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Joy Of Satan: Positivity In This World

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A lot of people seem to get a little disoriented here so I wanted to reiterate some things in regards to the Joy of Satan, it's teaching, and it's mission.

The Joy of Satan has been created from day one with the idea of making the world a better place, with the aim that people who want to wake up have everything available to do so in their disposal.

This involves positivity, advancement, and spiritual knowledge for all people. We want everyone to have access and the ability to apply what Azazel instructs: "Know Thyself".

Yet, why is this the most fundamental advice from Azazel, who as Apollo, said to the Greeks that is the most important advice to follow? Because of course, ignorance is the cause of almost all negativity in this world. By avoiding this as much as possible, we avoid "evil" itself.

For the above to never be allowed to happen, the Joy of Satan has certain opposition that hasn't opposed only us, but has burned people witches or destroyed the lives of those like Galilleo, or are founded upon keeping billions under mental confinement inside negativity and misery, and there are a lot of forces both of this world and institutions, that thrive on the misery of other human beings.

The enemy "religions", thrive on human misery and affliction. We are the exact opposite, and preach the opposite.

In our case, for us to promote our message, we have to be on a fighting stance in this point in time. That is not the original intent of this religion, and we don't spend all our time "at War" with the enemy.

The enemy's "faith" was created to be a "religion" of pure war: Destroy the Pagans, cast down their "Idols", slander "Satan", attack the "Demons", raze "Cities" - so on, so forth. They are nothing but a psychotic bunch of orcs that merely destroys and destroys, a testament approved by their own "Holy Book Of Testament". The mentality of this race of orcs that are human only in form, is manifest in the fact they never even had their own cities or Civilizations. They have only existed to produce ruins.

To understand the enemy, we have to understand, that the enemy capitalizes onto things that already exist in life: Negativity, misery, death, ignorance and so on. Without these, Christianity would have no reason to even exist. Islam is the same case. Remove ignorance from the masses, and there is no point to follow these anymore.

The Joy of Satan is based on the most Ancient set of spiritual knowledge on this earth. It provides internal management knowledge that will follow human beings even if we make it to other planets, or in all of our future.

We fight the above aforesaid negative forces, but we also fight their manifestations. One of this manifestation, is the enemy. The enemy brought themselves and created themselves in this way, in particular, for quick gains and to capitalize on the failing body of humanity.

The reason this occurs is simple: they become what they reap upon and promote into this world. Instead of focusing on positive things, they have become incarnations of what is negative and destructive. As if this was not enough, they are willfully barring other human beings from understanding anything, just because for their short term gain.

As the Gods have reiterated, the enemy is not native in this world. When one really knows the enemy, you start understanding, they are inhabited by something "Else". We could call this a spirit, other conspiracy theorists have called it "reptilian shapeshifters", or just purely "evil". No matter from which corner you want to look at the enemy, be this a close group of sociopaths or psychopaths, or something that you want to call "possessed by evil", or reptilian hybrids, or whatever of the sort, the main underlying factor is that they represent what we call as "evil".

Knowing they would be discovered, they reversed the notions of good and evil in our society for confusion. Today, the "Good" for survival has become exactly what was detrimental morally and legally in every past civilization.

Those that lie and cheat, or do damage to others, to lead badly, are rewarded greatly and loot humanity, and those who act benefically, experience major opposition or cannot exist properly. Evil is grown into this world, and this evil makes the existence of good harder.

For the enemy to achieve this, all the Ancient Culture that lead to proper goodness had to be removed and all it's notions had to be reversed. For example, Christianity preaches slavery to be great, or how it's great to never give any Justice.

Demon in Ancient Greek meant "Knowledgeable One" and "God", and now humanity is deceived to consider these enemies. Satan's Name is rooted in Ancient Sanskrit and Egyptian mystery, as a key word for empowering the soul and opening it up to True Realization, but recently we called this "Our Enemy" as a society.

Meditation has become penaltized and there are still many Muslims and Christians who consider it a work of the Devil, even if it's the only solution that was handed by the Gods so that we can deeply work in our problems, therefore becoming positive beings again instead of miserable failures that are dominated by negativity.

In regards to where all these reversals have gotten us, we have received chaos and negativity as a result collectively. We are living in a world where Truth has been reversed.

Despite of the condition of this world, we cannot spend all our time "Fighting" the enemy. In the sense that, fighting costs energy, and our energy is being created, because we are creative beings. We will therefore "Fight" only to an extent and only to a given time, yet at the same time, the core of the manifestation what makes the enemy's existence possible, has to also be addressed internally in our own souls.

Being in full awareness of natural flaws of humans, the enemy has worked on grief, failure, fear and everything else that keeps humanity on a lower level, to grow it. Fighting has to happen in the context that we don't forget what is good and proper, in a form that is balanced.

The enemy, on the other hand, is reliant on negativity and spreading of misery. Their books openly say they want perpetual wars, for human beings to burn, that everyone deserves eternal punishments forever for the most little misdeeds and so on.

The moment these will be removed from earth, the enemy will have nothing else to do, in the same way lions will keep existing in a reasonable safari region, but the fleas or ticks have no point to exist if it is not to parasitize lions. It's imperative for ticks therefore that Gentiles do not understand who these instigators are.

When we speak of Goodness and Positivity, we have to make up our minds in the explanations of our Ancestors. Many have falsely, AGAIN, perverted these with the notions of Christianity.

Christianity, used the above knowledge that all Ancient people had, and perverted it to no end. There is not a single thing from or claimed by Christianity, that has no original root in Ancient Pagan religions.

Eternal Life, the meaning of love, taking care of other people, all of these positive messages have been tarnished and destroyed, but worst of all, entirely reversed and taken fully out of their proper context or logic and common sense too.

For example, "goodness" is perceived as to turn your cheek to any offender, allow everyone and anything to do just about any crime, or allow yourself to be taken advantage of. That would be the full on definition of "utter evil" if you asked Epicurus or any other major Ancient Philosopher. That is the epitome of human injustice.

For other people in the LHP, who have reversed it, their most desirable way of dealing with life, has become that they become the opposite of the "Good", ie, harmful, nagging, negative, distanced, what have you.

Both of these approaches are part of the same lie and don't correspond to the meaning of real Goodness that I am reiterating about here.

Here, we are talking about balance, fairness, justice, love that bears fruit in contrast to indiscriminate foolishness, forgiveness that is based on true and permanent correction, respect that is gained out of good deeds and not out of fear, understanding that is based in consciousness of others and not due to lack of consciousness or "just because". When we speak about positivity, we are certainly not speaking about "Blissful ignorance" or full on escapism.

My work for years should explain the above and clarify it, with more clarification going on in the future. Many others have also understood and have successfully incorporated this into their understanding, becoming not only free people, but sensible people.

After these are understood, then inside your mind will happen a division between wrong and right. It is right to be compassionate for example, but not to enemies or indiscriminately.

Unavoidably, after this shattering of the mind is resolved, one will understand what the enemy is doing and where they stand, which is against us. But we do not exist to "Fight" them. In contrast to their culture which was created simply to antagonize "ours", our culture stands exclusive by itself. We existed way longer before they showed up, and will exist after their ugly head has been dealt with again.

When I tell people for example to have ultimate faith in the Gods, as I have implied, I mean the opposite of what the enemy religions say. In our Spiritual Satanism, your faith is the natural consequence of learning, application, or understanding this value system, or feeling the Gods in your life. In the enemy system, this is all about totally blind faith - nothing for nothing.

If the discourse and teaching of the Joy of Satan is applied onto the world, we will enter a world that has way more fairness, positivity, understanding between people, less needless wars and quarrels, and meaning when any of this mishaps does occur as the outcome of it.

Finally, the underlying reason the enemy even "exists", is because of inherent flaws in human beings that have been left unaddressed. Broadly, we call this "The Fall", a codeword for spiritual degeneration of the mind and soul. When humanity reverses "The Fall" in an ever growing number, the enemy will fall out of favor, become powerless, and eventually have the fate of a parasite that was left without blood to draw upon. That will be their true and final finisher, even worse than directly attacking them.

To make this even more descriptive, every moment you meditate and you advance, these creatures are throwing an existential tantrum, sort of like prison guards that see inmates coming to their senses and escaping from a prison of the soul and mind. When all inmates have escaped and they have built another land, the laws of the previous prison no longer apply and they are all left without a job.

Given also the fact one fights guards so that they and others might escape, can prove helpful, our mission as souls and a collective is not to spend all our time on these prison guards, but fight them effectively and as part of a greater plan so that as many as possible can escape. That is the reason to not "only" pick fights with creatures that are fully armed and are only looking for a fight, but are also feasting on this very negativity that is necessary to put them in their place.

The major purpose of Spiritual Satanism is to spread the Spiritual Knowledge and to reverse the fall of mankind, for as many souls as possible. We want humanity to rise again, in a very literal spiritual fashion.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very good post HP! Thank you! I was talking recently with my wife and a few friends about positivity and hate. We were talking about the fact that hate is not really the emotion that burns you up and sickens the body and mind. It's actually the lack of hope, sadness, extreme disappointment. Hate is the emotional phenomena when we or something that we love is under attack, therefore hate can make us, as a community mobilize and take measures to stop a threat. Implementing a solution which generates results is an accomplishment and a reason for happiness. You achieved safety again. What is negative is when you hate, but you are alone and incapable to solve a problem. This frustration, lack of hope can eat you up if you don't control it. I am working on some writings and I hope to get them ready by the end of the year or beginning of 2023. I would like to send you a copy just for safety when it's done. I don't want to publish anything at this time, but at a later time those kind of writings may be possible to publish.
As for this battle between negativity and positivity, it's something that you and HPS Maxine have talked. The field of Astrology I mean. Saturn staying in Aquarius until March 2023 is brutal. I see an exponential increase in depression and violence where I leave. The global jewish system is crushing our freedoms with wars, pandemics and energy crises. But there is something you and HPS Maxine have talked about that puts a smirk on my face and it's getting closer. That is the transiting Pluto in Aquarius that will be a long time starting with the ending of 2024, beginning of 2025. I noticed Pluto in Aquarius will give a preview/trailer somewhere March - June 2023 and retrograde for a while until the big transit. It's right after the Saturn phase we are going trough ends. It almost looks like a short counter reaction. Not necessarily physically, but maybe in the minds and should of people. Then 2024 - 2026 has Pluto in Aquarius followed by Neptune in Aries. 2024 also has some big countries like Russia and the US having elections. The outcome of this elections are not what interest me, but what those may trigger in the minds and bodies of people in the following months given what is happening in those countries now. And judging by the descriptions of those combinations it may even be the type of scenario where people achieve some gentile control, but with some very hard effort and possibly even violence. That Neptune especially looks brutal, but we will see. It may be interesting to watch, who knows maybe even a surge in the interest for meditation and spirituality will take place.
When reading this post, specifically the part about enemy "religions" making the world a vile place, this quote came to my mind.

“The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

I do believe it is very fitting, since the endless preaching of lies from Christianity has really embedded itself into the consciousness of the masses, given the enemy had a lot of power and sufficient time frame to brainwash the populace. But this has started to decline and they are getting more and more exposed and weaker every day.

It is for us to reverse this false notion that the world is bad and ugly and turn our fellow Gentiles back to the correct mindset, therefore exposing that it is not the world that is bad and ugly, just the Christians and their twisted enemy propaganda.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

It can take a good long stretch for a person to finally reach that point. When a persons been in defense mode for so long, it’s as if they’ve been trapped in ice. It feels good to really look people in the eye and mean what you say, and to truly listen, like hearing and seeing someone for the first time. Some people are slow burners. Sometimes people can waver between states, but once things are solid, they’re solid. Everything built on a solid enough foundation lasts forever, there’s no turning back any clocks.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Not only this. But the secret blessing of being forced to tolerate irritating and painful insects since birth, is learning to be patient and calm even under permenant discomfort. Totally stoic

We have the greys which are hungry and desperate for our energy 24/7 but they surely exist for a reason aswell, because if they exist then they are a part of a food chain. the life they steal and the victims they destroy eventually ends up somewhere. The universe has its own way of finding balance.


I get what you mean.

Unfortunately, much of this applies only to natural ecosystems. When it comes to human beings, we are too parts of natural ecosystem, but you can also make something that is completely excluded from an ecosystem. In the middle of the desert for example, it's not many frogs and so on that would eat fleas.

Similarly, if we make some killer machine like Terminator that has a form of "living" in it, it would not be part of any natural living chain. Greys for example are clearly disgusting and are not food or useful to anyone else, besides maybe those that enslaved them and are actively using them. Certainly they don't seem to help anyone else.
Thank you for this writing!

A few months ago I read about toxic people and toxic mentality. I examined my behaviour and my way of thinking, and I had to admit that I had a lot of toxic thoughts. Which I often generate unconsciously. But I try to recognise these unnecessary toxic thoughts and neutralise them. For example, I tell myself that I don't need them, they are not true things, they are just rubbish.
Since then, I have not been as gripped by sadness as before.

But it is not always easy. Especially in more problematic times. When I forget about it, I remember after a while what it's all about. And I try to sort out the emotional turmoil.

Hail Azazel!
As I read all of this, I always stop and reflect on the beautiful souls, here in Satan's domain, that have found the path. Keep being strong and brave, everyone.
HPS Shannon said:
As I read all of this, I always stop and reflect on the beautiful souls, here in Satan's domain, that have found the path. Keep being strong and brave, everyone.
Nice to see you again HPS Shannon! You are one of the beautiful souls here is Satan's domain.
HPS Shannon said:
As I read all of this, I always stop and reflect on the beautiful souls, here in Satan's domain, that have found the path. Keep being strong and brave, everyone.

I kept asking after you. Seems you abandoned the blacks. For real? Almost more than a year.
I can't think of any person wiser, smarter or kinder than HPHoodedCobra. Your sermons always help inspire me to no end. Knowing and listening to our true self is the key to identifying the sources of our habits and patterns. I find my late researching and hobbyist activities (creating digital music) affects my sleep and metabolism.

It goes without saying that frequent exercise and sleep are crucial to our well-being. As well, I suppose I could do with less coffee. I tend to be high-energy all the time though my body does sometimes feel sore and lethargic from poor sleep. It's kind of a hyper-active (or overtired?) feeling and I'm sure it won't be something I can maintain later in life. I eat obsessively clean (avoiding all fluoride, aluminum and virtually everything man-made/synthetic). I also walk a lot (relying on transit) and maintain a regular base-level job.

For some reason I love working around people and creating small talk even though these same people are NPCs, completely immersed in commercialism and materialism. I honestly feel sorry humanity as a whole and somehow bringing out inspiration/positivity in others regarding everyday things (family, pets, relations, interactions and experiences) makes me feel less nihilistic and more empathetic because many being misdirected and controlled are well-meaning regular people. As well, I have some hope that it might inspire others to discover who and what we (humans) originally were and are meant to be. The deepest and truest aspect of this is seemingly only for those few who open their minds enough to find this knowledge. I believe that a massive part of this is spiritual/intuitive.
John Lenon was killed after all and he was a half-truther inspiring people to peace and unity. Even so, this lead to the hippie movement in which the CIA introduced drugs into in order to quell retaliation against war.

I guess you could say I have a sort-of 'Jekyll and Hyde' paradox with optimism and pessimism. I enter flow-state and meditation throughout the day and early evening. Yet many nights I've been researching things like the black-eyed babies (and sightings of black-eyed children reported by people since the 50's). The whole genetically-modified borg AI world operated by machines that's being created is so blatantly obvious it's infuriating how people don't see it. All of such people have a complete lack of empathy and common sense.

I also have remarkably fast hand coordination (I do tons of cooking/dishes and keyboard typing outside work) and I love taking on challenges. Most everyone really likes me, sort of like Naruto (as some of you know and love, myself included). Life itself is a sacred and beautiful thing.

I read something interesting about the word man. I remember just a few years ago the word referred to everyone (mankind).

Etymology: Old English man(n), (plural) menn (noun), mannian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch man, German Mann, and Sanskrit manu ‘mankind’.

Wikipedia: In Old English, the word still primarily meant "person" or "human," and was used for men, women, and children alike.

I find it very telling that the first language that used this word is Sumerian. They are attacking "man" (humankind) by removing the true meaning of words through pseudo-activism and political correctness. This makes simple words like man-hole offensive and "needing alteration" (that was once reported). It's as though they are destroying the meaning of sex altogether.

Canada's corrupt leader even touched on the subject of "mankind" as seen here (36 sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItsGW1Nlm3c
Canada Dept of Health also couldn't offer a definition to what a male/female is (58 sec video): https://www.bitchute.com/video/zUeQW7tIBLY/

It's such a backwards and complex world. At times I think I'd be happier unplugging completely, yet at the same time so much is happening everyday that it can be impossible to keep up. I guess it's a matter of risk vs reward in which the reward (i.e knowledge) can alternatively be obtained psychically over time.

This makes it a far better long-term goal than the endless short-term tidbits of half-baked facts.

Anyway, sorry to go on a tangent again... moderation isn't easy when it comes to topics of profound interest. Thanks again for continuing to so brilliantly spread the most critical truths on how to thrive in a falling world.

Hail Satan!!
Manofsatan said:
HPS Shannon said:
As I read all of this, I always stop and reflect on the beautiful souls, here in Satan's domain, that have found the path. Keep being strong and brave, everyone.

I kept asking after you. Seems you abandoned the blacks. For real? Almost more than a year.

Abandoned? Really? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?

No one was abandoned. The fact that I took time to focus on my kundalini, life and career is not abandoning anyone. Despite Satanism, we all have our own lives and personal issues to deal with. I've always still been here and will never leave.
HPS Shannon said:
Manofsatan said:
HPS Shannon said:
As I read all of this, I always stop and reflect on the beautiful souls, here in Satan's domain, that have found the path. Keep being strong and brave, everyone.

I kept asking after you. Seems you abandoned the blacks. For real? Almost more than a year.

Abandoned? Really? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?

No one was abandoned. The fact that I took time to focus on my kundalini, life and career is not abandoning anyone. Despite Satanism, we all have our own lives and personal issues to deal with. I've always still been here and will never leave.

Happy to see you again HP Shannon.
Hi! Just would love to say that I love father Satan but can feel blocks in my pursuit to become closer to him due to Christian programing. I sometimes get scared and frustrated that Satan will leave me when having doubts about Satan and it makes me feel extremely guilty I love him at my core but when I even think 1 thought about the rotton evil holy spirit i feel sometimes spiritually off balance. I feel like I have to think about Satan all the time because I'm afraid he will leave! I see blue and green and light blue lights but it in darkness not light I also have seen an eye In the clouds looking at me! Which is cool! My main point is how do I stop worrying about the dedication ritual not being permanent and how do I overcome having to think bout it constantly? Thank you!
HPS Shannon said:
Manofsatan said:
HPS Shannon said:
As I read all of this, I always stop and reflect on the beautiful souls, here in Satan's domain, that have found the path. Keep being strong and brave, everyone.

I kept asking after you. Seems you abandoned the blacks. For real? Almost more than a year.

Abandoned? Really? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?

No one was abandoned. The fact that I took time to focus on my kundalini, life and career is not abandoning anyone. Despite Satanism, we all have our own lives and personal issues to deal with. I've always still been here and will never leave.

Good to see you :)
HPS Shannon said:
Manofsatan said:
HPS Shannon said:
As I read all of this, I always stop and reflect on the beautiful souls, here in Satan's domain, that have found the path. Keep being strong and brave, everyone.

I kept asking after you. Seems you abandoned the blacks. For real? Almost more than a year.

Abandoned? Really? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?

No one was abandoned. The fact that I took time to focus on my kundalini, life and career is not abandoning anyone. Despite Satanism, we all have our own lives and personal issues to deal with. I've always still been here and will never leave.

Glad to hear that. Your presence here is very much desired🖤💙
HPS Shannon said:
As I read all of this, I always stop and reflect on the beautiful souls, here in Satan's domain, that have found the path. Keep being strong and brave, everyone.

Nice to see you again. May Father Satan bless you Miss HPS Shannon .

Hail Satan
HPS Shannon said:
Abandoned? Really? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?

No one was abandoned. The fact that I took time to focus on my kundalini, life and career is not abandoning anyone. Despite Satanism, we all have our own lives and personal issues to deal with. I've always still been here and will never leave.
Welcome back, I also thought you left for good (not "abandoned" though). Is really encouraging to see that in this time you have been advancing spiritually and physically.
Nailed it!!⚡⚡ Brother HP Hooded Cobra666. You couldn't have said it any better. 🔥 Hail Satan!!🔥
I remember when I was younger and I asked a guy, who often talked to me about Christianity which means he knew enough, but did Jesus go around doing justice? .... and he replied, - Justice haha (as if I said something silly). He was going to give to the poor!
I asked myself, he giving the poor something to survive today and then tomorrow they return to poverty? This is not a good teaching because it does not solve the problem in the long term ... which I later understood to be the foundation of Christianity, it not teaches you or not gives you something or something good in the long term.
I am only worried about afterlife of my family. They are fully damaged by enemies. In afterlife , will we meet again? Worried about afterlife.
Darkspirit said:
I remember when I was younger and I asked a guy, who often talked to me about Christianity which means he knew enough, but did Jesus go around doing justice? .... and he replied, - Justice haha (as if I said something silly). He was going to give to the poor!
I asked myself, he giving the poor something to survive today and then tomorrow they return to poverty? This is not a good teaching because it does not solve the problem in the long term ... which I later understood to be the foundation of Christianity, it not teaches you or not gives you something or something good in the long term.

Now that's the light spirit 😂
Hello to alls members to joy of satan!!
I 'm a satanist dedicated to father satan for 3 months.
I would really like someone to tell me, what l Can Do to summon my guardian démon. ''Please help me''.
Fanboy said:
Darkspirit said:
I remember when I was younger and I asked a guy, who often talked to me about Christianity which means he knew enough, but did Jesus go around doing justice? .... and he replied, - Justice haha (as if I said something silly). He was going to give to the poor!
I asked myself, he giving the poor something to survive today and then tomorrow they return to poverty? This is not a good teaching because it does not solve the problem in the long term ... which I later understood to be the foundation of Christianity, it not teaches you or not gives you something or something good in the long term.

The foundation of Christianity is convincing people to give up their soul energy to some reptillians In the sky, In exchange for being spared torture in hell.

When you pray to the Virgin Mary you use the sacral chakra mudra to connect your sex chakra to the hebrew energy vortex.

When you pray to the nazerene you use the namaste mudra to connect your heart Chakra to the energy vortex.

And when you die your soul is goes through the enemy vortex and you spin around in circles while all your vital life essence is sucked out of you. Then when you're just a shell they incarnate you back into the earth to do it all again. Listen to a Christian or a Muslim talk, they are a shell. They talk love love love but the second you refuse to bow down they go into rabid dog mode. They are one dimensional ultra predictable creatures with no free will at all.

You live a life without virility or any real power. And your heart is artificially connected to a worthless lord that steals all your energy and jerks you around leaving you obedient, without logic or genuine human connection. Jesus said anyone who loves his mother or father more than me is not worthy of me. A slave doesn't obey his parents he obeys his master.

The hebrew "god" wants you to be a slave. Number 1 rule of keeping slaves is that you can't let them develop trust for one another. You have to keep them on edge and willing to sell eachother out for special privilages or a chance to be spared from punishment.

Thanks to the in-depth article, however, I already knew most of what you said only that, since most of them here are aware of the truth (first you study the site then you interact on the forum) I had compressed my thoughts enough and not I have added many explanations ... Christianity does not teach you anything or anything good, this leads to absolute limitation, this limitation in turn leads to slavery and brings very low beings.

Then we know that "love" that is mentioned in the bible does not mean love but is used to reach their goals without being understood by believers, then addiction is also included in my example, because if you give a good, money or even a miracle to someone, this someone does not know how to do it tomorrow and therefore is addicted to the slave owner (it gives you nothing in the long term).

Which is exactly what the foundation of Christianity/catholicism is. The reptillians in the sky turned us into vile, greedy little savages and robbed us of all our best qualities. They cut us off from our natural ability to even be born. in the same way that you must not let cattle give natural unassisted birth.
You have to keep them dependant on you, and make sure they value human care above that of their own mother. The jewish doctors actually do the same thing, forcing women to lie down for 10 + hours of labour when everyone knows, that progesterone is a natural muscle relaxer and makes a woman's muscles weak and soft and stretchy, unable to push or lift anything. Any actual midwife knows that you have to let the woman squat and let gravity do the work while the husband catches the baby. it takes 45 seconds if the woman is relaxed enough. And you have to be particular not to wipe the protective mucas off the babies skin, and not cut the umbilical cord until it visably stops pumping blood. The baby has to stay in the mothers arms no exceptions, being exclusively breastfed until he gets some teeth..And the only other man to touch it should be the father's hands, maybe an aunt or grandmother.

I was not very informed on this, thank you.

Instead we are born through painstaking vagina splitting labour, our mothers resent us and constantly hold this over our heads and complain about the pains of motherhood instead of the joys. And after we are born from pain, our fathers hand us over to a jew doctor to cut our penis skin off with a small knife. as we scream and cry and the first thing we learn about life is that we deserve torture and nobody will help us. Marking us as slaves not meant to even find pleasure in women. Then we are kept separated from our mother and stuck in a plastic box while our parents go home leaving us at the hospital, until the hospital gives us a call, granting us the legal right to go back and pick up our own living breathing flesh and blood. People have become so brain dead and enslaved its really sickening.

A jew named Willie lynch explained these are all important steps in breaking and domesticating animals, and dehumanizing a slave into a piece of property whose only purpose is stimulating the economy. Realistically all jews should be subject to black magic justice and their souls destroyed for what they have done. But they own the hearts and the sex energy of our people. So they are sexually preferred, and their cries ring louder than the cry of our own people. If master cries for help you come running, but when master whips you, everybody stands still hoping they aren't next. They own the banks that make our money that the world runs on, they own all the real estate and land, All the lumber, all the steel, and have stakes and shares in every manufacturing company that exists. Since the holy Roman empire of Constantine 1500 years ago They have built up an insurmountable empire of wealth and spiritual power. Implementing jewish usury laws stating that only jews had the right to lend and hoard gold, slave trade exclusivity clauses giving only jews the right to trade slaves between Christian and Muslim nations, making them the middle man in all slave trade for over 1500 years. They developed a caste system that stated only gods chosen people could become clergymen, only clergy could learn to read and write, only those could achieve education, and only the educated men could become lords of the land.. And so through the holy Roman empire built on the foundation of free and beautiful Pagan civilization, the jews set themselves up to be the Supreme masters over a human race forcefully kept illiterate, ignorant, and desperately begging for money and food, as the most beautiful women were claimed by the lords of the land as their wives. Everyone else was damned to a life of servitude and serfdom to the jews. If we tried to escape and rise above this misery using witchcraft and our natural spiritual powers. Our own townsfolk would turn against us in jealousy and burn us alive if we were lucky. If we were unlucky we would be taken by the church and raped and tortured until we gave a confession and renounced the Pagan gods. Once our souls were black with their worthless energy and our spirits were broken, they would take us back into town and command our own neighbors to stone us or burn us over a bonfire. Anyone who fought back was slain by the kings knights who would do literally anything to keep their position. In the same way that we have corrupt cops, these ones were given a license to kill from God. (Lol)

Christianity rules your sex, your heart, your life and your afterlife, taking away all freedom of choice and leaving you with the fear of God in your heart for the rest of your life. Literally praying down on your knees "Oh Lord please have mercy on me" "I'm one of the good ones who obeys you good massa Jesus, pleasa don't send mes to hell!" It's kind of like Communism but of course Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin were sons of rabbis, classically trained in the oral treading of the talmudic interpretation of the Torah. Even stalins real surname джугашвили means "son of a rabbi"

if you're a good cattle all your life and in your death they let you live relatively peacefully. Christianity abuses our natural human desire to obey something. Which is exclusively a feminine sexual desire and not at all a man's nature. As someone so eloquently put it. "we JUST CAn't igNORE THE overWHELMING need to OBEY!" LOL :lol: :x

Christianity was built on a foundation of human weakness. mainly the desire to worship and serve. Which was meant to be for our true love and serves us right back as love is a gift not only to recieve. but to give... it makes the world a better and more beautiful place than if humanity were to be selfish creatures that only believed in making measured exchanges for our own benefit. With love we can give our all to someone and if we are lucky we can get it back too.

And so even if we leave Christianity we are deathly afraid of and revolted by the idea of worshipping anything else again. Which is sad because the Gods are sexy and powerful and totally deserve to be worshipped. Not that they ask for worship but it's just a shame to create a whole planet full of people and none of them even want to talk to you.


Imagine you made a baking soda volcano for your class and you were so proud to show everyone, you were going to keep it on the top shelf of your dresser forever. But the other kids presented their volcanoes and after they were done they just threw them right in the trashcan. Your volcanoes sees this and instead of doing an awesome volcanoe explosion for you. He just refuses and embarrasses you infront of all your friends because he thinks you are a selfish creator just like all the rest who just sees him as useful now, trash later.

It's a dumb analogy but you get my point, we are made to believe that anything that resembles a God has just created us to give them our all and then die like slaves.. But in reality our gods actually cherish us and want to watch us grow. They find pleasure in cultivating living things and seeing them thrive. And even while we worship them and see them as our spiritual masters and teachers. They literally gifted us a whole planet and the right to rule ourselves. they aren't overbearing and oppressive constantly hovering over us demanding obedience. They created us with free will, meaning we can defy them, hate them or even attack them if we wanted. And the vast majority of people do. This proves we are not slaves, And that our gods actually respect us.

They give us space and time and everything we need to succeed. And they give huge rewards all we have to do us take them. By simply doing the dedication ritual we are given a literal connection to satans own golden soul, his protection and his assistance in everything we do, and audience with him if we ever need his help. He always comes through for us, even if he can't save our lives he takes great care of us if we meet with disaster.

For this way that the Gods provide for us and truly care for us as if we are their own valued children, I can humbly and honestly call Satan My father and my lord, not like a Christian slave, but as a hand chosen warrior who wants to be my strongest and most beautiful self for my immortal king.
Hubert junior said:
Hello to alls members to joy of satan!!
I 'm a satanist dedicated to father satan for 3 months.
I would really like someone to tell me, what l Can Do to summon my guardian démon. ''Please help me''.

In my opinion it is a bit early to be able to perceive it, work a little on your openness and cleanliness for the moment and study on the site (where you will find many answers to your questions), then better make the questions if you have in the questions section.
Manofsatan said:
Darkspirit said:
I remember when I was younger and I asked a guy, who often talked to me about Christianity which means he knew enough, but did Jesus go around doing justice? .... and he replied, - Justice haha (as if I said something silly). He was going to give to the poor!
I asked myself, he giving the poor something to survive today and then tomorrow they return to poverty? This is not a good teaching because it does not solve the problem in the long term ... which I later understood to be the foundation of Christianity, it not teaches you or not gives you something or something good in the long term.

Now that's the light spirit 😂

I'll tell you another one ...
Another, while we were talking about religion and other said to me, I am sorry for my parents that they will not save their souls when they die, since they were Muslim and he was a Christian, and in his head (I have the ticket to heaven... I think ... maybe)
While I (ahh lucky you who "saved yourself" without lifting a finger for life)
For those reading this, hear me... I'm pessimistic right now, I've been pessimistic for at least a decade... However, my pessimism is a byproduct of learning about all the evils committed by the Jews and their programs Christianity and Islam, along with the fact that the Jews are in control of pretty much every civilization. For a time, I made my own website that tried to expose the Jews, but in 2018, it got taken down for "hate speech." I kind of fell into a stupor for a brief time. Only my brother's optimism pulled me back.

Once this "crisis" started, I got suspicious... And when I learned that the vaccines they've offered have actually killed and actually covered up the causes of death, I started avoiding it like the plague. I know this might sound off-topic, but recently, I've come to this realization in regards to business as I ask myself this question: Why are business-people supposed to care about the emotions of their audience and customers when they use them as pawns on a chessboard? I strongly believe the Jews are the most pronounced example of what I described, given they want control of everything and no opposition. The masses cannot imagine such a scenario where they, the customers/audience, have their emotions exploited and are played like chess-pieces. I want to think otherwise, but considering what's happening now and what the Jews demonstrated, every customer, audience, and patient is but a pawn in the colossal (jewish) chessboard of business.

I ran a kitchen knife through a bible in front of a synagogue in February. It was fucking cathartic to (metaphorically) take a piss on the bible. Gave me more relief than a thousand motivational quotes people see on both TV and online. I'm not above doing the same thing to a Koran. I wish people would run a knife through bibles and korans. They're vile books with context that preachers try to sugarcoat. Their spirituality is just... plagiarism.

It's baffling that the masses still fail to realize that the "pandemic" and the whole economic collapse is caused by the Jews through the very churches and mosques they visit every Sunday. Do people here consider that irony?

Curse the Churches!
Curse the Koran!
Curse the Synagogues!
Curse the Jews and their sheep!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I agree that we are primarily beings of creation, but I’m not so sure we should be shying away from or having some kind of aversion to destruction. Satan is Shiva and He has always been known as “The Destroyer”. So it’s not like destruction itself is a bad thing. There will always be a need for people who can channel such a force in positive ways.
Darkspirit said:
Manofsatan said:
Darkspirit said:
I remember when I was younger and I asked a guy, who often talked to me about Christianity which means he knew enough, but did Jesus go around doing justice? .... and he replied, - Justice haha (as if I said something silly). He was going to give to the poor!
I asked myself, he giving the poor something to survive today and then tomorrow they return to poverty? This is not a good teaching because it does not solve the problem in the long term ... which I later understood to be the foundation of Christianity, it not teaches you or not gives you something or something good in the long term.

Now that's the light spirit 😂

I'll tell you another one ...
Another, while we were talking about religion and other said to me, I am sorry for my parents that they will not save their souls when they die, since they were Muslim and he was a Christian, and in his head (I have the ticket to heaven... I think ... maybe)
While I (ahh lucky you who "saved yourself" without lifting a finger for life)

Such unlucky parents with a special child 😂
Hubert junior said:
Hello to alls members to joy of satan!!
I 'm a satanist dedicated to father satan for 3 months.
I would really like someone to tell me, what l Can Do to summon my guardian démon. ''Please help me''.

Here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
