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About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

Gear88 said:
Henu the Great said:
It has been explained by Cobra before that Gods residing on higher frequency by coming here physically would impose serious risk lowering their state of being due to the war we are at. It's not a matter of 'can', but rather what is 'sensible'.

In all the time I've been here I've never heard such a thing.

Even if he did. The sheer fact is it seems like it's silly to state it. I mean beings of higher power who live through spiritual and highly advanced technologies. Are bothered by coming here.


I mean what about when the Earth was first detected by them. Was it not a low level? Yes Humans and some animals have taken the Earth to a lower level i.e. more destructive properties.

I'm very surprised beings of higher power are bothered so much by physically being here from a higher frequency. Aren't they so advanced or so resistive to lower levels that a lower frequency can't out muscle them. It just seems strange, seems to me like physically coming here is pointless. Even if we somehow improve the Earth there is just as much if not greater destructive forces around the corner.

I really don't get it, I understand why they want to return and deal with physical. But maybe you mean lower entities such as entities not sufficiently progressed thoroughly on spiritual like their military forces or Orion civilians working with the Gods.

If that is the case what about the underground aliens whom from time to time do activities countering the enemy E.T. threat. Are they not spiritually propagated to remove the negatives of a lower dimensional frequency. What about them as well?
It was mentioned around the subject of Gods being 'bound'.

In any case, I'm not going to dig it up for you since that would be little to no use.
Now, wouldn't it be funny if we got another pandemic + the war with Russia?
*billy's hand's rubbing intensifies*
Tell me in simple language will there be a war or not? And what to expect?Of course, it's quiet for you there across the ocean, but we are here in the very center! Give the instructions
Anidark said:
Tell me in simple language will there be a war or not? And what to expect?Of course, it's quiet for you there across the ocean, but we are here in the very center! Give the instructions

With the current state of affairs, those living in Russia should be safe, with capitals being the safest. It has to escalate way more for the situation to become alarming. This is with the way things are now.

The type of danger Ukraine is under is not a full war of attacks on cities, but rather an invasion. Invasions are quick and have only certain interest targets, not "Civilians".

If you live exactly on the border, and you hear the situation heating up, having family especially, it would be safe to leave for at least 1-2 weeks. The Capital or other places would be safer, or places far away from the front or the Capital in case this escalates even further.

We will do a Ritual for Protection for SS in Russia and Ukraine within a couple of days, to bolster protection. Even if nothing happens this will happen anyway, because the tension can create negative events. SS from Russia should be fine, because Russia has powerful border protection.

If you live exactly on the Ukrainian Russian border, you might need to make longterm plans to relocate, as this is proven to be dangerous for at least 3 years time.
The whole situation reminds me of World War I, when Germany had territorial claims on other countries. In that war, Germany was defeated and afterwards, the humiliating Treaty of Versailles. Then came the revolution and the prolonged disasters. But after that, the 3rd Reich and the rise of Adolf Hitler.
The situation is almost the same now, only now Russia is acting as Germany. Well, in that case, there is a good chance that history will repeat itself, only now with Russia, and that the 4th Reich will come from Russia.

And this coming war we just have to survive.
No it's not good chance. How can you names it "good chance" I don't want to "survive" If you want it's you own. I will see want you when you house is fucking destroy and your man or father take away on the war for death. I agree to find by rituals but not live when all people can die. Stop to named this "good chance" you are crazy. I'm so angry when people say "it's okay it's good" are you fucking crazy! You don't know what is war?!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you so much for this post. Our brothers and sisters are all over the world, including in Ukraine. The situation is heating up, but I hope that everything will be fine. Your sermon is very inspiring, I would like to work more and better in the field of spiritual development, but the difficult situation in the country is unsettling. We will do our best, and thank you very much for all the support provided to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Hail Satan!
Anidark said:
No it's not good chance. How can you names it "good chance" I don't want to "survive" If you want it's you own. I will see want you when you house is fucking destroy and your man or father take away on the war for death. I agree to find by rituals but not live when all people can die. Stop to named this "good chance" you are crazy. I'm so angry when people say "it's okay it's good" are you fucking crazy! You don't know what is war?!
What did you want, for everything to be handed to you on a silver platter? Have you even read HP Cobra's sermons? If you have, you must have seen that HP Cobra said many times that before the 4th Reich and Hitler came, many people would die and we would suffer losses - everyone would have to lose something! Nobody is going to give you anything on a silver platter.

Do you want to live in the Satanic Empire and the 4th Reich? Be willing to sacrifice something.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for the information and I have a question for you.
What will happen to Turkey if there is a war ?
Turkey and Russia have commercial relations, but Turkey is a nato country, can it attack Turkey in this case ?
https://youtu.be/WjETXcFIlEI . Will the RTR to prevent another war, work now ?
Henu the Great said:
It was mentioned around the subject of Gods being 'bound'.

In any case, I'm not going to dig it up for you since that would be little to no use.

Now, I actually want to know the sermon/article. At the least tell me some key words or date/dates I should research around on search section.

Since you said bound it doesn't necessarily mean bindings of said thing rather more like building nullity sphere reducing their pull on the planet. That is what I remember from the bindings of the Gods it's not really a binding more like the enemy concocted some sort of effect to counteract.
Fear is a choice. I leave near the border with Ukraine and everyone treat this war like they will not do anything about it. People just don't want to fight for nothing. Many friends of my age said they will not go if we are enrolled and better face the prison than to die for others stupidity
Dark Blue Eye said:
Fear is a choice. I leave near the border with Ukraine and everyone treat this war like they will not do anything about it. People just don't want to fight for nothing. Many friends of my age said they will not go if we are enrolled and better face the prison than to die for others stupidity

You specifically must stay SAFE. Despite of anything do your aura of protection. Do aura of protection on yourself, your property, those that you care about during this time. Go the extra mile if necessary. Know the Gods will definitely protect you. They will be with those who are in these situations.

This is not about fear: Your must stay alive. Yes, nobody is feeling fear and even if one did, we can be stronger than it, but don't allow yourself to lose your precious life.

Stay strong, we will also do a big group Ritual for everyone there pretty soon.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
Fear is a choice. I leave near the border with Ukraine and everyone treat this war like they will not do anything about it. People just don't want to fight for nothing. Many friends of my age said they will not go if we are enrolled and better face the prison than to die for others stupidity

You specifically must stay SAFE. Despite of anything do your aura of protection. Do aura of protection on yourself, your property, those that you care about during this time. Go the extra mile if necessary. Know the Gods will definitely protect you. They will be with those who are in these situations.

This is not about fear: Your must stay alive. Yes, nobody is feeling fear and even if one did, we can be stronger than it, but don't allow yourself to lose your precious life.

Stay strong, we will also do a big group Ritual for everyone there pretty soon.

I meant to say I live, not leave. Fortunately I see the results of my meditations and workings. Actually the results of my workings are leading me to a safe place for the next months and after that a secure job and maybe to work in other place (even I would like to return in my natal place). The only sad part is that I am an young adult and my future is not shaped yet and I had to make some important decisions during this times. So I don't follow my dream path, but I am still doing great because of Satanism

Thanks for advices. I would try to communicate with the Gods how often I can
Baroness Blossom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for the information and I have a question for you.
What will happen to Turkey if there is a war ?
Turkey and Russia have commercial relations, but Turkey is a nato country, can it attack Turkey in this case ?

Turkey might have relations, but if we get to that end, then Turkey might have incentive to attack Russia because of both NATO and other disputes.

If the situation escalates very seriously, yes, it might attack.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Baroness Blossom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for the information and I have a question for you.
What will happen to Turkey if there is a war ?
Turkey and Russia have commercial relations, but Turkey is a nato country, can it attack Turkey in this case ?

Turkey might have relations, but if we get to that end, then Turkey might have incentive to attack Russia because of both NATO and other disputes.

If the situation escalates very seriously, yes, it might attack.

Woe is me! 😨🥺
So what can we do to prevent this situation?
On the margins of the planned Western sanctions...
👉What would we do in a similar situation?
🇺🇸What would Biden do if somewhere for 8 years US citizens were being killed by tanks, heavy artillery, banned weapons?
🇩🇪What would Scholz do if a territory inhabited by Germans was blockaded by someone, water cut off, children and women killed?
🇫🇷What would Macron do if 70 French people - women, old people - were burned alive in a trade union building?
🇵What would Morawiecki say if Polish children had to live in basements for 8 years because of constant rocket attacks?
🇭🇺What would we do if, say, Romania sent tanks against Hungarians in Transylvania and killed 14,000 Hungarians?
Let's think for a moment! Everyone would do what Putin did yesterday and few would wait 8 years to decide!
Viktor Orbán is in a difficult position, because at the moment it is wrong to support the EU's Russophobic actions, and it is wrong not to support them. If he supports it, then we are 'falling in line' and siding with the Ukraine, which is initiating the bloodshed. If you do not support it, the whole Western propaganda machine will be on your case, and that will jeopardise our electoral victory. We are confident that Orban and Putin have discussed everything beforehand, agreed on the steps to be taken and understood why the other side is doing what it is doing. Go Hungary! Go Viktor Orbán!🇭🇺
🇭🇺We support the decision of Viktor Orbán and his government - whatever it is. We trust that in the current situation they will choose the best solution for Hungary and the Hungarian people.
It is very clear that the decisions that are being taken are not being made in Budapest, but in Brussels and Washington, and it is also clear that Hungary cannot change them very much. It is in our interest now that there should be calm at home, and that we should be able to hold the elections in peace.
➡️The Russians have made a historic decision!
Russia has recognized the independence of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic!
➡️The Ukrainian President remembers diplomacy as a tool!
How interesting!
➡️Fireworks celebrated Putin's decision in Donetsk (surely because it's so "inhumane", right?
🔴Related videos:
➡️Video: Putin to the West: there will be no winner in this war!
➡️Video: Lavrov to the British: this is the dialogue of the dumb and the deaf
🔴Crimea (Let's hope that peace will finally be achieved in the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic)
We know that the Crimea referendum is (wrongly in our view) considered invalid by most Western countries, including the EU member states - including Hungary. We also know that the main reason given for this is that Russian troops 'occupied' the territory during the referendum, thus influencing the outcome. This is a gross exaggeration, as Russian troops have always been there under the treaty between the two countries, and their numbers have not exceeded the treaty limits during the events in question, and the Russian Black Sea Fleet was and is still stationed there. The Russian troops, after Ukraine had led its army against its own citizens and wanted to break them by force and, in some cases, kill them, were only helping to maintain order! The people of Crimea greeted these soldiers with flowers, and there are countless videos of this on the Internet!
There were no Russian soldiers in Odessa, where, on 2 May 2014, Ukrainian neo-Nazi forces burnt 48 people alive in the House of Trade Unions, and 250 others were injured in the attack. These were peaceful, civilian people, office workers, clerks. Their crime was simply that they spoke Russian, because it was their mother tongue.
It is quite clear that no one can be persuaded by force to go to the polls, and certainly not to influence the outcome of the referendum in this way. Nobody should question the result of the referendum, the free expression of the will of the Crimean people.
We also hold referendums in Hungary, and usually 50-70% of the people do not even turn up. How bad would it be for us if people did not accept the result of our referendum on some spurious pretext?
️ So, in chronological order, this is what happened:
1. There has been a violent coup in Ukraine, an armed takeover. Dissidents were targeted by the coup government with the army, who wanted to kill them and force them to obey the junta, which had come to power by illegal means.
2. The aim was to save lives, as the Ukrainian army and neo-Nazi forces were already on their way to Crimea. (To this day, they are blockading Donetsk and Luhansk provinces!)
After the declaration of independence, on 18 March 2014, Crimea and Russia signed the Treaty of Accession, Crimea and Sevastopol became part of the Russian Republic.
4. Note that Kosovo became independent without a referendum, and this was accepted by the European Union.
5. Crimea was Russian territory, only briefly part of Ukraine, by Khrushchev's (wrong) decision in 1954, Crimea has just "come home", not just been seceded. Let us also note that when Khrushchev made this decision, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union at the time, so the territory was transferred "from one pocket to another", Khrushchev did not think that the Soviet Union would break up, so in our opinion he made a big mistake!
7. All in all, the current Ukrainian regime has caused the deaths of 14 000 people with its murderous operation against its own citizens. Ukraine is suppressing the rights of Hungarians, Russians, people of other nationalities living in Ukraine, occupying churches, persecuting people on religious, linguistic and ethnic grounds. On several occasions, death threats were made against Hungarians living there, and the KMKSZ office was set on fire, and then searched by the SZBU (Ukrainian Security Service), which accused the leaders of separatism.

I have a fake facebook profile and found this post there.
I would also like to ask Ukrainian and Russian people's opinion about this, what is true and what is not true of the above?

Gear88 said:
Henu the Great said:
It was mentioned around the subject of Gods being 'bound'.

In any case, I'm not going to dig it up for you since that would be little to no use.

Now, I actually want to know the sermon/article. At the least tell me some key words or date/dates I should research around on search section.

Since you said bound it doesn't necessarily mean bindings of said thing rather more like building nullity sphere reducing their pull on the planet. That is what I remember from the bindings of the Gods it's not really a binding more like the enemy concocted some sort of effect to counteract.
It was talked last year. I did not want to spend time on this since knowing you all you do is rationalizing.
I know that Putin is a jew and a communist(an UNofficial one oc), but he has said, that this is a special military operation, where russian forces cut militarily any and all ties between the separatist regions and Ukraine. And i havent seen any news/evidence YET, that contradict this.

Could someone give me any? :roll:
Artanis said:
I know that Putin is a jew and a communist(an UNofficial one oc), but he has said, that this is a special military operation, where russian forces cut militarily any and all ties between the separatist regions and Ukraine. And i havent seen any news/evidence YET, that contradict this.

Could someone give me any? :roll:
Well, big maybe, this could be about weaponised biotech.


Source is pro-Russia btw, so take that into account.

Another link from this post: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=328215#p328215
I wonder where's God or the divine force of the Universe.

They are watching how this planet goes to shit .Who cares.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I didn't want to be right when I said 02/22/2022 would be a cursed enemy date [this was pre-planned of course, we know the enemy very well]. But it is.
This is called a palindromic date or palindrome, meaning that they read backwards the same way they read forwards. They are somewhat special because of their rarity. For example 2028 will have the last palindromic date of this century (28th of february 2028). The next palindromic date after that will be in 2101 (10th of December 2101). However I don't know if these dates posses a powerful energetical significance on their own, or the enemy made 22/02/2022 to be a cursed date themselves using their magic.
I remember once in a TV series someone who is into science and technology was saying a story about a scientist who was told by a „gipsy witch” that he will die in a palindromic date, and indeed the scientist died on 20/02/2002. Maybe weird events occured in other palindromic dates without us knowing too much about them.
the hybrid said:
I wonder where's God or the divine force of the Universe.

They are watching how this planet goes to shit .Who cares.

No, it is us that watch this planet go to shit and many don't even bother to apply the first and primary advice of Adi Yogi aka Father Satan and the wise Gods. This is our fault, not theirs. We are beings with consciousness and we have logic in our heads, we are not only animals.

We sever ourselves into this ignorance. The meditations do indeed exist, and the potential to tap into the forces of wisdom is there.
The Alchemist7 said:
For example 2028 will have the last palindromic date of this century (28th of february 2028). The next palindromic date after that will be in 2101 (10th of December 2101).
Made a mistake there, there is no palindromic date in 2028. Actually the next one date will be in 2030 (3rd of February 2030)
How do these dates work? Is this about ties to the mass mind subliminally?
The only time that doing anything on specific dates have sense to me, is when the planets are in some favorable configuration.
How does date by itself has any such properties?
Ariton 666 said:
🇭🇺What would we do if, say, Romania sent tanks against Hungarians in Transylvania and killed 14,000 Hungarians?
Let's think for a moment! Everyone would do what Putin did yesterday and few would wait 8 years to decide!
Viktor Orbán is in a difficult position, because at the moment it is wrong to support the EU's Russophobic actions, and it is wrong not to support them. If he supports it, then we are 'falling in line' and siding with the Ukraine, which is initiating the bloodshed. If you do not support it, the whole Western propaganda machine will be on your case, and that will jeopardise our electoral victory. We are confident that Orban and Putin have discussed everything beforehand, agreed on the steps to be taken and understood why the other side is doing what it is doing. Go Hungary! Go Viktor Orbán!🇭🇺
🇭🇺We support the decision of Viktor Orbán and his government - whatever it is. We trust that in the current situation they will choose the best solution for Hungary and the Hungarian people.
It is very clear that the decisions that are being taken are not being made in Budapest, but in Brussels and Washington, and it is also clear that Hungary cannot change them very much. It is in our interest now that there should be calm at home, and that we should be able to hold the elections in peace.


I have a fake facebook profile and found this post there.
I would also like to ask Ukrainian and Russian people's opinion about this, what is true and what is not true of the above?


Orban is half jewish, half gypsy. Obsessed with xianism. While there is easing everywhere, he is still keeping us under an epidemic-dictatorship here in Hungary. Since 2010 he has been running the country into the ground and looting it, almost building his own mafia state. Kim Jong-un of East-Central Europe.
Elvira666 said:
What did you want, for everything to be handed to you on a silver platter? Have you even read HP Cobra's sermons? If you have, you must have seen that HP Cobra said many times that before the 4th Reich and Hitler came, many people would die and we would suffer losses - everyone would have to lose something! Nobody is going to give you anything on a silver platter.

Do you want to live in the Satanic Empire and the 4th Reich? Be willing to sacrifice something.

The WHO declared a pandemic 2 years ago, on 11 March 2020. So this circus has been going on for at least 2 years. And in this context, the WEF plans have become widely known.

What have you done in the last 2 years to counter these hostile efforts? What sacrifices have you made? I don't just mean spiritual practices, but "everyday life".

I do not want to provoke you. Only in my country I see that there are "resisters" who cannot answer this simple question.

(Oh, and I guess the 4th Reich wouldn't be run by Putin? He's jewish.)
Irmãos Satanistas, estou pensando sobre algo que apareceu na minha mente a pouco tempo, e envolve toda essa situação que estamos vivenciando, talvez eu esteja fantasiando de mais as coisas, mas ultimamente está muito em alta posts em uma rede chamada "tiktok" sobre reptlianos. Pessoas fazendo videos com efeitos falando que ficariam lindos com olhos reptlianos, contas falando sobre reptlianos e como eles sao superiores, isso está ficando muito em alta por essa rede, e não consigo parar de pensar o quanto isso pode está envolvido com os planos do inimigo. Uma nação completamente influenciavel pode ser uma arma para eles. espero que para voces isso tenha alguma logica.
Woodlandman said:
How do these dates work? Is this about ties to the mass mind subliminally?
The only time that doing anything on specific dates have sense to me, is when the planets are in some favorable configuration.
How does date by itself has any such properties?

I asked that too and got answered here.


It ties into the mass mind essentially yes.
Here is my current understanding of the situation in Ukraine

After the 2008 revolution, the country became a pro-NATO, pro-EU vassal. However, Ukraine is a country that is 18% russian, with most of them concentrated in the east and south. These Russian speaking people did not want to become a part of the EU/NATO ukraine so they declared independence and formed separatist regions. This fighting has been going on for 8+ years...

Then with the recent election of Zelensky, the jewish actor/comedian who was pushed onto the Ukrainian public by its JWO controlled television networks for the many years prior to his election..... His control of the presidency solidified the jewish Soro's control of Ukraine. Zelensky and half of his cabinet is jewish, in a country of less than 1% jews. Not much of a representation of the Ukrainian people to anyone with a brain!....But wait.....how can there be a jewish president representing one of the most "white nationalist" nations on earth?!? Perhaps their elections were rigged?! Ukraine even has its own white nationalist national socialist battalion called the Azov battalion in their military as well as other similar groups... But wait a second.....one of the main funders of this Azov group is Ihor Kolomoyskyy, a jewish oligarch. Now why would a jewish oligarch be funding Neo-Nazi white nationalists in the Ukrainian army??! I thought about this for days, because at first it made no sense to me....Then I came to the conclusion that the oligarch is using them as his own personal militia for his personal financial interests. Perhaps he has mining/metal/natural resource interests in those regions and he is using these militias to destabilize the region so he can get a firm hold of it. He probably sees the goyim as cannon fodder and is more than happy to send these proud white males into a death zone to fight against other proud white males.

Now lets take a break from Ukraine and look at Putin for a second....
He was a brainchild of Klaus Schwab's world economic forum as a young leader...He is pro-jewish in Russia, he bends over backwards to them on a daily basis. After all, 80-85% of the original leninists/bolsheviks were jewish.... Now Putin said he wants to "De-nazify Ukraine".... Well how do you De-nazify a country that is controlled by jewish billionaire oligarchs?! Wait a second.....Putin is also surrounded by jewish oligarchs such as Roman Abramovich, who is also a personal friend of the Rothschilds......

So after seeing the jewish connection in Russia and Ukraine, I have concluded that this war/situation is simply a Hegelian Dialectic where jews control both sides and they win no matter what the outcome is while innocent whites murder each other to please their jewish masters. So i am not rooting for either side, instead I am hoping that the soldiers on both sides lay down their arms and team up against their (((true enemy)))
Siatris Ioholo said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks for the sermon, HP.
I do have one quibble though. From the statements of Macron, Boris Johnson, Biden and others, it appears that they are against Russia. But they are not the Jews? Just like Putin? Why are they against him? Maybe it's a plan of theirs to convince the population that they support them, so as to attract support???

Its a hegelian dialectic where jews control both sides so no matter what the outcome, "they win". We are being given a false illusion of choice
SleepingWolf said:
Woodlandman said:
How do these dates work? Is this about ties to the mass mind subliminally?
The only time that doing anything on specific dates have sense to me, is when the planets are in some favorable configuration.
How does date by itself has any such properties?

I asked that too and got answered here.


It ties into the mass mind essentially yes.

Ok, thx.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Jews control Azov
Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.
Jews control Azov-source: jewish newspaper
Kolomoisky supports many volunteer militias in Ukraine. There is even not non-jewish source that can confirm that Kolomoisky support Azov.But jewish troll army spread "muh azov" over internet and it is same shit like "muh hitler rothschild". Jew Andrew Anglin and his communist website daily stormer hate Azov and of course 4chan(JIDF) hate them too. The more I see propaganda against Azov, the more I am convinced that they are fighting for the right thing.
Muh 6 gorillion russians in donbas
It's just like annuda shoah
Kurat said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Jews control Azov
Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.
Jews control Azov-source: jewish newspaper
Kolomoisky supports many volunteer militias in Ukraine. There is even not non-jewish source that can confirm that Kolomoisky support Azov.But jewish troll army spread "muh azov" over internet and it is same shit like "muh hitler rothschild". Jew Andrew Anglin and his communist website daily stormer hate Azov and of course 4chan(JIDF) hate them too. The more I see propaganda against Azov, the more I am convinced that they are fighting for the right thing.

The Ukrainian side is overrepresented with jews. If Azov was truly legit, then why would they fight for the ukrainian side which is so blatantly controlled by their true enemy?The ukrainian president is a cross dressing jew and half of his cabinet are as well. Do they plan on doing a coup against their own Zelensky controlled government after Russia wins the war? Perhaps a lot of the soldiers in Azov are good meaning people, but where does the leadership stand in relation to the (((ukrainian government)))? If they are fighting for the ukrainian government, then they are fighting under zelensky. So this logic makes no sense.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Kurat said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Jews control Azov
Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.
Jews control Azov-source: jewish newspaper
Kolomoisky supports many volunteer militias in Ukraine. There is even not non-jewish source that can confirm that Kolomoisky support Azov.But jewish troll army spread "muh azov" over internet and it is same shit like "muh hitler rothschild". Jew Andrew Anglin and his communist website daily stormer hate Azov and of course 4chan(JIDF) hate them too. The more I see propaganda against Azov, the more I am convinced that they are fighting for the right thing.

The Ukrainian side is overrepresented with jews. If Azov was truly legit, then why would they fight for the ukrainian side which is so blatantly controlled by their true enemy?The ukrainian president is a cross dressing jew and half of his cabinet are as well. Do they plan on doing a coup against their own Zelensky controlled government after Russia wins the war? Perhaps a lot of the soldiers in Azov are good meaning people, but where does the leadership stand in relation to the (((ukrainian government)))? If they are fighting for the ukrainian government, then they are fighting under zelensky. So this logic makes no sense.
They can take down zelensky if they achieve sufficient popularity and strength. Otherwise they fail. Azov doesn't fill all orders from Ukraine governments. Ukraine government would have already ceded Mariupol.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
