships, what they hold sacred and what they believe in and their habitus and whole existence is built on lies and to serve ultimate evil.

What they believe and feel is the ultimate good what they would give their life for and the lives of their loved ones is actually the most disgusting vile beliefs. Of course it's too hard for them...

A true child of the Gods though, will stop at nothing to find the truth no matter how much its hidden, buried, blasphemed. No matter if we're burned at the stake, humiliated by our loved ones, and even if we become the most hated and lied about person on Earth. (Lord Hitler can attest to that..)

A spiritual satanist has an inner spark that makes him priortize the truth, the ultimate beauty of the Gods and their wisdom over all the lies that are people's current lives.

We can become weak and normal and dissipate, can't we? But we don't. Why? Because the Gods' and Godesses' blood runs through our veins and they are engraved deep in our memories. A memory of better times.

Phenix_rising666 said:
Any chance someone can attach the link with the interaction RTR? The one where you can hear how its pronounced and click 9 times while stating each letter? Can't find it anywhere loved the method. Thank you

It is lost in the current versions of the websites, but here are archive links for 2 separate sources of it:



first time i feel my loyalty was tested when i got to know about the JOS for the first time in my lifetime .

i am very happy and satisfied because of i am walking this path and because i choose the right not wrong .

another subject is there a group ritual near soon .
Loyalty and integrity truly are tests at different levels of relationships. It's a test of strength and character.

What makes many of our people support the enemy is 90% due to the lack of loyalty and integrity in the hopes that they will find comfort in doing so. But they don't even believe what they say when they support the enemy. Stockholm Syndrome.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Meine Ehre heißt Treue,My honor means loyalty SS motto...everything in Nazi germany have a sense, for a satanist open :D
Brilliant HPHC as per bro.

There is no loyalty out here anymore, would sell their own grannys for money.

Full of rats, treachery and that is just among "friends" they are the worst.

The Gods trust is unwithering.
Beautiful sermon. I think I understand why you mentioned a strong memory as a fundamental part of this process. Although perhaps I may have forgotten minor instances where I was being tested by life, since I personally believe every day I get out of bed is a new test and a new opportunity to do something meaningful, I will never forget the times when I was seriously put to the test, either by the Gods or by myself, and both failures and successes constantly fuel my loyalty and dedication.

I remember very vividly the times I failed, and although they don't haunt me anymore because I have far surpassed these specific circumstances and limitations of the past, they have fueled my loyalty and determination. I could never forget the times I succeeded either; these memories are always in the back of my mind, especially when I know for certain that some of these were situations where the Gods were involved. And with time, as these build up on top of each other, my loyalty became absolutely unbreakable.

With solid knowledge and understanding of certain things that happen and of the laws by which these unfold, doubt is no longer part of the equation, and my perspective on life has changed so much that I don't let any kind of obstacle define who I am or even define what my path is. These are just part of life, and again, a constant test.
ZammelHH said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Meine Ehre heißt Treue,My honor means loyalty SS motto...everything in Nazi germany have a sense, for a satanist open :D

The first thing that sprang to mind from the title was the SS motto.

By the way, great article.
Thank you!
Greetings HP, fast question:

Why did you take apart Mammon, and Baalzebul in the list of the gods, if they both Zeus?
I am inspired to make a series of posts talking about the Vedic Yamas and Niyamas (The codes of Conduct) that have been so widely misunderstood and corrupted in today's society.
Unfortunately I did notice a glitch around the 6th letter. Image didn't show to blot and the next one was blank. 😕
The "whole" issue is actually quite simple. Yes it's seems difficult and complicated in the beginning,and there is difficulty but with more experience and meditation. You start to see simplicity of it. And if a certain alien influence on this planet was dealt with. Things would actually pretty much fix themselves.
This is the thing,and this is something I normally emphasis ,you are Atma. The Self , Uncreated perfection of boundless Sun God Consciousness.
Why is this important to know and get firmly convinced of?
Everyone is seeking the centre of Sun God Consciousness within themselves. Whether they know this or not. This is the natural way,it's Dharma. Point of Conception,the astrological hieroglyph of the Sun demonstates this. The circle with the dot ,the centre in the middle. The circle represents Boundless Sun God Consciousness,the Mother ,Sakti with the dot ,whose centre is everywhere the Transcendant Reality. The Linga,Siva, male, The Black Sun. This dot or centre when expanded is the Swastika, the Crooked Cross,
meaning the way to find this centre is by concentration of mind ,not intellectual mental activity. This Swastika therefore represents the spiritual centre of anything conceived out of the Absolute into Sun God Consciousness. Therefore the more centred you are on this point , within yourself ,the more your individual sheaths evolve supported and emitted of Sun God Consciousness and its Absolute Reality of which the centre ,the Swastika is the gate into the Black Sun. What we are trying to do is to get permanently centered in Sun God Consciousness within ourselves. Then all things will always be Auspicious , nothing can harm you in the Universe,Sun God Consciousness itself protects you. Mark of Good Fortune. By concentration of mind,you go through this centre and you Realize the Absolute Reality within yourself. After this ,you are permanently centred forever, evolution then becomes highly automated and accelerated. This is what Self Realisation is,this happens when the Kundalini rises to the crown chakra. The cycle of karma is broken,karma is still generated but it's quickly resolved. You are centered in Timelessness and you become the centre of the Universe in Boundless Sun God Consciousness. Nothing can touch you.
Now how are you going to find this centre ,if you don't acknowledge that you are Sun God Consciousness,the Atma with it's Transcendant Reality? It's not something to be attained,you are IT already ,you are just finding the centre of IT (The Swastika) within you , that's all. It's simple but it's also difficult in the beginning. Concentration of mind is difficult. Now when you limit yourself to just your mind and physical body ,it means you will be seeking this Centre (Swastika) through the senses (animal)and intellectual activity which just take you off the Centre. Everyone is seeking this Centre whether they know it or it. It's the method and the actual ignorance of this.
So when great Yogins say , there's not a single thing wrong ,they are correct. Atma is support and Pervasive of all phenomenon and doesn't change ever. People are just not centred within themselves. So all problems is simply a lack of Self (Sun God Consciousness) Awareness, that's all. The simplicity of it,the more people are Self Aware , the more centred they become ,the more they evolve,the more the Maya they are in changes to reflect this. This should make you understand what Thule Society in Germany was trying to do with the Swastika Flag ,the Ancient Civilisations emphasis on Sun God Worship and so on. When Kundalini went asleep,man went off Centre and Atma Awareness then got lost while in physical body. That's why in Kali Yuga Ancient Civilisations the Sun God Worship was heavily emphasized.
. I remember HP Maxine once wrote if SS ruled we could change the world in 6 months or so,I think she once wrote something like that. She is right.
The less Self Aware you are the more the animal nature of the physical body takes over. And this is the problem in the world, trying to be civilised without Self Awareness. Self Awareness itself is actually the goal of Civilisation.
Those who have some Awareness even say the Swastika is symbol given to us by Extraterrestrial Beings (The Gods) to ward off evil and through it we can become Supreme. The evolution of our individual sheaths that is.
The Swastika is the centre of your Soul,where your soul body was conceived from from the Absolute into Sun God Consciousness. It makes sense if you think about it and is simple.
The Light in your head,the Halo seek the centre of that. Concentrate on it, imagine it and so on. This is what actually raises the Kundalini. The rest of what we do before ,is so that this is made easy to do. Yoga is therefore concentration of the mind. The actual position of the soul in the physical body is the head. The spine and head. The centre of the physical body is at the navel,when one through mental concentration breaks through this chakra , that's when they really start getting centred ,they break into Sun God Consciousness ,the first Samadhi. Satan /Murugan seat, purification is intensified until you get to the actual Centre ,the Swastika ,the centre of the soul body,you go through it,you are Self Realised , the Kundalini rises.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=445382 time=1685057320 user_id=21286]
It is lost in the current versions of the websites, but here are archive links for 2 separate sources of it:


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thanks for the links posted brother, but unfortunately at "six letters reversed" it stops working; I don't know if it's a problem related only to my fruition of the page, but I don't think so. I tried three different browsers from the laptop and two from the mobile device.

I sent an email to Cobra and Soaring days ago to get news about it and to know if it would be reintroduced in https://josrituals.org

I hope yes; this Interactive Final RTR is really very useful for those who follow multiple Final RTR.
Thank you HPHC :)

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"We prove ourselves to them directly and then to others, also most importantly, we prove ourselves to ourselves."

"We are all here to prove this, above all, to ourselves. We receive our own justification, and then, the Gods approve us."

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I lost trust in myself repeatedly over time. I began thinking I was utterly useless.

Finding JoS (the first Satanic group I’ve found that’s truely felt right in every way to me) and beginning my practice is allowing me to rebuild that trust, confidence, and happiness and finally prove myself to myself.

I’ve felt better than I have in so long in many ways. Thank you.
My honor is my loyalty, as the Führer's SS said.
EnkiUK56 said:
Brilliant HPHC as per bro.

There is no loyalty out here anymore, would sell their own grannys for money.

Full of rats, treachery and that is just among "friends" they are the worst.

The Gods trust is unwithering.

The most underrated value is loyalty. Because "the freedom to change your mind and put yourself first without any awareness of the world and those around you" is seen as a virtue today. Commitment and dedication are bad word. My grannie needs to see me one more time before she dies after all she's done for me? No, bro. It's more important to get pissed, stoned or buy that new video game I really want, instead of saving money and getting on a road trip, flight, train, ferry or whatever.

I love this sermon.
Some Nice Peacocks, Hail Satan his Gods.
DISCLAIMER: It is not my intention to promote christianity. That jews stole and corrupted true ancient knowledge is a common sense between satanists.

That being said, there is a verse in the bible(corrupted ancient knowledge + jewish curses) that I believe to be related to loyalty:

Mathew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

From my satanist view, god here represents personality, in a simple manner. The stronger it is, the less external influence(money) the person will be sujected to.

Do money is bad? Am I a looser if I accept to receive money? No.

Lets say that I love to cook pancakes. My peers love them, then I opened a restaurant. It gets very famous. There is a lot of people talking about pancakes restaurants.It got even in the news. Many other people start to get interested in the business because it is so profitable.

However, some of this people lack passion to cooking pancakes. They dont really like it. They slave themselves to work. They dont even like pancakes. Also, their clients feels weird. They complain about the pancakes and give unconvenient suggestions. After some months the owners start to hate their clients because they always talk about pancakes and cooking and the owners are just slaving for money. The job gets so stressful that the pancakes quality drops, clients get dissapointed and the businnesses close.

Some years pass and my businness is still up and running. I have some loyal clients that are always passing by. Despite my business not being trendy and as profitable as before, I still cook because I do it for myself. My loyal clients are happy to know that, so they trust there will always have a good place to eat pancakes.

Despite coming from an evil corrupted book, I believe that behind this verse there is truth related to real spirituality and it is beyond the example that I gave.

It can be the case when the person is insecure about itself and this goes beyond carreer. I failed myself many times in different situations due to insecurity. I did things that I was not sure if I cared, but other people cared. Later I realised that I dont really like the things that I have done. I started to get uncomfortable. It is not me. This people got dissapointed with me when I stopped doing. I have to be true and loyal since I know what matters for me. This involves saying no when needed

It is fine if I am working on something that dont fullfil myself but I need it for the moment or I dont know anything else better to do. However, this state is not ideal, not just for me, but for my peers. For those people who likes pancakes for example. They need someone to cook them and if I am this person for real, I should like to cook, and do it well.

Meditation brings personality strength, and through personal experiences, self knowledge. Meditation also brings wisdom, compreehension of universal laws. Knowing what matters and what is fair, one will be loyal to its people by being loyal to itself, manifest the interest of its people by serving itself and have power to fight for what is right.
in every moment do what is best for you, sounds easy, but there is always a part of yourself fighting against you, fight the bad change, stay true to yourself, Satan, and never fault.
Stormblood said:
EnkiUK56 said:
Brilliant HPHC as per bro.

There is no loyalty out here anymore, would sell their own grannys for money.

Full of rats, treachery and that is just among "friends" they are the worst.

The Gods trust is unwithering.

The most underrated value is loyalty. Because "the freedom to change your mind and put yourself first without any awareness of the world and those around you" is seen as a virtue today. Commitment and dedication are bad word. My grannie needs to see me one more time before she dies after all she's done for me? No, bro. It's more important to get pissed, stoned or buy that new video game I really want, instead of saving money and getting on a road trip, flight, train, ferry or whatever.

I love this sermon.

Yes my bro ours is an old saying " oh would sell his old granny for...." mainly drugs they put add end of that.

Causes most of the disloyalty around our people, not all, a good portion would lift the phone and call crimestoppers or social services on someone doing "better" than them.

Hope you are good pal.
"Remember how long you've been putting this off, how many extensions the gods gave you, and you didn't use them. At some point you have to recognize what world it is that you belong to; what power rules it and from what source you spring; that there is a limit to the time assigned to you, and if you don't use it to free yourself it will be gone and will never return."

Marcus Aurelius was one of the most remembered stoics for a reason.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Loyalty is up above the ethics, likely in the highest place.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

As the saying goes; loyalty is royalty.
This may be a little off topic but I just encountered something I've NEVER seen before I was on a comment section and there was a guy who calls himself a satanist but he was defending jews I began arguing with him and going back n forth with him the dude just
kept calling me a racist I wasn't trying to cause satanic disunity but I was baffled that a guy who's a satanist was defending jews I guess there's other sects of satanism who defend kikes? Satan is the very spirit of anti-semitism I KNOW he hates jews and I came across a so called satanist defending jews I honestly don't know what to think of this anybody else have an answer to this? In my opinion spiritual satanism/joyofsatan.org is the only true form of satanism, I would like to know what to think of this if I come Across this again
sailhatan88 said:
This may be a little off topic but I just encountered something I've NEVER seen before I was on a comment section and there was a guy who calls himself a satanist but he was defending jews I began arguing with him and going back n forth with him the dude just
kept calling me a racist I wasn't trying to cause satanic disunity but I was baffled that a guy who's a satanist was defending jews I guess there's other sects of satanism who defend kikes? Satan is the very spirit of anti-semitism I KNOW he hates jews and I came across a so called satanist defending jews I honestly don't know what to think of this anybody else have an answer to this? In my opinion spiritual satanism/joyofsatan.org is the only true form of satanism, I would like to know what to think of this if I come Across this again

Most Satanic sects / organizations today are very corrupted by the kikes and their supporters.

Usually, people tend to take cults and secret societies such as the Jewish Illuminati or Ordo Templi Orientis as serious and legitimate even if they integrate Enemy energies and abusively mix them with the values of the Pagan Gods and moreover, have a lot of ritualistic garbage such as animal sacrifices and human offerings.

I suggest next time you should stay away from arguing with the Jewish supporters as some of them may go to other lengths of causing harm, such as falsely striking / reporting your videos so the Truth will not get to the people. It kinda happened to me especially on Jewtube.
CrimsongRaexius666 said:

Can you please reduce the size of your signature image? It makes it difficult to use the content on the forum.

Thank you.
AgniSarp 666 said:
CrimsongRaexius666 said:

Can you please reduce the size of your signature image? It makes it difficult to use the content on the forum.

Thank you.

I will try, I think I will leave the quote from the book.

You're welcome :)
The defining factor between Gods and men, is that Gods are always loyal and always on the right side of existence. They don't falter.

Indeed, our Gods have been "removed from the sights" of the world, but they are still there, true as ever. A million years from now, they will be as valid as they are today, as they always were.

Humans come and go, constantly trapped in change, mostly in bad change. That is because they don't have the power.

Key reasons why the Gods have put is in all of this, is to prove that we have certain qualities in our souls. That is individual. Yes, there are no "mediators" in anything; People don't understand, this doesn't make things simpler, it makes things in fact more serious.

We prove ourselves to them directly and then to others, also most importantly, we prove ourselves to ourselves. They expect to see a level of certain qualities to see if we have similarities to them, the question is, do we? And if we don't have these, will we build them and fight for what is right. Do we stay up to tests that life give us?

Loyalty is up above the ethics, likely in the highest place. Loyalty requires bravery, keen perception, strong memory.

By a strong memory, and by a firm character, we are able to hold on what is important, and lift ourselves higher in existence.

Thanks to everyone who walks this path, one must know beyond all doubts, there is the light and power one seeks in the end of it. One must survive it's twists, remain steadfast.

That's when words meet reality. So what are we?

We are all here to prove this, above all, to ourselves. We receive our own justification, and then, the Gods approve us.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Another highly revered aspect which further strengthens loyalty toward our gods would be our intelligence level. The more you have of it, the tighter the bond will grow.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
