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Happy Birthday To The Maha Siddha - Adolf Hitler - April 20th 2022

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In the East, Adolf Hitler is considered an incarnation of the God Vishnu. It was believed that in times of great turmoil, disaster and imbalance, the Gods themselves and higher beings would incarnate themselves in order to save humanity from great disasters and turmoil that was too much and undeserved.

Adolf Hitler's life was nothing else but a literal manifestation of the alchemical work of the Godhead. With His rise, there was also the rise of his downtrodden and fallen Nation. Until his time, everything was getting worse and worse in Europe and the German people, with the calculated disaster of their enslavement having already started to look as "Inevitable".

Today, Europe still owes it's powerful position on the fact Hitler didn't allow the full annexation of Europe by the USSR. Even if Europe borderline became a USSR under the Coronavirus, we can at least thank Hitler this didn't happen 100 years earlier.

For those who want to objectively have a look on Adolf Hitler, despite of emotions and away from the popular propaganda, we know what without his intervention, not only we wouldn't be having any freedoms now, but more than likely, we would be living in a hammer and sickle jewish empire that would have enslaved Europe.

There is no statesman in recent history that has been equally or even close in the level of being legendary, or fighting against the literal impossible odds Hitler did. Fanatical love or admiration, or hate, are the things Hitler did evoke in people, and never indifference or lack of care.

The coming decades will see His name cleared a lot. We will look back after the enemy's spells are broken, and we will understand that objectively, the Truth was different. 100 years from now, we will be pleading we didn't do certain things that were professed in 1930, and had to figure these out slowly by 2150 or so.

We will look back with full confusion, not understanding why the United States, another fully elevated Nation, had to indeed fight with Hitler, or France, or ally with the Bolsheviks who had no aims whatsoever but to instate the bloodiest and most tyrannical rule to obliterate humanity in Communism.

Today, we live in a world where one cannot trust politicians whatsoever. Honesty does no longer exist and if it does, it's scarce in politicians. If one thing can be said for Hitler, is that he was honest. Honest in his works, and honest in his promises to his people, honest to his friendships.

In regards to his vision, while most other Nations of the time had only financial and nonsensical ideologies with no content, Hitler's ideology professed putting humanity at the center. Nowadays, because of the height of lies and coverups, we hardly have an understanding of what he said or what he meant.

Even a very regular person, will, after seeing him, understand that we are talking about a good man with good intentions. Many people, when they see material from Hitler, they cannot figure out how what they see has been falsely claimed to be so evil.

The reason why this is incomprehensible is because only the amount of slander is what makes this man look "Evil", and not reality. Hitler in that regard, had the same fate any other Demon had in recent history - got called evil, was defamed, slandered, and His memory attacked.

It is not a secret, that even his "Enemies", admired Adolf Hitler, did copy His policies, and in the case of the American people, lived to see the tale and the outcome of attacking the wrong enemy. Today, many secretly admire Hitler, all the way from Presidents of Nation, to policy makers, the richest people of the earth, or politicians and regular everyday people.

But still, fear and lack of objective analysis of this segment of our history still exists. Our world, just one step before a pointless and utterly nonsensical WW3, and coming out of a giant flu situation that almost made the world go bankrupt because of jewish exaggerations, is still sitting there questioning where this world is really going.

Hitler's pointing to certain historical factors of why this occurs, is called "Racism", and Hitler's warnings all sound weird until you open Klaus Schwab's books to understand the mentality of those who currently try to pivot humanity into disaster.

As if this was not enough, China, the total dystopian child of the Communist Mao Zedong, has been indeed rising to compete as the world's first power, to whom everyone is dependent upon for what is basically our world's production of goods.

Hitler's prediction that one day the Chinese would wake up and have immense power has become a reality, but if Hitler's reign had continued, maybe these billions and hundreds millions of people, wouldn't have to live a life where they are trapped in working places and cannot even jump out of a window to commit suicide due to such bad labor agreements.

Maybe Mao's Communism would have never had grounds to prosper and grow on the backs of billions of souls. But, the scourge has grown since. We are now living to live the tale of our world going into uncharted waters.

Then, one starts to question where humanity might have been if the enemy did not have the anticipated control that they have now. Increasingly, looking at life, one feels swindled and cannot reasonably say that Hitler had wrong points.

It's even weirder when you look deeper into Hitler and his history, and you see no holocaust, no evil, and no great acts of destruction as his enemies have claimed that he did. When one goes even further and you see that Germany was rife with tourism, an intellectual hub of the time, or that Hitler's government did have excellent relations with all other Nations, all of this comes at odds with the false claims of the enemy. One sees all the lies face to face by then.

Regularly, I have been analyzing interesting events of the past, including history. I have been at failure to understand why "Military" parades in Germany are any more "evil", on National Holidays, than the ones we have in the United States. The same feeling of pride of one's Nation is present in both.

Tragic events that spell the suffering of tens of millions, are done daily by our "Governments", yet, all we hear all these decades is still about Hitler's evil. Even by objective numbers, Hitler never did cause all that much suffering. All the casualties of WW2 were not even close to the homeless, destitute, and destroyed people our present system creates on a monthly basis.

If Hitler failed at something like Biden who gave a whole Nation under a Terrorist group like the Taliban, we would be hearing an eternal outcry. Today, Joe Biden can do all of this and more and the media of Chosen will cover anything and everything.

For decades, we were told that we live in a post war historical time, where only evil people like Hitler would cause a war. We saw bloody wars like in Iran or Iraq, and recently, we are on the cusp of WW3, simply because of greed or other staged events that mean really nothing for the people anymore.

Yet, we are still told to focus on Hitler, about a decade earlier, to pay our "Tribute" to defamation. Jews feel safe this way. It's amusing how we are on the cusp of potential Nuclear war, and many people still only have terms and words to bring Hitler into this. In fact, the recent years of global failure have had nothing to do with Hitler about a hundred years later.

This is where a shock might arrive for someone, asking themselves why did "our world" villify this particular person so much.

"Leaders" and those of the enemy, having being objectively a thousand times more truly "Evil", have passed by in history as if they did nothing bad at all. The most careless and bad "leaders" of the enemy are constantly being presented in the brightest colors, as heroes and saviors.

Then, after one awakens further, we understand that the sole reason this occurs is because opinion making and "news" are largely controlled by the hidden clique Hitler alerted us of running the global show. If we didn't see the full manifestation of it with the recent Co-Vid situation, then we haven't seen anything.

No matter from what side we observe life, we can see so many fallacies. The important part to remember about Hitler is that to us, he is a being that rose from nothing, and in our view, one enlightened soul that played a most important and pivotal part last century to advance humanity.

The Joy of Satan devotes this website at the end of this post, to Adolf Hitler as part of his Personal Day, the April 20th. This site used to exist in the Internet, but as with anything else that ever disputes the enemy, this site "disappeared itself" in a purge from the cancelers of free speech.

Apparently, historical review is fully forbidden to where we cannot even question anything anymore as a society. It has even become illegal in some locales. This is how far Communism of the mind and spirit has infested our society.

Cancel culture, destruction of academia, control of thought, borg tier censorship in all "Social Media", is showing where our society is going. You can be a terrorist in facebook, but you cannot be even the President of the United States saying contrary opinion.

Therefore, with this enemy stranglehold at such a level, it is no question that any revisionism of history would be permanently banned. We are living in times where Stalin would consider ideal. Yet we cannot truly comprehend the great crimes we fall victims by from the enemy on a daily basis, because we are told lies that this is "Normal" and "Acceptable".

Well, this is NOT normal and we will not comply with this.

This site has been restored thanks to our particular brother who takes credit of this work [BlackOnyx in the forums], and another brave SS brother from Malaysia who has hosted this site there, away from the grasp of utter dystopianism that pervades all of our "Western Society" where you cannot even question anything anymore.

We understand we live in dystopian times, but we don't have to agree with this. This site exposes the great fallacies of the so called "holocaust".


The JoS wishes Adolf Hitler and all the beautiful souls from his time, and all times, that have come to help us and rescue us collectively, happy Birthday, and a bright future ahead for their evolution. This world might have defamed you and lied about you, but clear is your Name in front of the Gods.

Hail Father Satan!!!

Hail Adolf Hitler!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hail Adolf Hitler!!!

Hail Satan
Hail Hitler
Hail Fourth Reich
We will keep fighting.
And we shall emerge victorious
And prevail to the future we were meant to have.
I have always admired hitler. Even before knowing the truth about him i never hated or feared him because it was embedded deep into my soul as an SS.
Their sacrifice will never be in vain. We will avenge them.
Thank you for this post and happy birthday our dear Fuhrer.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This site has been restored thanks to our particular brother who takes credit of this work [BlackOnyx in the forums], and another brave SS brother from Malaysia who has hosted this site there, away from the grasp of utter dystopianism that pervades all of our "Western Society" where you cannot even question anything anymore.

We understand we live in dystopian times, but we don't have to agree with this. This site exposes the great fallacies of the so called "holocaust".

The site looks beautiful. Thank you BlackOnyx and the SS from Malaysia!

I see I'll be watching quite a few videos in my future. :D

Happy Birthday Hitler!
卐 SIEG HEIL!!! 卐
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=346363 time=1650398616 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This site has been restored thanks to our particular brother who takes credit of this work [BlackOnyx in the forums], and another brave SS brother from Malaysia who has hosted this site there, away from the grasp of utter dystopianism that pervades all of our "Western Society" where you cannot even question anything anymore.

We understand we live in dystopian times, but we don't have to agree with this. This site exposes the great fallacies of the so called "holocaust".

The site looks beautiful. Thank you BlackOnyx and the SS from Malaysia!

I see I'll be watching quite a few videos in my future. :D

Happy Birthday Hitler!
卐 SIEG HEIL!!! 卐
The site really is beautiful. We could link it on our Holocaust Denial site above the Holocaust Denial Videos and The Real Holocaust
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hail Adolf Hitler!!!


We need more people like Hitler, from every race, but more aggressive,
who are not afraid to confront the jews and who want to change the world for the better.
I can see this happening with members of our Community/Family.
It is up to us, i don't see an andrapod doing the job for us.
I remember during school, though I never realized back then, because all they did was use hyper emotional scare tactics. None of the movies, books, and videos/text books of "history" they showed us, were ever actually real footage or non-fictional books. Even my own mother would repeat the same propaganda nonsense that they told everyone. But where was the evidence? Fictional movies. Fictional books. Word-of-mouth lies without a source. How my understanding of history has changed...

To this day, they still try to spread those lies and hatred about you, but Truth has never been afraid of scrutiny. Whatever you may be doing on your special day, Lord Hitler, I wish you a grand birthday, and may this world remember you again as you truly are, just as it shall remember Satan.

Hail Victory!
I've watched a lot of documentaries about Hitler, but I still don't fully understand at what age he started doing magic. Some films say that he started it at an early age, as a child, but some claim that he got involved in this stuff after the end of World War II. Which of these is true? I guess after the war, because as far as I know, until the end of the war he was a quiet and shy guy, in whom it was difficult to see the potential for leadership. I believe that after the war he met Dietrich Eckart who involved him in occult and revealed his potential and turned him from a shy and quiet guy into a strong leader. Also, I have a question, did the Nazis have all the magical knowledge that we have now? I guess they didn't, because as far as I know they sent expeditions to different parts of the world in search of occult knowledge. And I think that the lack of such knowledge played a role in their loss in World War II... But then again, if they did not have this knowledge, then how did Hitler manage to raise his Kundalini? In general, there are many questions that I would like to receive answers to.
In one of the documentaries that I watched, it was said that a Jesuit Bernhard Stempfle was involved in writing Mein Kampf. Why was it necessary to involve that Jesuit in the writing of the book. And why was he murdered in the Night of the Long Knives? Was he connected with influential enemy forces?

And also I wanted to ask, is it true that the Hitler's personal physician Theodor Gilbert Morell was an agent of the enemy forces? In one of the documentaries, it was said that at the end of the war he gave Hitler strong narcotic drugs, which could influence the important decisions Hitler had to make during the war. Personally, I think that he could be an agent of the enemy forces since he seems a little jewish to me. But I'm not sure about this , so I'd like to know opinions of knowledgeable people here
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Quote Ping

Is this website going to be placed in the JoS-SiG Index? Or do you want people to peer deeper into the site and find it?

BTW wasn't this website or something similar available you mention it was reconstructed. Wasn't there something like this earlier-mid last decade of time?

BTW just to add if you need more information: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=70431 or you need people to download stuff and do more research these postings got you covered.

Good links there they saved a 350+ page website. Also to point out hopefully it's the website that talks about the Microwave ovens(Siemens-Schukertwerks company) and the 2-5 minute cooking time for the clothing. Like 460kg of clothing per hour(something around like 460 not sure if per hour or per day) can be cooked in 2 minutes to delouse but it was discovered afterwards sometime later in use that doubling the time to 5 minutes killed Streph-type bacteria/germs to reduce unsanitary conditions.


Anyways in my personal education of the man, I've never had issues like others. Perhaps even with the (((History Channel))) since 1997 it never bothered me. I don't give two shits for the holohax, I liken it to a sadistic "It never happened". Luckily for me my fascination with the century time period of this era was hardened into me. For example others cry out the ebil, debil Hitler. I did no such thing in fact even the misinformation/disinformation was helpful. Whenever I study this time period I just gather new information and rewrite old data banks and basically as Hitler puts it in Mein Kampf(Dr.Dalton '39) there is fake news heaven is deemed hell and hell is deemed heaven. There are those that believe inasmuch all the news, those distraught at the fake news and fail to read anything, and those like Hitler and the likes of modern day -tube stars who debunk the narrative we study both and make a comparison.

In other words Hitler's approach is the middle ground a harmonic balance.

For example John D. Rockefeller "I want a nation of workers. Not a nation of Thinker".

[Paraphrasing] Hitler: There needs to be a division of labor for society to work. One is the physical laborer and the other is the intellectual laborer. One invents and conceptualizes the idea for the physical laborer to construct said idea. Both are required and both are equally important to any Nation-State.

Anyways, I liken to other people like our French-NS/SS member who posted in France there is a Frenchman that did a 180 on Hitler. He was a typical anti-Hitlerite French-Allied cucks winz 'n' sheit yay lulz ebil, debil Germans.

Funny did a 180 and made a number of documentaries on "The Rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler". Shame it's not translated but hopefully in the future someone can use the videos and provide translations.

Rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler is needed for many people. They literally just believe the narrative don't do any research.
I want to make a Topic earlier but i just leave this comment here, what i must "shoot out" to the world ...

I am a man.

The videos about speeches of Adolf Hitler just Cheer me up every time and give me energy to LIVE.

The beautiful Paintings what Adolf Hitler drew just make me wonder HOW the world not see him as a Beautiful spirit already.

The way he treated people and animals is just UN-IMAGINABLE these days.
The world what he created when he was the Leader is like FAIRY tale these days.
He take out homeless people from streets and make Amazing community , families , peoples State.

When i see a inspirational videos of Him with people cheering in the background or playing with his dog Blondi or Making children smile or just the pictures with the people listening to Him. I am crying .

So I'm a MAN , not emotional but this makes me cry every time .
Its so sad to me that these good old days gone forever and we live in this trashy world today.

I would rather live in Hitler's Germany that time and cheer with people .
Love Him and could Die for Him.

Zieg Heil and Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler .
Beautiful post.

Happy Birthday to our dear Glorious Leader and our neverending inspiration!
Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler, thank you for your reincarnation here for us and for your beautiful soul.

Adolf Hitler is present personally in our journey here on Earth, and I know for a fact he visits SS people, and shares his extremely caring and powerful energy.
My most precious and personal visions I had in my life were from him, and the level of sacred and mystical reality present in his willed communication, transcended any limitations of time and matter.

You are loved by this Earth and by every SS, everyone in their own ways, always know we will keep bright our Satanic spirit on this existence. Thank you for bringing joy and power to our core identity and giving voice to our soul necessity.

Happy birthday also to our HP, JoyOfSatan and SS members, since we don't know our birthday, this is symbolism of our unity across our hearts, collectively celebrating the Sat.
Beautiful sermon HP.


Happy birthday to the best hero in humanity!
I'm proud to continue his cause as a SS and do Satan's work daily!
Great job on the website!
Hail Hitler!
Hail Satan!
Peace be Unto Him.

Sieg Heil.
Brilliant day

Happy Birthday :cool:
Happy Birthday Mein Führer! - And a question for you, my Brothers and Sisters,
On the Calendar for this year you can see that today it is the Antichrist's Incarnation. My wonder is - is Führer coming back on Earth to help us? :D
I edited the post so I could share it on my socials, without exposing myself too much from my acquaintances:

Today we live in a world where politicians cannot be trusted at all. Honesty no longer exists and if it does it is scarce in politicians, in their works, honest in their promises to their people, honest in their friendships.

As if that were not enough, China, the total dystopian daughter of communist Mao Zedong, has grown to compete as the world's leading power, on which everyone depends for what is basically the world's production of goods.

The prediction that one day the Chinese would wake up and have immense power has become reality. Billions and hundreds of millions of people shouldn't have to live a life where they are trapped in jobs and can't even jump out of a window to commit suicide because of such lousy labor arrangements.

We have seen bloody wars like in Iran or Iraq, and recently we are on the brink of World War III, simply because of greed or other staged events that no longer mean anything to people.

I must say, yours is a beautiful post.
Best wishes Führer ❤️
Adolf Hitler is truly one of the greatest sources of inspiration there is. When all hope seemed lost, he managed to elevate himself and his nation to eternal glory. His efforts inspired people from all over the world to be the best versions of themselves and always strive for perfection, and to gather the necessary courage and strength to fight the jewish tyranny at all costs until freedom is achieved. It certainly will be. His efforts will not be in vain.

These poorly fabricated lies will be thoroughly exposed until there is nothing left of them and there is nothing else for the jew to hold on to.

I want to express my personal gratitude to High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for all the assistance and guidance provided; to the SS Brother from Malaysia for hosting the website in a safe location and last but not least to Brother Soaring Eagle 666 for ironing out all issues and sharing his expertise. Credit goes for all four of us, whose combined efforts resulted in the success of this magnificent project.

Happy Birthday to Adolf Hitler!

Hail Satan!!!!
Hail Hitler!!!!

Sieg Heil!!!!
Serbon said:
The site really is beautiful. We could link it on our Holocaust Denial site above the Holocaust Denial Videos and The Real Holocaust

This website is a restoration of the "Holocaust Denial Videos". You can just replace the link. All the videos were uploaded again and all the linked websites (the ones I could salvage) were made into PDF files that are available for download from the link column on the left.
The site looks nice and clear, it's beautiful.
Happy Birthday to our beloved Fuhrer!

Hail Satan!
Hail Hitler!
Like Father, you faced a most thankless job, Fuhrer. You go down in my book as the truest Hero. Thank you for your service Fuhrer.
Happy birthday to our eternal hero, our Fuhrer!
One of the best Gentiles to have ever walked on Earth!
You shall never be forgotten!
Heil Hitler!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
