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My cat died today


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2017
Kiara. March 2007 - Januari 2025. My beloved favorite cat.
She lived a long life for a cat - 18 years.

She got less and less active the last years. Slept and rested more, but was still socially active and cuddly to the very end.
Eventually she got sick somehow, and started puking and mjauing more often.

These last days she gradually stopped eating and hid herself under the sofa, and later in the bathroom under the bathtub.
I desperately tried putting water and food under the sofa, and she ate some at first, but was better at drinking.

This morning I found her on the bathroom floor, sounding very sad when I put my hand on her fur, which felt like it was at least still in good shape.
I hoped for the best; that this was temporary, but when I picked her up from the floor and noticed how lifeless she was... I started crying.
I don't cry easily, but what happened moments later just killed me from the inside.

I carried her to my bed, cuddled with her, tried to give her food, but she could neither drink or eat. Completely drained of energy.
Then she started gasping for air, opened her mouth and stayed in that position until she stopped breathing. I picked her up, and there was no life left in Kiara. That moment I felt like I could die too as well.

I've cried so much now that I'm afraid to wake the neighbours. Pure terror. I miss her so much and also regret all those times I should had taken more good care of her.
All those times I raised my voice to her, or was selfish enough to not see her needs of comfort and playfulness as a cat.
You truly don't know how much you love someone until he/she is gone, regardless of it being humans or animals. This is something for all pet owners to remember. You will regret all your selfishness, so be there for your pet. Be there even if it feels tiresome.

Years ago, when I was working full time and being away all day long; I actually tried to give her a better home, and consequently sold her to a family with children, with a bigger apartment etc. so she could enjoy her life more.. or so I thought. She was so desperate to get away from them that she smashed her head against their glass window, charging at it like a bull into it in order to flee. So I had to take her back.
Deep inside I missed her just as much, but also knew that she was going to be very lonely in a small apartment with me being away so much.

I write this post in order to process all this, and for all you pet owners out there to really remember to give as much love and care for your beloved pets as you possibly can.
I have given this cat much love and care, but not even close to as much as I Should have. I've been a selfish bastard at times, and that hurts to the core right now.

I remember my first days with Kiara; how she as a small kitten hid under the bed and could not properly mjau.
Then some three days later, I found her laying on top of my bed all of a sudden. As I layed my head against her soft fur she started to spin. The connection of love was established.
That's where we connected, and that's also where she died in front of me today. I've seldom felt such saddness in my life. No advancement could ever keep it away. Tears keep coming.
Completely drained of energy.

Yes, seeing our sweet animal friends in these conditions is really bad. It may be normal in the final part of their lives, but knowing that they are in this condition is sad. Now focus that the soul of an animal is simpler than that of a human and reincarnation happens with much ease and simplicity. Yes, it was certainly a very sad moment, but now nothing will be able to hurt her again for a long time and the kitten will once again have a beautiful life where she can be happy and love very much. :)

That moment I felt like I could die too as well

But no, you are alive, because now you can pray to Satan to let you meet her again as soon as she is reincarnated. You won't actually know when, but Satan is in fact running this. Just trust your Father :)

You will regret all your selfishness, so be there for your pet. Be there even if it feels tiresome

And this is absolutely true. Everyone should treat an animal as best as possible. Even just because an animal treats us in the best possible way itself, in its own small way, therefore you should not hesitate to ask Satan for such a thing. Because it's right that you have the chance to be together again.

She was so desperate to get away from them that she smashed her head against their glass window, charging at it like a bull into it in order to flee. So I had to take her back.

Yes, that's right, animals are not opportunists and your cat really loved/will love you (and loves you). The spiritual bond between you and her is not broken at all. It survives over the course of reincarnations, just like what happens to us humans with other humans for example (think of love bonds dating back to past lives, etc.)

give as much love and care for your beloved pets as you possibly can.

Mutual love is sacred. And pets build on this in a totally natural way. Those who minimize the value of these creatures are because they have no awareness of how something high is made. He's downplaying it just because he doesn't know what something bigger than his vision looks like.

Kiara. March 2007 - Januari 2025. My beloved favorite cat.

What you entered here is not her birth and death date, but it is just one of her reincarnations. It couldn't mean anything much more different than entering the date when the cat comes home after a walk on the terrace and then goes out again for a new walk. Even if in a higher way, we are there on a conceptual level :)

She lived a long life for a cat - 18 years.

And she will do it again, and again, so be ready to take care of her once more, and then again as long as you "want to", Satan sees your heart and knows how much you deserve the chance to be happy and to make your cat happy too.

The connection of love was established.

And it remains. It is not possible to break it (unless doing specific spiritual work, but which would not make sense to do).
Remember to be open, Satan will take you to her new reincarnation when the time comes anyway. But try to realize that it will happen, but even if you still can't, know that Satan will hear your prayer regardless of how much you know about his answer. But it might help you to be open to even simple coincidences :)
My condolences brother. Sounds like she had a good life with you.

Many friends departed like that of different species and it never gets easier. We will remember all of them.

Others will come and go and so will we until that threshold is reached where we part ways with death.

Quality time with our close ones is what matters. We learn from them and vice versa. Therein lies the value of our relationships. The love and experiences help us go forward in life.

Give yourself the time to process and don't hold back on grieving but deep down you know it's all good. Until the next time you meet.
Yes, seeing our sweet animal friends in these conditions is really bad. It may be normal in the final part of their lives, but knowing that they are in this condition is sad. Now focus that the soul of an animal is simpler than that of a human and reincarnation happens with much ease and simplicity. Yes, it was certainly a very sad moment, but now nothing will be able to hurt her again for a long time and the kitten will once again have a beautiful life where she can be happy and love very much. :)

But no, you are alive, because now you can pray to Satan to let you meet her again as soon as she is reincarnated. You won't actually know when, but Satan is in fact running this. Just trust your Father :)

And this is absolutely true. Everyone should treat an animal as best as possible. Even just because an animal treats us in the best possible way itself, in its own small way, therefore you should not hesitate to ask Satan for such a thing. Because it's right that you have the chance to be together again.

Yes, that's right, animals are not opportunists and your cat really loved/will love you (and loves you). The spiritual bond between you and her is not broken at all. It survives over the course of reincarnations, just like what happens to us humans with other humans for example (think of love bonds dating back to past lives, etc.)

Mutual love is sacred. And pets build on this in a totally natural way. Those who minimize the value of these creatures are because they have no awareness of how something high is made. He's downplaying it just because he doesn't know what something bigger than his vision looks like.

What you entered here is not her birth and death date, but it is just one of her reincarnations. It couldn't mean anything much more different than entering the date when the cat comes home after a walk on the terrace and then goes out again for a new walk. Even if in a higher way, we are there on a conceptual level :)

And she will do it again, and again, so be ready to take care of her once more, and then again as long as you "want to", Satan sees your heart and knows how much you deserve the chance to be happy and to make your cat happy too.

And it remains. It is not possible to break it (unless doing specific spiritual work, but which would not make sense to do).
Remember to be open, Satan will take you to her new reincarnation when the time comes anyway. But try to realize that it will happen, but even if you still can't, know that Satan will hear your prayer regardless of how much you know about his answer. But it might help you to be open to even simple coincidences :)
Thanks for this valuable input. Good points.

Love is mutual yes, and be giving more love you thus receive more. I just wish I had given her more love these last years. And that I never had raised my voice to her in any angry way.
I think it is common for both animals and humans to feel this way when someone has passed; that one should/could have done more. At least for those with empathy.

That moment of lifting up her lifeless body - I felt completely empty inside and that thus gave me the feeling I mentioned of not caring for my own life.
But it was a moment and not for eternity. I live on and should do so. Never stagnate.

I believe in reincarnation and do hope she has reincarnated without problems by now. But it hurts me to not really know.
I was really lucky this morning at 7 (when I usually sleep) to find her on that bathroom floor - so I could bring her to my bed and be with her to the very end.
That felt arranged somehow and ment to be.
I am so sorry you lost a beloved pet... my heart goes out to you.
I know how you feel. You could do Lord Anubis ritual to make sure she is taken care of properly and maybe able to return to you one day when her soul is ready. ❀️

I wish you strength and comfort, brother. My condoloncences to you.
My condolences brother. Sounds like she had a good life with you.

Many friends departed like that of different species and it never gets easier. We will remember all of them.

Others will come and go and so will we until that threshold is reached where we part ways with death.

Quality time with our close ones is what matters. We learn from them and vice versa. Therein lies the value of our relationships. The love and experiences help us go forward in life.

Give yourself the time to process and don't hold back on grieving but deep down you know it's all good. Until the next time you meet.

Good life for the most part I hope she thinks.
I got her the very same year as I moved into this current apartment 2007.

Shes been through a lot.
She ran away at my parents country house once, and came back two days later.

She has seen and met all people I've ever invited, been greeting me welcome a thousand times, laid on my stomach a thousand times spinning etc. Lots of good memories, but it ended with most sad one in my lifetime.

And shes been quite alone quite often in her life. Had a cat buddy once for some years named Simba. Simba started attacking Kiara after a while so I gave him away to a better place with outside opportunities. Kiara should have had that too. Hope she gets it in next level life. I really wish for it.

Ultra cute Kiara.

I feel better already now having written about this and gotten so much nice feedback. Thank you all.

I could have prolonged her life a bit if I had called the veterinary clinic earlier. I called in right before she died and did not realize how bad she was.

But bringing her to a veterinary earlier would also had meant her having to be put in a small box, moved around without knowing where, thus becoming stressed etc. Could have died easily just from that, considering her then fragile state.
There is also a Very high pricetag for any operations and for having her stay in some animal hospital getting treatment - with the hope of having her live a year at most longer. Probably less.

I try focusing on the good memories I've had with her, and hope that she now can get a better, more outdoor and less lonely life.
Having a cat means more than having someone cute to cuddle with once and a while. Cat's need to play and be physically active, which means you as a owner have to activate yourself for that. Or your cat will complain. MJAOOOO! I've heard that a couple of times. Sometimes after just 10 minutes of no attention. Cuddling isn't enough. Activate your cat if you truly love her/him. Lesson learned.
Kiara. March 2007 - Januari 2025. My beloved favorite cat.
She lived a long life for a cat - 18 years.

She got less and less active the last years. Slept and rested more, but was still socially active and cuddly to the very end.
Eventually she got sick somehow, and started puking and mjauing more often.

These last days she gradually stopped eating and hid herself under the sofa, and later in the bathroom under the bathtub.
I desperately tried putting water and food under the sofa, and she ate some at first, but was better at drinking.

This morning I found her on the bathroom floor, sounding very sad when I put my hand on her fur, which felt like it was at least still in good shape.
I hoped for the best; that this was temporary, but when I picked her up from the floor and noticed how lifeless she was... I started crying.
I don't cry easily, but what happened moments later just killed me from the inside.

I carried her to my bed, cuddled with her, tried to give her food, but she could neither drink or eat. Completely drained of energy.
Then she started gasping for air, opened her mouth and stayed in that position until she stopped breathing. I picked her up, and there was no life left in Kiara. That moment I felt like I could die too as well.

I've cried so much now that I'm afraid to wake the neighbours. Pure terror. I miss her so much and also regret all those times I should had taken more good care of her.
All those times I raised my voice to her, or was selfish enough to not see her needs of comfort and playfulness as a cat.
You truly don't know how much you love someone until he/she is gone, regardless of it being humans or animals. This is something for all pet owners to remember. You will regret all your selfishness, so be there for your pet. Be there even if it feels tiresome.

Years ago, when I was working full time and being away all day long; I actually tried to give her a better home, and consequently sold her to a family with children, with a bigger apartment etc. so she could enjoy her life more.. or so I thought. She was so desperate to get away from them that she smashed her head against their glass window, charging at it like a bull into it in order to flee. So I had to take her back.
Deep inside I missed her just as much, but also knew that she was going to be very lonely in a small apartment with me being away so much.

I write this post in order to process all this, and for all you pet owners out there to really remember to give as much love and care for your beloved pets as you possibly can.
I have given this cat much love and care, but not even close to as much as I Should have. I've been a selfish bastard at times, and that hurts to the core right now.

I remember my first days with Kiara; how she as a small kitten hid under the bed and could not properly mjau.
Then some three days later, I found her laying on top of my bed all of a sudden. As I layed my head against her soft fur she started to spin. The connection of love was established.
That's where we connected, and that's also where she died in front of me today. I've seldom felt such saddness in my life. No advancement could ever keep it away. Tears keep coming.
My condolences brother. She sounds like a sweet soul, I think she loved you deeply too.πŸ’”
Used to call her "Trollgumma" more often than Kiara.
"Trollgumma" is swedish for "old wizard lady" in english, but sounds so extremely much cuter in swedish.
This is an interest aspect of language. "Gumma", if directly translated to english is old lady, but in swedish it's also used similarily to "cutie" on small female baby cats, dogs, humans etc.

This little trollgumma (cutie wizard lady), put a love spell on me everyday with her cuteness. She was pure cuteness.
It's impossible, Brother, to read your post without crying profusely.

I too had a beautiful kitten from the age of 2 months to 18 years.

I had to take him to the vet to euthanize him because he was very sick with kidney disease and was suffering a lot.

I performed a ritual to Father Satan before the vet's appointment and begged him to take care of my beloved cat and help me to be present until the end, and to ask Bastet to take care of him. Then I performed a formal ritual for Bastet. My beloved cat is buried in a forest not far from my home.

It will be 4 years this spring since he died and I can't remember him without crying loudly. Like a wound that will never close.

Courage courage Brother.
It's impossible, Brother, to read your post without crying profusely.

I too had a beautiful kitten from the age of 2 months to 18 years.

I had to take him to the vet to euthanize him because he was very sick with kidney disease and was suffering a lot.

I performed a ritual to Father Satan before the vet's appointment and begged him to take care of my beloved cat and help me to be present until the end, and to ask Bastet to take care of him. Then I performed a formal ritual for Bastet. My beloved cat is buried in a forest not far from my home.

It will be 4 years this spring since he died and I can't remember him without crying loudly. Like a wound that will never close.

Courage courage Brother.

I have continued crying even this very morning after taking a shower in the bathroom.
That same room where I cried the first time when realizing I was about to lose her.
I don't ever cry, or so I thought, but apparently I do. This was just too much for me.

I don't hold back tears when I cry, since it needs to come out.
Feels better now having released much of this sadness, and also when seeing all this loving support here.

I often look at the picture of her while talking to her from the other side, saying how sorry I am and how much I love her,
and how I should have taken better care of her, which I also said to her right before she died.

When I gave her away once it was out of love for her. I wanted her to have a better life than being constantly alone in a small one room apartment,
with me being tired after work and without the energy to play with her that much.

After work I often cuddled with her, gave her kisses, good food, and tried playing with her for a while.
But then all of a sudden I often heard complaining mjaos when watching a movie or something, and could get a bit annoyed, but also sad.
Being alone for so long all day every day made her very craving for attention those few hours I was at home. And those hours I was often tired.

If I could turn back time, I would have given her all the attention in the world those hours instead of being lazy watching a movie etc. and even sometimes raising my voice telling her to be quiet. But I was tired, and did not realize my true love for her. Now I do, and it hurts.
Helpful things to consider here is that we all shall die some day (unless reached MO), and later on be reincarnated unless being heavy christard or so.
My wizard lady cat was not christard, and will thus reincarnate and thus live on, casting love spells on new victims.

Thank you all again for supporting me. Means a lot.
I’m very sorry for you loss. I think she really loved you. Losing a furry best friend is always difficult. It’s still hard for me to talk about my cat but eventually time will heal your heart. I hope her soul is well cared for and that you meet her again in the future.
I’m very sorry for you loss. I think she really loved you. Losing a furry best friend is always difficult. It’s still hard for me to talk about my cat but eventually time will heal your heart. I hope her soul is well cared for and that you meet her again in the future.

My biggest hope is that she now has gone over to something better - a whole new more social life, closer to nature, outside the boring lonely walls of a small one room apartment that she now has left from.

It's very sad that she left me, but what matters most is her wellbeing. I was never able to give her enough of that since there is no outdoor possibility here, and consequently she got stuck in this apartment for too long. She showed me love and I showed her love, by kissing, cuddling, playing and even trying to give her a more happy and social life when I gave her away, most unwillingly but in my mind necessarily. No cat should live so lonely in such a small apartment for life.
Even if she had me, she mostly had to deal with herself being alone here, waiting for me to come home for hours and hours. And when I eventually came, I sometimes just went into bed or wanted to chill out completely, which resulted in her sad mjauing and thus sadness in me also.

It's indeed a great responsibility having a cat. Dogs need to go for walks outside, but cats need to play hunt and be active to be happy.
So it's not like cat's are to be left to themselves since they are so "selfgoing". No, they demand just as much work on part of the owner as dogs. Just in different ways.
Time will make one realize this. It's not some fluffy toy, but a real living being with real feelings just like us humans. You of course know this, but I sort of realize this even more now, and have sort of felt like a big asshole for this. Part of my sadness is about this aspect. I truly loved her, but have now realized to what extent.

If it's hard to talk about your cat I recommend talking about it like I did here. It helps you process this, and with enough processing; talking about it should be no issue at all. We all need to really face such sadness deep down in order to cure it. So talk about it, to yourself or others, face it completely and let all tears run out.
I may still have some tears left, and if so I will let them all out. Out with the sadness and in with the happiness, good memories and the advancement for yourself and everyone else including your cat and mine. Being stuck in sorrow and depression will make one stagnate, but one is only stuck with sadnesss as long as one cannot face it and talk about it, thus risking some tears coming out. The risk of not letting them out is what I adress here.
I could add here that the moment of her death was free from any crying on my part, but instead full of love and comfort to her. As much as I could possibly give.
I guess I held back crying big time and focused entierly on making her feel loved and comforted.

Having someone crying hysterically over you in the moment of death is not as supportive as having someone being strong and loving beside you, thus making the death process easier and less painful for that poor little being, who's life is about to run out. Current life that is. I strongly hope she gets a new even better one.
I did not cry on my way to the vet either, where they took care of her dead body for cremation.

Big time crying came later on, as a wave of intense sadness impossible to fence away from.
When she actually died my fence was up real high, and my love for her was in full focus. Kissed her cute little head for the very last time.
One last kiss out of trillions of previous kisses I've given her during her lifetime with me.

To see her die like that before my eyes had a level of sadness coming in to eventually break all of my fences completely later on. Completely.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
