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How To Be A Man? - It's Actually Rather Simple [Update: Working Out?]

It's no real surprise we've reached this point in society, where "masculinity" has become this inscrutable, arcane concept most people can barely grip their fingers around. Take Xianity, or any form of Abrahamism. It's steeped in so much hatred of women and femininity. In Islam, women are simply straight up considered half the worth of men and are regarded as cattle and property. It's really not any better in Xianity, and it doesn't take long for you to find quotes straight from the Bible of how women "must be silent" and beaten if they ever step out of line. Imagine where any of us would be if Maxine "stayed silent" as the Bible commanded, by virtue of her not being a man.

The grand irony is, for how masculine dominated Abrahamic religion is, through and through, with the Jew God itself, to their Priesthoods, to their ethics and morals, the reality is, it does not create or even preach for strong men. The Bible is the first thing to tell men to get down on their knees, consider themselves less than dirt, turn the other cheek, betray their families, give up everything they have, and turn away from their ancestors. There's nothing "masculine" about it, ultimately. These religions have been creating weakened men long, long before the current era and its notions of "toxic masculinity". I could almost imagine these words escaping the lips of some weak chapel monk with a bald spot shaved into his head, upon seeing a Norse Pagan male for the first time. Xians and their ilk were the first leftist soyboys, and don't ever let them forget this fact.

Sadly, in my experience, it's often been the most tryhard "machismo" types who have been the most depressing failures of men of all. Take movements like "Return of the Kings", any incel bait shitfest, and watch a clip. Take away the beards they try to grow, they're a fairly pathetic looking bunch. Self-entitled, whiny blowhards playing pretend that they're uber masculinists. They've all grouped themselves together under the pretence that, because women don't want them and can see through their act, that something MUST be wrong with women, and so women must be forced to marry them and be legally rapeable in marriage. For how much they bitch and moan about how "weak" men are these days, the irony is, they fail to see how they encapsulate almost everything wrong with them in the first place.

Personally, I think being attracted to "strong people" is natural for either gender. Strength is represented in so many ways, and not just the physical. For me it represents a tempered willpower, and a "strong" woman is most definitely one fit to raise children.

As Cobra says, Maxine was a great example of a woman who represented a great many traits exhibited by people of either gender. She studied martial arts for years, by her own confession, and given this, her physical development and ability to doubtlessly take care of herself in this regard would have absolutely appalled a Muslim, who thinks a woman is only a woman if they're a shivering, garbage bag clad weakling who needs her husband to do everything up to and including opening the door to receive the mail.

There are general statements on what it means to be a good man. Someone has already used Hitler as an example, and I fully agree. There was a sensitivity to Hitler, and not at all a weakening one, but an empathic, understanding one. As someone said, he adored the arts and loved nature and animals. He was one of the only men of his time who truly gave any care at all for animal welfare and wellbeing. You would have "masculine" idiots now who would try to say this are effeminate traits and therefore bad.

Truth is, there's nothing "manly" about being a grug caveman idiot who's masculinity is so pathetically fragile that the only thing keeping it together is arbitrary claims about what does or doesn't make a man. I've seen someone say "a real man does not drink milk" with a straight face. The fuck does that even mean? Point is, you get a lot of people who think they're a man, because they beat their wives and so on. But there's nothing manly about being completely out of control of your own emotions that you lash out in these ways. Xianity and its ilk have completely bewildered men to the point that they'll try to grasp at anything so long as it makes them feel more "masculine" than someone else, because the alternative, ie, having any semblance of willpower, is simply too hard.

Moreover, on top of the virtues attributable to gender, there are, of course, virtues unique to you. At the end of the day, not every man is the same, and that's how things are meant to be. We are not Communists, spouting how all things and people are equal in every way. There are general virtues that all people can aspire to, such as the possession of strong will and bodies (and no, your genetic profile does not forbid you from physical strength. From the bearded 6'5 male of natural girth to the 5'8 male of leaner builds and smoother features, ANYONE is capable of fitness, strength and martial prowess), but there are also individual virtues, and the differences in perfection that can be displayed by two different people of high advancement.

You can see such mentalities reflected in our own Ancient Theologies. Our Gods are perfect, each and every one, but perfect in ways unique to them. Azazel and Beelzebul are two perfected males, and represent the absolute pinnacle of what a man can strive to be. But looking up from our perspective, in their own perfect ways, they represent their own virtues unique to themselves. This is the point. After knowing what it means to be the perfect man, the next, more subtle step is learning how to be the perfect YOU.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Genuine and perfectly flawless, one of the best sermons ever.
The jews have an arrogant attitude and appear to be confident but they can't take a single criticism and start to freakout, even appealing to censorship. They prey only on the weak. They are not male at all.
The part about being a violent fool is definitely true I use to think the more violent one is and the more careless they are about things they've done to people and the more times you go In out of jail and the more cruel and violent your charge is that your more ofa man...,, now that is just psychotic jew programmed behavior now what started that thinking with me is when I was in high school if someone picked on me over my beliefs I would psychically attack them or the least cuss them out but what really inspired this behavior for me was noticing how some of the girls liked "bad boys" and the more fights I'd win turned some girls on that is just straight up psychotic jew programming but then that way of thinking it turned me into something else and i went down a very dark path totally disregarding father satan and the gods in every decision i made, and I ended up almost losing my life due to that kind of Thinking eventually I came across the wrong person who was even more STUPID, violent and careless then I was and I am beyond LUCKY the gods gave me a second chance and saved my life after they've seen all the messed up shit I've done to others I'm still trying deprogram myself out of this RETARDED way of thinking I feel alot better about myself now cause I don't think that way as much anymore or really at all anymore
I know i can't be the only one in these forums that thought way at one time in there life
Prisma said:
Henu the Great said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=374224 time=1657689486 user_id=21286]
Without the earth and fire associated with masculinity, we cannot implement our will or maintain structure properly. Without the water and air associated with feminity, we cannot think, sense, plan or interact on a romantic or friendly level.
I was under impression that Water and Earth are feminine and Fire and Air masculine. Water and Earth being magnetic and Fire and Air electric.
That's also my impression. Water and fire are the passionate feminine and masculine energies, whereas air and earth are the dispassionate masculine and feminine energies respectively, with air being logical and dissociative, and earth being grounded in one's emotions and intuition and what one can directly observe and experience.
I also find there to be an interesting cyclical interaction between the four main elements:
  1. Air subdues water, by cutting through feelings and superstition with sharp logic and reason.
  2. Water transforms earth, as it has the potential to change the very foundation of the principles one is grounded in.
  3. Earth is impervious to fire, as it doesn't care for fiery conflict or reckless impulses, and simply carries on at its own pace.
  4. Fire inspires air, by interrupting the natural flow of logic with its errant passion, allowing for new paths and possibilities to be discovered.
That's just my own laid-back analysis of how the elements interact, but I figured I'd share it in case it's interesting to anyone.
Prisma said:
Henu the Great said:
I was under impression that Water and Earth are feminine and Fire and Air masculine. Water and Earth being magnetic and Fire and Air electric.
That's also my impression. Water and fire are the passionate feminine and masculine energies, whereas air and earth are the dispassionate masculine and feminine energies respectively, with air being logical and dissociative, and earth being grounded in one's emotions and intuition and what one can directly observe and experience.

Actually, I believe what you say is true. I used the wrong terminology. Too bad I cannot edit my post.

The reason I said what I said is due to Saturn's relationship with the father. Of course, this is different from Taurus earth.
In regard to Mercury, this seems more neutral from a gender perspective, although I know women can be stereotyped as gossiping or talking too much (the opposite of Saturn).
Prisma said:
Henu the Great said:
I was under impression that Water and Earth are feminine and Fire and Air masculine. Water and Earth being magnetic and Fire and Air electric.
That's also my impression. Water and fire are the passionate feminine and masculine energies, whereas air and earth are the dispassionate masculine and feminine energies respectively, with air being logical and dissociative, and earth being grounded in one's emotions and intuition and what one can directly observe and experience.

I was thinking more along the lines of the lower chakras vs the upper chakras, where the lower ones are associated with "doing" and the upper chakras are associated with thinking/sensing. Yet, as you mention this does not fall exactly along a masculine/feminine spectrum, although somewhat similar.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Person said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Generally, whatever does not include effort and growth in life, will make someone directly into a female.

... most men are already to where they are literally like women and whine all day in a passive state.
I didn't quote the entire post, because it is very long. While I do agree that it is very important for men to be strong so that they can defend those that they care about and their civilisations, excessive whining and passivity to the point of not self-improving is a highly undesirable trait in both sexes. Even traditionally feminine tasks such as cooking and childrearing require sustained effort. A whiny, passive male also doesn't suddenly become biologically female, so I don't understand what's being stated here.

Thanks for pointing out misunderstandings, this a minefield of a topic. Very difficult to write about.

A whiny, passive male, that sits down all day and follows the daily paradigm today [of consuming passively and the worst type of food, plays videogames all day, hardly uses the mental or spiritual faculty], will start dwindling in masculine energy.

The basis of transformation to a feminine body will start setting in, including bigger breasts, losing aptitude to do specific physical tasks, stress tolerance will go to zero, even if this is subtle and not really a full on gender change.

A lot of characteristics that appear in the feminine prototype when it's unworked appear, will appear on them too. That is also true hormonally. If the above is done for a whole lifetime, the basic gender remains the same [you will not become a beautiful woman if you do this] but certain characteristics will start to kick in.

Endrogen and other problems issued from, for example, being too lazy to exercise, are going to add up endrogen and other hormones generally administered to people who also want to do a sex change. Endrogen is characteristically a hormone that empowers what we refer to as "feminine" characteristics.

Every passing year, males lose a certain amount of bone mass and testosterone, and if one does not exercise or use their mind in creative faculty, starts losing intellectually too. On the higher end of this loss, one starts becoming more and more desolate of some of the defining factors of being a male. Virility and other things get reduced every consecutive year after one is 30, and eventually, these decline and decline until they are stopped through intellectual and physical effort.

Likewise, women have to use their own inner "masculine" drive in order to procure self empowerment and self maintenance to a lesser extent than a man, but the degrees between the genders change and the amount of focus or expectations are drastically different. For example, as both genders become very lazy and allow weight to grow, endrogen starts becoming an equal issue.

The "most men are already to where they are literally like women and whine all day in a passive state." implies two points, one is the point that men are acting like women [when they should not] and that they are passive. These two things are not exclusive to being a woman.

Thanks again.
Thank you for the clarification, I see what you're saying now. Obesity is associated with decreased testosterone in men and increased testosterone in women, as well as increased estrogen levels in both sexes, as you mention in your post. As men are the taller and stronger sex, the responsibility to defend their civilisations from invaders generally falls upon them, as they are more physically able. While there's nothing wrong in my opinion with a minority of men (perhaps with more water astrological placements) being of the sensitive artist type, if not enough men are both physically and spiritually masculine enough to defend their respective civilisations, then historically barbarian males are more than happy to invade. Jews also maintain an intense interest in emasculating white males, as masculine white males orchestrating national socialist revolutions would quickly spell anudda shoah for them.
Асуря said:
the leg press machine is for total faggots

I use that :lol: :lol: :lol:
Aquarius said:
Adolf Hitler is the perfect example, an extremely refined man who loved nature and was an artist, and his willpower was extreme.

Very true my bro
What I can't stand about todays youth is the bullshit about he/she they/them gender norms and how one is called.

Like what the fuck are you guys doing?

I feel like Im losing IQ just by talking to these kind of ppl.
A lot of the American men these days who claim to be "real men" can't even control their appetite or work out, so they have huge bellies hanging over their belts.

And it's so sad, to see men who are lost and weak and helpless :(

Wonderful post, HP. Men need to fight and struggle and overcome whatever is in their way.
Thanks. I needed to read this.
I understand, there are men who have been weakened in their childhood, so I see it's important to DETACH from people weakening yourself as a male, to grow further.
This is part of the challenge to better yourself, at least, I see things his way.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=374536 time=1657799070 user_id=57]
A lot of the American men these days who claim to be "real men" can't even control their appetite or work out, so they have huge bellies hanging over their belts.

And it's so sad, to see men who are lost and weak and helpless :(

Wonderful post, HP. Men need to fight and struggle and overcome whatever is in their way.

Same as UK Lydia supersize me over here.
Pillar said:
Thanks. I needed to read this.
I understand, there are men who have been weakened in their childhood, so I see it's important to DETACH from people weakening yourself as a male, to grow further.
This is part of the challenge to better yourself, at least, I see things his way.
Very enlightening point of view you have! Continue on this path and you will evolve a lot! 🦇🦇
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=374536 time=1657799070 user_id=57]
A lot of the American men these days who claim to be "real men" can't even control their appetite or work out, so they have huge bellies hanging over their belts.

And it's so sad, to see men who are lost and weak and helpless :(

Wonderful post, HP. Men need to fight and struggle and overcome whatever is in their way.
They think that having an ar-15, drinking a lot of beer and having alcohol tollerance and watching football makes them man, really tells you how much jews brainwashed men.
What am I capable of?
What is my potential?
What are my wildest dreams?
What can I do right now to move towards those goals?
What are the obstacles and how will I overcome them?
How have I failed in the past?
Am I doing the right thing, right now?
Am I being true to myself?

These are my duties, I am prescribed this body and soul, this is my fate, I must accept my fate, I must accept the circumstances of this moment, but I must also learn to control my fate, that I may look at this moment and say, I created this moment, I created my fate, I conquered the universe.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=374536 time=1657799070 user_id=57]
A lot of the American men these days who claim to be "real men" can't even control their appetite or work out, so they have huge bellies hanging over their belts.

And it's so sad, to see men who are lost and weak and helpless :(

Wonderful post, HP. Men need to fight and struggle and overcome whatever is in their way.

That is not something to judge a man over, let us not be that much strict. It is only one thing on the package of what is the general case of being a man.

A lot of people that have 6 packs are total wimps and do not incarnate many manly qualities either. Similarly, a lot of women are very much beautiful, but might not incarnate any of the feminine virtues whatsoever.

I know you know I just write this for people who might be reading, as to avoid confusion.

Belly hanging over the belt also can occur due to other factors such as bowel syndrome [this is very common in bad foods that we consume now].

What is a real problem beyond the body is the mentality.

A lot of people in the US have the proper mentality, while a lot of "vegan thin" and so on soylents might not have extra pounds, but they are totally wimped out and sissified.

One can be however physically, yet if one is mentally not on the right place, nothing can fix this. The body can help, but it can only help as part of a proper male development.
some things I read make no sense. you say hit the gym for part of masculinity, what if some of us don't want to be muscleheads or bulk up? we're in the wrong?

you're a leader and I read things in an either/or method. that's why I'm asking. I'm confused, I'm not sure what you're saying precisely by that. if you're saying don't be lazy, fine.
I took your advice, stopped avoiding discomfort, rode a bike to the top of a mountain, at the top I shouted "yeahhh" not caring what people thought, my confidence increased, my ass hurts a lot.
Totally worth it.
Adrellis said:
some things I read make no sense. you say hit the gym for part of masculinity, what if some of us don't want to be muscleheads or bulk up? we're in the wrong?

Not wanting to look bulked like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime is not an excuse to not work out at all.

Why would anyone bother to work out? Let me ask something different, why would anyone bother to reach Godhood? Reaching closer to the Gods in body and spirit is too much work so why even bother... If anyone here takes their time to build their Soul strenght, the body is just as important. Unlike some infiltrator a while ago lying to people that you can be stronger than weightlifters if you were like the emaciated vegetarian fake gurus in India with imaginary Siddhis.

This channel has a lot of useful information about work out for those who don't wanna go to a traditional gym:


These videos are very interesting and related to the problems related in this thread:

"I identify as skinny"

"Bad genetics"

Adrellis said:
what if some of us don't want to be muscleheads or bulk up? we're in the wrong?
So WHAT? Going to the gym doesn’t immediately make you some meat head please grow up. Every man should be striving to be in good physical shape and the gym is part of this. You don’t even have to do heavy weight training at the gym if you don’t want.

Actually you don’t NEED to go to the gym at all to be in shape. Cardio like running and jumping jacks can be done at home or around your neighborhood, as well as body weight exercises like push-ups pull-ups planks, etc.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=374480 time=1657763667 user_id=21286]
Prisma said:
Henu the Great said:
I was under impression that Water and Earth are feminine and Fire and Air masculine. Water and Earth being magnetic and Fire and Air electric.
That's also my impression. Water and fire are the passionate feminine and masculine energies, whereas air and earth are the dispassionate masculine and feminine energies respectively, with air being logical and dissociative, and earth being grounded in one's emotions and intuition and what one can directly observe and experience.

Actually, I believe what you say is true. I used the wrong terminology. Too bad I cannot edit my post.

The reason I said what I said is due to Saturn's relationship with the father. Of course, this is different from Taurus earth.
In regard to Mercury, this seems more neutral from a gender perspective, although I know women can be stereotyped as gossiping or talking too much (the opposite of Saturn).
Perhaps it's that the planets (and chakras) are representations of more specific concepts than just the elements. Similarly to how men and women alike can have good "masculine" and "feminine" qualities (and should not neglect either, as you've often emphasised), so can Saturn represent the discipline aspect that stems from earth's groundedness, which is then culturally associated with the father due to the typical role of a father.

As for Mercury, you're the second person I've seen describe it as neutral. An old friend of mine once described Mercury as "similar to Venus in some ways, but more hermaphroditic (in a metaphorical sense)." He didn't explain his reasoning, but if I had to guess, perhaps it's because both planets can make someone a chatterbox like you mentioned, but Mercury is less concerned with beauty and luxury (feminine) than Venus, and more concerned with efficiency (masculine) instead.

On a related note, my older brother once told me that a common mindset among women is that a situation gets better if you add more nice things to it, while a common mindset among men is that a situation gets better when you remove unnecessary things from it; hence why women typically value luxury more and tend to be more harmonious, whereas men tend to be more competitive and value efficiency more.

Obviously these are just stereotypes, but I still thought his description of femininity as "additive" and masculinity as "reductive" was rather interesting, especially since it's the opposite of what I'd expect from yin and yang at face value.
"I'm going to complete the magnum opus some day anyway so why would I care to get off my own ass and advance physically too?"

That's not the mentality of someone who is supposedly up to advancement. Someone who thinks like that is hardly anyone that is advanced enough to tell for sure they will reach Godhood in this same lifetime.

The only certainty you have is that you are going to be old for the rest of your life.

I know old people who would never drink, they lived a moderated lifestyle, never ate too much and did normal working routines their whole life (that is not enough to not count as sedentarism) and they are frail like toddlers in their 60's-70's. So unless you care to be a fit and athletic man starting from now, you better not have much pride, and have a loving family that you can rely on babysitting you at old age (most soy men won't have anyone though, if they live that is).

Shredded In Their 60’s | What’s Your Excuse?


A picture of Ernestine Shepherd. This woman is 80 years old:

Aquarius said:
I took your advice, stopped avoiding discomfort, rode a bike to the top of a mountain, at the top I shouted "yeahhh" not caring what people thought, my confidence increased, my ass hurts a lot.
Totally worth it.
If you plan to ride your bike more, be sure to fit it (adjust cockpit, ie. saddle height and forward position, stem height and length and handlebar position) according to your measures and get a pair of padded cycling shorts or similar. You are fortunate to live in one of the best places of the world for cycling.
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
I took your advice, stopped avoiding discomfort, rode a bike to the top of a mountain, at the top I shouted "yeahhh" not caring what people thought, my confidence increased, my ass hurts a lot.
Totally worth it.
If you plan to ride your bike more, be sure to fit it (adjust cockpit, ie. saddle height and forward position, stem height and length and handlebar position) according to your measures and get a pair of padded cycling shorts or similar. You are fortunate to live in one of the best places of the world for cycling.
Thank you, will definitely do.
Yes, it really is gorgeous.
I think that everyone man or woman should find an exercise program that suites them individually. I would not recommend someone to lift weights if they have bad joints and weak bones.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=374536 time=1657799070 user_id=57]
A lot of the American men these days who claim to be "real men" can't even control their appetite or work out, so they have huge bellies hanging over their belts.

And it's so sad, to see men who are lost and weak and helpless :(

Wonderful post, HP. Men need to fight and struggle and overcome whatever is in their way.

That is not something to judge a man over, let us not be that much strict. It is only one thing on the package of what is the general case of being a man.

A lot of people that have 6 packs are total wimps and do not incarnate many manly qualities either. Similarly, a lot of women are very much beautiful, but might not incarnate any of the feminine virtues whatsoever.

I know you know I just write this for people who might be reading, as to avoid confusion.

Belly hanging over the belt also can occur due to other factors such as bowel syndrome [this is very common in bad foods that we consume now].

What is a real problem beyond the body is the mentality.

A lot of people in the US have the proper mentality, while a lot of "vegan thin" and so on soylents might not have extra pounds, but they are totally wimped out and sissified.

One can be however physically, yet if one is mentally not on the right place, nothing can fix this. The body can help, but it can only help as part of a proper male development.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[Update July 14 2022]

Adrellis said:
some things I read make no sense. you say hit the gym for part of masculinity, what if some of us don't want to be muscleheads or bulk up? we're in the wrong?

you're a leader and I read things in an either/or method. that's why I'm asking. I'm confused, I'm not sure what you're saying precisely by that. if you're saying don't be lazy, fine.

You must have optimal fitness, and going to the gym is not necessary for that. As for optimal, we mean healthy. Yes, some people might hate it, but this is the correct advice [you can train very lightweight and a few times per week]. You must keep fit and healthy, and the body type you will want to have is your own choice.

The higher the development of the body, the better for you. To a lesser extent that is also true for women, but for men there are many things one is losing out from if they don't at least do the optimal things, let alone if we allow ourselves to become to placid. Then we lose on too many benefits, health, mental and otherwise.

Working out should be done as part as of any developing man, be this only twice or trice per week, or a full on schedule to develop the body. The idea that one can completely ignore this and be all good is not true, and it will also cost someone considerably on their health. Therefore, I have to advise the proper thing and then you have to adjust this based on logic.

For those of our own who might struggle with being overweight etc, it's time to make a decision to take back your life slowly. If you are past the age of 60 or so, you can let it go and simply focus on having a more optimal diet.

Just don't let yourself go and allow yourself to get sick or become lazy to where you cannot operate. It's necessary to have activity to an extent.

I used to have a great desire to build significant muscle mass.I wanted to be more muscular to look better and to get the attention(especially from girls) I deserved.But in the end I came to the conclusion that this whole exercise is for people with low self-esteem who want to draw attention to themselves and compensate for their "petty inferiority complex".So I can't really envy an overly muscular person. :D :D :lol: :lol: And I finally gave up on this muscling,and that's why I'm not pushing this exercise(the movement of muscles).

There was one person I discussed this with, and that person said that it's not just the person with the "inferiority complex" who does the gym workout, but the person who gives of themselves (shows demandingness to the outside world).Just about all I think about is that if who give of yourself (show demandingness), for her don't have necessarily to muscle.
There are many other ways to show demand(sophistication)....

I think that yoga is much more than just working out in the gym and is more important on the path to divinity.And yoga is not just for looking better.

By the way, I don't dispute the benefits of gym exercise, but I don't think it's necessary to achieve divinity in my opinion.
Adrellis said:
some things I read make no sense. you say hit the gym for part of masculinity, what if some of us don't want to be muscleheads or bulk up? we're in the wrong?

you're a leader and I read things in an either/or method. that's why I'm asking. I'm confused, I'm not sure what you're saying precisely by that. if you're saying don't be lazy, fine.

In my opinion every man and woman should work out. It does not have to be the gym, it can be tennis, football, riding a bike, marital arts etc...And you can work out and not get big. I also think that after you advance in meditation, if your body is also not advancing that you will hit a wall(not proven, its just what i think).

And at some points in time it has to be either/or. We are literally at our lowest point as humanity. We need strong Men and Women.
Arcadia said:
Sadly, in my experience, it's often been the most tryhard "machismo" types who have been the most depressing failures of men of all. Take movements like "Return of the Kings", any incel bait shitfest, and watch a clip. Take away the beards they try to grow, they're a fairly pathetic looking bunch. Self-entitled, whiny blowhards playing pretend that they're uber masculinists. They've all grouped themselves together under the pretence that, because women don't want them and can see through their act, that something MUST be wrong with women, and so women must be forced to marry them and be legally rapeable in marriage. For how much they bitch and moan about how "weak" men are these days, the irony is, they fail to see how they encapsulate almost everything wrong with them in the first place.

The return of Kings by Roosh V? He is the most hypocritical kike I have ever seen and his fanbase is the same.
I remember finding them years ago...Nowadays he is doing what he bashed women for doing. "i fucked 100 plus women and now its time to settle down." he did a big turnaround (not really!) with his views on religion and became a xtian...not surprising, seeing how that whole community vibes with Abrahamic views of women. On the subject of beating women, i remember one member justifying the orcish distorted "masculinity" that is very well discredited here by the HP, saying that men are naturally violent and that if he hits a woman it's probably because she provoked him...These are the same types of men also who think they are entitled to have sex with the most beautiful women when its obvious a lot of them looked like they crawled out of the sewer, and worse, care to do nothing about it. They want to receive pleasure and give none in return, and get pissed when women reject this. Oy vey.

4chan also specifically /pol is rife with these types, and some even go to the extremes of stating that women are useless and should be all killed off when their wet dream of an artificial womb comes true. They are all chomping at the bit for this. And they were lied to by their God that this would come to pass apparently when they connected to the shitkena in the synagogue on Saturday I guess..or it was their own jewish insanity.

Before I deleted my Gab account due to being fed up with these types as well as fakass "pagans", there was one of these so called "alpha males" that was promoting rape jokes and promoting JOS on his profile. At first, I thought this was someone from the forums and I called him out. Next thing i know, i get pictures of the pictures he took of himself trying to intimidate me with his body flexing etc saying "meet me irl soyboy i will crush your skull etc"

It was obvious later that he was probably controlled opposition. I tried to get clarification if he was an "SS", which he dodged, and when the convo was a bit further he threatened to curse me yadda yadda, saying he was going to "come find me and have fun with me himself" (LOL he would have been dead I carry) Which of course did nothing even if he tried. Wierdly enough later on i saw his profile name changed to "Bartholomew" which is as hebrew as they come. I remember looking at his pictures he sent and feeling that this was a sadist.

There are a lot of these types out there, and they have nothing to do with "real men".
My 8 year old son got tired of being afraid of violent upperclassman and started learning kickboxing. It's a good thing.

I am interested in how masculinity manifests in women and how femininity manifests in men. HPHC briefly explained to me that masculinity is emission and femininity is reception. This sermon explains it in more detail.

Is it simply a balance between the two?

In Greek mythology Athena is my favorite goddess, she seems to have both feminine and masculine qualities. Ares represents the masculine gender, right? I love him as well. I eagerly wait for more info on these...
I actually don't want to be ripped, I just want to be fit and healthy. As for those "hyper masculine" content creators, I never liked them. I did watch some "Red Pill" content before when I was in a bad place emotionally, only to realize the majority of those guys are incredibly hedonistic and selfish. There were a few content creators that were lumped into that group but were not like those other guys. From them I heard the lines "It's not your fault" and "They're not worth your time". In hindsight, I feel those words may have been indirect messages from the Gods.
thanks for the replies, lots of good info. except you Torn, relax. I do some workout stuff, I'm trying to get into shape, I'd just rather tone than turn into a beefcake.

fit is fine, I'm working towards my "fit," though. that's why I was asking for clarification.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[Update July 14 2022]

Adrellis said:
some things I read make no sense. you say hit the gym for part of masculinity, what if some of us don't want to be muscleheads or bulk up? we're in the wrong?

you're a leader and I read things in an either/or method. that's why I'm asking. I'm confused, I'm not sure what you're saying precisely by that. if you're saying don't be lazy, fine.

You must have optimal fitness, and going to the gym is not necessary for that. As for optimal, we mean healthy. Yes, some people might hate it, but this is the correct advice [you can train very lightweight and a few times per week]. You must keep fit and healthy, and the body type you will want to have is your own choice.

The higher the development of the body, the better for you. To a lesser extent that is also true for women, but for men there are many things one is losing out from if they don't at least do the optimal things, let alone if we allow ourselves to become to placid. Then we lose on too many benefits, health, mental and otherwise.

Working out should be done as part as of any developing man, be this only twice or trice per week, or a full on schedule to develop the body. The idea that one can completely ignore this and be all good is not true, and it will also cost someone considerably on their health. Therefore, I have to advise the proper thing and then you have to adjust this based on logic.

For those of our own who might struggle with being overweight etc, it's time to make a decision to take back your life slowly. If you are past the age of 60 or so, you can let it go and simply focus on having a more optimal diet.

Just don't let yourself go and allow yourself to get sick or become lazy to where you cannot operate. It's necessary to have activity to an extent.

I used to have a great desire to build significant muscle mass.I wanted to be more muscular to look better and to get the attention(especially from girls) I deserved.But in the end I came to the conclusion that this whole exercise is for people with low self-esteem who want to draw attention to themselves and compensate for their "petty inferiority complex".So I can't really envy an overly muscular person. :D :D :lol: :lol: And I finally gave up on this muscling,and that's why I'm not pushing this exercise(the movement of muscles).

There was one person I discussed this with, and that person said that it's not just the person with the "inferiority complex" who does the gym workout, but the person who gives of themselves (shows demandingness to the outside world).Just about all I think about is that if who give of yourself (show demandingness), for her don't have necessarily to muscle.
There are many other ways to show demand(sophistication)....

I think that yoga is much more than just working out in the gym and is more important on the path to divinity.And yoga is not just for looking better.

By the way, I don't dispute the benefits of gym exercise, but I don't think it's necessary to achieve divinity in my opinion.
The gym is a place where you work out your muscles, the reasons a person wants muscles are all subjective, people with low self esteem go too and it's totally fine. Personally I don't like hoing to the gym, I prefer bodyweight exercises, but the results speak, and it's not only muscle mass but also an increase in bone density, useless to say that being strong is a totally healthy thing and that one who engages in exercise that increases muscle mass will have a better time in their older years if done correctly. I saw a video of a 90 year old lifting weights, that was pretty dope.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Adrellis said:
some things I read make no sense. you say hit the gym for part of masculinity, what if some of us don't want to be muscleheads or bulk up? we're in the wrong?

you're a leader and I read things in an either/or method. that's why I'm asking. I'm confused, I'm not sure what you're saying precisely by that. if you're saying don't be lazy, fine.

In my opinion every man and woman should work out. It does not have to be the gym, it can be tennis, football, riding a bike, marital arts etc...And you can work out and not get big. I also think that after you advance in meditation, if your body is also not advancing that you will hit a wall(not proven, its just what i think).

And at some points in time it has to be either/or. We are literally at our lowest point as humanity. We need strong Men and Women.

It's true, and there's a strong spiritual aspect to being physically fit that some of us might be forgetting about. As quoted from the 'Demons and Bioelectricity' page from the JoS (https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/energy.html):

"The more powerful your own energy, the more energy you can withstand, with little or no unsettling effects.
One’s present physical strength and constitution also determine the amount of energy we can handle.

People who are built up or stronger physically can withstand more energy from their own workings or energy from an outside source.

People who do regular and intense physical exercise will find they are able to handle higher energy levels and progress faster in increasing their own bioelectricity.

As such, we may be able to conclude that possessing a physically strong body, results in an increase to our maximum (spiritual) energy thresholds, therefore stronger RTRs, stronger material/spiritual workings, stronger meditations, and stronger protection against the enemy.

There are other things of which the outcomes are determined by your bioelectricity levels, later on, too, like astral projection, telekinesis, pyrokinesis...

Physical exercise + Hatha Yoga + Kundalini Yoga = giga snake power.
I think that physical training is very important. It is also goid for mental health. I think that every man must have six-pack or if he doesn't have yet then it must be his purpose.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
