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ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

slyscorpion said:
Can people that want to and have time keep doing this after the 22nd.
I also want to know
I've felt such a strong urge to become a leading roll in defending our constitution, and this nation. I want to represent we the people! I know we are working behind the scenes, but it doesn't remove the tug on my subconscious mind telling me I need to be a leader standing up for Americans, and our pillars of truth. My astrology chart points to this as well. I am feeling torn. Do I continue to work behind the scenes while I know deep down inside I should be on the front line? I've heard mention of everyone playing a specific part in this war. Is it possible for a SS to be needed in such a dangerous position? A position in the spot light?
slyscorpion said:
Can people that want to and have time keep doing this after the 22nd.
Have you felt the effects of the RTR on yourself. I would put better, "the feeling of final RTR and the Veil Ritual combined". Then you would see why you ought to continue it. The power, peace from it, for me is addictive. I do it twice in a row and one more at night. I have learnt a few tricks from HP HoodedCobra about the final RTR in her recent sermons concerning this, which seriously causes serious changes that I want effected. I can't say expressly but you have to read creatively.
Being in the this Satanic Army is the thrill of my life, I want to keep on doing this.
I'm going to echo the question being asked by others. I'd love to continue doing this ritual, as an addition to the daily FRTR, permanently. I'd even do it in addition to any extra schedules we get over the holiday period or so on. Personally, I have the time, and would be more than happy to keep it up from here on out.
The effect of this ritual on myself personally has been profound, both in terms of energies and other spiritual experiences, so keen to not let my foot off the gas pedal here, so to speak.

Obviously I cannot speak to the burdens and time commitments of others, I'm only vouching for my own free time here. If its an option for me to keep adding this ritual to my daily repetitions, I'll gladly hope to take it and make it permanent.
livelucifer said:
I have a question, is there anything about the start date of Aquarius? Has any information been published about this? , Due to a problem I had in reading English, I could not understand correctly.
HP. HoodedCobra has stated it will start in the year 2160.
Aquarius said:
livelucifer said:
I have a question, is there anything about the start date of Aquarius? Has any information been published about this? , Due to a problem I had in reading English, I could not understand correctly.
HP. HoodedCobra has stated it will start in the year 2160.

Effects have started to go in already. Expect even more by 2024 and onward, 2030 and 2040 will be consolidation periods. By 2160, the "Age Of Aquarius" will be completely in, and irreversibly, without any energy effects from Pisces.
slyscorpion said:
Can people that want to and have time keep doing this after the 22nd.

Big Yes.

In the next Schedule, this will have to be done.

It has done monumental damage to the enemy, and monumental good for our own.

Honestly, this part doesn't take as much time at all when you get the grip of it.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The future of freedom of information does not rely on the Deep Web anymore. If anything, websites such as ours, have to go there only because they cannot be on the surface web anymore, or due to persecution in the majority of cases. 99% of people access the surface web.

What you describe with the "Deep Web" being all the info not indexed, is even deeper than the "Deep Web" of "Tor", and in many cases, entirely inaccessible or not discover-able. The term more fitting for this is the "Deep Deep Web". It is also rather exaggerated, and most of the so called things about super secret stuff in it are hoaxes and nothing else. What you describe is the "Onion" network and related sites, and not the actual full "Deep Web" in this case. At this level, yes, not everything is this dark place described. But lots of things are. Navigation however would be rather impossible on a level.

There are also better alternatives than the so called "Deep Web" in this case. We have a ready solution for this already, it's going to go public in the nearby future.
If it becomes necessary, I can set up a Tor onion website.

I've already made this address in case of emergency:

If all of our websites are suddenly purged from the Internet, I can bring that link online with a mirror of our main site, plus new forums for communication. The caveat is that you must use the Tor Browser to access it, which is a major barrier for most people.

I'm eager to see the better alternative you mentioned!

Please send me an e-mail Brother, I want to ask something just in case.

I'll host your wonderful RTR's shortly on the JoS server. Things are piling up constantly, but I have this on my ASAP to-do list.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
If it becomes necessary, I can set up a Tor onion website.

I've already made this address in case of emergency:

If all of our websites are suddenly purged from the Internet, I can bring that link online with a mirror of our main site, plus new forums for communication. The caveat is that you must use the Tor Browser to access it, which is a major barrier for most people.

I'm eager to see the better alternative you mentioned!
Please send me an e-mail Brother, I want to ask something just in case.

I'll host your wonderful RTR's shortly on the JoS server. Things are piling up constantly, but I have this on my ASAP to-do list.
I'm not sure I have your current address, so can you e-mail me here: [email protected]

Regarding the RTR, thanks! If it makes things easier, here's a zip of all six versions' html files: Paintable_Final_RTR_with_Tetragrammaton_RTR.zip
Damon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you describe with the "Deep Web" being all the info not indexed, is even deeper than the "Deep Web" of "Tor", and in many cases, entirely inaccessible or not discover-able. The term more fitting for this is the "Deep Deep Web". It is also rather exaggerated, and most of the so called things about super secret stuff in it are hoaxes and nothing else. What you describe is the "Onion" network and related sites, and not the actual full "Deep Web" in this case. At this level, yes, not everything is this dark place described. But lots of things are. Navigation however would be rather impossible on a level.

The Deep Web is just sites not indexed by search engines. The Onion network is the Dark Web, you need a special browser to access them. So one is the Deep Web and the other is the Dark Web.

Yeah that's a good way to put it too actually. The referral of the Tor Network being the "deep web" is straight up misinformation and an exaggeration. I heard about it from someone saying that all the info on the clearnet is just the "tip of the iceberg" compared to the "deep web", in which he referred to the Tor Network but this mostly is false and over-hyped.

No offense, but if you seriously have to resort to tor to find decent content you don't know how to use the internet. Literally anything else can be found on the clearnet, it's not too hard, use proper search engines such as duckduckgo. Wikileaks remains on the clearnet, plenty of other file sharing sites too. Some sites that have shutdown have also found work arounds and other methods so long as the nature of their material isn't worth the amount of time for agencies to invest that much effort to shut it down, otherwise then the darkweb is the only place it belongs. The dark web is the hub for next level criminals/scammers etc and is known for it.

The internet is of Satans will (www=666) and the maternal manifestation of humanities collective knowledge made free and has compensated our loss of connection to spirituality and the astral/akashic records, it has empowered many peoples lives. I really believe that the clearweb is JoyofSatans true place & should continue being part of this legacy. But I appreciate the concept of anonymity, freedom against censorship and security but this has also opened up places for degenerative things. There is still freedom in the internet(clearnet)

Anyway if it does come to that point then our freedoms would be pretty fucked by then.
slyscorpion said:
jrvan said:
I just realized that the word "tetragrammaton" has the name "aton" at the end. So it would be the tetragram, or 4 lettered name of aton/aten. Tetragram of aton.

That is interesting because that was actually one of their first attempts outside of Zoroastrianism to them to connect people into their thoughtform and destroy gentile spirituality. Honestly i am not sure of the timeline though. Maybe this was the Jews first go at trying to feed YHVH.

This actually mystified me for awhile to be honest i thought about this and looked up some stuff on it. I do not have any clue how they got in power in ancient Egypt. I honestly thought everyone in power there was highly spiritual and in connection with the Gods. I mean could not they tell this was bad before they even let it happen did no one do nothing. Whoever started this was obviously a Jew.

But anyways maybe that is why the name Tetragrammaton has it at the end. Because that may be their first go at this. So they end it where they begin in the name or include it in there or some weird shit.

The enemies ET attacked Egypt directly and put their garbage hybrids in power.
People should avoid making statements about what this ritual should feel or not feel like. Whatever experience one has with these rituals is completely personal, unique and valid. Let the clergy speak and the newcomers not be blinded, confusing post count with authority or actual wisdom.
Aquarius said:
livelucifer said:
I have a question, is there anything about the start date of Aquarius? Has any information been published about this? , Due to a problem I had in reading English, I could not understand correctly.
HP. HoodedCobra has stated it will start in the year 2160.

In recent times HP.Cobra mentioned that in 2025 or so the "Apex" of the Age of Pisces and Aquarius is reached. But it doesn't start till sometime in the 2140s-2160s transitional periods.

I also note that sometime in 2023 there will be a motion of into the Apex of Aquarius but a retrograde returns back. So 2023/2025 then until 2160.

Yes zodiacs can retrograde so it's possible multiple retrogrades occur till the transition point whereby the retrograde is inside Aquarius and doesn't fall back into the previous sign. I believe the people who believe the Age of Aquarius started sooner some astrologers believe as far back as 1700s-1800s it occurred. Also the hippies hyper obsessed with Aquarius thinking it occurs in the 60s or 70s.

Well it's not so much that these people are right or wrong. What they are witnessing or should I say witnessed. Is the transitional periods of time whereby Pisces is moving forward and backward through transitions that make Aquarius more powerful.

It's possible that changes to society occurred in the past 200-300 years are certain quips of Aquarius bursting through. Again transitions of the Zodiacs is a complex subject and thus certain things pop in and whatnot. I would not be surprised if the Gods have tremendous cycles of Zodiac information testing things out and whatnot.

But it's a shame the age of Pisces was so fraught with lies and deceit and just collapse of the human race. We would have been far better off spiritually through Pisces and transition right into Aquarius and had much more foreground to evolve technologically at much higher levels even if the Gods introduced to us G.M.I.G.(Godlike-Military-Industrial-Grade) Spirit-Tech(Spiritual technologies) earlier on in Pisces during the last 15,000 years IF the enemy never interfered. I'd wager to state we'd still kinda work with the Gods to make humans technological in our own quirky ways. Remember the Gods asked us how would we like to evolve. And we replied to the fullest extent and best extent mentally, physically, technologically, and above all spiritually.

So in essence we kinda went the Gods way and wanted to be like Orion. Which on some level kinda backfired on us as you can see through our recent sermon of Hate and how we have had a lot of misplaced hatred and misplaced love in our kosher supervised times.
Specter said:
No offense, but if you seriously have to resort to tor to find decent content you don't know how to use the internet. Literally anything else can be found on the clearnet, it's not too hard, use proper search engines such as duckduckgo. Wikileaks remains on the clearnet, plenty of other file sharing sites too. Some sites that have shutdown have also found work arounds and other methods so long as the nature of their material isn't worth the amount of time for agencies to invest that much effort to shut it down, otherwise then the darkweb is the only place it belongs. The dark web is the hub for next level criminals/scammers etc and is known for it.

The internet is of Satans will (www=666) and the maternal manifestation of humanities collective knowledge made free and has compensated our loss of connection to spirituality and the astral/akashic records, it has empowered many peoples lives. I really believe that the clearweb is JoyofSatans true place & should continue being part of this legacy. But I appreciate the concept of anonymity, freedom against censorship and security but this has also opened up places for degenerative things. There is still freedom in the internet(clearnet)

Anyway if it does come to that point then our freedoms would be pretty fucked by then.

And where do I state I use said program?

I don't know how to use the internet for fucks sake I've been using the internet since pretty much in Elementary school what 1997/1998 and at home since 1999. You really underestimate how much I research using the internet and how far in the past I've gone to find information that most people have no idea about even my friend who was using the internet heavily in the early-mid 2000s was surprised at some of the stuff I dug up on electronics, technology, monitor technology etc.etc. and this was just short things. I've been involved with websites that have revolutionized the technology such as mechanical keyboards, or monitor technologies, and other tech websites. I've participated in their forums before I decided to stop wasting my time on the internet so much. But non-the less I've contributed to the changes the entire spectrum that has occurred within the decade of things of said tech nature.

And no not everything can be found on the clearweb some things are exclusive for behind the scenes either deep web or some sort of paywall site or some University hiding information or only keeping the information in their own school networks. Things bubble up to our surface but that is rare. With websites continuously deleting history, changing etc.etc. the internet is being attacked more and more.

So no Specter I don't use the programs of said deep web. Why would I got nothing to do there. The only alternative thing that I was curious on a few years ago was searching through the Usernetworks or Altnet as some call it. Basically the newsbin and whatnot found among the background of internet. Think in terms of managed BBS found among them.

It's not illegal and even though there is illegal things it's not out of control. Non the less many ISPs discourage people from using the Usenet and often could ban you from being a harrasser or creating issues in the Usenet.

Unless the information is really old or obscure finding it even using Dogpile.com is hard to come by. Honestly best piece of advice I've been given is find the website, search it using the internal search and hope it is found.

There's stuff I WISH I could search now a days. Old stuff that still has relevence ex: French website from 2003 with English translation and mentioning the response time of CRTs vs LCDs and why LCDs sucked for gaming back in 2003 despite the response time of CRTs being anywhere from as low as 2ms to as high as 15ms for the cheaper crappier CRTs, CRTs which suck worse than the crappiest LCDs of those 2003 era.

Anyways Specter you think very little of me. I simply post something and I get hounded for mentioning my side of the story and what I know.
Gear88 said:
Specter said:
No offense, but if you seriously have to resort to tor to find decent content you don't know how to use the internet. Literally anything else can be found on the clearnet, it's not too hard, use proper search engines such as duckduckgo. Wikileaks remains on the clearnet, plenty of other file sharing sites too. Some sites that have shutdown have also found work arounds and other methods so long as the nature of their material isn't worth the amount of time for agencies to invest that much effort to shut it down, otherwise then the darkweb is the only place it belongs. The dark web is the hub for next level criminals/scammers etc and is known for it.

The internet is of Satans will (www=666) and the maternal manifestation of humanities collective knowledge made free and has compensated our loss of connection to spirituality and the astral/akashic records, it has empowered many peoples lives. I really believe that the clearweb is JoyofSatans true place & should continue being part of this legacy. But I appreciate the concept of anonymity, freedom against censorship and security but this has also opened up places for degenerative things. There is still freedom in the internet(clearnet)

Anyway if it does come to that point then our freedoms would be pretty fucked by then.

And where do I state I use said program?

I don't know how to use the internet for fucks sake I've been using the internet since pretty much in Elementary school what 1997/1998 and at home since 1999. You really underestimate how much I research using the internet and how far in the past I've gone to find information that most people have no idea about even my friend who was using the internet heavily in the early-mid 2000s was surprised at some of the stuff I dug up on electronics, technology, monitor technology etc.etc. and this was just short things. I've been involved with websites that have revolutionized the technology such as mechanical keyboards, or monitor technologies, and other tech websites. I've participated in their forums before I decided to stop wasting my time on the internet so much. But non-the less I've contributed to the changes the entire spectrum that has occurred within the decade of things of said tech nature.

And no not everything can be found on the clearweb some things are exclusive for behind the scenes either deep web or some sort of paywall site or some University hiding information or only keeping the information in their own school networks. Things bubble up to our surface but that is rare. With websites continuously deleting history, changing etc.etc. the internet is being attacked more and more.

So no Specter I don't use the programs of said deep web. Why would I got nothing to do there. The only alternative thing that I was curious on a few years ago was searching through the Usernetworks or Altnet as some call it. Basically the newsbin and whatnot found among the background of internet. Think in terms of managed BBS found among them.

It's not illegal and even though there is illegal things it's not out of control. Non the less many ISPs discourage people from using the Usenet and often could ban you from being a harrasser or creating issues in the Usenet.

Unless the information is really old or obscure finding it even using Dogpile.com is hard to come by. Honestly best piece of advice I've been given is find the website, search it using the internal search and hope it is found.

There's stuff I WISH I could search now a days. Old stuff that still has relevence ex: French website from 2003 with English translation and mentioning the response time of CRTs vs LCDs and why LCDs sucked for gaming back in 2003 despite the response time of CRTs being anywhere from as low as 2ms to as high as 15ms for the cheaper crappier CRTs, CRTs which suck worse than the crappiest LCDs of those 2003 era.

Anyways Specter you think very little of me. I simply post something and I get hounded for mentioning my side of the story and what I know.

This is in reference to the dark web/tor network as it was stated that they're different so you need to read properly and stop exaggerating. I wasn't too sure and referenced it as the deep web by mistake so we have a misunderstanding here. This isn't about the actual deep web. I don't see anything wrong with the deep web though as that's where the trove of information is, as you've said, stemmed by credible organizations ofc. The problem here is mixing the two terms together. Also I don't mean to say the Tor browser is actually bad as it's encryption/anonymity is outstanding.

Think of it as two chests, one's mostly abundant in things considered gold but the other is littered with a lot of trash, there may be a few gems in there but since the trash makes up a majority of the chest it brings the impression that the entire chest is trash, and because there is trash less people may be willing to open that chest anyway. This is why I said I hope that the JoS doesn't resort to operating solely on the dark web as it would make people assume it's in a false category but having mirrors there is fine for the sake of activism is fine. The chests from notable organizations/governments are different.

And no I don't think little of you as I agreed with many of your posts, I try not to make it personal with issues/beliefs effecting the way I conversate here with others. We just have a simple misunderstanding that's all so let's just forget about it.
Gear88 said:
Aquarius said:
livelucifer said:
I have a question, is there anything about the start date of Aquarius? Has any information been published about this? , Due to a problem I had in reading English, I could not understand correctly.
HP. HoodedCobra has stated it will start in the year 2160.

In recent times HP.Cobra mentioned that in 2025 or so the "Apex" of the Age of Pisces and Aquarius is reached. But it doesn't start till sometime in the 2140s-2160s transitional periods.

I also note that sometime in 2023 there will be a motion of into the Apex of Aquarius but a retrograde returns back. So 2023/2025 then until 2160.

Yes zodiacs can retrograde so it's possible multiple retrogrades occur till the transition point whereby the retrograde is inside Aquarius and doesn't fall back into the previous sign. I believe the people who believe the Age of Aquarius started sooner some astrologers believe as far back as 1700s-1800s it occurred. Also the hippies hyper obsessed with Aquarius thinking it occurs in the 60s or 70s.

Well it's not so much that these people are right or wrong. What they are witnessing or should I say witnessed. Is the transitional periods of time whereby Pisces is moving forward and backward through transitions that make Aquarius more powerful.

It's possible that changes to society occurred in the past 200-300 years are certain quips of Aquarius bursting through. Again transitions of the Zodiacs is a complex subject and thus certain things pop in and whatnot. I would not be surprised if the Gods have tremendous cycles of Zodiac information testing things out and whatnot.

But it's a shame the age of Pisces was so fraught with lies and deceit and just collapse of the human race. We would have been far better off spiritually through Pisces and transition right into Aquarius and had much more foreground to evolve technologically at much higher levels even if the Gods introduced to us G.M.I.G.(Godlike-Military-Industrial-Grade) Spirit-Tech(Spiritual technologies) earlier on in Pisces during the last 15,000 years IF the enemy never interfered. I'd wager to state we'd still kinda work with the Gods to make humans technological in our own quirky ways. Remember the Gods asked us how would we like to evolve. And we replied to the fullest extent and best extent mentally, physically, technologically, and above all spiritually.

So in essence we kinda went the Gods way and wanted to be like Orion. Which on some level kinda backfired on us as you can see through our recent sermon of Hate and how we have had a lot of misplaced hatred and misplaced love in our kosher supervised times.

Why do you say misplaced love and hatred? What backfired?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Heavy research has been done over alternatives, over the last years, so we will probably not have to resort to this. The Deepweb is full of degenerates, freaks and so forth, and provides no actual place where new people can learn.

Big lulz on you guys both to the ignorance the placement of JoS on deepweb.

First JoS and many of the JoS affiliate links are already on the deepweb. ....

We are aware, you are doing nothing but share a wiki article on the subject here.

The question was one of function, accessibility, and users, indexing, and the whole thing around this place.

The future of freedom of information does not rely on the Deep Web anymore. If anything, websites such as ours, have to go there only because they cannot be on the surface web anymore, or due to persecution in the majority of cases. 99% of people access the surface web.

What you describe with the "Deep Web" being all the info not indexed, is even deeper than the "Deep Web" of "Tor", and in many cases, entirely inaccessible or not discover-able. The term more fitting for this is the "Deep Deep Web". It is also rather exaggerated, and most of the so called things about super secret stuff in it are hoaxes and nothing else. What you describe is the "Onion" network and related sites, and not the actual full "Deep Web" in this case. At this level, yes, not everything is this dark place described. But lots of things are. Navigation however would be rather impossible on a level.

There are also better alternatives than the so called "Deep Web" in this case. We have a ready solution for this already, it's going to go public in the nearby future.

I have never been in the deep web,i tried and i got viruses. Jos is where all the information can be found what more can i ask for?
O and somebody flaged my borat video and i got a strike. As soon as i am completely banned i will join you guys on bittute and thouse places again. Thank you Cobra for everything you do here its really nice to be part of this all and you as the Comander.
Happy Satan's mass
The Alchemist7 said:
I think I read in a sermon but can someone confirm if the Tetragrammaton/veil RTR is to be done permanently from now on together with the Final RTR?

Just think about the power of this when it is done as a group effort. Last year we smashed them, and this year we are going to crush them. I speculate in 2022 we are going to be in annihilation mode.
I have a question
If we break the ritual in 3 parts(3 final rituals with x3 vibrations instead of 9) should we do Tetragramaton killing after all of them or we should just do it once in the end of the 3rd?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
