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Disciplining Yourself - Mind To Body

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
All forms of discipline, because of the structure of the soul, begin first in the mind. It is in your mind that you will understand the needs to discipline yourself, to become determined, to go to the gym, or to meditate.

In this mental state, because the "mind" is closer to your higher soul, it's when the thoughts to do the good things will appear.

There of course, it's also the place where most of these thoughts can be killed: As they are going towards becoming a reality.

When we move past the adobe of thoughts and the awareness of what we must be doing, then, we have to move onward and do certain actions to make things a reality.

Most of this manifests through your body, especially where certain actions are needed to manifest certain desires or thoughts you had. As the thoughts in this way try to express their own existence on the lower domains, you have to face certain things you must do in these domains.

In other words, just by thinking you went to the gym, you didn't really go. You must get your body up and go there.

One is the heart and your emotions, and then you are confronted with your material body and it's urges, needs, desires, and overall condition, which can help you or impede you in your tasks.

People with whom we have worked with, but also on the forum, I tend to tell everyone to start exercising, or to do Yoga. That's because this very primary lesson exists to impose an order in your mind and body connection, without which, each can try to go their own way.

The more these are not in synchronicity, the more you will have obvious problems manifesting certain things in your life. A very simple example is that you will maybe want to do your university or semester or job work, and your body might suddenly go into lethargy or other things.

Even if it's the least you can do, and walk or a similar thing - it all depends on where you are in fitness level. You don't need to become a fitness freak to learn to instill this willpower in your body movement to start making yourself obey your mind.

Why do I say that? Because this starts to condition your body to obey your mind. For the most people, the first time in their life is where this happens at all. Certain demanding jobs can instill this by default on you physically or mentally [which is very good for your development] but not everyone here is a US Navy Seal, nor a Martial Artist.

The body and it's urges, in a beginner state of integration of yourself, will not be on the correct place. In fact, the body will essentially try to resist certain things, the more undisciplined it is.

Yes it's absolutely normal you get dizzy, suddenly hungry, or whatever when you meditate and you are very new, as the body in general might be instructed to exist in a very undisciplined manner, trying to impose it's rule constantly over your mind.

Depending on your personality and what you need or what things you are facing now, an example if one is very much food oriented, would be that when one tries to meditate or other things, you will notice that you know that you must diet, but you will both want [desire - heart] to open the fridge, and also sometimes lust after the food you want to eat [physical and material inclination].

Things like this are normal. Nothing bad on your behalf. It's the body trying to carry certain tasks. Through habituating differently, it will have other and more positively inclined reactions to help you instead of act in this manner. That's where a healthier lifestyle comes in. It teaches you parts of the greater thing that we call discipline.

So your mind is isolated and these two other forces can win against you. Meditation, largely, is integration into the system into a functioning whole, instead of it being all over the place. This is the path towards the power of the will, or "mind over matter".

The idea is to create over time in your path to better self awareness and improvement, a relationship between all of these. Meditation is the bridge, and the 8 Fold path is how you build these paths of interconnection.

Lastly, those of you who come from a fitness, martial arts, or athletic background, you have already fortified the body. In that case, the mind might be lacking resolution and need to be corrected through hypnosis and the exercise of willpower.

As one can understand from the above post, sometimes we have to go top down [mind -> body] and at other times, down up [body -> mind]. Where one needs the necessary work will highlight itself evidently by what you encounter as obstacles in your path and possibilities.

Meditation except of empowerment, is exactly this type of union where your soul works properly. That is symbolized by the Chariot card of the Tarot, where the black and white sphinxes are rode by the leader [symbolism of Sun God or King there, you when you have commanded these].

Then, you are establishing a form of self mastery, which can get you ahead in your life and in the attainment of your goals, leading yourself into the path of success.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
WONDERFUL sermon! The mind is so important. With a strong, healthy, and focused mind we can improve and master all areas of our life!

Yellow energy helps a lot, with developing and improving the mind. https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html
I have often noticed that after long periods of mental discipline, the inferior mind returns to thoughts of doubt to prevent you from moving forward. That is why the heart must be superior to the mind. However, in some cases the heart can lead one to act impulsively because of thoughts uncontrolled. Is that right?
100% true thank you and it's happening in my life now, trying to go against the flow of what is restricted in my body, I have to fight it and have to try to exceed the capacity in my body and mind to move forward.
many thanks to HP for this sermon I got the answer I had in mind and I thank God Enlil too what I give and what I get is always profitable never loses.
for those who see my words are nonsense again it's up to you I will no longer care about that, if I care it will most likely harm me and will make it difficult for me to move forward against the limited flow in myself and thoughts.
I'm really looking forward to the new meditations you have been planning to add, is there any update on the progress of them?

Thanks for the sermon
The upcoming July 1st Esbat in Capricorn will be great for starting a working for discipline with Nauthiz.

I have done about 11 or 12 Saturn Squares so far, but they can be harsh and make someone feel like they are just a beginner in the affairs of which the working was directed.

As described by HPHC, our discipline is our soul's ability to resist the karmic forces which may push against us as we attempt to grow. In this way, it is critical for establishing stability and not getting blown over by negativity.

Earth regulates all and also protects it. Through discipline, we mitigate trauma during emergency situations themselves, as well as by preventing them from ever occurring.

As described above, through habituation we learn to carry out actions despite difficulties imposed on us, making it even harder for our internal or external enemies to influence us. Someone who has cleaned their aura 1000 times can do so even under various forms of stress, therefore preventing situations from getting worse.
Thank you High Priest, this is exactly what I needed to read. I had this problem with discipline and procrastination for a long time, ever since I dedicated. I meditated, did Yoga, RTRs and everything consistently and then there was one bad day where I fell of the tracks and had a period of inactivity and then I came back to it and lost it, over and over...

I did not really feel I was improving. But since very recently I have been on the track again for a longer time and this time it feels different. What I mean by that is that this time, I really feel like I don't want to fall off, I don't want to feel the guilt. The guilt of doing nothing is the worst. Nothing you do can remove this guilt, only doing what you're supposed to do.

So, if I do what I have to, even if it is only a little every day, it is better than nothing. I really hope I can drill this discipline into me for good this time and never slip again. I know I can achieve great things if I remain disciplined and consistent.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Why do I say that? Because this starts to condition your body to obey your mind. For the most people, the first time in their life is where this happens at all.

Good to know.

In addition I can add, that when you do something where you are a beginner or you don't have much familiarity, it is advisable to do it today, the more you push it for later, tomorrow, ect, the worse it is.
Very true. Your physical appearance is a reflection of what's inside.
A healthy mind will make achieving a healthy body much easier.
I am struggling mentally ever since my breakup. Things that I once found easy to commit to have become too difficult for me.
Hi HoodedCobra666, I absolutely don't know if it's supposed to happen, but after I meditate over my chakras or after doing yoga hata I feel an electricity over my body and I can't sleep during the night. I do not know if this problem is linked to a lack of union between my soul and my body. What can I do for getting out of this situation?

Sorry for my bad english.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People with whom I correspond with, but also on the forum, I tend to tell everyone to start exercising, or to do Yoga. That's because this very primary lesson exists to impose an order in your mind and body connection, without which, each can try to go their own way.
What form of exercise would you recommend? Running, swimming, weight lifting, calisthenics? What form of exercise do you do?

I made a post on how weight lifting is beneficial, especially for women: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=76113&hilit=

A study of more than 12,500 women and men published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that those who did any amount of strength training on a weekly basis had a 40 to 70 percent reduced risk of developing heart attack, stroke, or death related to heart disease compared with individuals who did no strength training no matter how much aerobic exercise they did.
This is perfect timing for some questions.

My mind is so spacey and scattered lately that I haven't been able to focus or concentrate my mental power on one definitive goal. However, I have been disciplining my body to the max. I started weight lifting again, trice per peek, and I started taking ice cold showers exclusively.

These two things have had a tremendous impact on my attitude towards being.

But, as to my mind, is it safe to say it's the influence of Gemini? Like, I cant stay on one ((mental task)) for more than a few minutes, unless its interactive or rapidly changing.

I tried to study for school, nope. I tried reading Hesiod's Theogony, nope. I tried working on my book, nope. However, I have been reading sermons with ease as they are short and sweet.

How should I handle this, is this something I should work on in the mind, or just let Gemini take its route.
Excellent sermon. Discipline is very much needed in this undisciplined world, which starts from one's self.

It's always the disciplined individuals who are able to climb the ladders of true success. They are always held high in regards even among the undisciplined. To me, discipline is the shining aura of the physical world, it sparks inspiration in many individuals who notice it.
Sometimes it can be hard to find the balance between the two. Let's say a person meditates regularly, has the willingness to workout but laziness kicks in...

Self discipline is a challenge, but it can be a rewarding experience once you achieve your goal.
It's true, I've found that in regards to work, my drive is like a machine. But in regards to achieving my own personal goals, I often flop like a jelly XD

A lot of this has to do with rewiring the mind, it can also be akin to the process of forging metal (our lives). The focal point though, is our dopamine receptors, and even our testosterone drive. I've only recently been able to start overcoming some addictions and other urges and my mind feels much less fogged, that I can actually get my body to "listen" to what I want it to do.

I have encountered numerous experiences, along with those of others, that breathe new meaning into my life and continue to do so. This pursuit is truly worthwhile, as we find ourselves in a revolutionary age, serving as pioneers on a quest for discovery.

Discover your purpose, your driving force. When you wake up, engage in meditation and contemplation to envision how you want the day to unfold, and adhere to that vision. Meditating on Satan has also helped me with this.

The base chakra is second to the solar plexus chakra, because it's the essence of who we are as a person and helps use ground ourselves. I think it should be the main emphasis of our lives.

Progress is made through discomfort
Samkara said:

Progress is made through discomfort

Basically, yes.

All meaningful progress will certainly for a while feel quite uncomfortable. And yes one might look like this person in the pic here for a while, yet after one succeeds, peace and strength will set in.
Bipolar Bear said:
Thank you High Priest, this is exactly what I needed to read. I had this problem with discipline and procrastination for a long time, ever since I dedicated. I meditated, did Yoga, RTRs and everything consistently and then there was one bad day where I fell of the tracks and had a period of inactivity and then I came back to it and lost it, over and over...

I did not really feel I was improving. But since very recently I have been on the track again for a longer time and this time it feels different. What I mean by that is that this time, I really feel like I don't want to fall off, I don't want to feel the guilt. The guilt of doing nothing is the worst. Nothing you do can remove this guilt, only doing what you're supposed to do.

So, if I do what I have to, even if it is only a little every day, it is better than nothing. I really hope I can drill this discipline into me for good this time and never slip again. I know I can achieve great things if I remain disciplined and consistent.

Hail Satan!

Include more Nauthiz into your soul, like on the upcoming July Esbat. Also, as your energy fluctuates, you may feel worse and this makes the situation harder as well.

It is also important to know your limitations and when you need entertainment, so that you only maintain discipline up until a point, at which you can relax and reset.

GoldenxChild1 said:
This is perfect timing for some questions.

My mind is so spacey and scattered lately that I haven't been able to focus or concentrate my mental power on one definitive goal. However, I have been disciplining my body to the max. I started weight lifting again, trice per peek, and I started taking ice cold showers exclusively.

These two things have had a tremendous impact on my attitude towards being.

But, as to my mind, is it safe to say it's the influence of Gemini? Like, I cant stay on one ((mental task)) for more than a few minutes, unless its interactive or rapidly changing.

I tried to study for school, nope. I tried reading Hesiod's Theogony, nope. I tried working on my book, nope. However, I have been reading sermons with ease as they are short and sweet.

How should I handle this, is this something I should work on in the mind, or just let Gemini take its route.

This is a Mercurial situation, but not one that should be accepted in any sense. Any Gemini energies are to be controlled and focused by one's Saturn energies.

You can give yourself some slack if you have a prominent Mercury or mutable influence in your chart, but of course this should be balanced, especially as you notice problems.

I was going to write a larger thread on this, but it would help to tell you now that any digital entertainment acts as a negative Mercurial stimuli which makes it harder for your brain to concentrate on other tasks. Limit this, and it will become naturally easier to focus.

I would also recommend balancing yourself with earth energy, chanting Nauthiz for short term focus, or doing another long working for this. There is a difference between having rapid thoughts versus inconsistent discipline, if that makes sense. If rapid thoughts are more of a concern, then use Nauthiz or Isa to better control them.

Academic Scholar said:
What form of exercise would you recommend? Running, swimming, weight lifting, calisthenics? What form of exercise do you do?

Each of these does something different. Running is mixes power and speed, like Sagittarius. Weight lifting is pretty Mars focused. The others are more balanced.

Of course, as yoga has direct spiritual benefits, it is probably best to focus on this first. For general fitness, I would say calisthenics are best due to their real-world application and balanced development.

Fiery Pluto said:
I have often noticed that after long periods of mental discipline, the inferior mind returns to thoughts of doubt to prevent you from moving forward. That is why the heart must be superior to the mind. However, in some cases the heart can lead one to act impulsively because of thoughts uncontrolled. Is that right?

Maybe, although that might be over-complicating it. Our earth element regulates all parts of our soul. After prolonged work, it gets tired and has more difficulty doing so.
The problem can be also another. If after knowing what you have to do to achieve success, you do what you have to do, but then repeatedly fail, nothing denies that perhaps you did not really understand what you had to do to achieve success.
Ara666 said:
Sometimes it can be hard to find the balance between the two. Let's say a person meditates regularly, has the willingness to workout but laziness kicks in...

Self discipline is a challenge, but it can be a rewarding experience once you achieve your goal.

Discipline is a challenge when there is no trust. For example, Maxine’s Dietrich’s teachings.., if one trusts in it, it is not so big challenge as all keys are there to manage it. When you know it is truth and you trust it works, and you know it is a way out, it becomes like there is no other way, only it. Trust is needed on those who provide right info.
As advanced ones says no matter what we just have to go and stay on the path no matter what, that the persistence and stubbornness is the key, and if we see who these people have become by going like this, there is no other way but to trust, and use these keys.
By looking around and seeing where people are stuck, it should be only encouraging to do with more enthusiasm, as they are product of laziness, and we represent opposite.
Papercutspain said:
Hi HoodedCobra666, I absolutely don't know if it's supposed to happen, but after I meditate over my chakras or after doing yoga hata I feel an electricity over my body and I can't sleep during the night. I do not know if this problem is linked to a lack of union between my soul and my body. What can I do for getting out of this situation?

Sorry for my bad english.

Well, the result of meditation is higher levels of bio-electricity in your body.

When you meditate more and more, you will eventually be more accommodated with the increasing levels of bio-electricity.

Also don't worry about your English, it is understandable.
Your sermon filled me with a lot of joy and realization once more!

I could have easily felt a positive energy surrounding me when I translated this sermon on the Romanian Forums and it was a great sensation.

I should keep on going with my meditations and gym training.

Hail Satan
There's so much power in these words and in mature eyes, they are understood as literal instructions of life and a giving of life. This here is one of many keys to our existence and a basis of how to be human. If we do not control what is us and of us, to our deserved by-nature degree, how can we expand more than this? We can't.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Fantastic sermon! I came to realize that the strenght of the mind is directly proporcional to the strenght of the body.

Thank you. I just write here below to clarify.

It's not directly proportional or many people out there who lift and they are like boulders with legs would have every mentally desirable quality.

The reality is that there is a form of correlation between these two however, not that the body "causes" the willpower or anything, but it certainly does help with everything.

A powerful body means that one has at least a form of discipline going about themselves, but it's not the complete package. One can lack many other qualities. Yet I emphasize in the post how important it is to have a strong body as it backs up every other effort.

NakedPluto said:
There's so much power in these words and in mature eyes, they are understood as literal instructions of life and a giving of life. This here is one of many keys to our existence and a basis of how to be human. If we do not control what is us and of us, to our deserved by-nature degree, how can we expand more than this? We can't.

Thanks for understanding this. Yes, one must read between the lines.

Papercutspain said:
Hi HoodedCobra666, I absolutely don't know if it's supposed to happen, but after I meditate over my chakras or after doing yoga hata I feel an electricity over my body and I can't sleep during the night. I do not know if this problem is linked to a lack of union between my soul and my body. What can I do for getting out of this situation?

Sorry for my bad english.

You should do whatever meditations you are doing earlier than your bedtime, as bioelectricity can keep you awake as it increases your energy. It can cause sleeplessness. Eventually you will adjust.
GoldenxChild1 said:
This is perfect timing for some questions.

My mind is so spacey and scattered lately that I haven't been able to focus or concentrate my mental power on one definitive goal. However, I have been disciplining my body to the max. I started weight lifting again, trice per peek, and I started taking ice cold showers exclusively.

These two things have had a tremendous impact on my attitude towards being.

But, as to my mind, is it safe to say it's the influence of Gemini? Like, I cant stay on one ((mental task)) for more than a few minutes, unless its interactive or rapidly changing.

I tried to study for school, nope. I tried reading Hesiod's Theogony, nope. I tried working on my book, nope. However, I have been reading sermons with ease as they are short and sweet.

How should I handle this, is this something I should work on in the mind, or just let Gemini take its route.

I am not sure if that's called Gemini or if that is called that your attention is not focused. Now, things like this are "medically" named as "Attention Deficit Disorder", a few decades ago, children were put down to stop doing that shit and to be taught to focus and eventually most succeeded.

Gemini's tendencies can certainly make one want to multitask and to be all over the place mentally [good for many tasks that require this, but for others it can be bad]. Maybe studying in the general way bores you. Try learning visually or with instructional courses.

The control of the mind is not the same as the control of the body, yet the body can and certainly will help you out. Even 2-3 times per week with a workout should do wonders for you.

The way to begin to build focus is through things like the Flame meditation or similar practices.
Amazing post! Many people need to hear this wisdom, including myself sometimes. It's life-giving advice.

Academic Scholar said:
A study of more than 12,500 women and men published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that those who did any amount of strength training on a weekly basis had a 40 to 70 percent reduced risk of developing heart attack, stroke, or death related to heart disease compared with individuals who did no strength training no matter how much aerobic exercise they did.

That is any form of exercise done at the same intensity. There is a big drawback for your joints for "heavy weightlifting" which you will feel after a while. Yoga may counteract it, at the expense of advancement.

There are safer forms of exercises with the same benefits (and more) and much less of a joint drawback, especially if the joints are prepared carefully before. The issue is that most people in this day and age are too impatient. They should should be spending most of their training time, hours each week, working exclusively on their joints every day for 2 to 3 years, instead of jumping immediately into strength training.

This is especially important when you are a child as it builds strong foundations and habits for when you become an adult. Most people skip this step and go directly into strength training, doing long-term and semi-permanent damage to their joints. Then, when they are old and even middle-aged, get arthritis and other problem that could have been avoided by using their brains and avoid the carefree attitude of "it'll be fine".

Patience is also a virtue and a sign of maturity, that Saturn teaches us. He rules both. There are cycles to things and that's also why Saturn is lauded as an agricultural God in many civilisations, as is every ruler of the root chakra (i.e. Ninib/Ninurta in Mesopotamian religions). That's why he rules the element of earth.

This is not an attack against you. I should clarify that. I see many people advising weight lifting without talking about the risks, and without telling people they should prepare first.

Of course, joints are also negatively affected by the negative habits of today, such as sitting all day at a desk (or driving, doing tv/console based activities, Western toilets) and anything of a sedentary lifestyle, but that damage is much more limited in comparison to that of heavy weight-lifting.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=450688 time=1687569654 user_id=21286]
Bipolar Bear said:
Thank you High Priest, this is exactly what I needed to read. I had this problem with discipline and procrastination for a long time, ever since I dedicated. I meditated, did Yoga, RTRs and everything consistently and then there was one bad day where I fell of the tracks and had a period of inactivity and then I came back to it and lost it, over and over...

I did not really feel I was improving. But since very recently I have been on the track again for a longer time and this time it feels different. What I mean by that is that this time, I really feel like I don't want to fall off, I don't want to feel the guilt. The guilt of doing nothing is the worst. Nothing you do can remove this guilt, only doing what you're supposed to do.

So, if I do what I have to, even if it is only a little every day, it is better than nothing. I really hope I can drill this discipline into me for good this time and never slip again. I know I can achieve great things if I remain disciplined and consistent.

Hail Satan!

Include more Nauthiz into your soul, like on the upcoming July Esbat. Also, as your energy fluctuates, you may feel worse and this makes the situation harder as well.

It is also important to know your limitations and when you need entertainment, so that you only maintain discipline up until a point, at which you can relax and reset.

GoldenxChild1 said:
This is perfect timing for some questions.

My mind is so spacey and scattered lately that I haven't been able to focus or concentrate my mental power on one definitive goal. However, I have been disciplining my body to the max. I started weight lifting again, trice per peek, and I started taking ice cold showers exclusively.

These two things have had a tremendous impact on my attitude towards being.

But, as to my mind, is it safe to say it's the influence of Gemini? Like, I cant stay on one ((mental task)) for more than a few minutes, unless its interactive or rapidly changing.

I tried to study for school, nope. I tried reading Hesiod's Theogony, nope. I tried working on my book, nope. However, I have been reading sermons with ease as they are short and sweet.

How should I handle this, is this something I should work on in the mind, or just let Gemini take its route.

This is a Mercurial situation, but not one that should be accepted in any sense. Any Gemini energies are to be controlled and focused by one's Saturn energies.

You can give yourself some slack if you have a prominent Mercury or mutable influence in your chart, but of course this should be balanced, especially as you notice problems.

I was going to write a larger thread on this, but it would help to tell you now that any digital entertainment acts as a negative Mercurial stimuli which makes it harder for your brain to concentrate on other tasks. Limit this, and it will become naturally easier to focus.

I would also recommend balancing yourself with earth energy, chanting Nauthiz for short term focus, or doing another long working for this. There is a difference between having rapid thoughts versus inconsistent discipline, if that makes sense. If rapid thoughts are more of a concern, then use Nauthiz or Isa to better control them.

Academic Scholar said:
What form of exercise would you recommend? Running, swimming, weight lifting, calisthenics? What form of exercise do you do?

Each of these does something different. Running is mixes power and speed, like Sagittarius. Weight lifting is pretty Mars focused. The others are more balanced.

Of course, as yoga has direct spiritual benefits, it is probably best to focus on this first. For general fitness, I would say calisthenics are best due to their real-world application and balanced development.

Fiery Pluto said:
I have often noticed that after long periods of mental discipline, the inferior mind returns to thoughts of doubt to prevent you from moving forward. That is why the heart must be superior to the mind. However, in some cases the heart can lead one to act impulsively because of thoughts uncontrolled. Is that right?

Maybe, although that might be over-complicating it. Our earth element regulates all parts of our soul. After prolonged work, it gets tired and has more difficulty doing so.

Thanks Blitz. Yes, I utilize what you suggested.
Fiery Pluto said:
I have often noticed that after long periods of mental discipline, the inferior mind returns to thoughts of doubt to prevent you from moving forward. That is why the heart must be superior to the mind. However, in some cases the heart can lead one to act impulsively because of thoughts uncontrolled. Is that right?

Sometimes that is also regularly called tiredness or needing rest. Rest is a natural thing and part of the normal developmental process for all beings.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
This is perfect timing for some questions.

My mind is so spacey and scattered lately that I haven't been able to focus or concentrate my mental power on one definitive goal. However, I have been disciplining my body to the max. I started weight lifting again, trice per peek, and I started taking ice cold showers exclusively.

These two things have had a tremendous impact on my attitude towards being.

But, as to my mind, is it safe to say it's the influence of Gemini? Like, I cant stay on one ((mental task)) for more than a few minutes, unless its interactive or rapidly changing.

I tried to study for school, nope. I tried reading Hesiod's Theogony, nope. I tried working on my book, nope. However, I have been reading sermons with ease as they are short and sweet.

How should I handle this, is this something I should work on in the mind, or just let Gemini take its route.

I am not sure if that's called Gemini or if that is called that your attention is not focused. Now, things like this are "medically" named as "Attention Deficit Disorder", a few decades ago, children were put down to stop doing that shit and to be taught to focus and eventually most succeeded.

Gemini's tendencies can certainly make one want to multitask and to be all over the place mentally [good for many tasks that require this, but for others it can be bad]. Maybe studying in the general way bores you. Try learning visually or with instructional courses.

The control of the mind is not the same as the control of the body, yet the body can and certainly will help you out. Even 2-3 times per week with a workout should do wonders for you.

The way to begin to build focus is through things like the Flame meditation or similar practices.

Thanks HP. I think I just need to incorporate more practices like flame, as you said. I have been doing 6 minutes of void a day for a while now but maybe I need to increase that too.

And yes, the cold shower too, as helped with attitude adjustment. Especially confrontation.

I used to be able to read a book all the way through, but I keep jumping with high interest to another book without finishing the last.

I guess I know one of the things I need to work on.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sometimes that is also regularly called tiredness or needing rest. Rest is a natural thing and part of the normal developmental process for all beings.

Ahahahahah, thank you, Hp.
Fiery Pluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sometimes that is also regularly called tiredness or needing rest. Rest is a natural thing and part of the normal developmental process for all beings.

Ahahahahah, thank you, Hp.

Me: "I have been working for 2 days straight, I feel tired, that's unacceptable"

Possibility of passing out:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

this needs to be my main focus from now on.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
