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26/August/2017: Eclipse and Disastrous Weather

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I just want to mention, the extreme flooding and disastrous weather is a result of the powerful eclipse that occurred on the 21st of August.

I have read astrology books that have it wrong in regards to the elements and signs.

Like invoking elements can create a backlash of the opposite element, with a bit of research, I have found the same with eclipses.

The eclipse on the 21st was very powerful in contrast to most eclipses and was at 28 degrees of Leo. Leo is of the element of fire. This has created a backlash of water.

Just know this, especially for new people... The Jewish media, along with their Christian idiots hype this sort of thing and try to claim responsibility for it, wrath of that "God" etc, and exploit these occurrences of nature in order to frighten more ignorant people into believing in and following their vile agenda of spiritual enslavement.
Don't fall for it.

Most people haven't done the research and studying. Also, knowing the effects astrologically. Astrology is a difficult subject for most people, but is extremely rewarding.

The above is analogous to when European explorers were taken captive by natives here in the West. They told the natives they could make the moon disappear, as they had knowledge of an impending lunar eclipse. The natives were frightened and set them free.

Satan brings us knowledge. Especially for people who are new, don't listen to any Christian drivel. The average Christian has shit for brains. The Jewish controlled media hypes this sort of thing while pretending to be against it and the sad fact is most people believe what they're told.

If you do a little research on your own, you will find major eclipses like the one on the 21st bring catastrophic events. This is NO act of any spook floating around out there.

Also, after Mercury goes direct after the 4th of September, we should have a new forum. This will be announced here in the groups and on the JoS website.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
The alternative media ( conspiracy theorists ) keep calling these freak storms "an act of (God) jews" HAARP, or weather modification. There is a site called EARTHPULSE.COM. According the The Common Sense Show, this site has patents and the whole legal setup.
Must of us assume it is just nature.
Are some of these conspiracy sites actually jewish creations, in order to cause the gentile mass mind to believe 'God' is causing this stuff?
Will the increased gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun combined at an eclipse increase the chance of having earthquakes (big and small ) ?
The Jews are behind this all the way. With their control of the media, they constantly use captions in the news, use programs, books, magazine articles and so forth to deceive the populace into believing in Christianity.

They play upon any and all of unknowing. Especially spiritual knowledge that has been removed. Using terror, they readily attribute any natural disasters and such to their god. "God's anger" "God's punishment" and do forth. Punishment for not going along with their agenda.

The Horror genre has always been my favorite. I've watched hundreds of horror films. One thing I note... The themes of most horror movies focus on death, and the occult. Why should anyone fear these? The implication is the unknown should be feared and avoided.

It is shocking to say the least, the knowledge regarding occult/spiritual the Jews at the top have hoarded for centuries, let alone used to spiritually enslave unknowing Gentiles.

Also, the Jewish press has been supporting Islam. They plan to use Islam to destroy the spiritual as they have for centuries. All Islam is, is extreme violence, murder and depraved savagery in the extreme.

Islam clears the way for Jewish communism.
That's a great point about Islam. Thanks
I figure the moon and sun would have an increase in gravitational pull on the earth. Natural occurrence.
The jews would throw nonsense into it about the wrath of God. It's nonsense but I was that naive once.
Thanks for this information
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich JOS says this: "The serpent is what empowers the soul, bringing the all-knowing state of super consciousness known as" samadhi. "The" Sun-God "in truth is the ball of condensed chi (bioelectricity), which is visualized and circulated through each of the chakras (Gods) to empower and cleanse the soul, using specific meditations. This is the stage one of the Magnum Opus. "

So this means that we are still at the first step of Opus Magnum by turning the stone at the right time. Because when the time comes my stone makes me impatient and wants to make its turn. Perhaps the second step is to meditate on the Stone by closing the chakras. Because I note that this meditation repairs the soul like when I meditate on the Sigl of Father Satan.

But..., Where are the other 11-12 steps. Because I'm starting to go crazy ... !!!

JOS says again: "The Tarot, which originated in Egypt and is based upon the constellations (Egypt was the center of Spiritual Alchemy) has evolved into a deck of cards, of which modern playing cards originated after the trump was discarded. The Tarot has a hidden message and instructions for performing the Magnum Opus. From the Tarot, the Jewish invented "Torah" was stolen, with the original teachings being thoroughly corrupted. The Jewish "Torah" is also known as "The Five Books of Moses" (another fictitious Jewish character based upon Sargon and Thutmose) or the "Pentateuch." The five books were rip-offs from the five suits of the Tarot: Wands/Rods (the element of fire), Pentacles/Coins (the element of earth), Cups (the element of water) and Swords (the element of air), with the trump being the aether or quintessence. All five elements form the essence of the human soul (the fifth element of quintessence holds the four together) and are employed in the working of the Magnum Opus."

You said you gave us other lessons, or you wrote a Pdf on Tarot. Maybe I lost something ...!?
Thank you my lovely High Priestess Maxine Dietrich...!!!
I also want to add, how the enemy has attacked science and scientific inquiry, viciously and relentlessly throughout the ages to keep the populace ignorant and enslaved. Then any natural phenomenon they attribute to that so-called god of theirs. People tend to get frightened over what they don't know. The Jews have used this to an extreme to deceive and keep under their control.

Just remember, there are answers for everything. Knowledge is the key...
My beloved HP Maxine, I think I have reached another step in the Opus Magnum. I'm studying again JOS analyzing everything right. I always knew that everything was in JOS. I also think that Gods are driving me again. I also think too that these gray fucks try to touch me in the mind, manipulating my thoughts, since they can not attack my emotions or to physically attack me, because I'm sure they're burning up trying to get closer to me. As if my mind is open again and is seeing all these new messages. I am also realizing this new energy that is regenerated in my body after this new merger. Maybe I always have to delirate a bit before that Father Satan sends me somebody to guide me again... Hail Padre Satana... Nel mio delirio resto sempre un suo fedele Guerriero...!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
