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Attacks On Forum / Group - And Spiritual Warfare

Dahaarkan said:
Perhaps you haven't been here long enough, or simply missed the "drama" threads?

These people can cause much damage if allowed to fester in the group long term. When you give such people a reality check, or simply cast a light on their rotten or delusional behavior, you are doing the entire group a service. Whether it is appreciated or not.

Ohh i most definitely have seen some of the drama threads, And that completely ties into the problem i am addressing here. The people that did damage to the community were almost always active ''members''.

As i was trying to say, The problem is that the focus is almost completely on the active members no matter what they say, Or at least that's how it seems to me. I have seen multiple times where active members gave bad advice or advice that could barely be seen as decent advice and they would be taken serious, All the while any other member would be ignored even if they gave excellent advice.

Even the ''members'' that have been banned, mostly gave sound advice but they often twisted it just that tiny little bit that it could do harm to one, This often times went under the radar. If a non-active member would contradict said member they would be ignored or sometimes even attacked... Sorry i mean they got into a ''heated'' discussion. (That said the one causing most heated discussions is gone now)

I wanted to share this opinion/observation of mine because to me it seems like there is a clear boundary between active members and the rest, Of course this boundary is not always obvious but its there. To me personally, This is somewhat demotivating to give my opinion or advice, What is the use of giving it if you are brushed to the side anyway? I am not the most social guy around so it makes it just that much harder to actually share my opinion, I'm sure that i am not the only one that feels this way.

All this said this isn't something that always happens but it happens often enough that it caught my eye.
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
Dense like tungsten you are

Thanks brother! I haven't had that many compliments on the forums so i am so glad that there is finally someone that does!

Man you almost remind me of Aldrick, Ohh how i miss those conversations with him :roll:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Dahaarkan said:
Perhaps you haven't been here long enough, or simply missed the "drama" threads?

These people can cause much damage if allowed to fester in the group long term. When you give such people a reality check, or simply cast a light on their rotten or delusional behavior, you are doing the entire group a service. Whether it is appreciated or not.

Ohh i most definitely have seen some of the drama threads, And that completely ties into the problem i am addressing here. The people that did damage to the community were almost always active ''members''.

As i was trying to say, The problem is that the focus is almost completely on the active members no matter what they say, Or at least that's how it seems to me. I have seen multiple times where active members gave bad advice or advice that could barely be seen as decent advice and they would be taken serious, All the while any other member would be ignored even if they gave excellent advice.

Even the ''members'' that have been banned, mostly gave sound advice but they often twisted it just that tiny little bit that it could do harm to one, This often times went under the radar. If a non-active member would contradict said member they would be ignored or sometimes even attacked... Sorry i mean they got into a ''heated'' discussion. (That said the one causing most heated discussions is gone now)

I wanted to share this opinion/observation of mine because to me it seems like there is a clear boundary between active members and the rest, Of course this boundary is not always obvious but its there. To me personally, This is somewhat demotivating to give my opinion or advice, What is the use of giving it if you are brushed to the side anyway? I am not the most social guy around so it makes it just that much harder to actually share my opinion, I'm sure that i am not the only one that feels this way.

All this said this isn't something that always happens but it happens often enough that it caught my eye.

Learn to be more social and confident. You just explained what half the problem is right there. You have to be willing to put yourself out there even if it feels like you're drowned out or unheard. Someone out there is going to benefit from your words and advice. That is your goal right? To help people? Because otherwise the goal is simply to gain spotlight and attention. If nobody replies to you it doesn't necessarily mean nobody saw what you said. In fact, a lot of times I choose to skip over something written because I agree with it, and so I focus my comment on something that I either disagree with or want to add on to. Of course, other times someone makes such a confusing long mess of a comment with so much irrationality that I just reply to the most relevant parts that I want to talk about because the whole thing was designed to be confusing and hard to untangle/reply to. But a lot of the time if I have nothing to say about something then it's because I find nothing wrong/disagreeable with it.

Just let your voice be heard anyway, and stop worrying so much about what others think. No need to stress about it. In the jew world, the loudest voices are the ones that everyone hears. However, SS here on the forums are highly intelligent and tend to make up their own minds about things. It's not like in society right now here on the forums. The newcomers will of course look for opinions of those who seem established in the community, and especially the High Priest. That's normal so don't worry about it. There's plenty of people like me who are able to find wisdom from many different sources. There's people who have helped me a lot, and they might never know of it although I try to give credit and express my gratitude as much as I can.

If you have trouble with being heard then maybe practice your social skills and public speaking, and empower your throat chakra. Empowering my throat chakra has already helped tons in subtle ways for me, and I was able to speak confidently in public even before.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Ohh i most definitely have seen some of the drama threads, And that completely ties into the problem i am addressing here. The people that did damage to the community were almost always active ''members''.

As i was trying to say, The problem is that the focus is almost completely on the active members no matter what they say, Or at least that's how it seems to me. I have seen multiple times where active members gave bad advice or advice that could barely be seen as decent advice and they would be taken serious, All the while any other member would be ignored even if they gave excellent advice.

Even the ''members'' that have been banned, mostly gave sound advice but they often twisted it just that tiny little bit that it could do harm to one, This often times went under the radar. If a non-active member would contradict said member they would be ignored or sometimes even attacked... Sorry i mean they got into a ''heated'' discussion. (That said the one causing most heated discussions is gone now)

I wanted to share this opinion/observation of mine because to me it seems like there is a clear boundary between active members and the rest, Of course this boundary is not always obvious but its there. To me personally, This is somewhat demotivating to give my opinion or advice, What is the use of giving it if you are brushed to the side anyway? I am not the most social guy around so it makes it just that much harder to actually share my opinion, I'm sure that i am not the only one that feels this way.

All this said this isn't something that always happens but it happens often enough that it caught my eye.

Some members who spend a lot of time on the forums start to build up a perception of imaginary status based on meaningless things like the number of posts or time spent in the group. What matters is the quality and quantity of their meaningful contribution to the cause, there's been cases of members who accumulate thousands of posts and you check their activity and much of that is single sentences that are of no use to anybody.

This is not to antagonize active members because a vast majority of them are definitely a good influence in the group and do a great job of providing timely responses, advice and information which is very important since clergy cannot personally answer every question or clear every doubt.

The issue comes when pride overrules duty and a person begins to value their imaginary "status" more than their actual contribution. When this happens a person becomes extremely defensive and will lash out at anybody who contests anything they say, as this will be harming their image of being an all-knowing person. Aldrick is a good example of this, he surrounded himself with people who fed these delusions and never let go of his ego, refusing to ever acknowledge mistakes unless it was useful for a PR stunt to gain sympathy.

Any disagreement with such people will lead to lengthy and exhausting arguments.

On the topic of posts being brushed aside, I must say as a largely inactive member I've never felt that. I don't know if you will take offense to this but perhaps that's an issue from within.

Seems to me you crave validation from other users, which is not something you should be chasing. If you make quality posts, informative and valid advice, this what matters. If a reader brushes this aside simply due to an arbitrary post counter under your username, that reader is not a very bright person and you shouldn't seek their validation or approval to begin with.
of the true light said:
Anytime I'm attacked on the forum I just blue flame the poos world wide for at least 15 minutes turning them into ashes.

I've watched many a poo and even rabbis pay the price from this in the news the next day.

The enemy should always know that an attack on us is ultimately an attack on their own.

This is something that should be understood if not already known.

And to mein kameraden...don't forget to fire back if fired upon.

We are not helpless sheep here...we are the SS.

What vibration & affirmation do you use and how do you visualize the earth do you look at a picture of the earth or?
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

We stay strong and we keep going.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you cobra, and good job. Everyone can feel your seriousness. Keep kicking ass for us. <3

What are you saying?
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Dahaarkan said:
Perhaps you haven't been here long enough, or simply missed the "drama" threads?

These people can cause much damage if allowed to fester in the group long term. When you give such people a reality check, or simply cast a light on their rotten or delusional behavior, you are doing the entire group a service. Whether it is appreciated or not.

Ohh i most definitely have seen some of the drama threads, And that completely ties into the problem i am addressing here. The people that did damage to the community were almost always active ''members''.

As i was trying to say, The problem is that the focus is almost completely on the active members no matter what they say, Or at least that's how it seems to me. I have seen multiple times where active members gave bad advice or advice that could barely be seen as decent advice and they would be taken serious, All the while any other member would be ignored even if they gave excellent advice.

Even the ''members'' that have been banned, mostly gave sound advice but they often twisted it just that tiny little bit that it could do harm to one, This often times went under the radar. If a non-active member would contradict said member they would be ignored or sometimes even attacked... Sorry i mean they got into a ''heated'' discussion. (That said the one causing most heated discussions is gone now)

I wanted to share this opinion/observation of mine because to me it seems like there is a clear boundary between active members and the rest, Of course this boundary is not always obvious but its there. To me personally, This is somewhat demotivating to give my opinion or advice, What is the use of giving it if you are brushed to the side anyway? I am not the most social guy around so it makes it just that much harder to actually share my opinion, I'm sure that i am not the only one that feels this way.

All this said this isn't something that always happens but it happens often enough that it caught my eye.

So you're blaming the active people for making mistakes while they were dealing with and managing everything, this is easy and convenient for the irresponsible people behind the scenes.

You can't know everything and so it's possible to make mistakes. We deal with all sorts of things, even unknown things. Instead of complaining, give your input to help and improve our community.
In case things get heated up here, let's not forget what HP Cobra said in the original post..

Azazel also told me recently, that the enemy is "Going to sow discord". He showed me a lot of levels in regards to this. Some of it has been directed here, but most of this is going to be directed to the world. We're going to offset the wave of this.

Let's not let our own emotions or thoughts distract us from our goal. That's how they try to mess things up for us.
United we stand. Divided we fall
Lasollor said:
of the true light said:
Anytime I'm attacked on the forum I just blue flame the poos world wide for at least 15 minutes turning them into ashes.

I've watched many a poo and even rabbis pay the price from this in the news the next day.

The enemy should always know that an attack on us is ultimately an attack on their own.

This is something that should be understood if not already known.

And to mein kameraden...don't forget to fire back if fired upon.

We are not helpless sheep here...we are the SS.

What vibration & affirmation do you use and how do you visualize the earth do you look at a picture of the earth or?
I use cobra's white magick method from "Sermons and Writings By High Priest Hooded Cobra 666" pg. 11.

It's pretty simple no runes needed just visualization.

Here's a video I made about it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AIbExCNFFtuZ/

Maybe it can assist you.
Definitely been getting lots of attacks as of late. I'm at the point now where it's more of an annoyance than anything. Some of the things they keep trying to do or say are never going to work. I used to be weak when it came to believing in Father and the Gods, but they've not only shown me they care but also actively help me deal with these attacks and for that I will forever be grateful.

And yes, they are desperate for me to "submit" to them. LMAO!
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
*Calmly and concisely describes his feeling on a situation with proper grammar and paragraphing to help improve the community*

"Stop complaining, your throat chakra is weak, you need to do this, I am not to blame waah waaah waaah."

You just can't win with these guys bro, you're better off talking to wild animals.

Damn, it's almost like members expressing any form of discontent attracts you, like a moth to a flame. And of course the reply just so happens to be a demoralizing comment to discourage said member from interacting with the group.

Illisio said:
And yes, they are desperate for me to "submit" to them. LMAO!

They use this kind of disgusting language, like "Submit" and other things. Just ignore and do your best.
Master said:
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

We stay strong and we keep going.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you cobra, and good job. Everyone can feel your seriousness. Keep kicking ass for us. <3

What are you saying?

thebigcheesesixmillion said:
Master said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Ohh i most definitely have seen some of the drama threads, And that completely ties into the problem i am addressing here. The people that did damage to the community were almost always active ''members''.

As i was trying to say, The problem is that the focus is almost completely on the active members no matter what they say, Or at least that's how it seems to me. I have seen multiple times where active members gave bad advice or advice that could barely be seen as decent advice and they would be taken serious, All the while any other member would be ignored even if they gave excellent advice.

Even the ''members'' that have been banned, mostly gave sound advice but they often twisted it just that tiny little bit that it could do harm to one, This often times went under the radar. If a non-active member would contradict said member they would be ignored or sometimes even attacked... Sorry i mean they got into a ''heated'' discussion. (That said the one causing most heated discussions is gone now)

I wanted to share this opinion/observation of mine because to me it seems like there is a clear boundary between active members and the rest, Of course this boundary is not always obvious but its there. To me personally, This is somewhat demotivating to give my opinion or advice, What is the use of giving it if you are brushed to the side anyway? I am not the most social guy around so it makes it just that much harder to actually share my opinion, I'm sure that i am not the only one that feels this way.

All this said this isn't something that always happens but it happens often enough that it caught my eye.

So you're blaming the active people for making mistakes while they were dealing with and managing everything, this is easy and convenient for the irresponsible people behind the scenes.

You can't know everything and so it's possible to make mistakes. We deal with all sorts of things, even unknown things. Instead of complaining, give your input to help and improve our community.

*Calmly and concisely describes his feeling on a situation with proper grammar and paragraphing to help improve the community*

"Stop complaining, your throat chakra is weak, you need to do this, I am not to blame waah waaah waaah."

You just can't win with these guys bro, you're better off talking to wild animals.

We've seen you write endless garbage here and elsewhere, so tell me, do you get paid to infiltrate or are you doing some sort of volunteer work?
jrvan said:
If you have trouble with being heard then maybe practice your social skills and public speaking, and empower your throat chakra. Empowering my throat chakra has already helped tons in subtle ways for me, and I was able to speak confidently in public even before.

I used to have a lot of trouble with this as you are saying yes, I have grown a lot in this, And i'm still growing and learning just as i always will be. Thank you for your concern and tips. :D

The post that i made was a observation in general, Not specifically something that i'm struggling with although its a part of it.

Dahaarkan said:
Seems to me you crave validation from other users, which is not something you should be chasing. If you make quality posts, informative and valid advice, this what matters. If a reader brushes this aside simply due to an arbitrary post counter under your username, that reader is not a very bright person and you shouldn't seek their validation or approval to begin with.

I can't agree more with what you are saying, When i just made this account there were a couple of people that criticized me on the amount of posts i made. To them i said exactly the same thing as you are saying here: Criticize me on the quality of my post not on the amount of posts i made.

About the validation... it doesn't matter to me to much although it is nice to get some form of acknowledgement every now and then.

Over the years i have seen plenty of your posts and i almost always agree with you, You are one of the few people that is on the same line as me. At least that's what i think.

Master said:
So you're blaming the active people for making mistakes while they were dealing with and managing everything, this is easy and convenient for the irresponsible people behind the scenes.

You can't know everything and so it's possible to make mistakes. We deal with all sorts of things, even unknown things. Instead of complaining, give your input to help and improve our community.

Well if that's what you think i'm trying to say here then so be it....

I don't think that the people on this forum are perfect beings that can sense a rat from a mile away, And are so ruthless to try and kill it on first sight, But if you do have this opinion then that's your opinion.

There is no way that anyone here will ban someone because they look at things differently or because they have a somewhat screwed look on life, meditation or whatever. Such as certain jews that infiltrated this place, Noone knows that they are jewish so why blame anyone for allowing them to be here?

In the end this is a open forum that wants people to learn, This takes time and many people are to brainwashed to change their point of view in a heartbeat. Knowing this it can be hard to distinguish jews from other people, Even if they have been here a long time.

It wasn't my intention to blame anyone for anything, But it was to share my point of view of a problem or at least i see it as somewhat of a problem, And this being that non-regular SS are being drowned sometimes. Almost like their opinion doesn't matter because regulars always know it better. And i don't mean this in a literal sense!
Dahaarkan said:
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
*Calmly and concisely describes his feeling on a situation with proper grammar and paragraphing to help improve the community*

"Stop complaining, your throat chakra is weak, you need to do this, I am not to blame waah waaah waaah."

You just can't win with these guys bro, you're better off talking to wild animals.

Damn, it's almost like members expressing any form of discontent attracts you, like a moth to a flame. And of course the reply just so happens to be a demoralizing comment to discourage said member from interacting with the group.


Am i the only one that gets a massive Aldrick feeling with this guy? Sure his comments are shorter but it still has the same feel to it if you ask me.

Bigcheese guy if you are aldrick can you just leave the forum already? It would be such a better place without you.
VoiceofEnki said:
Great motivational sermon HP HoodedCobra.

We've come a long way, the spiritual warfare we are doing now feels stronger than ever. Keep up the warfare everyone, together we persevere and put an end to this thousands years old war.

During the warfare yesterday, I had a vision of myself flying above the Earth while directing the energy of the RTR to destroy the enemy curses and protect our world and people. My soul was glowing bright gold and brimming with power. Looking around me in the vision, I saw thousands of glowing souls rise up above the Earth, forming a spiritual legion and fighting as one against the enemy, which I knew was symbolic for all of us here doing the spiritual warfare to defeat our enemies and the enemies of Satan.

The enemy curses, shown as an odious black tide in the vision, disintegrated before us. Under the onslaught of our efforts, the tide was pushed back until it reached what looked like a barrier cast around the earth, this barrier too shattered completely, as if it was a fragile pane of glass. After it shattered, enemies were revealed one after the other, first filthy rabbi's, which were completely torn apart under our spiritual power and disintegrated like the letters of their filthy alphabet when we do the Final RTR.

Then came a horde of greys, which we sliced through with unstoppable momentum, finally came some reptilians who stood behind the greys in the vision. In the vision, we marched forth, together with a great wave of satanic energy, and swept them away, cutting them to pieces, shattering them or pulverizing them into nothingness with immense ferocity.

It was an awesome vision. Nothing that stood in our way could stop us, everything of the enemy which they had thrown at us was annihilated and we stood mighty in victory, praising Satan and the True Gods of Hell while guarding the Earth from the astral from any would be negative influences or enemies, ever vigilant and unrelenting.

I take it as a symbolism that our efforts assure our victory so long as we never capitulate and never relent. Our momentum can only grow and eventually becomes completely unstoppable as we wipe away all the enemy influence, curses and even the enemy entities from the Earth on all levels of existence.

All those who do the spiritual warfare shall benefit greatly on all levels, while simultaneously our collective power as the spiritual legion of the Earth under Satan's command grows indefinitely through our efforts.

Hail Satan!

Hell yeah! Thank you for this, inspired me. Have been very difficult for me those days, have had hard anxiety and things that I thought had overcome. But I won’t give up. We are warriors of hell! HAIL SATAN, HAIL AZAZEL! :twisted:
This is a bit off topic but does anyone else get a little throat/tongue soreness after rolling a ton of Rs or making a bunch of those nasty KH sounds in succession over a long period of time? I must not be holding my tongue in the right place or something, I don't want there to be a limit to how much I can do
Godmode said:
This is a bit off topic but does anyone else get a little throat/tongue soreness after rolling a ton of Rs or making a bunch of those nasty KH sounds in succession over a long period of time? I must not be holding my tongue in the right place or something, I don't want there to be a limit to how much I can do
Everyone has physical limitations. Try clearing throat, take a sip of water, take a break and continue later. I read from somewhere here that singers have specific ways to keep their vocal cords "happy", maybe you could check what that is about.
Henu the Great said:
Godmode said:
This is a bit off topic but does anyone else get a little throat/tongue soreness after rolling a ton of Rs or making a bunch of those nasty KH sounds in succession over a long period of time? I must not be holding my tongue in the right place or something, I don't want there to be a limit to how much I can do
Everyone has physical limitations. Try clearing throat, take a sip of water, take a break and continue later. I read from somewhere here that singers have specific ways to keep their vocal cords "happy", maybe you could check what that is about.

Thanks Henu, that's probably the best thing I can do. I bet a metal vocalist would have something on this, actually.
Godmode said:
This is a bit off topic but does anyone else get a little throat/tongue soreness after rolling a ton of Rs or making a bunch of those nasty KH sounds in succession over a long period of time? I must not be holding my tongue in the right place or something, I don't want there to be a limit to how much I can do

Never experienced the tongue part. But the sore throat, definitely. Just drink a bit of water and it should clear. I don't know how jews speak this shit all the time, it's disgusting and painful. Also spitting everywhere.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Am i the only one that gets a massive Aldrick feeling with this guy? Sure his comments are shorter but it still has the same feel to it if you ask me.

Bigcheese guy if you are aldrick can you just leave the forum already? It would be such a better place without you.

I don't think Aldrick was a bad person he was simply extremely imbalanced and emotional which made him make lots of stupid decisions and posts that eventually couldn't be tolerated anymore.

This jew had a very clear purpose here he was targeting people who felt discontent with the group and trying to influence them to leave or turn them against the group. There's a reason he went hard on the trans topic because there's trans people in the group who already feel alienated and he planned to cultivate that.

He didn't have a problem with members criticizing him but when the people he was trying to influence began to reject his bullshit he lost it and went on a rabbi rant. You will see more of these hilarious jewish rants as we go on because jews simply cannot influence people like they used to, and this makes them rage.

Jews infiltrating the group used to be a problem and now they are just a minor nuisance at best.
I don't know whether this has ever been suggested but what about before every RTR, going into alpha and invoking and calling for all the souls of Gentiles everywhere and from any time who want to do the RTR with us. Think of the multiplication of power of each RTR!!!!!! :)
AntonellaIT said:
I don't know whether this has ever been suggested but what about before every RTR, going into alpha and invoking and calling for all the souls of Gentiles everywhere and from any time who want to do the RTR with us. Think of the multiplication of power of each RTR!!!!!! :)
No need to invent something like this.

We have: https://evilgoy.com/

And then it's just matter of your personal power and dedication to the cause.
Dahaarkan said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Am i the only one that gets a massive Aldrick feeling with this guy? Sure his comments are shorter but it still has the same feel to it if you ask me.

Bigcheese guy if you are aldrick can you just leave the forum already? It would be such a better place without you.

I don't think Aldrick was a bad person he was simply extremely imbalanced and emotional which made him make lots of stupid decisions and posts that eventually couldn't be tolerated anymore.

It isn't Aldrick. I have spoken to him recently. He is dealing with his own problems and getting better in that regard. He had lots of feelings regarding his situation on the forums, but I never got the impression that he would return act like this.
That's cool but I was talking about calling in the ancestors all the Gentiles souls killed to add to the RTR power if they wish to do so. Doesn't hurt and it will definitely help
SSinHeartandSoul said:
jrvan said:
If you have trouble with being heard then maybe practice your social skills and public speaking, and empower your throat chakra. Empowering my throat chakra has already helped tons in subtle ways for me, and I was able to speak confidently in public even before.

I used to have a lot of trouble with this as you are saying yes, I have grown a lot in this, And i'm still growing and learning just as i always will be. Thank you for your concern and tips. :D

The post that i made was a observation in general, Not specifically something that i'm struggling with although its a part of it.

Dahaarkan said:
Seems to me you crave validation from other users, which is not something you should be chasing. If you make quality posts, informative and valid advice, this what matters. If a reader brushes this aside simply due to an arbitrary post counter under your username, that reader is not a very bright person and you shouldn't seek their validation or approval to begin with.

I can't agree more with what you are saying, When i just made this account there were a couple of people that criticized me on the amount of posts i made. To them i said exactly the same thing as you are saying here: Criticize me on the quality of my post not on the amount of posts i made.

About the validation... it doesn't matter to me to much although it is nice to get some form of acknowledgement every now and then.

Over the years i have seen plenty of your posts and i almost always agree with you, You are one of the few people that is on the same line as me. At least that's what i think.

Master said:
So you're blaming the active people for making mistakes while they were dealing with and managing everything, this is easy and convenient for the irresponsible people behind the scenes.

You can't know everything and so it's possible to make mistakes. We deal with all sorts of things, even unknown things. Instead of complaining, give your input to help and improve our community.

Well if that's what you think i'm trying to say here then so be it....

I don't think that the people on this forum are perfect beings that can sense a rat from a mile away, And are so ruthless to try and kill it on first sight, But if you do have this opinion then that's your opinion.

There is no way that anyone here will ban someone because they look at things differently or because they have a somewhat screwed look on life, meditation or whatever. Such as certain jews that infiltrated this place, Noone knows that they are jewish so why blame anyone for allowing them to be here?

In the end this is a open forum that wants people to learn, This takes time and many people are to brainwashed to change their point of view in a heartbeat. Knowing this it can be hard to distinguish jews from other people, Even if they have been here a long time.

It wasn't my intention to blame anyone for anything, But it was to share my point of view of a problem or at least i see it as somewhat of a problem, And this being that non-regular SS are being drowned sometimes. Almost like their opinion doesn't matter because regulars always know it better. And i don't mean this in a literal sense!

I agree with Dahaarkan that in order to be appreciated you need to advance intellectually, spiritually and so on. But there is more to it than that. You can be very good and right about something and still be rejected or even worse envied.

I remember something very important that HPHC said about this issue. Interaction between free beings is two-way, unlike slaves who get and have nothing compared to their slavers.

So, you will treat people as they treat you, respect those who respect you and so on. Be wise and take care of yourself.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Dahaarkan said:
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
*Calmly and concisely describes his feeling on a situation with proper grammar and paragraphing to help improve the community*

"Stop complaining, your throat chakra is weak, you need to do this, I am not to blame waah waaah waaah."

You just can't win with these guys bro, you're better off talking to wild animals.

Damn, it's almost like members expressing any form of discontent attracts you, like a moth to a flame. And of course the reply just so happens to be a demoralizing comment to discourage said member from interacting with the group.


Am i the only one that gets a massive Aldrick feeling with this guy? Sure his comments are shorter but it still has the same feel to it if you ask me.

Bigcheese guy if you are aldrick can you just leave the forum already? It would be such a better place without you.

No I get that same feeling too looking at this or at least he is someone suspect. Idk the user name too is strange.
Invictus2 said:
Godmode said:
This is a bit off topic but does anyone else get a little throat/tongue soreness after rolling a ton of Rs or making a bunch of those nasty KH sounds in succession over a long period of time? I must not be holding my tongue in the right place or something, I don't want there to be a limit to how much I can do

Never experienced the tongue part. But the sore throat, definitely. Just drink a bit of water and it should clear. I don't know how jews speak this shit all the time, it's disgusting and painful. Also spitting everywhere.

Yep, the soreness already pretty much gone now. I know right, it's such a gross language. Everything about them is so blatantly disgusting.
Godmode said:
Invictus2 said:
Godmode said:
This is a bit off topic but does anyone else get a little throat/tongue soreness after rolling a ton of Rs or making a bunch of those nasty KH sounds in succession over a long period of time? I must not be holding my tongue in the right place or something, I don't want there to be a limit to how much I can do

Never experienced the tongue part. But the sore throat, definitely. Just drink a bit of water and it should clear. I don't know how jews speak this shit all the time, it's disgusting and painful. Also spitting everywhere.

Yep, the soreness already pretty much gone now. I know right, it's such a gross language. Everything about them is so blatantly disgusting.

It is but it's still kind of fun feels like something foreign and exotic some elaborate secret ritual if you try to put yourself in this mindset. Remember the kind of theatrical things with Anton Levey in his rituals if your not enjoying something this kind of thing helps. You can put into your mindset anything you want to make it more enjoyable just do it.

i try to bob my head a little and flow with the energy sometimes in a certain way this is a thing the top rabbis do as Maxine stated you understand this if you read into the energy and flow with it it kind of naturally creates this.

I don't know how they do this all the time either like the orthodox they spend literally the whole day and any part of the night they are up on holidays at least chanting various curses. If I do it too much I get a sore throat but I still try to think about this in a way that more makes it fun instead of focusing on how disgusting this or that is.

Its a good to know we are making them pay.
slyscorpion said:
No I get that same feeling too looking at this or at least he is someone suspect. Idk the user name too is strange.

It isn't Aldrick. Aldrick had certain, genuine motivations driving his behavior that, even if they produced unfavorable results, weren't intended to subvert or disturb JOS as a whole.

Plus, I have spoken to him recently. He is not involved and basically just focused on his advancement.
slyscorpion said:
Godmode said:
Invictus2 said:
Never experienced the tongue part. But the sore throat, definitely. Just drink a bit of water and it should clear. I don't know how jews speak this shit all the time, it's disgusting and painful. Also spitting everywhere.

Yep, the soreness already pretty much gone now. I know right, it's such a gross language. Everything about them is so blatantly disgusting.

It is but it's still kind of fun feels like something foreign and exotic some elaborate secret ritual if you try to put yourself in this mindset. Remember the kind of theatrical things with Anton Levey in his rituals if your not enjoying something this kind of thing helps. You can put into your mindset anything you want to make it more enjoyable just do it.

Hahaha I know right. it's funny you said this because I started putting together a new altar recently to put myself into the present moment during rituals, it really does help one's focus to "ritualize" them even more. And to feel more like a badass wizard and stuff.

Do you know why Rabbis do that exactly or if there is a specific purpose or word for it? I was never clear on why they do that. I end up doing the bobbing thing when repeating vibrations without even thinking about it though. Movement like that is also supposed to be related to awakened kundalini energy and you can see Hitler rocking back and forth in some videos.
Blitzkreig said:
slyscorpion said:
No I get that same feeling too looking at this or at least he is someone suspect. Idk the user name too is strange.

It isn't Aldrick. Aldrick had certain, genuine motivations driving his behavior that, even if they produced unfavorable results, weren't intended to subvert or disturb JOS as a whole.

Plus, I have spoken to him recently. He is not involved and basically just focused on his advancement.

SSinHeartandSoul said:
Dahaarkan said:
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
*Calmly and concisely describes his feeling on a situation with proper grammar and paragraphing to help improve the community*

"Stop complaining, your throat chakra is weak, you need to do this, I am not to blame waah waaah waaah."

You just can't win with these guys bro, you're better off talking to wild animals.

Damn, it's almost like members expressing any form of discontent attracts you, like a moth to a flame. And of course the reply just so happens to be a demoralizing comment to discourage said member from interacting with the group.


Am i the only one that gets a massive Aldrick feeling with this guy? Sure his comments are shorter but it still has the same feel to it if you ask me.

Bigcheese guy if you are aldrick can you just leave the forum already? It would be such a better place without you.
Master said:
Master said:
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
Thank you cobra, and good job. Everyone can feel your seriousness. Keep kicking ass for us. <3

What are you saying?

thebigcheesesixmillion said:
Master said:
So you're blaming the active people for making mistakes while they were dealing with and managing everything, this is easy and convenient for the irresponsible people behind the scenes.

You can't know everything and so it's possible to make mistakes. We deal with all sorts of things, even unknown things. Instead of complaining, give your input to help and improve our community.

*Calmly and concisely describes his feeling on a situation with proper grammar and paragraphing to help improve the community*

"Stop complaining, your throat chakra is weak, you need to do this, I am not to blame waah waaah waaah."

You just can't win with these guys bro, you're better off talking to wild animals.

We've seen you write endless garbage here and elsewhere, so tell me, do you get paid to infiltrate or are you doing some sort of volunteer work?

People just need to be aware when seeing strange things on the group or talking to possible strange or unknown motivation persons this is all.

People should read the PDF on how to identify a Jew and all the various articles on here that describe these personality traits. As well as do deeper research into the certain personality disorders Jews have most often.

That is good reading and things for gentiles to be aware of. When interacting with any person who is unknown or your not sure about.

It's good for people to educate themselves as much as they can on the enemy.

We can never be careful enough.
slyscorpion said:
Godmode said:
Invictus2 said:
Never experienced the tongue part. But the sore throat, definitely. Just drink a bit of water and it should clear. I don't know how jews speak this shit all the time, it's disgusting and painful. Also spitting everywhere.

Yep, the soreness already pretty much gone now. I know right, it's such a gross language. Everything about them is so blatantly disgusting.

It is but it's still kind of fun feels like something foreign and exotic some elaborate secret ritual if you try to put yourself in this mindset. Remember the kind of theatrical things with Anton Levey in his rituals if your not enjoying something this kind of thing helps. You can put into your mindset anything you want to make it more enjoyable just do it.

i try to bob my head a little and flow with the energy sometimes in a certain way this is a thing the top rabbis do as Maxine stated you understand this if you read into the energy and flow with it it kind of naturally creates this.

I don't know how they do this all the time either like the orthodox they spend literally the whole day and any part of the night they are up on holidays at least chanting various curses. If I do it too much I get a sore throat but I still try to think about this in a way that more makes it fun instead of focusing on how disgusting this or that is.

Its a good to know we are making them pay.

The KH that jews use is really coarse but I don't feel the same way about the letter R.

It is essentially a matter of rolling and vibrating the R forward. Speaking and singing with this R there is absolutely no discomfort and no problem. The R vibrated in this way in rituals has never given me any problems. You will have problems if you vibrate for a long time, whatever letters they are.

Rolling the R backwards is a recent British invention from 2-3 centuries ago. It's wonderful to advance and improve but I wouldn't know if rolling the R backwards can be vibrated, and can be useful for spiritual purposes as rolling the R forward.
Master said:
slyscorpion said:
Godmode said:
Yep, the soreness already pretty much gone now. I know right, it's such a gross language. Everything about them is so blatantly disgusting.

It is but it's still kind of fun feels like something foreign and exotic some elaborate secret ritual if you try to put yourself in this mindset. Remember the kind of theatrical things with Anton Levey in his rituals if your not enjoying something this kind of thing helps. You can put into your mindset anything you want to make it more enjoyable just do it.

i try to bob my head a little and flow with the energy sometimes in a certain way this is a thing the top rabbis do as Maxine stated you understand this if you read into the energy and flow with it it kind of naturally creates this.

I don't know how they do this all the time either like the orthodox they spend literally the whole day and any part of the night they are up on holidays at least chanting various curses. If I do it too much I get a sore throat but I still try to think about this in a way that more makes it fun instead of focusing on how disgusting this or that is.

Its a good to know we are making them pay.

The KH that jews use is really coarse but I don't feel the same way about the letter R.

It is essentially a matter of rolling and vibrating the R forward. Speaking and singing with this R there is absolutely no discomfort and no problem. The R vibrated in this way in rituals has never given me any problems. You will have problems if you vibrate for a long time, whatever letters they are.

Rolling the R backwards is a recent British invention from 2-3 centuries ago. It's wonderful to advance and improve but I wouldn't know if rolling the R backwards can be vibrated, and can be useful for spiritual purposes as rolling the R forward.

I never figured out how to roll the r. 😅
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
slyscorpion said:
It is but it's still kind of fun feels like something foreign and exotic some elaborate secret ritual if you try to put yourself in this mindset. Remember the kind of theatrical things with Anton Levey in his rituals if your not enjoying something this kind of thing helps. You can put into your mindset anything you want to make it more enjoyable just do it.

i try to bob my head a little and flow with the energy sometimes in a certain way this is a thing the top rabbis do as Maxine stated you understand this if you read into the energy and flow with it it kind of naturally creates this.

I don't know how they do this all the time either like the orthodox they spend literally the whole day and any part of the night they are up on holidays at least chanting various curses. If I do it too much I get a sore throat but I still try to think about this in a way that more makes it fun instead of focusing on how disgusting this or that is.

Its a good to know we are making them pay.

The KH that jews use is really coarse but I don't feel the same way about the letter R.

It is essentially a matter of rolling and vibrating the R forward. Speaking and singing with this R there is absolutely no discomfort and no problem. The R vibrated in this way in rituals has never given me any problems. You will have problems if you vibrate for a long time, whatever letters they are.

Rolling the R backwards is a recent British invention from 2-3 centuries ago. It's wonderful to advance and improve but I wouldn't know if rolling the R backwards can be vibrated, and can be useful for spiritual purposes as rolling the R forward.

I never figured out how to roll the r. 😅
Put your tongue on front upper palate, and simultaneously exhale air "through the tongue". This will make the tongue "roll" on the upper palate making the "rolling" sound of r.

Not sure what kind of instructions there would be online if you would search, but this is how I word it. :D

Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
Put your tongue on front upper palate, and simultaneously exhale air "through the tongue". This will make the tongue "roll" on the upper palate making the "rolling" sound of r.

Not sure what kind of instructions there would be online if you would search, but this is how I word it. :D


Since you are on this subject, might I ask a little bit of help here, instead of making a new thread?

I really can't understand how to hiss the S - neither in the few rituals that require it, nor in the Satanas, nor in the Suryae mantra. I had even watched videos of it to no avail. Someone I know who can do it, tried to show me but they couldn't explain it quite well either.

I'd appreciate any help. :?
Yagami Light said:
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
Put your tongue on front upper palate, and simultaneously exhale air "through the tongue". This will make the tongue "roll" on the upper palate making the "rolling" sound of r.

Not sure what kind of instructions there would be online if you would search, but this is how I word it. :D


Since you are on this subject, might I ask a little bit of help here, instead of making a new thread?

I really can't understand how to hiss the S - neither in the few rituals that require it, nor in the Satanas, nor in the Suryae mantra. I had even watched videos of it to no avail. Someone I know who can do it, tried to show me but they couldn't explain it quite well either.

I'd appreciate any help. :?
Say:"HHHHHH", like take a big breath in and exhale with your mouth wide open, as open as you can. When you understand that HHH sound put the middle of your tongue on your palate and exhale.
Yagami Light said:
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
Put your tongue on front upper palate, and simultaneously exhale air "through the tongue". This will make the tongue "roll" on the upper palate making the "rolling" sound of r.

Not sure what kind of instructions there would be online if you would search, but this is how I word it. :D


Since you are on this subject, might I ask a little bit of help here, instead of making a new thread?

I really can't understand how to hiss the S - neither in the few rituals that require it, nor in the Satanas, nor in the Suryae mantra. I had even watched videos of it to no avail. Someone I know who can do it, tried to show me but they couldn't explain it quite well either.

I'd appreciate any help. :?
You should place your tongue not quite against the upper palate, but with a small gap between tip of the tongue and the palate. Or maybe softly against it describes it better? Anyway, enough space for the air to pass smoothly. Tip of the tongue to pretty front of the palate. From that point forward, exhale the air through the tongue. When tongue is placed correctly, you will make hissing sound. Pressing too hard will make the hissing sound "muffled". Tip of the tongue at the wrong spot, same.

I hope this helps. :D Just experiment.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
