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Low BP

sahasrarabliss said:
So I noticed it aches on the right side again while urinating or sometimes while sitting. Idk what to do staying at home. It requires physical activity too to remove the stone I think and prevent it from developing. I can just take a walk outside and come back home. No work.

Or I can do plank every hour for some minutes.

You will have to use your judgement here. Do you think it is an infection, or the stone? The stone should be being attacked by the yoga, lemon juice and other meds and what not. Any infection should heal on its own, but it isn't being directly treated by anything. It is up to you if you want to take the meds for it. There is a way to distinguish general kidney/bladder weakness from t

How does the urine look? Is it cloudy or overly smelly or dark? Do you have an abnormal urge to urinate? How does the pain feel during yoga? Does it get better or feel worse? If it gets better, it may be more of an energetic imbalance, as opposed to an infection.

Also, when you say right side, where do you mean exactly? Right side of the bladder or the lower back? Or right side of the whole torso?

Something I realized that would be good for your situation is cranberry juice or cranberries in general. Read about them on this page. It it said to treat both kidney stones and infections, as well as boosting both bladder and kidney energy. Sounds pretty good.

sahasrarabliss said:
Hmm... A new problem now. Yesterday I was doing breath of fire and it kinda ached the left side where I think gallbladder is. I'm paranoid what if my vision in anxiety of gallbladder stone is realised? Or realising? Or it's just some muscle ache there at the bottom of liver... Bottom of right side ribcage.

Trying to be positive. Doing yoga and kidney stone yoga. I started drinking less water. Tired of it. Focused more on yoga and meditation.

Skipping medicine doses but taking ayurvedic medicine twice a day for renal calculus removal/kidney stones.

I think I can still Increase height by impressing the subconscious mind.

You mean streaming live with face cam??? Or chatting with others in chatrooms? I've been doing this since 16.

I mean I did the ritual for monogamous Succubus lover. Then after 2-3, nights I had two dreams. One of it seemed legit, real. Will ask Satan about this.

Void meditation. Visualising the reverse is difficult since my mind runs so fast. If I think of one positive thought, immediately a negative thought comes up.
I'm Gemini ascendant.

If it was a gallbladder stone you would be in a lot worse condition. Doing the normal yoga prevents against gallbladder stones and problems. If you get paranoid and visualize it as weak, remember to visualize it as healthy to counter any negative energy.

I don't know exactly what it is. Any minor pain that goes away shortly is nothing to be concerned about. The way to distinguish between organ issues and muscle pain is in the symptoms. Muscle pain should be localized and specific to the contraction of the muscle, whereas organ imbalance would produce a host of other symptoms. In the case of the gallbladder, notable symptoms include neck/shoulder pain, temporal headache, dizziness, any eye issues, digestion issues with fatty foods. If you have these in conjunction with rib pain, then you can start to suspect the liver or gall bladder.


I meant talking in chatrooms or some other online connections. Like I said, not perfect, but it should give you some sort of social connection.

When you mention that you did the ritual, especially for a monogamous lover, then the succubus could certainly be a factor in your human romantic relationships. Based on the dreams, it certainly sounded like it worked, so you should look into this situation.


That is normal for an airy person to have a racing mind, but that is exactly why you need to practice void meditation and also balance yourself physically. Don't worry about it not being perfect, just keep trying and your mind will get better at control. Airy people have lots of mental energy, but sometimes less physical energy, so to stay balanced you have to work on calming the mind and keeping physically healthy and nourished.

The yoga will help keep you balanced and grounded, as will a good, nourishing diet, with regular meals. Good sleep at the right times are also very important for staying grounded. Also, too much masturbation for a air-type person can also unground them, so it is important to find a proper frequency and stick to a more conservative interval. On the opposite side, people who are more earthy can tolerate more physical exertion and sex, but their mind can be slower.

It may seem like a lot of work, but once you are balanced, you will really start to shine. Also, once you get in the habit of things, it will just become second nature as to how to live your life properly.
Lost access to my other account. Had to create a new one.

I got the stone analysis report two days ago.

Analysis :

a minute concretion about 0.1cm in diameter. (what's this?)

Outer surface irregular and light brown in color. (What's this again?)

CALCIUM : Present ++++
Phosphate : present ++++
Oxalate : present ++
Uric scid : absent.

So, now I've been only eating cooked vegetables with Wheat flour bread. Drank milk not much.

Where do I take my healthy fats now? Should I completely quit milk and milk products like Curd???

Can I eat boiled egg without the yolk??

Can I eat fish or chicken?


The other stone is in the mid pole of kidney..

I'm fed up drinking water. Urine is white clear af lol if I drink alot of water. It's only light yellow in the morning.

Right side in bladder I think. Ache in left kidney too sometimes..

Hmm... Yeah my mind runs alot faster...but it's mostly only in imagination, logical side is weak.

No ache during Yoga.

Blitzkreig said:
You will have to use your judgement here. Do you think it is an infection, or the stone? The stone should be being attacked by the yoga, lemon juice and other meds and what not. Any infection should heal on its own, but it isn't being directly treated by anything. It is up to you if you want to take the meds for it. There is a way to distinguish general kidney/bladder weakness from t

How does the urine look? Is it cloudy or overly smelly or dark? Do you have an abnormal urge to urinate? How does the pain feel during yoga? Does it get better or feel worse? If it gets better, it may be more of an energetic imbalance, as opposed to an infection.

Also, when you say right side, where do you mean exactly? Right side of the bladder or the lower back? Or right side of the whole torso?

Something I realized that would be good for your situation is cranberry juice or cranberries in general. Read about them on this page. It it said to treat both kidney stones and infections, as well as boosting both bladder and kidney energy. Sounds pretty good.

If it was a gallbladder stone you would be in a lot worse condition. Doing the normal yoga prevents against gallbladder stones and problems. If you get paranoid and visualize it as weak, remember to visualize it as healthy to counter any negative energy.

I don't know exactly what it is. Any minor pain that goes away shortly is nothing to be concerned about. The way to distinguish between organ issues and muscle pain is in the symptoms. Muscle pain should be localized and specific to the contraction of the muscle, whereas organ imbalance would produce a host of other symptoms. In the case of the gallbladder, notable symptoms include neck/shoulder pain, temporal headache, dizziness, any eye issues, digestion issues with fatty foods. If you have these in conjunction with rib pain, then you can start to suspect the liver or gall bladder.


I meant talking in chatrooms or some other online connections. Like I said, not perfect, but it should give you some sort of social connection.

When you mention that you did the ritual, especially for a monogamous lover, then the succubus could certainly be a factor in your human romantic relationships. Based on the dreams, it certainly sounded like it worked, so you should look into this situation.


That is normal for an airy person to have a racing mind, but that is exactly why you need to practice void meditation and also balance yourself physically. Don't worry about it not being perfect, just keep trying and your mind will get better at control. Airy people have lots of mental energy, but sometimes less physical energy, so to stay balanced you have to work on calming the mind and keeping physically healthy and nourished.

The yoga will help keep you balanced and grounded, as will a good, nourishing diet, with regular meals. Good sleep at the right times are also very important for staying grounded. Also, too much masturbation for a air-type person can also unground them, so it is important to find a proper frequency and stick to a more conservative interval. On the opposite side, people who are more earthy can tolerate more physical exertion and sex, but their mind can be slower.

It may seem like a lot of work, but once you are balanced, you will really start to shine. Also, once you get in the habit of things, it will just become second nature as to how to live your life properly.
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Lost access to my other account. Had to create a new one.

I got the stone analysis report two days ago.

Analysis :

a minute concretion about 0.1cm in diameter. (what's this?)

Outer surface irregular and light brown in color. (What's this again?)

CALCIUM : Present ++++
Phosphate : present ++++
Oxalate : present ++
Uric scid : absent.

So, now I've been only eating cooked vegetables with Wheat flour bread. Drank milk not much.

Where do I take my healthy fats now? Should I completely quit milk and milk products like Curd???

Can I eat boiled egg without the yolk??

Can I eat fish or chicken?


The other stone is in the mid pole of kidney..

I'm fed up drinking water. Urine is white clear af lol if I drink alot of water. It's only light yellow in the morning.

Right side in bladder I think. Ache in left kidney too sometimes..

Hmm... Yeah my mind runs alot faster...but it's mostly only in imagination, logical side is weak.

No ache during Yoga.

I cannot interpret the kidney stone analysis in any meaningful way, but I don't think you need to worry about it. As long as your body is balanced, you will not develop stones or other issues. When I googled Kidney stones, it says one major cause is heat or kidney yin defiency. So once this is balanced, stones would not form, rather it would go out the urine.


In my opinion, cutting out protein is kind of silly. You are taking herbal supplements and lemon juice to break up the stones. Cranberry juice is really good for the kidneys and bladder and for treating both infection and stones, so drink that as well. There is no way a stone will form with all these factors against it, including yoga and what not.


I think those foods you suggested are fine to eat, in balanced proportions, as always. If you have no digestive issues with dairy, it is fine to drink or eat in moderate amounts. Healthy fats include olive oil, butter, coconut oil, as well as all oils found within natural whole foods. Unhealthy oils include canola, soy, palm, trans fats. This stuff is usually found in fried or processed foods.


Yeah feel free to lower the water intake. Like you observed, go based off the color of the urine.


If the aching occurs every now and then and not any under special circumstances, it seems like it is just deficiency aching. This should get better on its own. If it hurt when you touched it, then I would've thought this to be an infection or the stones. Either way, both yoga, good lifestyle choices, cranberry juice, will fix all of this.


What you describe with your mind sounds pretty airy to me. Balancing your physical body will allow your mind to settle a bit. This was the case for me when my kidney's were messed up, and I felt like I couldn't calm down. Once balanced, I could sit still and think clearly much better. I think this will be the case for you, to some degree.
Hmm...how about musturd oil for cooking?
Doctor told me not to eat milk made products. That includes milk itself obviously. But to quit it completely will not be good right?

Can I start sprinting in the morning...my lifestyle is still sedentary. So this is worrying me.

Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Lost access to my other account. Had to create a new one.

I got the stone analysis report two days ago.

Analysis :

a minute concretion about 0.1cm in diameter. (what's this?)

Outer surface irregular and light brown in color. (What's this again?)

CALCIUM : Present ++++
Phosphate : present ++++
Oxalate : present ++
Uric scid : absent.

So, now I've been only eating cooked vegetables with Wheat flour bread. Drank milk not much.

Where do I take my healthy fats now? Should I completely quit milk and milk products like Curd???

Can I eat boiled egg without the yolk??

Can I eat fish or chicken?


The other stone is in the mid pole of kidney..

I'm fed up drinking water. Urine is white clear af lol if I drink alot of water. It's only light yellow in the morning.

Right side in bladder I think. Ache in left kidney too sometimes..

Hmm... Yeah my mind runs alot faster...but it's mostly only in imagination, logical side is weak.

No ache during Yoga.

I cannot interpret the kidney stone analysis in any meaningful way, but I don't think you need to worry about it. As long as your body is balanced, you will not develop stones or other issues. When I googled Kidney stones, it says one major cause is heat or kidney yin defiency. So once this is balanced, stones would not form, rather it would go out the urine.


In my opinion, cutting out protein is kind of silly. You are taking herbal supplements and lemon juice to break up the stones. Cranberry juice is really good for the kidneys and bladder and for treating both infection and stones, so drink that as well. There is no way a stone will form with all these factors against it, including yoga and what not.


I think those foods you suggested are fine to eat, in balanced proportions, as always. If you have no digestive issues with dairy, it is fine to drink or eat in moderate amounts. Healthy fats include olive oil, butter, coconut oil, as well as all oils found within natural whole foods. Unhealthy oils include canola, soy, palm, trans fats. This stuff is usually found in fried or processed foods.


Yeah feel free to lower the water intake. Like you observed, go based off the color of the urine.


If the aching occurs every now and then and not any under special circumstances, it seems like it is just deficiency aching. This should get better on its own. If it hurt when you touched it, then I would've thought this to be an infection or the stones. Either way, both yoga, good lifestyle choices, cranberry juice, will fix all of this.


What you describe with your mind sounds pretty airy to me. Balancing your physical body will allow your mind to settle a bit. This was the case for me when my kidney's were messed up, and I felt like I couldn't calm down. Once balanced, I could sit still and think clearly much better. I think this will be the case for you, to some degree.
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Hmm...how about musturd oil for cooking?
Doctor told me not to eat milk made products. That includes milk itself obviously. But to quit it completely will not be good right?

Can I start sprinting in the morning...my lifestyle is still sedentary. So this is worrying me.

I think mustard oil is ok. I don't know if it is perfect. I think it is ok in moderate in amounts. It says online it can contain a toxic compound and so it was banned in some places, but these same places never banned other harmful vegetable oils either. There is not a lot of information online for a TCM perspective that I could easily find.

Milk is ok in moderate amounts, but it is not essential either, meaning if you quit eating dairy products, you would be easily able to substitute it with other things.

Be careful sprinting so that you don't exhaust yourself. Follow the rule that exercise should make you feel better afterwards, not more tired after. If you feel better, this usually means you circulated your energy around, whereas if you feel tired, it means you expended too much.
Blitzkreig said:

From past few days I've noticed, I feel more hungry. I've been doing yoga asanas for kidney and also drinking coconut water.

I feel hungry for food, and can eat alot now.
I only eat thrice a day. Three meals a day. No cookie, no snacks, no tea, (although took little tea and a little bit milk too for last few days)
I don't eat outside. Only food cooked at home. These are cooked vegetables+wheat flour and sometimes corn flour bread.

Maybe all of these factors also improving my digestion...mostly coconut water and yoga I think.

But been drinkin less water...sitting all day... sedentary lifestyle...
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Hmm...how about musturd oil for cooking?
Doctor told me not to eat milk made products. That includes milk itself obviously. But to quit it completely will not be good right?

Can I start sprinting in the morning...my lifestyle is still sedentary. So this is worrying me.

I think mustard oil is ok. I don't know if it is perfect. I think it is ok in moderate in amounts. It says online it can contain a toxic compound and so it was banned in some places, but these same places never banned other harmful vegetable oils either. There is not a lot of information online for a TCM perspective that I could easily find.

Milk is ok in moderate amounts, but it is not essential either, meaning if you quit eating dairy products, you would be easily able to substitute it with other things.

Be careful sprinting so that you don't exhaust yourself. Follow the rule that exercise should make you feel better afterwards, not more tired after. If you feel better, this usually means you circulated your energy around, whereas if you feel tired, it means you expended too much.

Update on stone:

Went for ultrasound today, the 5mm is no more there as it was flushed out the very next day morning weeks ago as it was in the urectus.

But the 3mm is still there in the lower pole of left kidney.

It causes mild aches sometimes since last few days. As I didn't take meds since last two days I think.

Doctor said it will take time to dissolve.
Can I quit meds he prescribed...Neeri and the second one is same as before ..for infection I think.

Musturd oil:

Yeah why they haven't banned others if they banned musturd. Maybe because it's cheap in price and healthy? We are not entirely sure if it contains that toxic or not..but I think we should always change cooking oil everyday or few days after for cooking. Like today we cooked in musturd oil , tomorrow we cook in olive or other..but refined oils, canola etc are not healthy that I know.

I don't think olive oil is that good too. It's ok no??


So what should substitute milk and dairy products with?


I'd start with brisk walk and gradually jogging.
Can I do cardio exercises....maybe it can push the stone down to urectus and so it will flush out ???? No??

And for how many minutes should I do Breath of Fire?? 10-15 mins ok???
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Blitzkreig said:

From past few days I've noticed, I feel more hungry. I've been doing yoga asanas for kidney and also drinking coconut water.

I feel hungry for food, and can eat alot now.
I only eat thrice a day. Three meals a day. No cookie, no snacks, no tea, (although took little tea and a little bit milk too for last few days)
I don't eat outside. Only food cooked at home. These are cooked vegetables+wheat flour and sometimes corn flour bread.

Maybe all of these factors also improving my digestion...mostly coconut water and yoga I think.

But been drinkin less water...sitting all day... sedentary lifestyle...

That is good your digestion is improving. I think you were yang deficient before, based on the symptoms you told me, and the yang energy influences digestive power.

sahasraraBliss666 said:
Update on stone:


That is up to you whether you want to quit the Neeri or not. I think it is ok to take temporarily, but it can also be replaced by the herbal formulas, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and cranberry juice. I don't think the antibiotics are necessary, and I would stop taking those, as it doesn't sound like you have an infection. Antibiotics have lots of side effects and should really be a last resort treatment. The cranberry juice and yoga for kidneys would prevent infection, as well.


What you described with your oil usage sounds fine. Olive is good for you. It is a low heat oil, and will destabilize at higher temps, therefore butter or coconut should be used at higher temps. Oils like canola, palm, and other polyunsaturated oils are very low heat, and will destabilize into toxic components pretty quickly when cooked with. They are just used because they are cheap.

The best olive oil is cold-pressed, versus chemical extraction methods. When chemically extracted, it loses a lot of its beneficial properties and becomes more inert.


Modern milk is hard to digest and causes dampness in the body, as well as being full of antibiotics and hormones. Raw milk from a trusted source is much better, but this is not always available.

Normally milk is useful for being nourishing and building to the body and moistening, however you can find these properties in other foods. Meat and grains are building, for example, whereas most yin or cold foods will be moistening, such as fruit or veggies. Eggs, oysters, clams, pork, duck, and shrimp are all examples of meats that are cool like milk, while also being tonifying to the body.

It depends what you normally use milk for. You might be able to substitute with plant-based alternatives, as long as they aren't heavily processed.

Why did the doctor say to quit dairy, again? If you normally consume it and have no problems, I wouldn't consider it an issue. If he said to quit consuming dairy because of the calcium potentially creating kidney stones; that isn't the cause of the stone. Normally, a kidney can flush or manage calcium just fine, and lots of veggies have calcium as well.

If you don't regularly consume dairy, then perhaps you can just not eat anymore to be on the safe side. It is up to you. I personally don't drink milk because modern milk is not that great, but I still eat cheese and butter with no issues.


Your exercise plan sounds good. All exercise circulates energy and will help the body, such as removing negative things like stones, and also preventing their buildup. The kidney stone yoga is probably a better method for directly attacking the stone, but this will help as well; in addition to helping the body in a general sense.

I do not practice the breath of fire so I cannot give you specific advice, but if you use your judgement, you should be fine. If you feel any symptoms aggravate from the breath of fire, or from any activity, then you should slow it down and work your way back up. This goes for the cardio, as well.


It sounds like you are doing much better now, that is good! I don't think that stone will take as long as you think to flush out; it sounds like you are attacking it with a lot of different methods. The doctor probably doesn't know about all the other things besides what he prescribes, and he certainly doesn't know that you are a Satanist!

By the way, I would recommend you use daily affirmations towards you always being healthy and safe. You could also do one for your ability to calm your thoughts increasing every day. Affirmations are obviously just a small amount of energy compared to a full working, but this small amount can add up over time. In your case, it should also alleviate the fears of negative thinking by creating positive energy to counter any negative thoughts.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Blitzkreig said:

From past few days I've noticed, I feel more hungry. I've been doing yoga asanas for kidney and also drinking coconut water.

I feel hungry for food, and can eat alot now.
I only eat thrice a day. Three meals a day. No cookie, no snacks, no tea, (although took little tea and a little bit milk too for last few days)
I don't eat outside. Only food cooked at home. These are cooked vegetables+wheat flour and sometimes corn flour bread.

Maybe all of these factors also improving my digestion...mostly coconut water and yoga I think.

But been drinkin less water...sitting all day... sedentary lifestyle...

That is good your digestion is improving. I think you were yang deficient before, based on the symptoms you told me, and the yang energy influences digestive power.

sahasraraBliss666 said:
Update on stone:


That is up to you whether you want to quit the Neeri or not. I think it is ok to take temporarily, but it can also be replaced by the herbal formulas, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and cranberry juice. I don't think the antibiotics are necessary, and I would stop taking those, as it doesn't sound like you have an infection. Antibiotics have lots of side effects and should really be a last resort treatment. The cranberry juice and yoga for kidneys would prevent infection, as well.


What you described with your oil usage sounds fine. Olive is good for you. It is a low heat oil, and will destabilize at higher temps, therefore butter or coconut should be used at higher temps. Oils like canola, palm, and other polyunsaturated oils are very low heat, and will destabilize into toxic components pretty quickly when cooked with. They are just used because they are cheap.

The best olive oil is cold-pressed, versus chemical extraction methods. When chemically extracted, it loses a lot of its beneficial properties and becomes more inert.


Modern milk is hard to digest and causes dampness in the body, as well as being full of antibiotics and hormones. Raw milk from a trusted source is much better, but this is not always available.

Normally milk is useful for being nourishing and building to the body and moistening, however you can find these properties in other foods. Meat and grains are building, for example, whereas most yin or cold foods will be moistening, such as fruit or veggies. Eggs, oysters, clams, pork, duck, and shrimp are all examples of meats that are cool like milk, while also being tonifying to the body.

It depends what you normally use milk for. You might be able to substitute with plant-based alternatives, as long as they aren't heavily processed.

Why did the doctor say to quit dairy, again? If you normally consume it and have no problems, I wouldn't consider it an issue. If he said to quit consuming dairy because of the calcium potentially creating kidney stones; that isn't the cause of the stone. Normally, a kidney can flush or manage calcium just fine, and lots of veggies have calcium as well.

If you don't regularly consume dairy, then perhaps you can just not eat anymore to be on the safe side. It is up to you. I personally don't drink milk because modern milk is not that great, but I still eat cheese and butter with no issues.


Your exercise plan sounds good. All exercise circulates energy and will help the body, such as removing negative things like stones, and also preventing their buildup. The kidney stone yoga is probably a better method for directly attacking the stone, but this will help as well; in addition to helping the body in a general sense.

I do not practice the breath of fire so I cannot give you specific advice, but if you use your judgement, you should be fine. If you feel any symptoms aggravate from the breath of fire, or from any activity, then you should slow it down and work your way back up. This goes for the cardio, as well.


It sounds like you are doing much better now, that is good! I don't think that stone will take as long as you think to flush out; it sounds like you are attacking it with a lot of different methods. The doctor probably doesn't know about all the other things besides what he prescribes, and he certainly doesn't know that you are a Satanist!

By the way, I would recommend you use daily affirmations towards you always being healthy and safe. You could also do one for your ability to calm your thoughts increasing every day. Affirmations are obviously just a small amount of energy compared to a full working, but this small amount can add up over time. In your case, it should also alleviate the fears of negative thinking by creating positive energy to counter any negative thoughts.

So, then what caused kidney stone to form if not calcium....though stones are mostly made of calcium kidney...what makes calcium and other things to stay in kidney and form stones????

What's the actual cause of all this... I couldn't find an answer.

And ya that's why doctor said to avoid milk made products because stone was made of calcium mostly.

I've been doing yoga asanas for kidney. It seems like these asanas improving my digestion, that's why feeling hungry.


Maybe the intestine worms are the cause... because there round worms found in stool test around 6-7 years ago... I could never complete the 2-3 days stool stages test so didn't get med for it.

Been feeling mild ache where the stone is, in left kidney. It is uncomfortable. It is freaking me out.

Can I drink apple cider with mixed with water??? I don't think I can find cranberry fresh juice at some juice shop here.


I've been taking ayurvedic herbs, i boil it in water and take the 4th part/portion of it which is around less than the half glass.

I've been drinking coconut water every day too.


But I think last night I've I noticed there is some brownish kind of dust in pure white urine when I drink enough water. I guess it's the stone dissolving????
sahasraraBliss666 said:

According to TCM, kidney stones are caused by heat and dampness stuck in the lower part of the body which promotes for the formation of stones. You could think of this as like a heat that is drying and therefore solidifies the minerals of the kidney together. Dampness in TCM is like pathological stickiness that prevents energy flow into an area.

Both these things can result from diet and lack of exercise, mainly. Other poor lifestyle habits that hurt health would also weaken the body and indirectly promote for these conditions, as a weak body is less able to control its internal state. Excessive masturbation can easily cause weakened kidneys, and that is why I asked about that. Don't worry though, you need not restrict this forever; just be mindful of its effects on the kidneys.

Obviously, yoga and other exercise forms circulate energy of the body and remove any stagnation. Dietary modifications prevent excessive heat or dampness from forming or stagnating, so this helps as well. Proper hydration flushes the kidneys as well. As with anything, power meditation increases the energy of the body and better enables it to fight off disease.


Kidney stones can form out of more than just calcium. They can form from uric acid and a couple other minerals. You cannot restrict all of these completely from your diet. Rather you promote for a healthy kidney that is then able to flush these minerals out as it needs to, preventing any buildup. This is accomplished through all the normal health-building activities.

It is not that restricting certain foods wouldn't help a little bit, but this is not really a solution. Also, the stones form over a long period of time, so I don't think restricting the foods with these minerals would help within a short period. Quicker results will be found with the various herbs, foods, and exercises that quickly aid the kidneys in flushing.


I think it is more likely that your digestion is improving because your yang energy is being restored, both in general, and through the kidneys. I remember reading on some nofap subreddits about people saying their digestive power improved. This is also a general TCM concept, as well.

If you had worms, you would have many other symptoms as well, wouldn't you? Did you have other symptoms the last time you had this? I think it is highly unlikely you have intestinal worms, if you think about the probability of the two events compared to each other.


I think the kidney will ache a little bit until the stone is dissolved. You don't have anything to worry about, because you are doing lots of things that benefit the health of the kidney. Obviously, if your symptoms and kidney pain gets super bad very suddenly, this is cause for concern, but if it is aching about the same as it was before, then this sounds expected.

Just keep an eye on it, but I don't think there is cause for alarm, yet.


Yes, take the apple cider vinegar with water. According to this article:

"Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. Acetic acid helps dissolve kidney stones.

In addition to flushing out the kidneys, apple cider vinegar can help ease pain caused by the stones. There are numerous other health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

To reap these benefits, add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 6 to 8 ounces of purified water. Drink this mixture throughout the day.

You shouldn’t consume more than one 8-ounce glass of this mixture per day. You can also use it on salads straight or add it to your favorite salad dressing.

Coconut water helps too, so it sounds like you are hitting that stone with a lot of things. Don't worry about the cranberry juice, then. Where I live, they have it at big grocery stores in jugs, but if you cannot find it, don't worry about it.


As far as I can tell, that sounds like stone particles passing out and into the urine. If it isn't semen like you saw before, then it must be parts of the stone. I think this is a good sign.


By the way, you should create for yourself some affirmations that you say daily, related to your health and anything else. Something as simple as "I am always safe, strong, and healthy in all ways, at all times!" said 10 times every day. Done every day, this psychic energy will add up and work in your favor. It should also influence your subconscious to make you feel better.

Whenever I reference my health in these affirmations or others, I also smile when I speak it, and this force my brain to feel good and positive. I also envision myself on a chart of spiritual power advancing over time when I say it.
I had written a long reply two days ago. It didn't get posted. Forums site had an error.


I've been ignoring TCM and didn't care to know what it really means. Lol. Because I was panicked and concerned about my health.

So what does it mean??

Masturbation :

So I can't do it until stone is completely flushed out and dissolved?

I did it today after two days. I'll try not to do it for one month now or more. Moving physically will help divert my mind and if I sit, it will be harmful in many ways and also will end up masturbating lol.

Would that fine , quitting it for 1-2 months or even more ?

Hydration :

I didn't drink enough water last two days because I had to go out in other city and I didn't drink because it would have made me to urinate constantly and I couldn't do it outside. I didn't drink water and I noticed I didn't have to go to bathroom the constant urge to go bathroom ended.

Today I'm gonna drink two glasses per hour. Around 16-18 glasses a day.


Yoga and diet, medicines and food :

I've been doing kidney yoga mostly. And eating thrice a day. Only homemade cooked food. Vegetables. Will drink boiled water of kidney beans.

And I didn't take medicine, Neeri tablet for two days but only once in the morning. It is prescribed to be taken thrice a day.

So can I just drink lemon water and not apple vinegar?? Or how about drinking apple cider vinegar water one day and next day only lemon water of few glasses a day, like 4-5 or maybe more ?? Can it alone dissolve the stone ??

I'm also taking herbs medicine. We boil it in water and drink the remaining 4th portion of it, half a glass.

Drinking little tea and sometimes milk.

Dry cough :

I noticed since last few 3-4 years whenever winter starts, I get constant dry cough and it is very hard to healed by any medicine until the winter ends.

Why does it happens? Does it mean the lungs are weakened too???

Last winter my left lung was fluttering while coughing because it started aching because of too much constant cough for a month.

This only started few years ago.

I hoped that I wouldn't get that cough again in this winter but it started all of a sudden after drinking milk. Milk cannot be the mail reason.

How to heal it?? Tried all well known home remedies. Nothing helps.

It starts after I eat in the morning. Sometimes even starts on empty stomach.
Sick of it.


Kidney ache :

It didn't ache since last two days. Maybe I didn't drink enough water?? Or maybe I only took one dose of Neeri tablet. But I'm drinking that potassium citra syrup prescribed by doctor thrice a day in one full glass of water. 3 tablespoons of it.

So it takes years for kidney stone to form?????

I'll use some positive affirmations as well. Was doing wunjo and I skipped a day yesterday.

Sometimes I just get distracted and careless.

Have to restart meditation too.


Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:

According to TCM, kidney stones are caused by heat and dampness stuck in the lower part of the body which promotes for the formation of stones. You could think of this as like a heat that is drying and therefore solidifies the minerals of the kidney together. Dampness in TCM is like pathological stickiness that prevents energy flow into an area.

Both these things can result from diet and lack of exercise, mainly. Other poor lifestyle habits that hurt health would also weaken the body and indirectly promote for these conditions, as a weak body is less able to control its internal state. Excessive masturbation can easily cause weakened kidneys, and that is why I asked about that. Don't worry though, you need not restrict this forever; just be mindful of its effects on the kidneys.

Obviously, yoga and other exercise forms circulate energy of the body and remove any stagnation. Dietary modifications prevent excessive heat or dampness from forming or stagnating, so this helps as well. Proper hydration flushes the kidneys as well. As with anything, power meditation increases the energy of the body and better enables it to fight off disease.


Kidney stones can form out of more than just calcium. They can form from uric acid and a couple other minerals. You cannot restrict all of these completely from your diet. Rather you promote for a healthy kidney that is then able to flush these minerals out as it needs to, preventing any buildup. This is accomplished through all the normal health-building activities.

It is not that restricting certain foods wouldn't help a little bit, but this is not really a solution. Also, the stones form over a long period of time, so I don't think restricting the foods with these minerals would help within a short period. Quicker results will be found with the various herbs, foods, and exercises that quickly aid the kidneys in flushing.


I think it is more likely that your digestion is improving because your yang energy is being restored, both in general, and through the kidneys. I remember reading on some nofap subreddits about people saying their digestive power improved. This is also a general TCM concept, as well.

If you had worms, you would have many other symptoms as well, wouldn't you? Did you have other symptoms the last time you had this? I think it is highly unlikely you have intestinal worms, if you think about the probability of the two events compared to each other.


I think the kidney will ache a little bit until the stone is dissolved. You don't have anything to worry about, because you are doing lots of things that benefit the health of the kidney. Obviously, if your symptoms and kidney pain gets super bad very suddenly, this is cause for concern, but if it is aching about the same as it was before, then this sounds expected.

Just keep an eye on it, but I don't think there is cause for alarm, yet.


Yes, take the apple cider vinegar with water. According to this article:

"Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. Acetic acid helps dissolve kidney stones.

In addition to flushing out the kidneys, apple cider vinegar can help ease pain caused by the stones. There are numerous other health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

To reap these benefits, add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 6 to 8 ounces of purified water. Drink this mixture throughout the day.

You shouldn’t consume more than one 8-ounce glass of this mixture per day. You can also use it on salads straight or add it to your favorite salad dressing.

Coconut water helps too, so it sounds like you are hitting that stone with a lot of things. Don't worry about the cranberry juice, then. Where I live, they have it at big grocery stores in jugs, but if you cannot find it, don't worry about it.


As far as I can tell, that sounds like stone particles passing out and into the urine. If it isn't semen like you saw before, then it must be parts of the stone. I think this is a good sign.


By the way, you should create for yourself some affirmations that you say daily, related to your health and anything else. Something as simple as "I am always safe, strong, and healthy in all ways, at all times!" said 10 times every day. Done every day, this psychic energy will add up and work in your favor. It should also influence your subconscious to make you feel better.

Whenever I reference my health in these affirmations or others, I also smile when I speak it, and this force my brain to feel good and positive. I also envision myself on a chart of spiritual power advancing over time when I say it.
Life is despair and no satisfaction, without a good height for a guy. The heart simply stops desiring anything and there is emptiness. No happiness without height. No pride.
Short height for men only, is very detrimental in every aspect of physical life for men.
Without it, there is not much happiness in physical life.

It might not be important for you, but it's life and death matter for me. But it's already too late and I cannot imagine a life without it anymore.
sahasraraBliss666 said:
I had written a long reply two days ago. It didn't get posted. Forums site had an error.


I've been ignoring TCM and didn't care to know what it really means. Lol. Because I was panicked and concerned about my health.

So what does it mean??

Masturbation :

So I can't do it until stone is completely flushed out and dissolved?

I did it today after two days. I'll try not to do it for one month now or more. Moving physically will help divert my mind and if I sit, it will be harmful in many ways and also will end up masturbating lol.

Would that fine , quitting it for 1-2 months or even more ?

Hydration :

I didn't drink enough water last two days because I had to go out in other city and I didn't drink because it would have made me to urinate constantly and I couldn't do it outside. I didn't drink water and I noticed I didn't have to go to bathroom the constant urge to go bathroom ended.

Today I'm gonna drink two glasses per hour. Around 16-18 glasses a day.


Yoga and diet, medicines and food :

I've been doing kidney yoga mostly. And eating thrice a day. Only homemade cooked food. Vegetables. Will drink boiled water of kidney beans.

And I didn't take medicine, Neeri tablet for two days but only once in the morning. It is prescribed to be taken thrice a day.

So can I just drink lemon water and not apple vinegar?? Or how about drinking apple cider vinegar water one day and next day only lemon water of few glasses a day, like 4-5 or maybe more ?? Can it alone dissolve the stone ??

I'm also taking herbs medicine. We boil it in water and drink the remaining 4th portion of it, half a glass.

Drinking little tea and sometimes milk.

Dry cough :

I noticed since last few 3-4 years whenever winter starts, I get constant dry cough and it is very hard to healed by any medicine until the winter ends.

Why does it happens? Does it mean the lungs are weakened too???

Last winter my left lung was fluttering while coughing because it started aching because of too much constant cough for a month.

This only started few years ago.

I hoped that I wouldn't get that cough again in this winter but it started all of a sudden after drinking milk. Milk cannot be the mail reason.

How to heal it?? Tried all well known home remedies. Nothing helps.

It starts after I eat in the morning. Sometimes even starts on empty stomach.
Sick of it.


Kidney ache :

It didn't ache since last two days. Maybe I didn't drink enough water?? Or maybe I only took one dose of Neeri tablet. But I'm drinking that potassium citra syrup prescribed by doctor thrice a day in one full glass of water. 3 tablespoons of it.

So it takes years for kidney stone to form?????

I'll use some positive affirmations as well. Was doing wunjo and I skipped a day yesterday.

Sometimes I just get distracted and careless.

Have to restart meditation too.


Sorry I didn't reply sooner.

TCM and Ayurveda are holistic medicine systems that are far easier to understand and apply, hence why I use them. That is fine that you were panicked, but I would urge you to try to understand holistic medical systems so you can better balance yourself whenever you need to.

Masturbation should be reduced when you are ill, but not permanently, nor should it be reduced past 5 or so days. I would suggest 3-5 days based on where you feel comfortable. You should not end up fighting yourself to not masturbate, but you also shouldn't feel worse or have symptoms return afterwards. That is all.


That sounds like a lot of water. You only need to stay hydrated where your urine is pale yellow consistently. Too much water won't end up hydrating you, it will only get flushed out. You don't need to be flushing yourself, persay, just hydrated enough. People who get stones from poor hydration basically never drink water at all during the day.


Your diet sounds good. You can have meat a couple times per week. This will energize you without being too stagnating. If you have it every few days, there is no reason why your kidneys should have trouble with it. It sounds like they are improving. Additionally, the meat, once properly digested, will heal your body more than vegetables. It is very nourishing.

If you are skinnier, you should eat more grounding and nourishing foods. This will keep your mind calm. This includes more oils, more warm foods, no raw/cold foods, sweeter foods like rice, grains, sweet potatoes. You should look up a "Vata dosha" diet. This is an ayurvedic diet that helps to ground the mind.

You can use one or the other of the lemon water or apple vinegar. They are basically the same, they will both dissolve the stone. Just have 1 or 2 a day. You don't want to go crazy with it. It sounds like the stone is already dissolving.


Dry cough, like you experience, is just a reaction to the cold, dry winter air. The lungs are temporarily weakened and dried by the air, and they have trouble recovering their lubrication. Any food that is good for the lung yin, or the yin in general, will help. Look at the bottom row in this picture for healing foods.


The milk may add phlegm to the lungs, but you are right, it isn't the main reason. The main reason is the environment you are in. You should take care to protect yourself from the outside air. Consider a humidifier or something in your room or house. If you go outside, try to cover your mouth and nose so they are as exposed.


If they kidneys don't ache, that is a good sign. It means they are getting better and the stone is probably smaller and not pushing against the kidney.

The stones don't form overnight, it is like a ball that is slowly building. How long it takes depends on how imbalanced someone is.


Positive affirmations, as well as a small SaTaNaMa chant, such as 5 or 10x per day, affirming that it is healing and balancing you, will go a long way.

It is hard, but we all have to make time every day to meditate and do workings. Only do the amount of affirmations appropriate for you, meaning like don't do too much and then procrastinate on it.

Definitely keep up with the meditations. I noticed any imbalances always heal way quicker when I meditate more, as opposed to less.


sahasraraBliss666 said:
Short height for men only, is very detrimental in every aspect of physical life for men.
Without it, there is not much happiness in physical life.

It might not be important for you, but it's life and death matter for me. But it's already too late and I cannot imagine a life without it anymore.

Please, stay calm man. Everything will be fine. Whenever you feel sad, clean your aura well and inhale 5 good breaths of light energy into you. This will improve your mood, regardless of your current feelings.

Everything will work out in the end, but you have to keep fighting. It is not a life or death matter, because the physical and soul are connected. It means you have to fix your problems, you cannot hide from them. Everyone has problems, even if they are less visible than others.

Remember you are a Satanist and are blessed to be close to the Gods. You have to struggle and fight against your problems. You will be able to fix your height and anything else, but you have to keep fighting in the present moment.

You don't have to imagine life with it, you should imagine yourself as perfect in appearance, because that is what you will soon have, based on your spiritual advancement.

If you commit suicide, you could just be reborn again as a short person, but then you will have to spend 20 or 30 years growing up and building your life back up again.
Blitzkreig said:
Sorry I didn't reply sooner.

TCM and Ayurveda are holistic medicine systems that are far easier to understand and apply, hence why I use them. That is fine that you were panicked, but I would urge you to try to understand holistic medical systems so you can better balance yourself whenever you need to.

Masturbation should be reduced when you are ill, but not permanently, nor should it be reduced past 5 or so days. I would suggest 3-5 days based on where you feel comfortable. You should not end up fighting yourself to not masturbate, but you also shouldn't feel worse or have symptoms return afterwards. That is all.


That sounds like a lot of water. You only need to stay hydrated where your urine is pale yellow consistently. Too much water won't end up hydrating you, it will only get flushed out. You don't need to be flushing yourself, persay, just hydrated enough. People who get stones from poor hydration basically never drink water at all during the day.


Your diet sounds good. You can have meat a couple times per week. This will energize you without being too stagnating. If you have it every few days, there is no reason why your kidneys should have trouble with it. It sounds like they are improving. Additionally, the meat, once properly digested, will heal your body more than vegetables. It is very nourishing.

If you are skinnier, you should eat more grounding and nourishing foods. This will keep your mind calm. This includes more oils, more warm foods, no raw/cold foods, sweeter foods like rice, grains, sweet potatoes. You should look up a "Vata dosha" diet. This is an ayurvedic diet that helps to ground the mind.

You can use one or the other of the lemon water or apple vinegar. They are basically the same, they will both dissolve the stone. Just have 1 or 2 a day. You don't want to go crazy with it. It sounds like the stone is already dissolving.


Dry cough, like you experience, is just a reaction to the cold, dry winter air. The lungs are temporarily weakened and dried by the air, and they have trouble recovering their lubrication. Any food that is good for the lung yin, or the yin in general, will help. Look at the bottom row in this picture for healing foods.


The milk may add phlegm to the lungs, but you are right, it isn't the main reason. The main reason is the environment you are in. You should take care to protect yourself from the outside air. Consider a humidifier or something in your room or house. If you go outside, try to cover your mouth and nose so they are as exposed.


If they kidneys don't ache, that is a good sign. It means they are getting better and the stone is probably smaller and not pushing against the kidney.

The stones don't form overnight, it is like a ball that is slowly building. How long it takes depends on how imbalanced someone is.


Positive affirmations, as well as a small SaTaNaMa chant, such as 5 or 10x per day, affirming that it is healing and balancing you, will go a long way.

It is hard, but we all have to make time every day to meditate and do workings. Only do the amount of affirmations appropriate for you, meaning like don't do too much and then procrastinate on it.

Definitely keep up with the meditations. I noticed any imbalances always heal way quicker when I meditate more, as opposed to less.


sahasraraBliss666 said:
Short height for men only, is very detrimental in every aspect of physical life for men.
Without it, there is not much happiness in physical life.

It might not be important for you, but it's life and death matter for me. But it's already too late and I cannot imagine a life without it anymore.

Please, stay calm man. Everything will be fine. Whenever you feel sad, clean your aura well and inhale 5 good breaths of light energy into you. This will improve your mood, regardless of your current feelings.

Everything will work out in the end, but you have to keep fighting. It is not a life or death matter, because the physical and soul are connected. It means you have to fix your problems, you cannot hide from them. Everyone has problems, even if they are less visible than others.

Remember you are a Satanist and are blessed to be close to the Gods. You have to struggle and fight against your problems. You will be able to fix your height and anything else, but you have to keep fighting in the present moment.

You don't have to imagine life with it, you should imagine yourself as perfect in appearance, because that is what you will soon have, based on your spiritual advancement.

If you commit suicide, you could just be reborn again as a short person, but then you will have to spend 20 or 30 years growing up and building your life back up again.

Hmmm I read it entirely...thank you.

Good info on lungs too, I didn't know. Thanks. How to bring them back to normal healthy state? Do physical labour/exercise??

I just urinated and it ached little after urinated.

He prescribed new one medication along with the Neeri.

"Utease" , The tablet contains : D-mannose, Cranberry extract, micro crystalline cellulose (460), Hibiscus extract, lactic acid, bacillus, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, vitamin C, sodium starch, glycolate, cross povidone, magnesium stearate, hydroxyprophyl, methyl cellulose, vitamin A, silicon dioxide (551), ethyl cellulose(462), talc (553iii).

Seems like a supplement tablet.
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Hmmm I read it entirely...thank you.

Good info on lungs too, I didn't know. Thanks. How to bring them back to normal healthy state? Do physical labour/exercise??

I just urinated and it ached little after urinated.

He prescribed new one medication along with the Neeri.

"Utease" , The tablet contains : D-mannose, Cranberry extract, micro crystalline cellulose (460), Hibiscus extract, lactic acid, bacillus, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, vitamin C, sodium starch, glycolate, cross povidone, magnesium stearate, hydroxyprophyl, methyl cellulose, vitamin A, silicon dioxide (551), ethyl cellulose(462), talc (553iii).

Seems like a supplement tablet.

You should think of the status of the lungs like a scale, with the winter air pushing down on one side of the scale, causing an imbalance of the lungs. You would then need to either add stuff to the other side of the scale, such as foods that aid lung yin deficiency or lung qi, or you need to remove the exposure to winter air. See the chart above for foods that help this, and you can also google for more ideas.

It is not that the lungs themselves have an issue that needs to be fixed, because as you say, once the winter is over, they get better again. The problem is the cold, dry air that is harming the lungs.

As far as physical exercise goes, regular cardio will bolster the strength of the lungs, and hatha yoga will also do the same by moving blood into the lungs. They will definitely help, but if you are exposed to a lot of dry air, the lungs might still be imbalanced. I think it would be easier to reduce air exposure first.

The Utease sounds ok if it is a supplement. If it ached a little, that is ok; it is not the end of the world. Overall, they should be getting better, even if they still hurt a little one day.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Hmmm I read it entirely...thank you.

Good info on lungs too, I didn't know. Thanks. How to bring them back to normal healthy state? Do physical labour/exercise??

I just urinated and it ached little after urinated.

He prescribed new one medication along with the Neeri.

"Utease" , The tablet contains : D-mannose, Cranberry extract, micro crystalline cellulose (460), Hibiscus extract, lactic acid, bacillus, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, vitamin C, sodium starch, glycolate, cross povidone, magnesium stearate, hydroxyprophyl, methyl cellulose, vitamin A, silicon dioxide (551), ethyl cellulose(462), talc (553iii).

Seems like a supplement tablet.

You should think of the status of the lungs like a scale, with the winter air pushing down on one side of the scale, causing an imbalance of the lungs. You would then need to either add stuff to the other side of the scale, such as foods that aid lung yin deficiency or lung qi, or you need to remove the exposure to winter air. See the chart above for foods that help this, and you can also google for more ideas.

It is not that the lungs themselves have an issue that needs to be fixed, because as you say, once the winter is over, they get better again. The problem is the cold, dry air that is harming the lungs.

As far as physical exercise goes, regular cardio will bolster the strength of the lungs, and hatha yoga will also do the same by moving blood into the lungs. They will definitely help, but if you are exposed to a lot of dry air, the lungs might still be imbalanced. I think it would be easier to reduce air exposure first.

The Utease sounds ok if it is a supplement. If it ached a little, that is ok; it is not the end of the world. Overall, they should be getting better, even if they still hurt a little one day.

Yeah I had noticed this about coughing in last two winter seasons of last two years.
When I was indoors in room, I was coughing... So no medicine will work until I exercise and move my body.

Today I did a mistake. People have this strong belief that carbonated plain water dissolves the kidney stones.
I drank a little today. Obviously it was little cold as it's cold here and I gulped it little.

Then after a while the right side of my back, where the liver is, started aching while breathing. It lasted upto an hour and still it aches.

It feels like as if it is solid from there. Kind of rock, swollen..

How to solve this issue now.... Lemon water ?


I started cycling. Now I cough little a day.

sahasraraBliss666 said:
Yeah I had noticed this about coughing in last two winter seasons of last two years.
When I was indoors in room, I was coughing... So no medicine will work until I exercise and move my body.

Today I did a mistake. People have this strong belief that carbonated plain water dissolves the kidney stones.
I drank a little today. Obviously it was little cold as it's cold here and I gulped it little.

Then after a while the right side of my back, where the liver is, started aching while breathing. It lasted upto an hour and still it aches.

It feels like as if it is solid from there. Kind of rock, swollen..

How to solve this issue now.... Lemon water ?


I started cycling. Now I cough little a day.


If the air is dry indoors, this could still trigger the lungs a bit. Maybe a humidifier would help. Exercise and yoga will also boost the lungs and the lubrication of the lungs. The headstand and shoulderstand of the hatha yoga pdf will bathe the lungs in blood and help them heal any damage.

As far as the carbonated water goes, if it is your liver that is aching, lemon water may help, but only in a certain way. Lemon water helps detox the liver, so if that is the problem, then the lemon water will help. The most common issue with the liver is mainly stagnation, and this is aided by any sort of exercise or movement, as well as vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts.

That is good that you are cycling. This will help with all conditions, just like yoga and meditation. I am a little confused with what you wrote: do you mean to say that you now cough more or less than before? Due to the cycling, or just in general?
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Yeah I had noticed this about coughing in last two winter seasons of last two years.
When I was indoors in room, I was coughing... So no medicine will work until I exercise and move my body.

Today I did a mistake. People have this strong belief that carbonated plain water dissolves the kidney stones.
I drank a little today. Obviously it was little cold as it's cold here and I gulped it little.

Then after a while the right side of my back, where the liver is, started aching while breathing. It lasted upto an hour and still it aches.

It feels like as if it is solid from there. Kind of rock, swollen..

How to solve this issue now.... Lemon water ?


I started cycling. Now I cough little a day.


If the air is dry indoors, this could still trigger the lungs a bit. Maybe a humidifier would help. Exercise and yoga will also boost the lungs and the lubrication of the lungs. The headstand and shoulderstand of the hatha yoga pdf will bathe the lungs in blood and help them heal any damage.

As far as the carbonated water goes, if it is your liver that is aching, lemon water may help, but only in a certain way. Lemon water helps detox the liver, so if that is the problem, then the lemon water will help. The most common issue with the liver is mainly stagnation, and this is aided by any sort of exercise or movement, as well as vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts.

That is good that you are cycling. This will help with all conditions, just like yoga and meditation. I am a little confused with what you wrote: do you mean to say that you now cough more or less than before? Due to the cycling, or just in general?

Carbonated water :

I think it was muscle ache maybe I pushed hard while doing the side yoga pose in that kidney yoga poses. Now it's only aching on the back of right side. On little diameter of right side back.

I applied muscle relief oil. I was feeling it inside so I thought it could be liver.

Cough :

Yeah I cough less now without taking any syrup. Cycling helped I think.
Don't know I'd buy a humidifier. Maybe staying outdoors for long time for example while cycling would be better than humidifier.
Kidney stone :

Fuck this stone. I've fed up with this. I want it gone and immediately get it out of the kidney down to the urine. Hope it gets flushed out soon
It's been more than a month now. Sick of it.
Btw.. how do pronounce Satanama ? Each syllable with each one breathe or full mantra in one breathe??

And When I hiss S then it becomes difficult to pronounce Aaa along with S,
sahasraraBliss666 said:

Good to hear about the carbonated water-related ache. Regardless of whether it is muscle or liver, it should heal quickly; it is just a minor imbalance.

Good that you are coughing less. Exercises definitely helps strengthen the lungs. Outdoors can help since the air is fresh and not polluted by indoor fragrances and cleaning products, but if it is cold and dry this can also hurt. Just monitor how you feel and perhaps get a face covering for particularly cold days.

Are you sure you still have the stone? It should be significantly reduced, if not removed. The yoga plus all the meds should be promoting for its removal. Is there still pain in the area or any other symptoms from before?
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:

Good to hear about the carbonated water-related ache. Regardless of whether it is muscle or liver, it should heal quickly; it is just a minor imbalance.

Good that you are coughing less. Exercises definitely helps strengthen the lungs. Outdoors can help since the air is fresh and not polluted by indoor fragrances and cleaning products, but if it is cold and dry this can also hurt. Just monitor how you feel and perhaps get a face covering for particularly cold days.

Are you sure you still have the stone? It should be significantly reduced, if not removed. The yoga plus all the meds should be promoting for its removal. Is there still pain in the area or any other symptoms from before?

Not pain in the kidney but sometimes I feel uncomfortable there and kind of ache but not ache exactly. And it makes noises sometimes, I hear noises like we do hear noises on empty stomach, I hear it in the kidney where the stone is.

I would be going for an ultrasound test again referred by the doctor on Monday. So on Tuesday I'd go for the test. I hate this test. Waiting in queue while you have the drink water to create pressure for the test... It's annoying and tiresome.
Maybe yeah mild ache still there sometimes. Maybe it is reduced by now, I hope you are right. I hope I hope I hope lol. And happy if it's removed because I haven't been urinating in the steel utensil to check.

It's been more than a month, I hope it is flushed out already if not the should be reduced very much.
Maybe yeah mild ache still there sometimes. Maybe it is reduced by now, I hope you are right. I hope I hope I hope lol. And happy if it's removed because I haven't been urinating in the steel utensil to check.

It's been more than a month, I hope it is flushed out already if not the should be reduced very much.
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Btw.. how do pronounce Satanama ? Each syllable with each one breathe or full mantra in one breathe??

And When I hiss S then it becomes difficult to pronounce Aaa along with S,

Oh sorry I didn't see this until now. You can vibrate each syllable per breath or the full mantra. The energy gained is more based on the time spent vibrating than the actual repetition count.

You can do a lighter hiss that sounds more like the normal letter S instead of a full cat hiss if it makes it easier. This is what I do and I feel it just fine. Otherwise just do your best.

Also, the mudra for the mantra is as follows:

For Sa: put pointer finger and thumb together
For Ta: put middle finger and thumb together
For Na: put ring finger and thumb together
For Ma: put pinky finger and thumb together
And today I felt mild ache while urinating at noon,only once.

But I'm worried about something now. I feel very very weakness in the lower abdomen where the kidneys are.

It is a feeling of weakness, I can't describe. Something like nausea..

I stopped taking meds since two days ago. Have to see doctor on Monday again to get prescribed meds.

But idk why I'm feeling weak in the kidneys now. In that part. Maybe I shouldn't masturbate at all until my kidneys are in normal health again. Even if it takes several months.

Or it is because I was taking both ayurvedic and allopathy meds (prescribed by doc) together with 1-3 hours of difference.
I noticed something with I feel like food isn't being digested because I just slightly burped inside, and it felt like food came to my throat.

Will see how the stool would be , in the morning.

The noises became frequent when I sit down , now in both kidneys. While walking I don't notice it.

Why do they make these noises similar to an empty stomach noises???

Mom massaged my head, feet , legs so I could sleep , last night. I was feeling so weak in the kidneys, then nausea, I can't tolerate this.

I just need answers and heal it.

Will kidney yoga alone boost the health of kidneys ???? Or should I also do fast walking...brisk walk most of my day time???
sahasraraBliss666 said:
I noticed something with I feel like food isn't being digested because I just slightly burped inside, and it felt like food came to my throat.

Will see how the stool would be , in the morning.


This could be from the meds or from something you ate, although I think the meds are more likely. However, did you always take the meds in this manner, or just now?

Sometimes the meds can upset the digestion a little if they are taken in large doses or on an empty stomach. Take them in the morning half of the day when the digestion is stronger. You can also drink tea for digestion, such as ginger or spearmint teas. I drink such teas regularly. You can also massage the your torso to aid the digestion a bit, especially if it feels blocked or something.

Nausea and food coming up indicates the stomach qi is not descending as well as it should. This is just a minor imbalance, but it also shouldn't happen regularly. Start by spacing the meds a bit and take them before meals if you can. The other foods from the meal should balance the stomach and keep it from getting too upset.


Is the weakness you feel more on the front of the body or the back of the body? Hard to say what this is from. Do you have other symptoms as well, such as low willpower or irritation? Other symptoms can be back pain, knee pain, nerve sensitivity, sensitivity of the gums, hollow ache in the head.

If it was masturbation related, these symptoms would be felt in the hours afterwards. A 3-5 day interval should be plenty of time to where it should not be a problem. Going months on end is not feasible and not healthy to restrict it that much. If you want, you could try 7 days, although you may feel very horny by the end of it.

Below are some symptoms and the foods associated with healing them:

Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
I noticed something with I feel like food isn't being digested because I just slightly burped inside, and it felt like food came to my throat.

Will see how the stool would be , in the morning.


This could be from the meds or from something you ate, although I think the meds are more likely. However, did you always take the meds in this manner, or just now?

Sometimes the meds can upset the digestion a little if they are taken in large doses or on an empty stomach. Take them in the morning half of the day when the digestion is stronger. You can also drink tea for digestion, such as ginger or spearmint teas. I drink such teas regularly. You can also massage the your torso to aid the digestion a bit, especially if it feels blocked or something.

Nausea and food coming up indicates the stomach qi is not descending as well as it should. This is just a minor imbalance, but it also shouldn't happen regularly. Start by spacing the meds a bit and take them before meals if you can. The other foods from the meal should balance the stomach and keep it from getting too upset.


Is the weakness you feel more on the front of the body or the back of the body? Hard to say what this is from. Do you have other symptoms as well, such as low willpower or irritation? Other symptoms can be back pain, knee pain, nerve sensitivity, sensitivity of the gums, hollow ache in the head.

If it was masturbation related, these symptoms would be felt in the hours afterwards. A 3-5 day interval should be plenty of time to where it should not be a problem. Going months on end is not feasible and not healthy to restrict it that much. If you want, you could try 7 days, although you may feel very horny by the end of it.

Below are some symptoms and the foods associated with healing them:


Yes, Low will power and irritation. The pain is now is in the left kidney at the bottom where the stone is.. idk if it's out of the kidney, I don't know how big in length is a kidney. Maybe it's out of the kidney, in urectus whatever it is, that's why it is now aching mildly??? Because that last stone gave intolerable pain in that urectus area it was stuck there, lots of water helped it move down and flushed it out of the urine the very next day after pain. Because I had drunk way too much water that day , it's been month now since then. The other 3mm stone was in the lower pole of kidney. I think it is now moved out of the kidney so that's why it is aching.

But it is aching inside at the very bottom not exactly on the front. A day before that stone was flushed out next morning, I had a mild pain on the front at the bottom. But this is slightly to the left and kind of inside at the bottom. Maybe it's still in the kidney? It is aching because it is moving?

I thought the medication would help flush out or dissolve the stone , that's why I took it. But.....

Everyone says that the medicines degrade the kidney function. I'm worried :'(. I took that Neeri tablet for one month but I have skipped some days. Before taking medication I wasn't feeling this kind of weakness/low willpower in the kidneys.

WHAT TO DO NOW ! I wasn't going to take this medication but herbal only... But you said Neeri is fine...

Last night I wasnt feeling any pain but felt so weak, low willpower, nausea, uncomfortable, yeah very mild sharp ache in the left knee and leg I feel ,
I masturbated more than once at a time. 2-3 times. Two days ago.

And last night I went to bed at 12am, I'm sleeping late, maybe that's why i felt very very weak in the kidney...

Right now it's late evening, and I think I'm not feeling now like last night. But maybe I think, very mild feeling of weakness which I've not felt before since I started medication.

Can the stone create infection in the kidney? Maybe that's why the doctor also gave the anti biotic, I didn't take it, took only few times.
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Yes, Low will power and irritation. The pain is now is in the left kidney at the bottom where the stone is.. idk if it's out of the kidney, I don't know how big in length is a kidney. Maybe it's out of the kidney, in urectus whatever it is, that's why it is now aching mildly??? Because that last stone gave intolerable pain in that urectus area it was stuck there, lots of water helped it move down and flushed it out of the urine the very next day after pain. Because I had drunk way too much water that day , it's been month now since then. The other 3mm stone was in the lower pole of kidney. I think it is now moved out of the kidney so that's why it is aching.

But it is aching inside at the very bottom not exactly on the front. A day before that stone was flushed out next morning, I had a mild pain on the front at the bottom. But this is slightly to the left and kind of inside at the bottom. Maybe it's still in the kidney? It is aching because it is moving?

I thought the medication would help flush out or dissolve the stone , that's why I took it. But.....

Everyone says that the medicines degrade the kidney function. I'm worried :'(. I took that Neeri tablet for one month but I have skipped some days. Before taking medication I wasn't feeling this kind of weakness/low willpower in the kidneys.

WHAT TO DO NOW ! I wasn't going to take this medication but herbal only... But you said Neeri is fine...

Last night I wasnt feeling any pain but felt so weak, low willpower, nausea, uncomfortable, yeah very mild sharp ache in the left knee and leg I feel ,

If you suspect the stone is starting to move out, or if you think it is stuck somewhere, you should up your water intake and try to flush it. I think that is a good sign if it is moving, because maybe that means it is smaller than before and able to move into more areas. The area you describe could either be the ureter or lower kidneys, but hopefully it is out of kidneys.

All the medications, herbal and Neeri and lemon juice, help to dissolve the stone over time. I don't think one month on the Neeri tablet would cause significant damage, but if you think it might be starting to hurt, you should tell your doctor you want to just try the herbal treatments alone.

The stones can create infections if they get stuck somewhere and prevent the movement of urine. The kidney yoga will help this. Signs of infection would be a burning pain while urinating, as well as stinky urine. Also the pain in the organs would be a lot more than just a dull ache.

I think you should see what the results of the stone test are and judge what to do from there. That would tell you whether it is shrinking or not.


All the reasons you listed above can weaken the kidneys, such as the late sleep, excess masturbation, the stone bumping into stuff, etc. If I had to guess, I think the masturbating multiple times in one day put a strain on the kidneys which imbalanced you a bit. The kidney yang is also responsible for aiding digestion, so maybe that is why you felt nausea and upset stomach. You said it is getting better now, so that is good. It just sounds like a minor upset, but nothing that is permanent.


The noises you hear can be from stagnation or movement of liquids. If it doesn't hurt, I wouldn't be super concerned. You can try the yoga poses or general exercise to get the blood and whatever liquids moving.

The kidney yoga alone will boost the kidneys and prevent stagnation. Exercise will always help things and should be done as well. You should think of the kidney energy like a scale, where some things will take from it, and some things will boost it. You want to tip the scale with enough good things so it is gaining more energy than it is losing.


If you want to speed up the healing, I would suggest adding the Tibetan 5 Rites program to your routine. It is a very short (5-10 min) yoga that is yang in nature. It will be good for you especially, because it sounds like your body is more prone to yang imbalance than yin, but it will help the yin indirectly as well. This is a good yang-style yoga that HPS Maxine has said is good, as well.

The routine is 5 exercises that you start by doing 3 reps of each for 1 week, then you add 2 reps the next week, until you get to 21. The poses boost the whole body, such as the lungs/throat, digestion, and the last exercise works right on the kidneys. In my own experience, I have felt it give an energy boost to the kidneys, similar to what one would experience with holding an acupressure point.

I do this right when I wake up, then I do aura cleaning afterwards. Also, I don't know what you are doing with regular meditations, but you should do them if you stopped. I know your health and willpower was hurt, so it was probably hard to do them, but when you feel better you should do some basic things, such as clean the aura, spin the chakras a little, and inhale some energy.

This will boost the body significantly and provide more energy for healing. It will also make you feel better and happier, in general.


Lastly, I would recommend a simple acupressure point to hold for about 5 minutes. You should also hold this point when you feel symptoms of irritation, low willpower, etc, as I have felt relief from those symptoms with this point. See the image below.

Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Yes, Low will power and irritation. The pain is now is in the left kidney at the bottom where the stone is.. idk if it's out of the kidney, I don't know how big in length is a kidney. Maybe it's out of the kidney, in urectus whatever it is, that's why it is now aching mildly??? Because that last stone gave intolerable pain in that urectus area it was stuck there, lots of water helped it move down and flushed it out of the urine the very next day after pain. Because I had drunk way too much water that day , it's been month now since then. The other 3mm stone was in the lower pole of kidney. I think it is now moved out of the kidney so that's why it is aching.

But it is aching inside at the very bottom not exactly on the front. A day before that stone was flushed out next morning, I had a mild pain on the front at the bottom. But this is slightly to the left and kind of inside at the bottom. Maybe it's still in the kidney? It is aching because it is moving?

I thought the medication would help flush out or dissolve the stone , that's why I took it. But.....

Everyone says that the medicines degrade the kidney function. I'm worried :'(. I took that Neeri tablet for one month but I have skipped some days. Before taking medication I wasn't feeling this kind of weakness/low willpower in the kidneys.

WHAT TO DO NOW ! I wasn't going to take this medication but herbal only... But you said Neeri is fine...

Last night I wasnt feeling any pain but felt so weak, low willpower, nausea, uncomfortable, yeah very mild sharp ache in the left knee and leg I feel ,

If you suspect the stone is starting to move out, or if you think it is stuck somewhere, you should up your water intake and try to flush it. I think that is a good sign if it is moving, because maybe that means it is smaller than before and able to move into more areas. The area you describe could either be the ureter or lower kidneys, but hopefully it is out of kidneys.

All the medications, herbal and Neeri and lemon juice, help to dissolve the stone over time. I don't think one month on the Neeri tablet would cause significant damage, but if you think it might be starting to hurt, you should tell your doctor you want to just try the herbal treatments alone.

The stones can create infections if they get stuck somewhere and prevent the movement of urine. The kidney yoga will help this. Signs of infection would be a burning pain while urinating, as well as stinky urine. Also the pain in the organs would be a lot more than just a dull ache.

I think you should see what the results of the stone test are and judge what to do from there. That would tell you whether it is shrinking or not.


All the reasons you listed above can weaken the kidneys, such as the late sleep, excess masturbation, the stone bumping into stuff, etc. If I had to guess, I think the masturbating multiple times in one day put a strain on the kidneys which imbalanced you a bit. The kidney yang is also responsible for aiding digestion, so maybe that is why you felt nausea and upset stomach. You said it is getting better now, so that is good. It just sounds like a minor upset, but nothing that is permanent.


The noises you hear can be from stagnation or movement of liquids. If it doesn't hurt, I wouldn't be super concerned. You can try the yoga poses or general exercise to get the blood and whatever liquids moving.

The kidney yoga alone will boost the kidneys and prevent stagnation. Exercise will always help things and should be done as well. You should think of the kidney energy like a scale, where some things will take from it, and some things will boost it. You want to tip the scale with enough good things so it is gaining more energy than it is losing.


If you want to speed up the healing, I would suggest adding the Tibetan 5 Rites program to your routine. It is a very short (5-10 min) yoga that is yang in nature. It will be good for you especially, because it sounds like your body is more prone to yang imbalance than yin, but it will help the yin indirectly as well. This is a good yang-style yoga that HPS Maxine has said is good, as well.

The routine is 5 exercises that you start by doing 3 reps of each for 1 week, then you add 2 reps the next week, until you get to 21. The poses boost the whole body, such as the lungs/throat, digestion, and the last exercise works right on the kidneys. In my own experience, I have felt it give an energy boost to the kidneys, similar to what one would experience with holding an acupressure point.

I do this right when I wake up, then I do aura cleaning afterwards. Also, I don't know what you are doing with regular meditations, but you should do them if you stopped. I know your health and willpower was hurt, so it was probably hard to do them, but when you feel better you should do some basic things, such as clean the aura, spin the chakras a little, and inhale some energy.

This will boost the body significantly and provide more energy for healing. It will also make you feel better and happier, in general.


Lastly, I would recommend a simple acupressure point to hold for about 5 minutes. You should also hold this point when you feel symptoms of irritation, low willpower, etc, as I have felt relief from those symptoms with this point. See the image below.


Yes, I've been feeling mildly burning pain while urinating but only once or twice in the evening only. Weird. So it is starting to create infection???

Yeah it hurts mildly at night. Sometimes in day.
Today morning after breakfast I was kind of feeling the same weakness,low willpower, felt weakened in the kidneys area... Then I walked and walked.. it helped maybe.

So burning pain means it is creating infection???
It feels burning when I'm about to finish urinating. Right now I'm sitting and I think I feel little very slight burning sensation in the urine area in penis.

And, today I was feeling mild ache in the area between testicles and rectum/anus.. it is prostrate gland? I think it felt like it was enlarged...hmmm...

I should go see the doctor tomorrow again. It's been 3-4 days or a week since I stopped taking the prescribed medication.

Herbal medicine cannot act as an antibiotic I think or can it????

I have not been doing any kind of power meditation. Skipping kidney yoga too for days.

I'm afraid the prescribed medication will affect the kidneys negatively....
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:

By the way, the moon has now entered virgo (depending on time zone), so it is a good time for healing workings.
Can I do it tomorrow on Tuesday? I missed it today. Good or start it on Tuesday???

You can start it Tuesday, but only earlier in the day. You should check the Void of Course moon for your area and make sure it is not void beforehand. Even if you miss it, I would just start it anyway. Do something small that you can do every day. Doing 20x of SaTaNaMa while putting one breath in each syllable and going slow will take about 20 or 25 minutes.


If it is burning, it can possibly be an infection. That is one symptom. Burning pain is different from aching and would indicate more of an infection. Other symptoms include cramping or pain in the bladder and urges to urinate, urethral pain, dark/bloody urine, etc.

There are herbal medicines to aid antibiotics, however the medicines you are taking are not those.

Read this article on urinary infection for some natural remedies. One of them is D-mannose: didn't you list off D-mannose in one of the prescriptions you had? That would be good to take to prevent infection. Also, drinking lots of water will help.

I would take the medicines you need to take until the stone is gone. Once the stone is gone, then the risk of infection will be very small. Also, the kidneys will heal a lot quicker. Even if the medicines do a little damage now, it is all capable of healing later. Don't think it is permanent, especially with Satanism.


Don't worry if you skipped, but you should restart all those things because they will make you feel better and everything will start healing much quicker.

Be careful in the future with masturbating too much or multiple times in one session because you can see how it can drain your body pretty badly. Give it a couple more days and you should start feeling better again. Once your willpower is back, then you can start adding some of these other exercises and meditations again.

Check the status of the stone if you can. Just to repeat, don't worry about any minor damage caused by the medicines. I would just do what you need to do to remove the stone, then everything will heal and your health will stabilize.
Blitzkreig said:
sahasraraBliss666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
By the way, the moon has now entered virgo (depending on time zone), so it is a good time for healing workings.
Can I do it tomorrow on Tuesday? I missed it today. Good or start it on Tuesday???

You can start it Tuesday, but only earlier in the day. You should check the Void of Course moon for your area and make sure it is not void beforehand. Even if you miss it, I would just start it anyway. Do something small that you can do every day. Doing 20x of SaTaNaMa while putting one breath in each syllable and going slow will take about 20 or 25 minutes.


If it is burning, it can possibly be an infection. That is one symptom. Burning pain is different from aching and would indicate more of an infection. Other symptoms include cramping or pain in the bladder and urges to urinate, urethral pain, dark/bloody urine, etc.

There are herbal medicines to aid antibiotics, however the medicines you are taking are not those.

Read this article on urinary infection for some natural remedies. One of them is D-mannose: didn't you list off D-mannose in one of the prescriptions you had? That would be good to take to prevent infection. Also, drinking lots of water will help.

I would take the medicines you need to take until the stone is gone. Once the stone is gone, then the risk of infection will be very small. Also, the kidneys will heal a lot quicker. Even if the medicines do a little damage now, it is all capable of healing later. Don't think it is permanent, especially with Satanism.


Don't worry if you skipped, but you should restart all those things because they will make you feel better and everything will start healing much quicker.

Be careful in the future with masturbating too much or multiple times in one session because you can see how it can drain your body pretty badly. Give it a couple more days and you should start feeling better again. Once your willpower is back, then you can start adding some of these other exercises and meditations again.

Check the status of the stone if you can. Just to repeat, don't worry about any minor damage caused by the medicines. I would just do what you need to do to remove the stone, then everything will heal and your health will stabilize.

I started sun square yesterday on Tuesday but at the hour of Venus at 2pm. Does it matter??
I do it indoors in my room.

Now Im going to do it, it's night time. Good ??

I couldn't get the ultrasound... I'm goin tomorrow for it then visit doctor with the report.

Last night masturbated after 3-4 days I think. Then after a while oh I felt that same weakness in the kidney...low willpower for like 5-10 mins... Then slept.

I've been pressured to get married, a marriage proposal we have. But I'm going to reject it. Then idk what my future will be. I live in a country that thrives on family and traditions.

I don't feel like getting married but if I don't get married within next one year, it will be hard for me to get married then.

I want it and I don't want it.
I want it if it's a Satanic girl but then I have even more other conditions which I think will not be met.

But even if I manage to attract a SS girl, which I don't believe I will get one, then I think I'll be ready. But then again I think about the ritual I had done, monogamous relationship.

On succubus thread, I was told by fancymancy that the enemy can manipulate even in your dream with positive experiences too.

Then some weeks ago, I was half asleep , had just woken up in the morning, I had a thought in my mind "Get married" in my own language. It felt different if I remember...I didn't hear a voice but it was a thought. Maybe I was thinking about this matter in the night to get married or not to and then next day upon waking up I had this thought repeated.

My brain was half asleep when I got this thought. Maybe it's just my own mind.

Knowing my own nature in a monogamous relationship, I'm so strict in this case, so jealous, I think the succubus could be the same way, no?

So this discourages me to even start a working to attract a SS girl if possible without any strong intention and belief , desire.

It is giving me alot of stress and I'm stuck, not moving forward.
sahasraraBliss666 said:

I started sun square yesterday on Tuesday but at the hour of Venus at 2pm. Does it matter??
I do it indoors in my room.

Now Im going to do it, it's night time. Good ??

If you started it during a non-VOC time, then it should be fine. I am unsure for your timezone when exactly this is, but for me, 2pm Tuesday was not during a void moon. You should reference the Satanic calender, found here.

Last night masturbated after 3-4 days I think. Then after a while oh I felt that same weakness in the kidney...low willpower for like 5-10 mins... Then slept.

Yeah that is ok. As long as the effect on the kidneys didn't feel as bad as last time, then it means the kidneys are stronger than before, even if they feel a little weak. 3-4 days is enough time to recharge without overtaxing the kidneys. In time, you shouldn't feel any symptoms from it, as long as you keep the schedule. Once you start drastically increasing your bioenergy with other meditations and yoga, this can be shortened in frequency even further, but for now, stick to something that you know is safe, which is about 3 days.

I've been pressured to get married, a marriage proposal we have. But I'm going to reject it. Then idk what my future will be. I live in a country that thrives on family and traditions.

I don't feel like getting married but if I don't get married within next one year, it will be hard for me to get married then.

Why would it be hard to get married after a year? Is this based on your age? Remember that as you grow with your meditations, you will transform yourself into a higher value human being. I think this will keep your marriage prospects high, so I wouldn't worry too much about this 1 year time span. 1 year of time spent advancing will put you in the top quarter of men alone, let alone 3 years, or 5 years, and so on.

I want it if it's a Satanic girl but then I have even more other conditions which I think will not be met.

I think the girl being open to Satanism is really the main condition that needs to be met, because with Satanism, the girl can change anything about herself that needs to be changed. Henu the Great, here on the forums, was talking about how he was increasing his masculinity with a Mars mantra. A girl could also do a working to increase her femininity. There are many other examples of how spirituality can transform one's life, but the prerequisite for all of this Satanism. This is why it should be the main condition pursued.

You can do a working to attract a girl open to Satanism and compatible to you astrologically. I think it will be hard to find a girl that is actually already Satanic, let alone JOS-Satanic, but if you tune the working to find a girl most open to Satanism, then it should be pretty easy to convince her.

But then again I think about the ritual I had done, monogamous relationship.

Yeah, this can be a problem. If you did the working for a monogamous succubus relationship, then that is what you have gotten. If you also desire a human wife, then you will need to clear this up with Satan as soon as you can. Don't feel bad about asking him, because this is out of your control if you are not open. It would be very hard to communicate with the succubus.

On succubus thread, I was told by fancymancy that the enemy can manipulate even in your dream with positive experiences too.

Then some weeks ago, I was half asleep , had just woken up in the morning, I had a thought in my mind "Get married" in my own language. It felt different if I remember...I didn't hear a voice but it was a thought. Maybe I was thinking about this matter in the night to get married or not to and then next day upon waking up I had this thought repeated.

My brain was half asleep when I got this thought. Maybe it's just my own mind.

It is hard to say, unfortunately. The enemy likes to attack where you are weakest, so maybe this was not the case, unless you think your weak point is your marriage status. It may or may not have been a sign or your own mind. Just be open to anything else.

Knowing my own nature in a monogamous relationship, I'm so strict in this case, so jealous, I think the succubus could be the same way, no?
So this discourages me to even start a working to attract a SS girl if possible without any strong intention and belief , desire.
It is giving me alot of stress and I'm stuck, not moving forward.

If the succubus expects a monogamous relationship, then that is what they would want, and they may prevent you from finding a human partner. However, this relationship can also be broken off if you wish to pursue a human wife.

Don't be stressed, because this situation has a solution, and that is to clear this up with Satan so he can communicate your intentions to the succubus on your behalf. From there you will be able to attract a human SS girl in good faith.

Neither the succubus, nor Satan, wants this sort of stress or blockage for you, especially if it derails your life and your power meditation. You have to clearly communicate your intentions to them to resolve this, though, just like you would communicate anything with your human wife.
Blitzkreig said:

Got ultrasound report. The stone is now 3.5mm. It was 3mm in the beginning of November. The allopathy medicine didn't fucking help at all in dissolving it
I feel like visiting the doctor and slap his motherfucking greedy stupid face.

Does vitamin C deficiency can cause stone in kidney?
Can the deficiency be seen in blood test? If yes I'd go for it tomorrow.

Can sitting for hours or just sedentary lifestyle create stone? Yes??

I did move my body but not much.
I drank very little milk and ate some home made butter in last two days. But in small amount. Can it cause the stone?

Stone is probably made of calcium.

I feel so frustrated, disappointed and hopeless. Wasted one month.

What's the CAUSE.....

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
