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Andrew Tate?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Lately a person named Andrew Tate has went viral, which is also very much noticed over the fact that they have been literally crucified in the style that is commonly accepted in the mob trials of our present day world.

Andrew I don't appreciate that you took the Cobra title because you aren't for it, of all times after you probably read some JoS article somewhere, but I digress.

I can also not comment on the so called Trafficking allegations but will rather focus on "Tate" as a persona on the internet, as I am not a judge nor anyone based on the news I have knows if any of the allegations about him are true or factual. They could be all lies and that is very common. Whether or not these are allegations of a political persecution will be found out in the appropriate offices.

As far as I have watched, they have called him anything from a woman hater to an anti-semite, "far right extremist" and other nonsense which is almost always the buzzword for when you are about to be persecuted for having different beliefs than the status quo these days.

Regardless, watching Tate's videos I can tell that he is mainly using excessive humor to try to get some points across in a very straightforward manner. I have not followed many of his videos nor I could find anymore anything further as his latest videos where the allegations against him are pointed at, are missing.

His manner of doing said videos might not be the most acceptable, but many of his points are exaggerated realities which we get to experience everyday and many people simply do not want to accept.

I have a difficult time to understand why people haven't seen this person yet as a form of comedian, which they pretty much are. A large part of their persona is a comedian and the fact we have taken this all so seriously that the whole internet is screaming to deplatform him is stupid.

Many of his rantings about women, or about rather the behavior of the striking majority of women in the Western world are agitating people who for all intents are really behaving as the exaggerated meme source of the joke of Tate's arguments. Tate has a square logic and tries to look at reality and life at face value.

For example, quite a few women who behave in the erratic manners Tate describes, are the ones who will equally react to his statements simply because they are into the categories he describes. Which in fact reinforces the joke and the social problems that are being illustrated in a very illustrative manner in Tate's videos.

At the same time, "Women" in our civilization are told and constantly prompted to look at the lowest dross of a society as their "Idols", including women who are the grossest materialists and the worse idols to look after. This has been ongoing for decades and has been producing likewise masses of similar women that have been doing the ultimate wrong to themselves by following the stupidest "women" they could find.

Yet somehow the above escaped our notice or rather it was as the Jew intended, so now we have a problem with Tate which is not exactly what they had planned. So we got to deplatform that one.

In my view Tate's only weakness is his way of passing his points verbally, and also that he still believes in the hoax of the Christian "God". He's clearly a man that strives to improve himself and he also appears to be somehow spiritually interested. Yet this cannot happen through his belief system which is based on the enemy and overall a foolish simplicity of understanding, but that is all there is to it.

Other than this, the sudden shocks of exaggerations and jokes that we "no longer tolerate" as a society just goes on to show how weak and false we have become in our own claimed "virtues".

Recently as they dragged him into a form of public trial I cannot hide the fact that I saw much of myself and the Joy of Satan which constantly comes under fire and attacks for no reason in particular other than having ideas that don't conform to the median basic logic of the low self awareness and falsely virtuous people of this world, that despite of having no knowledge on any of the subject talked about JoS just want to point out their programmed emotional responses as "Valid arguments".

Little do they know these responses are programmed by the very people they want to protect, who are the paragons of the real evil in this world, compared to the falsely and solely "perceived" evil that "Satanism" is or more accurately, what popular media told them "Satanism is".

Andrew Tate does not say anything that women don't say about men in their private conversations, and his perceived misogyny is nothing but extrapolated and expressed hate that both genders have because of the currently chaotic situation in gender relations in our society. He just talks about this, while many others are haters of women and men likewise in the silent.

If you read ultra-feminist materials, you will only find this and more vehement hatred against men being openly purported and spoke against vocally. Some jewish feminists go as far as to say that men need to have their genitals cut off or other crazy things. Yet "our society" will listen to these but wants to censor Tate, which points us at to an organized form of attack against Masculinity.

Of course, the Masculinity that is attacked is any form of uprising Western masculinity. In other words, if Somalian invaders or Arabic terrorists come in the West, we generally call this "enrichment". These people for example liberally can have 5 wives and it's called "Enrichment", or might tell you in public television they beat their wives up, and your average TV presenter girl will look at them with the same blanked out face with the same smile, saying "yes, that is enrichment" as this is what Rabbi Shmuel told her to say about this in her headpiece.

But the moment any Whitey or any Western person tries to step up for themselves even a tiny bit, we call this "Toxic masculinity" and press the ban hammer on any of these opinions.

Because we are living in a cowardly world where we no longer want to accept what kind of crap we have created with social media and other forms of popularized insanity, that has made us into abominations which cannot relate properly to one another, we perceive that the "Real problem" must be Tate or his opinions, or rather, anyone who speaks from any perspective against this total mess.

The reality is that the average woman's dopamine system has been hijacked to extents never seen before in history, that many young men have become incels and pussified, and that this state of affairs was caused by Zuccerberg and other jews in an attempt to falsely "bring humanity closer" in a way that has distanced us from one another more than ever before.

Under the current state of dopamine and serotonin destruction, many people have come to behave like rats in a lab that behave in a cracked up way towards one another. Somehow, we have been celebrating this falsely as an "evolution" and as the "future", while instead humans are becoming dysfunctional to extents never seen before in history because of these means of "communication" such as Social Media.

Social Media and a world that has been subjected to the lowest drives, has drove men into a loop circle where they chase imaginary, overtly falsely valued vagina that only appears in pixels in front of a screen.

This situation alongside socio-economic ladder and climbing issues that affect the youth and many men beneath their 30's, have turned women into the most inferiorized materialistic states coupled with psychological states of egopathy of the sickest extents they have ever been, and men into a deprived state of behaving as lowly as addicted and depressed pigs.

Somehow our present society enjoys this and considers this "progressive", all while we are literally going extinct and we are clapping as invasions and the progressive downfall of all ethical norms created by our ancestors are literally taking place in front of our very eyes.

We are falsely told that every moral norm that comes "from the outside" is wrong, and we no longer want to even tolerate obvious facts in history such as that women for example want powerful men or powerful offspring, which we are programmed against our biology to consider "strange", "negative" or even "messages against women".

It would do us a lot of good as a society to in general man up and start accepting freedom of speech which is a decaying quality in the Western World, even from sources which apparently are "evil" like Andrew Tate. In fact, Tate's "worst speech" is nothing compared to the local Imam or Jew in a synagogue.

Yet since it arguably highlights sometimes self reliance, to man up, and to effectively take the situation of life on one's own hands, coupled with some toxic statements per a hundred texts of line, our "world" considered it so important to launch a crusade against this.

That is because we don't stand by our ethical laws, and because we are retarded slowpokes that think that really "deplatforming Tate" is going to solve anything on this matter or that people like Tate really pose some sort of cultural evil. Yet, the real cultural evil that happens everyday and promotes itself as Virtuous, is literally eating our souls and our society alive.

The fact that we have to live persecuted in our own Nations for our own values, while Al Queida and other terrorists can do whatever they want, but we concern ourselves with the exaggerated jokes of Andrew Tate just shows how morally subversive we have become towards our own culture and ourselves.

From the perspective of humor, we could not be lower as a Western World. We are to where every joke is coming with a criminal penalty with it. We are becoming humourless retards that can only laugh with canned laughter on our "Netflix PROGRAMS", no different than the borg. We are creating a homourless civilization through this too which is a terrible civilization to be in.

Personally the only thing this situation with Tate is telling me is what I mentioned higher in this post.

If anyone knows more about this situation what are your thoughts?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I full heartly believe that if you remove emotions out of the questions. We all have common sense and can agree and disgree on points his shared based simply on preference.

What you'd prefer in a partner, dictates what you believe and hold in high regard.

What i enjoy most about tate is his ability to control media.
His shown how easily control can be taken and how much influence can be exerted. And one can learn from this, but negativity sell and as it sells it can become a dual sword that cuts a path for you and harms you in the process.

I honestly believe it's too late to save most of the world. Especally most of the West.
Top G Andrew Tate and Tristan as well, come and practice spirituality here, but keep it hidden from your close friends. It is very simple and adds another level of elite to your life. You can suddenly understand, that there are more levels to supremacy of life, in the same manner you know how others are stupid and some are smarter. You are still in the matrix friend, and you need to enlarge your mind to the above, in the same practical way you achieved in your life.

There's no reason and it is completely unjust how this man got deleted from the platforms, purely as a coordinated attack with very insidious motives.

Tate has been very vocal for a lot of years. Those who actually and personally know him and talked to him, know that all of this is just a game and nothing but as stated, a comedic reality assessment and business endeavors.
Andrew Tate stated on a podcast his father was CIA. Maybe Andrew is to?

commies usually attack comedy,cause it amongst many things creates the same snowflake society we see today, reeeeeeeeeeee comedy reeeeeeeeeeee, the filthy jewish rats did their job well in brainwashing the useful idiot npcs, they act an behave almost like jews,an I say almost, cause their are some who will break free from the jews control program.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hey great post, next let's all hear your opinion on Kaitlyn Jenner and Chloe Kardashian!

Thanks for this most meaningful input.

While little blonde kids are being bred Into slavery in the middle east. It's so nice to know that you identify with the great Andrew tate, the Socrates of our time.

Keep coming up with these amazing high quality posts, I'm sure everyone is so proud

Hey in other news, this is the 3rd time Cobra has made a post on the joyofsatan specifically addressed to a nonwhite Christian!

Go Cobra really making a big difference out there in "our" society. What a true red blooded American.
Some of the things he say are right and motivational, I appreciated the fact that he told most of the andrapods what they didn't want to hear, but otherwise he strikes me as a guy with no bigger goals.

Otherwise this person has done his as well as anyone, but otherwise he just strikes me as a psychic vampire.
If you want my personal opinion? I think Tate is an angry man that doesn't know anything about himself! Or what he's talking about or getting into! And what he's about to face in the future the more he opens his mouth about women or men or people he don't even know! Where he gets his information from? I think he is very disillusional and very childish and immature! With the way he words things and with the things he comes up with? His excuse to attack the world and to be another idiot! Acting like another fucking foolish Jew or stupid uneducated Christian that has no knowledge of their own potential! Thinking that he has the right to judge other people when he has no business being there! To start out with I don't know what gives him? The right to judge other people the way he does let alone thinking that he has the right to run his mouth off? He seems very disturbed! And I think he needs to go talk to a doctor and get a brain examination? And find out whether or not he needs medication or if he needs a few tumors removed! I think he is a serious case of cancer about ready to break out and get out of control! If somebody doesn't do something about him and take action! Or at least get him to notice? What he looks like and what he sounds like? By giving him a recording of himself or make him stand in front of a mirror for a while? And see the pathetic dork that he is and what he sounds like and how stupid he is! That he's just adding more problems to the human race thinking that he's going to solve any problem? When all he's doing is adding to the hatred of the world instead of making himself into a better person? By finding something else better to do! In other words he's not going to get anywhere! And neither are those who believe in him and listen to him! They are all pretty much in the same Tangled sticky mess! And it is these kind of people that Express their low intelligence and Show an example of what this world has really become because of the ignorance and this stupidity of these Jews and the problems that they have created in this world as it is with stupid religion and belief standards of judging one another! Is people like this that need to grow up and learn to look at themselves as is? And become or learn to become a better person by finding something better to do! Get a brain and get some intelligence and figure out what to do with it! Or else just go find something better to do other than cause more problems! I am just simply saying! In my own words that this is what I think of him as! He is an uneducated fool! A fucking closet clown who doesn't know what to do with them self other than to be a bigger asshole and to make the world into a bigger freaking mess! Lol... and the world has to put up with clowns like that? When we have enough drama as it...🤣.....AAAAAHRRRRGGGGG!!!!🤣 TATE IS A FUCKING TICKING TIME BOMB!! THAT IS ABOUT TO EXPLOOOOOOD ON HIMSELF... and die of a heart attack at some point and he will be the cause of his own death... lol sad but true and he will only have himself to blame
My thoughts are who cares and who cares what the media or anyone has to say about Andrew our movement our points and the JOS we know what we stand for and that is mostly that of tradition only a fool or someone who is easily fooled subscribe to the enemy and their dross the media always resorts to smearing when they can't find any real dirt on someone.

If you like what he says and if our community like the things he says even if they aren't put into the best context or the best light then perhaps you should reach out to the under fire famous people and send heart warming prayers onto them they may in turn support our movement either openly or discreetly perhaps use the situation to our advantage but other then that i see no real value in this topic or this person just another bunch of crap to take up a main stream medias time slot rather then reporting on the many horrible idiotic things the "elite" do on to us.

Perhaps we should have a public figure head of our own we can prop up while this person is likely to come under a lot of fire it would reach the masses perhaps the risk is worth the reward??
NakedPluto said:
Top G Andrew Tate and Tristan as well, come and practice spirituality here, but keep it hidden from your close friends. It is very simple and adds another level of elite to your life. You can suddenly understand, that there are more levels to supremacy of life, in the same manner you know how others are stupid and some are smarter. You are still in the matrix friend, and you need to enlarge your mind to the above, in the same practical way you achieved in your life.

There's no reason and it is completely unjust how this man got deleted from the platforms, purely as a coordinated attack with very insidious motives.

Tate has been very vocal for a lot of years. Those who actually and personally know him and talked to him, know that all of this is just a game and nothing but as stated, a comedic reality assessment and business endeavors.

He was a conceited, narcissistic loudmouth, uninsightful ignorant pig half nigger Mexican not fit to die on American soil.

he got deleted from social media because he was a materialistic, misogynistic orc who talked about money and bitches and cars and fame over and over and over.

He was a rotten piece of shit and acting like that without loads of money will keep women off of you like you were covered in shit.

Andrew Tate is not a man. Inside or out. Shitty kike boxer hanging out smoking weed with his ugly faggot friends who kiss his ass on camera acting like he has anything decent to say.

Read a book you jew worshipping morons, who gives a fuck about Andrew Tate.
never cared, yes notice it, many users feeling so easily outraged to such an extent to go viral any who express half the truth to everything, fight the system by giving interviews (...)
as long there is a cool way saying it with a style that sells.

comes out of his mouth so spontaneously the "oh jeez" (jewus) that indigates he is all "xian program", against Jewish system though. it is contradictory.

don't know much for tate , i am not into that (life -) style, so dont know what he said for women to express a thought.

Hoodedcobra666 is THE COBRA
approach with caution
or you will end up so easily "banned" and remembered as cheap imitation.

An analyzed sermon regarding "tate" phenomenon.
Whoops seems like my post did not go trough as i was not logged in. So i will make it short

The negatives about Tate in my eyes:
1. he promotes Islam as something good(atleast from the short clips I saw)
2. The male female relationship he promotes is sickening atleast for me.

The Positives:

1. He had a big impact on young men to bring them to do sports and to start living life.
2. He reached out to some big twitchstreamers(one of the avereges 80k ppl per stream) and told them and their audience that they are wasting their time playing videogames all day and not living life

All in all i think he has/had a positive impact on the young male population of the world, which in time will filter out the false informations he gave and become warriors who we need to change this world.

Great Post HP

Sorry, I was reading the post and accidentally clicked on the report button, I'm very sorry, I don't know how to fix it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Andrew Tate has physically abused and beat the shit out of multiple women many times, which has been recorded in multiple different videos. And think about how many other times he has done it that he has not recorded or has not posted. And I am talking about in a serious way with injuries and large bruises.

Plus how he has made his millions of dollars by being a pimp to what is basically thousands of sex slaves and physically, mentally, and sexually abused women.

I am absolutely and purely discusted against you for trying to defend, support, or promote such a worthless and criminal jew. And what reason do you have to defend him like this? It is rare for you to write entire topics just about a specific person, and especially strange if the person has no spiritual importance to the world. We are lucky to have you take the time to write a topic with how busy you are, and there are a great many topics that you would help the world enormously by writing. But instead of writing anything of spiritual education or anything helpful to the world, you use your time to glorify a physically and sexually abusive kike. I am extremely surprised and disgusted to see this coming from you.

If you want to write about somebody, it would help you to first know anything about who it is you are talking about. And don't just pick a random name to repeat over and over in a praising way with no knowledge of who it is or what it has done. If you want to use your valuable time to write a topic saying that many women have problems, the least you could do is not attach it to promotion of a violent criminal jew. Much of my respect for you has been bruised by this, just like many faces of many women have been bruised by this violent jew.


I am not defending anyone except of their deplatforming. The existence of Tate is because of the reason aforesaid in the topic. However, you are blinded by emotion and cannot understand the points which are clearly explained in the topic.

Trump went through a similar ordeal of becoming a "woman hater" and a "pussy grabber" overnight merely over nothing. As all of this went to court, the allegations all appeared to be lies.

The question is that you are behaving emotionally on the subject and whether or not he made any fortune out of pimping and so on is not really proven or anything. If that were the case, they would be in prison.

In regards to his relationships with women, if these women went to relate with him while they consider him a prick, that does not make them so much better.

Him "Beating a woman with a belt" could be normal part of BDSM and this character clearly wants these women and if these free supermodel women go with him, then they might have similar fetishes.

As far as jewishness is concerned, I do not see no jewish facial characteristics on Tate, but he is very much considerably mixed like too much mixed.

Granted you in general behave like others in this manner an you justify your comment on a "gamer" video, which is a good video, still that doesn't prove to me what this person is brought in trial against.

In this case, "Tate" is as fake as any other celebrity.

As I explain in the second paragraph, whether or not these allegations are real is up to the appropriate offices to decide. If there is no proof, then this means that they are being falsely accused. If they are falsely accused, then they are being falsely accused.

This person got 12 billion hits on TikTok and I do believe they deserve a topic as it was everywhere in the news. For days opening up every single page of social media or news has them promoted. The whole internet is rife with this.

erythromycin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hey great post, next let's all hear your opinion on Kaitlyn Jenner and Chloe Kardashian!

Thanks for this most meaningful input.

While little blonde kids are being bred Into slavery in the middle east. It's so nice to know that you identify with the great Andrew tate, the Socrates of our time.

Keep coming up with these amazing high quality posts, I'm sure everyone is so proud

Hey in other news, this is the 3rd time Cobra has made a post on the joyofsatan specifically addressed to a nonwhite Christian!

Go Cobra really making a big difference out there in "our" society. What a true red blooded American.

You are basically nothing and you cannot judge me in influence in our society. You have none. Mine has been decade long and extensive. Yet, as in general the mobs that I describe above, you cannot articulate the important arguments in my topic:

1. The male and female relationships that have led to "Tate"
2. The problems in Social Media that I illustrate in my post
3. The destruction of people through Social Media for no reason other than imaginary allegations that are not proven by courts

You are just helplessly sitting on your chair with an account made in August 13th just to slander for no reason, thinking this was the opportunity for this but unfortunately it was not.

The main problems illustrated in the post are serious problems which extend socially. As it seems like these problems are reaching a cumulation phase, we have the meta-synthesis of MGTOW and other ideologies into something like Tate.

This post is not really about "Andrew Tate" as a person but as the phenomenon of someone like him rising to fame and how this reflects in our society.

Tate is yet another phenomena that your supreme Nation that is filled with philosophers, great personalities and people has generated alongside senile presidents, mega jews, Kim Kardashian that is the teacher of our daughters worldwide for like a decade, oligarchs, and brain chipping technology etc etc.

Unfortunately I have to care also about the problems of my time, and we can all thank you for giving us these problems. Building a culture of Christianity and the most hyper-materialistic culture, is getting us all now to reap these results.

The person that you call Tate is the manifestation of all the cultural convulsions we have in our society. Of course, most people do not want to accept this.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Andrew Tate has physically abused and beat the shit out of multiple women many times, which has been recorded in multiple different videos. And think about how many other times he has done it that he has not recorded or has not posted. And I am talking about in a serious way with injuries and large bruises.

Plus how he has made his millions of dollars by being a pimp to what is basically thousands of sex slaves and physically, mentally, and sexually abused women.

I am absolutely and purely discusted against you for trying to defend, support, or promote such a worthless and criminal jew. And what reason do you have to defend him like this? It is rare for you to write entire topics just about a specific person, and especially strange if the person has no spiritual importance to the world. We are lucky to have you take the time to write a topic with how busy you are, and there are a great many topics that you would help the world enormously by writing. But instead of writing anything of spiritual education or anything helpful to the world, you use your time to glorify a physically and sexually abusive kike. I am extremely surprised and disgusted to see this coming from you.

If you want to write about somebody, it would help you to first know anything about who it is you are talking about. And don't just pick a random name to repeat over and over in a praising way with no knowledge of who it is or what it has done. If you want to use your valuable time to write a topic saying that many women have problems, the least you could do is not attach it to promotion of a violent criminal jew. Much of my respect for you has been bruised by this, just like many faces of many women have been bruised by this violent jew.


This was the point of the situation of Tate, and it shows only how the world is separated on very simple and logical topics. You being angry at HP by the extend of an anger towards Tate, just shows the importance of addressing this.

It is extraordinary to see how these things are perceived by the people, and since we are SS, we are to understand much more than this, not just the usual drill of the simple people. The questionable situation is how this man has been deplatformed by the exact reaction of yours.

Nobody glorified Tate, but you are just reacting emotionally to this because of perceived "evil" man. By extend I am also a violent criminal jew? Because I spank girls consensual and am masculine? This is very funny.

The point of the post isn't to personally discuss individual nature of people and how they might disagree and react to this, but the general unjust situation and the audacity to coordinate an attack on an overall positive or even as so negative as perceived, presence of a man, being masculine, online.

The jews and real rapist can and still have platforms, yet not someone who shames you being stupid or lazy? To me that is more disgusting, and by extend, all of the comfortable people in the world are more disgusting than Tate. But to feel disgusted about HP by wanting to speak on this? That's fine but here is the line and importance between emotion vs logic.
CandiceLee1313 said:
If you want my personal opinion? I think Tate is an angry man that doesn't know anything about himself! Or what he's talking about or getting into! And what he's about to face in the future the more he opens his mouth about women or men or people he don't even know! Where he gets his information from? I think he is very disillusional and very childish and immature! With the way he words things and with the things he comes up with? His excuse to attack the world and to be another idiot! Acting like another fucking foolish Jew or stupid uneducated Christian that has no knowledge of their own potential! Thinking that he has the right to judge other people when he has no business being there! To start out with I don't know what gives him? The right to judge other people the way he does let alone thinking that he has the right to run his mouth off? He seems very disturbed! ...

True, he is absurd on many things. Much of his behavior is rooted basically in Christianity and this is why he should disconnect from this system.

Too much conflicting information on this person.

It could likely be a trick of the MSM to indirectly promote Christianity all over again. Waking up to see this all over the news constantly and day and day again, is a clear sign that this is something they wanted to do out of the situation.

Veritá_666 said:
Some of the things he say are right and motivational, I appreciated the fact that he told most of the andrapods what they didn't want to hear, but otherwise he strikes me as a guy with no bigger goals.

Otherwise this person has done his as well as anyone, but otherwise he just strikes me as a psychic vampire.

I do not see much more either. Yet, the fact that this personality made it to such fame highlights our world has serious problems as explained in the primary post.

So I disagree with them just shutting him down instead of addressing these problems, which is very common in our society.
NakedPluto said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This was the point of the situation of Tate, and it shows only how the world is separated on very simple and logical topics. You being angry at HP by the extend of an anger towards Tate, just shows the importance of addressing this.

It is extraordinary to see how these things are perceived by the people, and since we are SS, we are to understand much more than this, not just the usual drill of the simple people. The questionable situation is how this man has been deplatformed by the exact reaction of yours.

Nobody glorified Tate, but you are just reacting emotionally to this because of perceived "evil" man. By extend I am also a violent criminal jew? Because I spank girls consensual and am masculine? This is very funny.

The point of the post isn't to personally discuss individual nature of people and how they might disagree and react to this, but the general unjust situation and the audacity to coordinate an attack on an overall positive or even as so negative as perceived, presence of a man, being masculine, online.

The jews and real rapist can and still have platforms, yet not someone who shames you being stupid or lazy? To me that is more disgusting, and by extend, all of the comfortable people in the world are more disgusting than Tate. But to feel disgusted about HP by wanting to speak on this? That's fine but here is the line and importance between emotion vs logic.

After a long post addressing many issues that are social, based on censorship, mob trial, the persecution of people for likely political reasons, throwing charges to people and promoting them before these are finally proven to be true, and other very important subjects, the only thing that remains is: "Tate Bad, so post bad. I hate now."

You can serve people for 10 plus years and have devoted your life but the issue will remain that the moment they are on an emotional state to misread something this is the likely outcome.

SeguaceDiSatana said:
Sorry, I was reading the post and accidentally clicked on the report button, I'm very sorry, I don't know how to fix it.

No worries. It's fine.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:



The enemy is probbaly doing rituals against HPHC again(as seen with the recent attacks against him), brother dont be a tool to be used by the enemy, you are better then this.

Nowhere in the sermon is he defending tate, you are just a bit overly emotional about this.

Saying you lost respect for him because of one sermon is just insane, try to read the post again after doing some void meditation.

Ramses said:
My thoughts are who cares and who cares what the media or anyone has to say about Andrew our movement our points and the JOS we know what we stand for and that is mostly that of tradition only a fool or someone who is easily fooled subscribe to the enemy and their dross the media always resorts to smearing when they can't find any real dirt on someone.

If you like what he says and if our community like the things he says even if they aren't put into the best context or the best light then perhaps you should reach out to the under fire famous people and send heart warming prayers onto them they may in turn support our movement either openly or discreetly perhaps use the situation to our advantage but other then that i see no real value in this topic or this person just another bunch of crap to take up a main stream medias time slot rather then reporting on the many horrible idiotic things the "elite" do on to us.

Perhaps we should have a public figure head of our own we can prop up while this person is likely to come under a lot of fire it would reach the masses perhaps the risk is worth the reward??

I agree with you. But right now, the times are quite difficult, because the enemy is literally waiting on the corner for every decent personality that might arise.

The post has many points in it, and as readers read it, they will read about actual underlying problems in society rather than merely "Andrew Tate". The situation is that this has went viral, and it was worthwhile of a post.

Of course, the same people who claim it was not necessary to post, are the same who instantly pressed on it. This shows how stupid this whole situation has went with them.

F_For_Flamingo said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:



The enemy is probbaly doing rituals against HPHC again(as seen with the recent attacks against him), brother dont be a tool to be used by the enemy, you are better then this.

Nowhere in the sermon is he defending tate, you are just a bit overly emotional about this.

Saying you lost respect for him because of one sermon is just insane, try to read the post again after doing some void meditation.


It doesn't matter, HPHC is this big giant baloon that will take all curses and backstabs on a constant basis and be fine with this. I am perfectly fine to attack him anyhow I see fit without reading a second time. Thanks.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Andrew Tate has physically abused and beat the shit out of multiple women many times, which has been recorded in multiple different videos. And think about how many other times he has done it that he has not recorded or has not posted. And I am talking about in a serious way with injuries and large bruises.

Plus how he has made his millions of dollars by being a pimp to what is basically thousands of sex slaves and physically, mentally, and sexually abused women.

I am absolutely and purely discusted against you for trying to defend, support, or promote such a worthless and criminal jew. And what reason do you have to defend him like this? It is rare for you to write entire topics just about a specific person, and especially strange if the person has no spiritual importance to the world. We are lucky to have you take the time to write a topic with how busy you are, and there are a great many topics that you would help the world enormously by writing. But instead of writing anything of spiritual education or anything helpful to the world, you use your time to glorify a physically and sexually abusive kike. I am extremely surprised and disgusted to see this coming from you.

If you want to write about somebody, it would help you to first know anything about who it is you are talking about. And don't just pick a random name to repeat over and over in a praising way with no knowledge of who it is or what it has done. If you want to use your valuable time to write a topic saying that many women have problems, the least you could do is not attach it to promotion of a violent criminal jew. Much of my respect for you has been bruised by this, just like many faces of many women have been bruised by this violent jew.


It does not seems like he is praising him at all. He is just explaining the situation from above everything. The enemy is clearly going after him because of his political views and very "masculine" personality while closing one eye to every jews and immigrant who has done any bad crimes because that does not put in danger their agenda.

About you wanting HP to just write spiritual topics, he is not your slave, he is doing this all by himself. We have the tools to advance and change our life for the better, we just need to use them, this is what I learned, not waiting for more knowledge when we already have enough.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It doesn't matter, HPHC is this big giant baloon that will take all curses and backstabs on a constant basis and be fine with this. I am perfectly fine to attack him anyhow I see fit without reading a second time. Thanks.

People suffer more in imagination than in reality. Tate situation is directly reflective of this on both ends. It may be disappointing but only reflective of truth.

This is why censoring people like Tate or now as you should've censored yourself to speak on the subject supposedly, is very unjust.

The only problem people have in reality is the mentioning of the name, nothing more or less, which is why this is funny and you shouldn't take to heart these people merely just reacting.
erythromycin said:
NakedPluto said:
Top G Andrew Tate and Tristan as well, come and practice spirituality here, but keep it hidden from your close friends. It is very simple and adds another level of elite to your life. You can suddenly understand, that there are more levels to supremacy of life, in the same manner you know how others are stupid and some are smarter. You are still in the matrix friend, and you need to enlarge your mind to the above, in the same practical way you achieved in your life.

There's no reason and it is completely unjust how this man got deleted from the platforms, purely as a coordinated attack with very insidious motives.

Tate has been very vocal for a lot of years. Those who actually and personally know him and talked to him, know that all of this is just a game and nothing but as stated, a comedic reality assessment and business endeavors.

He was a conceited, narcissistic loudmouth, uninsightful ignorant pig half nigger Mexican not fit to die on American soil.

he got deleted from social media because he was a materialistic, misogynistic orc who talked about money and bitches and cars and fame over and over and over.

He was a rotten piece of shit and acting like that without loads of money will keep women off of you like you were covered in shit.

Andrew Tate is not a man. Inside or out. Shitty kike boxer hanging out smoking weed with his ugly faggot friends who kiss his ass on camera acting like he has anything decent to say.

Read a book you jew worshipping morons, who gives a fuck about Andrew Tate.

That's a beautiful story. Yes you are right, I should be crying about Tates instead.

Another point to this, is that you and others are simply jealous. Poor little platforms backed by Jewish trillionares aiming to destroy and alienate the world has done the world a favor in banning Tate, a millionare who shamed you to do push ups, and in reaction you cried about it on the internet.

Now to all who read this and think of the kids influenced about Tate. Who is more capable of understanding the truth about Satanism? A political motivated lazy individual of only pure mediocrity and muh feelings or these kids who are told to do something for their life, go to gym, improve and stop being a sissy?

Because essentially that was the influence of Tate on the world, of very simple basic and logical advice to them and in the rest of the time only vocalizing the complex states of the matters in what spiritual warfare has become and done to people. HP said it better regardless.

It is a mirror of different forces in the world and only hating like a whining individual accomplishes nothing.

The people influenced by Tate, need to come here and take another step towards truth. That's all there is to it.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:



The enemy is probbaly doing rituals against HPHC again(as seen with the recent attacks against him), brother dont be a tool to be used by the enemy, you are better then this.

Nowhere in the sermon is he defending tate, you are just a bit overly emotional about this.

Saying you lost respect for him because of one sermon is just insane, try to read the post again after doing some void meditation.


My thoughts exactly. but i cant help but think that High Priest could have maybe removed some of the focus on Tate from this post as to not imply he could potentially be defending him or whatever. i dunno i think maybe the post could have been worded differently. and that maybe Tate wasnt exactly the best person to put as the subject of this post. then again this DOES feel like a spiritual attack on High Priest. but then again i dont know much so...
I don't blindly follow anybody no matter who it is. I have agreed with 99.999% of everything Cobra has ever said, and I likely will agree with 99.999% of everything he will say in the future. I still respect him, just not this one single time with this one single example. And I don't need to agree about this.

Every statement from every person should be evaluated by the reader's own personal judgement without instantly agreeing with anything. It is possible for all people to be wrong sometimes.

There are videos of this guy physically beating women until their faces are darkly bruised. So why should I like him or why should I think he automatically deserves to be making large amounts of money by having millions of people view his videos? There is a natural reaction of many people deciding they don't like this physical abuser, and not wanting to watch him. Which most likely is a result of our RTRs that he is being exposed and hated. Very similar to the situation with Harvey Weinstein, but I don't remember a topic being written for Harvey saying that it is an overreaction to ban him.

I am not mad about the words said by Andrew Tate. I don't care about words, and most of the people who hate him is not just because of the words he said. I hate him because of his actions of physically beating and injuring women, which is the reason why many people hate him.

If y'all want to say that I am disloyal or that I am unfair against Cobra in any way just because I disagree about this, then fine. I am not going to throw away my morals just to follow every single word from somebody. Like I said, I agree with 99.999% of everything he has ever said. This is the only thing I ever disagreed with. So if that is what it means to be disloyal, call me whatever you want.
I hadn't heard of him before, but from reading the other comments I understand that he's a dominant sadist who likes BDSM?
I'm not into that sort of thing myself, but an acquaintance told me that there's a shortage of men like him in BDSM communities, due to how many submissive and masochistic women there are who are into that. So what's the problem?

If I got that correctly, then how controversial he became does say something about society. But in a way, I feel like I understand it. The general public is often referred to as "sheep" or "NPCs" or "andrapoda", but deep down, even people like that are afraid that they'll have to sacrifice parts of themselves to conform to societal norms, perhaps precisely because they're used to it. So when they see an influential person talking enthusiastically about something they wouldn't be comfortable with, it scares them, because they're worried that if such things are normalised, then they'd be forced to partake in it too regardless of whether they want to.

Because it scares them, they want to defame and censor him, even though there was no need to. One can respect one's own feelings while also respecting the feelings of others, even when in disagreement. That's because different people have different preferences.

It reminds of when I saw a post here on the forums, where someone stated (their opinion) that since orgies were a common form of celebration in the past, they should be commonplace again in a future society with more Satanic values. As an introvert who enjoys the emotional aspects of sex more than the physical aspects and is rather possessive, I was horrified. "If that's what a Satanic future looks like, then I don't want it", I thought, and "If my husband or I are forced to participate in that, I'll kill everyone except for him."

I immediately realised what an extreme emotional overreaction that was, so I reflected on it. I realised that the notion that a Satanic society would force people into sexual acts they don't want to partake in is beyond ridiculous. Even if hypothetically it became the norm, my husband and I could just say: "No, we'd rather save things like that for each other, but have fun!"

Really, it just makes sense for people to be enthusiastic about the things they like. What doesn't make sense is to force it on others. People understand this deep down, so they come up with rumours about Andrew Tate being a violent pimp to justify their feelings. But that's only a result of the controversy about him, not the cause of it. What this is really about is that people fear things that are different from themselves, and people are confronted with this as the internet gives many different sorts of people a platform.

People can just do what they like with people they like. If the things Andrew Tate says make some people feel uncomfortable, then they can just click away. It's not like they have to meet him in person, and no matter how enthusiastic he is, it's not like he's going to convince all the men in the world to be just like him. Because people have their own preferences, and that's fine.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I don't blindly follow anybody no matter who it is. I have agreed with 99.999% of everything Cobra has ever said, and I likely will agree with 99.999% of everything he will say in the future. I still respect him, just not this one single time with this one single example. And I don't need to agree about this.

Every statement from every person should be evaluated by the reader's own personal judgement without instantly agreeing with anything. It is possible for all people to be wrong sometimes.

If y'all want to say that I am disloyal or that I am unfair against Cobra in any way just because I disagree about this, then fine. I am not going to throw away my morals just to follow every single word from somebody. Like I said, I agree with 99.999% of everything he has ever said. This is the only thing I ever disagreed with. So if that is what it means to be disloyal, call me whatever you want.

That is not about agreeing or disagreeing on a very controversial subject as is.

The question you should first evaluate is to go re-read my topic and see if your reaction based on this was viable based on what was said.

Additionally, expand your morals in understanding more about brotherhood. Even in the case where something was "wrong", you should have responded with pointing to the "right". A bitch fit in this case where the other party explains to you that more information is needed, has been unnecessary.

As it should be clear, in the end of the post, it's requested others relate their opinion on what I explain is only a general post that analyzes an ongoing situation. On the first paragraphs I clarify the position of the topic in regards to the things that are "Claimed" that he is doing. Since these are claims, one cannot take them at face value.

The key takeaway was that you have not been moral in this case but rather flipped for no reason, which is normal and can happen if you have seen the things you claim. But these would have as I explained to be real and certified to be real, as explained in the second paragraph of my post.

Unless these are proven real by a court or have a true backing in regards to his alleged crimes, then there is only emotional arguing behind this or strong instigation but not the truth about "Tate" unless proven to be the case.

That is not moral or objective here. Tate COULD be in a situation like Trump has been when they said the famous "Grab them by the pussy", which was nothing really. Or it could be that Tate is sued and attacked over things not really committed that were consensual. The latest situation of Johnny Depp is also a highlight of what quick judgements can do to a person.

You can defend this if you want but if you want to do right I think you should read the initial topic and also provide necessary information if you think something was off.

You could reply in a million ways. For example, one could ask, "have you seen this?". "Are you aware of this?" and so on, since it's clarified I have not done a PhD on this person Tate. Regardless you chose to behave in this manner and that does not make you moral whatsoever, rather the opposite in this isolated incident.

I certainly do not write this to insult or pick on you whatsoever, but only to show you what you are free to accept or reject as more in-depth thinking about these things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Under the current state of dopamine and serotonin destruction, many people have come to behave like rats in a lab that behave in a cracked up way towards one another. Somehow, we have been celebrating this falsely as an "evolution" and as the "future", while instead humans are becoming dysfunctional to extents never seen before in history because of these means of "communication" such as Social Media.

Social Media and a world that has been subjected to the lowest drives, has drove men into a loop circle where they chase imaginary, overtly falsely valued vagina that only appears in pixels in front of a screen.

This situation alongside socio-economic ladder and climbing issues that affect the youth and many men beneath their 30's, have turned women into the most inferiorized materialistic states coupled with psychological states of egopathy of the sickest extents they have ever been, and men into a deprived state of behaving as lowly as addicted and depressed pigs.
A picture is worth a hundred words.
About the social media.(Phönix Pflichterfüllung-Wir sind im Krieg)


It was also on YouTube, but was taken down in an "interesting" way. :lol: :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The fact that we have to live persecuted in our own Nations for our own values, while Al Queida and other terrorists can do whatever they want, but we concern ourselves with the exaggerated jokes of Andrew Tate just shows how morally subversive we have become towards our own culture and ourselves.
People's minds and attention must be occupied with second- and third-order problems. To do this, their attention must be distracted from real and serious social problems by news that has little social significance but which touches them emotionally. We must rely on the tabloid press to be our faithful servant.-Noam Chomsky
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If anyone knows more about this situation what are your thoughts?
To be honest, this is the first time I have seen this situation.I've never heard of it, the Hungarian press doesn't really cover it.I don't watch the mainstream news and you're not on any social media, but from hearsay I would just hear back from those around me if they were to deal with it.
My mom is also much used to facebook, but even there this situation is not shared, although a lot of the news that is trending is posted there.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I don't blindly follow anybody no matter who it is. I have agreed with 99.999% of everything Cobra has ever said, and I likely will agree with 99.999% of everything he will say in the future. I still respect him, just not this one single time with this one single example. And I don't need to agree about this.

Every statement from every person should be evaluated by the reader's own personal judgement without instantly agreeing with anything. It is possible for all people to be wrong sometimes.

There are videos of this guy physically beating women until their faces are darkly bruised. So why should I like him or why should I think he automatically deserves to be making large amounts of money by having millions of people view his videos? There is a natural reaction of many people deciding they don't like this physical abuser, and not wanting to watch him. Which most likely is a result of our RTRs that he is being exposed and hated. Very similar to the situation with Harvey Weinstein, but I don't remember a topic being written for Harvey saying that it is an overreaction to ban him.

I am not mad about the words said by Andrew Tate. I don't care about words, and most of the people who hate him is not just because of the words he said. I hate him because of his actions of physically beating and injuring women, which is the reason why many people hate him.

If y'all want to say that I am disloyal or that I am unfair against Cobra in any way just because I disagree about this, then fine. I am not going to throw away my morals just to follow every single word from somebody. Like I said, I agree with 99.999% of everything he has ever said. This is the only thing I ever disagreed with. So if that is what it means to be disloyal, call me whatever you want.

I didn't know anything about Andrew Tate, only after reading this topic.
I googled him, he kinda looks like a show-off and another one of those influencers.

Anyway, i think the Joy of Satan should try to contact/recruit Brendon O'Connell,
who seems genuine, intelligent and knows the enemy well (jews, pissrael).
I think he would benefit us, but he still believes in christianity i think.
His intentions seem genuine in trying to educate people about the crimes of pissrael,
Just a suggestion.
He's been accused of many things.
I do not support him, but, he has also done well in the attempt of healing masculinity, do this now, have no fear, get up from your bed, ACT. These are all pieces of advice from him that reached millions of young and older people.
That woke up many from their robotic routine.
So I believe he has done a good job while being on social media.
Anybody that goes viral is more than likely being propped up by by enemy. I suspect he’s being propped up for reasons like this:

Ol argedco luciftias said:
I don't blindly follow anybody no matter who it is. I have agreed with 99.999% of everything Cobra has ever said, and I likely will agree with 99.999% of everything he will say in the future. I still respect him, just not this one single time with this one single example. And I don't need to agree about this.

Every statement from every person should be evaluated by the reader's own personal judgement without instantly agreeing with anything. It is possible for all people to be wrong sometimes.

There are videos of this guy physically beating women until their faces are darkly bruised. So why should I like him or why should I think he automatically deserves to be making large amounts of money by having millions of people view his videos? There is a natural reaction of many people deciding they don't like this physical abuser, and not wanting to watch him. Which most likely is a result of our RTRs that he is being exposed and hated. Very similar to the situation with Harvey Weinstein, but I don't remember a topic being written for Harvey saying that it is an overreaction to ban him.

I am not mad about the words said by Andrew Tate. I don't care about words, and most of the people who hate him is not just because of the words he said. I hate him because of his actions of physically beating and injuring women, which is the reason why many people hate him.

If y'all want to say that I am disloyal or that I am unfair against Cobra in any way just because I disagree about this, then fine. I am not going to throw away my morals just to follow every single word from somebody. Like I said, I agree with 99.999% of everything he has ever said. This is the only thing I ever disagreed with. So if that is what it means to be disloyal, call me whatever you want.

Why do you think it is necessary to state that you don't blindly follow anyone while you blindly ignore the necessary content that which gives freedom to don't follow blindly. In this case you followed blindly a reaction in which you exaggerated greatly.

You said those things with hate simply because you think you have a virtue or a high moral ground, and this as an action against perceived "evil" things in the world is known. It is what it is, but to be more precise it only shows that your respect and connection to HP was standing on a thin thread of basic personal agreeing, and suddenly lost on which you perceived you can claim a virtue in a vicious way against a discussion opening thread.

It is fine however, we have to state some things.

1. HPHC has done great to open discussion as I believe that people who are either impressed or following Tates behavior are to benefit and find JoS.

2. It is a perfect example of how the world forces operate in the same fashion and perfect manifestation of the oppressions of gentiles in general. (read the content of HPHC post)

3.This is a small beginning of how we will see the 3 consciousnesses in the world will take shape (opinion).

4. We have a duty to openly address important points of our world, and by that the truth. The world is on a low level of manifestation, a higher order must be instated.

5.Many people are confused themselves and are not yet mature, so they need guidance, only a form of parenting of the foreign external forces is needed, such as addressing what people see and hear on a daily basis.

6. Discussion and education upon everybody's nature is to be done, and education in form of manners and truth based in what is regarded as social problems needs to be done.

All of the above can open discussion and the mind to spiritual discussions as well as understanding. In this case without addressing simple world events we can only have preconceived notions on very important matters that block and lessens the future spiritual information that we may get.

Also as SS is it to be ideal to have these situations known and understood to be able to shape the world and the following generations on good grounds.

Do not get double offended by this, it is only for good orientation on these subjects. We cannot have only reactionary elements, this subject as many others, can prove extremely fruitful not only to you and me, but to possible new members who are disabled by a lack of perception.
Since "the current thing" has been leaning towards redefining and (((empowering))) masculinity, MGTOW, "PUA-Game" and "redpill" communities have been on the rise again. This is targeted towards the fatherless generation of 14 to 25 year olds, but has a lot of older "members" as well.

It is meant to appeal to guys that have been hurt in some way by women or society. It follows the same kosher blueprint Jewish PSYOPs have always followed. Attention is drawn to pages and groups with truth and self-improvement oriented posts, promising a "better" future. This works for a while and some things are helpful, but eventually turn to things like nofap, self-isolation, machiavellianism and generally self-destructive behavior and kosher worldviews.

"You are sad cuck because Stacy left you. She left you because you aren't a high-value sigma male. Here is how to become sigma too."

Andrew Tate (after his career as an athlete) saw the hopeless guys falling for this shit and created a pyramid scheme oriented around aiding them on becoming alpha as fuck and based muscular kings with 10 bugattis that get the real hoes. He doesn't give a single fuck about anything or anyone as long as he cashes in from it and will do and say anything to keep his business alive.

He is no comedian and neither a leader, he is a businessman.
I'll have to say though i watched some of his " motivational" videos and even though some things that he says which trigger ppl are true, he's still a bit .. off. He's like the type of egomaniac who thinks he's masculine. the point of high priests post was to explain how the media is at a point of zero tolerance for anything. Getting offended left and right without evaluating beforehand.

I just find it weird why HP would choose to talk about a rather egomaniac looking and hurt guy like andrew, who follows some abrahamic mixed mindset which is sure to corrupt and destroy the mind of anyone. and trying to demonstrate the faults of social media through THAT road. Or even putting his name as the post.

Honestly he sounds like a total retard to me even tho some stuff he says are true his rather repulsive personality and demeanor kinda makes him look more stupid than anything.

Like the stuff that he says are either supposed to reveal some truths or give some sort of motivation but he just looks and sounds like a total dumbass. Im not defending those Only Fans girls either they are degenerate and worthless in their own right especially the undeserving white ones, but i think that only and ONLY the true SS Satanic mindset is the way for paving the road for real masculinity and femininty to come forth.

Like trying to be all on the " alpha male grind mindset" fad that you see almost all men who participate in it are either list ir just plain hurt, DOESNT work for any man it just makes them look stupid.

Andrew tate isnt masculine he's just an idiot blabbing constantly honestly.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

That is not about agreeing or disagreeing on a very controversial subject as is.

The question you should first evaluate is to go re-read my topic and see if your reaction based on this was viable based on what was said.

As a female SS, knowing what you have written in the past I feel it would be illogical to assume you would knowingly promote someone who actually did said violent things with irrefutable evidence. We all know you to be a logical and factual person and that evidence is important.

I was researching him after I read this sermon and quite frankly before I found the video that I shared in this thread in my last post on Tate, the things I was finding on him made him come across to me as a Roosh V 2.0

The things he said in the video I shared in my other post talk about him citing the differences between the sexes, and clarifying something he says is misinterpreted about claims others make saying that he things "women are property."

I know citing awareness about the difference in the sexes are things a lot of people exaggerate to mean some form of hate which is untrue. I am unclear personally about someone the things claimed to have been said that you speculate are meant as humor and other things but I also know that because there are things not clear or known is why you also asked for our input here at the end.

To me though, If Tate is really presenting certain things in a dark humor sort of way he should be a bit more clear about it..even so IMO maybe there shouldn't be certain things that are joked about. The issues that he touches on nonetheless are not nonissues, and I do think for others to receive them well there does need to be change in his presentation. Maybe the way he presents things is his way of making a mockery of the way people react to what isn't hateful at all. for example, maybe he initially presented things the way he did just like in the said video I shared, but then started making a spectacle when others essentially got emotional out of contempt. I am also uncertain.

About extreme violence and abuse, I would also need to see evidence, witnesses at least, or actual victims. Evidence of a police record that states such etc, issues with violence against women, arrests in public or at home for such, and so on, as I am certain such a youtube video, if existed, would be incriminating evidence enough. So where are the police records?

I am also on the same page with more or less, knowing he is aware of issues with the genders, but curious to know and see more evidence also and knowledge about certain claims.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I am absolutely and purely discusted against you for trying to defend, support, or promote such a worthless and criminal jew. And what reason do you have to defend him like this?

Even assuming that the accusations are real (which is not yet proven officially), there is no single form of praise or support in the sermon for this person Andrew Tate. What happened is that he was used as an example to underline chronic issues of a degenerated society. Your reaction is at best unjustified. If you are so confident then you can indicate specifically which are the phrases where this person Andrew Tate was defended, praised, supported or promoted, otherwise is as I said, unjustified, keeping in mind, given that the accusations of him being a sex trafficker and and aggressor would be real.

He probably has enough money for a good lawyer to prove that he is innocent. If the accusations are real then I think no lawyer can save him, especially that mass media is all against him now, even Wikipedia which for years protected proven jewish pedophiles like Jeffrey Epstein. For some reason Wikipedia didn't know for years that Jeffrey Epstein was a pedophile but it knows after couple days that this person Andrew Tate is a sex trafficker and far-right misogyne. I am not saying that he is not, it rather seems that he probably is, I am just noticing the typical mass media corruption and double standard, which is very dangerous because it is mass media the one that shapes most people's opinions and thoughts on a given matter.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is rare for you to write entire topics just about a specific person
Speaking in "lines", this sermon has a total of 96 lines if you count. Only in 22 lines HP Cobra spoke directly about Andrew Tate, mostly at the beginning, which represent only 23% of the whole sermon. Given this, how can the entire sermon be dedicated only to this person? The rest of the lines have nothing to do with him directly, but with society in general.

Also as a side note, there is no evidence whatsoever that this person is jewish, I tend to agree that you did have an emotional reaction, maybe you believe that only jews can be pimps and women aggressors.
Like, openly expressing how badly he wants to beat women even though that certain video was obviously some weird ass foreplay BDSM is still psychotic and jewish. Anything than says women are inferior to men or vice versa is jewish. I dont even know why HP bothered with talking about this idiot and using him as an example.... maybe the kike rabbis have done some sort of coordinated attack idk.
He even explained his fantasy of trying to kill armed terrorists with bare hands and disarming them is just so retarded 🤣

I dunno seriously why HP bothered with this fool

In the real Satanic world these weirdos who talk the talk will be dismissed as clowns since all they have is the pathetic xian mindset that hates women even when its because of his own shortcomings.
Holy, it's pretty obvious the post was less about Tate himself and more to do with the "Woke Norms" of today. Some of you need to stop being so emotional and look at things realistically and practically. HPC could not of been more clear about the allegations surrounding Tate, and that is simply he does not know.

"The evil Satanic HP made a post we can slander him on, hopefully we can sow division in his ranks" - Rabbi Shekelsteinherd

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
