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  1. D

    I hv a few important questions in mind.Please answer

    1)Well, the blood is your DNA, your personal signature. Thats why its needed. Teens that live with their parents can also do it in their astral temple if they can't in their house, but if you are just coward or scared or drawing blood then it won't be counted. This can only happen in special...
  2. D


    More info about the Gods/Demons being extraterrestrials who created humanity, from the JoS site: http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/Origins.html "The Gods are an extraterrestrial race of beings. As a matter of fact, there have been several different alien races that have lived here on planet...
  3. D


    Bune and all other Demons/Gods of Old are extraterrestrials (Nordics) and physical beings, not just spiritual. Their soul/astral body is inside their physical body like humans. The reason many occultists say that they are spirits is because they see their astral form when the Demons use astral...
  4. D

    The Holocaust.. URGENT

    Holohoax IS a lie. But too bad it didn't happen :( Its probably newbies that don't know it is a lie and say that the holohoax was good. You won't ever see HPS Maxine, for example, saying that. As for Hailing Hitler, it has really nothing to do with the holohoax. He was a great leader and a...
  5. D

    Whats the rule on suicide?

    The Spiritual Satanic rule is "do what you will unless it's illegal or it harms children, animals, Satanists or disrespects the Demons". There is no such thing as "eternal damnation", but IMO suicide is stupid. One could spend his current lifetime in empowering himself spiritually and the...
  6. D

    curious new member

    Well, I can't say for others, but for me it made perfect sense when I read the JoS site. I felt like it was something that put all the pieces of the puzzle together, I have always seen and experienced things which I couldn't explain but when I read it it confirmed my experiences and explained...
  7. D


    The info in wikipedia is wrong, it is taken from jewish grimoire sites and is blasphemous and depicts her as a monster. If you read it it says that she is a three-headed dragon. Many people tried to change it but some kike always put it back. So, stay with JoS info, she is a female. Hail Satan!!
  8. D

    Forgive my ignorance

    HS=Hail Satan. 88=HH=Heil Hitler (H is the 8th letter of the Alphabet). So, HS&88 means Hail Satan&Heil Hitler
  9. D

    Christians vs. Satanists!

    I agree with that. Scaring xians does the opposite of converting them and showing them the truth. All this does is reinforce their belief that Satanists are "evil" and hate christianity blindly for no real reason.
  10. D

    If we sell ou soul to the devil

    If you get baptized as christian (thus giving your soul to the real devil for free) you'll probably lose the one you love and yourself too, since you'll follow the suicidal and self-destructive teachings of christianity. But if you refer to Satan, no He isn't the "devil", nor does he buy or...
  11. D

    Christians vs. Satanists!

    "Death to Humanity!" HUH, WTF? Satan is the creator of humanity, he actually wants to advance and become powerful Gods like Him, not to die! Xianity is anti-life and its obvious in their bible that their non-existent "god" hates humanity, the story of the serpent (Satan) bringing knowledge...
  12. D


    Yes, but jews are weaker than most non-jews in the fire element. I can explain why. One of characteristics of the fire element is creativity. Yet jews never created anything. They stole everything from non-jews, their language, religion, mysticism. Fire also represents strength and bravery...
  13. D

    Satanism and Afterlife - What's your view?

    True, but a few people only worship a thoughtform. Most of them just use their own opinions on how a god is or should be and sometimes let their imagination interfere and confuse it with reality. They don't really communicate with Satan or even a thoughtform they created, just imagine things and...
  14. D


    Come on do you really believe in the holohoax? Hitler did not kill a single jew. He wanted to transport them to Russia, the camps were actually transportation/labor camps, not death camps. Zyclon B was used to remove typhus which was widespread and most jews died because of it (not Hitler), it...
  15. D

    Satanism and Afterlife - What's your view?

    Sorry, I actually didn't make myself clear about Darkness. I wanted to say that Satanism isn't only about Darkness, but both Light and Darkness. The reason I focused on Light is because most Satanist-wannabes think that Satanism is ONLY about Darkness. I also don't believe that light is good...
  16. D

    List of the Gods throughout history

    I know only the equivalents of the Crowned Princes of Hell and Thoth, not sure If they can be of any use to you but here it is: Isis(Egyptian)=Ishtar(Babylonian)=Inanna(Sumerian)=Astarte (Canaanite)=Aphrodite/Venus(Greco-Roman)=Astaroth(Goetic Demon)...
  17. D


    You are right, most jews can't withstand the fire element and are weak to it. Use that to your advantage. Just gather enough fire energy and condense it into a big fireball, then visualize throwing it in a synagogue and imagine it burning the whole building and their asses off!! Hail Satan!!
  18. D

    Looking For Answers On The Spirituality of Satanism

    Here is another must-read (VERY INFORMATIVE) article about the attitudes of the highly evolved spiritual beings called "Pagan Gods" or "Demons" written by mageson666: http://www.geocities.com/gbltsatanists/bb666.html And please don't say that highly spiritual beings are pacifists after...
  19. D

    Looking For Answers On The Spirituality of Satanism

    Satanism is *NATURAL LAW* In nature there is BOTH love AND hate for good reasons each. Destruction and creation are BOTH important. "Greater spiritual beings do not experience this as they are in a constant state of awareness/bliss." I wonder wherever you heard that?You should look at the...
  20. D

    Target: EnkiEa

    Well, if there are any weaklings here that want to kiss the kikes' asses or don't wanna "hate" anyone or are jews, let them go I say!! Seriously, don't waste any time with those guys, they are not that important. They are just weaklings who will be purged in the long run. Hail Satan!!
  21. D

    Looking For Answers On The Spirituality of Satanism

    I think you have confused Satanism with Laveyanism and Spirituality with new age. Humans are NOT Gods by themselves. We can become Gods like Satan and the Demons by meditating and completing the Magnum Opus therefore gaining immortality and immense power. We are preising Satan because he is the...
  22. D

    Target: EnkiEa

    Let Satan deal with them as they use HIS name for their own purposes. Focus on more important targets instead. *Hint* Vatican, converting xians *Hint* http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/ Hail Satan!!
  23. D

    Satanism and Afterlife - What's your view?

    The reason you and many others have a negative feeling about Satan is because of christian brainwashing and believing the christian lies about him. The people who associate Satan with grief, pain, e.t.c. are not Satanists, they are reverse christians or devil-worshippers, that is, they worship...
  24. D

    Weak 'copycat' religion.

    Talk about intolerance!!And they call *us* intorerant for practicing spiritual warfare. Ironic, isn't it?
  25. D

    JoS paper version

    I do believe that there are some buyable books in paper form on the "Online Store" of JoS site. But about JoS site site closing...That made me curious as well. Is it some threat from JoS bashers or anti-free thought orgs to take down or hack the site? Perhaps someone should make a PDF version...
  26. D

    Weak 'copycat' religion.

    You misunderstood what I said, I didn't say that they absolutely hate us or are with the enemy. I said they are neutrals. New agers think that we are allies but they also think that xians, muslims e.t.c. are allies too. Are they on the same side? Of course not. The reason for that is that they...
  27. D

    Must read for all Satanists whom are 'peace loving'.

    The problem is, many people confuse peace with stupidity. I want to have peace too, but I KNOW that we we'll never have peace as long as the parasitical jews exist and control the banks and government. The only way to have peace is to defeat them, if we have the "live and let live" attitude...
  28. D

    Weak 'copycat' religion.

    Actually, they aren't on the same side, they are neutrals since they don't fight Satan's enemies but they tolerate and support them instead. The main reason to ally with someone is to fight their common enemies. That means, no matter what they call themselves, they are not Satanists or Enkiists...
  29. D


    This "Iacobus Mangunus" or "kayhitlerkami" person was banned from the JoS group because he tried to cause trouble and he then started to threaten people with IMs that hes gonna take our IP adresses to the ISPs and thet he told the anti-free thought kike orgs like ADL about JoS and theyre gonna...
  30. D

    satanic groups

    There is a section for newbies in the JoS site. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... wbies.html They are just too lazy to read it and ask the same things that are already answered in the site. It even says in the E-groups section to read the JoS site first before joining the groups...
  31. D

    Can anyone debunk this info? From copycat website.

    As far as the 3 Great lies being war propaganda and Michael the enemy goes, this is utter BS. For one, the buybull, quran e.t.c were stolen from OCCULT CONCEPTS made into real beings or places, not stories or propaganda. For example, the jewsus character is taken from the concept of...
  32. D

    Void Moon Help!

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ldLie.html Hail Satan!!
  33. D

    Can anyone debunk this info? From copycat website.

    "White coloured energy can be very dangerous, as it is reflective" LLOL!!Being reflective means that it ISN'T dangerous because it REFLECTS all the bad things that come to us and turn them against our enemies. Its obvious that the person writing this believes in the karma crap or something...
  34. D

    Weak 'copycat' religion.

    Yes, I have seen this website before, it is a plagiarized politically correct RHP joke. They are trying to conform our True God to political correctness, water our teachings down and make it another pacifist fluffy new-agey religion like wicca. It just doesn't work, you are either a Satanist or...
  35. D

    The Gifts of Enki. Use them.

    I agree with that, but newbies or those with a not so strong aura should use that only if nothing else works. I'm saying that because I've heard stupid JoS-bashers saying that they had their husband or their dog killed because the JoS site says to use meditation to fix our problems and heal...
  36. D

    Would this work to grow our army?

    Who gives a s*** what the sheep think about us?If someone is able to do their research and find more about Satan then that means they are ready to overcome their fears. The title "Satanism" is like a filter, to separate those who can think for themselves from the sheep. Like somebody else said...
  37. D

    Black magick

    I didn't have enough time to read all of this, but it sounds like RHP BS again: "I point the threefold law against thee". THE THREEFOLD LIE ISN'T REAL!!That's wiccan corruption like i said. "***Warning:This can be a Deadly Hex! If you so choose to do it, be forewarned that you may indeed...
  38. D


    There no pacts that involve selling souls. This comes from anti-Satanic christian propaganda and the sad thing is that many people buy it. No, there is no any way to become rich instantly, and that's the truth. The Gods are here for help and guidance, not doing things THAT WE CAN ALSO DO ON OUR...
  39. D

    yahoo answers

    It isn't the website, but the CONTENT that matters. Instead of copy+pasting, re-writing the content which contains facts or trying to find its sources its easier to give a link and let the other person judge it. And proving nothing is actually WORSE than giving a site (which may or may not...
  40. D

    Should i trust this site?

    Enlil is the Crowned Prince Baal/Beelzebub, not "yahweh". That's another thing he got wrong in his site. And I doubt that "yahweh" is a real being as Satan is. Enlil is in Satan's side and I'm close to him. Hail Satan!!
  41. D

    Should i trust this site?

    It's another RHP site trying to soft-soap REAL OCCULT KNOWLEDGE coming from SATAN. Its only useful information are the JoS and the Black Sun 666 on the "favorite links" section. Hail Satan!!
  42. D

    order of opening chakras

    Awakening prematurely the kundalini serpent on the root chakra may cause serious trouble if it can't ascend through the other chakras when they are closed or blocked. There have been many cases with new-agers having problems with that. Thats why its better to start from the top to the bottom...
  43. D


    My opinion on this...There is no wiccan magick. "Wiccan magick" is actually Pagan/Satanic magick corrupted, watered down, twisted and made into RHP with karma and threefold lie added. So, you can use these because the Wiccans actually took it from Satanism, not the other way. But only as long as...
  44. D

    Can anyone explain what's this??

    True. Both the "good" and the "evil" side of christianity are owned by the same people, the KIKES. It should not be confused with Satanism. http://www.666blacksun.com/Main.html Btw, I noticed that everyone here is talking about attacks on xians. How about attacking the jews too, who are...
  45. D


    Damn right!! Hail Satan!!
  46. D

    A few Questions

    1. Satanism is a name for ancient Pagan religions. Satan means enemy, Enki named Satan by the jews is the "founder" of the Sumerian religion. He is also the Egyptian God Ptah. 2. Satan and Lucifer are the same being. They are not different crowned princes. Disregard the Satanic Bible, Demonic...
  47. D

    Michael W. Ford?

    Actually, it has ANGLES, not ANGELS in its name, the Order of Nine Angles. Like saying an 90 degree angle. Many people confuse that.
  48. D


    I don't consider Satanists people who are in one of those 3 categories: 1)Those who deny Satan's existance (they are self-worshipping atheists and most of them don't see a reason to unite with other Satanists against Satan's enemies since Satan to them is not real). 2)Those who believe in...
  49. D

    Just joined

    I'm glad you are doing your research and finding the truth on your own :) This is actually the prime requisite of a Satanist, in my opinion. Yes, Satan and the Demons are extraterrestrials, they are Nordics from Orion and greys are of the enemy. I have dealt with grey attacks before. Enki...
  50. D

    A few questions, insight appreciated

    Satan isn't an archetype or part of one's self, He is a real physical being and one can see and communicate with him, he looks something like this: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html Besides that, I believe taking an archetype and making it how you want it to be is...
  51. D

    How can we help?

    Satanism isn't about self-ism and disregarding Satan (who is a real being, not an archetype) either: http://www.666blacksun.com/Concerning_S ... rfare.html http://www.666blacksun.com/Tactics.html Hail Enki!!
  52. D

    Specific or General Attacks

    In my opinion, we should do both of them. Specific attacks to remove their leaders and general attacks using thoughtforms to end the enemy brainwashing and influence and drain their energy vortex.
  53. D

    Spiritual warfare program...

    Try to summon Satan and a thoughtform you or somebody else made. You'll notice that Satan's energy is much stronger and you'll even feel the bioelectricity coming. Also, a thoughtform answering our prayers, giving us powerful meditations and saying things that are true or predicting the future...
  54. D

    Any other Yahoo Answer nuts out there?

    I'm on Y Q&A too. Xians there don't piss me off as much as those damn Laveyans saying that Satanism is atheism and im deluded for believing Satan is real. They are probably the worst Laveyans ive ever seen and more close minded than xians. But aside from my ranting, I agree that Y Q&A is a...
  55. D


    The question is...Why you are here? I doubt you'll find anything of interest since we are mostly talking about our experiences with Satan and the Demons and dealing enemy extraterrestrials (angels, greys, reptillians) as we have seen them. And also about ancient religions (Sumerian, Egyptian)...
  56. D

    Reading List?

    The Lost Book of Enki by Sitchin and other books or sites on Sumerian/Egyptian mythology like http://www.gatewaystobabylon.com if you want to learn about the history of Enki/Ptah/Satan the Elder Gods(Demons).
  57. D

    What do you recommend?

    Chakra and aura cleaning, full chakra meditation, energy breathing, physical yoga. You should do these every day, they make you much spiritually stronger.
  58. D

    Re: [666_JoyofSatan] Re: Should we belive David Icke?

    He sounds like someone only wanting to rebel against xianity and "believe" things instead of learning the TRUTH which comes from personal research and experiences. Don't waste any time with him, "rebel xians" are worse than xians.
  59. D

    Michael W. Ford?

    He believes that Satan and the Demons are archetypes and parts of one's mind and soul, not real physical beings. He also includes the jewish qlippoth and calls Lilith and other Demons "vampires", which are very blasphemous to Satan. In reality angels are vampires, they suck the energy of xians...
  60. D


    All Satan's children are already half-Demons/Gods. But we have to become Gods/Demons with the Magnum Opus, http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... _Opus.html

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
