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Gods That Were Human - Guides To Humanity & "Hell"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Father Satan has been with humanity for as long as we can succinctly put in "Before Time". As this might sound confusing, time, as defined in our present day understanding is linear.

Father Satan and the top Gods are ascended beyond the fabric of the so called "Time", while regardless they can still incarnate, exist and operate in some lower spheres, included in what we refer to as "Time".

The Demons in the Joy of Satan are in many cases people who have reached the Godhead a long time ago, during the so called "Golden Age", or before this. Not all of them are in this category, but many of them are. The enemy, insidiously has blasphemed all of them. Some of these Demons who are in this category are Asmodeus, Balaam or Valefor.

Hesiod describes the Demons as those "humans" from the time of the reign of Kronus. The way this is explained is rather complex and has many underlying meanings, which will be analyzed in another relevant topic.

Lord Kronus is another epithet for Father Satan, having a hidden connotation that hides the word "Crown" in it. The modern word Crown is derived from the word "Kronus", the chakra of the top of the head. Due to confusion, this was later on got into another connection with Saturn, which has become really confused.

This Chakra is described often as the "Timeless" heaven, or "Eternity". In the same manner, "Kronus" also hides in it the notion of "Time", which is shown by the word "Chronos" but is not the same word, and does not have the same meaning.

Wrong information about the Demons and more wrongdoings against them have ended up in enemy grimoires and tales, oftentimes blasphemed yet even there spoken about by the enemy with great terror. The enemy calls them "The Gibborim" which means "The Giants" or the "Great and Mighty Ones".

They are extremely powerful, and they are in many respects higher ups like the Gods, but they reside in an "adjacent" dimension for very specific reasons. These reasons have to do with the fact that they maintain order in the earth [this is a very difficult task] and help select people "reverse the fall" ie, to achieve the Godhead, which is a codeword for the ascent of fallen souls.

As we are closer with them, they can help us immensely in this path. The Gods of the highest order are at the height of deciding the highest tasks, and they therefore tasked some of their own to help us on a closer watch. The enemy, falsely also mentions the "Watchers", which is another title that was given to the "Gibborim" or the Demons of Old.

In many teachings, these Demons were called "Cthonic", an Ancient Greek word meaning "Underground" or "Those who dwell on the ground". The meaning here is to imply that these Demons are here to assist humans on the lower dimensions and to help us complete Satan's Great Work upon humanity.

This has nothing to do with false confusing notions created way later on by the enemy. Notions of falsehood such as "the fiery underground place of torment" of Christianity or Islam, do not exist. The Demons or the Gods of old have nothing to do with these whatsoever, as these notions do not exist in the Pagan world.

There is no place of eternal "torment". Some of these Demons also specialize in the affairs of what the Ancient Greeks called "Hades" or the transfer of the dead and the intermediary dimension between life and death.

Conveniently, we use the word "Hell" now, which is also related to the Norse word Hel-heim. Hel is literally the name of the Afterlife dimension in Norse mythology, and the borrowing of the word for English is evident.

The invention of "Hell" as a place of "Torment" is a foolish lie that was created by later Christianity [it did not exist in it's inception, as they wanted to infiltrate Paganism first and everyone would laugh at this in the beginning].

Islam, another enemy program, followed suit after they saw how convenient the use of a lie such as a place of torment for 99.99% of mankind that did not "Obey" the new system at the time, was playing out wonderfully in fooling masses that were largely illiterate.

We all know that the word "Demon" is anything but a negative word. It is one of the most honorable and positive words, that means "God" in Ancient Greek. These Gods are here to help and support humanity. They are teachers of humanity that teach us, help us attain our desires or show us the path to learning. Finally, they are here to help us do all this in order to ascend into higher levels of consciousness.

The entirety of this plan is to help humanity become again as the Gods, or at least, the elements of humanity that want to walk this path. For this reason, these Gods deserve beautiful treatment, as they are willful guardians of those who are with Father Satan and the Ancient Gods.

Finally, the Joy of Satan getting updated and the Gods progressively moved out of the enemy context entirely will highlight their extreme importance. Everyone should be thankful for this once in many lifetimes opportunity to partake in this and approach the Gods in this way.

Our Gods will lead us to Glory in Spiritual Satanism,

It all adds up, nothing new, not surprisingly in Greek "daimon" means just that: an intermediate Being, or rather to be more precise : an "intermediary" Being (or at least that is how it was conceived by the Greeks), between humans and gods. Perhaps by virtue of the fact that they have been men and have attained the status of gods they are able to communicate and be a guide and example to human beings.
A most beautiful and interesting Sermon, High Priest Hooded Cobra!

I am waiting for the updates about our Gods and Goddesses, like a child eagerly awaits for their gifts in the Yule season.

I am incredibly greatful and honored to walk this path to Godhead.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Father Satan and the top Gods are ascended beyond the fabric of the so called "Time", while regardless they can still incarnate, exist and operate in some lower spheres, included in what we refer to as "Time".
Are the enemy reptilians beyond time as well?
Really very enlightening article, thank you very much ! I recently did a research trying to find out where they were "inspired" to create hell. I discourage any new member from getting into this process because all christian references are bound with curses and literally you feel like crap afterwards. Christian hell was also largely inspired by Scythoupolis, a place of horror where millions of Gentiles and mainly Hellenes of the Old Religion were brutally tortured and burned alive... this death camp operated for about 4 centuries. Behold their hell! Only a Jewish mind could think of and create something so perverse. Fortunately, the Gods guide us to the Eternal Truth.

I'd like to ask a question too. Is there any chance that the Chthonians also relate with these advance beings (Humans of the Golden Age) that inhabited (or inhabit if true and not just myth) the interior of the Earth? I'm reading Lytton's book and I'm fascinated by it, especially knowing all these myths.
There's this certain question that I have always had which never leaves my mind: if the gods are so powerful, why havent they come down to stop the enemy sooner?

There have been A LOT of answers. Some from others, some i have speculated on my own .

The ones from others:
1. the gods would be harmed or killed if they come down on earth physically and all that.
2. Humans arent ready yet. (?)

The ones which i have kinda came to:

The gods are too powerful to be harmed by trivial things. But the reason as to why they arent down on earth is because simply they were at war and altho they have won, the enemy still has this place hostage in a way.

But then again, if the gods have already won, then they shouldn't have any problem wiping out this small portion of the enemy, right?

This is where my mind starts to REALLY get creative. Maybe they are busy saving many different planets and places like ours or worse than ours in a way that doesnt allow them to fully engage with Earth physically?

Maybe descending physically would cause a full on intergalactic war, that could possibly in turn annihilate the earth and the humans in it?

Maybe the gods want us to " pass" this certain stage? Maybe this is all a path that we as humans are meant to walk on as our development,no matter the cost of all those lives that perished and all those who went through unimaginable torture and pain?....

.... or maybe i am expecting too much of the gods and they arent as extremely powerful as i expected? Or maybe i dont even know enough or am at the level to be able to find out the truth about this, and am just confusing myself due to limited thinking?....

.... i dunno what to think anymore😅
Great post with very important message.
Hail Father Satan
Its beautiful thank you. Can't help to feel like a fool and dumb person. As i said, I'm sorry but you know i have to do this and ask what i need to when I'm uncertain thats what's it said on JoS the ministry is here for help and guidance. If i find something that you didn't know about or cannot awnser or avoid awnsering its only natural i will get suspicious. I'm very open you know that and you know what i look like you can kill,curse or even show my face to the world but i put my trust in you. It's not like I'm trying to infiltrate I'm trying to learn about things that i was guided to.

Why would the ES be created at the same time JoS was created?
Why do both fight real evil with different word play?
Why do both not know of the other?
And and big WHY are they perfect opposites in many regards asif was meant to be?

So many questions.

If I turn out a kike i must say then yes the ES is for me and you were wrong about that all kikes are evil because I'm not.
If i don't turn out one the ES is fate because how the fuck could my aunt who even was in parlement head of a voting ... for white people turn out to be almost 100% knowing of ES material and the one who got me interested in Enki and the Gold mines years ago when i was a young boy?

I when't to Satan where she went to Starseeds.She knows a lot i must say
Its beautiful thank you. Can't help to feel like a fool and dumb person. As i said, I'm sorry but you know i have to do this and ask what i need to when I'm uncertain thats what's it said on JoS the ministry is here for help and guidance. If i find something that you didn't know about or cannot awnser or avoid awnsering its only natural i will get suspicious. I'm very open you know that and you know what i look like you can kill,curse or even show my face to the world but i put my trust in you. It's not like I'm trying to infiltrate I'm trying to learn about things that i was guided to.

Why would the ES be created at the same time JoS was created?
Why do both fight real evil with different word play?
Why do both not know of the other?
And and big WHY are they perfect opposites in many regards asif was meant to be?

So many questions.

If I turn out a kike i must say then yes the ES is for me and you were wrong about that all kikes are evil because I'm not.
If i don't turn out one the ES is fate because how the fuck could my aunt who even was in parlement head of a voting ... for white people turn out to be almost 100% knowing of ES material and the one who got me interested in Enki and the Gold mines years ago when i was a young boy?

I when't to Satan where she went to Starseeds.She knows a lot i must say
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra and the Joy of Satan ministries

Hail the crowned father Satan and his daemon gods
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Other than the 4 Crowned Principes of Hell, are there any other "top Gods" that are not listed in the jos section?

The situation that you describred about Earth and the Demons being on a different plane of existence, is the same in other planets as well?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Demons in the Joy of Satan are in many cases people who have reached the Godhead a long time ago, during the so called "Golden Age", or before this. Not all of them are in this category, but many of them are. The enemy, insidiously has blasphemed all of them. Some of these Demons who are in this category are Asmodeus, Balaam or Valefor.


Were the gods' names the same as their human names, or did they change it to a word that has power when they ascended?
Big Dipper said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Demons in the Joy of Satan are in many cases people who have reached the Godhead a long time ago, during the so called "Golden Age", or before this. Not all of them are in this category, but many of them are. The enemy, insidiously has blasphemed all of them. Some of these Demons who are in this category are Asmodeus, Balaam or Valefor.


Were the gods' names the same as their human names, or did they change it to a word that has power when they ascended?

Artı olarak, bu şekil olan demonları kişisel olarak öğrenme dışında bir yerden öğrenebilir miyiz? Bir demonun oğlu olan bir demon, bu kategoride olabilir mi? Aslında bunu uzun zamandır düşünüyordum. Bu yazının gelmesi çok iyi oldu.
Big Dipper said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Demons in the Joy of Satan are in many cases people who have reached the Godhead a long time ago, during the so called "Golden Age", or before this. Not all of them are in this category, but many of them are. The enemy, insidiously has blasphemed all of them. Some of these Demons who are in this category are Asmodeus, Balaam or Valefor.


Were the gods' names the same as their human names, or did they change it to a word that has power when they ascended?

These "Names" they have adopted now are about very important things in the universe. They are not their "real names" or how they are called in a linear manner. This is part of symbolism.
Serbon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Father Satan and the top Gods are ascended beyond the fabric of the so called "Time", while regardless they can still incarnate, exist and operate in some lower spheres, included in what we refer to as "Time".
Are the enemy reptilians beyond time as well?

I don't think they are atleast not on their own hence the reason why they harvest other species to try and get by they play God but can't achieve it on their own I have seen a lot of posts about how they chose to use machines and envasive technology to evolve or make themselves more and more synthetic so they live longer but by doing this they have forced themselves away from the harder but better for you in the long run path of evolution like the gods have done they only have technology that works with the body but doesn't replace anything example they don't have cybernetic organs but they may have devices that increase their powers and abilities the more of you that you replace with machinery the less of a connection that you have with the spiritual.

I don't know if it's also a requirement to be more loving and perhaps more connecting to the universe and others around you to ascend spiritually I always feel very positive and happy when doing a lot of power meditation especially now days since my pineal gland starts up automatically now I suspect they can't do this its either that or they feel happiest when they make other races suffer which is pretty pathetic to be honest with you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Big Dipper said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Demons in the Joy of Satan are in many cases people who have reached the Godhead a long time ago, during the so called "Golden Age", or before this. Not all of them are in this category, but many of them are. The enemy, insidiously has blasphemed all of them. Some of these Demons who are in this category are Asmodeus, Balaam or Valefor.


Were the gods' names the same as their human names, or did they change it to a word that has power when they ascended?

These "Names" they have adopted now are about very important things in the universe. They are not their "real names" or how they are called in a linear manner. This is part of symbolism.

SO they are more like titles? Were There other Satans before the current one?
Alright, I'm going to reply to you just because I've been where you are and I know full well you'll probably not get another answer. I am not directly knowledgeable about any one group called ES. (What exactly does ES stand for? I'm curious. And yes I will go look them up). But I follow A LOT of the Starseed people. And its quite amazing how much more they know about things that the JOS does not. For instance NOBODY here mentioned the IFJPS article in June of 2022 (IJFPS, Vol 12, No 2, pp 1-8, Jun, 2022) that proved free energy and is directly responsible for the falling gas prices in Europe and America. At least nobody I saw. The topic of free energy has been "debunked" before on these forums. Just saying.

However, its amazing how much these other groups DON'T know. I also follow the ACTUAL Q-Anon groups possibly hundreds of others. I think I have a pretty good idea of what is going on, but I will not pretend I know the full truth. So here goes.
The other side said:
Why would the ES be created at the same time JoS was created?
Why do both fight real evil with different word play?
Why do both not know of the other?
And and big WHY are they perfect opposites in many regards asif was meant to be?

So many questions.

According to a recent Q-anon post there are dozens of groups all around the world that are all fighting for the same thing. Only one or two have the complete answers. They then go on to say that the ones who know are doing rituals on the occult dates to reverse the damage being done. Thats when I started putting 2 and 2 together. The rest are not supposed to know about each other to keep things compartmentalized. The others don't actually know the full truth. Some of them have even been told outright lies in order for us to get to the same end goal. The goal is the betterment of mankind, a return of the old ways, and everyone working their way to a better place. The rest is just the devil in the details. ;)

All of the places I visit have the same things. Yoga to work the body. Meditate to still the mind. Look inside to find God, Etc. The JOS is the ONLY place that talks about the serpent that I have seen. It is the only place that has THE MOST answers of what I have seen. Even HoodedCobra made a post just a few weeks ago that answered part of this question in my opinion. I don't remember what the exact quote was, but it basically said our side is the one trying to make your life better, give you more power, and give you knowledge. It is my opinion that all of these groups are doing just this. A lot of the other groups even go so far as to say that the chakras are a complete waste of time because they can be manipulated. This is for people that WANT to find the truth, but will not accept the gods as they really are. So we need their help and their cheer, but they aren't being told how to get stronger so we aren't fighting against them while we clean things up.

I will say this one thing however that is a negative about HoodedCobra. Probably his one and only flaw from my point of view is to tell people to not look for answers anywhere else. Because this is the truth. And he's valid in telling people this because I think he's right! However, I only found JOS because I did question others. And I've stayed here because I've looked at everything else and the truth keeps me here. I'm not yet strong enough to be able to talk directly with the gods like I do you and me. so I have to do the best I can with what I've got. I'm getting there.

Also, thank you for the information Cobra! Keep being awesome!
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Number 1: We need to learn to fend for ourselves, and with their support, we will.

If they did remove enemy instantly like they could, what good would it do when important steps were not made by us? We could make the same mistakes again and all the energy spent by them was for nothing.
Serbon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Father Satan and the top Gods are ascended beyond the fabric of the so called "Time", while regardless they can still incarnate, exist and operate in some lower spheres, included in what we refer to as "Time".
Are the enemy reptilians beyond time as well?
They are close, but probably not completely beyond time. HPS Maxine has stated that our Gods are more powerful and more advanced than the reptilians. The reason they captured Earth is because they outnumbered our Gods.

But the reptilians are very advanced, much more than greys, and they have similar abilities to our Gods. Remember, they convinced our Ancient Civilizations than they were the "new" gods, after they had cut off the Earth from Satan.

The reptilians have physical bodies too, and on Earth people have seen them on shiny metal floating cylinders. (These are like space suits. They have a very hot and toxic atmosphere inside. Everything they touch on Earth is burned instantly, and people who breathe their atmosphere get lung diseases.)

The ascension beyond time has to do with the energetic frequency of one's soul. As one advances spiritually, this frequency increases. This frequency corresponds to the astral dimension a soul lives in. A higher frequency is a higher dimension, and thus further from the physical universe and the physical idea of time.

There are also many levels to being "beyond" time. The first level is physical immortality, from the Magnum Opus, which halts and reverses the decay of the body, which is one effect of physical time (the 2nd law of thermodynamics).

Satan's level is to ascend to such a high astral dimension that you are no longer bound by the linear passage of time. At this level time becomes like another x,y,z spatial dimension. However, at the same time, the Gods have physical bodies, and thus experience the passage of physical time. Satan is half a million years old, and after a million years he will be 1.5 million years old. However, Satan's soul and astral body is what HP Cobra is talking about, that is ascended beyond time. It's difficult to comprehend at our level. A good analogy is Mario, in a 2D video game. Now try to explain the 3rd dimension to Mario. You could throw some math at him, but how could he really understand? The only way is to upgrade his GPU (advance his soul) to the level that he can exist in the 3rd dimension, and see for himself.
The other side said:

There is always going to be confusion planted by the enemy, or made out of accidents or ignorance. This probably explains the majority of your questions.

Regardless of philosophical differences, what does ES offer to you, right now? Unlike empty words, JoS gives you the RTR and other means to improve yourself and fight evil in the world. Does ES do that?

Many people are aware of New Age theory, whether ES or otherwise. Yet, again, what does that bring to them? If I know the crystalline structure of a number, how can I use that to defeat those who wish to enslave me? Do not become confused just by the sheer number of words or other technological jargon which was written in these articles.

Everyone claims they fight evil and have good intentions. What matters are the actions taken as a result of this. If you are jewish and want to prove yourself as good, then why are you not standing up against the crimes committed by Jews against Gentiles?

You should help us with the RTR's and similar rituals, just as we tried to help you when you felt attacked by a parasite or whatever. Again, notice how our actions proved us as acting in a good manner toward you, until you decided to troll us.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
There's this certain question that I have always had which never leaves my mind: if the gods are so powerful, why havent they come down to stop the enemy sooner?

There have been A LOT of answers. Some from others, some i have speculated on my own .

The ones from others:
1. the gods would be harmed or killed if they come down on earth physically and all that.
2. Humans arent ready yet. (?)

The ones which i have kinda came to:

The gods are too powerful to be harmed by trivial things. But the reason as to why they arent down on earth is because simply they were at war and altho they have won, the enemy still has this place hostage in a way.

But then again, if the gods have already won, then they shouldn't have any problem wiping out this small portion of the enemy, right?

This is where my mind starts to REALLY get creative. Maybe they are busy saving many different planets and places like ours or worse than ours in a way that doesnt allow them to fully engage with Earth physically?

Maybe descending physically would cause a full on intergalactic war, that could possibly in turn annihilate the earth and the humans in it?

Maybe the gods want us to " pass" this certain stage? Maybe this is all a path that we as humans are meant to walk on as our development,no matter the cost of all those lives that perished and all those who went through unimaginable torture and pain?....

.... or maybe i am expecting too much of the gods and they arent as extremely powerful as i expected? Or maybe i dont even know enough or am at the level to be able to find out the truth about this, and am just confusing myself due to limited thinking?....

.... i dunno what to think anymore😅

Well as far as I know 1) they're so, so superior that they're not compatible with the literal physical plane, so yes they "appear" to the ones that are worthy but they do not "physically descend there" with their spaceship. 2) They have won already and what we do now is clean up, in my understanding . As thus, they are here to help and teach us but not to do our work for us. In nature, if one species struggles in a life threatening situation, no other animal comes to save it. We are already in a better situation than most species, that someone higher is actually assisting us. If we are worthy of living and evolving, then we must be able to pass this stage. If they'd just save us, we really wouldn't be worthy of their saving. Like Fuhrer said, he said: "Those who want to live, let them fight. And those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live" (aprox)
I had a question.
What are demons called in Sanskrit ?

I need the answer to the above question for translation purposes. Almost any words that I found portrayed them as a negative or evil being. So, I was hoping to find a word in Sanskrit for 'Demon/Demoness'. Any help would be appreciated. The closest that I have found is 'Narakduut' which means ambassadors of hell.
This is a very beautiful sermon!🔥 Thank you for sharing this! ❤ HAIL SATAN!!⚡
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=381293 time=1660527635 user_id=346]
Serbon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Father Satan and the top Gods are ascended beyond the fabric of the so called "Time", while regardless they can still incarnate, exist and operate in some lower spheres, included in what we refer to as "Time".
Are the enemy reptilians beyond time as well?
They are close, but probably not completely beyond time. HPS Maxine has stated that our Gods are more powerful and more advanced than the reptilians. The reason they captured Earth is because they outnumbered our Gods.

But the reptilians are very advanced, much more than greys, and they have similar abilities to our Gods. Remember, they convinced our Ancient Civilizations than they were the "new" gods, after they had cut off the Earth from Satan.

The reptilians have physical bodies too, and on Earth people have seen them on shiny metal floating cylinders. (These are like space suits. They have a very hot and toxic atmosphere inside. Everything they touch on Earth is burned instantly, and people who breathe their atmosphere get lung diseases.)

The ascension beyond time has to do with the energetic frequency of one's soul. As one advances spiritually, this frequency increases. This frequency corresponds to the astral dimension a soul lives in. A higher frequency is a higher dimension, and thus further from the physical universe and the physical idea of time.

There are also many levels to being "beyond" time. The first level is physical immortality, from the Magnum Opus, which halts and reverses the decay of the body, which is one effect of physical time (the 2nd law of thermodynamics).

Satan's level is to ascend to such a high astral dimension that you are no longer bound by the linear passage of time. At this level time becomes like another x,y,z spatial dimension. However, at the same time, the Gods have physical bodies, and thus experience the passage of physical time. Satan is half a million years old, and after a million years he will be 1.5 million years old. However, Satan's soul and astral body is what HP Cobra is talking about, that is ascended beyond time. It's difficult to comprehend at our level. A good analogy is Mario, in a 2D video game. Now try to explain the 3rd dimension to Mario. You could throw some math at him, but how could he really understand? The only way is to upgrade his GPU (advance his soul) to the level that he can exist in the 3rd dimension, and see for himself.

Very interesting information, thank you Eagle.
The other side said:
Its beautiful thank you. Can't help to feel like a fool and dumb person. As i said, I'm sorry but you know i have to do this and ask what i need to when I'm uncertain thats what's it said on JoS the ministry is here for help and guidance. If i find something that you didn't know about or cannot awnser or avoid awnsering its only natural i will get suspicious. I'm very open you know that and you know what i look like you can kill,curse or even show my face to the world but i put my trust in you. It's not like I'm trying to infiltrate I'm trying to learn about things that i was guided to.

Why would the ES be created at the same time JoS was created?
Why do both fight real evil with different word play?
Why do both not know of the other?
And and big WHY are they perfect opposites in many regards asif was meant to be?

So many questions.

If I turn out a kike i must say then yes the ES is for me and you were wrong about that all kikes are evil because I'm not.
If i don't turn out one the ES is fate because how the fuck could my aunt who even was in parlement head of a voting ... for white people turn out to be almost 100% knowing of ES material and the one who got me interested in Enki and the Gold mines years ago when i was a young boy?

I when't to Satan where she went to Starseeds.She knows a lot i must say

what th f is es? I searched the internet just to have an Idea of what youre talking about couldnt find it, JOS is on the other hand so much easier to find as it appears more easily on search engines, that could only mean one thing, es is some bullshit group no body cares about while the JOS is growing so popular that it is becoming a top search on every search engine! Hail Satan!
anyway I still dont know what es means, all I can find on the net is

even if it exist as some form of fighting organization, its definitly just a jewish created distraction no different from other new ager movements. after all new age "religions" kept popping out of nowhere every year. so if ES whatever was created the same year then its just normal as other new age religions like your so called "ES" the only difference is that most of those new agers prolly died out during the first few years. well It definitly serves the jews by putting people who couldve otherwise fought the enemy effectly into a groups like ES that would simply make people think theyre fighting the jews while they all do is probably waste theyr time on some bogus spells or rituals or whatever trash theyre doing. since I cant this ES whatever, Ill just tell you to go over there and tell the people who are wasting their time to head over to JOS because here in the JOS they cant "ACTUALLY" fight "MEANINGFULLY" and EFFECTIVELY" using "LEGIT" and "POWERFUL" spells one of them "REAL" spells in our arsenal is the FRTR.

Hail Satan!
CaspianTheDreamer said:
There's this certain question that I have always had which never leaves my mind: if the gods are so powerful, why havent they come down to stop the enemy sooner?
To put it simply, if a father's 10 years old boy is being beaten up by another 10 years old bully boy, is the father going to sweep the floor with the boy that beat up hid son? Most likely not, but he is going to do one or both things:
- Go to the bully boy's father and confront him
- Teach his son how to defend himself and fight back the bully

I think is a somewhat similar situation with the Gods and humanity, but on a much larger scale, and also the difference of physical and spiritual evolution between the Gods and Humanity is a lot bigger than the difference between a 10 years old child and his parents, it would rather be comparable with the difference of a parent and his one year old baby or something but that wouldn't have served the above comparison. The Gods both fought the reptilians as far as I know (not neccesarily because of Humanity but it might have been most likely an older conflict for regional domination) and also taught humanity how to defend itself and fight the reptilians' bully son, if we can compare it in this way.

Also since the Gods see reality totally different than we do, there is also the possibility that they always knew that the jews aren't going to conquer Earth, so this was not a reason strong enough to get involved physically on Earth even in Humanity's worst moments like the Dark ages or during Soviet Union, because on both occasions Humanity has found light at the end of the tunnel, most likely with the help of the Gods on both occasions. So they could have been involved for hundreds of years but not physically here.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
There's this certain question that I have always had which never leaves my mind: if the gods are so powerful, why havent they come down to stop the enemy sooner?

There have been A LOT of answers. Some from others, some i have speculated on my own .

The ones from others:
1. the gods would be harmed or killed if they come down on earth physically and all that.
2. Humans arent ready yet. (?)

The ones which i have kinda came to:

The gods are too powerful to be harmed by trivial things. But the reason as to why they arent down on earth is because simply they were at war and altho they have won, the enemy still has this place hostage in a way.

But then again, if the gods have already won, then they shouldn't have any problem wiping out this small portion of the enemy, right?

This is where my mind starts to REALLY get creative. Maybe they are busy saving many different planets and places like ours or worse than ours in a way that doesnt allow them to fully engage with Earth physically?

Maybe descending physically would cause a full on intergalactic war, that could possibly in turn annihilate the earth and the humans in it?

Maybe the gods want us to " pass" this certain stage? Maybe this is all a path that we as humans are meant to walk on as our development,no matter the cost of all those lives that perished and all those who went through unimaginable torture and pain?....

.... or maybe i am expecting too much of the gods and they arent as extremely powerful as i expected? Or maybe i dont even know enough or am at the level to be able to find out the truth about this, and am just confusing myself due to limited thinking?....

.... i dunno what to think anymore😅
I've been thinking about these (or similar things).

Henu the Great said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Number 1: We need to learn to fend for ourselves, and with their support, we will.

If they did remove enemy instantly like they could, what good would it do when important steps were not made by us? We could make the same mistakes again and all the energy spent by them was for nothing.
This is a very nice and valuable answer.Thank you!

I really like short, but to the very point and valuable answers.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The invention of "Hell" as a place of "Torment" is a foolish lie that was created by later Christianity [it did not exist in it's inception, as they wanted to infiltrate Paganism first and everyone would laugh at this in the beginning].
Someone I know who was brought-up as a christian but didn't care about it, and who seems to be into Paganism, or at least wicca/druidism, a bit, said that in a book they read "the Devil" didn't exist in christianity until christians started using their Brains and asking where evil came from, so (((TPTB))) had to invent this "the Devil".
Great to know that we too can reach towards God head and with their help.
I can say:"I can't wait to meet them".
Universe is built on legality i.e Divine Order. Part of this is mentorship,you see it everywhere. To do many of the mental and physical things you do, someone taught you,a human guru/teacher. Be it a parent, guardian. No baby can successfully grow without one.
How to walk, talk, read ,write e.t.c It's Aristocratic principle we are all Atma but at different levels of unfoldment. No different when it comes to spirituality especially spirituality. To unfold to higher spirituality ,you have to look to beings more unfolded than you. The Gods.
How incredible is it that some Gods were mere humans like us once? And now they walk breath and feel as a living ascended powerful being. How I wish I knew all the secrets for the great work.
Diotima said:
It all adds up, nothing new, not surprisingly in Greek "daimon" means just that: an intermediate Being, or rather to be more precise : an "intermediary" Being (or at least that is how it was conceived by the Greeks), between humans and gods. Perhaps by virtue of the fact that they have been men and have attained the status of gods they are able to communicate and be a guide and example to human beings.

Notice how "daimon" rhymes with diamond? I have always wondered about that. Thanks for sharing.
Serbon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Father Satan and the top Gods are ascended beyond the fabric of the so called "Time", while regardless they can still incarnate, exist and operate in some lower spheres, included in what we refer to as "Time".
Are the enemy reptilians beyond time as well?

Not even remotely close. They do have the potential to get there but poor decisions and habits/lifestyle led them to disregard most aspects of spiritual advancement such as awareness/wisdom and purity. They most likely focused only on power but power alone doesn't grant you spiritual advancement. It's only a part of the whole. Cultivating power alone leads to intense hubris, feeling larger than life and entitled to everything, which is why the enemy acts like the universe belongs to them and bullies our planet and similar planets. They will never become beyond time through power cultivation alone. Rather, they will keep being slaves to their power, as power without wisdom is out of control and detrimental to yourself and others.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
