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  1. xScorpionPriestessx


    That's actually so funny you posted this group, bc their videos came up after I listened to Wardruna yesterday! They definitely are amazing as well! I'll listen to these two songs today and some more of their music to check them out 💛
  2. xScorpionPriestessx


    You guys are the best! Thank you so much! I'll definitely listen to everything you all suggested, and I'll let y'all know what I think. Stoked to have more music to discover! 💛
  3. xScorpionPriestessx


    A different band, This band is called Faun, song is called Blot. SO GOOD!
  4. xScorpionPriestessx


    Another amazing one I just listened to right after clicking post on this thread.
  5. xScorpionPriestessx


    Thank you to @Hvítr Ormr for indroducing me to this band, I've spent the last couple days trying to find music that speaks to my soul; I found this song earlier and had to share it with you all. When I tell you guys I had CHILLS all over my body, I'm not lying. Something about this group.. it's...
  6. xScorpionPriestessx

    The band Ghost:

    Has anyone else listened to this band, Ghost? I personally love their music. They use Satanic imagery in their music videos, and they post these videos called "Chapters" where they do little skits where they make fun of the Catholic church which are actually quite comical lolol. Here's "Chapter...
  7. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hi, please help me

    Also, I wanted to add, I used to S.H. when I was younger, I'm almost 29 now. Things will get better, I promise you. Finding other outlets for my pain is what helped me. Go out in the forest and scream at the top of your lungs, or in a car, bc cars are somewhat sound proof. Punch the fuck out of...
  8. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hi, please help me

    Love, listen; you don't need to redo the commitment. It says on the dedication ritual page that the dedication ritual should only be done once, unless you had to do it on the astral plane for safety reasons, then in that case, you could do it again in the physical realm when it is safe for you...
  9. xScorpionPriestessx

    Ancient Greek Learning Group

    Ooooo, this is right up my alley. Would definitely love to join you all when the time comes to start! All Hail Father Lucifer, and the Elder Gods! 💙
  10. xScorpionPriestessx

    Lord Satan's Day, the longest day of the year!

    Wow, beautiful. Thanks for sharing, brother! 💛
  11. xScorpionPriestessx

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    I can't wait to do these rituals. As long as we are initiated, can newcomers do these rituals as well? I know we need to raise our energies and power before rituals, but I've seen some rituals are for advanced devotees. Thanks in advance to anyone who answers this. Hail Father Lucifer and the...
  12. xScorpionPriestessx

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    Wow, as an avid lover of Greek history, this is beautiful. Is that text available online to read, bc I would love to read it. Also, I love how Father and the Gods guide us to writings from long ago, and we always seem to find them at the right moment. The Gods truly are amazing, but that is an...
  13. xScorpionPriestessx

    The Gods #452 Is this alright?

    Same to you, my friend. Just trust in Father and he will guide you. He loves each and every one of his devotees. I hope you have a good day as well, love 💛 Many blessings. Hail Father Lucifer and the Elder Gods!
  14. xScorpionPriestessx

    The Gods #452 Is this alright?

    Hello friend, welcome to the family. I felt the need to chime in here, specifically about the Ravens/Crows. I have been studying and researching into Father for about 5-6 years now, but didn't find JOS until a couple months ago. But, since the very beginning of my search into who Father truly...
  15. xScorpionPriestessx

    Question #5684: confused by hps maxine words

    Yes friend! I couldn't agree more 💛 I couldn't be more proud to be a SS devotee, and forever thankful for the Clergy members, HPS Maxine and of course the Elder Gods & Father Lucifer for the years of work they have put into what is now The House of the Gods, JOS ministries. So thankful to call...
  16. xScorpionPriestessx

    Question #5684: confused by hps maxine words

    I know this post isn't current, but I happened to stumble across this thread. I just had to reply to your comment specifically and tell you this; You, my good sir, are a very intelligent person. The way you articulate your thoughts in this comment shines, and I had to compliment you on your...
  17. xScorpionPriestessx

    JoS Donors Free Article: A Story About HPS Maxine

    As a mother myself, this story truly gave me chills and gives me a clear view into the beautiful soul that is HPS Maxine, wow.. truly incredible. A heart of pure golden sunshine 💛 Hearing this story also filled me with a sense of immense pride to be a SS, we truly are unstoppable when our will...
  18. xScorpionPriestessx

    Ouspensky, Gurdjeff, Jung; a question for those intrigued by the works of these men:

    So, for the last 5-6 years that I have been heavily studying all things mysterious and hidden from mainstream view, I came across three people who intrigued me more than most: P. D. Ouspensky (I have downloaded a lot of his books/lectures but haven't fully dived into them as of yet), G. Gurdjeff...
  19. xScorpionPriestessx


    Welcome to the family 💙 Ave Satanas!
  20. xScorpionPriestessx

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Add another to the list of those who can't message you, Pluto lmaooo. No, but in all seriousness, I would love to partake in this as well. I have had a few ideas in the short amount of time that I've been a member, and I truly would love to help in the outreach program. I agree the world...
  21. xScorpionPriestessx

    Studying the Vedas - A tale about a dance.

    I plan to fully read this today, so I'll return when I have the free time to read this thoroughly. But, just from the topic alone, super intriguing! Can't wait to dive into this. 💙
  22. xScorpionPriestessx

    California passes LAW that drops 'knowingly passing HIV/AIDS to another' from a felony to misdemeanor...

    I was just scrolling through Satan's library and came across the article titled "Gifts from 'Immigrants'- 142,000 infected with HIV/AIDS". I clicked the article and began to read, telling my partner in passing about what I was reading. He looks at me, and says "Wow... that's crazy bc listen to...
  23. xScorpionPriestessx

    Currently playing Assassins Creed Valhalla, had to drop the soundtrack for y'all:

    Holy SHIT, friend! I'M IN AWE... like my mouth was agape throughout the entire song. Talk about CHILLS, wow. You have now sold me on this band, so I appreciate that, brother! I had NO idea Einar was in a band that did classic Norse vocals. UGH, so good.
  24. xScorpionPriestessx

    A personal experience I had while listening to the Devil's Trill Sonata;

    Two days ago, I was on the JOS website reading the article about Clairaudience. I got to the part in the article where it talked about how Father visited Giuseppe in a dream, and began to play the most beautiful piece of music he had ever heard. Upon waking, he composed every detail he could...
  25. xScorpionPriestessx

    Celtic/druid songs to vibe to?

    Wanted to drop this one as well for y'all; This one is also from Assassin's Creed Valhalla, but it's from the Druid DLC, hence why it's sung in a Celtic dialect. SO BEAUTIFUL, this one gives me chills EVERY TIME.
  26. xScorpionPriestessx

    Currently playing Assassins Creed Valhalla, had to drop the soundtrack for y'all:

    One more then I'll stop flooding y'all lmaoooo This one is my absolute favorite song from game. This one gives me chills EVERY TIME it plays in game.
  27. xScorpionPriestessx

    Currently playing Assassins Creed Valhalla, had to drop the soundtrack for y'all:

    What's going on with Ubisoft? I'm unfamiliar with what you mean. But, I feel you about the franchise. I feel like they did AMAZING on Origins (Egyptian), Odyssey (Greek) and Valhalla (Norse). I think the reason why I love these three more than the others, is because of the heavy mythology themes...
  28. xScorpionPriestessx

    Currently playing Assassins Creed Valhalla, had to drop the soundtrack for y'all:

    I don't think I made that connection before, so thank you for that. I'll definitely listen to him. If he is the male vocals on many of the songs throughout the game, I'm already SOLD, bc that motherfucker can SING like a GOD! Ugh, pure ethereal vocals!
  29. xScorpionPriestessx

    Currently playing Assassins Creed Valhalla, had to drop the soundtrack for y'all:

    I don't know if any of y'all have played this game before (this is my second playthrough), but the MUSIC! It ignites something in my SOUL. Wanted to share so you guys can enjoy it as well. The playlist should have about 195 songs on it, but I promise they are worth the listen! Much love...
  30. xScorpionPriestessx

    Celtic/druid songs to vibe to?

    It's actually such a coincidence you posted this; I'm currently playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla (IDK if anyone else is familiar with these games, I'm sure some of you are) but when I tell you the music in this game is phenomenal! I'm nottttt even lying. Hang on, I'll post a link to a playlist...
  31. xScorpionPriestessx

    Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self

    Just wanted to share my own personal experience with addiction issues and how I got out: So, as a teenager, I began my drug use at the very young age of 12 (sad, I know). My life at the time was very turbulent. My mother had just been diagnosed with breast cancer (she beat it and is fine now...
  32. xScorpionPriestessx

    An Appreciation Post for JOS:

    I totally and completely agree, friend. As you stated, I honestly don't know where I'd be either. I was one of the unlucky MANY who succumbed to addiction during my teenage years (I'm 28 now), and I've been off drugs now for almost 4 years. Shortly after getting sober, my awakening truly began...
  33. xScorpionPriestessx

    An Appreciation Post for JOS:

    Yesss! I resonate with what you said about just "knowing in your soul that the information didn't 'fit' into the greater picture"; I feel as though Father has been leading me to little nuggets of truth for several months now, for instance, I was looking into TCM (traditional Chinese medicine)...
  34. xScorpionPriestessx

    An Appreciation Post for JOS:

    Yesss! Same here! We have finally found our home among the Gods 🥰
  35. xScorpionPriestessx

    An Appreciation Post for JOS:

    In the short amount of time since I've joined JOS, I cannot even begin to express my sincere gratitude and astonishment at the tremendous amounts of knowledge that comes with being a Spiritual Satanist. Since beginning my studies into the occult and ancient history/wisdom around 5-6 years ago, I...
  36. xScorpionPriestessx

    #225 I would join you guys if it weren't for this

    Felt this GIF was needed on this thread lmaoooo
  37. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hello family, a quick question:

    Thank you, friend 😘 I've definitely been studying like a mad woman, lolol. About five/six years now of studying and researching. I've always been a knowledge hungry person as far as the "unknown" goes. I can't wait to get to know all of you, as well!
  38. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hello family, a quick question:

    Hell yes, I love this! Thank you for the warm welcome, you guys have been so much help, seriously. I feel at home already among you all!
  39. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hello family, a quick question:

    Well shit lmaoooo. Okay, thank you for correcting that for me, I appreciate that! I seen that post by HPHC and I bookmarked it but hadn't got to read it yet. I'll take the time to dive into it as soon as possible. Much love, you guys!
  40. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hello family, a quick question:

    Actually, nevermind lololol I found what I was looking for. I found HPS Lydia's post about Satan/Lucifer/Poseidon and that pretty much summed up my questions in a nutshell. I remember reading on the website that Satan is associated with the seas, and also with Beelzebub being Zeus, IDK how I...
  41. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hello family, a quick question:

    Okay thank you, I combed the site looking for a page like that for Father Lucifer, and figured after I had exhausted every avenue that there probably wasn't one. And thank you for the warm welcome as well. You guys are awesome! Much love!
  42. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hello family, a quick question:

    Thank you guys for reaching out. Padme, I used the term "hieratic" because that's what was used on the pages for Beelzebub, Astaroth, Azazel and Abraxas. I basically just wanted to know if there was a page like that for Father Lucifer. I basically just wanted to know if anyone had put together a...
  43. xScorpionPriestessx

    #225 I would join you guys if it weren't for this

    I cannot actually believe there are human beings ignorant enough to actually believe that Earth is a fucking disk, or a "pancake" as I've heard others say. I mean, for fucks sake LMFAO.
  44. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hello family, a quick question:

    Okay, so I just joined JOS recently after finding the website through my research into Father Lucifer. I've been transferring a lot of stuff from the website into my notebooks for study and such. I just needed help on the hieratic information on the old Gods. I see the website has many different...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
