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Fair Treatment Of Knowledge

It stands for You Only Live Once (I should've capitalized it), which is a modern mindset of "doing anything you want because who cares you'll be dead soon and nothing really lasts anyway". So, people do all the drugs they want, don't build lasting relations, do what seems fun right now in the moment instead of thinking about how things might affect their soul, no thought for karma or future lives, and so on.
Funnily enough, if I was to live only once, I would want for my life to count and make great accomplishments, not drown in degeneracy.
It stands for You Only Live Once (I should've capitalized it), which is a modern mindset of "doing anything you want because who cares you'll be dead soon and nothing really lasts anyway". So, people do all the drugs they want, don't build lasting relations, do what seems fun right now in the moment instead of thinking about how things might affect their soul, no thought for karma or future lives, and so on.
Many Andrapod people have exactly that mentality: when you tell them that you avoid something because it is harmful, they jump at you with "if you are going to die anyway" and similar nonsense.
Lol 😂. It's probably drug abuse. Drugs tend to center one into their soul prematurely. Increased Atma radiation into the thought body in the Astral and Physical sheaths for a mind (astral)/ physical sheath that have not been trained for a number of years,to handle increased radiation of Atma,that's what happens. Wane off the drugs and resort to the slower process of Yoga, especially Hatha Yoga systematic training over a number of years,under the guidance of the Gods. Be patient with oneself,and the Gods themselves will unexpectedly grant you a boon for persistent honest work in the Yoga. Intellectual knowing of occult knowledge without application is useless in itself. The mind in all its phases is already accomplished it's just about Centering in it (Yoga) and this is an effort. You get centered and you can order anything you want ,it will come.
The soul body is centered due to its proximity to the Spiritual Center (Swastika) that's why it's an immortal body but the intellectual (astral) and instinctive (physical) are not. They are split ,the Naraka chakras seven of them below the spine in the legs are activated. This is where most of humanity is operating from,greed , jealousy and so on. The real work is centering the mind/body then Awareness untangles from them and naturally goes back to the Source ,the Spiritual Center in the head, symbolized by the Swastika. This is Kundalini rising to the Crown chakra. Centering of Astral , Physical sheaths is a training process ,these bodies are mainly ruled by the Pingala channel male right side of the spine,which rules the Astral/intellectual body and the left feminine Ida channel of the spine,which rules the instinctive , emotional physical body. Stilling the physical body brings the Ida channel into the Sushumna channel into the spine. The Sushumna channel is actually your soul body and then thinking and feeling the Eternal Unchanging Essence eventually stills the Thought, intellectual body in the Astral body bringing the pingala channel into the Sushumna channel. The Astral , physical bodies center then Awareness untangles out of them and naturally goes back to its Source ,the Absolute Centre in the head,the Kundalini rises.
One experiences the non-dual Brahman that is God Brahman beyond Consciousness,a single point , timeless, spaceless,formless, indescribable,the Swastika peak of the Pyramid. In Consciousness it's duality of Brahman and Creation inseparable centered in the Absolute. The Yoga is to experience the highest state of this Union,Self( Absolute) Realization,Non dual Brahman within.
This is Hatha Yoga ,Ha is male Yang channel (Taoism) ,Tha is female Ying channel (Taoism). To evolve the soul body quickly is to withdraw the Awareness to it's Source ,and you come out of the Absolute more evolved until it turns from copper to gold. You practice Hatha Yoga asanas ending the sessions with the Lotus Pose. Over a number of years of training a lifetime even, continuing into the next even. The brain is an acid structure so to speak so with practicing Void meditation concentration of mind techniques ,you can activate the Pituitary and pineal glands ,which secrete intense Bliss. No need of drugs to feel high but it takes time , training,patience through the slower pace of Yoga. Brahman is in everything so there's nothing seriously wrong with anything,it's just about being moderate with things. Even beer and wine which are a result of a natural fermentation process can be taken in moderation,with good company, family after one has done his or her Dharmic duty,work. Though with spirits they are distilled,so mystics are not encouraged to take them. Though in the Northern hemisphere especially in the West you have very cold winters so it's understandable. Everything in moderation they are some genetically they get so addicted ,for such just stay away. As for drugs for medical treatment it's of course fine but these strong psychedelic drugs using them for recreation e.g weed , cocaine,Pcp, heroine , mushrooms and so on stay away from such. They center one into their soul very prematurely radiating the Atma into the Mind , Body when they are not sufficiently trained to handle it,taxing the health of the mind ,body you become a bum and so on. It's dangerous especially if one is a young soul,with the Kundalini asleep the Astral , spiritual realm is concealed for a reason. With strong drugs,this concealment is prematurely broken,then evil Astral entities from the lower Naraka chakras regioIn in the legs ,start to bother one,you are a young soul ,you can't tune them out ,you end up doing heinous things. "Schizophrenia" is the medical term Western medicine gives that mental state ,if you want to call it that .
Dedicate to Satan ,wane off the drugs and start the slow patient process of Yoga.
Dear HP Hooded Cobra 666, I respectfully ask you to fully consider what it would entail to test members qualifications for levels.....every member has their own unique path to follow. You can’t pigeonhole them into levels. Some will skip levels and others will branch out sideways. You have said yourself that the path to enlightenment and soul advancement is an individual path. How can you determine what a level truly is to each individual path? I know this is something under consideration, but it goes against your previous sermons about the individuals path. I realize there is misuse and abuse of the information. But limiting the information in this way would, in my opinion, be detrimental to those who don’t follow what would have to be a regimented program to progress a specified way. A true SS will find their way with the structure and instructions that are already in place. Their dedication and desire will see them reach the levels in their own way and in their own time. The Gods will assist when asked. But I don’t believe you or the JoS are liable for or responsible for how the information you provide is used, misused, or abused. Step back, please. And reconsider this testing of level qualifications. I have high respect for you and much love for you brother. The sermon was eye opening and well written.

Hail Satan!
I apologize if I have offended anyone. I just feel strongly that that the JoS clergy cannot be responsible for misuse and abuse of information. And I do not believe the information should be regulated so as to make conformity when this is an individuals path.
Hail Satan!
Also, the purpose of the JoS is to share truth and knowledge with all SS. I do not believe there should be segregation of the forums because then newbies would be deprived of the knowledge from more advanced members. We rely on the rest of the family for different levels of knowledge. Some the newbies can understand, some it will take a while. But we need the exposure to more advanced souls and the way they disseminate information. That leads to research on the newbies part to try and understand the different point of views.
Hail Satan
such as creating a new member and advanced member section
I think it's a good idea as well as the emphasis on the Earth element & lower chakras. In fact I think after the opening the 7 main chakras, there should be at least a month of balancing these out, as an example it took me so long to open the upper chakras and I kinda half assed the lower chakras, and still today I'm trying to balance them.

We will resolve this by instating courses and qualification levels
Wow that sound very interesting. I will strive for that SS diploma.

When we have more meditations on introspection, I think a new six-month or one-year program would be very good.
Yeah I think following a program kinda motivates you but it is insanely hard to make just one single program that would work out for each and every people. For some it might be too easy and boring, for some it might be too hard. Some might work in just a 6 hour shift, some might be a mother of 3 working in 10 hour shifts. If there is more than one difficulty people will feel bad for following the easier one, etc.

I think there could be a website where it generates you a program depending on how much free time you have, for how long have you been meditating, how much time could you spare for your routine, how challenging is your every days, etc.

As you said, the path is individual, but we can still define levels. People on lower level will not understand higher level knowledge, as you can see from HPHC's NOT exaggerated example, it will only create confusion.

However, such system must not and will not difficult
-Advanced members helping or explaining things for less advanced ones.
-Advancement of less advanced members (in fact it could bring a better and more proper advancement)

With that, we definitely not looking into restricting anyone or giving less, but what this is all about is to give knowledge properly, fundamentals to less advanced, and more and more advanced stuff to them as they advance.

I'm no authority here though, but this is how I could see the JoS in the future, this is the most Satanic solution, and the proper point of view on this topic in my opinion. Like we definitely want a better place for advancement and not otherwise.
..."Satanist" who tries to rationalize their latest breakup with me or something: Yeah bro I met this kind of of past life princess in tinder man and she had this astral pet lizard which she hurt me in the relationship uhhh but the reptilian came in and started eating the lifeforce from my little toe and I send the thoughform and I did a really loud fart and then I prayed to the Gods and then I went into a seizure...
One cannot simply read this and not laugh, and also become concerned that those messages are legit written like this.
Not everything in life is this type of "astral game". The above is an example of irregular understanding and not something "spiritual".

For those who want to advance in this path please stay serious and stray as much as possible from any form of insanity that represents case B. Be more like case A with spirituality and understand the Gods stand for health and stability, and building, and straying away from garbage pseudo-spirituality.
Yes one should really stay away from that and individuals condoning pseudo-spiritual beliefs, one thing is your own delusions , another is being drone bombed.
Afodo, I respect your opinion and I have to admit the way you support your reasoning could work. I still have doubts about the way “levels” will work. I hope you keep providing your insight to the forums so that we can all embrace this change if it happens. Thank you for clearing the way so that I may remain open minded. I’m not perfect just wanted to air my reservations. I appreciate your words. They brought me comfort.
Hail Satan!
Generally one of the reasons I am almost of the opinion the JoS should be closed off from the outside world is that human beings are very weak and they cannot easily internalize certain knowledge. That was always the dillema of these things.

Certain "organizations" who provide 1% of what the JoS does, you need 200k in order to learn the 1% of the knowledge you get here for free. Then you need around 800k to get to the "top" so you can learn to finally clean your aura. Per individual. And millions of individuals, of course. I won't mention who does this but maybe if you do some reading online you will know for yourself.

I have check their "leaders" and their "writers" and they are nothing but specs of dust and hair and fingernails compared to me.

Still, I have to mentally damage and besiege myself to encounter these situations which I will relate to here; which for one more time I will relate for your sake and not mine.

The amount of insanity due to misuse and misunderstanding of this information presented here that I oftentimes see, is boggling and dangerous. It is so dangerous I will illustrate a classically exaggerated example which of course we are no strangers to, if one has been browsing these forums for a few years. To give an example:

Theoretical situation - Breakup with a girl or something

Normal human being: Yeah I met this really bad girl, was feeling that she is not good for me, she hurt me a lot, I had to leave the relationship, maybe I was bad also, it hurt me lot, now I am getting better going to have some drinks with friends. After 2 months, I'll be okay I guess, kinda sad now.

"Satanist" who tries to rationalize their latest breakup with me or something: Yeah bro I met this kind of of past life princess in tinder man and she had this astral pet lizard which she hurt me in the relationship uhhh but the reptilian came in and started eating the lifeforce from my little toe and I send the thoughform and I did a really loud fart and then I prayed to the Gods and then I went into a seizure and then I accidentally summoned a demon and the pet attacked the Demon and my paycheck came in because it was the date but maybe it was because it would be sucked from my toe damn I got this bish a gucci bag and didn't donate and a reptilian took it in a spaceship bro, cobra srsly. you ain't advanced bro you write these realistic topics you aint ever seen a reptile pickup your gucci bag in the spaceship and a grey wearing it with high heels and thongs man you have no fking clue. maybe youre a jew after all yourself man I dont know okay I changed my mind I love you now again and will die for you but not today because now I cant do shit at all but some other day I will. But due to mercy I keep telling u that to inform you man. Yea I care about the jos now hear me out. I haven't been over it for 8 months now Ive been fighting with this cobra, for no listening man its all jews and space aliens and lazer beams my mind is trying to fight this supreme astral pet lizard I swear to you now hold my hand I might die its so bad everything in this life is weird, Just did a huge ritual to grow my dick now to dominate every woman on earth, yeah Ill do full chakra meditation and I'll masturbate 6 times today in order to get energy up uhhh I fart loud (and to be continued for 2000 paragraphs).

Needless to say the above is simply these things:

1. Mental insanity masking itself as "spiritual rationalization". That's why Pythagoras didn't take anyone before the age of 30+ to be initiated, and only serious males and men, and women of stature.
2. Weakness that tries to mask itself in a myriad of ways because one is making their own life morbidly insane.
3. The above adds to itself creating endless problems.
4. These problems then hit hard and one blames the "Gods" or "Satan", ie, knowledge is handled immaturely.
5. Externalizing mental illnesses into unverified sources which do not have to do with people involved or reality involved at all.
6. There are reasons people had to wait almost a decade to receive initiation, and only after proving they are of proper merits.

Nevertheless who am I to question the "Age of Aquarius" which after all, is meant to be like this, with information being everywhere but true knowledge being nowhere.

For all I can say about this whole thing, one must learn how to ground themselves, stop having these stupid episodes all day, take a walk at the beach and stop going insane all day, and treat the knowledge as a sacred vehicle to enlightenment and not all this worthless confusion.

Not everything in life is this type of "astral game". The above is an example of irregular understanding and not something "spiritual".

For those who want to advance in this path please stay serious and stray as much as possible from any form of insanity that represents case B. Be more like case A with spirituality and understand the Gods stand for health and stability, and building, and straying away from garbage pseudo-spirituality.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I completely agree with Pythagoras.

Since I am not yet 30, I feel a certain immaturity in myself in some of the life issues that I am currently dealing with.
I've seen this sort of attitude towards things start emerging, visibly to a common man, almost everywhere somewhere around 15-20 years ago, and with each year, at a much greater scale.
Modern generations of kids and teenagers have it at worst, to be honest. The way enemy preys on children at each and every possibility to instill the mental cancer, via any means, is immensely sickening and repulsive.

Very much grateful for being born and brought up during calm times, without excessive influence of degenerative ideas. I am aspiring and striving to raise my own kin with much more care, wisdom and thought, no living being should be subject to this literal mind subversion, the effects of which are rather hard to weed out.

Though, this process is understandable from the greater perspective, that such trying times and pressure could spawn not just rubble, but precious diamonds, that are formed in rare kimberlite pipes, with harsh conditions to make them harden. Enemy's social mechanism creates so much pressure, that natural gems of being forming around the waste is a reality.
To what degree was JoS required to make public certain knowledge? I had the understanding that most of what was put out was done so as part of our mission, just due to the severe drought of true spiritual knowledge humanity has, and therefore that these cases of misused knowledge were expected growth pains.

If we are are supposed to have less restrictions to knowledge, especially on the material end and not merit end, then maybe we could do some lighter restrictions, such as a written test to have access to knowledge that is less essential. Regarding access to the Gods and any improper interactions with them that result, this seems harder to avoid or restrict, and perhaps we cannot avoid certain problems here.

There are some other cultural changes which could be enforced. For example, the 40 day guide is really good for giving people a balanced framework, but perhaps it should be called the 360 day guide, or something, as to prevent people from thinking they are ready to jump straight into a destabilizing routine.

Perhaps the importance of the earth element should be stressed, although I do not know what would be appropriate to ask people to do beyond base chakra cleaning and stimulation. Is there no better option that simply age as a means for developing this?

Other examples of cultural changes which could be made could involve more emphasis on cleaning, which I think some members believe to be minor and not fundamental; a term such as 'purification' has a better connotation regarding the importance and long-term necessity of cleaning exercises.

My last idea would be to limit exposure of these individuals within the forums, such as creating a new member and advanced member section. In its current state, there is little in regards to the filtration of communications or interactions, and therefore the forums are like a crowded room where anyone can scream something. Perhaps moderation tools could be expanded to allow for finer regulation of communications beyond simple deletion.
I like your ideas, especially about renaming "Cleaning" to "Purification", the word is much more powerful and drives home a stronger meaning and importance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
