Ariton 666 said:HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:...Ariton 666 said:....
I understand your interpretation of these anime's, but the problem is that most ordinary people who watch them only reinforce the idea that "I can use others as I have been, and then throw them away because there will be no consequences."
They don't see it as an occult message or an instructive story, they see it as reinforcing their inferior habits.
Unfortunately, the current people are quite low level and do not see the consequences of their actions.
I personally have made a vow to actually help only those people who deserve it, the rest I will leave to perish, in fact I will **Destroy them all.
I will not discriminate between fucking shitty jews, gypsies, or artificial-jews(goyim).
Many characters in these anime's, do represent literally the incarnation of the jewish spirit and mindset. These characters, use power in order to do what we broadly refer to as "Evil", no different than the kikes today, who believe that power solely justifies them doing anything against mankind. This conception arises out of the fact that this power when disconnected from the higher realms of understanding, causes deception and therefore breeds what we refer to as "evil".
The important things with some of this anime that is based on Pagan Cultures and other spiritual teachings, is not how the masses might receive it [which will be in a stupid way anyway], but how this will affect future people who will become powerful. The fact they are left open to personal interpretation, says a lot.
Plus, all these anime are wholly antithetic to the spirit of xianity. "Goodness" is not an invention of xianity, xianity is actually brainless injustice and in unison to what we broadly call evil. The fact these characters seek power, meditate, and so on, is all anti-xian in it's sentiment.
Xianity preaches moral weakness, decadence, weakness as "goodness", and a slavery mentality. The so called "Savior" of these people is just a slave with a psychopathic complex. Yet, since the myth of the so called "Savior" is stolen from Pagan religions, it still emotes strongly with the helpless people worldwide, commonly used by the jews as a bait to lead people into deception.
Helping those who deserve it and not helping those who do not, is a sub-notion of justice and acting in justice. As for the rest that is the extended hand of the jew in a purposeful way, then they will get what they deserve. Xianity preaches total injustice.
You can do whatever "evil" you want and get away with it all, in fact, all you have to do is drop on your knees, say "sorry god" and then get up and continue doing it. Since xianity provides no evolutionary path whatsoever, this gives clemency to continue an indefinite amount of destruction towards everything. The more a legal system becomes "Christianized", the more injustice reigns supreme in any human society.
That's just insanity and it has nothing to do with "good". It's actually the core notion of what one would call the literal rule of evil.
The middle tier of people who are walking around oblivious, still belong in an actual and biological sense to us, rather than the enemy, which is the reason compared to the enemy. Their ignorance represents a major threat, but it can also represent the force through which society can keep existing.
Over the years my extensive hate for xianity has also made me hate beyond what words can say their conceptions. I remain an enemy eternally to this. At the same time, the fact this bogus lie stole most of our own concepts, must not mean that we must allow them to get away with the theft. One of these stolen concepts that were removed is the idea of justice, being "Good" and so on.
In Pagan conception of this, all goodness comes from expanding power. If you give the knowledge to a man to plant potatoes, and the seed, then the creative man will be empowered by this and make a potato farm. Therefore, stealing [a commonly considered bad trait] will be eliminated. This is only a simple example on how power can eliminate our so called "evil tendencies".
Power, while it can also eliminate the so called "Evil", it can also be used in an evil way. Power has been criminalized, while the reality is that power can be used either way. It's up to human choice. In regards to bonding power with the higher aspects of the human nature, that's why the Ancients had all their leaders meditating, advancing spiritually, and giving them knowledge to access higher concsciousness. When this is done, many falsehoods that give rise to pointless destruction vanish, and power becomes a purposeful tool to further creation.
Christianity preaches that you must rob the person of potatoes, of seeds, of a field, beat them every single day, rob them of everything that makes a person powerful, and still force people to be "good", good in their definition force them to be a slave. This is antithetical to all natural dictates, and is actually the mother of all evil. And of course, nothing spiritual, at the penalty of death. That is the recipe to create all the evil in this world like today, and accelerate it to a speed factor that can destroy human life.
The fact the enemy programs have adopted a false notion and deceitful notion of "Good" in the surface, is actually because as human beings, we are into much "Evil" and we are after what is "Good". Good in Pagan culture and midset, is synonymous with power, not with weakness.
For example, weakness to be just causes injustice, and weakness to keep one's self together, causes ruin. In xianity, the falsehood that all these glorious things and uplifting things can happen just by being an empty shell is perpetuated, leading the world straight into what they refer to as "pure evil".
Paganism also allows of what we call "evil", or rather, wants to rise above it, while accepting it's existence and function in existence. In Ancient philosophy, evil is not necessarily synonymous with power or strength, but is a state of being and existing, generally, related to spiritual blindness and being unperceptive of the higher levels of reality.
The real word for "Evil" in the Ancient Religions is "ignorance", as ignorance encompasses all the things that due to weakness, cause what we refer to as "Evil".
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666