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JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

You put good effort into this, but some of the observations you’ve made are not that accurate or important. For instance:

"Visualization alone, oftentimes, is not only very difficult in cases where one is very ill, but" Remove comma after "ill."

This may be so for shorter clauses, but the larger the amount of information in a clause that precedes “but”, the bigger the need for a comma, so there is nothing wrong here.

"Negative thoughtforms used in black magick and generated from the ill will, jealousy and/or anger of others attach to one’s aura and invite misfortune such as accidents, illnesses and so forth." The first "and" should be changed to "are." There should be a comma after "jealousy." There should be a comma after "illnesses."

The first “and” is actually correct. The words “used” and “generated” are both adjectives adding information to the same subject (negative thoughforms). This is all part of the subject, and the verbs that agree with it are “attach” and “invite”.

"This can be done every day, if one so desires." Remove comma after "day."

We don’t usually use a comma in sentences like this (with a subordinated clause at the end), but adding a comma is not necessarily wrong. Both ways are okay.
The use or omission of a comma is most crucial when it defines the relation that different clauses have with each other.

You raised many good points, though.
Meteor said:
Lydia said:
Meteorite said:

For "Joy of Satan E-Groups,"

  • "has been replaced with christian related" "christian" should be capitalized.
  • "behind the christianity hoax " "christianity" should be capitalized.
  • I don't respect this religion, for obvious reasons, but grammar rules have you capitalize them. I will just report the error and it will be up to you if you capitalize them in the end.

  • The lack of capitalized letter shows lack of respect to xianity, which is why it is lower case. Just letting you know so you don't waste your time posting more of the same. Like how xian writings write "gods" when referring to Pagan Gods, we do the same to them. xianity has no right to be respected enough to have the C capitalized. It is done on purpose.

  • Although ironically my username is very similar to that person's, I agree with you here. Such disgusting things do not deserve a capital letter; even just typing it that way would make me feel uncomfortable, which I think is also why people often go a step further and call it xianity instead.

  • I really want to say that I started that "xianity", but I don't think that is the case. When I was a christian, I helped in the church. Once, I was doing something regarding the word "christian" or "christmas" and was going to use "xian" or "xmas", as people do, but someone told me that is crossing-out "christ", so I didn't. X time later(!), I am here and now I cross-out "christ" with lowercase X ("christmas" is actually Saturnalias or Yule). Like I said - I want to say I started it, but I think it was on these sites, forum and Yahoo! Groups before I joined.

both "JOY OF SATAN" and the HOME PAGE logo link to


the correct link is


The link to the Chronos program and planetary hours is broken
Satanic_truth88 said:

The link to the Chronos program and planetary hours is broken
Yes, I posted about this before.

It can be hard since there are many messages around but one should check it out if the same thing has been posted before.
Section: "Satanic Symbols" https://www.satanisgod.org/dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Satanic_Symbols.html

Regarding the "Trishul" and the 3 granthis,
the JoS says:
"It is known as the "TRISHUL" and symbolizes piercing through the three knots in the base, the heart and 6th chakras, also known as "granthis" in Sanskrit."

the granthis are wrong.
The sacral has to be one of them.
Use my corrections at your own risk. If something I write doesn't look right, don't use it. Use your own judgement, only bringing up my opinion. Mainly focusing on spelling errors and typos now.

Donation Page:
- Add a centered title that says Donations or something similar
- "We make all of our knowledge freely availble to download, and distribute." availble should be spelled available
-"Working to dispell myths and lies concerning Satanists and Satanism" dispell should be spelled dispel. add period after Satanism

Satanic info:
- "products of an over active imagination" make "over active" into overactive
- "They got blatant experiences all right" the wrong ones." turn quotation next to "right" into a comma or a semi colon for emphasis, whichever looks better.
-"though they keep much of this from the public. (References are at the bottom of this page)." remove period after the parenthesis and put the parenthesis between public and other period.
-"People who are serious and respectful are given the same in kind from Satan and his Demons." looks like there should be a space between this paragraph and the one below it.
-"In addition to the e-mails I have gotten from former skeptics, my purpose for writing this article is because a group of professional people who were skeptics, attempted to summon a Demon as a joke, and were brought to my attention after the fact." I think the comma after skeptics breaks up the sentence, use your own judgement.

The Origins of Satanism:
- "Christians forever rant and rave concerning the "one world order" where all identities" I believe "one world order" should say "new world order"
- "He was prevented by the other Gods from finishing his work on humanity, that of the godhead." I believe information from the clergy (you) has come out saying this is not true. So removing it may be best to prevent confusion. You could change it to the reptilians prevented him from finishing his work on humanity. Read surrounding text to see if it should be removed or changed
- "The halo seen in many paintings is the witchpower of the risen kundalini" capitalize Kundalini
- "and elements, making the 'name' pronouncable" correct pronouncable to pronounceable
- "spiritual advancement and the raising of the kundalini serpent" capitalize Kundalini
- "Catholic Church enforced strict control over every stage of an individual"s life." change the quotation next to individual into a apostrophe
- "The "Horned God" originates to Sumeria." should say "from Sumeria."
- "Again, the Horned God was maligned and labeled as "evil. " missing a quotation mark after the period
- "The Horned God is a symbol of the the chi, the bioelectrical life-force. " remove the extra "the" next to chi
- "The Temple of Solomon" dead link
- "Part 3: The Earliest Origins of Satanism are in the Far East II" dead link
The Truth About the "New World Order":
- "There is a lot of confusion concerning Freemasonry, The New World Order, The United States, and" uncapitalize the "the" before NWO and the "the" before US
- "take on an artificial pastey look" correct pastey to pasty
- "and their nazarene" capitalize Nazarene. It is capitalized in the Bible conspiracy link.
- "Ancient Gentile Religious Texts:" dead link
- "U.S Founding Fathers' Statements Concerning the Jews" dead link
- "Exposing The Old Testament" dead link
- "The New Testament and the Christian Religion" dead link

The Bible: A Jewish Conspiracy and Hoax on the Gentiles:
- There is a exclamation point in the top left corner, should be deleted.
- "Indoctrinating the the Gentile masses into pacifism and a slave-like mentality of servitude" remove the extra "the" and add a period after servitude
- "Encouraging the Gentiles into giving up all money and worldly goods which is funneled into the hands of the ruling Jews and their Gentile lackeys like Billy Graham" add period at end
- "Jewish Abraham was stolen from King Hariscandra of the Hindu Sankhayana-Sutras" need a space between this bullet point and the next
- "Jewish Yaweh replaces the Greek God Hades" needs a bullet point
- "This is the fictitious Christ, - the Jews themselves know Christ is fictitious- the" remove the comma
- "The purpose of the bible was:" some of the bullet points have periods, others don't. You could add periods to the ones that don't if you want.
- "Bible Myths And Their Parallels in Other Religions By T. W. Doane Copyright 1882 In closing in the Al Jilwah and Qu’ret al-Yezid, Satan makes it very plain concerning these lies." Make "In closing... lies" a new line

- Exclamation point in the top left corner, should be deleted.
- "Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Quote should be in quotations
-"tetragammaton" spelling should be corrected to "tetragrammaton"
- "Brahma in Sanskrit means "many." remove the accidental quotation mark next to Brahma
- ""adversary/enemy" in Hebrew ." remove the space between Hebrew and the period

- "Reichsführer" should say Reichsführer

There was one spelling mistake in kabbalahexposed but it seems this link is not working aswel i cannot go in to find it.
This is about a potential bug with the forums itself. I don't know if this post "belongs" here but I was just looking to reread the latest "reread old sermons" post by a member who's name I can't remember ATM and not only was I unable to find it in the important articles section I noticed when trying to switch to the next page of articles in an attempt to find it I realized that the page stayed the same even though I pressed 1, 2, 3 etc... So I'm assuming something is wrong with the site or is this just something happening on my end for some odd reason?
Anyone with any info will be greatly appreciated. This is pretty frustrating as it's deterred my nightly readings :(

by the way,i noticed some errors in the pdf,like stuck minor chakras images,undeletable huge text gaps in the runes'descriptions and a lack of an energy colors article
a professional editor from around here should take his/her time to fix them and for old/lacking info hoodedcobra and maxine themselves could give an aid at correcting it
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone of our SS,

I am writing this because the JoS needs to be edited. I think the best way to do this [the volume is simply insane] is for us to go and find the link with a mistake, and then post it here, and then we'll get in and fix what needs to be fixed.

To note, this is not to fix things that need updating, but solely editorial. Grammar mistakes, syntax mistakes, the list goes.

Anyone who finds a mistake, broken link, or anything of the sort, please post below. This way we will be able to fix things in due time. The JoS main has to be immaculate and without any said errors.

Thank you all.

So then where should we post things that need updating? Because on this page on the JoS main site it says we were made as slave laborers in the mines...

But then in this sermon of yours you mention that our pregenitors had machines and technology for that task.

I feel this inconsistency needs to be fixed ASAP since inconsistencies is what the enemy religions especially Christianity all have in common which is what lead me to Satan in the first place. I understand as you've advanced spiritually you've gained new knowledge but it's very important IMO to fix this.
Thank you for all that you do and as always...
satanama666 said:
by the way,i noticed some errors in the pdf,like stuck minor chakras images,undeletable huge text gaps in the runes'descriptions and a lack of an energy colors article
a professional editor from around here should take his/her time to fix them and for old/lacking info hoodedcobra and maxine themselves could give an aid at correcting it
i tried to fix the bugs myself,but i think it's a lost cause.the jos pdf must be remade from scratch,perfectly,with no mistakes
satanama666 said:
satanama666 said:
by the way,i noticed some errors in the pdf,like stuck minor chakras images,undeletable huge text gaps in the runes'descriptions and a lack of an energy colors article
a professional editor from around here should take his/her time to fix them and for old/lacking info hoodedcobra and maxine themselves could give an aid at correcting it
i tried to fix the bugs myself,but i think it's a lost cause.the jos pdf must be remade from scratch,perfectly,with no mistakes
sorry,i fixed the one from the library and made the perfect edition this time:https://docdro.id/UbDTBF1
Low Priest said:
Opening watch towers I thing base or sacral are wrong?
The right ones are Crown (temples chakras), 5th chakra and 2nd chakra.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


It says the Sacral Chakra is of the element of earth.
If I recall correctly it is of water.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Satanic_truth88 said:

The page contradicts itself. In the list of attributes it is said to be the element of earth, but in the lengthier description it says it is ruled by water
The Sacral is ruled by water. Base ruled by Earth, and Solar ruled by fire.

Yep but the site says that the sacral is ruled by earth and then contradicts itself with water
The formatting and grammar errors reported up to today (April 20, 2021) are now fixed on the Tor site. (I have not changed any information yet, such as chakra elements, because I can't be sure what is correct without carefully studying each one.) Many broken links were already fixed on the Tor site, but some slipped through. Thanks to everyone for being so observant! More work is needed, but this is a good start. Keep it up! These corrections will be merged with HP Cobra's upcoming improvements on the main site when the time is right.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/S_Resources.html

- Replaced "https://www.lifeevents.org/5-tibetans-energy-rejuvenation-exercises.htm"
with "https://web.archive.org/web/20080216063514/https://www.lifeevents.org/5-tibetans-energy-rejuvenation-exercises.htm"
- Changed "https://www.pinklotus.org/- Kundalini Yoga kriyas english.htm" to "http:"

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Transformation.html

- Changed "https://www.om-guru.com/html/saints/gopi.html" to "http:"
- Corrected the spelling of "siezures" to "seizures".
- Added the word "of" the the sentence "Some which are quite unpleasant."
- various other grammatical corrections.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Full_Meditation.html

- Changed "https://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/" to "http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/"

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/KeepingHealthy.html

- Changed "https://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/" to "http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/"

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satans_Squares.html

- Changed "http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/" to "http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/"

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Rosary.html

- Changed "http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/" to "http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/"

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html

- Fixed "<a/>" html link syntax error.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/RAUM_Meditation.html

- Removed the "p>" from the upper-left corner.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Meditation.html

- Changed link from "Freeing_the_Soul_2.html" to "Words-of-Power.html"

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Words-of-Power.html

- Updated the page to the latest version.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Healing_Info.html

- Changed "https://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya Basic Spinal Energy Series fp.htm" to "http://www.pinklotus.org/- Kundalini Yoga kriyas english.htm"

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONIV.html

- Fixed an html syntax error in the link to Bifrons's sigil.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONSII.html

- Removed a "p>" from the bottom of the page.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/King_Queen.html

- Added a comma after "The Seven Towers of Satan".
- Corrected "Be-froe" to "Before"
- Added a period at the end of Step 1.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html

- Various grammatical corrections.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Groups.html

- Corrected the spelling of "unfortunatly".

Page: satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/The_Inquisition.html

- Various grammatical corrections.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Donate.html

- Added a title.
- Removed a "]" from the top of the page.
- Various grammatical corrections.

Page: www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Outsiders.html

- Various grammatical corrections.

Page: satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Origins-of-Satanism.html

- Various grammatical corrections.

Page: satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Bible_Conspiracy.html

- Various grammatical corrections.

Page: satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/YHVH.html

- Various grammatical corrections.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I put "Reverse Torah Rituals" near the top, as they are the most important. The rest are near the bottom.
The RTR page on Satan is God and Tor website is missing the Portuguese (PORTUGUÊS) translation though it exists for months now:

Now I've just realized the Spanish translation didn't adapt the pronunciation at all and just copy-pasted the English one, that's unacceptable imo, even copying the Portuguese one though not 100% would be better for Spanish speaking newbies (the VUHT, EYE etc., make no sense in our languages without adaptation), and I'm baffled the responsible person for that forum and no one pointed that out before.

I honestly had not reviewed the part of the RTR in Spanish since I use the links in English and the pronunciations in mp3 have helped me, however if it will be important to translate each ritual to facilitate it, if today they do not publish any update in the audios I will publish it myself Do you have an email where I can send the pronunciations in Spanish?

We are not many in the forum in Spanish that is why we had not noticed the errors, and Wotanwarrior is busy for the moment.
Egon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I put "Reverse Torah Rituals" near the top, as they are the most important. The rest are near the bottom.
The RTR page on Satan is God and Tor website is missing the Portuguese (PORTUGUÊS) translation though it exists for months now:

Now I've just realized the Spanish translation didn't adapt the pronunciation at all and just copy-pasted the English one, that's unacceptable imo, even copying the Portuguese one though not 100% would be better for Spanish speaking newbies (the VUHT, EYE etc., make no sense in our languages without adaptation), and I'm baffled the responsible person for that forum and no one pointed that out before.

For lack of time, technical problems and other personal problems, the final RTR was not properly corrected, you can send me a message and we talk about it as fixing it.

[email protected]
Problems like this can happen, it's alright, at least it was discovered.

Tell me what needs to be fixed in an e-mail or here so we can fix it.

Egon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I put "Reverse Torah Rituals" near the top, as they are the most important. The rest are near the bottom.
The RTR page on Satan is God and Tor website is missing the Portuguese (PORTUGUÊS) translation though it exists for months now:

Now I've just realized the Spanish translation didn't adapt the pronunciation at all and just copy-pasted the English one, that's unacceptable imo, even copying the Portuguese one though not 100% would be better for Spanish speaking newbies (the VUHT, EYE etc., make no sense in our languages without adaptation), and I'm baffled the responsible person for that forum and no one pointed that out before.

The Spanish pdf/page needs to be replaced at here and wherever else it was posted, counting on Wotanwarrior to adapt the pronounciation part, and to repost it as text in the ritual schedule, then make a new pdf to send to HP Hooded, or I can make it after the adaptations and send it.

Then from that make a new paintable RTR version that includes the Tetra, you can copy the Portuguese version from the link I posted. This one is a bit trickier and you will need to edit it with notepad. Save, open with then notepad, and use this website so you can encode or decode the text (decoding VÁT becomes VÁT, so you can track it in the text, etc.), then after replacing everything for Spanish you encode it again and save as html, test it, and send me or HP Hooded. If this is too complicated I can find the time to edit the paintable myself. The priority is at least reposting the Final RTR+Tetra corrected in the schedule thread.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Problems like this can happen, it's alright, at least it was discovered.

Tell me what needs to be fixed in an e-mail or here so we can fix it.
Wotanwarrior said:
For lack of time, technical problems and other personal problems, the final RTR was not properly corrected, you can send me a message and we talk about it as fixing it.

[email protected]
Egon said:
The Spanish pdf/page needs to be replaced at here and wherever else it was posted, counting on Wotanwarrior to adapt the pronounciation part, and to repost it as text in the ritual schedule, then make a new pdf to send to HP Hooded, or I can make it after the adaptations and send it.

Then from that make a new paintable RTR version that includes the Tetra, you can copy the Portuguese version from the link I posted. This one is a bit trickier and you will need to edit it with notepad. Save, open with then notepad, and use this website so you can encode or decode the text (decoding VÁT becomes VÁT, so you can track it in the text, etc.), then after replacing everything for Spanish you encode it again and save as html, test it, and send me or HP Hooded. If this is too complicated I can find the time to edit the paintable myself. The priority is at least reposting the Final RTR+Tetra corrected in the schedule thread.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Problems like this can happen, it's alright, at least it was discovered.

Tell me what needs to be fixed in an e-mail or here so we can fix it.
Wotanwarrior said:
For lack of time, technical problems and other personal problems, the final RTR was not properly corrected, you can send me a message and we talk about it as fixing it.

[email protected]

The main problem is that I have always had serious difficulties with the computer, with computers and with communications in general and I don't even know how to convert a file to PDF.
I will correct it by listening to it with the MP3 and when I finish it I will post it in the ritual calendar.
Wotanwarrior said:
Egon said:
The Spanish pdf/page needs to be replaced at here and wherever else it was posted, counting on Wotanwarrior to adapt the pronounciation part, and to repost it as text in the ritual schedule, then make a new pdf to send to HP Hooded, or I can make it after the adaptations and send it.

Then from that make a new paintable RTR version that includes the Tetra, you can copy the Portuguese version from the link I posted. This one is a bit trickier and you will need to edit it with notepad. Save, open with then notepad, and use this website so you can encode or decode the text (decoding VÁT becomes VÁT, so you can track it in the text, etc.), then after replacing everything for Spanish you encode it again and save as html, test it, and send me or HP Hooded. If this is too complicated I can find the time to edit the paintable myself. The priority is at least reposting the Final RTR+Tetra corrected in the schedule thread.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Problems like this can happen, it's alright, at least it was discovered.

Tell me what needs to be fixed in an e-mail or here so we can fix it.
Wotanwarrior said:
For lack of time, technical problems and other personal problems, the final RTR was not properly corrected, you can send me a message and we talk about it as fixing it.

[email protected]

The main problem is that I have always had serious difficulties with the computer, with computers and with communications in general and I don't even know how to convert a file to PDF.
I will correct it by listening to it with the MP3 and when I finish it I will post it in the ritual calendar.
Don't worry about the technical details. I'm happy to fix the Spanish Paintable RTR if you just post the correct pronunciations here. :)
This link:

Is not working
It is from:

This link:

Is not working
It is from:

This link:

Is not working
It is from:
In this link:
I had a heavy radio setting beside me

I think it should be: "I had a heavy radio sitting beside me"
The link for A course in our RTR Spiritual weaponry.pdf on satanslibrary link leads to the download of Paganism at risk.pdf file.
Our task force offers these as a template to the website operators for expedited editing. SaxonStranger feels confident that he did a good job at not encroaching on the style, while simultaneously presenting the work in a more academic fashion. He was wary about the grammar relating to some of the spiritual concepts, as it may potentially be outside of his scope.

Exposing Christianity (revised pdf):



Exposing Kabbalah (revised pdf):


On the Italian site:
It should be:
Le genti a me hanno fatto apparire i miei miracoli nelle mie creazioni.
And not:
Le genti e me hanno fatto apparire i miei miracoli nelle mie creazioni.

In the Exposition to christianity of the Italian section there are arguments without texts:
Luce sugli Illuminati, La veritá sul Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, Canale Youtube (in inglese) di Exposing Christianity.

Here they do not specify that most of them are thought forms:
About that:
FuckYu_666 said:
On the Italian site:
It should be:
Le genti a me hanno fatto apparire i miei miracoli nelle mie creazioni.
And not:
Le genti e me hanno fatto apparire i miei miracoli nelle mie creazioni.

This is more correct:
"Le genti e io abbiano fatto apparire i miei miracoli nelle mie creazioni"

"Me" is not a subject pronoun. "Made" needs to be translated to match the subject(s) properly, which in this case is first person plural.

Original English version:
Main page, spelling errors.

-prosyletize should be proselytize. In the paragraph directly to the right of "Join Hell's Army" link.

-2 paragraphs below, firey should be fiery.

In the Exposing Christianity link in red near the bottom (above the blue link that reads "the Joy of Satan forums below", there should be a period after "of Christianity Going".

From Returning Curses Part 2: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html

-Even though this page is for Returning Curses Part 2, the page itself has the title "Opening The Soul 666" in the browser tab.

-please read through RETURNING CURSES PART 1 First off,
There should be a period after first link, before “First”.

- that HE has power over ALL witches that he said, “connect with our Gods.”
Remover comma after “he said”.

- The 3rd paragraph should be made into 2 paragraphs, as there is a break but not double-spaced, OR remove the break so it runs as one paragraph. It is currently 2 lines, then a break (after "directly overhead"), then no double space, then starts with “When the Sun is rising”.

-At the end of the 3rd paragraph, the link to info about void moon should start with a capital M (“make sure the moon...”) as it is a new sentence, and there should be a period at the end as the next sentence following the brackets is a new sentence.

-In the last paragraph, perhaps the prayer should be put in quotation marks, it in italics, to separate it from the first line and last line which are not part of the prayer. HPS Maxine has put prayers in italics in other places on the JoS, so this might be the best option.
From https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html (Satan's page)

-ClickHEREfor larger image. There should be spaces between click, here, and for.

-Under His sigils, there is a list with bullets, a bullet is needed in front of the line "He is the Sumerian God..."

-6th bullet down, there needs to be a period at the end of the sentence in the bracket.

-8th bullet down, there needs to be a period at the end of the sentence (His Directions are both South and East)

-There should be a period at the end of the line above the last picture (Here is a painting from "Paradise Lost" of Satan's Palace by John Martin), especially as there is a period at the end of the line for the other picture on the page.

From https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/garden.html

-The paragraph to the right of the picture, the line gets messed up and goes below the picture instead of with the rest of the text. (of meditation- working on one's soul. One lives from the "fruits" of one's soul.)

-In the paragraph below the picture, the last line has a bracket wrong, there is an opening bracket in front of Baal but no closing bracket: [Baal [Lord] Zebulon. There are few if any traces of the truth concerning these Gods.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
