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Introduction In Broscience

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It's too contradictory that anyone who approaches a three digit IQ can get it. The new agers and many other "humanists", "egalitarianists" and "we wuz equalists" of this planet, are pushing this spiritual bro-science all over the place now.

Real Spirituality has nothing to do with weed broscience, and egalitarian communism that is pure materialism and pretends it has anything spiritual about itself.


They are awakened. They know what's up. It dem Alpha waves. It's dem Crystals in your Brain. It's dem, bones were made out of star matter, bro. It's dem, let's roll a blunt at 4:20, where the kikes read their 42 names of "god", bro. So that we can effectively open up our soul by weed so that we can become better slaves to that agenda, bro.

And we all have a Pineal Gland so we are so important. Yes we wuz having a pineal gland. And we are all equal because everyone has a pineal gland, bro. BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING PINEAL GLAND BRO! And we have it! SHIT!

Now to get to our main point, did you know that Rabbi Jewsus Christ to whom everyone must be subverted, and of course this jewish maggot has to exist in every normie "SPIRITUAL THEORY", was crucified on a pole, bro? Because no matter what, we must believe in a jew. He wasn't really a kike like these in wall street, he was a spiritual kike. He was transforming hair from the asshole of a rabbi, into gold coins. This is some of the miracles he did in the times in Israel.

Because he was becoming richer than the rabbis in Israel, they came into the town one day and started counting the coins. Because Rabbi Jewsus had one more nickel, they went into a stabbing rage towards him and then crucified him on the pole. Then they stole all his nickels and pennies.

Then, he did the other trick, of making 60 gorillion jews, from a slave alien race, into the ruling race of the planet. Which later resulted in humanity being plunged into the lowest ever known spiritual level in it's history.

Because humanity stood stupid enough to buy the over-sold tale of the gallilenian master of Magick, who was against magic and ordered the execution of all non-jewish spiritualists and magicians in the bible, but on the other hand, because some bro-scientists decided so, now the jewish maggot chameleon from Galille, was meditating grand master in Tibet, The Middle East Guru, and Ancient-China Kung Fu Master, Even a Japanese Samurai, and of course, above all, The Aryan-Proto God. He also was a Shaman in Africa as well, teaching meditation. Because broscience says so. Screw evidence, alright? Broscience knows what went down.

This abomination described above, will of course help you in your spiritual path, goyim. Believe it.

Because he was once a rabbi idea to enslave the world, now an ascended master, tommorow it will be an allegory, and whatever it fits it's chameleon ass for that liking, but deep within was a wise imaginative jew from Galille, that had all the secrets, to uhm, bro-science?

In fact he was the creator of the bro science.


Well if you do know this truth and the other fact about how 6 trillion jews were gassed in a cottage farm, sit by me now and I will explain you to the branch of spiritual science known as bro-science-ionics.

The bible is a book of massive wisdom. Aside all the writings of rape, pedophillia, mass murder and so forth, which of course GOD himself wrote and definitely not stinky, rotting jews. It writes some very deep shit about how if your eye is filled with light, your whole body will be filled with light. Like the Ancient Pagans didn't write this in every wall, inscription, and symbolism, all over the place.

Of course, they were all waiting for a jew to come and tell them, after uhm...450,000 years of them existing on the planet. And this is what Bro-Science teaches. How superior and spiritually lucky we are today to have ascended master rabbi christ, weed, and the ability to stone ourselves and buy overpriced supplements from Alex Jones. Because this is how you wake up in life....

And now fellows in Bro-Science, this is the Pineal Gland. Which we were lucky enough to find out about after the Millenium. We actually have this. WOW. I guess the Egyptians with their silly Eye of Ra everywhere in Egypt, didn't know. We wuz 2017 super advance and shit. We have trash cans that go around the planet, and pollute it incessantly. We are a very advanced civilization now.

But as everyone knows, even if we invoke the Ancient Egyptians and many others when we try to make the foundations of bro-science...Somehow, NOW is the time of enlightenment, and not then. These Egyptians and many others who were recorded as of levitating, doing miraculous healing, and many other things, didn't know shit. They weren't worth a dime.

ll that is worth, is rabbi jewsus christ, and his racial gang, and their teachings. For this is the foundation of the new world, and the world that escalates slowly into bro-science levels of spirituality. So that we can ensure that real spirituality will never be found.

These people weren't enlightened even if they knew it all, the Pagans and stuff. This shitty humanity that is crawling out of the jewish toxic excrement after two thousand years, is actually very advanced. It's so blind to the point we can't even realize differences in our own species anymore, but whatever, we are super advanced now.

And lo and behold, after 2012, we are entering the new cycle of advancement. Which is traditionally the Age of Satan but bro-science must hide this from the masses and say some strange things about Master Jeboo instead. Because we was very open minded, but this guy Satan is really scary.

Jehovah who did genocide more than 10 races and people in the old testament, is the good father in heaven. And his son the jewish carpenter, very important. Let me explain how this will go in bro-science-ionics so you can make the most out of your evolution now.

You will sit by the sun. Don't drink fluoride. And you will smoke weed, lots of it, as recommended by Rabbi Moshe Shekelstein. "Drugs are part of the spiritual revolution, goyim", he added in one of his lecures on how the Egyptians were doing frequent feasts on babies every saturday. He certainly wasn't projecting his own racial mindset and tenets, into his enemies, as many anti-semitic bigots say. He was just telling facts as usual. Such as the other fact in the bible that says that the earth is actually a flat square, that you can fall off from into the nether-space.

Jews are honest people that's for sure. For example everyone knows that 60 trillions of them were gassed mercilessly into a cottage farm by evil nazis. This was done in the corner of the flat earth, which is Berlin. And Hitler stood on the corner of the flat earth, and consumed the jewish souls as if he had breakfast. Rabbi Shlomo saw it with his own eyes.

He had a gentile White European shabbos Goyim with him, carrying his Menorah and praising Rabbi Jesus Christ, but since the New Testament which was written by jews aka GOD HIMSELF says that "If your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out", the Gentile has had gouged his eyeball out, and therefore couldn't see the fact. He took the word of the jew for it, and he even went as far as claiming that 60 trillion jewish souls perished on that day.

Now to explain some deep bro-science stuff.

Since weed has the same dopamine thing as your brain does. Now, of course, a brick and a coal have the same thing as your bone does. So you might want to hit your head on the brick wall until you awaken your pineal gland, and eat coal to increase your bone density. Because the advanced reasoning of bro-science-ionics is that everything that is the same, we must increase. For example, DMT is produced by the pineal. Cool.

Now we ingest a lot of DMT and hope for a spiritual experience. Which is not about spiritual experience but material manipulation of the material brain. But we are too spiritual aren't we. We in the church of bro-science-ionics, we try to pretend we are very spiritual individuals, and very revolutionary.

For example. We pretend it's the rich people that put fluoride into the water, wrote the bible for control, and generally have destroyed civilization for a few thousand years. It's a coincidence that for all these thousands of years, the whole of the civilized world was ruled by a SPECIFIC TRIBE knonw as the Jews. But as you know, we are Communist, and we cannot see this matter that they are an alien race. We must plaster this with other bullshit instead, such as 'the rich people', 'the ruling elite' and the 'satanic illuminati'.

Revolutionary as we are, we never opened a fucking Sanskrit dictionary, because these people in Sanskrit were banana eating apes anyway. If we opened that book, we would see that Satyan means Eternal Truth, and therefore the boogie man of this planet where all the shit the jews do, does fall upon, will be rendered void.

And we will no longer have our ability to create useless bro-science revolutions to push drugs and useless self-destructive, judaism in a buddhist shell. This would disappoint the jews who are behind this.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in my Kabbalah Alphabet for 2012 he may contact Kyle Kuk, and he will help with this. He was into Bro-Science once upon a time, and he knows the wares.

"Also never forget, the JoS and any deeper research is bigoted, evil, anti-semetic etc. Divulge yourself in Bro-Science, and smoke so much weed your brain shatters from it. Then, trust me on that one, you will not be interested in anything bigoted anymore. "Everything will be one", and you will be a brainless tool of this "one", which you never even knew about. -Shalom Shalomovich, Founder of Bro-Science"


For everyone...

Those New Agers are really being taken for a ride. Not only have their teachings, but even worse, their mantras, info on their chakras and nearly everything has been systematically corrupted by the Jews who have had a powerful hold on the spiritual and occult knowledge.

One can only access the truth through Demons. Right at this time, I can't reveal everything I have yet learned, but I will in the future. Our Gods don't want this made public as of yet because of the enemy taking teachings, etc, and claiming them as their own, using them and so forth.

I can tell you one thing...hidden in plain sight. Demons can point you in the right direction. Daily meditation is a must.

A real word of power when correctly vibrated will feel like being blasted off this planet so to speak.
Never forget the fact that Jewsus wuz very ascended and he reached to the final state of Gnosis and he wuz an advanced great master-who taught in Tibet, Sumeria and in the whole Pagan countries the real meaning of Gnosis and how to reach the Godhead, if you say that it was Satanama, Satnam or Satan then you are a bigot nazi who will not be in the Palace of the Highly Spiritual Jehova and you will lose the chance of your soul being saved-...but...Jews converted Jewsus into a Monster and cuz he wuz very good for the entire humanity, now you have to subvert and follow him- Heaven rewards are better than those here on earth ;)

The problem is that the Goyim is so retarded and that Race do not get the real message of Jewsus-he wuz not Marxist or Communist- cuz the bible has mistranslations...God never killed and Jewsus never considered the Goyim as a dog... that is an anti-semite translation that a Marxist done.
Ive written about the faulty* mimicry that external cannabinoids play in our nervous system on facebook to the liberal mindset and how while medicinally there are edible herbal uses, anything like this taken incessantly will lead to imbalance.

It is really obnoxious when you get the potards who claim "I smoke a bowl every morning and Im fine, this media is lying about weed".

Meanwhile if someone with a weaker genetic constitution tries this same behavior they indeed can go schizophrenic and there is factual consensus on this possibility.

Yet supposedly "zero deaths from weed" (overdose*) is the headline on these copy paste share shit posts to back up their empirical drug culture.

In TCM, ANYTHING overdone with a mortal body and even then stronger can result in eruptions of imbalance.

They are preaching a culture based on hyper hedonistic imbalance rather than the regulated asceticism that the Aryan have been known to advocate in order to reap the sublimest pleasures until one is accustomed to stronger stimuli through Meditations, not substances.

They are weak, parroting weakness, rotting the opportunities the Aquarian age is supposed to be sowing for the new Satya Yuga.

At this rate, even more obscure misery will blot out the chance for an individual born into this crap to seek our Daemons.

Im pretty sick of people who can't look five minutes past these have ass "studies" to eliminate their excuses for a plain and obvious vice.

Its obvious brain washing.
HP Cobra I love your writing style. You almost killed me from laughter with that brick and coal passage :D
Yeah I remember smoking weed and listening to Joe Rogan podcasts where they were also all high and sometimes he would say stupid shit like the earth is flat.

And honestly it was fun, and giggly but this type of crowd is all theory and never any action. The jews aren't scared because these people could formulate the best game plan ever and they wouldn't get past the pantry to fulfill it.

Don't get me wrong I like giggles...and snacks...and theory...maybe not weed... but JoS is the only people to ever take real action. Like with RTR for example.

Some of the people in that crowd even have their merits and have good topics. But it's the same as with the Alt right or Pagans where nothing sustainable ever emerges and usually the idiots take the reigns from the good ones.

I'm glad I'm no longer lumped in with the bros.
Bro, like, what right do you have to, like, um, like, wait...... I forgot.......

hold on bro this weed is too fire bro......


Yeah, I forgot.... I need another hit of this OG Kush bro.

I know plenty of people like that, Broscience is a "real" thing. I've seen some individuals where they simply try to break down the Spiritual Experiences that can be accomplished with which substances and what not. Which strains of marijuana due to their THC/CBD Ratios, or their Outdoor/Indoor growth, Sativas, Indicas, Hybrids, etc. all offer different unique experiences bro!

I've seen a lot of promising individuals turn to absolute shit due to drugs.

A word of advice to everyone: Unless a druggy actually wants help and hasn't relapsed do not waste your time. I've tried.. People high on marijuana are very susceptible to spiritual influences.


This is fairly off topic but I want to share this so people are aware of how deep this issue could get....
I have a friend whom recently acquired a job as a "bud tender" his occupation requires him to try ALL the weed products and become knowledgeable of the products so he can give the customers and accurate assessment of the "highs". His job is very similar to a wine sommelier.
He's about as smart as a fart.


Enjoyed the Sermon Cobra :)
Oh another thing I wanted to share with everyone
Very important

Don't even smell weed Edibles, wax, flower, cannabutter, etc. NEVER SMELL WEED.

Through my personal experience, even smelling weed has negatively affected my spiritual wellbeing.
It may not be the same for all....But I say this for everyone's safety.

Once I smelled some weed and it couldn't feel my third eye for a few days after. It was as weird as it was immediate... I felt a tingly sensation in the third eye then shortly after I had an incredible amount of trouble feeling my third eye.

Just as there can be toxic gases that can damage people's wellbeing I believe marijuana falls under that category.

The topic definitely needs to be explored more, but this needs to be mentioned for safety and well being. :)
Kylee Cuck's obsession is having his for free, low tier make work minions bitch about Satanism. While Kylee usually hides behind his half dozen or so, free help minions who make Kylee da Shekels. Sometimes he comes out open to whine about us like a upset rainbow kabala reading shitlib.

I also think he was mad when we asked why are they promoting a Jewess. Who promotes race mixing and communism.

Other questions about Kylee and crew are.....

Why do they claim National Socialism and they give a show to a guy who calls Hitler a kike and claims all NS is some Kike conspiracy with no evidence.

Why do they claim to be Pro White but promote and kiss the ass of this same guy who then claims Whites are mixed with Jews and we shouldn't be against Jews and then promotes the radical egalitarian platform of White genocide.....

That is why Sprockets had a SJW style mental meltdown he is their low tier, bitch and they put him up to whine like its another shaoh about us.

Kylee also believes in Christ Consciousness, he is just a new age, shitlib who wants to be by his own confession the ultimate snowflake.
So much wisdom here...

Here the wisdom is so HIGH

And remember,guys, if a New Ager who talks with christ is telling to you to do not open your third eye at 3:33am is cuz he cares of you.

Drugs are shit!

Drugs offers false and unwarranted power, in reality drugs make from you a weakening human.

Drugs make you easy controlled by another human or entities.

Drugs ruins your correct evolution.

Drugs are approaching you to the angelic entity. She attaches to you.
HP Mageson666 said:
Kylee Cuck's obsession is having his for free, low tier make work minions bitch about Satanism. While Kylee usually hides behind his half dozen or so, free help minions who make Kylee da Shekels. Sometimes he comes out open to whine about us like a upset rainbow kabala reading shitlib.

That is why Sprockets had a SJW style mental meltdown he is their low tier, bitch and they put him up to whine like its another shaoh about us.

Kylee also believes in Christ Consciousness, he is just a new age, shitlib who wants to be by his own confession the ultimate snowflake.

That "christ consciousness" thing is pretty big with new age pseudo pagan wiccan etc types trying to pass off the teachings of the Chakras as dictum from their all high divine rabbi christ.

It is sickening.

Another thing that I see very common with "scientists" who try to seem defiant of the mainstream but just buy into the materialistic illiterate conventions passed on from an impinged "ancient society" is the drug explanation for allegorical depictions.

There is one thing that you've brought up before regarding the Grey/Reptilians and the jew spawn advocating the use of hallucinogens in profuse doses especially during "rituals" that coheres to that assumption.

But it is that very representation of action through such drug abuse that emphasizes the illegitimacy of a society in such mental decadence to have produced anything akin to these deka-millenia aged megalithic areas.

That is the new narrative now with these washed out pseudo spiritual stoner-tists. They lay some "science" on you about how supposedly the ancients "had to*" have been stoned to come up with these allegories right?

I hate this mind numbing collaboration of hippie generation stoner-tists adding fuel to the excuses of drug addiction.

Its totally spiritual to inject yourself with excessive amounts of something your own damn body can produce, so if I get energy from some healthy carbs, or fats, why instead don't I go load my ass up fat with concentrated sugar right?

That was a bit of a rant, but Ive usually adhered to the state of sobriety as oppose to half of my lax principled generation on these matters.
Anne Flowers said:
Oh another thing I wanted to share with everyone
Very important

Don't even smell weed Edibles, wax, flower, cannabutter, etc. NEVER SMELL WEED.

Through my personal experience, even smelling weed has negatively affected my spiritual wellbeing.
It may not be the same for all....But I say this for everyone's safety.

Once I smelled some weed and it couldn't feel my third eye for a few days after. It was as weird as it was immediate... I felt a tingly sensation in the third eye then shortly after I had an incredible amount of trouble feeling my third eye.

Just as there can be toxic gases that can damage people's wellbeing I believe marijuana falls under that category.

The topic definitely needs to be explored more, but this needs to be mentioned for safety and well being. :)
You are so fucking right, A real potard rasta girl sat next to me once on the bus, she smelled like weed, a lot, I couldnt stand it, i was getting nausea and my rest of the day was ruined, feelingg like shit and angry because of this whore. Same with just unburned weed, people use it in my classroom and I sometimes smell it and become really really angry, if those fuckers fuck with me I am gonna fuck with them.
Prior to my finding JOS, I spent my high ass times reading about the brosciences of meditations and pineal glandz xD

I think my realization I went too far when I felt my energy being pulled from me.

This is around the time I just completely stopped believing in the soul 100% and really was taken over by some very wierd ideologies. No soul, short life, idgaf, just do it, fuk it, i kinda just started believing in solopsism, my whole time through this process I never heard a single thing about the jews and even came to think of jesus as some "alpha male" cuz he called his mom "women" or some shit

I was just a steppin stone into communistic fukery, because everyone was "beta" and I was an "awakened alpha", little did i realize the jews wouldnt let me lead, they put curses on me anyways if i managed to make it far anyways.

I think alot of these cucks in high places were just like me, they are so stuck in this idea that they are the most important in the world, and its all originally their ideas to take over the world and everyone else doeant have no right, so they will be the ultimate kike and rule the world all by themselves yea real logical lmao..
The worst of the drug nonsense is the middle class shitlib's who pay thousands of dollars to go to South American to sit in a mud hut with others while shitting themselves for hours while on a random meaningless LSD trip, due to the effects of the ayahuasca they drank.

Some of these people have to be rushed to the hospital and some go to the mental hospital and some just never return they from reports get buried somewhere in the jungle to cover up the fact they died, from other moron tourists.

The rest get to come back to reality covered in their own piss, puke and shit for hours in a humid mud hut. Must be a great time. I don't think it is because they don't go back and repeat the experience.

This is the thing with the New Age shitlib's they just can't huff paint in their shed and trip out. That would be vulgar they need away to get high that is progressive and they can virtue signal with. Its fun to watch them talk about this like its such a deep and meaningful experience. They are just trying to convince themselves they didn't waste their time. And they want social applause.
There is some kind of a requirement to be a new age "leader" you have to grow your hair long and not look like you have taken a bath or shaved in awhile. And the person must wear some kind of hemp, hippe pajama looking clothes. This really is a thing for them its strange.
HP Mageson666 said:
There is some kind of a requirement to be a new age "leader" you have to grow your hair long and not look like you have taken a bath or shaved in awhile. And the person must wear some kind of hemp, hippe pajama looking clothes. This really is a thing for them its strange.

It brings to mind the weird tribe in india that literally smokes shit and accumulates filth on their body for the fuck of it.

Real power, I guess I can go to a bat cave and roll around in guano, using it as "herbal conditioner" to arrange my hair into hippie dreads.

Now I am the elite, smell my shit and be mesmerized! lmfao

Seriously though, why are there so many backwards, assumptive people who try to defend these obvious tumors of ignorance and trolling?
Anne Flowers said:
Oh another thing I wanted to share with everyone
Very important

Don't even smell weed Edibles, wax, flower, cannabutter, etc. NEVER SMELL WEED.

Through my personal experience, even smelling weed has negatively affected my spiritual wellbeing.
It may not be the same for all....But I say this for everyone's safety.

Ugh, where I live that shit's everywhere. And weed is so potent nowadays, if you SMELL it you'll catch a contact high. Even if it ain't being smoked at the time.

HP Mageson666 said:
The worst of the drug nonsense is the middle class shitlib's who pay thousands of dollars to go to South American to sit in a mud hut with others while shitting themselves for hours while on a random meaningless LSD trip, due to the effects of the ayahuasca they drank.

This is what makes me lose my faith in humanity. People are so stupid that they fly down to Columbia or some shit just to drink some Ayahuasca. It's nothing more than drinkable DMT anyway.

With how common drugs are especially where I'm living, usually weed or opiates, it's a wonder why I haven't given up on humans as a whole yet. Because everyone in my city is a fucking degenerate it seems.
Brdredr said:
Anne Flowers said:
Oh another thing I wanted to share with everyone
Very important

Don't even smell weed Edibles, wax, flower, cannabutter, etc. NEVER SMELL WEED.

Through my personal experience, even smelling weed has negatively affected my spiritual wellbeing.
It may not be the same for all....But I say this for everyone's safety.

Ugh, where I live that shit's everywhere. And weed is so potent nowadays, if you SMELL it you'll catch a contact high. Even if it ain't being smoked at the time.

HP Mageson666 said:
The worst of the drug nonsense is the middle class shitlib's who pay thousands of dollars to go to South American to sit in a mud hut with others while shitting themselves for hours while on a random meaningless LSD trip, due to the effects of the ayahuasca they drank.

This is what makes me lose my faith in humanity. People are so stupid that they fly down to Columbia or some shit just to drink some Ayahuasca. It's nothing more than drinkable DMT anyway.

With how common drugs are especially where I'm living, usually weed or opiates, it's a wonder why I haven't given up on humans as a whole yet. Because everyone in my city is a fucking degenerate it seems.
ASQV13886662080 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
There is some kind of a requirement to be a new age "leader" you have to grow your hair long and not look like you have taken a bath or shaved in awhile. And the person must wear some kind of hemp, hippe pajama looking clothes. This really is a thing for them its strange.

It brings to mind the weird tribe in india that literally smokes shit and accumulates filth on their body for the fuck of it.

Real power, I guess I can go to a bat cave and roll around in guano, using it as "herbal conditioner" to arrange my hair into hippie dreads.

Now I am the elite, smell my shit and be mesmerized! lmfao

Seriously though, why are there so many backwards, assumptive people who try to defend these obvious tumors of ignorance and trolling?

I have a theory that non satanists in general are not spiritually advanced or mature. Spiritual maturity is a concept talked about by Franz Bardon in Initiation into Hermetics, the only legit occult book by him really. Anyways there was a newsletter awhile, the returning curses 2 one, where HPS Maxine stated that Satan told her wiccans were fearful of being more then corny pagans.

I apply that to non satanists in general. Do you think he was just referring to wiccans or can the theory of spiritual maturity be applied?
I have a theory that non satanists in general are not spiritually advanced or mature
You are a fucking genius.

I'm sure you meant to say something when you quoted my post?
Aquarius said:
I have a theory that non satanists in general are not spiritually advanced or mature
You are a fucking genius.

ahaha I agree too. Though I must say I used to now a girl and now being dedicated I'm almost sure she is a SS at the soul level. It's been a while since we last spoke so maybe she dedicated since then.

I remember once I even showed her the power meditation page on JOS but I wasn't dedicated
and completely oblivious about Spiritual Satanism in its entirety.
It's just that I had stumbled upon this page and was completely fascinated by its content.

She is an empath. One night she consciously went into my dream.
Then the next day at school she was like: ''Hey you dreamt about that yesterday haven't you?''
I was like: '' Wow what the heck!? :eek: ''
She's legit the only (human) friend I ever had^-^ **Except y'all ;)
Darkest months of my life have been when I intensively used those substances, weed, psychedelics...everything, I was one of those idiots mentioned in sermon above. Those substances fucked me up so much that enemy was free to do whatever they please with me.

If it wasn't for Father Satan, I din't know where would I be. I can only guess. Dead, in jail or psych ward, most certainly.

If I could travel back in time, and meet myself, I would slap myself so hard for what I did.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
