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About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

Fanboy said:
Flowers of İnanna said:
It's great sermon. Thank you Commander Cobra.

Hieratic information pages of Beelzebub, Astarte and Azazel have been published. So when will the hierarchical information for Father Satan be released? Sooner this year?
I know you are very busy, HighPriest. I'm just asking because I'm curious.

Is your profile picture the "boy you are pretty to look at, but your betrayal was unearned from me, and so I have profited from it, now I am free" guy?
I forget his name lol

I forget his name but I kinda recognize the face

I specifically included the picture of Azazel/Apollo as a PP. I know it's not the same as the username (it's not Inanna's picture).

Symbolically, I wanted it to be a respectful gesture to both our Gods, and I liked it.

Maybe I can change it. I do not know.
Historically the Cossacks were pretty good at war, even Napoleon feared them and stated that with them at his side he would conquer the world. The Cossacks were a pain in the ass of bolsheviks. I don’t know if is just propaganda but according to zelensky they killed 10000 Russian soldiers already, which seems like a crazy number.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Kurat said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Jews control Azov
Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.
Jews control Azov-source: jewish newspaper
Kolomoisky supports many volunteer militias in Ukraine. There is even not non-jewish source that can confirm that Kolomoisky support Azov.But jewish troll army spread "muh azov" over internet and it is same shit like "muh hitler rothschild". Jew Andrew Anglin and his communist website daily stormer hate Azov and of course 4chan(JIDF) hate them too. The more I see propaganda against Azov, the more I am convinced that they are fighting for the right thing.

The Ukrainian side is overrepresented with jews. If Azov was truly legit, then why would they fight for the ukrainian side which is so blatantly controlled by their true enemy?The ukrainian president is a cross dressing jew and half of his cabinet are as well. Do they plan on doing a coup against their own Zelensky controlled government after Russia wins the war? Perhaps a lot of the soldiers in Azov are good meaning people, but where does the leadership stand in relation to the (((ukrainian government)))? If they are fighting for the ukrainian government, then they are fighting under zelensky. So this logic makes no sense.

Nothing really makes sense. Also, who finances? They have full blown tanks, artillery, things one could never ever find under any normal circumstances. They have full blown war vehicles too, which is clearly impossible to get unless one is in some strange alliance with governmental facilities.

They look like they were created by the Ukrainian Government, possibly to pose as poser Nazis or something, or even to cause agitation based on fake claims of "Nazism" or even facilitate excuses for the Russian Invasion.

Everyone should do due diligence. They look stereotypically of what the enemy would create.

No doubt, maybe a few people in there are truly into some ideals, but given the enemy has created too many of these in the last years, and since that they are literally an armed war unit, things don't really add up.

Don't be fooled and be really careful. The chances of being shills here adds up too high based on the information, too high that nothing really adds up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Kurat said:
Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.
Jews control Azov-source: jewish newspaper
Kolomoisky supports many volunteer militias in Ukraine. There is even not non-jewish source that can confirm that Kolomoisky support Azov.But jewish troll army spread "muh azov" over internet and it is same shit like "muh hitler rothschild". Jew Andrew Anglin and his communist website daily stormer hate Azov and of course 4chan(JIDF) hate them too. The more I see propaganda against Azov, the more I am convinced that they are fighting for the right thing.

The Ukrainian side is overrepresented with jews. If Azov was truly legit, then why would they fight for the ukrainian side which is so blatantly controlled by their true enemy?The ukrainian president is a cross dressing jew and half of his cabinet are as well. Do they plan on doing a coup against their own Zelensky controlled government after Russia wins the war? Perhaps a lot of the soldiers in Azov are good meaning people, but where does the leadership stand in relation to the (((ukrainian government)))? If they are fighting for the ukrainian government, then they are fighting under zelensky. So this logic makes no sense.

Nothing really makes sense. Also, who finances? They have full blown tanks, artillery, things one could never ever find under any normal circumstances. They have full blown war vehicles too, which is clearly impossible to get unless one is in some strange alliance with governmental facilities.

They look like they were created by the Ukrainian Government, possibly to pose as poser Nazis or something, or even to cause agitation based on fake claims of "Nazism" or even facilitate excuses for the Russian Invasion.

Everyone should do due diligence. They look stereotypically of what the enemy would create.

No doubt, maybe a few people in there are truly into some ideals, but given the enemy has created too many of these in the last years, and since that they are literally an armed war unit, things don't really add up.

Don't be fooled and be really careful. The chances of being shills here adds up too high based on the information, too high that nothing really adds up.

Why would Jews give weapons to pagan antisemites with black sun tattoos waving swastikas? This makes no sense, unless Jews are suicidal. They were just a militia that grew too powerful after overthrowing the government, but instead of taking over the government they focused on growing the militia.
It is now public news that israel is supporting both Ukraine and Russia. It can be seen in Wikipedia (if it hasn't been removed yet) and I saw a headline mentioning it but I'm assuming it was going to try to defend the bandit state of israel so I left it for later. I'll be making another post on here or a new one later tomorrow when I get the time with links to any article I might find. For now, I just wanted to bring it up at least.

Funny thing is I saw it first in a meme video that was made a couple days ago showing the Wikipedia site. Won't mentioned the channel but it's one that does get 100s of thousands of views to a few million and it's amusing to me that info is out there in such a way. :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Kurat said:
Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.
Jews control Azov-source: jewish newspaper
Kolomoisky supports many volunteer militias in Ukraine. There is even not non-jewish source that can confirm that Kolomoisky support Azov.But jewish troll army spread "muh azov" over internet and it is same shit like "muh hitler rothschild". Jew Andrew Anglin and his communist website daily stormer hate Azov and of course 4chan(JIDF) hate them too. The more I see propaganda against Azov, the more I am convinced that they are fighting for the right thing.

The Ukrainian side is overrepresented with jews. If Azov was truly legit, then why would they fight for the ukrainian side which is so blatantly controlled by their true enemy?The ukrainian president is a cross dressing jew and half of his cabinet are as well. Do they plan on doing a coup against their own Zelensky controlled government after Russia wins the war? Perhaps a lot of the soldiers in Azov are good meaning people, but where does the leadership stand in relation to the (((ukrainian government)))? If they are fighting for the ukrainian government, then they are fighting under zelensky. So this logic makes no sense.

Nothing really makes sense. Also, who finances? They have full blown tanks, artillery, things one could never ever find under any normal circumstances. They have full blown war vehicles too, which is clearly impossible to get unless one is in some strange alliance with governmental facilities.

They look like they were created by the Ukrainian Government, possibly to pose as poser Nazis or something, or even to cause agitation based on fake claims of "Nazism" or even facilitate excuses for the Russian Invasion.

Everyone should do due diligence. They look stereotypically of what the enemy would create.

No doubt, maybe a few people in there are truly into some ideals, but given the enemy has created too many of these in the last years, and since that they are literally an armed war unit, things don't really add up.

Don't be fooled and be really careful. The chances of being shills here adds up too high based on the information, too high that nothing really adds up.
Here is a video of Azov showing weapons they received from Israel lol. They don't even hide it.
Even on reddit you can see countless footage of Ukrainians being arrested and murdered by the Ukrainian army. Zelenksy and Ukraine have always done this though.

The people are being held as human shields and the authorities are going to be desperate and most likely stage a false flag attack of some sort to draw in western nations.

Russia would never nuke its own land. Where do you think that radiation would go? Duh!

This whole thing is insane but we of course saw it coming ages ago.
Russia is going to unplug itself from the global internet by March 11th. Might be good time to download whole JoS website as I smell this is just start of (((them))) trying to take control of internet with all cyberattack memes jumping around.
As a Russian citizen, I am appalled by what our troops are doing in Ukraine.
Mass murder of civilians
Mass rape
Mass executions
Bombing of civilian targets

It is saddening to see two countries that I love dearly go to war. I have family on both sides of the border. I wish them good luck and peace soon.
Pramantha said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:


Why would Jews give weapons to pagan antisemites with black sun tattoos waving swastikas? This makes no sense, unless Jews are suicidal. They were just a militia that grew too powerful after overthrowing the government, but instead of taking over the government they focused on growing the militia.

Why would Jews give weapons to pagan antisemites with black sun tattoos waving swastikas?

For the same reason a jew paints a swastika in his own door in order to lie in the media that the evil Nazis did this even if they were caught on the spraying can on their hands while they were painting it.

They create these socket paramilitary groups to always have a meme about "Muh Nazis" memes going, and they use these as puppets to create a false pretext and criminal activity.

These don't even have to be "Nazis", they will use Ethnic-Nationalist groups too. This Azov looks like they are "Ethnic Nationalists" which probably support genocide of their own Russian Neighbors.

That is typical of groups run straight out of Israel, and Israel funds heavily these things in order to cause civil wars and bloodshed of people of the same race or Nation. The Communists did the same thing in the USSR, with arming local battalions to cause civil wars.

They form paramilitary groups to have excuses for crackdowns and other similar things which violate the law. This Azov thing just goes around in their own ransacked and war stricken country, attacking civilians and looting places.

Looks like yet another small scale ISIL or ISIS situation here, or a baby Taliban group. Knowing all these groups, there wasn't one that wasn't a paramilitary group that wanted to cause civil wars and cultural destruction and wasn't out of Israel and literally run by Israel.

In the case of Russia, these small groups that do all these crimes against Russian Nationals, were used as a stepping stone to justify the invasion. Putin used actions as these such as false justification to send in troops to "Denazify" and other nonsense.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=331831 time=1646638103 user_id=19170]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
The Ukrainian side is overrepresented with jews. If Azov was truly legit, then why would they fight for the ukrainian side which is so blatantly controlled by their true enemy?...
They look like they were created by the Ukrainian Government, possibly to pose as poser Nazis or something, or even to cause agitation based on fake claims of "Nazism" or even facilitate excuses for the Russian Invasion.
Here is a video of Azov showing weapons they received from Israel lol. They don't even hide it.

So here we go again, Israel is again funding paramilitary organizations that are going to kill people while they are pretending to be Nazis, wow, how surprising.

It should be clear this is a conspiracy creation of Israel through the hand of the Jew Zelensky or directly from Israel.

And meanwhile as the Jews try to force the world into WW3 and cause global genocide, everyone has to care about a few randoms who run around ransacking cities that are besieged by war, who picked some guns and self declared themselves as ((("Pagan Antisemites"))) and act in exactly the same way an operation funded from Israel would do to defame the whole thing...
Kurat said:
My gosh a guy on 4chan wrote a thing, he must be taken seriously then.
Kurat what happened to you? Did you join a nationalist group? I can't explain your sudden shilling for nationalist groups.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pramantha said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why would Jews give weapons to pagan antisemites with black sun tattoos waving swastikas? This makes no sense, unless Jews are suicidal. They were just a militia that grew too powerful after overthrowing the government, but instead of taking over the government they focused on growing the militia.

Why would Jews give weapons to pagan antisemites with black sun tattoos waving swastikas?

For the same reason a jew paints a swastika in his own door in order to lie in the media that the evil Nazis did this even if they were caught on the spraying can on their hands while they were painting it.

They create these socket paramilitary groups to always have a meme about "Muh Nazis" memes going, and they use these as puppets to create a false pretext and criminal activity.

These don't even have to be "Nazis", they will use Ethnic-Nationalist groups too. This Azov looks like they are "Ethnic Nationalists" which probably support genocide of their own Russian Neighbors.

That is typical of groups run straight out of Israel, and Israel funds heavily these things in order to cause civil wars and bloodshed of people of the same race or Nation. The Communists did the same thing in the USSR, with arming local battalions to cause civil wars.

They form paramilitary groups to have excuses for crackdowns and other similar things which violate the law. This Azov thing just goes around in their own ransacked and war stricken country, attacking civilians and looting places.

Looks like yet another small scale ISIL or ISIS situation here, or a baby Taliban group. Knowing all these groups, there wasn't one that wasn't a paramilitary group that wanted to cause civil wars and cultural destruction and wasn't out of Israel and literally run by Israel.

In the case of Russia, these small groups that do all these crimes against Russian Nationals, were used as a stepping stone to justify the invasion. Putin used actions as these such as false justification to send in troops to "Denazify" and other nonsense.

Why this is not spammed on news? It's retoric question, but still this should be more popular on internet. This kind of information is deadly for them. Now I can see a clear scenario how they will fall with this war like they falled with covid. Even economical damage will be done our victory over infomations would be huge
Aquarius said:
Kurat said:
My gosh a guy on 4chan wrote a thing, he must be taken seriously then.
Kurat what happened to you? Did you join a nationalist group? I can't explain your sudden shilling for nationalist groups.
No, I didn't. There is no official NatSoc groups in Estonia sadly. But I don't understand your hate against nationalist groups and Ukraine patriots.
Aquarius said:
Kurat said:
My gosh a guy on 4chan wrote a thing, he must be taken seriously then.
Kurat what happened to you? Did you join a nationalist group? I can't explain your sudden shilling for nationalist groups.
As you see this person is from Czech and in current situations is good idea to heard Eastern-Europeans because big part off American and Western-European right wingers support Putin to just be edgy. And back to Azov question. Who is talking rumors about them: jewish newspapers, amnesty international, russian propaganda machine, nazbol daily stormer, anonymous americans on 4chan etc. So there is no any proof that they are controlled opposition.

Eastern European patriots have always fighted under NatSoc flag against communist Russia.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=331831 time=1646638103 user_id=19170]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
The Ukrainian side is overrepresented with jews. If Azov was truly legit, then why would they fight for the ukrainian side which is so blatantly controlled by their true enemy?The ukrainian president is a cross dressing jew and half of his cabinet are as well. Do they plan on doing a coup against their own Zelensky controlled government after Russia wins the war? Perhaps a lot of the soldiers in Azov are good meaning people, but where does the leadership stand in relation to the (((ukrainian government)))? If they are fighting for the ukrainian government, then they are fighting under zelensky. So this logic makes no sense.

Nothing really makes sense. Also, who finances? They have full blown tanks, artillery, things one could never ever find under any normal circumstances. They have full blown war vehicles too, which is clearly impossible to get unless one is in some strange alliance with governmental facilities.

They look like they were created by the Ukrainian Government, possibly to pose as poser Nazis or something, or even to cause agitation based on fake claims of "Nazism" or even facilitate excuses for the Russian Invasion.

Everyone should do due diligence. They look stereotypically of what the enemy would create.

No doubt, maybe a few people in there are truly into some ideals, but given the enemy has created too many of these in the last years, and since that they are literally an armed war unit, things don't really add up.

Don't be fooled and be really careful. The chances of being shills here adds up too high based on the information, too high that nothing really adds up.
Here is a video of Azov showing weapons they received from Israel lol. They don't even hide it.
Ladies and gentlemen, how many more "conspiracy theories" turn out to be true till humanity finally wakes up :lol:
Aquarius said:
Kurat said:
My gosh a guy on 4chan wrote a thing, he must be taken seriously then.
Kurat what happened to you? Did you join a nationalist group? I can't explain your sudden shilling for nationalist groups.

Considering your a long standing member. I'm not sure how much internetting you do. But is it fair to state at this point most if not all communities around the World hell even as tame as gamer communities are compromised?

It seems like there is an army of AI-Humans(not literally AI joking around) but there seems to be an ENDLESS back and forth.

I don't usually pay attention to 4Chan or any of these semi-hacktivist communities. But one thing for sure is after watching a few youtube videos particularly on the hacktivism occurring. It seems to me like there is a nefarious hand working behind the scenes on some of these, communities or to be more specific communistic communities.

For example I recall a few people sometime back in 2016/2017 right around the ProPHP shutdown. Mentioning of Anonymous = Communist group cause they stifle individualism rather they work as a hive mind group.

And I'm wondering with all the glownigger/glowie/FedBombers/B17ers that some of these organizations or groups were on the payroll of the Government.

I just find all this community outreach bullshit, well bullshit. Also shows the internet is in way more danger of being shut down, cyber polygon nonsense. Seems the very freedom and very freeish nature of the origins of the internet dating back several decades even before Tim Berners-Lee and his modern format of internet we did have a lot of telecommunication bulletin board and online usenet groups.

It seems the very freedom of it is being used against it. This entire NPCing/Andrapoding of the World seems like next generation issues. It's not akin here in the States with the constitution being Swiss-cheesed.

I'm just wondering is it fair to state many people and groups are compromised at this point? i.e. shilling around, this entire Ukro-Russo war is certainly an eyeopener. I wonder if any of these groups could be the catalyst for a worse flashpoint.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=331831 time=1646638103 user_id=19170]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
The Ukrainian side is overrepresented with jews. If Azov was truly legit, then why would they fight for the ukrainian side which is so blatantly controlled by their true enemy?The ukrainian president is a cross dressing jew and half of his cabinet are as well. Do they plan on doing a coup against their own Zelensky controlled government after Russia wins the war? Perhaps a lot of the soldiers in Azov are good meaning people, but where does the leadership stand in relation to the (((ukrainian government)))? If they are fighting for the ukrainian government, then they are fighting under zelensky. So this logic makes no sense.

Nothing really makes sense. Also, who finances? They have full blown tanks, artillery, things one could never ever find under any normal circumstances. They have full blown war vehicles too, which is clearly impossible to get unless one is in some strange alliance with governmental facilities.

They look like they were created by the Ukrainian Government, possibly to pose as poser Nazis or something, or even to cause agitation based on fake claims of "Nazism" or even facilitate excuses for the Russian Invasion.

Everyone should do due diligence. They look stereotypically of what the enemy would create.

No doubt, maybe a few people in there are truly into some ideals, but given the enemy has created too many of these in the last years, and since that they are literally an armed war unit, things don't really add up.

Don't be fooled and be really careful. The chances of being shills here adds up too high based on the information, too high that nothing really adds up.
Here is a video of Azov showing weapons they received from Israel lol. They don't even hide it.

Ukraine has license to manufacture these weapons, that is all it means. They did’t receive weapons from Israel, just the license and I personally never found any proof that Jews were funding Azov.
Cossack-Sorcerers: The Secretive and Magical Warrior Society of Ukraine
Almost everyone knows about Japanese Ninjas and Chinese Shaolin monks. Their combat skills are well promoted in Hollywood. However, few know that at one time in Europe there were soldiers, whose abilities were not inferior to the Japanese ninja or the Shaolin monks, and perhaps even exceeded them. These warriors were called the Cossacks and their combat skills extended to the use of sorcery.

Who Were the Cossack-Sorcerers?
In the 16th century, in the territory of modern Southern Ukraine, an organization was formed called the Zaporizhian Army, with headquarters in the fortress on the river Dnipro called Zaporizhian Sich.

Its members were drawn from various social strata of the population of Ukraine, which was then part of Poland, known as the Commonwealth of Rye. Its political structure was democratically organized, largely resembling the community of pirates of the Caribbean. The main occupations were hunting, fishing, trade, sea voyages to the Ottoman Empire and also as vassal of the Crimean Khan. The community also participated in the organization of rebellions against the Commonwealth, although they rarely participated in its military campaigns against the Moscow kingdom and Sweden. They called themselves ‘Cossacks to themselves’, which in translation from the Turkic language means ‘free people’.

Among these Cossacks who lived within the territory of the Zaporizhian Sich, there were said to be some with magic abilities, who were called the Cossack-Sorcerers. According to folklore, these were true war mages, of which legends were born. However, unlike the modern fantasy warriors, they did not throw lightning-bolts and issue fire from their staffs. Their weapons and abilities were somewhat different.

Cossack-Sorcerers’ Special Abilities
According to the people's imagination, the Cossacks were able to find and hide treasures, to heal wounds with spells, and to evade and catch bullets. They could withstand hot-rods, change the weather and open castle doors with their bare hands. They were able to float on the floor in boats, as if on the sea, to cross the rivers on rugs (sounds pretty much like a flying carpet to me) and instantly transport themselves from one side of the steppe to another. They knew psychotherapy, understood herbalism, and also possessed the art of hypnosis. There were also claims about the super-human physical training the Cossacks endured, and much more.

What were their Origins?
How the Cossack-Sorcerers actually began is shrouded in secrecy. Many believe that the Cossacks of legend have come from the ancient Slavic Yazykh priests of the Magi. It is said that after Prince Vladimir the Great was converted from Slavic paganism to Christianity in 988 and christianized the Kievan Rus , the priests did not agree that the prince should have accepted a foreign faith from Byzantium and so fled to the steppe where the warlords set up, teaching their followers in the martial arts.

However, these speculations do not have any historical or archaeological basis, although in the steppes between the Azov Sea and the Danube there did exist a stray Slavic population of Brodnici (cf. Slavic brodŭ) and the Berladnici, who are considered by some to be the prototype of the Zaporizhian Cossacks who participated in the internal wars of the Rus princes and the campaigns of the Turkic nomadic tribe of Polovtsy to Hungary and Bulgaria. But this group lived two centuries later than Prince Vladimir and there is no mention in their history that they professed paganism or among their leaders were sorcerers or pagan priests. Most likely, they were people from the social gentry, or prince expatriates, who escaped from their lands to the south of the steppe and were united in combat troops and participating in hostilities as mercenaries. They would often have been fought by Rus princes and Hungarian kings, of which there is evidence from that time.

A Claim of Aryan Descent
According to another version, the beginning of the Sorcerer class takes place among the Aryan tribes of the Bronze Age of the 2nd millennium BC, before their emigration to India from the steppes north of the Black Sea. It was alleged that among the Aryan tribes there were magic warriors, some of which went to India where they became known as Maharathi - soldiers who are capable of defending themselves alone against a large number of opponents with the help of martial arts and mystical practices. Maharathi is mentioned in the Indian epic Mahabharata. The group that remained in the steppes of the Black Sea would then have become the basis of the sorcerers.
However, this version seems dubious because the history of the Black Sea peoples is well documented, even in ancient times. For example, the very first Herodotus description, which gave us a reference to the Scythians and the peoples neighboring them. Nowhere in this account does he mention an organization of sorcerer warriors. Other Greek and Roman historians also did not mention them. There is an account in the Rus epics about the Rus warrior Volga Vseslavovich, who could turn into animals, but no specific reference that could have ties over the centuries to Cossack-Sorcerers is known.
A Community of Refugees
Most likely, the Cossack-Sorcerers existed in the midst of all sorts of diviners, witch-hunters, black bookkeepers and forefathers of destiny. Indeed, among the Cossacks were not only poor brokers or peasants who escaped the tyranny of Polish lords and the attacks of the Tatars, as the official history says. Among the Sow Society, as the Cossacks called themselves, there were many diverse people with different professions. And it is obvious that among them there were people of magic professions who adapted their knowledge and skills to the military art of the Cossacks. It should also be noted that at that time wandering artists, circuses and magicians were spread among the Eastern Slavic peoples.

Tricks, Illusions and Ninja Skills
Just as the Zaporizhzhya Sich was a melting pot for different people, it became possible that such a variety could exist among the Cossacks, sharing their knowledge, skills and abilities with them. By mastering this knowledge, the Cossacks could combine the practice of divination, charisma, and mysticism with the illusion and art of battle, as did the Japanese ninja. For example, the well-known Japanese stray ninja Kato Danzio (1503-1699) combines various mystical practices with illusive art. Such practices have long been adhered to by the ancient priests of Ancient Egypt and Babylon and medieval magicians who, speaking at Western European fairs, combine card divination, magic spells with card tricks, head offs and healing. Therefore, the word abracadabra, which originally had a mystical character, as a spell from illnesses and evil spirits, came to us, but eventually, under the influence of the use of its magicians, changed the character and began to be used as a simple circus magic spell.


During Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, Cossacks were the Russian soldiers most feared by the French troops. Napoleon himself stated, "Cossacks are the best light troops among all that exist. If I had them in my army, I would go through all the world with them."

I find funny that the 4chan duginists would destroy the whole world because of homosexuality, while Dugin is an Aleister Crowley(which practiced anal sex magick) follower.

Aleksandr Dugin embraces Aleister Crowley: https://youtu.be/l_PcWPlgzgw
Pramantha said:
I find funny that the 4chan duginists would destroy the whole world because of homosexuality, while Dugin is an Aleister Crowley(which practiced anal sex magick) follower.

Aleksandr Dugin embraces Aleister Crowley: https://youtu.be/l_PcWPlgzgw

Dugin is jewish

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
