Blitzkreig [TG]
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sahasrarabliss said:So I noticed it aches on the right side again while urinating or sometimes while sitting. Idk what to do staying at home. It requires physical activity too to remove the stone I think and prevent it from developing. I can just take a walk outside and come back home. No work.
Or I can do plank every hour for some minutes.
You will have to use your judgement here. Do you think it is an infection, or the stone? The stone should be being attacked by the yoga, lemon juice and other meds and what not. Any infection should heal on its own, but it isn't being directly treated by anything. It is up to you if you want to take the meds for it. There is a way to distinguish general kidney/bladder weakness from t
How does the urine look? Is it cloudy or overly smelly or dark? Do you have an abnormal urge to urinate? How does the pain feel during yoga? Does it get better or feel worse? If it gets better, it may be more of an energetic imbalance, as opposed to an infection.
Also, when you say right side, where do you mean exactly? Right side of the bladder or the lower back? Or right side of the whole torso?
Something I realized that would be good for your situation is cranberry juice or cranberries in general. Read about them on this page. It it said to treat both kidney stones and infections, as well as boosting both bladder and kidney energy. Sounds pretty good.
sahasrarabliss said:Hmm... A new problem now. Yesterday I was doing breath of fire and it kinda ached the left side where I think gallbladder is. I'm paranoid what if my vision in anxiety of gallbladder stone is realised? Or realising? Or it's just some muscle ache there at the bottom of liver... Bottom of right side ribcage.
Trying to be positive. Doing yoga and kidney stone yoga. I started drinking less water. Tired of it. Focused more on yoga and meditation.
Skipping medicine doses but taking ayurvedic medicine twice a day for renal calculus removal/kidney stones.
I think I can still Increase height by impressing the subconscious mind.
You mean streaming live with face cam??? Or chatting with others in chatrooms? I've been doing this since 16.
I mean I did the ritual for monogamous Succubus lover. Then after 2-3, nights I had two dreams. One of it seemed legit, real. Will ask Satan about this.
Void meditation. Visualising the reverse is difficult since my mind runs so fast. If I think of one positive thought, immediately a negative thought comes up.
I'm Gemini ascendant.
If it was a gallbladder stone you would be in a lot worse condition. Doing the normal yoga prevents against gallbladder stones and problems. If you get paranoid and visualize it as weak, remember to visualize it as healthy to counter any negative energy.
I don't know exactly what it is. Any minor pain that goes away shortly is nothing to be concerned about. The way to distinguish between organ issues and muscle pain is in the symptoms. Muscle pain should be localized and specific to the contraction of the muscle, whereas organ imbalance would produce a host of other symptoms. In the case of the gallbladder, notable symptoms include neck/shoulder pain, temporal headache, dizziness, any eye issues, digestion issues with fatty foods. If you have these in conjunction with rib pain, then you can start to suspect the liver or gall bladder.
I meant talking in chatrooms or some other online connections. Like I said, not perfect, but it should give you some sort of social connection.
When you mention that you did the ritual, especially for a monogamous lover, then the succubus could certainly be a factor in your human romantic relationships. Based on the dreams, it certainly sounded like it worked, so you should look into this situation.
That is normal for an airy person to have a racing mind, but that is exactly why you need to practice void meditation and also balance yourself physically. Don't worry about it not being perfect, just keep trying and your mind will get better at control. Airy people have lots of mental energy, but sometimes less physical energy, so to stay balanced you have to work on calming the mind and keeping physically healthy and nourished.
The yoga will help keep you balanced and grounded, as will a good, nourishing diet, with regular meals. Good sleep at the right times are also very important for staying grounded. Also, too much masturbation for a air-type person can also unground them, so it is important to find a proper frequency and stick to a more conservative interval. On the opposite side, people who are more earthy can tolerate more physical exertion and sex, but their mind can be slower.
It may seem like a lot of work, but once you are balanced, you will really start to shine. Also, once you get in the habit of things, it will just become second nature as to how to live your life properly.