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Happy Birthday To The Great One

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Every year in this day of high importance, we are reminded of the birth of one who reached the heavens while he was on Earth. Adolf Hitler has been attacked, reviled, slandered - but he can never be forgotten.

Every single year, we reach closer to the day, where this man who rose from nothing to save everything, will be observed not only as a miraculous birth, but also as a savior and champion of civilization. Many people, even his enemies, have become later carriers of his dreams and visions, or political methods and practices.

In the East, many people will be holding rituals to this day, venerating Hitler. The hatred and propaganda of the enemy never reached these people, but their dark temporary cloud has descended over many people in the Western Civilization.

During a time of disarray and imbalance such as this, many people want justice done. The enemy always preyed on the unknowing, the weak, and the helpless. A man that decided to stop this and stood up for his ideals, is a though that is very far ahead and above the minds of many people today.

Hitler must be observed not only as a political personality, but as a human being who rose on a whole level of humanity altogether. The enemy does never want people to observe this man with sanity, let alone with their hearts. Only sheer fear and disinformation spree will do.

The terror that Hitler brings to the hearts of the enemy, is also the same hope that the Fhurer brings to the hearts of millions of despairing, fallen individuals. We learned from his story, that the darkness is at it's height before the first manifestation of the sun.

Hitler rose up in a time of great uncertainty, degeneracy, and chaos. Many believed Germany would be ancient history by the time Hitler was old. The economic crisis of Hitler's time was only a tip in an iceberg of other endless atrocities against mankind.

Over the years, I have seen many people supposedly "Criticize Hitler", defame him, slander him, and so on. These people who are that low, need to ascend further, and see the grace and power of those up in the mountains.

Hitler's life was one of the rare manifestations of the Ubermensch, the people who will be generated as the finest core of humanity. Hitler walked on a rope through the abyss, and did not fall. When the world was falling into the abyss, and death and slavery were guaranteed for his people, he manifested ultimate power, resilience and resolve to raise them.

The case of Hitler is if anything, the most inspiring story in recent history. Nobody has been as poor or as weak as Hitler was, and not many souls get to tread the abyss to reach the other end. He did all of this and more, successfully. And after he treaded the abyss, he decided to create a better world.

While there are many examples of women and men who have done great deeds, his stand will remain in the aeons to come.

Every lie that was said about Hitler, we are seeing in front of our very eyes to turn out to be a lie. All arguments the enemy negatively heaped on Hitler, the long list, the enemy is doing multiplied a thousand times today. Who is the "slaver of the world" but literally this mafia that runs it today?

Secretly, people who will revile and despise Hitler in the external world, will, privately in their homes, read his political legacy. Few figures in history have been as important as Hitler.

Ambitious souls will imagine what could have been. It is no secret, that even after the War, the sympathies for Hitler outweighed the negative emotions. Even in his enemies, except of the ones of spirit with which differences were irreparable - even in his enemies, he inspired respect and secret admiration.

If people read about the historic context of Hitler's life, and Hitler's time, which is far beyond what most people have ever experienced today, they will understand.

When Hitler was around, all his enemies from later, they saw the power in front of them. As for the blessings towards his people, he conferred generously, and endless blessing. It is still a sin for everyone to say that they even remotely admired him, especially in the West. In the West we are allowed to worship people of the lowest order.

Valiant beings such as our Gods, get renewed hope for our collective future, when they see men like Hitler. Hitler is the example a person that wants for the future, sees and gets inspired.

All his critics and those who want to portray him negatively, are the species that you see in your life and you lose all hope for existing.

The day of his birth, 4/20th, even has to be covered by the most irrelevant and lowly things on all places. The enemy does what they do best: throw slander and try to cover a truth with infinite irrelevant information.

It is as if, something is reminded to the enemy of this date, every year. This fills them with dread and terror. It has them remembering, that one day, the wrongdoings against humankind and the Gods will be repaid.

To the enemy, the awareness of Hitler is nothing as they tell to people externally. They recognize, Hitler was a manifestation of a force of balance and godliness. They understood Hitler showed up as a guardian for humanity where their concoctions and dark plans had reached the highest of all highs.

In one work I read about him, one Rabbi even admitted that Hitler came from "Out there", from "Another Fabric of Time and Space", to basically foil the plans of the enemy. They were shocked on this perfect setup against humanity, that another, power and Ancient force, did intervene to stop them. In their minds for this reason, they will curse him eternally.

They understand this force of development is inherent in people, and they are terrified of the day where humanity may have crossed the boundary, from the enemy's spiritual blindness, towards the path to a more enlightened and vital world, such as Hitler envisioned.

The enemy wants desperately to hide this star, the first teardrop of the elixir of the tree of the life of the future - under the weight of blind masses that consume narcotic substance - in a sense, the enemy attempts to overshadow this date of life, with a day of death. And this day of enlightenment, with deadening darkness.

We now and here collectively have chosen the side of life, and the side for the future of mankind being brighter, more hopeful, a battle against fall and decay. Others may take the other path. The enemy has their saints, and their "idols".

There is no reason why mankind must not venerate for those people who passed this earth and striven for something beautiful. The time for this manifestation was not yet, however, within the confines of the enemy veil, humanity saw the first manifestation of pure light.

Many people, even those in the US, and anyone who wants to call themselves "Strong", will look at Hitler and see something admirable. Our collective "appreciation" and buying of the lies of the enemy, is costing us every freedom today.

The generation that fought against Hitler, made sure after everything to utilize everything from him. This reassured, even after the passing of Hitler's Era, at least a few decades of social balance, prosperity, and power for the United States.

Eventually however the enemy knew, as they know, that this "Spirit" of Hitler, descended elsewhere after the world. They know that this spirit of Freedom and development was not destroyed, but later on imparted itself where the race was, the United States.

In the East, Hitler was not so much perceived as a man, but rather as a power of the Gods that descends on the world to create balance. For this reasons, Hitler was associated with Vishnu in his recent incarnation. He came in to instate a balance in a fallen and corrupted world.

As it can be seen today, what happened last century on selected countries, such as Germany, now happens from this group of control but on a global situation. People lived to see part of the nightmare, and we are nowhere close to the full face reveal of the enemy just yet.

People will be shocked to see that Hitler was definitely right of wanting to break up this clique early on. They will be saying that he did the right thing to muster all the power he could, and every means to defend his Nation and his people from impending doom.

It will never look like a mistake again in the future to do this thing. Longterm, generational haters of Hitler, are going to become his fans in the future, when they see what Hitler tried to prevent from the clique that goes under many names, including "Globalism", "NWO", "Zionists", and so on.

The Globalists recently did one of their greatest moves and displays of binding the whole globe, in one swoop. Is it sane to say that we haven't been warned while we have been literally told what they are going to attempt by people such as Hitler a hundred years ago?

For how long will the lies be maintained that Hitler was wrong about them and their nefarious plans against mankind? Our present experience says, not for long.

But we have seen this manifestation last century as well. The enemy was going for the longest anticipated power grab of their existence, their ultimate control over all the world's masters at the time. And something happened and they failed.

This time, we are experiencing the same, but multiplied in every direction of spacetime in our dimension. It makes one wonder, what will the counter reaction of balance be this time? The descent of the Spirit they are trying to stop, will be pushed on the utmost, but it's manifestation is certain.

How strong will this manifestation be, how much wider? One can only imagine.

It is no sin and no wrong for us to have our own idols, people that others can be proud of. The enemy has their own. Aren't we, after all, called Idolaters? Isn't this the definition of a Gentile?

Hitler should be in the list of idols for all people on earth who have obstacles they want to overcome. Great people from all walks of life, Nations and backgrounds, want personalities such as these to idolize over. These bring hope for the future, and banish despair.

If people back then could make it out of certain destruction, so can our world do this, this time around.

In Hitler, we saw the rising of the light from the realm of the dead, and it's explosion which revitalized all the dead who were looking at it. Yet in the future of our kind, we look forward to the day, where this light will shine eternally instead.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Happy Birthday, the incarnation of Venus power, HH!
Happy Birthday, mein Fuhrer!
Happy birthday to the Fuhrer and Hail Hitler. The younger generation has to understand, its by putting aside your dislike, fear and hate that you see the strength as well as the weakness of a person, be it an ally or an enemy, Sun Tzu states this in his Art of War. This is what differentiates me from people my generation(I'm a 199* kid), my parents as well as my grandparents educated me thoroughly with history and what we should learn of it. Also this along with my ability of memorization, was the way my lacking element manifested, which was air. The enemy is also slandering historical figures to undermine their will to fight and critical thought, which is inspired majorly by our parents or by one's ancestors who have immortalized their name in history.
Happy birthday and solar return to one of the most greatest leaders in the world in our modern times!

May his legacy live on.
Hail Hitler! Forever loved by me and my father.
Happy birthday to our Fuhrer!!! My JoS journey started because of this Great Man. He’s always an inspiration.
This made me so emotional and full of love and adoration for Hitler... Hail Hitler!
Ahh man it would be cool if we could all time a Ritual for our Führer, where we greet him to his birthday simultaneously. Oh well, I already did that. Maybe next year tho, I bet he would be very happy if he receives a rush of loving energy from his people! =)
Beautiful, beautiful Sermon.. Bless you. It brought tears of joy and pride into my eyes as I read this.

Praise Adolf, such a glorious and indescribably benevolent man and leader of mankind.

You High Priests/Priestesses here guiding us and focusing our spiritual efforts here are his legacy. I know Adolf smiles with great pride on all of you here and for all that you've done.

As we smile in pride towards Hitler I know he smiles back on us all here fighting for Lord Satan. Let us bring a mighty grin to his face tonight as we slam more F RtR's with all our passion and might. Happy Birthday Hero of mankind.
Happy Birthday unser Fuhrer! Indeed the people will be shocked to find out Hitler was our savior. :D Thank you for the sermon High Priest Hooded Cobra!!

Hail Satan/88!!!
History is written - nay, re-written by the victors.

A great man who dearly above all, loved his country with a passion none may attain despite their futile aspirations and parroted platforms. A great man who loved his fellow man and wanted to see both attain greatness and achievement. To open trade, to have quality and pride of life and live as each of us is capable of doing and contributing.
A proud soldier, an accomplished artist, a brilliant architect, a lover of life who yearned to restore beauty, greatness and pride. A man of great perception, vision and intellect.

How pitiful for the decieved and decievers who invert glory into monstrosity, to pine for a moment of the glory they vomit on, forever living in the shadow of a great leader.

When I read, at the age of 14, I was gripped with an understanding. A revelation. It all made such practical sense and blueprinted the unshackling of a strong but captive people smothered by forces beyond their control - given the way to reclaim their autonomy. Then the enemy shamed me for my comprehension. Years later I
live in a tortured world forced to reject and annihilate the strength to foment dependence and weakness.

Death is not "a part of life." It is a moment of existence and no more to be feared than stepping from one room to another. His role has changed from the power of leading the living to his greater role beyond.
It is not lessened. It is promoted.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every year in this day of high importance, we are reminded of the birth of one who reached the heavens while he was on Earth. Adolf Hitler has been attacked, reviled, slandered - but he can never be forgotten.

Every single year, we reach closer to the day, where this man who rose from nothing to save everything, will be observed not only as a miraculous birth, but also as a savior and champion of civilization. Many people, even his enemies, have become later carriers of his dreams and visions, or political methods and practices.

In the East, many people will be holding rituals to this day, venerating Hitler. The hatred and propaganda of the enemy never reached these people, but their dark temporary cloud has descended over many people in the Western Civilization.

During a time of disarray and imbalance such as this, many people want justice done. The enemy always preyed on the unknowing, the weak, and the helpless. A man that decided to stop this and stood up for his ideals, is a though that is very far ahead and above the minds of many people today.

Hitler must be observed not only as a political personality, but as a human being who rose on a whole level of humanity altogether. The enemy does never want people to observe this man with sanity, let alone with their hearts. Only sheer fear and disinformation spree will do.

The terror that Hitler brings to the hearts of the enemy, is also the same hope that the Fhurer brings to the hearts of millions of despairing, fallen individuals. We learned from his story, that the darkness is at it's height before the first manifestation of the sun.

Hitler rose up in a time of great uncertainty, degeneracy, and chaos. Many believed Germany would be ancient history by the time Hitler was old. The economic crisis of Hitler's time was only a tip in an iceberg of other endless atrocities against mankind.

Over the years, I have seen many people supposedly "Criticize Hitler", defame him, slander him, and so on. These people who are that low, need to ascend further, and see the grace and power of those up in the mountains.

Hitler's life was one of the rare manifestations of the Ubermensch, the people who will be generated as the finest core of humanity. Hitler walked on a rope through the abyss, and did not fall. When the world was falling into the abyss, and death and slavery were guaranteed for his people, he manifested ultimate power, resilience and resolve to raise them.

The case of Hitler is if anything, the most inspiring story in recent history. Nobody has been as poor or as weak as Hitler was, and not many souls get to tread the abyss to reach the other end. He did all of this and more, successfully. And after he treaded the abyss, he decided to create a better world.

While there are many examples of women and men who have done great deeds, his stand will remain in the aeons to come.

Every lie that was said about Hitler, we are seeing in front of our very eyes to turn out to be a lie. All arguments the enemy negatively heaped on Hitler, the long list, the enemy is doing multiplied a thousand times today. Who is the "slaver of the world" but literally this mafia that runs it today?

Secretly, people who will revile and despise Hitler in the external world, will, privately in their homes, read his political legacy. Few figures in history have been as important as Hitler.

Ambitious souls will imagine what could have been. It is no secret, that even after the War, the sympathies for Hitler outweighed the negative emotions. Even in his enemies, except of the ones of spirit with which differences were irreparable - even in his enemies, he inspired respect and secret admiration.

If people read about the historic context of Hitler's life, and Hitler's time, which is far beyond what most people have ever experienced today, they will understand.

When Hitler was around, all his enemies from later, they saw the power in front of them. As for the blessings towards his people, he conferred generously, and endless blessing. It is still a sin for everyone to say that they even remotely admired him, especially in the West. In the West we are allowed to worship people of the lowest order.

Valiant beings such as our Gods, get renewed hope for our collective future, when they see men like Hitler. Hitler is the example a person that wants for the future, sees and gets inspired.

All his critics and those who want to portray him negatively, are the species that you see in your life and you lose all hope for existing.

The day of his birth, 4/20th, even has to be covered by the most irrelevant and lowly things on all places. The enemy does what they do best: throw slander and try to cover a truth with infinite irrelevant information.

It is as if, something is reminded to the enemy of this date, every year. This fills them with dread and terror. It has them remembering, that one day, the wrongdoings against humankind and the Gods will be repaid.

To the enemy, the awareness of Hitler is nothing as they tell to people externally. They recognize, Hitler was a manifestation of a force of balance and godliness. They understood Hitler showed up as a guardian for humanity where their concoctions and dark plans had reached the highest of all highs.

In one work I read about him, one Rabbi even admitted that Hitler came from "Out there", from "Another Fabric of Time and Space", to basically foil the plans of the enemy. They were shocked on this perfect setup against humanity, that another, power and Ancient force, did intervene to stop them. In their minds for this reason, they will curse him eternally.

They understand this force of development is inherent in people, and they are terrified of the day where humanity may have crossed the boundary, from the enemy's spiritual blindness, towards the path to a more enlightened and vital world, such as Hitler envisioned.

The enemy wants desperately to hide this star, the first teardrop of the elixir of the tree of the life of the future - under the weight of blind masses that consume narcotic substance - in a sense, the enemy attempts to overshadow this date of life, with a day of death. And this day of enlightenment, with deadening darkness.

We now and here collectively have chosen the side of life, and the side for the future of mankind being brighter, more hopeful, a battle against fall and decay. Others may take the other path. The enemy has their saints, and their "idols".

There is no reason why mankind must not venerate for those people who passed this earth and striven for something beautiful. The time for this manifestation was not yet, however, within the confines of the enemy veil, humanity saw the first manifestation of pure light.

Many people, even those in the US, and anyone who wants to call themselves "Strong", will look at Hitler and see something admirable. Our collective "appreciation" and buying of the lies of the enemy, is costing us every freedom today.

The generation that fought against Hitler, made sure after everything to utilize everything from him. This reassured, even after the passing of Hitler's Era, at least a few decades of social balance, prosperity, and power for the United States.

Eventually however the enemy knew, as they know, that this "Spirit" of Hitler, descended elsewhere after the world. They know that this spirit of Freedom and development was not destroyed, but later on imparted itself where the race was, the United States.

In the East, Hitler was not so much perceived as a man, but rather as a power of the Gods that descends on the world to create balance. For this reasons, Hitler was associated with Vishnu in his recent incarnation. He came in to instate a balance in a fallen and corrupted world.

As it can be seen today, what happened last century on selected countries, such as Germany, now happens from this group of control but on a global situation. People lived to see part of the nightmare, and we are nowhere close to the full face reveal of the enemy just yet.

People will be shocked to see that Hitler was definitely right of wanting to break up this clique early on. They will be saying that he did the right thing to muster all the power he could, and every means to defend his Nation and his people from impending doom.

It will never look like a mistake again in the future to do this thing. Longterm, generational haters of Hitler, are going to become his fans in the future, when they see what Hitler tried to prevent from the clique that goes under many names, including "Globalism", "NWO", "Zionists", and so on.

The Globalists recently did one of their greatest moves and displays of binding the whole globe, in one swoop. Is it sane to say that we haven't been warned while we have been literally told what they are going to attempt by people such as Hitler a hundred years ago?

For how long will the lies be maintained that Hitler was wrong about them and their nefarious plans against mankind? Our present experience says, not for long.

But we have seen this manifestation last century as well. The enemy was going for the longest anticipated power grab of their existence, their ultimate control over all the world's masters at the time. And something happened and they failed.

This time, we are experiencing the same, but multiplied in every direction of spacetime in our dimension. It makes one wonder, what will the counter reaction of balance be this time? The descent of the Spirit they are trying to stop, will be pushed on the utmost, but it's manifestation is certain.

How strong will this manifestation be, how much wider? One can only imagine.

It is no sin and no wrong for us to have our own idols, people that others can be proud of. The enemy has their own. Aren't we, after all, called Idolaters? Isn't this the definition of a Gentile?

Hitler should be in the list of idols for all people on earth who have obstacles they want to overcome. Great people from all walks of life, Nations and backgrounds, want personalities such as these to idolize over. These bring hope for the future, and banish despair.

If people back then could make it out of certain destruction, so can our world do this, this time around.

In Hitler, we saw the rising of the light from the realm of the dead, and it's explosion which revitalized all the dead who were looking at it. Yet in the future of our kind, we look forward to the day, where this light will shine eternally instead.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

A Man who truly loved his people and truly made them happy. Adolf Hitler is THE example of the Übermensch. He is truly an example for all of Humanity and especially us Spiritual Satanists.

If one really reads into accounts of people who had the honour of working with him, they’d truly see our Führer for what kind of man He was. One of the most humble and compassionate men to have ever walked on this Earth. He was very gentle and soft spoken to all he met and was always considerate. The mark of a Magnificent Being.

May His light shine upon our sick world once more and me He forever guide us!

Happy Birthday Mein Führer!


Is it possible that he will be soon reincarnated or that is alive right now among us?
Will he drive White Gentiles to the victory now that more and more people are awakening?
Great Führer, Herr Hitler, among the greatest men to ever be born on our Earth, so great those who can be considered as peers or equally great and valorous men since the time you were first born upon the earth, can be counted on one hand, may you forever be blessed and live in glory, forever be celebrated by your peers, your followers, the people who still, despite all slander, lies and curses against you, still remember your true magnanimity and most honorable, just and righteous spirit, and of course our Gods, for the great service you have given them and us all, through inconceivable personal sacrifice, and everlasting perseverance in your legendary struggle against fate and destiny that surpasses even the ancient legends and myths!

O Great Führer, hear our praises for you on this day, and hear the reverent cries of celebration of your eternally loyal followers, to whom you have passed the torch, and whom carry this torch through to the final destination, where we may be reunited and celebrate your legacy and legendary leadership, your insurmountable achievements and timeless wisdom, together with you, Great Führer!

Happy birthday to our Great Führer!
Hail Adolf Hitler!
Hail Satan!
Hail all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!

Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil!
Happy Birthday Hitler!
I really believed in what you said for a long time I wanted a better world. Your enemies who defeated you only temporarily as we all know did not provide a better world for us like you could have.
Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler. Thank you so much for everything. You are fully deserving of being idolised, for you were and are still, a living incarnation of the ubermensch.

I cannot wait until the enemy is turned into ashes.

Hail Satan and all the gods and goddesses of Hell.
I'm going to virtue signal hard here:

Im dedicating my high intensity work out and martial art training to Hitler. Did a prayer to Him before I started. After I'm done I'm going to finish the day doing all the rituals at least 3 times in His Honor.

Wish me good luck and good will Brothers and Sisters :D

Hail Hitler Forever!

Also in another thread I mentioned that He is a great inspiration and I wish to be as close as possible as a great and powerful leader like Him or at the very least help my race as much as He did with His while helping the other Gentiles races as well :D
Hail Hitler! Hail Victory!
The sun was shining so brightly today, a beautiful day for the birthday of our Fuhrer 卐 . Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler!
Authentic self said:
I like Satan but not Hitler. Is that bad? And I'm a new member here!
Go through our entire site including
VoiceofEnki said:
Great Führer, Herr Hitler, among the greatest men to ever be born on our Earth, so great those who can be considered as peers or equally great and valorous men since the time you were first born upon the earth, can be counted on one hand, may you forever be blessed and live in glory, forever be celebrated by your peers, your followers, the people who still, despite all slander, lies and curses against you, still remember your true magnanimity and most honorable, just and righteous spirit, and of course our Gods, for the great service you have given them and us all, through inconceivable personal sacrifice, and everlasting perseverance in your legendary struggle against fate and destiny that surpasses even the ancient legends and myths!

O Great Führer, hear our praises for you on this day, and hear the reverent cries of celebration of your eternally loyal followers, to whom you have passed the torch, and whom carry this torch through to the final destination, where we may be reunited and celebrate your legacy and legendary leadership, your insurmountable achievements and timeless wisdom, together with you, Great Führer!

Happy birthday to our Great Führer!
Hail Adolf Hitler!
Hail Satan!
Hail all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!

Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil!

I loved to read this! ^~^
Happy birthday Adolf Hitler!

Thank you for saving the human race.
HP Hodeed Cobra and Satanic Brotherhood,

Since I was a child, I always heard from my father that Hitler was a misunderstood and silenced genius.
My father was from the Brazilian army and knew very well what he was talking about, and said more:

"Never believe in the obvious daughter, always seek the Truth behind the truth"
Hitler was and is a great example for all of us, both as a person and as a Fhurer.

Happy birthday Hitler, and for my part I thank you for everything you did, and I hope that we will see each other soon, a big hug !!!!

Hail Satan !!!
Hail Hitler !!!
Hail all of our glorious Gods !!!
Heil Hitler!!!! Sieg Heil!!!
I have always looked at this man with wonder and admiration and never believed the nonsense told to me by my history teachers or the books they fed me. Actually before coming here, I had a fascination for WW2 and would frequently dig to find anything that could explain the "plot holes" strewn about. My initial, intuitive respect for this man only grew, and I was thus never convinced that he was a tyrant, but a hero.

Happy Birthday Hitler!
Happy birthday Mein Fuhrer, I hope it really will become true that people will start swinging to liking Hitler sooner. The holohoax has to stop rapidly farting a lot more lies of 'evidence' alterations.
Happy birthday Mein Fuhrer, I hope it really will become true that people will start swinging to liking Hitler sooner. The holohoax has to stop rapidly farting a lot more lies of 'evidence' alterations.
Happy birthday Mein Fuhrer, I hope it really will become true that people will start swinging to liking Hitler sooner. The holohoax has to stop rapidly farting a lot more lies of 'evidence' alterations.
Hail Hitler
Hail JOS
Hail Satan
Hmm, okay! Yeah, I can't stand these Monotheistic religions either. Didn't Hitler have a Catholic Mother? And he absolutely loved his Mother.

Shadowcat said:
Go through our entire site including

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
