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JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

ciao everyone, I don't know if it has already been reported, while I was checking the translation of an Italian SS I saw this "bug", but i don't know if this is actually a bug or not:

Divination by elements

go to section "divination by air"
we have two "2" points on the list, so both should be merged in one "2" or the second of "2" becomes third, so the third becomes the 4th, and so on?
Grazie and ciao

Moon in 8th house there is a spelling mistake
There is a need for financial security and support coming from the marriage partner. Because the Moon rules the family and the eighth (hose)is the house of death and ...
important for their relationships.( They are not are not very romantic). They show love in the way of doing things for you, taking care ...

Are not are not ×2

I don't know who eddited the JoS again but there are a lot of spelling mistakes that i never saw before.

In Cancer
These people are born (Worriers), they often hold their anger inside and can have stomach trouble from this such as ulcers. When the anger is expressed, it is often ...
Neptune in Pisces
We are now going into Aquarius. Preceding every age, (often there is often) a great catastrophe and a loss of life...

One Wire Phenomenon said:
I don't know who eddited the JoS again but there are a lot of spelling mistakes that i never saw before.

In Cancer
These people are born (Worriers), they often hold their anger inside and can have stomach trouble from this such as ulcers. When the anger is expressed, it is often ...

Neptune in Pisces
We are now going into Aquarius. Preceding every age, (often there is often) a great catastrophe and a loss of life...


important for their relationships.( They are not are not very romantic). They show love in the way of doing things for you, taking care ...

Are not are not ×2



Moon in 8th house there is a spelling mistake
There is a need for financial security and support coming from the marriage partner. Because the Moon rules the family and the eighth (hose)is the house of death and ...
Thank you, those mistakes will be fixed.

However, I'm curious what you mean about these being new errors. They've been around for years, since 2013 according to the archive:
For the money working on this page, the working starts by talking about breathing in gold but then suddenly mentions green and then goes back to gold. I will now quote the page to show you the specific place it occurred.

Breathe in as you would for the Energy Meditation; from all sides of your body at the same time, the color gold. A bright, rich vibrant gold, like the sun. This should be done while in as deep as a trance as possible. While breathing in the green and brightening your aura with it affirm:
"I am breathing in powerful energy that is attracting me a lot of free and easy money in a very positive way. This money is free and all mine to keep." Say this several times while you breath in the gold.

I believe that this originally had green but then it was found that gold attracts better and more so it was changed to gold but the one incident I mentioned still has green by mistake. So it's supposed to be gold right? I just wanted to confirm if this is indeed the the case. And if it is then a request for it to be corrected.

It is:
5. Recite a Satanic rosary, with the seed mantra for the Sun, as this will reinforce the working and burn away any further attempts at reattachment.

I think it should be:
4. Recite a Satanic rosary, with the seed mantra for the Sun, as this will reinforce the working and burn away any further attempts at reattachment.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I don't know who eddited the JoS again but there are a lot of spelling mistakes that i never saw before.

In Cancer
These people are born (Worriers), they often hold their anger inside and can have stomach trouble from this such as ulcers. When the anger is expressed, it is often ...

Neptune in Pisces
We are now going into Aquarius. Preceding every age, (often there is often) a great catastrophe and a loss of life...


important for their relationships.( They are not are not very romantic). They show love in the way of doing things for you, taking care ...

Are not are not ×2



Moon in 8th house there is a spelling mistake
There is a need for financial security and support coming from the marriage partner. Because the Moon rules the family and the eighth (hose)is the house of death and ...
Thank you, those mistakes will be fixed.

However, I'm curious what you mean about these being new errors. They've been around for years, since 2013 according to the archive:
The Dagr/Dagaz Rune corresponds with the Word trump of the Tarot.

It should be the World not word.
video link does not work
In this link at sentence number 8 I believe there is a spelling mistake. "On the opposite side is a cartouche, depicting a scarab with a ball above it. Directly beneath the cartouche appears to be (readiating energy), the lines.


Should it be radiating or is readiating correct?
In the Demons section high ranking Gods of Hell there is a missing link about Mammon

"Mammon is a generic epithet of Ammonas or Mammonas Zeus, related to the kingship and power of Zeus. There is no such "distinct Demon". Zeus Ammonas from which Mammon arose, is Lord Zeus [Beelzebul], a top hierarchy God in the Ancient Greek Pantheon. Mammonas Zeus was the aspect of Zeus that had to do with worldly wealth and riches. (Click here to read more). " -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The images in the link of Berith don't work
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone of our SS,

I am writing this because the JoS needs to be edited. I think the best way to do this [the volume is simply insane] is for us to go and find the link with a mistake, and then post it here, and then we'll get in and fix what needs to be fixed.

To note, this is not to fix things that need updating, but solely editorial. Grammar mistakes, syntax mistakes, the list goes.

Anyone who finds a mistake, broken link, or anything of the sort, please post below. This way we will be able to fix things in due time. The JoS main has to be immaculate and without any said errors.

Thank you all.

In The Necronomicon Meditations, The solar chakra is asked to be pointed up. But it should be pointed down.

Under the Necronomicon solar chakra meditation,
"2. Focus on your solar plexus chakra and visualize it spinning. Make sure it is aligned properly, point up."

Should be pointed down instead.
Hello everyone, I'm from Brazil, and probably my translation from Portuguese to English will not be very good, I ask for your understanding, these days I was reading the articles on the website joyofsatan.org and I went to read Satanic Symbols by clicking there was two pictures missing THE GOAT option HEAD or GOAT MAN as the site had errors in these two photos I wanted to know which photos were with errors so I'm going to search the internet archive to find out if these two photos were on some saved sites so I found them on

I would like to ask you to post these two photos on your main site joyofsatan.org
"Demonology Section: How To Summon Demongs / Gods Of Hell"
https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angeDemonology Section: How To Summon Demongs / Gods Of Hell"

I don't ever remember reading DEMONGS before
स त न म said:
For the money working on this page, the working starts by talking about breathing in gold but then suddenly mentions green and then goes back to gold. I will now quote the page to show you the specific place it occurred.

Breathe in as you would for the Energy Meditation; from all sides of your body at the same time, the color gold. A bright, rich vibrant gold, like the sun. This should be done while in as deep as a trance as possible. While breathing in the green and brightening your aura with it affirm:
"I am breathing in powerful energy that is attracting me a lot of free and easy money in a very positive way. This money is free and all mine to keep." Say this several times while you breath in the gold.

I believe that this originally had green but then it was found that gold attracts better and more so it was changed to gold but the one incident I mentioned still has green by mistake. So it's supposed to be gold right? I just wanted to confirm if this is indeed the the case. And if it is then a request for it to be corrected.

Both is not rong, I think best is green with shimmering gold)

Money, fertility, abundance, material gain, wealth, healing, communication with nature spirits, anti-inflammatory. Venus rules green- Love, making love, (affectionate; red is for lust/sex), fidelity, reconciliation, beauty, youth, friendships, attraction, harmony, financial gain, earnings increases, social functions, possessions, riches, indulgence, pleasure. Good for beginnings and growth. Venus rules green- Abundance, fertility, success, general good luck, harmony, immortality, generosity, material gain, renewal, marriage, balance and healing. Green rules the heart chakra.

Great Fortune, intuition, understanding, divination, fast luck, financial benefits. I believe gold attracts larger sums of money (use green with shimmering gold for money meditation.) Gold is used for healing, happiness, authority, reputation, honor, and personal power. Use gold for confidence, fame, success in gambling, pleasure, securing popularity/charisma, increasing health and vitality, healing, protection, success, and magickal power.

Gold is one of the most powerful of the colors. Satan has a golden aura. Gold is the color of the Sun, and is of the element of fire. In Satanic alchemy, gold represents the perfection of the soul. Both the colors gold and white-gold are seen all over in the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, in the temples and pyramids. Gold is the color of riches and power."


https://kabbalahexposed.com/KabbalahJHVH.html (1 picture of 2)


The above are the pages that cannot load pictures aswell.


""Holy Ark. This name is a reference to the ’ārōn haqqōdeš, the Hebrew name for the Ark of the Covenant which was stored in the Holy of Holies in the inner sanctuary of both the ancient Tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem. Similarly, Hekhál, also written hechal, echal or heichal — and sometimes also Echal Kodesh (mainly among Balkan Sephardim) comes from Hebrew [hēkhāl] ‘palace’, was used in the same time period to refer to the inner sanctuary. The hekhal contained the Menorah, Altar of Incense, and Table of the Showbread."[2]"

Some of the words and letters seem off.

The background is diferent than all the other pages on the website
5th Paragraph
Some Demons come around and like to play. (One time when was at work), a coworker showed me a photo of his girlfriend. I felt a Demon enter me and he said to me "go ahead". I began reading her. The co-worker was surprised at my accuracy. Of course, this was my Demon friend speaking through me.

I think there should be a I
ogika666 said:
hello, i translated the RTR page for people of ex yugoslavia.


hail satan
Thank you! If you have time, could you please translate the full 3-in-1 Final RTR? Here is the template I made to make it easier:

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=319754 time=1643258366 user_id=346]
ogika666 said:
hello, i translated the RTR page for people of ex yugoslavia.


hail satan
Thank you! If you have time, could you please translate the full 3-in-1 Final RTR? Here is the template I made to make it easier:

We already have all RTRs translated for ex-yu website.
Serbon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=319754 time=1643258366 user_id=346]
ogika666 said:
hello, i translated the RTR page for people of ex yugoslavia.


hail satan
Thank you! If you have time, could you please translate the full 3-in-1 Final RTR? Here is the template I made to make it easier:

We already have all RTRs translated for ex-yu website.
Very good then! (I haven't had time to keep up with all the translations going on.)
I think it would be good if we added on JoS some of the texts from old website of ex HP Jake Carlson:
Hello , i have found a solution to the problem that causes the ex-yu characters to glitch to some random other characters, making the words unrecognizable.




Solution to the problem:

The cause of this problem is beacuse the meta charset of the site is windows-1252 , single-byte character encoding of the Latin alphabet that does not include ex-yu languages, we can easily fix this by replacing the encoding with UTF-8.

gif video of solution:
5. Keeping your thumb on your right nostril, inhale through your left nostril for a count of four, hold for a count of six, switch your thumb to your left nostril, and exhale through your right nostril for a count of four.

Inhale through left
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through right
Inhale through right
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through left

The above constitutes one round.

if I'm correct, we should inhale through right nostril after step 5 instead of left

5. Keeping your thumb on your right nostril, inhale through your left nostril for a count of four, hold for a count of six, switch your thumb to your left nostril, and exhale through your right nostril for a count of four.

(I mean here)

Inhale through left
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through right
Inhale through right
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through left

The above constitutes one round.

if I'm correct, we should inhale through right nostril after step 5 instead of left

Slightning666 said:
5. Keeping your thumb on your right nostril, inhale through your left nostril for a count of four, hold for a count of six, switch your thumb to your left nostril, and exhale through your right nostril for a count of four.

Inhale through left
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through right
Inhale through right
Hold at the end of the inhale
Exhale through left

The above constitutes one round.

if I'm correct, we should inhale through right nostril after step 5 instead of left

No, it is correct. By changing it there would be inbalance in the pattern.

In the next examples, there is an apostrophe at the beginning or at the end that is missing:




For the last picture above, I think there shouldn't be a space between those two, since it's the same citate.

Other mistakes:


(were instead of where)

(jews are a race, not just a nation)

There should be ":" insted of ","


There is one dot that isn't needed
Adolf Hitler: Man of Peace


Apostrophe at the beginning of the sentence, not at the end.



"." should be ":"



"achieves" should be "archieves"
Demons, the Gods of Hell

The subsection title:
"Demonology Section: How To Summon Demongs / Gods Of Hell"

Demongs -> Demons
Genocide IS and Always Has Been a Jewish Ideal

Apostrophe at the end doesn't exist


This apostrophe shouldn't be here, since it's not a citation


Apostrophe at the end doesn't exist
Hiroshima & Nagasaki: A Jewish Experiment


This apostrophe shouldn't exist since this sentence isn't a citation, there also is no apostrophe at the end


No apostrophe at the end


There is no apostrophe at the beginning
Bombing of Dresden: An Act of Genocide


No apostrophe at the end of the citation


There shouldn't be apostrophes at the beginning and at the end of this sentence, since the whole parapgraph is one citation.


"Sicherheits- und Hilfsdienst" insted of "Sicherheitsund Hilfsdienst"

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
