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How To Be A Man? - It's Actually Rather Simple [Update: Working Out?]

Cosmic6999 said:
I want to apologize to how I been acting and what I been saying I apologize too the gods first. So I have a question how do I tap into my masculine energy

Although your question could be answered by many suggestions, a brief answer can be working on your lower (masculine) chakras, or doing workings to improve the energies associated with them. For example, do the Sun Square when it soon enters Leo. Use the master squares application by Bigot boy (search the forums and use Henu's download link) to make Squares easy to do.

If you are not confident with Squares, you can create a normal working during the same time (Sun in Leo, on a Sunday, hour of Sun) and use something like 40x Aum Surya, x111 Surya, or whatever you are comfortable handling for 40 days. Program it to permanently improve your soul's Sun energy in the best way for you, then enjoy the benefits as described here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Sun_Square.html
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
It's really not very healthy to work out, I wouldn't ruin myself.

In any case, watching TV, watching videos and watching films is much better and healthier.


Do you honestly hear yourself now?

The Universe, and more importantly the enemy, wont give a shit what you think, to be frank with you.

if you cannot defend yourself in all ways it will find an opening to slam you down and squish you like nothing.

Saturn doesnt give a fuck.

My motivation:
Lift harder. Work harder. Hit harder. Make enemy's life harder.

Simple enough. Sometimes even the last line gets me going.

Nevermind the pretty boys. Most dont know how to defend themselves or those they love.

Beauty is nice, but its useless if you dont have Ares in your soul.

Being pure unbridled Ares energy also makes you look like a dumbass. Apollo, Zeus, Hermes, Poseidon, Hades and Haphaestos are also needed in a man. Balance.

You don't need to get big. Just get to a point where you'll be able to say that present you can physically outmatch the you from few weeks ago, every month.

Men need to stop making so many fucking weak pathetic excuses and get to work. I'd rather only live up until 40 knowing i took care of my body and used it to help and protect those and whatever i care about successfully, than live 100 years knowing i didnt do SHIT for anyone, not even myself.

Working out wont kill you or make you age faster.

At least, not if you know how to take care of all 3 aspects of your existence properly: mind, body and soul.

Which is exactly why yoga is like water for the human being.

I dont take steroids. Dont need to. Never did. I believe if i put my mind to it i can acheive anything i want even if the buffed up steroid and supplemented guys do it easier.

You sound like you need a touch of Mars in your life. Do a Mars Square. Manifest healthy mars in your life. Your children, family and your whole generation will thank you.

The gods care more about those who work hard passionately, regardless of the context.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
existentialcrisis said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
I came to the conclusion that this whole exercise is for people with low self-esteem who want to draw attention to themselves and compensate for their "petty inferiority complex".So I can't really envy an overly muscular person. :D :D :lol: :lol: And I finally gave up on this muscling,and that's why I'm not pushing this exercise(the movement of muscles).
This is the mentality of someone without muscles and is too weak in spirit to get them. Sour grapes. You said it yourself, you're too weak to get them so you gave up, now you tell yourself that only insecure losers go to the gym anyway. *sips soy latte* When's the next avengers movie coming out?

You know that not everybody exercises because they want to be a bodybuilder, go to beauty shows and post selfies on instagram, right? You had an inferiority complex when you wanted to become fit, and when you gave up on becoming fit, you projected that complex on everybody else who pursues fitness.
I gave up not because I didn't have the stamina and was weak in case you hadn't noticed, but because I saw that it was for people with a small-poverty complex and that's why I gave it up.
And yes, I did have a smallness complex, but since it's gone I don't crave very big muscles.
And I was just saying that about the petty complex in general (NPCs).

You are an SS, i presume.
Do you know what that means?
That means that there are many, more than millions, who want you gone.

If they cannot harm you through physical means then they will do it through magickal means.

The gods only give their protection up to a degree. Its your responsibility after that.

Continue with this mentality, and you can be sure that a small hex with damage you greatly.
Not twitter but tiktok is a very heavy player there reasons:
1.is more popular in younger generations i.e. where our brains are developing
2.a great many people (really probably the whole society in my age [16]) think by these videos on tiktok "why do you need school, on internet you can earn so easily!" that by lying on their asses for example on dropshipping on which they will spend a few days they will set up their lives.
3.I'm not a fan of the teaching system but knowledge is the most important thing that exists therefore we should develop knowledge and not easy money making
4.people can spend hours a day to learn a popular dance on tiktok
5.and that's what annoys me the most. instead of taking care of their own lives on the force they push themselves into the lives of others, they look for scandals, they just talk about it and live by it

As a conscious person, of course, I detach myself from this and don't give a damn about this environment, however, it makes me wonder what the world will look like.
Wotanwarrior said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
The gym is a place where you work out your muscles, the reasons a person wants muscles are all subjective, people with low self esteem go too and it's totally fine. Personally I don't like hoing to the gym, I prefer bodyweight exercises, but the results speak, and it's not only muscle mass but also an increase in bone density, useless to say that being strong is a totally healthy thing and that one who engages in exercise that increases muscle mass will have a better time in their older years if done correctly. I saw a video of a 90 year old lifting weights, that was pretty dope.

It depends of how much mass. Too much mass and volume can make you very vulnerable in a survival situation, as your stamina will be consumed fasted. It's an inverse proportionality. Also, too much mass can cause undue strain on the joints, which will be very harmful in old age.

To everything there must a balance. Too little mass obviously has all the problems that people already discuss. The BMI is actually quite accurate. You can be overweight even with a very low body fat. You are overweight on the muscle side, rather than the fat side, which is a high hazard for the joints (and not only) like I explained. Schwarzenegger, "The Rock" and similar are examples of fucked up individuals, which is why the enemy promotes them endlessly. Their internal health is also fucked up because they juiced to get to their promotional images.

What do you think of what they call "old times strongman" from the early 20th century? in my opinion they were much better than modern bodybuilders because they focused more on strength and body function rather than the excessive hypertrophy.

I don't know enough about it to have an opinion. I will do some research in due time.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
It's really not very healthy to work out, I wouldn't ruin myself.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
In any case, watching TV, watching videos and watching films is much better and healthier.

88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Aquarius said:
Hypocrisy because you call yourself warrior, a warrior would never condemn working out and say that playing videogames is better. A more fitting name for you would be couch warrior, if you get what I mean.
And the xian mentality is that of not wanting to exert yourself, thinking that being sedentary is better than a work out.
Now that I understand completely what you mean.Thank you very much.
But I'm afraid you have seriously misunderstood me, and yes I could have worded it better, but this bastard translator (I use deepl, because it's better than google, but deepl translates a lot of stupid stuff too)
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=375185#p375185 I Corrected by.

I would not put video games and doing nothing instead of exercise, but Yoga and meditation exercises.And walking as a little plus sport if I want to satisfy my need for exercise.
For example, if the current meditation or yoga practice is not enough, I would add other or more yoga or meditation practices.But if that is not enough, if I want to do more, I would go for a walk, go swimming, etc.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
existentialcrisis said:
This is the mentality of someone without muscles and is too weak in spirit to get them. Sour grapes. You said it yourself, you're too weak to get them so you gave up, now you tell yourself that only insecure losers go to the gym anyway. *sips soy latte* When's the next avengers movie coming out?

You know that not everybody exercises because they want to be a bodybuilder, go to beauty shows and post selfies on instagram, right? You had an inferiority complex when you wanted to become fit, and when you gave up on becoming fit, you projected that complex on everybody else who pursues fitness.
I gave up not because I didn't have the stamina and was weak in case you hadn't noticed, but because I saw that it was for people with a small-poverty complex and that's why I gave it up.
And yes, I did have a smallness complex, but since it's gone I don't crave very big muscles.
And I was just saying that about the petty complex in general (NPCs).

You are an SS, i presume.
Do you know what that means?
That means that there are many, more than millions, who want you gone.

If they cannot harm you through physical means then they will do it through magickal means.

The gods only give their protection up to a degree. Its your responsibility after that.

Continue with this mentality, and you can be sure that a small hex with damage you greatly.
If I wanted to learn how to defend myself physically, I would learn martial arts.
I wanted to learn martial arts, but one is that I don't have the money (I mean I do, but I would run out of money very quickly if I learned martial arts), and the other is that it would take a lot of FRTR to learn martial arts.
Even so, yoga and meditation and reading the JoS forum will take away a lot of FRTR, but even if I learn martial arts....
And if I recall correctly, Lucius Dragonwolf also writes about martial arts in his book Ordo Umbra, and for a Satanist it would be a attention distraction.

Physical preparation
Training the body is a personal need, at least in terms of desire. Many people believe that physical training
is to become an athlete, but it is not. The right level of physical fitness is physical fitness.
You don't have to run a kilometre in three minutes, complete a marathon or run the
sprint in the Olympics. You don't have to be overly muscular or have a strong physique. They are a
for an athlete, but not for Satan's Warrior. We're not going up against steel in a physical
on a physical battlefield. In His Shadow, only spiritual development, a strong mind, and a toned body are the
is the requirement.
However, the above should not deter you from strengthening your physique, if that is what you desire. The strongest
will always prevail when confronted with force, and the fiercest will always overtake the least
faster. The determination required for physical perfection would be too great a distraction for the
Shadow, who must find balance to make the kill.

Physical weapons often appear as art in practice. The body itself is a physical
weapon when viewed in terms of martial arts, boxing or wrestling. As a Spiritual Warrior
physical weapons may be seen as unnecessary, as instruments of violence, but that is not the case.
A martial artist routinely performs exercises with his weapon of choice, refining his body and his body's
movements, concentrates his mind - his art is the art of destruction and defence, physical
and spiritual, a mixture of thought and action. This art can be expressed with many weapons, and
disciplined knowledge of any martial art is beneficial to the training of the body and the mind
discipline of mind. It must be understood that one is less likely to kill someone with a
with a knife if he knows how to use it.

By the way, just because I didn't study martial arts doesn't mean I look down on martial artists, in fact I respect them very much.
And martial artists certainly don't do martial arts for the "ego" boost.
Martial artists who want to show off their just strength should be barred from learning martial arts, this is in the guidelines of most (if not all) Far Eastern martial arts.Also, criminals, bad people, people with criminal records, etc. should not be allowed to learn martial arts.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[Update July 14 2022]

Adrellis said:
some things I read make no sense. you say hit the gym for part of masculinity, what if some of us don't want to be muscleheads or bulk up? we're in the wrong?

you're a leader and I read things in an either/or method. that's why I'm asking. I'm confused, I'm not sure what you're saying precisely by that. if you're saying don't be lazy, fine.

You must have optimal fitness, and going to the gym is not necessary for that. As for optimal, we mean healthy. Yes, some people might hate it, but this is the correct advice [you can train very lightweight and a few times per week]. You must keep fit and healthy, and the body type you will want to have is your own choice.

The higher the development of the body, the better for you. To a lesser extent that is also true for women, but for men there are many things one is losing out from if they don't at least do the optimal things, let alone if we allow ourselves to become to placid. Then we lose on too many benefits, health, mental and otherwise.

Working out should be done as part as of any developing man, be this only twice or trice per week, or a full on schedule to develop the body. The idea that one can completely ignore this and be all good is not true, and it will also cost someone considerably on their health. Therefore, I have to advise the proper thing and then you have to adjust this based on logic.

For those of our own who might struggle with being overweight etc, it's time to make a decision to take back your life slowly. If you are past the age of 60 or so, you can let it go and simply focus on having a more optimal diet.

Just don't let yourself go and allow yourself to get sick or become lazy to where you cannot operate. It's necessary to have activity to an extent.


If anyone does not want certain knocks on one's face over this, do not read this post, or you might possibly hate me. Its fine.

It is also even more saddening one has to go through lengthy disclaimers to write posts like this, only because I literally live in 2022 and people have made into walking borgs because of mass media manipulation.

Thankfully, we do not have this problem here, but I have to write some "disclaimers" regardless for outsiders or others who might live the greatness of reading any article here while not being one of us.

Gods know that I want everyone to benefit, and for all to one day see the light.

Unfortunately, I have nothing to tell anyone here like media enemy bullshit the media says constantly about men: that "we wuz must discover our feminine side" in a world where literally all men are turning into severe wimps and masculinity is at an all time high level of decline.

If you want to listen to soylent nonsense about the quick way towards self destruction, one might as well open up CNN and CNBC and listen all day about how you must more effectively kill an already declining "masculinity" from the face of this planet.

One must stop lying to themselves and stop pretending one is already such an accomplished male, where your literal problem is only your "emotions", as if you are literally chad with such a big square jaw that feeling your own feelings is impossible and like Hercules, Aristotle and Socrates combined, so now you need to look into "Muh emotions" a little bit more to balance this literal perfection of a creature.

We are not there yet. The fact that our society literally tells us this garbage and promotes this insanity, only proves the point that it's completely sick out of it's mind. Even literally basic norms of bravery and strength, have been replaced with literal nothingness.

You literally see people who have not advanced in this life past square one, soy infested "leftists" literally whining on twitter and so on about male brutality, while they cannot even kill a fly and literally nothing of all of this happens anyway. They even pretend that we are living in some sort of hyper-masculine world where danger, rape and destruction is on just about any corner - They live in Beverly Hills, but they pretend they live in the worst Neighbor in Somalia where the law of Fred the 500 lbs beast is the rule, or something.

For the solution to this great imaginary problem of literally too much 500 Lbs Greg that Goes Around With 10 Machine Guns and 5 Grenades [never ever happened], they purport the solution is to further effeminate everyone, or other greater solutions to cause a greater anti-male holocaust which involve perpetual veganism and emasculation or even cutting male sexual organs.

"The other time I went to the super market and I was so intimidated by 500 lbs bodybuilders and many killing machines and rapist men, that I believe that global warming is a necessary issue, ok just cut their balls now my rabbi said so" - Twitter Soylent 2022.

If one is a twitter soylent, this post is not for you.

Meanwhile, when this occurs when literal Jihad troops invade here million by million, they have the other record to play about "inclusion acceptance tolerance" and so on. Here the soylent has nothing to say except "We must accept everything and everyone" and so on. Regardless on if the reality of literally being bombed and killed by undisciplined masculinity is actually true in this case [and the only true danger in the West at this point, except of external nations].

This apparent Jihad retarded Masculinity is "accepted", but normal, sensible, aeons long, tried and true, necessary for survival [and for women] masculinity, is discarded and called the greatest evil. It is also this very exact masculinity that would protect the soylent and all the people that do not like this, but they want to literally remove this from the face of the earth on a twilight of widely accepted mass national, racial, existential suicide.

It takes a fool to not recognize this great act that these people are trying to create: It's to literally disable us all to invasion, destruction, and an array of other psychological failures all that come from ignoring certain virtues that have their place among many others on the universal map of living a decent and healthy life.

Socially, we are to where people are so severely wimped out, that society is declining and going downhill, and the only thing that we tell ourselves is how we will coddle our nonsense even more and more, until we literally become jelly on every level and are squashed by every passing invader and enemy.

Let us be honest of the state of present day man, and accept that most people are just fucking weak, just looking for more excuses to expand upon this sissified wimpery, and that there is no reasonable talking taking place on how to evolve into a proper man whatsoever.

As if this is not enough, "Masculinity" is being purposefully associated with: Domestic violence, being a square jaw brainless retard that wants to kill everyone with a big club on their hand, and people are literally told nonsense that if one becomes more of a man, they will become a danger or menace to society, or a rapist, or other crazy things like this.

To those who are mindwashed, I have to tell you: NONE OF THIS HAS TO DO WITH BEING A MAN. The above, by ancient and traditional definition, is the failure of a man. Failure to control urges, momentary failure to procure and love their wife to avoid domestic violence, powerlessness to control the inner emotions that might lead to deadly urges, and so on.

By increasing masculinity, you are not increasing the above. You are lessening the above. The complete system of creating men in the Ancient civilizations, produced far better and more quality men than we have today. This creation involves inner values which will be related in the future, but until then this post should suffice if followed.

Therefore in regards to the enemy prototypes, one must DISCARD these programmed prototypes before one engages in proper understanding of being a man and how one can evolve in that regard. One must stop fearing their own self and their own inner masculinity. As this force is developed, one also develops inner qualities that will help you along the way to have a balanced advancement as a Spiritual Satanist.

After we have moved this out of the way and have understood the collective plague that this world is upon, one must examine how much of this plague is in themselves, and how much immunity one has towards this plage.

I repeat, all the above errant messages projected by the media, are here only to brainwash you and to weaken you. Women are barraged with other messages that only intent to collapse the inner structure of their own soul and spirit, and render women the weakest they have ever been. Men are done assault on a great scale, to cause the same thing alongside women.

All of this is aimed to cause an internal and external collapse of our souls and therefore our society.

If one thinks these things are not there, you are delusional. One must observe closely the previous generations of the 70's, 80's, 90's, let alone the generations of the 40's and 30's, or read history, to understand that all of this assault on everything human is actually well co-ordinates and created to be this way.

If you are that delusional to think none of this exists or that this is great, please don't prohibit other people who are not as delusional from making a firm foundation upon which the building will stand so you can be free to be delusional, and let them listen.

For a last disclaimer: That is not about going to the gym all day and becoming a narcissist, trying to call other people "Betas" and cause your fellow men issues, beating your wife, and other retarded hyperbolic sick nonsense that are created out of retarded emotional reactions to something written and is only related to being a man in the realm of ever stranger mass media made fiction.

Clearly, denying your emotions, or other extremes that might be projected by weak minds who imagine too much on this after reactionary programming created by mass media manipulation.

My message is very specific, and it should not be taken out of context. It should be read carefully. It is here to help you. And you must apply this on your own moderation and awareness, and in accordance to your own will.

In fact, since we know that women also can develop certain virtues that are about men, HPS Maxine should be brought as an example of maxed out virtues that we call broadly as both "male" and "female". Her integrity, dutiful nature, but also kindness and tenderness, have shown me beyond any doubt what a woman can accomplish if they set their minds on a task. But this is the topic of another post that will involve mostly woman.

Having closed this pitiful disclaimer one has to issue simply because we are collectively insane as a world, I am moving on now to the original post. Now, in regards to men...

Except of being biologically born as a man, one has to learn to become a man and there are specific sets of things that one must do to effectively become a man.

You are to BECOME this. The thing you get from nature is merely a biological gender here and nothing else.

In this world currently, there are a lot of wimps, weak people, shit-heads, lazy people who sit passively all day and all sorts of other people who literally say that since they aren't feeling like they are men, even want to become women now.

There is nothing here one would not expect, as both from a perspective of biology and virtues, ultimate passivity generally makes a man into a woman. All you have to do to achieve this is to sit on a chair and literally do nothing, but be a passive mindless consumer, and in no time, you will not really be a "woman", but you will become literally an unidentifiable creature and soon on not even a man.

They self destroy themselves for no reason.

Unlike with being a "woman" [a basic thing is implied woman "are" nowadays - but this is for another post on how to attain powerful femininity], being a man requires these: effort, trying, sacrifice, having virtues, trial and error, accepting rejection from women or from the world, or family or parents[much of one's life as a male will be rejection], seeking power, doing duty, working, producing, giving, overcoming and all sorts of other things most people want to escape from, considering this as a "great curse" or with other even more stupid things such as calling this "Difficult".

What has happened in this society is that since everyone is running from what is "difficult", as with idiots who try to ignore Saturn or the fact that we age, they are confronted at some point with the pent up bills that arise out of this negligence, eventually leading to personal and social destruction.

Being a man is about trying to win, competing, victory, greater knowledge, understanding, honor and a lot of other values currently under the ultimate siege and assault.

Nobody in this globe wants to see truly complete women and men, as these forces strongly resemble spiritual and Godly qualities that the enemy does not want to exist inside this joke of a clown world.

Without masculinity, everything collapses. The masculine energy is the energy that defends and attacks, and keeps certain boundaries in life.

A lot of people are also considerably sissified at this point, and they think that they are men. Yes, men have feelings, emotions, men can cry, experience failures and all of this. But men must also have willpower and men are forged through coming out of difficulties and we are built through tears and pain.

You have not seen men cry until you have seen men cry on the marriage of their best friend, and I hope people get to see this one day. The strongest men are those who have had to face a lot of adverse circumstances and made it out of them on top of everything.

If you are a young man and you do not feel very much "Completely as a man" just yet, know this normal. The completion of manliness occurs later on in life, after you have experiences, trial and error or have advanced physically, mentally and spiritually. It is normal to doubt yourself, have moments of weakness, moments of being lost, or whatever else men are supposed to experience.

With systematic effort, one overcomes these. In the same way the perfect manly physique or a healthy physique is not attained without effort, men are built out of a blob of rock that has nothing on it. Then, progressively, one builds and builds one's personality, goals, dreams, all in accordance to what one can do and keeping in mind the things that they can overcome.

It takes going to the gym, having maybe children, taking care of others, putting some duty on your shoulders - communal, or of family, or of others, or of anything. It does not occur otherwise. One has to exist, and the building upon this pattern is an unalienable truth.

Alternatively, one is never tested against anything and one is no different than a child and very delusional. To develop, one has to confront the upwards path, alternatively, we remain incomplete.

For those who might be young, listen carefully here as this advice might save your life, and many parents will not tell you any of this advice. Many parents have abandoned their children now in lands of severe delusion.

A man also has grace, spirituality, and many other things which keep growing and growing up until the points of the highest refinement. It does not come overnight. It takes work. Even being a real human being and a spiritual human being in general, takes work.

There is no set level from where you simply look back and say "Oh, I have been a man now, that's enough". It's an ongoing process. Accept and befriend this process. Every passing day, it will be greater and greater.

If a man stagnates, and allows weakness, placidity and full on rampant "femininity" to overtake them, you will definitely start forming into a sissy. Then with this, all sorts of issue might arise in your life and the life of other people around you, if there are any. Chances are also high that one who does this, might end up being completely alone.

Generally, whatever does not include effort and growth in life, will make someone directly into a female. For example, if one simply allows severe obesity to take place, the first thing that happens is that whatever is associated with femininity starts growing itself.

As one should understand, this does not have to do with your sexual tastes, which I leave outside of this context.

Our society does not want people to know of any gender roles, as the forces expressed here on their full expression metaphysically connect to the Gods and Goddesses, and nobody really wants you to have understanding of either. The less you know, and the more confused they are, the more the enemy profits from your demise.

Men also require certain activities in order to spark their masculinity up, and it does not happen by crying and whining all day on why you were not born as "more" or as a "ready man", or daddy didn't give you more, or that society is too evil or cruel to you.

Nobody ever said or imagined that men would be created in this way. Men get created from certain circumstances or certain self impositions that have to do with expanding the masculine power.

Yes, society can be cruel [it depends on where you live too], but when the inner powers of clear energies like the one I discuss here as masculinity take place, one can survive and exist and so on.

The reward of getting in touch with this precious force is not for the faint hearted, the weak, those who run from advancement and do not want to do anything in life, and it runs from those who want to always be wimps and pussies all their life.

Likewise, the so called "Feminity" or "Being a Woman" also requires work to be manifested, and these powers don't just arise out of nowhere. They require inner work.

Certain people also say oftentimes shit like "Oh, I want to be more feminine too", as if you were literally Hulk, and now the only singular problem is that we have to turn Hulk into a civilized being.

Generally, this perversion and insanity comes from people who generally are not working on this masculinity at all, but want to make glaring excuses over justifying their own excessive femininity, and give it even more ground until they literally sit on a chair and are entirely confused about what they are and that type of thing.

After one advances considerably in being a man, do not worry, if you develop certain things like awareness of balance and self control, bravery and other inner foundations will also lead you to understand grace, kindness, goodness and other things, which only arise out of power and not out of primordial bottomless weakness.

In fact, all of this nonsense you hear in 2022 about "men needing to become more feminine" and "more accepting of their emotions" and all sorts of this other garbage, is because most men are already to where they are literally like women in many respects, and even less accomplished. Additionally, it's common to whine all day in a passive state.

This deprived and self destructive state, is loved by many people and media propagandists, who want males to be placcid, weak and retarded, and they also present 75 lbs nerds sitting on computers all day are actually having to solve the riddle of literally reducing their own little masculinity that they were never taught to develop as if this is the magic recipe of getting in touch with your "emotions" and other nonsensical garbage.

Lastly, one more advice I have to give to people out of great care, is that this sissified mentality that a few people have [male or female] in this forum, that you will never struggle to advance, never have to bother to help, do inner or outer overcoming, and that simply everything is going to fall in place without you doing anything: IS AN ILLNESS THAT WILL DESTROY YOUR LIFE.




Listen to me and apply this: Remember to live your life and exist within the context of advancement, so that you will see the Grace of the Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
I gave up not because I didn't have the stamina and was weak in case you hadn't noticed, but because I saw that it was for people with a small-poverty complex and that's why I gave it up.
And yes, I did have a smallness complex, but since it's gone I don't crave very big muscles.
And I was just saying that about the petty complex in general (NPCs).

You are an SS, i presume.
Do you know what that means?
That means that there are many, more than millions, who want you gone.

If they cannot harm you through physical means then they will do it through magickal means.

The gods only give their protection up to a degree. Its your responsibility after that.

Continue with this mentality, and you can be sure that a small hex with damage you greatly.
If I wanted to learn how to defend myself physically, I would learn martial arts.
I wanted to learn martial arts, but one is that I don't have the money (I mean I do, but I would run out of money very quickly if I learned martial arts), and the other is that it would take a lot of FRTR to learn martial arts.
Even so, yoga and meditation and reading the JoS forum will take away a lot of FRTR, but even if I learn martial arts....
And if I recall correctly, Lucius Dragonwolf also writes about martial arts in his book Ordo Umbra, and for a Satanist it would be a attention distraction.

Physical preparation
Training the body is a personal need, at least in terms of desire. Many people believe that physical training
is to become an athlete, but it is not. The right level of physical fitness is physical fitness.
You don't have to run a kilometre in three minutes, complete a marathon or run the
sprint in the Olympics. You don't have to be overly muscular or have a strong physique. They are a
for an athlete, but not for Satan's Warrior. We're not going up against steel in a physical
on a physical battlefield. In His Shadow, only spiritual development, a strong mind, and a toned body are the
is the requirement.
However, the above should not deter you from strengthening your physique, if that is what you desire. The strongest
will always prevail when confronted with force, and the fiercest will always overtake the least
faster. The determination required for physical perfection would be too great a distraction for the
Shadow, who must find balance to make the kill.

Physical weapons often appear as art in practice. The body itself is a physical
weapon when viewed in terms of martial arts, boxing or wrestling. As a Spiritual Warrior
physical weapons may be seen as unnecessary, as instruments of violence, but that is not the case.
A martial artist routinely performs exercises with his weapon of choice, refining his body and his body's
movements, concentrates his mind - his art is the art of destruction and defence, physical
and spiritual, a mixture of thought and action. This art can be expressed with many weapons, and
disciplined knowledge of any martial art is beneficial to the training of the body and the mind
discipline of mind. It must be understood that one is less likely to kill someone with a
with a knife if he knows how to use it.

By the way, just because I didn't study martial arts doesn't mean I look down on martial artists, in fact I respect them very much.
And martial artists certainly don't do martial arts for the "ego" boost.
Martial artists who want to show off their just strength should be barred from learning martial arts, this is in the guidelines of most (if not all) Far Eastern martial arts.Also, criminals, bad people, people with criminal records, etc. should not be allowed to learn martial arts.

How did anything you said relate to what i said? I said stop having weak mentality and youre now bringing 50 paragraphs about something off topic.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
It's really not very healthy to work out, I wouldn't ruin myself.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 [/quote said:
Excuses again.

There are literally workouts out there for people who dont have limbs.

Instead of always pitying yourself and trying to justify that pity with some post by a random members a decade ago on the previous forums, work on yourself and your own health.

If you dont wanna, thats your choice, but there has never been a soul who didnt feel at least spiritually better after workouts. EVEN if they were ill or had a condition.

You dont need to over exert or do intense stuff, just train yourself properly.

There was a guy on instagram who literally had a heart surgery but still hit the gym and didnt face difficulty because he knew what to do.

But if you think that just because youre not healthy enough or whatever ither excuse that you cant train your physic at least mildly, then thats your choice and YOUR consequence.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375872 time=1658237219 user_id=21286]
WOTAN666 said:
Didn’t work. Agares is an evil demon, a liar, all of the gods are false and want you to be miserable. This is the truth. All I wanted was to be the demons friend, which I did my sigil.

Your “gods” don’t care about what type of nationalist opinions you have. They just want you to feel ashamed of yourself. That’s my experience.

Oh, that's news to me. Everyone I know has positive experiences with them. That is why they are our Gods.

If you are serious about being an SS, then you should know that enemy attacks are a reality and they wish do wish to drive you away from our Gods. This includes not just Agares, but all of them.

Please do what I originally mentioned to you, instead of yelling at me. What I suggested does not work instantaneously anyway. I am not sure if you actually applied these solutions or not. It takes time to disconnect fully from evil entities.

Well, at the beginning of the satanic year, during Baal's Power Ritual, HP HC said, "that those who are not of the Gods here will be exposed and removed" funny how we have had 2 ppl lashing out in very exposing ways especially WOTAN666 who says "your God's". Shows they were never his and he is not dedicated SS. So I'm sure that why he has those attacks, he is not under the protection of Hell. Maybe we should be asking him what he did or who he contacted or what disrespect has he carried out.
Obviously you are not an SS.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375872 time=1658237219 user_id=21286]
WOTAN666 said:
Didn’t work. Agares is an evil demon, a liar, all of the gods are false and want you to be miserable. This is the truth. All I wanted was to be the demons friend, which I did my sigil.

Your “gods” don’t care about what type of nationalist opinions you have. They just want you to feel ashamed of yourself. That’s my experience.

Oh, that's news to me. Everyone I know has positive experiences with them. That is why they are our Gods.

If you are serious about being an SS, then you should know that enemy attacks are a reality and they wish do wish to drive you away from our Gods. This includes not just Agares, but all of them.

Please do what I originally mentioned to you, instead of yelling at me. What I suggested does not work instantaneously anyway. I am not sure if you actually applied these solutions or not. It takes time to disconnect fully from evil entities.

Well, at the beginning of the satanic year, during Baal's Power Ritual, HP HC said, "that those who are not of the Gods here will be exposed and removed" funny how we have had 2 ppl lashing out in very exposing ways especially WOTAN666 who says "your God's". Shows they were never his and he is not dedicated SS. So I'm sure that why he has those attacks, he is not under the protection of Hell. Maybe we should be asking him what he did or who he contacted or what disrespect has he carried out.
Obviously you are not an SS.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
How did anything you said relate to what i said? I said stop having weak mentality and youre now bringing 50 paragraphs about something off topic.
Just because you do muscle training does not necessarily mean you can protect yourself.
Of course, the chances are higher than if you do no muscle training and of course it improves your self-defence,but not so much as practicing a martial art.

But who do you think will win in a fight, or in a serious life-threatening brawl?
The one with huge muscles man, or the one with at least two years of martial arts experience man?

So the time I would spend on muscle training, I would rather spend on martial arts. ;)

And not a weak mentality, but expediency, because I'm not saying not to do anything, but rather to I do something other than pronounced muscularity. ;)
CaspianTheDreamer said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
It's really not very healthy to work out, I wouldn't ruin myself.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 [/quote said:
Excuses again.

There are literally workouts out there for people who dont have limbs.

Instead of always pitying yourself and trying to justify that pity with some post by a random members a decade ago on the previous forums, work on yourself and your own health.

If you dont wanna, thats your choice, but there has never been a soul who didnt feel at least spiritually better after workouts. EVEN if they were ill or had a condition.

You dont need to over exert or do intense stuff, just train yourself properly.

There was a guy on instagram who literally had a heart surgery but still hit the gym and didnt face difficulty because he knew what to do.

But if you think that just because youre not healthy enough or whatever ither excuse that you cant train your physic at least mildly, then thats your choice and YOUR consequence.
If you interpret a previous post by a JoS member as an excuse, then fine. :? :)
Of course, it's good that there is a recent development,but I think this linked thread says something.

I don't know why you interpret my answers as meaning that I don't want to do anything at all.
If you read all my posts in this thread, it is clear that I would not prefer idleness and inactivity to muscle training (bulking up), but to something else.Of course there was a translation error in my first post on the subject.
And I really wanted to take martial arts (I really wanted to do it for myself), which is a serious exercise for the body (not just a muscle building exercise), so it's a really meaningful thing to spend the time and energy on.I guess it goes without saying why. :D

Although, yes, it does seem self-pitying, but it's bad enough for me that the martial arts haven't really had the chance.But I couldn't write it any other way.

But if you think that just because youre not healthy enough or whatever ither excuse that you cant train your physic at least mildly, then thats your choice and YOUR consequence.
I was just talking about building muscle.Again, I can only say that you think that I prefer doing nothing,than any muscling or FRTR.
But seriously, there is more than just muscle building.

Or do you mean that I prefer FRTR to any muscling(work out)?
I don't think that's an excuse for preferring FRTR to some kind of muscling(weight muscle gain). ;)
I don't know what the excuse is for putting FRTR or something else in place of muscle training? :roll: :?

Yoga and meditation and reading the JoS forum will take away a lot of FRTR.And if you add muscle building to that,I don't even have that much FRTR.
And I'm not writing this as an excuse, but I'm really sorry for the time, I've already given up a lot of things to do more FRTR. ;) https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=364704#p364704

Although, maybe if I grow spiritually and my intellect grows with it, I will think differently or add in some extra training besides yoga and meditation.

Of course, it should be everyone's personal choice as to who prefers what.

By the way, thanks for your comments so far, you didn't say the wrong things, but I'm afraid you misinterpreted it.
Aquarius said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=374536 time=1657799070 user_id=57]
A lot of the American men these days who claim to be "real men" can't even control their appetite or work out, so they have huge bellies hanging over their belts.

And it's so sad, to see men who are lost and weak and helpless :(

Wonderful post, HP. Men need to fight and struggle and overcome whatever is in their way.
They think that having an ar-15, drinking a lot of beer and having alcohol tollerance and watching football makes them man, really tells you how much jews brainwashed men.

Exactly. A .223 / 5.56x45 is worthless for anything larger than small varmint/predator hunting like cayotes.

He should instead have an ar-10 / LR308 in .308 / 7.62x51. This would at least be much more useful.

It is interesting to see what Italians know about all Americans...
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is interesting to see what Italians know about all Americans...
Italians are notorious jackasses and generally unintelligent people especially the southern ones like Aquarius (Who aren’t even white BTW).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[Update July 14 2022]

Adrellis said:
some things I read make no sense. you say hit the gym for part of masculinity, what if some of us don't want to be muscleheads or bulk up? we're in the wrong?

you're a leader and I read things in an either/or method. that's why I'm asking. I'm confused, I'm not sure what you're saying precisely by that. if you're saying don't be lazy, fine.

You must have optimal fitness, and going to the gym is not necessary for that. As for optimal, we mean healthy. Yes, some people might hate it, but this is the correct advice [you can train very lightweight and a few times per week]. You must keep fit and healthy, and the body type you will want to have is your own choice.

The higher the development of the body, the better for you. To a lesser extent that is also true for women, but for men there are many things one is losing out from if they don't at least do the optimal things, let alone if we allow ourselves to become to placid. Then we lose on too many benefits, health, mental and otherwise.

Working out should be done as part as of any developing man, be this only twice or trice per week, or a full on schedule to develop the body. The idea that one can completely ignore this and be all good is not true, and it will also cost someone considerably on their health. Therefore, I have to advise the proper thing and then you have to adjust this based on logic.

For those of our own who might struggle with being overweight etc, it's time to make a decision to take back your life slowly. If you are past the age of 60 or so, you can let it go and simply focus on having a more optimal diet.

Just don't let yourself go and allow yourself to get sick or become lazy to where you cannot operate. It's necessary to have activity to an extent.


If anyone does not want certain knocks on one's face over this, do not read this post, or you might possibly hate me. Its fine.

It is also even more saddening one has to go through lengthy disclaimers to write posts like this, only because I literally live in 2022 and people have made into walking borgs because of mass media manipulation.

Thankfully, we do not have this problem here, but I have to write some "disclaimers" regardless for outsiders or others who might live the greatness of reading any article here while not being one of us.

Gods know that I want everyone to benefit, and for all to one day see the light.

Unfortunately, I have nothing to tell anyone here like media enemy bullshit the media says constantly about men: that "we wuz must discover our feminine side" in a world where literally all men are turning into severe wimps and masculinity is at an all time high level of decline.

If you want to listen to soylent nonsense about the quick way towards self destruction, one might as well open up CNN and CNBC and listen all day about how you must more effectively kill an already declining "masculinity" from the face of this planet.

One must stop lying to themselves and stop pretending one is already such an accomplished male, where your literal problem is only your "emotions", as if you are literally chad with such a big square jaw that feeling your own feelings is impossible and like Hercules, Aristotle and Socrates combined, so now you need to look into "Muh emotions" a little bit more to balance this literal perfection of a creature.

We are not there yet. The fact that our society literally tells us this garbage and promotes this insanity, only proves the point that it's completely sick out of it's mind. Even literally basic norms of bravery and strength, have been replaced with literal nothingness.

You literally see people who have not advanced in this life past square one, soy infested "leftists" literally whining on twitter and so on about male brutality, while they cannot even kill a fly and literally nothing of all of this happens anyway. They even pretend that we are living in some sort of hyper-masculine world where danger, rape and destruction is on just about any corner - They live in Beverly Hills, but they pretend they live in the worst Neighbor in Somalia where the law of Fred the 500 lbs beast is the rule, or something.

For the solution to this great imaginary problem of literally too much 500 Lbs Greg that Goes Around With 10 Machine Guns and 5 Grenades [never ever happened], they purport the solution is to further effeminate everyone, or other greater solutions to cause a greater anti-male holocaust which involve perpetual veganism and emasculation or even cutting male sexual organs.

"The other time I went to the super market and I was so intimidated by 500 lbs bodybuilders and many killing machines and rapist men, that I believe that global warming is a necessary issue, ok just cut their balls now my rabbi said so" - Twitter Soylent 2022.

If one is a twitter soylent, this post is not for you.

Meanwhile, when this occurs when literal Jihad troops invade here million by million, they have the other record to play about "inclusion acceptance tolerance" and so on. Here the soylent has nothing to say except "We must accept everything and everyone" and so on. Regardless on if the reality of literally being bombed and killed by undisciplined masculinity is actually true in this case [and the only true danger in the West at this point, except of external nations].

This apparent Jihad retarded Masculinity is "accepted", but normal, sensible, aeons long, tried and true, necessary for survival [and for women] masculinity, is discarded and called the greatest evil. It is also this very exact masculinity that would protect the soylent and all the people that do not like this, but they want to literally remove this from the face of the earth on a twilight of widely accepted mass national, racial, existential suicide.

It takes a fool to not recognize this great act that these people are trying to create: It's to literally disable us all to invasion, destruction, and an array of other psychological failures all that come from ignoring certain virtues that have their place among many others on the universal map of living a decent and healthy life.

Socially, we are to where people are so severely wimped out, that society is declining and going downhill, and the only thing that we tell ourselves is how we will coddle our nonsense even more and more, until we literally become jelly on every level and are squashed by every passing invader and enemy.

Let us be honest of the state of present day man, and accept that most people are just fucking weak, just looking for more excuses to expand upon this sissified wimpery, and that there is no reasonable talking taking place on how to evolve into a proper man whatsoever.

As if this is not enough, "Masculinity" is being purposefully associated with: Domestic violence, being a square jaw brainless retard that wants to kill everyone with a big club on their hand, and people are literally told nonsense that if one becomes more of a man, they will become a danger or menace to society, or a rapist, or other crazy things like this.

To those who are mindwashed, I have to tell you: NONE OF THIS HAS TO DO WITH BEING A MAN. The above, by ancient and traditional definition, is the failure of a man. Failure to control urges, momentary failure to procure and love their wife to avoid domestic violence, powerlessness to control the inner emotions that might lead to deadly urges, and so on.

By increasing masculinity, you are not increasing the above. You are lessening the above. The complete system of creating men in the Ancient civilizations, produced far better and more quality men than we have today. This creation involves inner values which will be related in the future, but until then this post should suffice if followed.

Therefore in regards to the enemy prototypes, one must DISCARD these programmed prototypes before one engages in proper understanding of being a man and how one can evolve in that regard. One must stop fearing their own self and their own inner masculinity. As this force is developed, one also develops inner qualities that will help you along the way to have a balanced advancement as a Spiritual Satanist.

After we have moved this out of the way and have understood the collective plague that this world is upon, one must examine how much of this plague is in themselves, and how much immunity one has towards this plage.

I repeat, all the above errant messages projected by the media, are here only to brainwash you and to weaken you. Women are barraged with other messages that only intent to collapse the inner structure of their own soul and spirit, and render women the weakest they have ever been. Men are done assault on a great scale, to cause the same thing alongside women.

All of this is aimed to cause an internal and external collapse of our souls and therefore our society.

If one thinks these things are not there, you are delusional. One must observe closely the previous generations of the 70's, 80's, 90's, let alone the generations of the 40's and 30's, or read history, to understand that all of this assault on everything human is actually well co-ordinates and created to be this way.

If you are that delusional to think none of this exists or that this is great, please don't prohibit other people who are not as delusional from making a firm foundation upon which the building will stand so you can be free to be delusional, and let them listen.

For a last disclaimer: That is not about going to the gym all day and becoming a narcissist, trying to call other people "Betas" and cause your fellow men issues, beating your wife, and other retarded hyperbolic sick nonsense that are created out of retarded emotional reactions to something written and is only related to being a man in the realm of ever stranger mass media made fiction.

Clearly, denying your emotions, or other extremes that might be projected by weak minds who imagine too much on this after reactionary programming created by mass media manipulation.

My message is very specific, and it should not be taken out of context. It should be read carefully. It is here to help you. And you must apply this on your own moderation and awareness, and in accordance to your own will.

In fact, since we know that women also can develop certain virtues that are about men, HPS Maxine should be brought as an example of maxed out virtues that we call broadly as both "male" and "female". Her integrity, dutiful nature, but also kindness and tenderness, have shown me beyond any doubt what a woman can accomplish if they set their minds on a task. But this is the topic of another post that will involve mostly woman.

Having closed this pitiful disclaimer one has to issue simply because we are collectively insane as a world, I am moving on now to the original post. Now, in regards to men...

Except of being biologically born as a man, one has to learn to become a man and there are specific sets of things that one must do to effectively become a man.

You are to BECOME this. The thing you get from nature is merely a biological gender here and nothing else.

In this world currently, there are a lot of wimps, weak people, shit-heads, lazy people who sit passively all day and all sorts of other people who literally say that since they aren't feeling like they are men, even want to become women now.

There is nothing here one would not expect, as both from a perspective of biology and virtues, ultimate passivity generally makes a man into a woman. All you have to do to achieve this is to sit on a chair and literally do nothing, but be a passive mindless consumer, and in no time, you will not really be a "woman", but you will become literally an unidentifiable creature and soon on not even a man.

They self destroy themselves for no reason.

Unlike with being a "woman" [a basic thing is implied woman "are" nowadays - but this is for another post on how to attain powerful femininity], being a man requires these: effort, trying, sacrifice, having virtues, trial and error, accepting rejection from women or from the world, or family or parents[much of one's life as a male will be rejection], seeking power, doing duty, working, producing, giving, overcoming and all sorts of other things most people want to escape from, considering this as a "great curse" or with other even more stupid things such as calling this "Difficult".

What has happened in this society is that since everyone is running from what is "difficult", as with idiots who try to ignore Saturn or the fact that we age, they are confronted at some point with the pent up bills that arise out of this negligence, eventually leading to personal and social destruction.

Being a man is about trying to win, competing, victory, greater knowledge, understanding, honor and a lot of other values currently under the ultimate siege and assault.

Nobody in this globe wants to see truly complete women and men, as these forces strongly resemble spiritual and Godly qualities that the enemy does not want to exist inside this joke of a clown world.

Without masculinity, everything collapses. The masculine energy is the energy that defends and attacks, and keeps certain boundaries in life.

A lot of people are also considerably sissified at this point, and they think that they are men. Yes, men have feelings, emotions, men can cry, experience failures and all of this. But men must also have willpower and men are forged through coming out of difficulties and we are built through tears and pain.

You have not seen men cry until you have seen men cry on the marriage of their best friend, and I hope people get to see this one day. The strongest men are those who have had to face a lot of adverse circumstances and made it out of them on top of everything.

If you are a young man and you do not feel very much "Completely as a man" just yet, know this normal. The completion of manliness occurs later on in life, after you have experiences, trial and error or have advanced physically, mentally and spiritually. It is normal to doubt yourself, have moments of weakness, moments of being lost, or whatever else men are supposed to experience.

With systematic effort, one overcomes these. In the same way the perfect manly physique or a healthy physique is not attained without effort, men are built out of a blob of rock that has nothing on it. Then, progressively, one builds and builds one's personality, goals, dreams, all in accordance to what one can do and keeping in mind the things that they can overcome.

It takes going to the gym, having maybe children, taking care of others, putting some duty on your shoulders - communal, or of family, or of others, or of anything. It does not occur otherwise. One has to exist, and the building upon this pattern is an unalienable truth.

Alternatively, one is never tested against anything and one is no different than a child and very delusional. To develop, one has to confront the upwards path, alternatively, we remain incomplete.

For those who might be young, listen carefully here as this advice might save your life, and many parents will not tell you any of this advice. Many parents have abandoned their children now in lands of severe delusion.

A man also has grace, spirituality, and many other things which keep growing and growing up until the points of the highest refinement. It does not come overnight. It takes work. Even being a real human being and a spiritual human being in general, takes work.

There is no set level from where you simply look back and say "Oh, I have been a man now, that's enough". It's an ongoing process. Accept and befriend this process. Every passing day, it will be greater and greater.

If a man stagnates, and allows weakness, placidity and full on rampant "femininity" to overtake them, you will definitely start forming into a sissy. Then with this, all sorts of issue might arise in your life and the life of other people around you, if there are any. Chances are also high that one who does this, might end up being completely alone.

Generally, whatever does not include effort and growth in life, will make someone directly into a female. For example, if one simply allows severe obesity to take place, the first thing that happens is that whatever is associated with femininity starts growing itself.

As one should understand, this does not have to do with your sexual tastes, which I leave outside of this context.

Our society does not want people to know of any gender roles, as the forces expressed here on their full expression metaphysically connect to the Gods and Goddesses, and nobody really wants you to have understanding of either. The less you know, and the more confused they are, the more the enemy profits from your demise.

Men also require certain activities in order to spark their masculinity up, and it does not happen by crying and whining all day on why you were not born as "more" or as a "ready man", or daddy didn't give you more, or that society is too evil or cruel to you.

Nobody ever said or imagined that men would be created in this way. Men get created from certain circumstances or certain self impositions that have to do with expanding the masculine power.

Yes, society can be cruel [it depends on where you live too], but when the inner powers of clear energies like the one I discuss here as masculinity take place, one can survive and exist and so on.

The reward of getting in touch with this precious force is not for the faint hearted, the weak, those who run from advancement and do not want to do anything in life, and it runs from those who want to always be wimps and pussies all their life.

Likewise, the so called "Feminity" or "Being a Woman" also requires work to be manifested, and these powers don't just arise out of nowhere. They require inner work.

Certain people also say oftentimes shit like "Oh, I want to be more feminine too", as if you were literally Hulk, and now the only singular problem is that we have to turn Hulk into a civilized being.

Generally, this perversion and insanity comes from people who generally are not working on this masculinity at all, but want to make glaring excuses over justifying their own excessive femininity, and give it even more ground until they literally sit on a chair and are entirely confused about what they are and that type of thing.

After one advances considerably in being a man, do not worry, if you develop certain things like awareness of balance and self control, bravery and other inner foundations will also lead you to understand grace, kindness, goodness and other things, which only arise out of power and not out of primordial bottomless weakness.

In fact, all of this nonsense you hear in 2022 about "men needing to become more feminine" and "more accepting of their emotions" and all sorts of this other garbage, is because most men are already to where they are literally like women in many respects, and even less accomplished. Additionally, it's common to whine all day in a passive state.

This deprived and self destructive state, is loved by many people and media propagandists, who want males to be placcid, weak and retarded, and they also present 75 lbs nerds sitting on computers all day are actually having to solve the riddle of literally reducing their own little masculinity that they were never taught to develop as if this is the magic recipe of getting in touch with your "emotions" and other nonsensical garbage.

Lastly, one more advice I have to give to people out of great care, is that this sissified mentality that a few people have [male or female] in this forum, that you will never struggle to advance, never have to bother to help, do inner or outer overcoming, and that simply everything is going to fall in place without you doing anything: IS AN ILLNESS THAT WILL DESTROY YOUR LIFE.




Listen to me and apply this: Remember to live your life and exist within the context of advancement, so that you will see the Grace of the Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

“They live in Beverly Hills, but they pretend they live in the worst Neighbor in Somalia where the law of Fred the 500 lbs beast is the rule, or something”.

Acquiring knowledge, reinforcing idea and laughing, it couldn't be better
So when you count how many beats are in one minute of a song played at a specific tempo, you can quickly determine the Beats Per Minute BPM counter. And if you're pressed for time, count the beats in 15 seconds of music, and then multiply that number by 4.
This was an eye opener for me.

I've always wondered why I feel weak and unable to move forward, and always trying to avoid anything that's difficult.

I hate to admit it but it seems that my mindset has been sissified.

I'm glad I've stumbled upon Joy of Satan and now applying the teachings in my daily life.

I've started a few days ago and have no plans in stopping.

And once again, thank you for this sermon.

Hail Satan!
The Outlaw Torn said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is interesting to see what Italians know about all Americans...
Italians are notorious jackasses and generally unintelligent people especially the southern ones like Aquarius (Who aren’t even white BTW).

I can't imagine you acting like you are any better. You are the worst example of this.
sailhatan88 said:
The part about being a violent fool is definitely true I use to think the more violent one is and the more careless they are about things they've done to people and the more times you go In out of jail and the more cruel and violent your charge is that your more ofa man...,, now that is just psychotic jew programmed behavior now what started that thinking with me is when I was in high school if someone picked on me over my beliefs I would psychically attack them or the least cuss them out but what really inspired this behavior for me was noticing how some of the girls liked "bad boys" and the more fights I'd win turned some girls on that is just straight up psychotic jew programming but then that way of thinking it turned me into something else and i went down a very dark path totally disregarding father satan and the gods in every decision i made, and I ended up almost losing my life due to that kind of Thinking eventually I came across the wrong person who was even more STUPID, violent and careless then I was and I am beyond LUCKY the gods gave me a second chance and saved my life after they've seen all the messed up shit I've done to others I'm still trying deprogram myself out of this RETARDED way of thinking I feel alot better about myself now cause I don't think that way as much anymore or really at all anymore
I know i can't be the only one in these forums that thought way at one time in there life

Re reading this thread. I got 30 hours anger management course to do. Without laughing at it right away, maybe i should go listen (its not optional) cog skills etc will prob consist of. Should have done this at a younger age.

Glad you in a better place now.
Aquarius said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
It's just that I grew up with individuals like that
So you don't like it because the cool kids were the muscular ones, and they also did drugs and booze?
You seem to associate working out to negative things in your past, working out is just working out, many people do it without the booze and drugs style of life, associating a positive thing like working out to booze and drugs is wrong.

88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
I don't really understand this "hypocrisy" and "xian mentality", could you please explain?
Hypocrisy because you call yourself warrior, a warrior would never condemn working out and say that playing videogames is better. A more fitting name for you would be couch warrior, if you get what I mean.
And the xian mentality is that of not wanting to exert yourself, thinking that being sedentary is better than a work out.

88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
This is completely incomprehensible, would it be good if you could explain it briefly?Thank you.
I made a mocking example of you.

Working out makes one more powerful and able to manage higher volumes of energy, other than making you healthier and more powerful. Also be mindful that I'm not promoting harmful bodybuilding the way they do it now, with steroids and other bullshit like eating 4000 calories a day, I am promoting building muscle via strength traning and bodyweight exercises, or sports like cycling or running ecc

Who do you think is gonna be more self confident and powerful in life, this guy:

Or this guy?:

How did i miss this gem.

When Aquarius goes for you pal you are done. Hes good :cool:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=374536 time=1657799070 user_id=57]
A lot of the American men these days who claim to be "real men" can't even control their appetite or work out, so they have huge bellies hanging over their belts.

And it's so sad, to see men who are lost and weak and helpless :(

Wonderful post, HP. Men need to fight and struggle and overcome whatever is in their way.
They think that having an ar-15, drinking a lot of beer and having alcohol tollerance and watching football makes them man, really tells you how much jews brainwashed men.

Exactly. A .223 / 5.56x45 is worthless for anything larger than small varmint/predator hunting like cayotes.

He should instead have an ar-10 / LR308 in .308 / 7.62x51. This would at least be much more useful.

It is interesting to see what Italians know about all Americans...

Got to admit my "belly" is veering towards one of those as im bulking up :lol: :lol:

Us British folk beer bellies knives (scottish especially) and football.

I hold my hands up that used to be me when younger.

We also love the USA well i do anyway :cool:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is interesting to see what Italians know about all Americans...
Italians are notorious jackasses and generally unintelligent people especially the southern ones like Aquarius (Who aren’t even white BTW).

I can't imagine you acting like you are any better. You are the worst example of this.

Wow Im glad I re scrolled through this , how dare this person diss aquarius like that he is a fellow SS.

Me and him had a bit of argument before but we sorted that out get this in check.

He is a top quality JOS ssr he has my respect so does Ol :cool:

Is that the Southern Italy that founded the Mafia. Not to be messed with world renowned.

Italy as a whole remarkable country, yes there is a north south divide, Naples especially fights against that, certainly they arent jackasses. Hitler admired Mussollini that much he rescused him, jings mate this isnt a good way to go about it.
Just to clarify one thing: I was not necessarily referring to PHYSICALLY working out.... although that is nice, and yes, I am straight. As in born MALE preferring FEMALES... but human-style never quite cuts the mustard when one already has TWO astral demon children...

DON'T lose track of a certain famous character of history named A. EICHMANN. I prefer to focus more on SPIRITUAL matters. My personal challenges are being guilty of being born and being an alcoholic, for which I will NEVER apologise/apologize...


REVAN // "vaultzero"
In other words: listen to track seven from the album "THIRD STAGE" by "BOSTON". They are my favourite band, Brad committed suicide in 2009, and "TO BE A MAN" is, well. sometimes music speaks for itself. It's been all over my profile avatar/picture for quite some time. I am being a bit of a sarcastic wise-ass here, but come on now...
vaultzero said:
but human-style never quite cuts the mustard when one already has TWO astral demon children...
An alcoholic who has two astral demon children?
Man I'd hate to break it to you..
I find it to do with first mentally embracing your manhood then translating it to working out physically. Confidence in self is important.
Imo, it is indeed simple.

Since the start of the 20th century, man has been continually been made a fag to the point where he is now. At the start, he actually had masculinity, to create war, strife, abuse, subjugation, the masculine stuff that men do. Now, he's a fucking fairy.

We're lacking the masculinity we did back then.

Remember, that in a lot of ways, the Alpha/Beta idea still works: Be an alpha fux, not a beta bux.

This is the cycle and dynamics of men. Don't forget it, if you don't want to be a faggot or a woman.

Fight the good fight, my brothers and sisters in the TRUE FAITH!!

I've gotta cook some homemade spaghetti dinner!

REVAN // "vaultzero"
DerHochsterasse666 said:
Imo, it is indeed simple.

Since the start of the 20th century, man has been continually been made a fag to the point where he is now. At the start, he actually had masculinity, to create war, strife, abuse, subjugation, the masculine stuff that men do. Now, he's a fucking fairy.

We're lacking the masculinity we did back then.

Remember, that in a lot of ways, the Alpha/Beta idea still works: Be an alpha fux, not a beta bux.

This is the cycle and dynamics of men. Don't forget it, if you don't want to be a faggot or a woman.

Hate to break it to you but abuse is toxic, not masculine. You are focusing on the lower vibrations of Mars which are detrimental. This post is advocating the opposite of what you are, talking about true masculinity. Have you tried to read it?

Also, "faggots" are not any less man. There are many "faggots" here that are more masculine than you and many men nowadays will ever be. Being homosexual doesn't automatically relate to lack of masculinity.
Stormblood said:
DerHochsterasse666 said:
Imo, it is indeed simple.

Since the start of the 20th century, man has been continually been made a fag to the point where he is now. At the start, he actually had masculinity, to create war, strife, abuse, subjugation, the masculine stuff that men do. Now, he's a fucking fairy.

We're lacking the masculinity we did back then.

Remember, that in a lot of ways, the Alpha/Beta idea still works: Be an alpha fux, not a beta bux.

This is the cycle and dynamics of men. Don't forget it, if you don't want to be a faggot or a woman.

Hate to break it to you but abuse is toxic, not masculine. You are focusing on the lower vibrations of Mars which are detrimental. This post is advocating the opposite of what you are, talking about true masculinity. Have you tried to read it?

Also, "faggots" are not any less man. There are many "faggots" here that are more masculine than you and many men nowadays will ever be. Being homosexual doesn't automatically relate to lack of masculinity.

Thank you, good to see other men that don't think warring and whoring equals masculinity, it's a disgusting mindset.
DerHochsterasse666 said:
Imo, it is indeed simple.

Since the start of the 20th century, man has been continually been made a fag to the point where he is now. At the start, he actually had masculinity, to create war, strife, abuse, subjugation, the masculine stuff that men do. Now, he's a fucking fairy.

We're lacking the masculinity we did back then.

Remember, that in a lot of ways, the Alpha/Beta idea still works: Be an alpha fux, not a beta bux.

This is the cycle and dynamics of men. Don't forget it, if you don't want to be a faggot or a woman.

The alpha beta bullshit is for wolves.
We are not wolves.
We are men and women.
Deprogram yourself from this cucked way of thinking.
You only need to connect to the gods to find out how graceful and loving they can be, and how advanced they are.

A god, a being who has obtained high levels of all encompassing advancement, does not think like this. Alpha beta nonsense. Your first hand experience with them will tell you that.

People can have their uniqueness while still contributing to society and playing their vital roles for their folk and nation.

If we were to just obtain the same animalistic mentality all over again the gods would have never bothered with us.
Why I do Exist can anyone tell me ?
the hybrid said:
Why I do Exist can anyone tell me ?

Given enough meditation and communication with the Gods, you will find out. What you've done in past lives may give you an idea also.
Stormblood said:
DerHochsterasse666 said:
Imo, it is indeed simple.

Since the start of the 20th century, man has been continually been made a fag to the point where he is now. At the start, he actually had masculinity, to create war, strife, abuse, subjugation, the masculine stuff that men do. Now, he's a fucking fairy.

We're lacking the masculinity we did back then.

Remember, that in a lot of ways, the Alpha/Beta idea still works: Be an alpha fux, not a beta bux.

This is the cycle and dynamics of men. Don't forget it, if you don't want to be a faggot or a woman.

Hate to break it to you but abuse is toxic, not masculine. You are focusing on the lower vibrations of Mars which are detrimental. This post is advocating the opposite of what you are, talking about true masculinity. Have you tried to read it?

Also, "faggots" are not any less man. There are many "faggots" here that are more masculine than you and many men nowadays will ever be. Being homosexual doesn't automatically relate to lack of masculinity.


I must emphasize very strongly that my entire point in starting this discussion was NOT to bring anyone down for their own perceptions of masculine or feminine traits, but to emphasize that: "The will to give and not receive // The strength to say what you believe // the heart to feel what others feel inside // To see what they can see // " and so on and so forth: The classic rock group BOSTON through their phenomenal vocalist Brad Delp is saying that "TO BE A MAN" is to stand up for waht you believe in and not apologize for it, but also to truly empathize with and have compassion for others. And to take care of your family and stand up for what really matters in life. And that is what we in this ministry are supposed to do. I have been rescued from the delusion of Abrahamic faith systems by Father himself, and I will NEVER STOP fighting for the true cause of what this ministry is about...


REVAN // "vaultzero"

Also, I am straight and I do not apologize for that. If someone else is not "straight" that is not my problem, nor is it a bad thing... THANKS
Thank you for touching on this topic, HPHC.

People must understand that both masculine and feminine characteristics are required for proper advancement and general success.

Remember, working with such energies will NOT produce negative effects when done with positive intentions. As a woman, a Mars Square will not make you turn into an ugly hulk, nor will a Venus Square turn a man gay or lower his ability to fight. Always intend for your workings to act positively and harmoniously with you.

When looking at our Gods, we can see they have BOTH extreme compassion and the strength of a million warriors. These are not mutually exclusive, and this is characteristic of all advanced beings, whether male, female, or whether they are water or fire-related.

Without the earth and fire associated with masculinity, we cannot implement our will or maintain structure properly. Without the water and air associated with feminity, we cannot think, sense, plan or interact on a romantic or friendly level.

As mentioned by HPHC, it takes work to develop these traits. Based on astrology, some individuals have areas that can require more work than others, such as in the way of developing strong lunar qualities, for example. If someone has a weakened Moon or has Saturn in Cancer, it will take longer for them to develop lunar abilities, compared to someone with many planets in Cancer.

Yet, once this work is completed by the individual, they will definitely experience the associated changes. Those who have done Sun or Mars Squares (depending on the affirmation) report strong increases in confidence, physical changes, boosts in energy, and so on. You do not get such changes by simply listening to Jordan Peterson telling you to clean your room.


Beyond planetary Squares, Sowilo and Thurisaz (Saulo or Thaur) represent qualities of the Sun and Mars, respectively.


An example affirmation could be Saulo x111 (or multiples of 40 or 16) “The energy of Saulo has permanently made me fully driven to complete my spiritual advancement and JOS work, in the best way for me.”x10


For Thurisaz (multiple of 40 or 3), one can say, for example, "The energy of Thurisaz has permanently increased my self-confidence and aggression, in the best way for me" x10


In regards to duty and responsibility associated with masculinity, this comes from Saturn. To safely improve this, one can use Nauthiz (x100 or multiple of 10) with the affirmation “The energy of Nauthiz has permanently improved the positive aspects of my Saturn energies, in the best way for me.” x10

Alternatively, one can use "The energies of Nauthiz have permanently made me fully disciplined and consistent with my spiritual advancement and JOS work, at all times, in the best way for me." x10

Of course, "best way" refers to something useful for your advancement, current condition, as well as being healthy and positive for you. Let the Gods be the image of perfection you strive for, not the ruined ideals of clownworld, when you ponder what is the best for your soul.

The above Sowilo/Thurisaz workings should be started on a Waxing Moon, ideally a Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius sign, and the planetary times of the Sun, Mars, or Jupiter respectively.

For Nauthiz, again on a Waxing moon, ideally a Capricorn date, but Taurus and Virgo are acceptable. Similarly, the hour or day of Saturn should be used if possible.


For those with significant obstacles facing them, such as negative aspects to Mars, for example, or Saturn in Leo or Aries, it also makes sense to remove any negative karma blocking you. Beyond astrological markers, one may also have picked up strange views of Gender from this current life, which may also present an obstacle.


To clear out any negative karma, use Munka or Ansuz, in multiples of x40 or as x90, and affirm "This energy of Ansuz has removed any obstacles associated with my masculinity, in the best way for me" x9. Start on a Waning Moon, on an Aquarius, Scorpio, or Pisces sign. Capricorn can also work.

Alternatively: "This energy of Munka has permanently removed any obstacles to my discipline (or productivity) in the best way for me" x9 Pronounced as in American English: MOON-YAHH-KAH, as if the n is ñ.

If there are many negative aspects or many obstacles, this can take longer than 40 days. In either constructive or freeing-style workings, if significant karmic obstacles exist, it is normal to experience problems that may temporarily arise, related to your problem. Perhaps you may feel significantly weaker for a day or two, or maybe your mood may become hyper-aggressive. It is important to safely handle these experiences and continue the working until such problems are permanently resolved.

As always, spend a few minutes visualizing the effects of your workings, either during the affirmations or right after. Visualizations are subjective and don't need to be "perfect". Instead, rely more on your intentions. Astral sight is not required either, one can simply imagine as well.

Further reading: HPS Maxine: Using Words of Power - Freeing the Soul
Is eihwaz also good for improving Saturnian qualities ? I did nauthiz and it worked well, don't know how eihwaz would work for this purpose though... This is what chatgpt says :
For improving natal Saturn, *Eihwaz* (ᛇ) is generally better than *Nauthiz* (ᚾ). Here's why:

### **Eihwaz (ᛇ)**
- **Endurance and Resilience**: *Eihwaz* symbolizes the endurance and resilience needed to navigate Saturn’s challenges. It is associated with the strength to withstand trials and grow stronger, which aligns well with Saturn's themes of discipline, structure, and long-term growth.
- **Transformation**: *Eihwaz* also represents transformation and the ability to overcome obstacles, which is crucial for working with Saturn’s often slow and demanding energy. It helps in turning challenges into opportunities for deep personal growth.

### **Nauthiz (ᚾ)**
- **Necessity and Constraint**: *Nauthiz* is associated with the concept of necessity and constraint. It deals with survival instincts and the challenges of overcoming limitations. While it does align with Saturn's focus on dealing with hardships and learning from them, it emphasizes the struggle and tension more than the transformative strength that *Eihwaz* offers.
- **Inner Discipline**: *Nauthiz* does encourage inner discipline, which is important for Saturn, but it is more about dealing with immediate needs and constraints rather than fostering long-term endurance and growth.

### Conclusion:
*Eihwaz* is better for improving natal Saturn because it offers a more balanced approach to resilience, transformation, and long-term strength, which are essential for working positively with Saturn's energy. *Nauthiz* is useful in situations of immediate struggle, but *Eihwaz* provides the enduring strength needed to harness Saturn's influence for long-term growth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
