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Aum aim – ideas training


New member
Mar 10, 2024


I did that article a long time ago but scrap it after. I still practice some of it . And it is fine for me.. It is tied to our training of moving/feeling energy. First part is just a result of searches that inspire it.


My questioning at that time was how to improve my training with aum which brought an other question . Why do we talk mostly only of aum, barely of im or aim?

If you have studied Frawley, im is name bija of indra and is used in many bijas (I prounounces as ee of see, eg : hrim in written French , in English spelling hreem, Sanskrit Hrīṃ) and it is used to bring potential to many objectives. Eg : shrīṃ is of goddess Lakshmi (due to sh beginning of one of her names shri) and bring abundance of your choice. Also the R being tied to activity/fire add motion, velocity/ power to what bring vowel i. Coincidence with raidho meaning.

We use aum also to makes more powerful biijas of chakras but without adding the R. Eg : instead just lam for 1st chakra we use also laum on the site. I have tried adding the R (lraum, vraum, rraum , etc…). I did remark a diffence but more whne i did kraum for the crown according to one of my article , which gives me headaches , feeling of pressure on head really fast.

For unknown reason there is not much practical information about aim . Most hindu text will use aim only if they invoke a goddess. Aum seems just for guys or general. Rarely on man blunder site will be aum aim together.

Now, A-u-m is so close to a-i-m, that I asked myself is there a link between the only difference u and I ? Is it just akasha (a) activating what is (u or i) and manifest it (m = moksha, manifesting) ?

Letter u is fire (agni puruna) or sometimes earth depending versions . For example : following the hindu order of creation a e I o u , akasha air fire water earth imply in this case u is earth, I is fire . Interessant here to remark that the letter 0 in French is same sound as eau (in English water) and here will be assigned to water . The shape of latin letter U also looks like the bottom of a vase or horns. If u or I is fire it may be due to that fire go straight up like latin letter I and U is the container where we burn offrand with fire. it may explain partly relation between a-u-m and a-i-m. and when to use them.

Aum sometimes is said to be only brahma which explain why in such case aim is only her wife saraswati. But the 3 letters are also the 3 main gods, aim the 3 main goddesses/their wifes or shaktis.

Is there 2 types of fire, soft and strong, male and female , embracing shape (u) and straight forward (I) ? Or is it tied to that what is burnt become ashes (earth) like Chinese birth cycle of element ?

Hasard that together the letter becomes a trident (u I = w) which may point to an explanation of using W in our empowerment technic.. Trident has been said on site to be ida pingala sushumna., and the common one of odin, shiva, poseidon is a W on a stick. This may point to that w is an importnat letter. Hades use a U on stick which is also a musical fork. Curious too that in latin V is v, u, w.

Using the name namashivaya with a different order of vowels oiuae (couldn’t trace why) and the use of reverse creation imply o is earth, I is water, u fire. Westerners (samael aun weor and others In the past) put u in 3rd chakra and I in 6th chakra. A simple reason can be deducted, water is pineal gland and fire is 3rd chakra. This may be a hidden tie here to find which vowel goes to which chakra and Again by coincidence of repetition of opposite polarities. It is interessant to note that horns was often painted at the level of 6th chakra. Statues, painting of past show to type of horns like bull sideway ( temples chakras) and an other facing front more like one type of ram. Picture devils, oni mays be one horn center front, sideway or just above brows facing front. May be there is an allegory here, (old crowns have spike all around head not just sideway, other chakas ? )

These links between u and I make me remember of western alchemy (sorry lost reference) a hidden fire is in the water must be awaken and used for the elixir, a concept repeated in Taoism (put fire on water = attention/mind/heart on lower dan tian/2nd chakra/ region prostate for man). The idea by doing so is boiling jing /water/semen (physical jing) to develop chi/air (boiled water gives steam/air). Depending variants texts it is an open marmit or a sealed one like special marmit using pressure cooking. Marmit were often in metal, heat from under marmit heat the marrmit that heat what is inside. (perineum quite close to first chakra, Taoist as I said put fire/attention there) . We do have an exercise similar in section site talking about step alchemy

I Do enjoy the myths of druid/witch doing their potion, a man drinking the resulting ale that bring wisdom (ajna = wisdom, potion = liquid = water = pineal). Sure we may say the marmit is the chakra where you mix the liquid/energy by spinning with a giant spoon, in one word instead spinning the marmit (as we do in site), you spin what is inside of it. Result will be same liquid will go to side, mixed. But there is more chance It is an allusion to built fire in 1st chakra to heat the marmit (lower dan tian). Of course potion taken by mouth goes to stomach (yellow court or 3rd chakra, grail) which remember the training of taoist of swallowing saliva. . These allegories are all funny coincidences of alchemy like cronos myth ( if u is marmit, I is spoon to mix).

Aum or aim may well be also a reference of the 3 words and 3 dan tian , bahma is sky, vishnu earth, shiva hell with their wifes or shaktis (Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati). Again earth will be U but in the sense of planet earth or earth world/zone instead of element earth.

According to some text, Letter I bestows nectars (pineal tie ?) , impart knowledge, arrest evils but u is seed (seed of power is technicly the sun), bestows power to attain any desire, I is Lakshmi (goddess of abundance/I ). U is Vishnu and in some site shiva. U protect us, and I have ties to kAmadeva (god of desire). Sure graphically U protect what is put inside, I is straight forward, piercing all, we may even see a tie as symbols of sex.

To conclude we can resume all this with the repetitive coincididence , u and I are two opposites in shape and functions.

Now lets see the past inspiration I had for trainings with these infos.


When I use any mantra I start with aum and I choose to vibrate as our site A shoulder chakra U hips , M temples. I didn’t felt much difference apart more focus on myself for next step. Just remark the irony that in Sanskrit V like latin letter can also be pronounce w. Switch to U W and we have a reverse image of M in temple a taurus field.

I did also A I M to the knots but I failed to see a use. But when i think about it now, it is said that one side body is female the other male. I wonder today if we should do AUM with be right side AIM left. To try.

By the way, aum is used to be vibrated, one letter each in each of the 3 layers of sushumna (said to be fire sun moon), in the huge poem tirumantiram.. Aim is also said Saraswati bija, a bija which is used for suhumna since it is called Saraswati river (nadi). Ida pigala being ganga river and yamani. Sometimes people use mantras of Parvati and her 2 attendants. It is based on the image when she cut her head and her blood drop as an M in their mouth (shushumna overflow in ida pingala).


The latin U can be seen as englobing, 2 arms extended from top so M is like bring it back to us.

A vibrate in auric field/body,

U see as if englobing the target

M as once target reached can be manifestation or bring back to us.

EG : aum suryaya. It will be to serve to connect to the sun energies , sryaya will make sun brighter. The visualization a u m did help me and I felt closer to the energy called.

To make it stronger I did enclosing bija as said in hindu sites or in ours (we often use aum at beginning suggestion and end). So we have aum suryaya aum. The difference here is that there is 2 visualisation , 2nd aum is reverse first one : A is vibration in sun aura/power activating it even brighter , U transfer in space to reach me, M for manifesting in my body and aura .

That example is how I practice sometimes protection or purification by the sun. Once I finish the mantra with visualization, I used the suggestions tied in our site for it.

It may means nothing but I remarked for me that an image that move have more power that a fixed/static one. A light getting brighter imply more current moving. My difference is that I added more detailled motion to it. A bright ligth gives the impression that It emits rays short and long like the sun (case old lamps, dell differ). So : instead of a closed fixed container and only the inside getting brighter, I add rays moving short and big coming from the shape . Same idea with microcosmic orbit (chariot of ra) the ball of light is pulsing. I felt it harder to train due to effort of visualization/concentration but it seems to increase effect training at long term. Also in the case of sun, it have 3 deities tie to it (in hierarchy ,same case each planet) surya agni and shiva so if I choose mantra surya I do moving spikes, agni is fire moving, shiva is pillar therefore multiple vertical rays . I do that Visualisation also in body and aura.

AUM AIM … aum aim :

Following the idea of opposites I though why search just far out and not inside of us. i did an other variant, Aum aim “ I choose aum to reach out the target outside in universe and aim to reach in the same target but by my inside as if I was a portal open (skin is border door).. After all we are a kind of small universe . We may compare galaxies to atoms. I felt that technic more eficient. Partcularly that in western magic we first reach in us before reaching out.

So fist aum aim is reach the sun energies outward and inward. 2nd serie with aum is filling aura and body, aim is by door filling skin /aura.


I think that variant is even more powerful. It was based on the latin images of the latin letters aum and aim. Now it is similar to the letter Greek phi which is a combination of I and o. And it is used too in chi kung. Remember the prop . EG : hand move front body rise up pushing sky is energy raising bottom earth up by body, then as lower arms sideways on each side 360 degrees energy goes down sides. This move is AIM . Rising arm sideway to sky then bring arms front to push down at center r is AUM . Doing them one after the other looks like the infinite sign motion, a M on a W. (mw = infinity sign), or a taurus field.

So I combine aura training, moving energy with vibrating aum aim . Since there is the same starting point, you may say it is a small cicle inside a big circle touched by edges. Or a crescent in a circle which is often said to be symbol of mating moon and sun (in Mexico, I do not know for the case goetia sigil). I combine the motion visualized of energy as aim aum suryaya . The sun energies will be under feet. To resume:

A is small motion up/down small fast light under floor lower that your auric field, activity energy increase pressure, explosion is eminent , energy must go somewhere out,

I open door at bottom aura, energy pass up by body,

M out body top aura, then as a fountain it falls all around your body in your aura.

Then do

A again,

U energy under aura move up around outside aura

M as a fountain pointing streams water to center, from all around fill your body down

For protection i use our classic white gold, for purification I use electric blue. If I want strength red, healing green. Feeling if we do not do the arms is stronger at coccyx when sit or feet if stand and top head because of point entry and exit.


The concept can goes further. Why start only by earth and not heaven ? Ending a serie imply that we use the opposite (contract/extend, work/relax…) so we may start from sky and finish energy in us. Sure we can do aim as raise energy pass center up side back to us or aum with 2 point of entry But ifor me the best image and one I train will be A I W followed by A n W . A got no reverse latin letter , I stay same but not intent (starting point), m reverse is w, reverse u is an n.

A vibrate sky as vocalise a

I pass in body down beyond bottom aura

W up outside aura sideways to sky outside aura, energy stays in sky and move to top of us

A vibrate sky

n flow down both side in aura

w up by center body

Naturally I combine it for protection aim aum suryaya aiw anw. VIsualisation, feeling the flow seems increasing potency of the goal searched.

Note the coincidence ma in sanskrit is water but va/wa is also water. The egyptian image of water is a serie of m and w folloring each other, symbol of tides moving up and down.

For information I found textual meaning about aiw anw :

You do know that au sound is also sound o and that this is where came corruption of aum to om. AI in Sanskrit is also sound e ( e sound vary in French like may, get, the; English do same but add French I or ee; Sanskrit stay may) . Combining letter you will get ew. Since instinct tendency is to repeat sound of last vowel, you have ewe or EVE name. I enjoy too the tie that eve (eeve) is evil in religion (eevee-l).

Next coincidence is a n w. While I was doing the sound , going slowly to place the tongue to sound n , I remark it looks close to AMEN followed by W. Difference is due if bypass or do the m too fast , due to slowly closing mouth by placing tongue as n (m sound is close mouth, tongue resting down, n is close mouth but tongue touch palate)

Interessant to know that va ties to water in hindu text (varuna is god water),that it is considered a semi-vowel , combination of vowel u followed by a. Think here the link with water (spead everywhere depending form). Since we use the sound w in site vuw vaw vow to umpower , you can remark a coincidence in my training which is the letter w at the end. If w increase personal power/energy/water, It may means that religions cut the W sound at the end to avoid passing energy back in the body , letting it around us to be rob.

In sanscrit if there is no vowel following a consomant, it is the basic vowel a sound but short that is pronounce. Just remember that v can also be sound w in sanskrit so it is funny to find the following :

  • Eva in Sanskrit means really, evam astu means so be it.

  • Anava means exceeding smallness , and depending what world follows the concept can imply infinity, unending


Funny that taurus field looks similar to buddhist chi kung concept. For them ida pingala sushumna are straight line not a pathway as snake like our version on site. It looks like I in an O extrended up and down or m on w.

Strong chance they corrupt it . Often people see only one dimension of an image but any image can be either be the front/back or left/right side or top /bottom of the object painted. In the past they were no ways to paint a 3 dimensional person ,tendency of painting (Egyptian Sumerian) were sideway to left or right with a reason (active, passive) . This is why sometimes if you want to represent the details of something horizontal like symbols on a table you will place it as seen from top.The famous runic horn with table game seen from top with 2 players as runic posture of peorth is an example of that. And it bugs me since chakras painting (case central line representation) may in fact be horizontal chakas and not the external chakra facing front or back. We must remember that Lotus on pound point up and not sideway like sunflowers. Since I cannot see them yet hard to validate.

To resume, straight line i in a O can also be the sideway image of a person which impliy a representation not ida pinagal shushumna but the back line chakra, middle line chakra and front one , a variant of the microcosmic orbit, or couple sex magic. Further It may also represent the 3 sections of sushumna (sun fire water) like tube at top energy fall back down on next layer doing M and W. The hard thing with symbols is to trace the real meaning of it. Tendency humanity is associating what they know or believe in it. Example of the trikstell used by diferent religious people with different meanings is one .


BY experience the feelings for me are stronger with pathways 1 and 2 , next stronger the reaching in and out than knots. But it is just for me an other way to learn feeling invoked energy in aura entering top or bottom and feel it moving. The only new thing here is adding vocalization aim aum aiw anw to amplify it.

Remark that with the w it is harder to vibrate, I so mesure first how long you can vocalise to separate in 3 the time for each letter or easier do 3 breath , one for each vocalization..

As taoist, training is often in direction of the inside, even if I may think otherwise, the idea of reachingt he forces inside us before the equivalent outside may be important too In any of our trainings. Theyre are always 2 polarities in this world to train yin and yang. And there is a balance to maintain. As in gym, you cannot just train right arm to point is double bulk left one, you may do just arm training but without core and leg, your body won’t support you.

Finally when I reread that article, i am doing without knowing as the recent link I have given for taoist magic, the famous 3 : feeling in body, feeling in aura then feeling outside aura. (zones attention). …

For info some of my links given may not work anymore, internal archive for the books is down.


Sanskrit - Dictionary (learnsanskrit.cc)
What is a bijamantra? - Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (hindujagruti.org)
LORD OF DANCE (bhagavadgitausa.com
Achyutanada Das of Orrisa (with minor additional information)
Agni puruna
Learning Sanskrit - Sanskrit and Mantra-s - Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (sanskrit-trikashaivism.com)
Impressive research and its good your exploring spiritually more deeply, but do be careful with mantras, changing a letter or two can radically alter the properties of a mantra, Frawley was right about a lot and no doubt knew his stuff, but he was not 100% on everything, just because Frawley said something has a particular property does not mean that it does, furthermore mantras are more than the letters they consist of, they can sometimes be just that or they can be the direct invocation of a thing, or an abstracted invocation of something by making your own mantras from letters regardless of the properties of those letters you may be invoking something you dont understand or know, there are countless names for countless things you must be careful with mantra as invoking the wrong thing can be genuinely very bad.

I would try and stick to what is written on the Joy of Satan, if you feel like exploring further simple Vedic mantras such as Aum Shivaya Namah can be explored and make no mistake theres plenty to explore there, remember it only takes one mistake to truly mess yourself up with something as powerful as a mantra, simply feeling a positive feeling or response does not mean the mantra you have created or used is beneficial, its better to stick with what has been verified.
Indeed you are right , security comes first and that is what i usually do.

It is good also to see again the site since they are updates on the old practices or deeper explanation. Still they have few points not updated that has stayed in the forum

We must remember that what is on the site started from scratch by pioneers on the field. People that by investigation, trial with bad or good result for them or others with help of the gods finally find the best way and share the results according to what is permitted. You may compare them to scientifics, ingeneers , doctors that never stop searching. Somehow a possibily is seen , investigagion start and bring new understanding, new technology and remedies.

Let s take an other example. Teacher tell you horse stance 10000 punch each day. You copy what he says but if the student never ask or click one day that the same punch can be done at different angles different posture, with or without moving hip do you think that the teacher will bother showing it? Once my friend asked to sifu if a movement could be applied an other way, showing it. He said no but later came back and said yes after his investigation

That is why i point potential trails. We must rebuilt the past and it is a perpetual work.
Trails may all go same destination, shorter longer, easy walking or not,safe or dangerous.

As for that particular exercise its done since a long time ago from my part since yahoo forums.


I did that article a long time ago but scrap it after. I still practice some of it . And it is fine for me.. It is tied to our training of moving/feeling energy. First part is just a result of searches that inspire it.


My questioning at that time was how to improve my training with aum which brought an other question . Why do we talk mostly only of aum, barely of im or aim?

If you have studied Frawley, im is name bija of indra and is used in many bijas (I prounounces as ee of see, eg : hrim in written French , in English spelling hreem, Sanskrit Hrīṃ) and it is used to bring potential to many objectives. Eg : shrīṃ is of goddess Lakshmi (due to sh beginning of one of her names shri) and bring abundance of your choice. Also the R being tied to activity/fire add motion, velocity/ power to what bring vowel i. Coincidence with raidho meaning.

We use aum also to makes more powerful biijas of chakras but without adding the R. Eg : instead just lam for 1st chakra we use also laum on the site. I have tried adding the R (lraum, vraum, rraum , etc…). I did remark a diffence but more whne i did kraum for the crown according to one of my article , which gives me headaches , feeling of pressure on head really fast.

For unknown reason there is not much practical information about aim . Most hindu text will use aim only if they invoke a goddess. Aum seems just for guys or general. Rarely on man blunder site will be aum aim together.

Now, A-u-m is so close to a-i-m, that I asked myself is there a link between the only difference u and I ? Is it just akasha (a) activating what is (u or i) and manifest it (m = moksha, manifesting) ?

Letter u is fire (agni puruna) or sometimes earth depending versions . For example : following the hindu order of creation a e I o u , akasha air fire water earth imply in this case u is earth, I is fire . Interessant here to remark that the letter 0 in French is same sound as eau (in English water) and here will be assigned to water . The shape of latin letter U also looks like the bottom of a vase or horns. If u or I is fire it may be due to that fire go straight up like latin letter I and U is the container where we burn offrand with fire. it may explain partly relation between a-u-m and a-i-m. and when to use them.

Aum sometimes is said to be only brahma which explain why in such case aim is only her wife saraswati. But the 3 letters are also the 3 main gods, aim the 3 main goddesses/their wifes or shaktis.

Is there 2 types of fire, soft and strong, male and female , embracing shape (u) and straight forward (I) ? Or is it tied to that what is burnt become ashes (earth) like Chinese birth cycle of element ?

Hasard that together the letter becomes a trident (u I = w) which may point to an explanation of using W in our empowerment technic.. Trident has been said on site to be ida pingala sushumna., and the common one of odin, shiva, poseidon is a W on a stick. This may point to that w is an importnat letter. Hades use a U on stick which is also a musical fork. Curious too that in latin V is v, u, w.

Using the name namashivaya with a different order of vowels oiuae (couldn’t trace why) and the use of reverse creation imply o is earth, I is water, u fire. Westerners (samael aun weor and others In the past) put u in 3rd chakra and I in 6th chakra. A simple reason can be deducted, water is pineal gland and fire is 3rd chakra. This may be a hidden tie here to find which vowel goes to which chakra and Again by coincidence of repetition of opposite polarities. It is interessant to note that horns was often painted at the level of 6th chakra. Statues, painting of past show to type of horns like bull sideway ( temples chakras) and an other facing front more like one type of ram. Picture devils, oni mays be one horn center front, sideway or just above brows facing front. May be there is an allegory here, (old crowns have spike all around head not just sideway, other chakas ? )

These links between u and I make me remember of western alchemy (sorry lost reference) a hidden fire is in the water must be awaken and used for the elixir, a concept repeated in Taoism (put fire on water = attention/mind/heart on lower dan tian/2nd chakra/ region prostate for man). The idea by doing so is boiling jing /water/semen (physical jing) to develop chi/air (boiled water gives steam/air). Depending variants texts it is an open marmit or a sealed one like special marmit using pressure cooking. Marmit were often in metal, heat from under marmit heat the marrmit that heat what is inside. (perineum quite close to first chakra, Taoist as I said put fire/attention there) . We do have an exercise similar in section site talking about step alchemy

I Do enjoy the myths of druid/witch doing their potion, a man drinking the resulting ale that bring wisdom (ajna = wisdom, potion = liquid = water = pineal). Sure we may say the marmit is the chakra where you mix the liquid/energy by spinning with a giant spoon, in one word instead spinning the marmit (as we do in site), you spin what is inside of it. Result will be same liquid will go to side, mixed. But there is more chance It is an allusion to built fire in 1st chakra to heat the marmit (lower dan tian). Of course potion taken by mouth goes to stomach (yellow court or 3rd chakra, grail) which remember the training of taoist of swallowing saliva. . These allegories are all funny coincidences of alchemy like cronos myth ( if u is marmit, I is spoon to mix).

Aum or aim may well be also a reference of the 3 words and 3 dan tian , bahma is sky, vishnu earth, shiva hell with their wifes or shaktis (Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati). Again earth will be U but in the sense of planet earth or earth world/zone instead of element earth.

According to some text, Letter I bestows nectars (pineal tie ?) , impart knowledge, arrest evils but u is seed (seed of power is technicly the sun), bestows power to attain any desire, I is Lakshmi (goddess of abundance/I ). U is Vishnu and in some site shiva. U protect us, and I have ties to kAmadeva (god of desire). Sure graphically U protect what is put inside, I is straight forward, piercing all, we may even see a tie as symbols of sex.

To conclude we can resume all this with the repetitive coincididence , u and I are two opposites in shape and functions.

Now lets see the past inspiration I had for trainings with these infos.


When I use any mantra I start with aum and I choose to vibrate as our site A shoulder chakra U hips , M temples. I didn’t felt much difference apart more focus on myself for next step. Just remark the irony that in Sanskrit V like latin letter can also be pronounce w. Switch to U W and we have a reverse image of M in temple a taurus field.

I did also A I M to the knots but I failed to see a use. But when i think about it now, it is said that one side body is female the other male. I wonder today if we should do AUM with be right side AIM left. To try.

By the way, aum is used to be vibrated, one letter each in each of the 3 layers of sushumna (said to be fire sun moon), in the huge poem tirumantiram.. Aim is also said Saraswati bija, a bija which is used for suhumna since it is called Saraswati river (nadi). Ida pigala being ganga river and yamani. Sometimes people use mantras of Parvati and her 2 attendants. It is based on the image when she cut her head and her blood drop as an M in their mouth (shushumna overflow in ida pingala).


The latin U can be seen as englobing, 2 arms extended from top so M is like bring it back to us.

A vibrate in auric field/body,

U see as if englobing the target

M as once target reached can be manifestation or bring back to us.

EG : aum suryaya. It will be to serve to connect to the sun energies , sryaya will make sun brighter. The visualization a u m did help me and I felt closer to the energy called.

To make it stronger I did enclosing bija as said in hindu sites or in ours (we often use aum at beginning suggestion and end). So we have aum suryaya aum. The difference here is that there is 2 visualisation , 2nd aum is reverse first one : A is vibration in sun aura/power activating it even brighter , U transfer in space to reach me, M for manifesting in my body and aura .

That example is how I practice sometimes protection or purification by the sun. Once I finish the mantra with visualization, I used the suggestions tied in our site for it.

It may means nothing but I remarked for me that an image that move have more power that a fixed/static one. A light getting brighter imply more current moving. My difference is that I added more detailled motion to it. A bright ligth gives the impression that It emits rays short and long like the sun (case old lamps, dell differ). So : instead of a closed fixed container and only the inside getting brighter, I add rays moving short and big coming from the shape . Same idea with microcosmic orbit (chariot of ra) the ball of light is pulsing. I felt it harder to train due to effort of visualization/concentration but it seems to increase effect training at long term. Also in the case of sun, it have 3 deities tie to it (in hierarchy ,same case each planet) surya agni and shiva so if I choose mantra surya I do moving spikes, agni is fire moving, shiva is pillar therefore multiple vertical rays . I do that Visualisation also in body and aura.

AUM AIM … aum aim :

Following the idea of opposites I though why search just far out and not inside of us. i did an other variant, Aum aim “ I choose aum to reach out the target outside in universe and aim to reach in the same target but by my inside as if I was a portal open (skin is border door).. After all we are a kind of small universe . We may compare galaxies to atoms. I felt that technic more eficient. Partcularly that in western magic we first reach in us before reaching out.

So fist aum aim is reach the sun energies outward and inward. 2nd serie with aum is filling aura and body, aim is by door filling skin /aura.


I think that variant is even more powerful. It was based on the latin images of the latin letters aum and aim. Now it is similar to the letter Greek phi which is a combination of I and o. And it is used too in chi kung. Remember the prop . EG : hand move front body rise up pushing sky is energy raising bottom earth up by body, then as lower arms sideways on each side 360 degrees energy goes down sides. This move is AIM . Rising arm sideway to sky then bring arms front to push down at center r is AUM . Doing them one after the other looks like the infinite sign motion, a M on a W. (mw = infinity sign), or a taurus field.

So I combine aura training, moving energy with vibrating aum aim . Since there is the same starting point, you may say it is a small cicle inside a big circle touched by edges. Or a crescent in a circle which is often said to be symbol of mating moon and sun (in Mexico, I do not know for the case goetia sigil). I combine the motion visualized of energy as aim aum suryaya . The sun energies will be under feet. To resume:

A is small motion up/down small fast light under floor lower that your auric field, activity energy increase pressure, explosion is eminent , energy must go somewhere out,

I open door at bottom aura, energy pass up by body,

M out body top aura, then as a fountain it falls all around your body in your aura.

Then do

A again,

U energy under aura move up around outside aura

M as a fountain pointing streams water to center, from all around fill your body down

For protection i use our classic white gold, for purification I use electric blue. If I want strength red, healing green. Feeling if we do not do the arms is stronger at coccyx when sit or feet if stand and top head because of point entry and exit.


The concept can goes further. Why start only by earth and not heaven ? Ending a serie imply that we use the opposite (contract/extend, work/relax…) so we may start from sky and finish energy in us. Sure we can do aim as raise energy pass center up side back to us or aum with 2 point of entry But ifor me the best image and one I train will be A I W followed by A n W . A got no reverse latin letter , I stay same but not intent (starting point), m reverse is w, reverse u is an n.

A vibrate sky as vocalise a

I pass in body down beyond bottom aura

W up outside aura sideways to sky outside aura, energy stays in sky and move to top of us

A vibrate sky

n flow down both side in aura

w up by center body

Naturally I combine it for protection aim aum suryaya aiw anw. VIsualisation, feeling the flow seems increasing potency of the goal searched.

Note the coincidence ma in sanskrit is water but va/wa is also water. The egyptian image of water is a serie of m and w folloring each other, symbol of tides moving up and down.

For information I found textual meaning about aiw anw :

You do know that au sound is also sound o and that this is where came corruption of aum to om. AI in Sanskrit is also sound e ( e sound vary in French like may, get, the; English do same but add French I or ee; Sanskrit stay may) . Combining letter you will get ew. Since instinct tendency is to repeat sound of last vowel, you have ewe or EVE name. I enjoy too the tie that eve (eeve) is evil in religion (eevee-l).

Next coincidence is a n w. While I was doing the sound , going slowly to place the tongue to sound n , I remark it looks close to AMEN followed by W. Difference is due if bypass or do the m too fast , due to slowly closing mouth by placing tongue as n (m sound is close mouth, tongue resting down, n is close mouth but tongue touch palate)

Interessant to know that va ties to water in hindu text (varuna is god water),that it is considered a semi-vowel , combination of vowel u followed by a. Think here the link with water (spead everywhere depending form). Since we use the sound w in site vuw vaw vow to umpower , you can remark a coincidence in my training which is the letter w at the end. If w increase personal power/energy/water, It may means that religions cut the W sound at the end to avoid passing energy back in the body , letting it around us to be rob.

In sanscrit if there is no vowel following a consomant, it is the basic vowel a sound but short that is pronounce. Just remember that v can also be sound w in sanskrit so it is funny to find the following :

  • Eva in Sanskrit means really, evam astu means so be it.

  • Anava means exceeding smallness , and depending what world follows the concept can imply infinity, unending


Funny that taurus field looks similar to buddhist chi kung concept. For them ida pingala sushumna are straight line not a pathway as snake like our version on site. It looks like I in an O extrended up and down or m on w.

Strong chance they corrupt it . Often people see only one dimension of an image but any image can be either be the front/back or left/right side or top /bottom of the object painted. In the past they were no ways to paint a 3 dimensional person ,tendency of painting (Egyptian Sumerian) were sideway to left or right with a reason (active, passive) . This is why sometimes if you want to represent the details of something horizontal like symbols on a table you will place it as seen from top.The famous runic horn with table game seen from top with 2 players as runic posture of peorth is an example of that. And it bugs me since chakras painting (case central line representation) may in fact be horizontal chakas and not the external chakra facing front or back. We must remember that Lotus on pound point up and not sideway like sunflowers. Since I cannot see them yet hard to validate.

To resume, straight line i in a O can also be the sideway image of a person which impliy a representation not ida pinagal shushumna but the back line chakra, middle line chakra and front one , a variant of the microcosmic orbit, or couple sex magic. Further It may also represent the 3 sections of sushumna (sun fire water) like tube at top energy fall back down on next layer doing M and W. The hard thing with symbols is to trace the real meaning of it. Tendency humanity is associating what they know or believe in it. Example of the trikstell used by diferent religious people with different meanings is one .


BY experience the feelings for me are stronger with pathways 1 and 2 , next stronger the reaching in and out than knots. But it is just for me an other way to learn feeling invoked energy in aura entering top or bottom and feel it moving. The only new thing here is adding vocalization aim aum aiw anw to amplify it.

Remark that with the w it is harder to vibrate, I so mesure first how long you can vocalise to separate in 3 the time for each letter or easier do 3 breath , one for each vocalization..

As taoist, training is often in direction of the inside, even if I may think otherwise, the idea of reachingt he forces inside us before the equivalent outside may be important too In any of our trainings. Theyre are always 2 polarities in this world to train yin and yang. And there is a balance to maintain. As in gym, you cannot just train right arm to point is double bulk left one, you may do just arm training but without core and leg, your body won’t support you.

Finally when I reread that article, i am doing without knowing as the recent link I have given for taoist magic, the famous 3 : feeling in body, feeling in aura then feeling outside aura. (zones attention). …

For info some of my links given may not work anymore, internal archive for the books is down.


Sanskrit - Dictionary (learnsanskrit.cc)
What is a bijamantra? - Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (hindujagruti.org)
LORD OF DANCE (bhagavadgitausa.com
Achyutanada Das of Orrisa (with minor additional information)
Agni puruna
Learning Sanskrit - Sanskrit and Mantra-s - Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (sanskrit-trikashaivism.com)

Glad to see that you are sharing such good knowledge to all of us here!As for that particular exercise its done since a long time ago from my part since yahoo forums.

You were part of the Yahoo forums? Well.. in that case...

Welcome to the new place, Veteran 🎖

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
