-Steps 4-11 have a hyphen (-) at the end of the name of the step; whereas steps 1-3 have a colon
). These should all be uniform, whichever you (HP Cobra) decides is best.
-Step 2, there should be a period at the end of the line under the step name. (To circulate the element of water after circulating fire )
-There should be a space between the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs; OR, remove the break so it runs as one paragraph. Immediately after "Four Crowned Princes of Hell during ritual."
-The paragraph to the left of the Baphomet has a break after the second line/sentence. This should be removed so it runs as one paragraph.
-This paragraph is smaller font than the rest of the page, and should be adjusted to remove the breaks so it runs as one paragraph; OR double-space it so they are each separate lines:
"The energy uptake of each chakra is at the wide end and the energy output is at the point, also known as the 'bindu.'
So it would stand to reason that the chakras such as the third eye [DO NOT confuse this with the sixth chakra, which is BEHIND the third eye] need to have their wide ends facing outwards to absorb energy.
This definitely includes all of the minor chakras. You will find that after aligning your chakras correctly, you will feel more centered and healing and spellworking will come more easily. "
-The paragraph to the right of the picture with the heart shape on the face, is smaller font than the rest of the page.
Step 2 in method 1, the font is smaller than the rest of the page.
-2nd paragraph, there should be a space after the 3 dots, before the next word (feeling tingly...all of)
-At the end, the copyright has random symbols in front: � Copyright 2007
-Optional, perhaps it should be stated that rosaries do not need 108 beads, that they can in fact have other numbers the user wishes to have.
-In the 1st paragraph, there is a break after "Spend a few minutes with each one.", it can be separated (double spaced) into 2 paragraphs, there is enough room on the page to have it so.
-At the end, there is an unnecessary quotation mark: upon the exhale." The quotation mark should be removed.
-The title, Opening the Soul, is twice, one above the other. You will see it clearly, remove one.
-2nd paragraph under the list of red links of chakras. There is a break but no double space above "These meditations produce ". And then after, "Void meditation is highly" can be moved to that new paragraph, so remove the break before it. Or double space it so it is it's own paragraph.
-At the bottom of page, the copyright has random symbols: © Copyright
-The 1st paragraph, font is smaller than the rest.
-5th paragraph down (the long paragraph), there needs to be a closing quotation mark for this sentence: "one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four...
-Power meditation, strengthens our thoughts. Comma should be removed. Otherwise I'm not correcting a lot of commas in sentences as it is HPS Maxine's style of writing/speech, which should be upheld to keep the JoS in her words instead of like a robot, as a lot of "professional" writings read.
-For the 2nd bullet in the list, there is an accidental break in a sentence, moving "or "Say- Tahn- Nah- S-S-S-S."" below the rest of the sentence.
-Perhaps, for the 3rd bullet in the list, it can include a little note to clean the aura after focusing on negative emotions for this exercise: The text is "Focus on a specific emotion- anger, happiness, sadness, love, hate. You can choose an emotion going by how you feel on a specific day. This is excellent training for advanced ritual. "
-4th paragraph, there is a break and no double space. Right before/above "Synesthesia may happen with your first sound meditation or with practice".
-Near the bottom, second paragraph up. There is a break but no double space: "Obviously sexual activity could not be prohibited," either make this a new paragraph or remove the break before it to run with the previous paragraph.
-Steps 4-11 have a hyphen (-) at the end of the name of the step; whereas steps 1-3 have a colon
-Step 2, there should be a period at the end of the line under the step name. (To circulate the element of water after circulating fire )
-There should be a space between the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs; OR, remove the break so it runs as one paragraph. Immediately after "Four Crowned Princes of Hell during ritual."
-The paragraph to the left of the Baphomet has a break after the second line/sentence. This should be removed so it runs as one paragraph.
-This paragraph is smaller font than the rest of the page, and should be adjusted to remove the breaks so it runs as one paragraph; OR double-space it so they are each separate lines:
"The energy uptake of each chakra is at the wide end and the energy output is at the point, also known as the 'bindu.'
So it would stand to reason that the chakras such as the third eye [DO NOT confuse this with the sixth chakra, which is BEHIND the third eye] need to have their wide ends facing outwards to absorb energy.
This definitely includes all of the minor chakras. You will find that after aligning your chakras correctly, you will feel more centered and healing and spellworking will come more easily. "
-The paragraph to the right of the picture with the heart shape on the face, is smaller font than the rest of the page.
Step 2 in method 1, the font is smaller than the rest of the page.
-2nd paragraph, there should be a space after the 3 dots, before the next word (feeling tingly...all of)
-At the end, the copyright has random symbols in front: � Copyright 2007
-Optional, perhaps it should be stated that rosaries do not need 108 beads, that they can in fact have other numbers the user wishes to have.
-In the 1st paragraph, there is a break after "Spend a few minutes with each one.", it can be separated (double spaced) into 2 paragraphs, there is enough room on the page to have it so.
-At the end, there is an unnecessary quotation mark: upon the exhale." The quotation mark should be removed.
-The title, Opening the Soul, is twice, one above the other. You will see it clearly, remove one.
-2nd paragraph under the list of red links of chakras. There is a break but no double space above "These meditations produce ". And then after, "Void meditation is highly" can be moved to that new paragraph, so remove the break before it. Or double space it so it is it's own paragraph.
-At the bottom of page, the copyright has random symbols: © Copyright
-The 1st paragraph, font is smaller than the rest.
-5th paragraph down (the long paragraph), there needs to be a closing quotation mark for this sentence: "one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four...
-Power meditation, strengthens our thoughts. Comma should be removed. Otherwise I'm not correcting a lot of commas in sentences as it is HPS Maxine's style of writing/speech, which should be upheld to keep the JoS in her words instead of like a robot, as a lot of "professional" writings read.
-For the 2nd bullet in the list, there is an accidental break in a sentence, moving "or "Say- Tahn- Nah- S-S-S-S."" below the rest of the sentence.
-Perhaps, for the 3rd bullet in the list, it can include a little note to clean the aura after focusing on negative emotions for this exercise: The text is "Focus on a specific emotion- anger, happiness, sadness, love, hate. You can choose an emotion going by how you feel on a specific day. This is excellent training for advanced ritual. "
-4th paragraph, there is a break and no double space. Right before/above "Synesthesia may happen with your first sound meditation or with practice".
-Near the bottom, second paragraph up. There is a break but no double space: "Obviously sexual activity could not be prohibited," either make this a new paragraph or remove the break before it to run with the previous paragraph.