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Happy Birthday To The Maha Siddha - Adolf Hitler - April 20th 2022

Happy Birthday to antichrist Adolf Hitler.Did not know much about him before joining JOS.All I heard and read was the Jewish Version of Hitler's story before joining JOS.

BlackOnyx8 said:
Serbon said:
The site really is beautiful. We could link it on our Holocaust Denial site above the Holocaust Denial Videos and The Real Holocaust

This website is a restoration of the "Holocaust Denial Videos". You can just replace the link. All the videos were uploaded again and all the linked websites (the ones I could salvage) were made into PDF files that are available for download from the link column on the left.
A restoration with awesome additions! Replacing the links would be indeed better.

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=346363 time=1650398616 user_id=346]
Happy Birthday to the Great Adolf Hitler!
His efforts will not be forgotten.

Thank you very much to anyone who has worked on the site. This material must be kept alive at all cost!

Hail Hitler!
Hail Satan!
EasternFireLion666 said:
It is most ironic that Hitler's name is the modern definition of racism, yet back then he had more diplomatic relations and alliances with black and Arab countries than the former colonial empires.
Yes, and the classic story of how Hitler was racist toward Jesse Owens is totally bogus. According to Owens himself, "Hitler didn't snub me—it was [FDR] who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."

That's also the same FDR who passed the government programs to give free money to single African American parents, which had the effect of encouraging families to split up. He passed a ton of free handout programs that essentially train African Americans to become dependent on the government and not try to actually be successful on their own.
Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler! :)

Sieg Heil!

Hail Satan!

Hail Duat's God's!

Hail Adolf Hitler!
EasternFireLion666 said:
It is most ironic that Hitler's name is the modern definition of racism, yet back then he had more diplomatic relations and alliances with black and Arab countries than the former colonial empires.

Hitler was ahead of His time by about a hundred years. While many were busy bugging people over their skin and everything else, but also real "Racism" was rampant in jew controlled countries, the NS had already understood racialism and also implemented properly and without fundamental hate against others.

By Hitler's time most people were already hating people of other Nations, even the East, but Hitler didn't do any of this and promoted a line of healthy friendship and co-operation between people. They had the best relationships with Gentiles from other Nations, way better than other "Colonial" Nations of the time and so forth.

Hitler was against these invasive policies, invasion, and overtaking people in their own Nation through such means, which is a no brainer. The same goes for bringing people that hate you inside your own "Nation". Upon verification that there was positive sentiment, one could live or study in Germany, even work in Germany, but not in the numbers we see today where literally they are going after reform and replacement of the native people.

When Hitler allied with the Japanese and others, jews were busy creating narratives that this great friendship between Japan and Germany was wrong, and types of arguments like "Why he bothered to ally with the gooks" and other worthless statements.

Kikes were also busy creating other dialectics of intense hate between European people of basically almost the very same blood, it was "useful" to them at the time. They saw this would accelerate damnation in Europe, by creating brother wars. After Hitler was down, they reversed this on the other extreme of "Everyone welcome indiscriminately" to accelerate the talmudic goal of replacement of the natives in Europe, but in the other direction.

We aren't told any of this because this invalidates all the lying myths in regards to how Hitler behaved or how they looked at the world. I know you know I just write this for reference.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=346737 time=1650487399 user_id=346]
EasternFireLion666 said:
It is most ironic that Hitler's name is the modern definition of racism, yet back then he had more diplomatic relations and alliances with black and Arab countries than the former colonial empires.
Yes, and the classic story of how Hitler was racist toward Jesse Owens is totally bogus. According to Owens himself, "Hitler didn't snub me—it was [FDR] who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."

That's also the same FDR who passed the government programs to give free money to single African American parents, which had the effect of encouraging families to split up. He passed a ton of free handout programs that essentially train African Americans to become dependent on the government and not try to actually be successful on their own.

You know what is weird? If a denier is a jew like david cole and tells another Jew of what really happened in the holocaust and then have a gentile ask the jew in another interval of time, we get different answers. We need another slip-up like david cole or even other hololcrap survivors that contradicted what went on in there for real to win our case. They solidify their statements, it can get smashed by a dumb slip-up, they keep their evidence in the liquid-like presentation of uncertainties, what if's and could be's then it can get picked off by the rule of evidence that it has no ground.

I wonder why ICRC bent the knee to the lie back in 2020, seems like this is how the controlled sleepers of the kike wake up. Stuff like this get my rage with the system going for useful war fuel.
Thank you for another great inspiring post. Happy Birthday to the Führer. Indeed, the people who actually did something are always defamed by the enemy. The most recent example of this is the late Mongolian ex-president Khaltmaa Battulga. He was slandered because he didn't agree with the jewish-ass kissing government and parlament of the time. Even before he became president, he literally got slandered for telling that it is wrong to build cargo railways the Chinese way which would bring national security issues. At the end, he demanded the dissolution of the communist People's Party of Mongolia, but it wasn't accepted by the supreme court. Now they tell people that he was the Mongolian manifestation of Hitler's will, which I agree with cause I know the truth about Hitler. People say that Stalin granted independence to the then newly founded state of Mongolia but actually, Stalin didn't really give a shit about it if it wasn't for WW2. The second world war may have brought many losses, but it freed many people and nations from slavery and colonialism. Mongolia is part of that. China accepted the Mongolian independence only in case the Russian army freed China from the Japanese. But in reality the Japanese granted more freedom to the Chinese than their monarchic or communist rule ever did. And then the US accepted the Mongolian independence, and then the other nations, and a decade later we were accepted as a member of the UN, which means that our political independence is no longer relies solely on China and Russia. And all this because there the world war 2 and the Führer.
Happy Birthday Lord Hitler!!!

Hail Victory!!! Hail Satan!!!
Serbon said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
Serbon said:
The site really is beautiful. We could link it on our Holocaust Denial site above the Holocaust Denial Videos and The Real Holocaust

This website is a restoration of the "Holocaust Denial Videos". You can just replace the link. All the videos were uploaded again and all the linked websites (the ones I could salvage) were made into PDF files that are available for download from the link column on the left.
A restoration with awesome additions! Replacing the links would be indeed better.

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=346363 time=1650398616 user_id=346]
Done! I replaced the link with "Holocaust Exposed" and linked the home page of that site.
I find that most peoples difficulties revolve around a lack of acceptance of the Hitler -in them-…

The words “sociopath” “psychopath” and “monster” are thrown around relentlessly, and the word of empathy is vehemently pushed. Don’t get the terminology wrong here. There’s monsters, natural tragedies and disasters like someone such as Jeffrey Dahmer with zero purpose. And there’s a parasite which is having an inherent drive to trash something beautiful. And then there’s a “psychopath” who disregards personal emotions and acts in purpose of the greater good, and does what they can to do this in the least harmful way. I’ve never been bothered by those that have called me a “narcissist” - those that can’t grab my attention by whining or suck me into their garbage drama, acting relentlessly for what’s best, even if it hurts a little - it betters the long road. There’s a lot of people who may want to keep your ego in check along the road, they’re offended by it. Don’t listen to it. You don’t need it as long as you check yourself. But there are also times when you can’t see yourself. Be willing to simultaneously listen, act and balance. Practice it. Life is the playground of the Gods. So learn to play.

Thank you for the most recent and most beautiful posts, including this one, today is a great day for everyone to accept the Hitler in them. Take authority over yourself. Your life. And don’t be afraid to dominate your surroundings.
I remember in my high school, almost every time Hitler was brought up in in a discussion or chatter among other students I would overhear they would say Hitler was a great leader, that despite even the alleged "atrocities" committed, that no other leader could compare in terms of what he did for his people and country. These were coming from students who were of different cultures too. Some of them I think were public influencers and wouldn't be surprised if they managed to have eventually attained significant positions in the future. It would only be a year or so until I would find the JoS and get more insight on Hitler's side of the story unfortunately, but only then I completely understood what they were talking about. Good old days.

Our time will come.


Sieg Heil!
Happy birthday Adolf Hitler!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hail Father Satan!!!

Hail Adolf Hitler!!!

Late to comment but yesterday, the day of our great Fuhrers birth, I could not wait to see what HP Cobra would write as I knew it would be special and fill my heart with power and joy. No doubt Hitlers ambition was divine. You do him, and all us Satanist great justice, HP. I know you make the Fuhrer and the rest of us very proud.

Hail Hitler! Hail Father Satan!
I was so caught up in my excitement for our glorious Antichrist's birthday that I forgot to express my gratitude to our brave brothers with the special mention in this post.

Thank you BlackOnyx, and thank you to my brother in Malaysia! Bless you both!

Hail Satan!!!
Without Adolf Hitler there would have been a return to the middle ages or worst, under global communism.

Despite this,
despite the heaviest of the weights was on His shoulders,
despite the slanders the jews launched against Him,
despite the physical attacks He was forced to withstand,
despite He most likely knew His destiny was to fight a victory-less war against the biggest monster ever,
despite the enormous curses He needed to repel back from His noble soul,
despite the tremendous energies He had to keep in control,
despite He suffered in poverty and difficulties in most of His life,
despite all
He still found the time, force and hearth to smile at humanity and still encourage simple and clean life to prosper and go on :


This may be interesting for most pictures :
50 Rare Photographs of Adolf Hitler You Might Have Never Seen
I once did translate a longer german speech from Ursula Meta Hedwig Haverbeck-Wetzel with deepl into english.

The post is this one: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19563

Under the video: http://www.holocaustexposed.org/Holocaust/Videos/Ursula.html

you could link the forum post or puplish the text on the website [http://www.holocaustexposed.org/Holocaust/] if you like.

Thanks to all who did help recreate the website you are great.

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to Adolf Hitler the best politician germany ever did have!
The enemy still fears Him and still keeps the humiliation mode. I recently saw many articles slander Him, about his psychological profile supposedly having crisis etc. On the opposite the reality is that many people are waking up and they ask themselves "well, what if the Austrian painter was right after all..?". Also many videos of His speeches are again up on YouTube, with hundreds and thousands people praise Him on the comments below... after so many attacks and lies He still stands Tall and Proud as His name will be glorified among men as its glorified among the Gods !

Hail Hitler for all Eternity!
Sorry to say this but that's not true,Indians believe holocaust as true incident because falsehood spread everywhere.They donot even know about the jewish involvement in the bolshevik revolution(jews and communism connection).They always support israel(as they believe muslims are enemy of jews and humanity).They donot know anything about jews and goyim rivalry.This is reality of Indians.They donot consider hitler as an avatar but as a dictator and a psychopath.They are not still awakened as an enlightened goyim.
Saddam hussain siddiquie said:
Sorry to say this but that's not true,Indians believe holocaust as true incident because falsehood spread everywhere.They donot even know about the jewish involvement in the bolshevik revolution(jews and communism connection).They always support israel(as they believe muslims are enemy of jews and humanity).They donot know anything about jews and goyim rivalry.This is reality of Indians.They donot consider hitler as an avatar but as a dictator and a psychopath.They are not still awakened as an enlightened goyim.
I also want to add that marxist historian distorted the history of India.Invaders were glorifed and this marxist graying out the image of our sanatani ancestor who faught against these invaders to maintain integrity of India.History of past is like a torch through which we can see the future.Our people are drinking the wine of liberalism from 70 years(after independence).From social media we are much awared about islam,christianity and communism.Democracy is under in a complete control of christian missonary,islamic power and communist.Our sanatani leader believes that India will going to be an islamic state from 10 to 15 year and we are not prepared for the civil war.This is the critical situation.
I am writing this post specially for high priest cobra commander 666 to know what indian believe about hitler.Please watch it and provide the true information about hitler because we Indians donot know many things about the reality of west.Link (watch with english subtitles) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxvBFytl5aE
Ya non of the political leaders we have are even half the man , Hitler was. Most are total cucks.
" Oy Vey,but Hitler painted a church,he was photographed coming out of a church,he celebrated Christmas. He was a Xian cuck!"
Obviously the Swastika is not a Christian symbol, it's symbolic among other things the All Pervading Cosmic Sun. Which when It starts spinning ,Suns, galaxies and therefore worlds and Universes are created. It spins the other way dissolution of worlds, Universes and so on happen.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Serbon said:
The site really is beautiful. We could link it on our Holocaust Denial site above the Holocaust Denial Videos and The Real Holocaust

This website is a restoration of the "Holocaust Denial Videos". You can just replace the link. All the videos were uploaded again and all the linked websites (the ones I could salvage) were made into PDF files that are available for download from the link column on the left.
Hey, maybe you could also do something with these on your website
Serbon said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
Serbon said:
The site really is beautiful. We could link it on our Holocaust Denial site above the Holocaust Denial Videos and The Real Holocaust

This website is a restoration of the "Holocaust Denial Videos". You can just replace the link. All the videos were uploaded again and all the linked websites (the ones I could salvage) were made into PDF files that are available for download from the link column on the left.
Hey, maybe you could also do something with these on your website

That is beautiful! I will definitely put these in the site, I will see the best way to display them. Thank you.
4 days left before the birthday of one of the greatest men who ever lived.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
