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Low BP

Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:

I started sun square yesterday on Tuesday but at the hour of Venus at 2pm. Does it matter??
I do it indoors in my room.

Now Im going to do it, it's night time. Good ??

If you started it during a non-VOC time, then it should be fine. I am unsure for your timezone when exactly this is, but for me, 2pm Tuesday was not during a void moon. You should reference the Satanic calender, found here.

Last night masturbated after 3-4 days I think. Then after a while oh I felt that same weakness in the kidney...low willpower for like 5-10 mins... Then slept.

Yeah that is ok. As long as the effect on the kidneys didn't feel as bad as last time, then it means the kidneys are stronger than before, even if they feel a little weak. 3-4 days is enough time to recharge without overtaxing the kidneys. In time, you shouldn't feel any symptoms from it, as long as you keep the schedule. Once you start drastically increasing your bioenergy with other meditations and yoga, this can be shortened in frequency even further, but for now, stick to something that you know is safe, which is about 3 days.

I've been pressured to get married, a marriage proposal we have. But I'm going to reject it. Then idk what my future will be. I live in a country that thrives on family and traditions.

I don't feel like getting married but if I don't get married within next one year, it will be hard for me to get married then.

Why would it be hard to get married after a year? Is this based on your age? Remember that as you grow with your meditations, you will transform yourself into a higher value human being. I think this will keep your marriage prospects high, so I wouldn't worry too much about this 1 year time span. 1 year of time spent advancing will put you in the top quarter of men alone, let alone 3 years, or 5 years, and so on.

I want it if it's a Satanic girl but then I have even more other conditions which I think will not be met.

I think the girl being open to Satanism is really the main condition that needs to be met, because with Satanism, the girl can change anything about herself that needs to be changed. Henu the Great, here on the forums, was talking about how he was increasing his masculinity with a Mars mantra. A girl could also do a working to increase her femininity. There are many other examples of how spirituality can transform one's life, but the prerequisite for all of this Satanism. This is why it should be the main condition pursued.

You can do a working to attract a girl open to Satanism and compatible to you astrologically. I think it will be hard to find a girl that is actually already Satanic, let alone JOS-Satanic, but if you tune the working to find a girl most open to Satanism, then it should be pretty easy to convince her.

But then again I think about the ritual I had done, monogamous relationship.

Yeah, this can be a problem. If you did the working for a monogamous succubus relationship, then that is what you have gotten. If you also desire a human wife, then you will need to clear this up with Satan as soon as you can. Don't feel bad about asking him, because this is out of your control if you are not open. It would be very hard to communicate with the succubus.

On succubus thread, I was told by fancymancy that the enemy can manipulate even in your dream with positive experiences too.

Then some weeks ago, I was half asleep , had just woken up in the morning, I had a thought in my mind "Get married" in my own language. It felt different if I remember...I didn't hear a voice but it was a thought. Maybe I was thinking about this matter in the night to get married or not to and then next day upon waking up I had this thought repeated.

My brain was half asleep when I got this thought. Maybe it's just my own mind.

It is hard to say, unfortunately. The enemy likes to attack where you are weakest, so maybe this was not the case, unless you think your weak point is your marriage status. It may or may not have been a sign or your own mind. Just be open to anything else.

Knowing my own nature in a monogamous relationship, I'm so strict in this case, so jealous, I think the succubus could be the same way, no?
So this discourages me to even start a working to attract a SS girl if possible without any strong intention and belief , desire.
It is giving me alot of stress and I'm stuck, not moving forward.

If the succubus expects a monogamous relationship, then that is what they would want, and they may prevent you from finding a human partner. However, this relationship can also be broken off if you wish to pursue a human wife.

Don't be stressed, because this situation has a solution, and that is to clear this up with Satan so he can communicate your intentions to the succubus on your behalf. From there you will be able to attract a human SS girl in good faith.

Neither the succubus, nor Satan, wants this sort of stress or blockage for you, especially if it derails your life and your power meditation. You have to clearly communicate your intentions to them to resolve this, though, just like you would communicate anything with your human wife.

In my country, atleast in my region, there is a certain age to get married. After that age, the value of the individual decreases as he/she ages. I don't think I should reveal my age here, but I think it's not dangerous to reveal..it's just an age.

I'll tell it after some time.

Ya. No.void moon.

No no no, I don't have time to help someone if she is open. This is VERY RISKY ! I don't wanna take this kind of stupid risk even if it is a wife who is open to the Truth, it is still not safe at all. You never know how things will turn against you. Helping someone in this is risky. Even she/he is your spouse.

I'm sure about one thing, I dont want a human wife. But sometimes you know I miss that physical proximity, doing things...goin out together.... because I only miss these and curious about it because... I have no actual experience with the Succubus if I had one. Not astrally open yet. So that's why.

I'm more comfortable in being with a Demoness Lover now.

A human wife is just a nuance, annoyance. And the man cannot spend time with himself alone or have any time for himself if he has a family. I don't think I want to get tied into these kind of responsibilities. But if I don't marry, I'll lose things, essential material things . Things are different in my society.


Right now it mildly aches where the stone is. At the bottom , to the far left side.

When I sit leaning forward it starts aching ..just noticed.

Doctor told me that the ultrasound sound report cannot have exactly accuracy.

So it is still 3mm as it was a month ago. I think???

He played a little smart as he noticed I was questioning him and his medicine didn't dissolve the stone at all in any way. He didn't prescribed the neeri tablet this time it alkaline syrup and tablet for treating infection.
Then he told me the calcium made stone are hard which is a fact and if it get flushed out in urine then it's better.


The stone is still in the lower pole of left kidney.

P.S : there are grammatical mistakes, because I'm lazy as I'm drowsy... Lol..
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Blitzkreig said:

Got ultrasound report. The stone is now 3.5mm. It was 3mm in the beginning of November. The allopathy medicine didn't fucking help at all in dissolving it
I feel like visiting the doctor and slap his motherfucking greedy stupid face.

Does vitamin C deficiency can cause stone in kidney?
Can the deficiency be seen in blood test? If yes I'd go for it tomorrow.

Can sitting for hours or just sedentary lifestyle create stone? Yes??

I did move my body but not much.
I drank very little milk and ate some home made butter in last two days. But in small amount. Can it cause the stone?

Stone is probably made of calcium.

I feel so frustrated, disappointed and hopeless. Wasted one month.

What's the CAUSE.....

Well this is certainly frustrating. I will have to think about this and do some more research.

I haven't heard anything mentioned about vitamin C deficiency. I would be surprised if you were deficient because you can get a lot from vegetables, not just fruits. If you think you are deficient anyway, you should add more of these food items.

Sitting for hours can promote for it, but this alone wouldn't cause it. Exercise and yoga also would fix this. Most people are sedentary for some part of the day as part of their job anyway, but not all have kidney stones. This means it is just one factor.

Did the doctor say the stone was calcium in origin? Kidney stones can be made up of many different materials, I think I read like 5 or 8 different types. The thing is that you cannot stop eating calcium entirely, and many things besides dairy have calcium in them, such as broccoli. I think the cause is more based on the body not regulating the calcium as well as it should.

I know that Vitamin K2 is responsible for controlling where calcium goes in the body and it is mainly found in grass-fed animal products. If you are deficient in this, maybe that has something to do with it.


The problem with all these things is that they are all factors involved, but not like 100% causes of kidney stones. This is why some of your time should be spent directly attacking the stone and some should be spent on general means of improving the health of the body. This is to prevent the stone from reforming.

I would take what he prescribes and continue with what he says. I would also do the kidney yoga and take any ayurvedic medicines. You could also get acupuncture done for it if you can find a TCM or ayurvedic clinic nearby. This would allow you to get a second opinion if you are not liking this doctor too much.

How is the sun working programmed? This should help on its own. You could also do 10x satanama targeted directly against the stone. This may take perhaps 15 minutes. You could even do 5x and make it shorter, since all the energy is attacking the stone itself.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Blitzkreig said:

Got ultrasound report. The stone is now 3.5mm. It was 3mm in the beginning of November. The allopathy medicine didn't fucking help at all in dissolving it
I feel like visiting the doctor and slap his motherfucking greedy stupid face.

Does vitamin C deficiency can cause stone in kidney?
Can the deficiency be seen in blood test? If yes I'd go for it tomorrow.

Can sitting for hours or just sedentary lifestyle create stone? Yes??

I did move my body but not much.
I drank very little milk and ate some home made butter in last two days. But in small amount. Can it cause the stone?

Stone is probably made of calcium.

I feel so frustrated, disappointed and hopeless. Wasted one month.

What's the CAUSE.....

Well this is certainly frustrating. I will have to think about this and do some more research.

I haven't heard anything mentioned about vitamin C deficiency. I would be surprised if you were deficient because you can get a lot from vegetables, not just fruits. If you think you are deficient anyway, you should add more of these food items.

Sitting for hours can promote for it, but this alone wouldn't cause it. Exercise and yoga also would fix this. Most people are sedentary for some part of the day as part of their job anyway, but not all have kidney stones. This means it is just one factor.

Did the doctor say the stone was calcium in origin? Kidney stones can be made up of many different materials, I think I read like 5 or 8 different types. The thing is that you cannot stop eating calcium entirely, and many things besides dairy have calcium in them, such as broccoli. I think the cause is more based on the body not regulating the calcium as well as it should.

I know that Vitamin K2 is responsible for controlling where calcium goes in the body and it is mainly found in grass-fed animal products. If you are deficient in this, maybe that has something to do with it.


The problem with all these things is that they are all factors involved, but not like 100% causes of kidney stones. This is why some of your time should be spent directly attacking the stone and some should be spent on general means of improving the health of the body. This is to prevent the stone from reforming.

I would take what he prescribes and continue with what he says. I would also do the kidney yoga and take any ayurvedic medicines. You could also get acupuncture done for it if you can find a TCM or ayurvedic clinic nearby. This would allow you to get a second opinion if you are not liking this doctor too much.

How is the sun working programmed? This should help on its own. You could also do 10x satanama targeted directly against the stone. This may take perhaps 15 minutes. You could even do 5x and make it shorter, since all the energy is attacking the stone itself.

I'm not doing sun working with any strong intention for now but doing it like a daily chore. With affirmations like "I'm healthy...etc" I change it always..."kidneys are healthy- strong working fine properly and the stone is removed naturally through my urine and safely... Affirmations are fucked up.

The stone which was flushed out was sent for analysis and it is mostly made of calcium, phosphate and oxalate, mostly of calcium.

So this stone obviously made of calcium too.


He prescribed infection medicine and potassium syrup. I told him I was having burning sensation in urine so he prescribed that. But It lasted for two days..

Told me if I get burning sensation again the I should go for urine checkup then.

He told me it's not 3.5, it could be wrong. He cannot and don't believe these tests as these are not entirely accurate, afterall 0.5mm is just too little. Maybe it's still 3mm.

But I want this stone to be flushed out.

Maybe drink alot of water can help move it out of the kidney???

And can it be flushed out through urine, no chance of getting stuck right?? Because it's 3mm.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

In my country, atleast in my region, there is a certain age to get married. After that age, the value of the individual decreases as he/she ages. I don't think I should reveal my age here, but I think it's not dangerous to reveal..it's just an age.

I'll tell it after some time..

You don't have to reveal your age to me. It is probably better not to.
How significant is this old age held against you? Is this something you think you can reduce through your advancement? You can always do a working for a wife.

No no no, I don't have time to help someone if she is open. This is VERY RISKY ! I don't wanna take this kind of stupid risk even if it is a wife who is open to the Truth, it is still not safe at all. You never know how things will turn against you. Helping someone in this is risky. Even she/he is your spouse.

I'm sure about one thing, I dont want a human wife. But sometimes you know I miss that physical proximity, doing things...goin out together.... because I only miss these and curious about it because... I have no actual experience with the Succubus if I had one. Not astrally open yet. So that's why.

I'm more comfortable in being with a Demoness Lover now.

Unfortunately, I think the chance of finding an actual JOS wife is very low. Not impossible, but you would definitely have to do a big working for it.

You are right to be careful, however if you do a working for someone very open to Satanism, they won't reject it if you proceed slowly in teaching them. You can also follow this up by doing RTR's at them and other workings. There will always be a risk, but that is why you do a working to find a wife that, if not already JOS, will become JOS very easily.

It sounds like you want some aspects of a human wife, but not all of them. I don't know about Succubus monogamous relationships, but I don't know if they would be able to provide that same physical feeling while going out and stuff. They are pretty busy. I don't know though.

Is it possible to get a casual girlfriend? It sounds mean, but you don't have to end up marrying them. They could provide you the closeness while you work on your astral senses.

A human wife is just a nuance, annoyance. And the man cannot spend time with himself alone or have any time for himself if he has a family. I don't think I want to get tied into these kind of responsibilities. But if I don't marry, I'll lose things, essential material things . Things are different in my society.

Yeah, I agree you shouldn't have kids. I also wouldn't want to move in with a girlfriend that would not give me time alone to meditate. Without revealing anything you don't want to, what sort of essential things will you lose? I am assuming maybe family support?

It sounds like your two options are do a working to attract an SS human wife and put as much energy as possible into this, or delay marrying as long as possible. You have to figure out what is worth more: the essential things, or the freedom from a human wife.

I think the best option is probably to marry an SS wife. This would require delaying marriage as much as you can while doing a big big working. It would not be impossible, but you would want to carry this out as many days as possible to ensure there is enough energy.


This is part of the reason why you should get back into meditating and some more yoga and stuff. The extra energy in your soul will let you do anything you want, such as heal anything easily or finding perfect love. I am not trying to stress you out, but you should push yourself a little bit, and I think you will find great success.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

I'm not doing sun working with any strong intention for now but doing it like a daily chore. With affirmations like "I'm healthy...etc" I change it always..."kidneys are healthy- strong working fine properly and the stone is removed naturally through my urine and safely... Affirmations are fucked up.

Sorry, I don't understand. You cannot change the affirmations or it changes the working. You should think about 1 good, yet simple affirmation. For example, just focus on the stone getting removed. Make a simple affirmation for this and keep doing it until it gets removed. Combine it with other physical solutions.

He prescribed infection medicine and potassium syrup. I told him I was having burning sensation in urine so he prescribed that. But It lasted for two days..
Told me if I get burning sensation again the I should go for urine checkup then.

So is the burning sensation gone or still occuring? The water will help flush any bacteria as well.

He told me it's not 3.5, it could be wrong. He cannot and don't believe these tests as these are not entirely accurate, afterall 0.5mm is just too little. Maybe it's still 3mm.

Well that isn't good, but it isn't bad either.

Maybe drink alot of water can help move it out of the kidney???
And can it be flushed out through urine, no chance of getting stuck right?? Because it's 3mm.

I am not sure on what sizes will get stuck and which won't. It also varies between people. The water will continually flush the area and prevent it from getting super stuck. If it is small enough it will go right through. The water will also prevent any minerals from sticking to the stone.

Combine with lemon water and other medicines which should eat away at the stone, plus kidney or other yoga to massage the area and strengthen the kidneys, and the stone should be getting smaller.

Combine with a magical working to add extra energy exactly where it needs to go to fix the problem. That is the beauty of spiritual workings is that there is little guessing involved, you just tell the energy what result you want. I find it helps to affirm the energy itself doing the action, instead of just affirming the stone alone is dissolving.

"The energy of the sun is completely and permanently dissolving any kidney stones and safely removing them from my body, in a healthy and positive way for me."

Then, visualize something related to it happening. For example, visualize a stone crumpling into pieces and being flushed and carried down and out of your vision. At this point, you know that you programmed the energy accordingly. You don't have to do any crazy focusing on it, just put a comfortable amount of effort and you can be sure the energy was directed to solve the problem.
Blitzkreig said:
For now I'm skipping what u wrote , though I've read it yesterday.

Skipping because I masturbated more than twice last night.
Then I was sitting and had a little intense sharp pain on left side lower back on a very small area. As if it's pointy and spread in small diameter. I mean it's a needle like sharp pain.

A while ago it was becoming gradually constant but now I'm sitting cross legged with straight back.

It ached even when I was standing straight.

I did cardio jumps for some minutes and then after some time it became more intense than that one time felt ache in the morning I described above.

I'm now fully gonna focus on flushing it out but I'm PANICKED what if tomorrow I woke up with intense sharp pain and what if it today becomes constant.... Oh no. Help me someone.

This is the first time I experienced this lower back ache...on left side.

Did the stone get lodged or it moved and changed position????

I haven't been feeling it on the front at the bottom of kidney... Since yesterday I think.

So it changed position and got lodged and that's why this left side lower intense ache???

What to do.... I don't know what to say. I'm not relaxed. It makes me panicked.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

Skipping because I masturbated more than twice last night.
Then I was sitting and had a little intense sharp pain on left side lower back on a very small area. As if it's pointy and spread in small diameter. I mean it's a needle like sharp pain.

More than twice lol?
Sharp pain in a small area sounds more like a stone than it does general kidney deficiency (which would be a more spread out ache). Is that the same kidney that has the stone? If it is, I would bet that the stone is pushing against something, or maybe it bumped and scraped something.

A while ago it was becoming gradually constant but now I'm sitting cross legged with straight back.
It ached even when I was standing straight.
I did cardio jumps for some minutes and then after some time it became more intense than that one time felt ache in the morning I described above.

Usually in the hours and day or two after masturbation, if the kidneys are weakened, you will feel symptoms. Some of this general ache, especially still occurring after exercise, could be due to the kidneys being weakened.

I'm now fully gonna focus on flushing it out but I'm PANICKED what if tomorrow I woke up with intense sharp pain and what if it today becomes constant.... Oh no. Help me someone.

Even if it gets stuck, you still have the antibiotic meds to prevent infection. There are also two sides for the urine to get out, not just one.
If you put a heavy load on the kidneys through 3 times masturbation, I expect it to be a dull ache along with other symptoms around the body. The stabbing pain is something different and sounds more like the stone.

The kidney yoga will not only boost the kidney energy, but will move the stone around and perhaps break it up a little. Any other meds you were prescribed, plus lemon water will also help break up the kidney stone. These tools should continually wear away at it.

This is the first time I experienced this lower back ache...on left side.
Did the stone get lodged or it moved and changed position????

I am a little interested that you said this is the first time on the left side. Was the stone always on the left kidney, or right? It would not move between kidneys.

It sounds like it moved a little, based on the sharp pain.

I haven't been feeling it on the front at the bottom of kidney... Since yesterday I think.
So it changed position and got lodged and that's why this left side lower intense ache???

An intense, dull ache sounds more like energy deficiency, however a sharper or smaller pain sounds more like the stone. Yeah it could've certainly changed position. I don't know whether it is actually lodged or whether it just scraped something.

How is your ability to urinate? Does it hurt or anything? That would tell you if is lodged in the ureter or not.

What to do.... I don't know what to say. I'm not relaxed. It makes me panicked.

Continual flushing will prevent anything bad from happening. The biggest concern with the stone is just blocking urine and causing an infection. Flushing with water keeps the urine from building up too much. It also prevents the stone from building up, and may even break it down.

Lemon water or other acidic drinks can also break up the stone over time. Kidney yoga will also move the stone and keep the kidneys and bladder healthy.

It may be a little hard to distinguish between the damage or symptoms from the stone itself versus the intense load from masturbation. I expect it to ache a bit, but I wouldn't expect any more sharp needle pains. If you feel needle pains, you should try flushing with water and moving around. This should move the stone a bit if it is stuck and causing pain.

Otherwise, you should rely on lemon water, yoga, and other medicines to continually erode the stone.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:

Skipping because I masturbated more than twice last night.
Then I was sitting and had a little intense sharp pain on left side lower back on a very small area. As if it's pointy and spread in small diameter. I mean it's a needle like sharp pain.

More than twice lol?
Sharp pain in a small area sounds more like a stone than it does general kidney deficiency (which would be a more spread out ache). Is that the same kidney that has the stone? If it is, I would bet that the stone is pushing against something, or maybe it bumped and scraped something.

A while ago it was becoming gradually constant but now I'm sitting cross legged with straight back.
It ached even when I was standing straight.
I did cardio jumps for some minutes and then after some time it became more intense than that one time felt ache in the morning I described above.

Usually in the hours and day or two after masturbation, if the kidneys are weakened, you will feel symptoms. Some of this general ache, especially still occurring after exercise, could be due to the kidneys being weakened.

I'm now fully gonna focus on flushing it out but I'm PANICKED what if tomorrow I woke up with intense sharp pain and what if it today becomes constant.... Oh no. Help me someone.

Even if it gets stuck, you still have the antibiotic meds to prevent infection. There are also two sides for the urine to get out, not just one.
If you put a heavy load on the kidneys through 3 times masturbation, I expect it to be a dull ache along with other symptoms around the body. The stabbing pain is something different and sounds more like the stone.

The kidney yoga will not only boost the kidney energy, but will move the stone around and perhaps break it up a little. Any other meds you were prescribed, plus lemon water will also help break up the kidney stone. These tools should continually wear away at it.

This is the first time I experienced this lower back ache...on left side.
Did the stone get lodged or it moved and changed position????

I am a little interested that you said this is the first time on the left side. Was the stone always on the left kidney, or right? It would not move between kidneys.

It sounds like it moved a little, based on the sharp pain.

I haven't been feeling it on the front at the bottom of kidney... Since yesterday I think.
So it changed position and got lodged and that's why this left side lower intense ache???

An intense, dull ache sounds more like energy deficiency, however a sharper or smaller pain sounds more like the stone. Yeah it could've certainly changed position. I don't know whether it is actually lodged or whether it just scraped something.

How is your ability to urinate? Does it hurt or anything? That would tell you if is lodged in the ureter or not.

What to do.... I don't know what to say. I'm not relaxed. It makes me panicked.

Continual flushing will prevent anything bad from happening. The biggest concern with the stone is just blocking urine and causing an infection. Flushing with water keeps the urine from building up too much. It also prevents the stone from building up, and may even break it down.

Lemon water or other acidic drinks can also break up the stone over time. Kidney yoga will also move the stone and keep the kidneys and bladder healthy.

It may be a little hard to distinguish between the damage or symptoms from the stone itself versus the intense load from masturbation. I expect it to ache a bit, but I wouldn't expect any more sharp needle pains. If you feel needle pains, you should try flushing with water and moving around. This should move the stone a bit if it is stuck and causing pain.

Otherwise, you should rely on lemon water, yoga, and other medicines to continually erode the stone.

I've read your previous reply. I'll use that affirmation.
It happened a day before yesterday. Yesterday it ached only in the late evening. Today it didn't ache at all at the lower back.

The pain position :
It was on left side lower back, spreading out in small diameter but needle like pain in thr center.

Position of kidney stone : stone is in the left kidney. Pain was also on the left side lower back.

My visit to the doctor that same day :

I told him about the pain, he suggested to get my urine check. Nothing came out in the result. No infection and no bleeding. That time my urine was water like, CLEAR. Because I had drunk water before urine.
Masturbation :
Yes, did it maybe thrice.

Yeah I was feeling that weakness feeling in the kidney a day after. But it was very mild.

Can masturbating also move the stone? Because after masturbating in the night, the next morning it ached first time in the left lower back where the stone is. Left kidney.

Exercise : Cardio jumping exercises

Are these jumping exercises safe to do to move the stone? If it moves it will pain no??

Can I do jogging? But moving the stone will cause pain, no???
Right kidney :. I was feeling very slight ache on right kidney, I was worried if a stone was also started forming in the right kidney. But it was like, twice thrice times ache, came and gone. Very slight. Dull ache type.


I was skipping, lemon water.
I need to stay out at class from 9-6pm but I'm thinking to stay home for one more month. But what if the stone still doesn't flush out after a month too?.. time will be wasted. I'm stuck at home because of this issue. :(
sahasraraBliss666 said:

Also don't forget the Kidney-3 acupoint listed above. This point is the source point of the kidneys and heals both yin and yang. Pushing this with medium pressure for 5 or 10 minutes should give relief from symptoms, especially in the time after excessive masturbation or other kidney stresses. It should also bring mental relief since you know that the kidneys are immediately gaining healing energy and the situation is improving, not worsening.

Also, the 6th rite of the Tibetan "5" Rites is the uddiyana banda. You can use this to move sexual energy up into the rest of the body. You can use this to relieve pent up sexual energy for some time. I also found that improves the mood for a bit, but this may be placebo.
I'm giving up now because since today morning ive this mild burning and ache sensation in the right kidney. I think his supplement tablet that contained vitamin C fucking this did. It is kind of a discomfort feeling too in the right kidney.

Fucking stupid doctors.

I took it once a day for three days

Then I read that supplementary vitamin C will cause kidney stone (though it was 40mg in one tablet)
It converts into oxalate,

But dietary vitamin C won't do such thing.

I can't go for ultrasound test until 30.

Left kidney ached till last night but now it isn't aching wtf. Maybe it did ache once.

I urinated and the after it , it ached in the right kidney.

I haven't even taking dietary calcium and now I read that dietary calcium helps prevent kidney stones.

My time is being wasted. Im staying home idly...wasting time, thinking about this, drinking water, coconut water, orange juice, sometimes lemon

Magick working isn't helping at all.

I'm just stressed and hopeless now.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

I'm giving up now because since today morning ive this mild burning and ache sensation in the right kidney. I think his supplement tablet that contained vitamin C fucking this did. It is kind of a discomfort feeling too in the right kidney.

The aching is to be expected for some time, so don't expect it fix immediately. If you are taking antibiotics and drinking water, there is little risk of infection, so don't worry about burning for now. I am not saying these aren't a problem, just don't be discouraged if you feel them. Focus on healthy activities and the problem will resolve.

I took it once a day for three days
Then I read that supplementary vitamin C will cause kidney stone (though it was 40mg in one tablet)
It converts into oxalate,
But dietary vitamin C won't do such thing.

This is true, but also a low dose taken for only 3 days is unlikely to cause any major effects. Why did they prescribe this? If you are eating your vegetables, vitamin C should not be a concern.

I can't go for ultrasound test until 30.
Left kidney ached till last night but now it isn't aching wtf. Maybe it did ache once.
I urinated and the after it , it ached in the right kidney.

Ok. Don't stress too much about minor variations in symptoms. If you feel ache on the side where the stone is not found, this means it is general kidney weakness.

I haven't even taking dietary calcium and now I read that dietary calcium helps prevent kidney stones.

Yeah, I think a minor amount of dietary calcium is not a problem, personally. This is because people can normally consume calcium without stone formation. It means that a body imbalance results in stones, not calcium. This is why exercise helps because it fixes this imbalance.

My time is being wasted. Im staying home idly...wasting time, thinking about this, drinking water, coconut water, orange juice, sometimes lemon
As far as I know, those drinks would all help. If you consume 1 of them every day or every other day, that should help.

Magick working isn't helping at all.

Magic works over a longer period of time and can also work undetected for some time. If you affirm the magic is permanently fixing the problem (which you should) the magic will work to change the conditions of your body first before it attacks the stone directly.

Also, you should focus magic on one problem at a time. Once the kidney stone is gone, this when you can then affirm for general health. It is not that magic done for general health won't help the stone, it is just that it will take longer.

I'm just stressed and hopeless now.

Yeah I get it. Just take things 1 day at a time. If you focus on doing a few things every day that are good for your health, your situation will improve. Don't worry if you feel a little ache come up. As long as you are doing the right things, you will improve.


You should focus first on:

1) drinking lots of water: flushes kidneys preventing further buildup and infection
2) 1st form of exercise (either kidney yoga or cardio): removes stagnation of kidneys, preventing stone buildup
3) lemon/coconut or other drink for kidney stones: citrate in both lemon and coconut bind calcium in the urine

These 3 things are a good start and you should try to focus first on just doing these items. Only move on when you feel ready.

Next priority should be health building activities to boost kidneys and general health. These activities should be done as second priority.

4) 5 min massage of Kidney Point 3
(see diagram above). This immediately boosts kidneys and provide mental relief. It should calm your mind as well and restore feelings of hope/confidence
5) Tibetan 5 Rites: Very easy and simple yang-style yoga that energizes the kidneys, digestion, lungs, etc
6) SaTaNaMa working. Take it slow and do 10 reps, then affirm "This energy is restoring my kidneys to perfect health in all ways, now and permanently." affirmed 10x. You can wait until Yule or the Esbat to start, as those are good days. Virgo moon is ideal, but won't be available until next month, so just start sooner.

You should visualize the kidneys glowing and healthy. You can visualize a "health meter" for them at 100%. Also visualize the stone breaking and leaving, such as it popping into small bits.

Doing the above will seriously quicken the healing of the kidneys. The T5R boosts the whole body and you can rest easy knowing you are healthier every day. SaTaNaMa will restore perfect functioning to kidneys and heal all damage. The kidneys also give energy to other organs, so again you can feel at ease about your health.

Third priority should be getting your spiritual practice back up and running. This will serve as the backbone for transforming your life, as you already know. Remember, do the other activities first, because the stone and kidney issues seemed to slow your progress on other things. This means you should prioritize fixing that first, then move on to other stuff.

7) Void Meditation
: Absolutely critical for boosting willpower and cognitive output. Go easy and start with a small time, such as 2 minutes, 5 minutes, etc. If you want to do more, do multiple reps of that same time.
8) Aura cleaning
9) AOP
10) Foundation med
11) Chakra Spin + Openings
12) Hatha Yoga

The above will seriously boost your bioenergy and spiritual power. The added energy flowing into the body will prevent the majority of minor imbalances.

My advice would be to space everything out such that you have a morning session and an evening session. For example:

-drink water
-drink lemon or coconut drink
-first exercise

Total: 20-30 mins?


-5 min KD-3 massage (unless needed for immediate relief)
-Tibetan 5 Rites

Total: 25-30 mins

The healing won't come immediately, so don't get upset if it feels like it is taking forever. Just focus on doing a few things every day that will fix the situation, then you can relax and know you did everything you could.
I got ultrasound test on 10th Dec. there was no stone in right kidney and perfect normal. So it's been only 10 days. I ate that NUTRIPRIME tablet for three days , one per day.

If there is stone in right kidney , then this tablet is the cause????

Or weakened kidneys are the cause???

I feel discomfort in the lower abdomen on front , nausea kind of feel. Weak feeling. Usually at night.
I just saw your this post. It was posted before my post was posted..delayed.

Well. I got the blood test report of vitamin D, calicum, creatine ,

Vitamin D 10.36 ng/mL
Normal range 30-100
Those levels are lower than levels needed to optimize intestinal calcium absorption (34/ng/mL)

Levels needed to prevent rickets and osteomalacia (15ng/mL) are lower than those thag dramatically suppress *parathyroid hormone levels*

Because of this parathyroid hormone suppression, and mainly Vitamin D deficiency, it caused calicium phosphate kidney stones.

And look at the fool doctor he didn't even tell me to get blood test for one time atleast since November. What kind of idiots these doctors are. Fucking dumbasses. They don't even know the root cause of a disease too.

Dammit !

We've got the root CAUSE of this kidney stone problem.

And look, after 10 days of ultrasound test, I went after 20 days the persistent 3.5mm stone in the left kidney wasn't there anymore but I still get ocassional mild ache but doesn't feel anything there but at the very bottom of left side. Near groin :/.

and in this new report , few days ago, there was seen new 3.5mm stone in the right kidney. I was baffled how and what caused it to grow so quickly within 10 days. I had burning sensation in the right kidney before it formed after taking 3 days one tablet of NUTRIPRIME, sensation at the opening of urethra pipe whatever it is called. I mean who gets a new stone form.within 10 fucking days and that is even 3.5mm. last night

And oh, around 10-15 years before I used to get a dream occasionally about myself unable to walk because of weak bones. A friend also told me back then how he had a similar dream about me unable to walk. Wtf !!! He was different than most other guys. He is different, my instincts told me. He was just like me. Very like-minded. He is abroad. I can be very sure that he could be turned Satanist very easily. He was not a confused guy. I liked him as a friend. But I was younger than him. Maybe 4-5 years. He was friend of my sibling.

Will that dream become reality? :(

So, How to get Vitamin D now? Artificial Supplement won't be good I think?

I can't sit in sunlight for next two months because I'll be joining a class and I'll sit in the room from 9am-6pm :(


I've read fatty fish can give enough Vitamin D

But here, I can get prepacked frozen fish,

Is it good?

What else to do... I'm stressed, nervous. Afraid.


sahasraraBliss666 said:
I'm giving up now because since today morning ive this mild burning and ache sensation in the right kidney. I think his supplement tablet that contained vitamin C fucking this did. It is kind of a discomfort feeling too in the right kidney.

Fucking stupid doctors.

I took it once a day for three days

Then I read that supplementary vitamin C will cause kidney stone (though it was 40mg in one tablet)
It converts into oxalate,

But dietary vitamin C won't do such thing.

I can't go for ultrasound test until 30.

Left kidney ached till last night but now it isn't aching wtf. Maybe it did ache once.

I urinated and the after it , it ached in the right kidney.

I haven't even taking dietary calcium and now I read that dietary calcium helps prevent kidney stones.

My time is being wasted. Im staying home idly...wasting time, thinking about this, drinking water, coconut water, orange juice, sometimes lemon

Magick working isn't helping at all.

I'm just stressed and hopeless now.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

That is strange that a new stone formed so quickly. It should go easily though, if that is the case.

Correcting vitamin D is one way to prevent excess calcium dumping out the urine. I think supplementation is fine. There is not really an easy way to get it naturally all year, given how society is set up and everything. I think supplementing and then just doing your best to get sun during other parts of the year is good enough. Dietary sources are ok, but they are usually not enough alone. Make sure you take some sort of fat with the supplement, because it is fat soluble.

That is interesting that those dreams happened. Dreams don't always mean something, but when they do, they are just a glimpse into a possible future. It is like how humanity has two futures: one with Satan, and one with the enemy. Which future actually manifests is based on the energy of the situation. So in your case, you could possibly be predisposed to that, but that doesn't mean it has to happen. Everyone is predisposed to some sort of health issue or imbalance.

Funny enough, it is said in TCM that the kidneys are what strengthen the bones, because they are responsible for producing bone marrow. See this article. I think it would be in your best interest to do some sort of targeted working on the next virgo date for SaTaNaMa. Do 10 or 20 times, or as much as you can, and affirm the energy has balanced and healed your kidneys completely. This will counter any sort of reason why you should have weak bones. Alternatively, you could affirm the energy is keeping your bones healthy and strong, and one path the energy would take would be through the kidneys, as well as any other pathway that would help.

Also, exercise will help. Jogging is better than a treadmill for the bones, since you are putting more force on them, but any exercise will help. For all of these reasons: exercise, boosting kidneys, targeted workings, boosting Vit. D, etc I cannot imagine why the situation would ever get to the point where you couldn't walk. You are already aware of it and taking actions against it. This would make it much more unlikely it would ever manifest.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:

That is strange that a new stone formed so quickly. It should go easily though, if that is the case.

Correcting vitamin D is one way to prevent excess calcium dumping out the urine. I think supplementation is fine. There is not really an easy way to get it naturally all year, given how society is set up and everything. I think supplementing and then just doing your best to get sun during other parts of the year is good enough. Dietary sources are ok, but they are usually not enough alone. Make sure you take some sort of fat with the supplement, because it is fat soluble.

That is interesting that those dreams happened. Dreams don't always mean something, but when they do, they are just a glimpse into a possible future. It is like how humanity has two futures: one with Satan, and one with the enemy. Which future actually manifests is based on the energy of the situation. So in your case, you could possibly be predisposed to that, but that doesn't mean it has to happen. Everyone is predisposed to some sort of health issue or imbalance.

Funny enough, it is said in TCM that the kidneys are what strengthen the bones, because they are responsible for producing bone marrow. See this article. I think it would be in your best interest to do some sort of targeted working on the next virgo date for SaTaNaMa. Do 10 or 20 times, or as much as you can, and affirm the energy has balanced and healed your kidneys completely. This will counter any sort of reason why you should have weak bones. Alternatively, you could affirm the energy is keeping your bones healthy and strong, and one path the energy would take would be through the kidneys, as well as any other pathway that would help.

Also, exercise will help. Jogging is better than a treadmill for the bones, since you are putting more force on them, but any exercise will help. For all of these reasons: exercise, boosting kidneys, targeted workings, boosting Vit. D, etc I cannot imagine why the situation would ever get to the point where you couldn't walk. You are already aware of it and taking actions against it. This would make it much more unlikely it would ever manifest.

Will read that article.

So I'll have to eat healthy fats? In breakfast I'll eat healthy fats food before taking the Vitamin D supplement??? Good??


Problem is, I'll have to sit indoors from 9-6 for next two months to prepare for some test. Sitting whole day :(

Maybe I should leave it, it's a test to go abroad.

I'm not interested. But fees already paid. I don't know what to do with life. Sometimes I like, other times I like , this or that. End up being jack of all trades.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

So I'll have to eat healthy fats? In breakfast I'll eat healthy fats food before taking the Vitamin D supplement??? Good??

Yep. A large amount if not needed. Just throw butter on something, for example. Fatty meats should have enough already. You just need a small amount in the stomach for the vitamin D to bind to and absorb better.

Problem is, I'll have to sit indoors from 9-6 for next two months to prepare for some test. Sitting whole day :(
Maybe I should leave it, it's a test to go abroad.
I'm not interested. But fees already paid. I don't know what to do with life. Sometimes I like, other times I like , this or that. End up being jack of all trades.

Yeah, that certainly sounds like a Gemini thing, the jack of all trades. You should search for "gemini ascendant careers" or something. Other career/vocational astrology services will also take this into account, as well as other astrological placements, to suggest something that would fit you well. You can find some computer generated ones that are decently cheap. There are certainly specific jobs out there that would fit you.

It is my opinion though, that whatever one does now should firstly allow you to simultaneously pursue your spiritual advancement. Careers like the military, long-term truck driving, random hour jobs, etc, these all prevent or hinder ones spiritual exercise routine. While these may make you happy or provide lots of money, all of that gained through the career will be meaningless in comparison to wealth and happiness found through spiritual advancement.

With this in mind, I would look for something that is perhaps moderately interesting and will give you moderate wealth, but most importantly does not require long hours or anything that would prevent a consistent spiritual practice.

If you are truly not interested in the test and whatever that leads to, then I would just cancel it. It is not going to get more interesting after the test. However, do put some thought into it to make sure about this. Also, don't worry too much about the vitamin D from being inside, as you can supplement this. My first concern was the time investment that being there 9-6 would take. If the end goal is something that would be much better than studying for the test itself, then maybe it is worth it.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:

So I'll have to eat healthy fats? In breakfast I'll eat healthy fats food before taking the Vitamin D supplement??? Good??

Yep. A large amount if not needed. Just throw butter on something, for example. Fatty meats should have enough already. You just need a small amount in the stomach for the vitamin D to bind to and absorb better.

Problem is, I'll have to sit indoors from 9-6 for next two months to prepare for some test. Sitting whole day :(
Maybe I should leave it, it's a test to go abroad.
I'm not interested. But fees already paid. I don't know what to do with life. Sometimes I like, other times I like , this or that. End up being jack of all trades.

Yeah, that certainly sounds like a Gemini thing, the jack of all trades. You should search for "gemini ascendant careers" or something. Other career/vocational astrology services will also take this into account, as well as other astrological placements, to suggest something that would fit you well. You can find some computer generated ones that are decently cheap. There are certainly specific jobs out there that would fit you.

It is my opinion though, that whatever one does now should firstly allow you to simultaneously pursue your spiritual advancement. Careers like the military, long-term truck driving, random hour jobs, etc, these all prevent or hinder ones spiritual exercise routine. While these may make you happy or provide lots of money, all of that gained through the career will be meaningless in comparison to wealth and happiness found through spiritual advancement.

With this in mind, I would look for something that is perhaps moderately interesting and will give you moderate wealth, but most importantly does not require long hours or anything that would prevent a consistent spiritual practice.

If you are truly not interested in the test and whatever that leads to, then I would just cancel it. It is not going to get more interesting after the test. However, do put some thought into it to make sure about this. Also, don't worry too much about the vitamin D from being inside, as you can supplement this. My first concern was the time investment that being there 9-6 would take. If the end goal is something that would be much better than studying for the test itself, then maybe it is worth it.

You are right. I prefer to put my spiritual advancement first than job.
Been two days I've started crawling in meditation I mean, gradually making a routine. I'll start doing all the required daily meditation now.

Will it be a single/alone Vitamin D supplement tablet or something added in it too?
It's an IELTS test exam to go Canada on study Visa. Then settle there. Would Canada be a good place and safe to settle now?

I'd love to have your suggestions about which country is good to study, part time work, and for settling?

I'm also thinking about South Korea. Good enough ?
And oh yea now the ache is on the far left at the bottom. What' organ is there? It feels out of the ureter, urinary pipe... Same with right side.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

You are right. I prefer to put my spiritual advancement first than job.
Been two days I've started crawling in meditation I mean, gradually making a routine. I'll start doing all the required daily meditation now.
That is good to hear and that will start to solidify and improve your health further. More energy coming in means more energy to heal.

Will it be a single/alone Vitamin D supplement tablet or something added in it too?
Most vitamin D supplements are just Vitamin D and nothing else. Try to get the Vitamin D3 form if you can (as opposed to D2), as this is more bioavailable and closer to the photonic version.

It's an IELTS test exam to go Canada on study Visa. Then settle there. Would Canada be a good place and safe to settle now?

The Canadian government is pretty well corrupted by China, but then again a lot of countries are right now. The US is currently fighting a covert "civil war" between those that are corrupt and those that are not. I am unsure about the status of some of these other countries in that regard and whether they will become truly free in the near future. The US is still a good place to live, but it could get hectic as the fighting continues. Trump will prevail and personal liberties will be protected, making it ideal for SS to live in.

It matters exactly where you are choosing to live, however. If you go to a big city, there is a higher chance of high crime and marxism. Ideally you would live on outside of the city if you had to be closer to one. Cities are also exposed to 5G and other sorts of pollution that is best avoided if you can.

As far as work and study, this probably depends more on your chosen career and the specifics of the areas are looking at moving to. I think the majority of countries you are probably considering are going to be fine. A lot of them are kind of similar in terms of the jewish or CCP corruption. If you look at personal liberties, I think Norway, Denmark, Netherlands are good. As far as other metrics of living there I cannot really say.

I think South Korea would be good, but maybe you want to stay away from China and North Korea lol. These are the two countries most likely to be pushed by the enemy into doing something crazy.

Our future will be disrupted as the world changes, possibly affecting our careers and livelihood. I place more emphasis on just hunkering down and trying to stay safe as opposed to career growth. Once you have the spiritual power, you can manifest wealth and other living arrangements easily. It becomes hard to spiritual progress when your water or food is disrupted due to riots, for example.

Again, I don't know exactly what options you have. In the US, you could live in a more rural area if the educational opportunities are there. These sorts of areas would be safe and away form the action, as well as relatively conservative. You would have more space and everything would be cheaper, plus you could get firearms.. This is just an idea, you would have to go over the specifics and see if it works for you or not.

As far as settling goes, you should stay wherever is safe. In the long-term, however, you should stay with your people. I think we will see a mass exodus of people returning to their own once the world comes closer to Satan and becomes more race aware.

And oh yea now the ache is on the far left at the bottom. What' organ is there? It feels out of the ureter, urinary pipe... Same with right side.

Yeah it is probably ureter if not the bladder itself. The advice for kidney stones is basically the same regardless of the location of the stone.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:

You are right. I prefer to put my spiritual advancement first than job.
Been two days I've started crawling in meditation I mean, gradually making a routine. I'll start doing all the required daily meditation now.
That is good to hear and that will start to solidify and improve your health further. More energy coming in means more energy to heal.

Will it be a single/alone Vitamin D supplement tablet or something added in it too?
Most vitamin D supplements are just Vitamin D and nothing else. Try to get the Vitamin D3 form if you can (as opposed to D2), as this is more bioavailable and closer to the photonic version.

It's an IELTS test exam to go Canada on study Visa. Then settle there. Would Canada be a good place and safe to settle now?

The Canadian government is pretty well corrupted by China, but then again a lot of countries are right now. The US is currently fighting a covert "civil war" between those that are corrupt and those that are not. I am unsure about the status of some of these other countries in that regard and whether they will become truly free in the near future. The US is still a good place to live, but it could get hectic as the fighting continues. Trump will prevail and personal liberties will be protected, making it ideal for SS to live in.

It matters exactly where you are choosing to live, however. If you go to a big city, there is a higher chance of high crime and marxism. Ideally you would live on outside of the city if you had to be closer to one. Cities are also exposed to 5G and other sorts of pollution that is best avoided if you can.

As far as work and study, this probably depends more on your chosen career and the specifics of the areas are looking at moving to. I think the majority of countries you are probably considering are going to be fine. A lot of them are kind of similar in terms of the jewish or CCP corruption. If you look at personal liberties, I think Norway, Denmark, Netherlands are good. As far as other metrics of living there I cannot really say.

I think South Korea would be good, but maybe you want to stay away from China and North Korea lol. These are the two countries most likely to be pushed by the enemy into doing something crazy.

Our future will be disrupted as the world changes, possibly affecting our careers and livelihood. I place more emphasis on just hunkering down and trying to stay safe as opposed to career growth. Once you have the spiritual power, you can manifest wealth and other living arrangements easily. It becomes hard to spiritual progress when your water or food is disrupted due to riots, for example.

Again, I don't know exactly what options you have. In the US, you could live in a more rural area if the educational opportunities are there. These sorts of areas would be safe and away form the action, as well as relatively conservative. You would have more space and everything would be cheaper, plus you could get firearms.. This is just an idea, you would have to go over the specifics and see if it works for you or not.

As far as settling goes, you should stay wherever is safe. In the long-term, however, you should stay with your people. I think we will see a mass exodus of people returning to their own once the world comes closer to Satan and becomes more race aware.
I have no more patriotism in my heart anymore. I wasted a decade over this, reached nowhere.
Everyone can help himself herself. No need to show or do patriotic actions. It will always backfire. ALWAYS and ruin your time and mentality with stupid unrealistic thoughts filled with unrealistic hope only.

I dont want to care for anyone but for myself now. I hate them. I don't get along well with them. Do what is required where as a SS and just Fuck the world as they say. Mind my own business and life. But every now and then I'm thinking I'll reach nowhere. I'll probably cut my wrist. I really don't know what to do in life.
When I'm like this every other day, I have no desire.

I can't really stay with a human female, impossible. Because I cannot Trust , if I trust, I'm all in. Then it will hurt anytime, unexpectedly. This is what happens in human to human love relationships.

Sometimes I think, find some place far from city and town, live alone there on my own.

And oh yea now the ache is on the far left at the bottom. What' organ is there? It feels out of the ureter, urinary pipe... Same with right side.

So I shouldn't go and settle in Canada?? I was thinking let's go Canada, study visa, then work and get PR there within 4-5 years after study and work. But Afraid what if I don't get time to spend on myself alone? Spiritual practice etc. What if I won't get privacy to do this at all? What if I'll have to live with roommates for an year or more. I'll be fucked up mentally. I cannot live with anyone. I can't.

Yeah it is probably ureter if not the bladder itself. The advice for kidney stones is basically the same regardless of the location of the stone.

Maybe... It is. So stone could be in ureter? But urination is coming out freely. Before urine used to get stuck in the morning even when there was a lot of pressure, only little came out , I had to drink water and instantly it helped.

Now it is better and normal in the morning without drinking water.

Blitzkreig said:
As far as settling goes, you should stay wherever is safe. In the long-term, however, you should stay with your people. I think we will see a mass exodus of people returning to their own once the world comes closer to Satan and becomes more race aware.

I have no more patriotism in my heart anymore. I wasted a decade over this, reached nowhere.
Everyone can help himself herself. No need to show or do patriotic actions. It will always backfire. ALWAYS and ruin your time and mentality with stupid unrealistic thoughts filled with unrealistic hope only.

I dont want to care for anyone but for myself now. I hate them. I don't get along well with them. Do what is required where as a SS and just Fuck the world as they say. Mind my own business and life. But every now and then I'm thinking I'll reach nowhere. I'll probably cut my wrist. I really don't know what to do in life.
When I'm like this every other day, I have no desire.

I can't really stay with a human female, impossible. Because I cannot Trust , if I trust, I'm all in. Then it will hurt anytime, unexpectedly. This is what happens in human to human love relationships.

Sometimes I think, find some place far from city and town, live alone there on my own.

Canada :

So I shouldn't go and settle in Canada?? I was thinking let's go Canada, study visa, then work and get PR there within 4-5 years after study and work. But Afraid what if I don't get time to spend on myself alone? Spiritual practice etc. What if I won't get privacy to do this at all? What if I'll have to live with roommates for an year or more. I'll be fucked up mentally. I cannot live with anyone. I can't.


South Korea : I asked korean mature person, it will be hard for me to find part time job too in south korea, it will require me to learn Korean because they don't speak English. It will be hard to live for me. It is expensive to live there.


Yeah it is probably ureter if not the bladder itself. The advice for kidney stones is basically the same regardless of the location of the stone.

Maybe... It is. So stone could be in ureter? But urination is coming out freely. Before urine used to get stuck in the morning even when there was a lot of pressure, only little came out , I had to drink water and instantly it helped.

Now it is better and normal in the morning without drinking water.

sahasraraBliss666 said:

Sorry I did not reply sooner.

I have no more patriotism in my heart anymore. I wasted a decade over this, reached nowhere.
Everyone can help himself herself. No need to show or do patriotic actions. It will always backfire. ALWAYS and ruin your time and mentality with stupid unrealistic thoughts filled with unrealistic hope only.

I dont want to care for anyone but for myself now. I hate them. I don't get along well with them. Do what is required where as a SS and just Fuck the world as they say. Mind my own business and life.

I don't mean anytime now, but rather in the future when the planet is under more of Satan's influence. The world will be exponentially better then. Do not let the enemy's world upset you, because this is all temporary. In the future it will be worth it to involve yourself with others, especially Satanic others.

And as Satan's influence grows, so will racial awareness and the desire to help your race. This is just a natural part of life. This will occur much in the future, not anytime now, though.

But every now and then I'm thinking I'll reach nowhere. I'll probably cut my wrist. I really don't know what to do in life.
When I'm like this every other day, I have no desire.

I know it can be tough it can be with how the world is, plus filled with other stresses of your work/living situations and health stress adding to that. Just keep reminding yourself that all of this is temporary and will all improve in the end, no matter how bad it may seem. You just have to hang in there and keep fighting. Nobody said it was easy. If you continue on the path of good health and Satanic advancement, you will no doubt be able to carve out some happiness in this world.

I can't really stay with a human female, impossible. Because I cannot Trust , if I trust, I'm all in. Then it will hurt anytime, unexpectedly. This is what happens in human to human love relationships.

If you leave your home, will you still be expected to get a wife? If not, then I would recommend just not getting a relationship until you feel ready. I think you will definitely want to do a working to attract a compatible SS wife to yourself, given how you feel about trust.

Don't forget, however, your own personal power and influence in these relationships. You will influence them more than they will influence you, and with this power you can start to secure what you want out of relationships. During the dating process, you will be able to screen their intentions relating to Christianity or other religions, as well as their openness to meditation and yoga.

If they indicate to you that they could become SS, then you can begin doing RTR's or race awakening rituals on them even before you decide to live together. It is definitely possible to make an SS out of someone in this way, and I don't think it would require a deep trust investment, either. This is just a last resort if you don't do a working, however.

Sometimes I think, find some place far from city and town, live alone there on my own.

Yeah, this is probably the best option. This will allow you to get a cheaper property without roommates. You could do online schooling, for example, but even if you had to commute to school, it wouldn't be so bad. Just make sure some of these schools don't require you to live on campus during the first year. This is where online schooling would be a better option.

So I shouldn't go and settle in Canada?? I was thinking let's go Canada, study visa, then work and get PR there within 4-5 years after study and work. But Afraid what if I don't get time to spend on myself alone? Spiritual practice etc. What if I won't get privacy to do this at all? What if I'll have to live with roommates for an year or more. I'll be fucked up mentally. I cannot live with anyone. I can't.

I personally don't like Canada because I feel like they have sold out to the Chinese, however it is still a good place to live. Just be careful not to expose yourself as an SS and you will be fine, especially if you live in a rural area.

The USA and Canada will be the best options for living alone as rural property will be much cheaper than European cities. These questions about your living situation will be solved when you are planning where to live. It is just a matter of planning and looking for the right apartment or house that is close enough to school while still being cheap enough to live alone.

It is definitely possible, especially if you consider the entire country. Don't be so picky about the exact house and the exact school or job and you can easily get a place to live alone. The reason I say not to be picky is because your spiritual advancement will provide way more wealth over time than a "good location" would.

South Korea : I asked korean mature person, it will be hard for me to find part time job too in south korea, it will require me to learn Korean because they don't speak English. It will be hard to live for me. It is expensive to live there.

With this in mind, I wouldn't live there.

Maybe... It is. So stone could be in ureter? But urination is coming out freely. Before urine used to get stuck in the morning even when there was a lot of pressure, only little came out , I had to drink water and instantly it helped.

It could be pieces of the stone coming out and irritating the ureter. This is good that there is no blockage, because that is what you want to avoid. If you say there was urine obstruction before and now there is not, that means the stone either decreased in size or shifted position. I think it is likely that it is breaking apart now.

It's ok.

I decided something finally. I know it will hurt so bad. I'm always afraid of it.

But can't really go on like this anymore.

I wasn't going to post here because none of you would understand what having a short Height as a guy destroyed my EVERY DESIRE in this physical world. Especially and mostly with women I desired to be with, and it blockd me to express myself like a gentleman I'm inside.

I can't go into details. But...

I'm tired of this burden of so many unfulfilled desires and the reason for it is only one : short Height.

Nah. I don't need any explanation or how it doesn't matter at all. It does matter alot, friend. It has destroyed most of desires and made a burden of unfulfilled desires I cannot even carry anymore.

If you can feel me through my words, you know you cannot carry this burden of so many unfulfilled desires yourself too, unfulfilled just because of short height. Nothing else.

I tried to accept it. I was accepting it. But then reality hit me hard again in my face. I cannot accept it anymore.

I know or I don't know how much it will hurt me after cutting my wrist. Wish if only I had a gun.

And my life is nowhere near to where I could just become independent. But without height, I CANNOT ENJOY ANYTHING.

I lost everything because of this short height.

I cannot express and describe the amount of frustration , disappointment I'm feeling right in my heart right now.

sahasraraBliss666 said:

It's ok.

I decided something finally. I know it will hurt so bad. I'm always afraid of it.

But can't really go on like this anymore.

I wasn't going to post here because none of you would understand what having a short Height as a guy destroyed my EVERY DESIRE in this physical world. Especially and mostly with women I desired to be with, and it blockd me to express myself like a gentleman I'm inside.

I can't go into details. But...

I'm tired of this burden of so many unfulfilled desires and the reason for it is only one : short Height.

Nah. I don't need any explanation or how it doesn't matter at all. It does matter alot, friend. It has destroyed most of desires and made a burden of unfulfilled desires I cannot even carry anymore.

If you can feel me through my words, you know you cannot carry this burden of so many unfulfilled desires yourself too, unfulfilled just because of short height. Nothing else.

I tried to accept it. I was accepting it. But then reality hit me hard again in my face. I cannot accept it anymore.

I know or I don't know how much it will hurt me after cutting my wrist. Wish if only I had a gun.

And my life is nowhere near to where I could just become independent. But without height, I CANNOT ENJOY ANYTHING.

I lost everything because of this short height.

I cannot express and describe the amount of frustration , disappointment I'm feeling right in my heart right now.

Calm down. The only thing being short affects is maybe they won't let you on the biggest roller coasters.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

Please just understand that ALL problems persist between lives. What happens when you enter a new life and still end up short? Air/Vata people can certainly end up short, just as a physical expression of their soul. This does not mean it cannot be fixed, but this takes time and spiritual power.

I am not asking you to accept being short, I am asking you to accept that all big changes need time and spiritual power to manifest. This goes for all flaws and problems that everyone may encounter.

I am not saying it will be suddenly easier to ignore, or that you won't have to deal with setbacks. Just know that there is a solution in time, and you have to be patient and persistent.

As far as the issues you experience as a result of your height, there are certainly ways of mitigating them. You are not the only short male in the world. Remember that you are also Satanic and have a much higher potential than a super-tall, handsome non-Satanic man.

Lastly, I would ask that you please talk to Satan about this, because it seems to be a big problem. Don't expect him to make you suddenly 8 inches taller, but ask him for guidance on dealing with this. If there is anyone who can fix this, it would be him. Please just talk to him first.

Stay well man, and I hope to hear from you again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I know you are busy and I hate to burden you further, but if you mind saying something to saharsraraBliss666, I would appreciate it. I already posted a response to his recent message, but he may need more support.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

What sort of unfulfilled desires do you possess?

If they are related to sex, you can always use the services of an escort.

As far as long-term relationships go, you will have an uphill battle, but it won't be impossible. Through your meditations and yoga you can turn yourself into a productive, capable partner.

Through workings and other methods (I wrote a post on that here) you can increase your testosterone and give you sex appeal in other ways besides height.

With these two things, your ability to get a women should certainly be possible. There will always be women who don't like shorter men, but this is not true for all of them. Furthermore, doing these improvements above will give you an overall higher "score" than someone who is taller, but completely failing in other areas.


Being short can impede your professional life, but not so much that you cannot overcome. Through your diligent efforts and through Satanism, you will far exceed the work capacity of your peers. There is no way you would not get hired, for example.

I am not trying to say that height doesn't matter in professional areas, but it can quickly be overcome by working on other areas.


I wish I knew a little more about other areas of your life impeded by short height so I could offer advice. Are you mainly referring to your interactions with women?
sahasraraBliss666 said:

I hope you are doing well, a few days after your post. I just wanted to remind you that you are stronger than you know and can preserve through this obstacle. You have came thus far in life, and you will be able to continue on until you eventually reach your solution.

The nature of life and being an SS is such that you struggle against all obstacles and odds. We are all different and subject to our own problems. Life is not always fair, and some have it harder than others. Satan shows us how we can fix our problems through our efforts with metaphysical means. With this knowledge you should see that there is a happy ending for you.

Remember that we are in especially trying and troubling times. We will all be put to the test by the enemy and to our breaking point. There is nothing wrong with setbacks and emotional distress as long as we can continue through it and keep fighting. Giving up is a false solution that does not make a difference, due to karma. We have to stand and fight.

I know it can be hard to have something so crippling attached to you. I should remind you that I am also short as well, and I would be lying if I said it never caused me any hardship. However, there are ways to mitigate these hardships. I am not promising your life will become perfect, but I think you have the potential to realize your desires in a satisfactory manner.

If you think about each sort of hardship you may be having, there is knowledge around you on the internet. Your battle is hard, but not impossible. Because your height is becoming particularly challenging to you, you should mention this to Satan and ask him to guide you towards overcoming this. He will be able to see exactly what you struggle with and how to solve this.

If this is causing you such pain, there is no shame or trouble in asking for help here. Just be open to solutions and above all keep persevering. I hope to hear from you again, buddy.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:

I hope you are doing well, a few days after your post. I just wanted to remind you that you are stronger than you know and can preserve through this obstacle. You have came thus far in life, and you will be able to continue on until you eventually reach your solution.

The nature of life and being an SS is such that you struggle against all obstacles and odds. We are all different and subject to our own problems. Life is not always fair, and some have it harder than others. Satan shows us how we can fix our problems through our efforts with metaphysical means. With this knowledge you should see that there is a happy ending for you.

Remember that we are in especially trying and troubling times. We will all be put to the test by the enemy and to our breaking point. There is nothing wrong with setbacks and emotional distress as long as we can continue through it and keep fighting. Giving up is a false solution that does not make a difference, due to karma. We have to stand and fight.

I know it can be hard to have something so crippling attached to you. I should remind you that I am also short as well, and I would be lying if I said it never caused me any hardship. However, there are ways to mitigate these hardships. I am not promising your life will become perfect, but I think you have the potential to realize your desires in a satisfactory manner.

If you think about each sort of hardship you may be having, there is knowledge around you on the internet. Your battle is hard, but not impossible. Because your height is becoming particularly challenging to you, you should mention this to Satan and ask him to guide you towards overcoming this. He will be able to see exactly what you struggle with and how to solve this.

If this is causing you such pain, there is no shame or trouble in asking for help here. Just be open to solutions and above all keep persevering. I hope to hear from you again, buddy.

Hi bro, I'm sorry to leave you worried. I've been OK but recently got into legal trouble.
Sibling and his bitchy wife put false accusations on me and I think I'll be fine, spent a night in police station prison a week ago.

Can you give any advice for this matter, to get out of this legal trouble safely?

And just yesterday I involuntarily been thinking handcuff in my right hand, I try to stop but kept thinking... Even now. Shit... The sibling mind works like a criminal, politician. They did it to grab property and ruin my life. My parents are with me.

I asked help from Lord Eligor last night, even from Father Satan.

But I'm not at a level to hear or see them.

Today this morning I did a quick ritual to Father Satan for help in this matter and also I requested humbly to ask my succubus to return to me, because I had done a ritual to leave her. Didn't have nah experience before but only a dream. This morning, it was very quick letter in ritual to Lord Satan.

So since noon, I've been feeling masculine while past few weeks I was feeling submissive.

Started feeling like I was feeling when I first did a ritual for Monogamous Succubus in July last year I think.

And I wanna mention something which is boiling my blood in revenge but I might mention it later, I just want revenge and justice.
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Hi bro, I'm sorry to leave you worried. I've been OK but recently got into legal trouble.
Sibling and his bitchy wife put false accusations on me and I think I'll be fine, spent a night in police station prison a week ago.

Can you give any advice for this matter, to get out of this legal trouble safely?

And just yesterday I involuntarily been thinking handcuff in my right hand, I try to stop but kept thinking... Even now. Shit... The sibling mind works like a criminal, politician. They did it to grab property and ruin my life. My parents are with me.

I asked help from Lord Eligor last night, even from Father Satan.

But I'm not at a level to hear or see them.

Today this morning I did a quick ritual to Father Satan for help in this matter and also I requested humbly to ask my succubus to return to me, because I had done a ritual to leave her. Didn't have nah experience before but only a dream. This morning, it was very quick letter in ritual to Lord Satan.

So since noon, I've been feeling masculine while past few weeks I was feeling submissive.

Started feeling like I was feeling when I first did a ritual for Monogamous Succubus in July last year I think.

And I wanna mention something which is boiling my blood in revenge but I might mention it later, I just want revenge and justice.

Glad to hear you are physically ok.

As far as legal stuff goes, I would recommend binding them and also binding their lawyer if you can find out who they are. You could try cursing them, but I am not super familiar with this. The moon is in libra soon so you can use that to your advantage. On the rune page, one of them might mention something with legal stuff. Just start a working then and program the energy to fight this court case. Then rely on the bindings to prevent further trouble.

As far as controlling your thoughts, try grounding yourself. Yoga or drawing in earth energy will counter the air. Then just spend a few minutes visualizing yourself completely free. Visualize your legal/court record completely clean and shining, for example.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Hi bro, I'm sorry to leave you worried. I've been OK but recently got into legal trouble.
Sibling and his bitchy wife put false accusations on me and I think I'll be fine, spent a night in police station prison a week ago.

Can you give any advice for this matter, to get out of this legal trouble safely?

And just yesterday I involuntarily been thinking handcuff in my right hand, I try to stop but kept thinking... Even now. Shit... The sibling mind works like a criminal, politician. They did it to grab property and ruin my life. My parents are with me.

I asked help from Lord Eligor last night, even from Father Satan.

But I'm not at a level to hear or see them.

Today this morning I did a quick ritual to Father Satan for help in this matter and also I requested humbly to ask my succubus to return to me, because I had done a ritual to leave her. Didn't have nah experience before but only a dream. This morning, it was very quick letter in ritual to Lord Satan.

So since noon, I've been feeling masculine while past few weeks I was feeling submissive.

Started feeling like I was feeling when I first did a ritual for Monogamous Succubus in July last year I think.

And I wanna mention something which is boiling my blood in revenge but I might mention it later, I just want revenge and justice.

Glad to hear you are physically ok.

As far as legal stuff goes, I would recommend binding them and also binding their lawyer if you can find out who they are. You could try cursing them, but I am not super familiar with this. The moon is in libra soon so you can use that to your advantage. On the rune page, one of them might mention something with legal stuff. Just start a working then and program the energy to fight this court case. Then rely on the bindings to prevent further trouble.

As far as controlling your thoughts, try grounding yourself. Yoga or drawing in earth energy will counter the air. Then just spend a few minutes visualizing yourself completely free. Visualize your legal/court record completely clean and shining, for example.

Thanks for reply brother.

Let me tell that it's NOT a court case, it won't be.
I think things are in my favor.
Just some days ago, a man came to our rescue, he is helping us when relatives didn't help. No one.

He is still sticking with us, he comes to us whenever we call him.
It seems like Father Satan sent him. He is a friend of dad BTW.

Moon libra for binding?
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Thanks for reply brother.

Let me tell that it's NOT a court case, it won't be.
I think things are in my favor.
Just some days ago, a man came to our rescue, he is helping us when relatives didn't help. No one.

He is still sticking with us, he comes to us whenever we call him.
It seems like Father Satan sent him. He is a friend of dad BTW.

Moon libra for binding?

Oh ok, good. I thought handcuffs meant something court-related. That is good you are getting some help as well.

The binding page says best done during a full moon, which for this month is in scorpio. Libra is better for court cases, but I am not sure for bindings. I don't think so. I would just wait until the esbat and do the binding then. I don't think any of the props are essential, I would just focus on generating enough energy.

On the page, it looks like HPS Maxine only does 108 reps once, but maybe it would be better to carry this out at least a couple days, if not longer. Maybe until the whole incident is done, at least. It also depends on how broad or focused the affirmation is.

Blitzkreig said:
sahasrarabliss said:
This is a very rare condition for me. It's been so many years the last time this happened I think.

Or this is the first time in experiencing low BP.

From last few days I was having sore throat on the left side.

Then day before yesterday a small area on the left side of chest, ached as if it ached when the blooded passed through it, it's like a swollen nerve I think...I can't describe.

Next day I felt lazy, but I felt like my heart skipped a beat few times yesterday, then this cheat area not inside the rib cage but on the rib, "left pack" it's like a very narrowed but small in diameter size area being and feels like swollen. Do u think it's clot?

Did this cause low BP? It 100-70 last night we checked. It's morning now. Will go to check again. But I'm feeling little better but not in the temples of head. Slight ache that doesn't pain.

How to get back in normal health condition naturally at home.... In this condition....

Sounds like a heart imbalance, which could be caused by underlying kidney or liver deficiencies. The temple headache can be related to overactive liver, is it throbbing or twitching? Do you have this headache often? For the heart to become deficient due to the other organ systems, those other systems would have to be imbalanced for some time.

You could have a heart yang deficiency, explaining the palpitations, and poor movement of blood, and chest pain. The chest pain is likely just blood pooling, not a clot caused by phlegm, but it could be.

Check your tongue and describe it, due you have a midline crack? Use the imagine below to identify any notable aspects of your tongue.

Additionally, how is your sleep, and how is your digestion? Also, do you have any undereye bags or discoloration?

Regardless of this questioning, you will want to follow up with a TCM doctor about this issue. They will prescribe acupuncture or herbs for the heart system and if there are any other related deficiencies in the body. Lots of places do online appointments and can just ship or at least prescribe herbs to you, so do that if you are busy.

Additionally, for us and for any TCM doctor you visit, you should write down every symptom you have anywhere on your body to aid their diagnosis. Also, don't scrub your tongue beforehand.

I would recommend using acupressure to give you some immediate relief. It is easy enough to do, and you can perform it on yourself with little worry. However, if you do feel discomfort, then please stop.

For the heart, I would pressing on the Heart-5 point, which is said to boost Heart Qi.

I am unsure about the liver, but another good point that can help indirectly is Kidney-3. The kidneys support the yang and yin of the other organs, so this will help in a general sense. Just press these points with medium pressure for a few minutes, more if you think you need to.




Wow are like the doctor for SS this is so cool.
You seem like you have real experience in the medical field. Im glad we have someone like you!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Wow are like the doctor for SS this is so cool.
You seem like you have real experience in the medical field. Im glad we have someone like you!

I have studied similar topics, but I am not an official doctor or anything like that. I like TCM, however, and study it informally. It is way easier to understand and apply to yourself. A few hours of reading can lead someone to diagnose and treat their own conditions with various methods.

Centralforce666 is the original SS doctor and I am/was originally inspired by him. I think he does have professional TCM experience.

The physical body is important and serves as the base for the spiritual. With holistic knowledge, one can prevent themselves from becoming ill, which may interrupt their spiritual progress. It is not expensive or hard, it just requires a little reading and thinking about your symptoms and lifestyle choices.

Holistic medicine is where "folk" medicine comes from, and in the future the populace will become educated in health matters again. No longer is health some giant mystery that only an expert can act within. This is the same for spiritual stuff as well.

Anyway, thanks for the reply and compliment. I just hate seeing people suffer from stuff that is otherwise easily treatable.
Blitzkreig said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Wow are like the doctor for SS this is so cool.
You seem like you have real experience in the medical field. Im glad we have someone like you!

I have studied similar topics, but I am not an official doctor or anything like that. I like TCM, however, and study it informally. It is way easier to understand and apply to yourself. A few hours of reading can lead someone to diagnose and treat their own conditions with various methods.

Centralforce666 is the original SS doctor and I am/was originally inspired by him. I think he does have professional TCM experience.

The physical body is important and serves as the base for the spiritual. With holistic knowledge, one can prevent themselves from becoming ill, which may interrupt their spiritual progress. It is not expensive or hard, it just requires a little reading and thinking about your symptoms and lifestyle choices.

Holistic medicine is where "folk" medicine comes from, and in the future the populace will become educated in health matters again. No longer is health some giant mystery that only an expert can act within. This is the same for spiritual stuff as well.

Anyway, thanks for the reply and compliment. I just hate seeing people suffer from stuff that is otherwise easily treatable.

Yes i can see you really do care for the SS thank you
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Thanks for reply brother.

Let me tell that it's NOT a court case, it won't be.
I think things are in my favor.
Just some days ago, a man came to our rescue, he is helping us when relatives didn't help. No one.

He is still sticking with us, he comes to us whenever we call him.
It seems like Father Satan sent him. He is a friend of dad BTW.

Moon libra for binding?

Oh ok, good. I thought handcuffs meant something court-related. That is good you are getting some help as well.

The binding page says best done during a full moon, which for this month is in scorpio. Libra is better for court cases, but I am not sure for bindings. I don't think so. I would just wait until the esbat and do the binding then. I don't think any of the props are essential, I would just focus on generating enough energy.

On the page, it looks like HPS Maxine only does 108 reps once, but maybe it would be better to carry this out at least a couple days, if not longer. Maybe until the whole incident is done, at least. It also depends on how broad or focused the affirmation is.

Sorry for late reply,
I've been panicking if they file a parallel case, if they are still able to file another case on same application/complaint...

How to protect myself more in this case so I'm FREE and unharmed, in every way possible, at times?
How to curse the bitch?
This bitch is the weakest of these three assholes, physically. I vented a night before last night so angrily on the bitch incest bastard br0.

How to protect myself so whatever they do against me is FUTILE!!???
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Sorry for late reply,
I've been panicking if they file a parallel case, if they are still able to file another case on same application/complaint...

How to protect myself more in this case so I'm FREE and unharmed, in every way possible, at times?
How to curse the bitch?
This bitch is the weakest of these three assholes, physically. I vented a night before last night so angrily on the bitch incest bastard br0.

How to protect myself so whatever they do against me is FUTILE!!???

You can program the binding energies to prevent them from taking any legal actions against you. You could also go broader if you think they will do other actions/maneuvers besides legal stuff.

I am not well versed in cursing so I wouldn't know myself the best course of actions.

You could try something similar to this: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Destruction.html
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Sorry for late reply,
I've been panicking if they file a parallel case, if they are still able to file another case on same application/complaint...

How to protect myself more in this case so I'm FREE and unharmed, in every way possible, at times?
How to curse the bitch?
This bitch is the weakest of these three assholes, physically. I vented a night before last night so angrily on the bitch incest bastard br0.

How to protect myself so whatever they do against me is FUTILE!!???

You can program the binding energies to prevent them from taking any legal actions against you. You could also go broader if you think they will do other actions/maneuvers besides legal stuff.

I am not well versed in cursing so I wouldn't know myself the best course of actions.

You could try something similar to this: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Destruction.html

Thanks. I keep seeing the one who slapped me when I try to meditate. How to release this thing out of my mind...
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Thanks. I keep seeing the one who slapped me when I try to meditate. How to release this thing out of my mind...

Do you mean like you still have emotions about it, or they just keep popping up even if you don't want them to? If you still have feelings, then try venting your anger at them until you feel satisfied. If you don't want to think about it anymore, then practice void, grounding, or use earth energy to calm your thoughts.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
