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Enemy Attack


New member
Mar 3, 2024
I am having an argument with my significant other, where they remember something differently than I do. It happened yesterday and I remember clearly what took place and knowing my own character I trust that with truth (Satya) I conferred to my partner the details of what occurred.

We have a situation where we live in a home and there is a jewish woman in the basement using intravenous drugs and smoking crack and whatnot, terrorizing the house - it's a long story, she's been squatting here and the home owner is kind of in limbo or schism spiritually and has just been being raped by this jew in the basement for over 2 years now. Our cats are afraid of her, she stomps through the house purposely and slams things to disturb our sleep and she gets a kick out of it - like a jew would. She steals and lies through her teeth, whatever the truth is she will tell you the opposite...

So she has been given eviction notices, and has not vacated. She stole a set of keys to the house and regularly leaves for days or weeks on end only to return, usually with company, for however long, and party and fester in the basement for a while longer until she goes out again. We are working on taking it to court.. she has no lease, never has paid rent and is a squatter.

Nonetheless - yesterday I volunteered to go down and put all of her syringes into a plastic container so we could bring them somewhere to have them disposed of (you cannot throw them in the garbage - this poses a hazard to other people, there are specific places that do needle exchanges for this very reason.)

So I tip the little bag and begin to try to pour them into a clear plastic empty food/snack container that I found that had a lid, and little bits of tinfoil and brillo scrub pad strands (for smoking crack) begin to tumble out and into the container.. it is a dirty collection that has been manifesting for some time..

I had gloves on, and did not want to stick my hand in the bag to take the syringes out.. that's why I tried to pour them out into the container. Some of the needles didn't have caps on them.. and some of the needles even fell on the floor as I poured them, and I carefully plucked them one by one and dropped them in the container for them before sealing it. And that was that..

At some point later I relayed to my partner the mission I undertook with the needles.. mentioning that some of them had no caps on them (exposed needles) and some had traces of fluids/substances remaining (blood,etc). I don't recall the exact details of the situation and moment that I told her of what I did, as it wasn't particularly important in my mind at the time. I have a vague recollection but know myself to be an honest person.

Today, now, the squatter has returned, and after much drama has ignited and burned and then fizzled out, it seems apparent to me that the evil energy has re manifested in the house and I can see it erupting in various ways. Random anger in people, chaos, stress, anxiety.

My partner and I were talking and apparently she remembers me telling her that there was "liquid" that poured out onto the floor that I had to clean up, when I transferred the needles from the bag to the plastic container. She is now upset saying that I lied to her yesterday, because now my story changed. I think she misheard me or is confused.. I never cleaned up any liquids off the floor and never claimed to have. Yet she insists that I did and recalls things differently and is now hatefully angry at me thinking that I have lied to her and I can feel her energy has changed from Satanic (love, light, truth, compatability) to Xian/hebrew/Enemy. She cannot see when this happens but I have started to notice it, cause it happens once in a while and I think it's because she has ties to both sides of the spiritual war that is taking place in the world we inhabit. She acknowledges our god and creator, Odin, Satan, Lucifer, Shiva, Enki, and his many other names.. but also thinks that angels are not harmful/spiteful/nasty beings, and follows some new-age spiritual stuff with "angel numbers" and tarot readers that are tied to the enemy, I presume.. So obviously these energies don't mix and we are having problems. I find myself at times being attacked by the enemy to, and I am learning to control what is influencing me. At first I had the spiritual forces (energies) mistaken for random, unexplained emotional feelings, but now I understand what's going on and I try to block out the enemy. Perhaps there is something seriously wrong with my soul, I don't know. I was trafficked as a child and put through ritual abuse and summonings and all kinds of ugly stuff. My surroundings were xian/christian/catholic/jewish mostly, and now I know where I belong because I've used my discernment to distinguish that one "god" hates and abuses humans and wants us to be afraid, while our true creator god loves us and brings us peace and joy.

So I believe the enemy is influencing people around me, at times. I want to ask for help here and see how my fellow Spiritual Satanists can guide me down the true path that I am ready for. I fear my own soul may be in schism and I may be part jewish or something because both forces seem to have a way to come into my life no matter what I do. Maybe that is the point of splitting a person's personality, and ritual abuse, and stuff that I went through. Which is a long story and I don't think I should mention it here yet, so if anybody can understand this and offer advice, I will try to tap into it and grow and advance towards the light of Father. I wish to take my partner with me (most of the time we are on the same frequency/wavelength of energy). Thank you.
We were trying to kick her out, so we packed her stuff up and messaged her friends/relatives to tell them to come take it. That's why I went down to move the syringes.. it was like the last piece of "cleaning up" down there. I should have proofread my post, but I didn't. Hope it all makes sense to anyone reading now.
Damn, this is a interesting story....but what did I just read? Squatter laws are ridiculous. I would be doing RTRs all day everyday until the jew vanished and stacking AOP. Don't let this kikes energy affect you just stay calm and argue facts only, as if you are an emotionless AI. Legally I would do everything in my power to harass the jew. I don't see why you can't call the cops for the drug use, maybe get a restraining order. Sounds like you live bad area.
If someone does drugs and has needles, you call the cops. Let them remove the junkie. And you do NOT handle someone else's drug needles yourself, this is a very strange thing to do.

Society needs to raise up to not live in squalor. Nobody should accept this lifestyle of sharing a home with a junkie you're not even related to.
I would do some detaching working, with Munka for example. Your affirmation can be something like "I'm now detached from every malicious and jewish energy/force in the most beneficial way for me".
I do not think this one thing would have such a big influence but if it resist you can also clean your house with Sanandra.
Damn, this is a interesting story....but what did I just read? Squatter laws are ridiculous. I would be doing RTRs all day everyday until the jew vanished and stacking AOP. Don't let this kikes energy affect you just stay calm and argue facts only, as if you are an emotionless AI. Legally I would do everything in my power to harass the jew. I don't see why you can't call the cops for the drug use, maybe get a restraining order. Sounds like you live bad area.
We have done some of our own workings, and I went down and drew runes with chalk in the basement, and we cleansed it with sage a few times. My GF also thinks that cats are energy workers and so, though we try to keep them from going down there when the evil one is here, we let them go down there when she is not here because GF thinks they cleanse the bad energy. We try not to let it affect us - and I'm getting better, however this is the third home in a row we've lived in where we had a problem with some other party nearby with enemy energy ties. I'm starting to think, while being aware I could be cursing myself and trying to avoid that, that this is just the way the universe works and that there will always be some antagonists nearby to overcome. I talk to our higher powers about my problems often, and in fact as a result usually manage to answer my own questions without asking others. I believe an answer I got from father once on the subject of how to rid ourselves of this person, was to "apply pressure," considering that everyone else here was too xian and scared to do anything about the jew's abusive behavior. I have been slowly working on that. We knew how bad it was here before we moved here, but we have always been convinced we could make things better here. Part of the reason we came here was to help, so rather than find a new place on our own after leaving the last bad situation, we chose to accept the invite to come live here. It's, in ways, much better than where we were before. It's a nicer community, we have wildlife in the yard and it's very quiet. How the jew got here is a long story but to save us all time, it's, in simple form, because of sympathy. She was living in a van with other drug addicts in sort of like a "skidrow" from what I hear. She was supposed to be here for a few days and it's turned into over 2 years now.

And to answer your question about the cops - they have honestly seemed pretty useless in my lifetime.. but in this case, the first time I called them it was because the jew pushed my mom out of a chair in a struggle to get to the thermostat to turn the heat down. The cops came and didn't do anything because it was a "he said, she said" thing and the jew claimed it was mutual. I don't know what really happened because my mom did drink back then (she has stopped since we came here), but I know my mom is about 15-20 years the jew's senior and it shouldn't have happened either way. The second time the cops came, the needles were already gone.. I guess hindsight is 20/20, we got rid of them right before the jew came back. They said they can't remove her and that we have to go through court, but recommended changing the locks and just locking her out. She has no tenancy here, never paid any rent, and was gone for about 17 days before coming back. The home owner seems to be afraid to just be mean to her and banish her but I have talked to him and he tells us all that he doesn't want her here - she has been robbing his house since she's been here. I will save you all the details. We actually live in a pretty nice township I would say, but in the state of NY the laws are not that good? Or police just suck. I've had bad luck with them my whole life.. you would gawk in disbelief at the stories I could tell you, and I chalk it all up to the duality aspect of the universe and the power of the enemy presence at times.. Satanic energies don't mix well with hebrew ones and one of those energy types seems to always have to take precedence over the other, I have found. I am convinced that down to the fabric of reality these energies operate sometimes.. can explain this more if you're interested. But I know either I am wrong and stuck in this perception no matter how hard I think, or that I have discovered something important about reality.

Thank you for your reply.

If someone does drugs and has needles, you call the cops. Let them remove the junkie. And you do NOT handle someone else's drug needles yourself, this is a very strange thing to do.

Society needs to raise up to not live in squalor. Nobody should accept this lifestyle of sharing a home with a junkie you're not even related to.

We should have. Again, hindsight is 20/20.. we believed she wasn't coming back, sent messages to her people telling them she has to come get her stuff (or we were going to throw it out we decided), and we were under the impression she checked into a rehab. When you have multiple minds managing a situation I have noticed sometimes mistakes can happen because not everyone is entirely on the same page and we have different soul ties.. I took care of the needles because someone else was saying "I'm not f-ing touching those, he (the home owner) can do that." Because they were being resentful, and I thought I was doing something noble by packaging them up. He took them (in the container I put them in) somewhere and disposed of them. The jew denies they were hers, but even before, needles were found in the basement.. it was nasty down there, she lives really deplorably. I started to feel sorry for her but I know that she doesn't deserve my sympathy after all the abuse. Every time she is given a break she just starts the abuse cycle all over again. She has 3 kids she lost because of her drug habits..

The cops will not remove her. Maybe they would have if we left the needles and called, but the cops were called as a last resort and apparently we try not to call them because it embarrasses the home owner who has lived here for decades and held a city job.

2 of the other people in this home are not SS and I believe that has a lot to do with the abuse cycle they're stuck in - the enemy energy convinces people to feel sorry for their abusers and to feel afraid of things. We don't want to live here forever but this is a chance for us to get on our feet and get somewhere in life as we are not handling all of the expenses by ourselves. The last 2 places we lived we had a similar problem.

Thank you, HP Lydia. I am trying to do what I think is right/just here, and as hard as I feel like we are trying, I am sure we could try harder.. and we must. I was afraid to make this thread, fear kept creeping into my mind but I shut it out. Even overnight and this morning I was stressing it, feeling like it was humiliating and people would attack me.. but I blocked that out, because I know I told the truth and I just wanted some help, which I've accepted that we all need at times.

doing frtr tetra shatter and ask help with Father Satan or doing Bastet Ritual for justice for u're own.

I will keep trying. I will locate the "tetra shatter" ritual and truly try it. Thanks.
can explain this more if you're interested. But I know either I am wrong and stuck in this perception no matter how hard I think, or that I have discovered something important about reality.

I don't want you to dox yourself. Hopefully you become the jew exorcist of New York State from all these experiences. Maybe get a book/movie deal one day. Not sure what to say to all of this outside of whats already been said.
I don't want you to dox yourself. Hopefully you become the jew exorcist of New York State from all these experiences. Maybe get a book/movie deal one day. Not sure what to say to all of this outside of whats already been said.
Hmm, well I want to iterate that my main concern was not the jew we live with but is instead that I feel like no matter what, the enemy seems to launch it's attacks on the psyche of myself and people around me. From what I understand, in Gnostic texts, the Archons were described as beings that alter the way you perceive reality. I believe these alterations of perception come in the form of feelings and thoughts they try to inject into us.. like, I can't understand why randomly some people snap and turn on me and I feel like their energy is of the enemy during these periods. I understand there are more acceptable explanations like mental health, psychiatry (which I heavily dispute and am against tbh), unregulated emotions, etc, however I tend to think nowadays that the source of these things is actually negative entities. I'm not sure if everyone around here would agree with me but I can't escape this perception of things I have nowadays - I am stuck in it, no amount of reasoning seems able to change it because I can, in my mind, very logically defend my belief no matter what information I am presented with..

Basically, I think that the source of most negativity in this world is ultimately at it's very most deepest roots coming from the enemy. I can't shake this out of my mind or my life. Even if I'm not being directly affected by it in my soul or my mind, I see it happening around me in the world to people nearby or in changes in energy in an area. I'm generally thinking now that any negative or fear response I have in my mind to something (or that appears out of nowhere), as opposed to a positive or loving response, is coming from entities that I'm calling the enemy. You can have a negative thought, like for instance I can think right now, "well, jeez, if I touch something hot it might burn me," and there is a difference between having and acknowledging this information, and having a harrowing, possessive, wholly negative response to it. The latter is what I am saying is from the enemy, not the former. What I am trying to describe here is not really just a thought or feeling, but really a paradigm shift that I think the archons try to usher onto us to go into the lower vibrational frequencies.

So everything we think, some of us know, stems from either fear or love. I will keep talking about these things if someone wants to discuss them with me, however I am struggling right now to block out noise around me and to manifest my deepest concentration to allow me to elaborate more extensively. It seems to run into the fabric of reality and now that I've seen it I cannot unsee it, so even if I'm wrong I can't prove it to myself to escape being locked in this way I am perceiving things.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
