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  1. L


    Hello! :D How do you like my intimidating capital letters? lol There are a few art[/IMG]These articles have to do with loss of energy, feeling headaches etc, and some general moments of "epiphany" (sudden realization) that I had, which made me change my perspective towards life as a whole.[/B]...
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    Epilepsy and meditation - Please advice :)

    <b [/IMG]I have an SS friend who was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. This is her message:[/B] [/IMG]The epilepsy is in the temporal lobe.[/B] During the EEG (electroencephalogram) which lasted about 50 minutes, the doctor said that I had about 6 or 7 seizures, in none of which I had spasms...
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    Epilepsy and meditation - Please advice :)

    <b [/IMG]I have an SS friend who was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. This is her message:[/B] [/IMG]The epilepsy is in the temporal lobe.[/B] During the EEG (electroencephalogram) which lasted about 50 minutes, the doctor said that I had about 6 or 7 seizures, in none of which I had spasms...
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    Shit Memory - What's the point of reading?!

    Hello. I will ramble, I will. My actual question will be at the end (in bold/underline). [/IMG]always bad. I remember when I was 17 and my friend/classmate was telling me about a theater we did in high school (when I was 14) and I could-not-remember anything at all. My friend was certain that I...
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    Throat block = obsessive thoughts

    Hello.Many times I thought of writing this issue here, but I don't think I ever did.It's a bit of a realization of mine. So, [/IMG][/IMG]that when [/IMG] I start having palpitations and I am OBSESSIVELY thinking about this news/incident.[/B] I mean, I just feel horrible, and I am thinking "oh...
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    Occult Groups in Your Area/State/Country - Why Not to Join

    [/IMG]I strongly advice against that, as you never know the kind of "magick" this group is performing.[/B] I will give examples of two people I had met who had delved into jewish magick; one was aware of it (but he thought that this was... satanic) and the other didn't have the slightest idea...
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    Binding spell + controlling the other person

    Hello. :)I have two questions to ask. 1.[/IMG]W[/IMG]not the best for black magick? (eg Leo or Virgo)[/B]My thinking is this: I don't really want to hurt the person which I will bind. I just want them to become unable to hurt me and to hurt some other people I care about. 2.<b [/IMG]I managed to...
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    Download in .ZIP All Mp3s from Satan's Library

    Hello. :DI uploaded as .zip files all the mp3s from Satan's Library (for easier download). Wh[/IMG]never before in my life had the Internet been cut off so many times........ [/B](for absolutely no reason of course....) Many attempts were needed for me to download all of the files. So, for all...
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    Fixing gut flora after fucking antibiotics

    HELLO!!!!I keep on making new topics here, I am the happiest person on the planet!!! :'D [/IMG]The problem is very minor, but it may be "the start" of something, so I thought I should catch up to it.[/B] [/IMG]I had noticed, a couple of days after I started taking that fucking pill, whenever I...
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    Request for JoS Audio

    Hello. [/IMG]very[/B] unpleasant). Can anyone make an audio of "Daemon": http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aemon.html I can't seem to find it here: https://satanslibrary.weebly.com/mp3-library.html Also, can anyone make an audio of "Demons and Bioelectricity"...
  11. L

    DESTROY THE ENEMY TO THE GROUND!!!! 40 Days Working Communications R

    Brother Aldr[/IMG]He had written a big post about it and sent it to the Yahoo Groups, and this is when our groups were taken out by the enemy.[/B] Unfortunately he didn't save this anywhere and so what he wrote was destroyed by the enemy. <b [/IMG] The Taurus moon begins on the 1st of December...
  12. L

    DESTROY THE ENEMY TO THE GROUND!!!! 40 Days Working Communications R

    Brother Aldr[/IMG]He had written a big post about it and sent it to the Yahoo Groups, and this is when our groups were taken out by the enemy.[/B] Unfortunately he didn't save this anywhere and so what he wrote was destroyed by the enemy. <b [/IMG] The Taurus moon begins on the 1st of December...
  13. L

    Throat problem :(

    Hello.In general, I am rather sensitive to throat problems (with the tonsils and such). I don't get sick in general, but whenever I do, 9/10 it would be because of a throat problem. <b [/IMG]Right now, my tonsils are not swollen, but I have difficulty swallowing.[/B]I drink tea all day with...
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    Is a Magickal Square still valid if ... ?

    I've had this happen a bit too much these last days, so I need to make sure. :/ I will start vibrating for the square (let's say, a total of 31 reps) and when I am at the 15th rep, I may not be sure whether I counted this one or not (if it's 15 or 14), so I will stop. Take a breath or two and...
  15. L

    Isn't Race relevant to Ethnicity ?

    Hello.I was watching this retarded talent show with my father, and at some point a woman appeared who seemed to not be "normal". Later on she said how her mother is Greek and her father is from .. (didn't understand quite well; a place in Africa) but she feels Greek and she is Greek.The woman...
  16. L

    Marvel is 100% jewish. Comics thread ? :P

    <b [/IMG]A few months ago I found a youtube channel by the name "Diversity and Comics".[/B]In this channel, a guy reviews some of the latest superhero comics (Marvel/DC) and their SJW pro-in reality we're all homosexual, pro-there are no genders/races (etc) undertones. <b [/IMG]The co[/IMG]<b...
  17. L

    Can you help me find these Sermons? -_-

    Hello. I'm at my wit's end. -_- I've downloaded the backup that HP HoodedCobra posted. I even searched on the yahoo group Newsletter. I even used the wayback machine etc...I DID manage to find some sermons that were not in the backup (with a google search, I found websites of Brothers and...
  18. L

    How to use Mercury Square for Healing ?

    Hello.I remember very vividly that High Priestess Maxine had repeatedly mentioned how the Mercury planet/energies can help in healing.However, while reading the planet's attributes/rulerships ( http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... rcury.html and http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ...
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    Animated Meditation Video for Healing

    New video woooo! (I'm also posting this in the SSHealth group XD) However, th[/IMG]The more advanced methods of healing[/B] (using magickal squares, runes, and so forth) will be presented in the second part of the video. <b [/IMG]ALSO!!! I DO *NOT* mention the word "Satan" anywhere in this...
  20. L

    Animated Meditation Video for Healing

    New video woooo! (I'm also posting this in the SSHealth group XD) However, th[/IMG]The more advanced methods of healing[/B] (using magickal squares, runes, and so forth) will be presented in the second part of the video. <b [/IMG]ALSO!!! I DO *NOT* mention the word "Satan" anywhere in this...
  21. L

    Frustration!! D:< HoodedCobra's videos??

    Hello folks.Apparently, HoodedCobra's youtube channel (his old one) has been deleted......... fucking pieces of shit.EITHER WAY THOUGH, I remember HoodedCobra had uploaded all of his videos for download... it was many gigabytes. There are issues with my Internet connection, and it's impossible...
  22. L

    Iiiii think I have a problem :'(

    Hello. D;I am always sad to be making a new topic in this group lol. So, I've noticed that the last week... or the last two weeks... two things have been happening.One, I have a loss of appetite. Two, I have loose stool. Ssssso, I wonder, what could be the problem. And how to fix it. I've come...
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    ANIMATED MEDITATIONS update! Whoooooooo!

    Hello!!! :D[/IMG]on a schedule:[/B] one video every two months. [they really take a lot of time to make, so two months is ideal for me] I've already uploaded a trailer on youtube, and a new video [how to enter a trance state].My youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpiritualSnism You...
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    Jupiter in 25 degrees in Leo ?

    Hello.It's my first time posting here. :P I know that one should NOT judge, only from one degree [or one planet] how the other person is and make assumptions etc... However, this person is not sure about their time of birth [it is in-between 12 pm and 2 pm], so the only thing I know for certain...
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    GENDER IDENTITY was Created by a Jewish PEDOPHILE

    <b [/IMG]"[/B]The [/IMG]Re[/IMG] He dec[/IMG]<u [/IMG]He had Reimer’s testicles also removed, and constructed an artificial vagina for him.[/B]" Now, LET'S SEE what was the fate for this young David Reimer?How did this LITTLE EXPERIMENT work for him???? <b [/IMG]"[/B]Dav[/IMG][1]...
  26. L

    Are chakras located in the ASTRAL body?

    Hello.I just wish to make sure about this, before telling someone else about it. I've read this link: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakras.htmbut it is really not mentioned anywhere. I understand *where* chakras are (along the spine, to the front etc etc) but... are they in the...
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    Creating PODCAST with Satanic info

    Hello!     Me and some Brothers/Sisters had this idea... <b [/IMG]To start doing podcasts, with SS info[/B] (not only Satanic, but also about National Socialism, and so on). Imagine how many people we could actually REACH with something like that... People *do* listen to podcasts and if we made...
  28. L

    Creating PODCAST with Satanic info

    Hello!     Me and some Brothers/Sisters had this idea... <b [/IMG]To start doing podcasts, with SS info[/B] (not only Satanic, but also about National Socialism, and so on). Imagine how many people we could actually REACH with something like that... People *do* listen to podcasts and if we made...
  29. L

    Creating PODCAST with Satanic info

    Hello!     Me and some Brothers/Sisters had this idea... <b [/IMG]To start doing podcasts, with SS info[/B] (not only Satanic, but also about National Socialism, and so on). Imagine how many people we could actually REACH with something like that... People *do* listen to podcasts and if we made...
  30. L

    We ARE the civilization ; and we spread it all around us

    Hello. :)I've been attending some drawing lessons and there was something interesting that happened the other day. My teacher did an art gallery with his own art, and the gallery was taking place in a small bar [his paintings were hanged on the walls].Naturally, the bar that evening [the opening...
  31. L

    How to Deal with Lymphoedema ?

    Hello.I would like to ask, for someone who is an outsider (hence meditations are rather out of the question) and who has undergone surgery to remove both breasts (in different periods of time) because of jewish cancer. This person now has what is known as Lymphoedema. Her arms are like...
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    Documentary Food Inc.

    I just finished watching this documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smk2xq2l3Ig ([/IMG]1.30 hour,[/B] so anything less than that has been cut)By the way, I also found it with Greek subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWIUVWkFJL0 This documentary is about American production in...
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    Documentary Food Inc.

    I just finished watching this documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smk2xq2l3Ig ([/IMG]1.30 hour,[/B] so anything less than that has been cut)By the way, I also found it with Greek subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWIUVWkFJL0 This documentary is about American production in...
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    My stomach ! :(

    Hello. :(Two days ago, after I did my workout, I let half an hour to pass, and then I ate an apple.I've read/heard that the body digests better (? or that it absorbs better the vitamins?) eating half an hour after working out, so I thought fruits would be the best to eat at that time.I had eaten...
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    English subtitles of various SS videos

    Hello. :)I know many of you had helped me in the past about this subject but... I have deleted all of these messages, so I don't remember who you were. (embarrassment) [/IMG] I've put a link at the description so that people can translate the english subs to their own native language and upload...
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    I am at an angry loss - holohoax - Hitler - spirituality and so fort

    I will rant a bit, but please, please hear me out. I am getting extremely frustrated at my inability to properly converse with others about the subject of Hitler, the holohoax, Nazism and such.I HAVE watched documentaries... I HAVE read the Satanic website about Hitler, Nazism and such (but we...
  37. L

    The Importance of the Sun !

    Hello.I will not really go into many details here, other than to remind you that sun exposure is really good! Sun gives us Vitamin D which is very important for our immune system, as well as for our vitality.Our Solar Plexus chakra which is ruled by the Sun is also the chakra of our will...
  38. L


    Hey again. :)In regards to feeling that something is watching you, or anything of that kind when you try to astral project, have you tried doing a banishing ritual?http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... shing.html Another thing that I have found useful (except for the banishing ritual) is...
  39. L


    Attachments : @panagiwthscivil hello there. It's been discussed many times that drugs are really harmful for your body. Yes, you are free to do whatever you want in your life, but drugs create holes in your aura, and so the enemy can attack you easily (and other humans who want to harm you...
  40. L

    Enemy Attacks WHILE Doing the RTR: My Experiences

    Hello!Th[/IMG]let you know, [/IMG]you should not let their foolish attacks influence you.[/B] When [/IMG]I am sure there are so many Spiritual Satanists out there doing the RTR, and there will be no difference if I don't do it![/B]"<-- all of these thoughts are absolute crap and very veeery...
  41. L

    Enemy Attacks WHILE Doing the RTR: My Experiences

    Hello!Th[/IMG]let you know, [/IMG]you should not let their foolish attacks influence you.[/B] When [/IMG]I am sure there are so many Spiritual Satanists out there doing the RTR, and there will be no difference if I don't do it![/B]"<-- all of these thoughts are absolute crap and very veeery...
  42. L

    Enemy Attacks WHILE Doing the RTR: My Experiences

    Hello!Th[/IMG]let you know, [/IMG]you should not let their foolish attacks influence you.[/B] When [/IMG]I am sure there are so many Spiritual Satanists out there doing the RTR, and there will be no difference if I don't do it![/B]"<-- all of these thoughts are absolute crap and very veeery...
  43. L

    Bible: a Book of Jewish Witchcraft : SUBTITLES

    Download the subtitles and translate them to your own language! https://www.sendspace.com/file/z0xm0t The audio can be found here: http://web.archive.org/web/201505020541 ... hcraft.mp3 I made it into a video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_9AeuvcIYY I've also been translating the subtitles...
  44. L

    Bible: a Book of Jewish Witchcraft : SUBTITLES

    Download the subtitles and translate them to your own language! https://www.sendspace.com/file/z0xm0t The audio can be found here: http://web.archive.org/web/201505020541 ... hcraft.mp3 I made it into a video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_9AeuvcIYY I've also been translating the subtitles...
  45. L

    If things don't continue well with the Internet

    Except for downloading the RTRs and the joS website, I think it'd be a good idea to print-screen (or save somehow) sites like lunarium.co.uk (in regards to when the moon is void) or http://www.planetwatcher.com/ (in regards to when Mercury is retrograde) and so on, so we can know, even without...
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    2 RTRs to be done any time - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download

    Attachments : <ol>2 Be done at any time; as often as possible.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click. Choose "extract here" and a new folder will be created, with the name of the .zip file, and it will contain the pdf and the mp3. I'm sending more...
  47. L

    October - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    Attachments : <ol>Reverse Torah Rituals for 2016-2017-18488.rtf</ol><ol>INVOCATION_TO_SATAN-18488.pdf</ol><ol>2016 A 12 October and anytime thereafter.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click. Choose "extract here" and a new folder will be created, with the...
  48. L

    November + October - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    Attachments : <ol>Reverse Torah Rituals for 2016-2017-18487.rtf</ol><ol>INVOCATION_TO_SATAN.pdf</ol><ol>2016 D 13 November and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2016 C 6 November and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2016 B 30 October and anytime thereafter.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You...
  49. L

    2017 Jan-Feb-May - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    Attachments : <ol>Reverse Torah Rituals for 2016-2017-18486.rtf</ol><ol>2017 C 7 May and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2017 B 12 February and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2017 A 29 January and anytime thereafter.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click...
  50. L

    2017 Jun-Aug - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    Attachments : <ol>Reverse Torah Rituals for 2016-2017.rtf</ol><ol>2017 E 6 August and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2017 D 18 June and anytime thereafter.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click. Choose "extract here" and a new folder will be created, with...
  51. L

    1 RTRs to be done any time - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download

    Attachments : <ol>1 Be done at any time; as often as possible.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click. Choose "extract here" and a new folder will be created, with the name of the .zip file, and it will contain the pdf and the mp3. I'm sending more...
  52. L

    RTR 72 names of gawd - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    I tried countless times to send the pdf and mp3 of this ritual with the rest of the files AND IT JUST WON'T SEND!!!I tried to send it individually (not in .zip form) AND IT JUST WON'T SEND! <b [/IMG]The size does NOT exceed the size limit of yahoo....[/B] So, who is gonna fuck with me? No one...
  53. L

    November + October - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    Attachments : <ol>Reverse Torah Rituals for 2016-2017.rtf</ol><ol>INVOCATION_TO_SATAN.pdf</ol><ol>2016 D 13 November and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2016 C 6 November and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2016 B 30 October and anytime thereafter.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download...
  54. L

    RTR 72 names of gawd - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    I tried countless times to send the pdf and mp3 of this ritual with the rest of the files AND IT JUST WON'T SEND!!!I tried to send it individually (not in .zip form) AND IT JUST WON'T SEND! <b [/IMG]The size does NOT exceed the size limit of yahoo....[/B] So, who is gonna fuck with me? No one...
  55. L

    1 RTRs to be done any time - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download

    Attachments : <ol>1 Be done at any time; as often as possible.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click. Choose "extract here" and a new folder will be created, with the name of the .zip file, and it will contain the pdf and the mp3. I'm sending more...
  56. L

    2 RTRs to be done any time - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download

    Attachments : <ol>2 Be done at any time; as often as possible.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click. Choose "extract here" and a new folder will be created, with the name of the .zip file, and it will contain the pdf and the mp3. I'm sending more...
  57. L

    2017 Jun-Aug - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    Attachments : <ol>Reverse Torah Rituals for 2016-2017-170683.rtf</ol><ol>2017 E 6 August and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2017 D 18 June and anytime thereafter.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click. Choose "extract here" and a new folder will be...
  58. L

    2017 Jan-Feb-May - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    Attachments : <ol>Reverse Torah Rituals for 2016-2017-170682.rtf</ol><ol>2017 C 7 May and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2017 B 12 February and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2017 A 29 January and anytime thereafter.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click...
  59. L

    November + October - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    Attachments : <ol>Reverse Torah Rituals for 2016-2017-170681.rtf</ol><ol>INVOCATION_TO_SATAN-170681.pdf</ol><ol>2016 D 13 November and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2016 C 6 November and anytime thereafter.zip</ol><ol>2016 B 30 October and anytime thereafter.zip</ol>The files are in .zip...
  60. L

    October - ALL RTRs IN PDF FORM AND MP3! Download here!

    Attachments : <ol>Reverse Torah Rituals for 2016-2017.rtf</ol><ol>INVOCATION_TO_SATAN.pdf</ol><ol>2016 A 12 October and anytime thereafter.zip</ol>The files are in .zip form.You download the file(s). Then right click. Choose "extract here" and a new folder will be created, with the name of the...
  61. L

    In regards to the RTR for the 72 names of gawd

    I know the amount of reps we should do is the paragraphs x 3 (and x 6 the affirmations), but if one has more time in their hands, can they do the paragraphs x 6 (and x 12 the affirmations) ?Or should we just do it once (x 3) and then repeat it (x 3) after some time has passed? Sometimes I really...
  62. L

    Help in an audio of Maxine for translation?

    Hello. :) Can you help me with this audio: http://web.archive.org/web/201409221138 ... orship.mp3? I am currently translating in Greek.Can anyone tell me what Maxine says at the following minutes: 1.<b [/IMG] At [/IMG]At minute 10:58[/B] "but my point here is that ____ in North Korea". Did she...
  63. L

    In regards to the RTR "Restoring Communications"

    The RTR from here: 11 9 Reverse Torah Ritual [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/IMG]affirmation[/B] is wrong. •The Jews are losing control of the media and of all communications totally, completely and permanently •All media and communications are now free for Gentiles should change to •The Jews...
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    In regards to the RTR "Restoring Communications"

    The RTR from here: 11 9 Reverse Torah Ritual [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/IMG]affirmation[/B] is wrong. •The Jews are losing control of the media and of all communications totally, completely and permanently •All media and communications are now free for Gentiles should change to •The Jews...
  65. L

    Is it valid?

    Hello. :) I've found this video on youtube and want to ask for the ones who have medical knowledge, is this information valid?Η Θεραπεία καρκίνου είναι εδώ! (Ενσωμ. Υποτιτλ.) <td [/IMG] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] The video is in english. The title says "The therapy of cancer...
  66. L

    Don't forget the RTR for 11-13 September! :)

    PRIORITY REVERSAL TORAH RITUAL FOR 11-12-13th of September : JoyofSatan666 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  67. L

    Don't forget the RTR for 11-13 September! :)

    PRIORITY REVERSAL TORAH RITUAL FOR 11-12-13th of September : JoyofSatan666 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  68. L

    Feeling apathy towards a person you used to love?

    Hello!So, I've noticed the last few days something eerie. I've been feeling complete apathy (neither love, nor hate, nor anger etc; complete apathy) towards a person, whom I used to love.I know for a fact that this person is not a jew, not an enemy puppet and... well, he is not really trying to...
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    Something interesting I came accross to

    http://www.xryshaygh.com/assets/images/ ... _syria.jpg About propaganda...
  70. L

    Help with an audio of HP Maxine ?

    Hello! :) I am currently translating an audio of HP Maxine but there are a couple of things I can not hear correctly. :(The video is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTC7bbI5nLs 1. At 5.00 minute she says "there is very little you can find about the Philistines, the  ?? the different  ...
  71. L

    Understanding National Socialism in GREEK! Ελληνική μετά

    Download here - Κατεβάστε το εδώ: Κατανοώντας τον Εθνικό Σοσιαλισμό.pdf (1.33MB) - SendSpace.com Read online here - Διαβάστε το online εδώ: τον Εθνικό Σοσιαλισμό.pdf ...I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS, fucking yahoo changed AGAIN!!!! I have no idea to whom I am sending this email, I hope it goes to the...
  72. L

    Understanding National Socialism in GREEK! Ελληνική μετά

    Download here - Κατεβάστε το εδώ: Κατανοώντας τον Εθνικό Σοσιαλισμό.pdf (1.33MB) - SendSpace.com Read online here - Διαβάστε το online εδώ: τον Εθνικό Σοσιαλισμό.pdf ...I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS, fucking yahoo changed AGAIN!!!! I have no idea to whom I am sending this email, I hope it goes to the...
  73. L

    Stones / Crystals for Rosario ?

    Hello! :) I wish to create a new rosary for white magick (and one for black magick) with crystals/stones (like these for example: http://www.nikollabeads.com/%CE%B1%CF%8 ... -10mm.html). I want to use many different crystals/stones and I would like to ask, does anyone of you have proper...
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    Γαμώ τον χριστό και την παναγία!!!!!!!!ΔΕΙΤΕ πως τα Ελληνικά ΜΜΕ σκηνοθετούν εικόνες θλίψης ΒΙΝΤΕΟΣΚΟΠΗΜΕΝΑ Ντοκουμέντα ΜΑΡΚΟΥΔΗ: Οι αρχές μας λένε ψέματα για τους ΛΑΘΡΟΜΕΤΑΝΑΣΤΕΣ <b [/IMG]For the english:[/B] first video shows a "refugee" child ACTING LIKE HE'S CHOKING SO THAT THE TV WILL SHOW...
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    I had the MOST BEAUTIFUL dream + a question!

    Hello! :'DI.. just woke up haha and I wanted to share this profound, most beautiful dream I had, and to ask a question. Well, bas[/IMG] [/I]concrete columns, they were not wooden). Um, so maybe everything I saw was "modernized" BUT IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! There were no roads at all in-between the...
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    Would the enemy attack an Elemental ?

    Hello. A week ago I had created a water elemental so that it would heal me from all health problems.I gave it a name, affirmations etc etc. I would astral project to the ocean and feed my elemental energy from there. Then, whenever I called my elemental's name I would feel its energy. Sometimes...
  77. L

    Question about death.

    I believe this depends on the person's awareness of the astral and such.If a Dedicated Satanist died, they would be guided by the Gods to Hell.If a retarded hardcore xtian/muslim/etc died, they'd be taken by the enemy (and they would willingly go there). The ones  who don't know that they are...
  78. L

    Satan WINS even more!! Disqus and "religion" topic

    Hahaha awesome!! XDI actually use Disqus to post replies to other people's comments in sites that have Japanese comics and cartoons. Since some of them have a Satanic or in general a "paranormal/magick" theme, many people will question things in the comments or be like "oh, how I wish I was a...
  79. L

    Sexual Repression

    @masters I would suggest you to do munka to overcome past life love hangups and such.Otherwise, try to think consciously, while being in a meditative state (in a trance, just relaxed and with no one interrupting you) why you feel that way. What is holding you back sexually. Στις 4:15 μ.μ...
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    HAIL THE ARYAN RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Triarii - Europa This must be one of the most  inspirational videos/music I've seen/heard...
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    How we stopped SOPA -video

    Ooooooooooooooh... I didn't know he was a jew. :[ Στις 9:44 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2016, ο/η "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   "How we stopped what we caused because we were afraid of revolt from the...
  82. L

    How we stopped SOPA -video

    Aaron Swartz (1986-2013): Πως σταματήσαμε το SOPA I found this video it has Greek subs. But listen to him, he speaks English.That guy supposedly COMMITTED SUICIDE!! DEATH TO THE JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Join the FIGHT!!!!

    <[/IMG]I call upon you all to gather around, gather around!"[/I]Someone yells passionately while standing outside the Ancient Temple. <b [/IMG]<[/IMG]"As you may have noticed, the world is not only undergoing through some major changes,[/I][/B]but it seems like this WAR has finally reached its...
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    Join the FIGHT!!!!

    <[/IMG]I call upon you all to gather around, gather around!"[/I]Someone yells passionately while standing outside the Ancient Temple. <b [/IMG]<[/IMG]"As you may have noticed, the world is not only undergoing through some major changes,[/I][/B]but it seems like this WAR has finally reached its...
  85. L

    The show "Lucifer" on Fox

    I entirely agree with Naturesemblem and Zolaluckystar, but Zola, don't take it to heart. Some people can't sense subliminal messages or they are satisfied with what seems to be -on the surface- a good depiction of Satan. Sims Motal neither Satan nor any of the Gods would ever disallow you from...
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    Pluto transit Mean Node?

    Hello. :) It seems like Pluto will have an interraction with my Mean Node. (a transit)But I have no idea what my Mean Node stands for and what I should be prepared for. I know Pluto = Pluto is ones intensity and obsessions. (and the rest written on JoS) But can anyone shed some light here in...
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    Planetary Square DATES ++ Necronomicon

    @Superior for the moon square, you need to do it on a Monday. Στις 9:03 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2016, ο/η "Superior Knowledge padawan_scorpion@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   MOON IS IN CANCER THE FEBRUARI 17 (WAXING...
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    Planetary Square DATES ++ Necronomicon

    Avoid the void moons. How can all dates be void moons? :P Στις 1:52 π.μ. Κυριακή, 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2016, ο/η "luciferi Jr jr.luciferi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   Pls I don't understand this post because the dates given...
  89. L

    Suffering from headaches, please help asap

    First of all, do you remember if anything had changed in your life (or gradually changed) at the period when you started having those headaches? Are you perhaps sleeping less, eating too much unhealthy food, not drinking enough water and such?If the problem is physical, I would start with the...
  90. L

    Planetary Square DATES ++ Necronomicon

    Hey! :) F[/IMG]in order to begin the Necronomicon, you must begin with the third eye. [/B]So, Moon must be Full on a Monday and in the signs of Cancer or Taurus. I had done this meditation before (and if you have as well) we can continue with the Throat Chakra and such. Otherwise, I did not see...
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    Planetary Square DATES ++ Necronomicon

    Hey! :) F[/IMG]in order to begin the Necronomicon, you must begin with the third eye. [/B]So, Moon must be Full on a Monday and in the signs of Cancer or Taurus. I had done this meditation before (and if you have as well) we can continue with the Throat Chakra and such. Otherwise, I did not see...
  92. L

    about my astral projection

    You don't remember most of what you did...? :PAre you sure that you astral projected and didn't simply fall asleep? It is not necessary to feel the vibration always/all the time. Personally, I had felt it very intensely in the beginning, but I don't feel it anymore.But saying that you don't...
  93. L


    Yaaay, thank you everyone very much! :'D :'D @elephant, I downloaded the pdf, a trillion thank you. ;u; I am still working on the anatomy and other things. Hopefully I won't need to use symbols again haha... OTL Στις 7:13 π.μ. Τρίτη, 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2016, ο/η "moekcrocell@...
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    <b [/IMG]Pfffffffff THE HAPPINESS, THE EXCITEMENT, THE PRIDE!!!!!![/B]****SCREAMS Ahe[/IMG]Greeks: [/B]http://ksupna.smackjeeves.com/comics/2249375/1/ For <b [/IMG]English: [/B]http://tapastic.com/series/Wake-Up Now, share the fuck out of [/IMG]SHARE - [/B]<b [/IMG]SHARE LIKE CRAZY!!![/B] *Ahem...
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    <b [/IMG]Pfffffffff THE HAPPINESS, THE EXCITEMENT, THE PRIDE!!!!!![/B]****SCREAMS Ahe[/IMG]Greeks: [/B]http://ksupna.smackjeeves.com/comics/2249375/1/ For <b [/IMG]English: [/B]http://tapastic.com/series/Wake-Up Now, share the fuck out of [/IMG]SHARE - [/B]<b [/IMG]SHARE LIKE CRAZY!!![/B] *Ahem...
  96. L


    Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDD Στις 9:01 μ.μ. Σάββατο, 30 Ιανουαρίου 2016, ο/η "angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   YES! THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING! Infostormer.Com | UK – National...
  97. L

    Mercury square

    You can say "I am now and eternally extremely smart and intelligent and have a perfect understanding over all subjects and conversations, in a positive for me way"or you can simply say "I am now and eternally fully empowered in all things/subjects ruled by Mercury, in a positive for me way."...
  98. L

    Sacral blockage

    @Ko Johnson I do not know how to help youuu (I'd suggest munka for sexual hangups, but maybe it won't solve the problem? )but @thisisafalsealias first of all, you can do the munka meditation for the sexua hangups (if you believe you know someone who was attached to you like that in past lives)...
  99. L

    Help with constipation ?

    @ivy thank you for your long and informative answer but honestly, I have none of the symptoms you wrote. In general, I am very healthy and I was exercising daily until this freakin' problem occured so I can't go for running (because if I don't fully empty myself before running, it is not...
  100. L

    Help with constipation ?

    Hey, thank you for the responses. ;_; Well, this fucking chair (the only way I can refer to it) came in my house in the beginning of 2016 (1st-2nd January) so I... started using it since then. Because of my work being in front of the computer, as well as drawing, I could even sit 10 hours a day...
  101. L

    Help with constipation ?

    Hello... :( So after do[/IMG]"pelvic floor dyssynergia"[/B] and I realized on my own that it was caused due to me sitting for long hours, for many days on a fucking chair that I bought, which made my butt hurt afterwards. Pelvic floor dyssynergia is basically a paradoxical condition, in which...
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    Something irrelevant that made me very happy :D

    Hey! :) So, I was roaming through the tapastic.com site (it has comiiiics) and while reading one of the comics, in the comments I read this:"It's not easy being that goodlooking... You have to wash your face every morning, wear clothes that match and sacrifice a goat to satan at least once a...
  103. L

    A life that shouldnt have been

    Hmmm...Hopefully someone else will respond with more than what I have to say.First of all you said "I am not depressed but I am not happy either". Judging by the things you wrote here, it seems that you *are* depressed. You do not have to be constantly crying to be depressed. Apathy is also a...
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    Newly joined

    Hello Steve, welcome. :)I advice you to study the websites: www.joyofSatan.com www.exposingchristianity.com and of course The Black Sun 666 It is important to know that Spiritual Satanism = Paganism. And no, Paganism has nothing to do with what the filthy xtian churches preach. Στις 6:36...
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    killing and concequences?

    Jail will happen to you. :PWe are against physically killing. Στις 11:18 μ.μ. Τετάρτη, 13 Ιανουαρίου 2016, ο/η "kevinmartellini@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   Hello, well i have a question What could happen to me if...
  106. L

    Cartoon Network (Cow and Chicken)

    You shouldn't be surprised, taking into consideration that ALL television is controlled by the jews.I remember Johny Bravo lol, and Powerpuff girls... But why don't you actually re-watch an episode or two of the shows you used to love as a kid?If I were you, I would rewatch them NOW, that I am a...
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    Don't ever

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, now I wanna take over the world! XDD Your posts are motivating Aldric... So many things to do!! :DD Στις 2:18 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 12 Ιανουαρίου 2016, ο/η "pinkteabunny@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   They're...
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    Have you put Satan first in your life?

    @Usul why would you not buy a laptop if this is what you want to do? So, to answer Aldric's questions:Have you put Satan first in your life?No matter how I look at it, my goals and my final destination is always going through His Path. :) <b [/IMG]Are you still living for yourself and your own...
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    Sketch of Satan's face

    *I accidentally sent it. I hope to make others feel with my drawings the same way you make me feel with yours. It's pure Satanic energy. :D Στις 7:33 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 11 Ιανουαρίου 2016, ο/η Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... έγραψε: Egon, I always feel so peaceful when I look at your...
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    Sketch of Satan's face

    Egon, I always feel so peaceful when I look at your drawings. :') I really like your sketch. I wish I could see Satan as well (to see astrallyyyy).Do you draw on paper? Was this with a pen? :OI really really like the head's structure, it's very well made. The eyes are also correctly located -as...
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    ALWAYS save what you're writing a thousand times before finish writing it.Even on yahoo... If while you write you stop and then press Ctrl+S your message will be saved as draft right away (and you can continue writing). I do this many times when writing messages, especially big ones. I have had...
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    Satan's Internet Defense Force

    Don't forget that it's not really 100% necessary for you to show up at that time... What's important is that you check the youtube videos (or whatever we do) the following day or some hours later from the appointed time (when it's comfortable for you) and do what you need to do. Στις 9:14...
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    Doing together the Reverse Torah Rituals!!

    I updated the padlet! :)I wonder what to do with the timing though...@peliterapeutti the rituals are to be done daily. You can see I write when to do each ritual (it is according to the post HP HoodedCobra made). I have also put a second ritual to also be done daily (not according to HP...
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    Reverse Ritual Schedule 1st to 15th of January, 2016

    Okay! I updated the padlet: http://padlet.com/tapapakiastinseira/RTRbut I do wonder what we can do with the timing? I would really like to do it synchronized with my Brothers and Sisters. :) Στις 9:54 μ.μ. Παρασκευή, 1 Ιανουαρίου 2016, ο/η "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]"...
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    What to think of the New Year?

    You must start meditating. There are no excuses.Study joyofSatan.com and read the meditations section (and read in general). Στις 7:57 μ.μ. Παρασκευή, 1 Ιανουαρίου 2016, ο/η "dhillonjosh@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   I...
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    Doing together the Reverse Torah Rituals!!

    Hey!!! :D So, I did something! :D http://padlet.com/tapapakiastinseira/RTRWhoever wants can participate. The more the better! Basically this is a list of rituals we can be doing weekly, all our Brothers and Sisters together and united.There are two RTR (Reverse Torah Rituals) to be done daily...
  117. L

    What to think of the New Year?

    @dhillonjosh are you doing your daily aura of protection? You've been a Satanist for years... have you actually been meditating? Have you been fighting? Are we even talking about the same Satanism here?www.joyofSatan.comStudy deeply. And do your aura of protection daily, at least twice a day...
  118. L

    What to think of the New Year?

    Hello. :)F[/IMG] Secondly, I would like to ask if the New Year's day has any importance at all? I mean, the way I have perceived it... is that on December 23, when the Sun starts appearing sooner in the sky (also Satan's Personal Day) is also our New "spiritual" year, so to speak. I mean...
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    A vision I keep having...or perhaps a desire for the future

    Wouldn't that be amazing?Another person had posted how it would be ideal to synchronize our reverse torah rituals with the Moon.For example when the Moon is in Capricorn or Scorpio, it's best for black magick etc etc. If someone could find this post... x___xI would very much like to do something...
  120. L

    satanic squares i need help bad-experienced advaced people please re

    What was the bad experience about? Which of the squares was it? When did you start it? Στις 4:15 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "plotome93@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   this is the sign of Capricorn i'm doing the...
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    Breathing condition for 14 years

    Wow, thanks for the detailed answer...The thing is, this Sister is too healthy haha. I mean she doesn't show any of the symptoms you mentioned and in general she doesn't have any problems with her health. Imagine this: she was eating very very "dirty" food (always ordering 'take-outs' pizzas...
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    Breathing condition for 14 years

    Aaah I see ivy.. :OHm, then about the kidney... what should one suggest for a cure? Στις 1:55 π.μ. Τρίτη, 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "ivyissexy69@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   Lower back pain is usually due to depleted kidney energy...
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    Detaching Others' Links??

    I do believe you can do it for him, but you should think... If YOU do it for him, then what will HE achieve by that? I mean... what if this is a trial that he must overcome? Some kind of test? Something he must fight on his own, so that he will become stronger. If you do it, I believe it would...
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    Breathing condition for 14 years

    Hey! :)I will put my two cents here. First of all, you have this breathing condition for 14 years. I don't know how old you were back then, but if you were a teenager, I've noticed from my own experience and two other people's that we all started having some certain health (+mental) problems...
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    My year long plan! Share yours!

    Amazing Yog!! :O Hm, my year long plan.... That is a good question! :PIn my prayer to Satan I wrote many "I wish to" this and that, but none of these things have actually a very specific "achievement" so to speak.I wrote that I wish to make comics that will awaken the world, but isn't that too...
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    I did 17 this week (Monday 14 - Monday 21 December).Minimum was one a day (sigh) maximum was 4 a day. :D Στις 5:16 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   I need a calendar...
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    *Ahem* It's Tuesday today.. .__.Will we not do our counts? :P Στις 12:41 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "peliterapeutti@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   Yep i do.
  128. L

    Xian's "blessing"

    My mother had such an occurence when she was a child. She had these scars on her legs and she was very ashamed of them. So, one day her mother (very hardcore christian) took her to the church and told her to pray and pray... and my mother prayed so intensely that she started crying (from the...
  129. L


    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!! This is so nice!! :DDDI... just read it lol BUT IT'S SUNDAY FUCK YEAH, THE COMPETITION STARTS TOMORROW!!! XDDD I'm excited wooooooooooooooo!! So, for the questions!! <b [/IMG]1. Should the count be how many you can do in a day? Or How many added up in the week...
  130. L

    Andras - Drawing

    Egon, have I ever told you how much I LOVE your drawings??? Please, can't you like, post a drawing everyday? XD(every week at least!!) Your drawings really warm my heart for some reason; not only the art itself is very beautiful, but energy-wise it /feels/ beautiful (how else can i describe...
  131. L

    Greek Translations SS Videos + Nazism ++ Comic etc

    Hey! :D So, I have made a new channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_LiUq ... n-5UnTQYOA where I upload all the Greek translations of the videos about the jews (the lie of the holocaust) and of Spiritual Satanism. [/IMG]animations of the meditations[/B]. Also, [/IMG]I have translated the...
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    Greek Translations SS Videos + Nazism ++ Comic etc

    Hey! :D So, I have made a new channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_LiUq ... n-5UnTQYOA where I upload all the Greek translations of the videos about the jews (the lie of the holocaust) and of Spiritual Satanism. [/IMG]animations of the meditations[/B]. Also, [/IMG]I have translated the...
  133. L

    Austria: School girl group raped in front of class mates by six non-

    Okay, [/IMG]"not wanting for a WW3 to happen"........[/B]Okay so WE WANT THESE PEOPLE ALIVE???! Let me get this straight, because I just want to break my entire house right now, I am very very fucking angry.I CAN NOT STAND THIS KIND OF ABUSE BY ANY FUCKER, REGARDLESS COLOR, BUT EVEN MORE SO WHEN...
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    I'll need your help :D

    (I'm also using this symbol: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... Symbol.PNG -let's make something easy for once XD) Στις 8:41 π.μ. Δευτέρα, 30 Νοεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:  ...
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    I'll need your help :D

    (by the way, I also really like this symbol: http://www.ka-gold-jewelry.com/p-produc ... silver.php but the  only information I found on it was that it is just being used as a meditation focus... D; )One site also said it is the merging of masculine and feminine energies. Ehm, so I don't know...
  136. L

    I'll need your help :D

    "A royal pain the ass" hahahaha x"D Aaah so, I think I have... enough symbols? (I wanted to use Italian too though! XD)Well, I did use Astaroth's Sigil, the Seed of Life (I really like this symbol), the Black Sun, the Trishula (Trident) and moooore... o___oI will also use the Valknut (royal pain...
  137. L

    Weed effects

    Em.... Lamont, you kind of changed the topic? 1: Weed is bad for you; it can be scientifically proven (it's not just "HP Maxine's words")2: If (in your last messages, that you got out of topic) you were talking about the jews: the jews all have the same blood, the same shitty energies and as...
  138. L

    I'll need your help :D

    Yes, Italian symbols are welcomed! :) (as long as we know their meaning xD)I could use symbols of the runes, but I don't want for some reason... ._.As for Tarot symbols, do you mean actual whole images?  https://tarottaxi.files.wordpress.com/2 ... t-taxi.jpg Hmm, there is not enough space for...
  139. L

    Aura/40 day program Meditation

    Hello. :)There are some videos that might help you with visualization here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... nphAshmtN1 Sometimes, depending on our surroundings as well (the place in which you live, or you meditate etc), maybe our aura and chakras are quite dirty, and we need more...
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    Regarding astrology

    My personal opinion on this (it is simply based on my logic) is that, if you meditate (or not) and you either advance, or descend in your life... you kind of make some "permanent" changes.For example, if someone who meditates a lot has a very shitty astrology chart, then since he meditates a...
  141. L

    Um yeah...

    @fake name I think you confused the word race. :PChristian is not a race; it is a religion. @manson_star it is adviseable to not have such close contacts with christians or worse (muslims), simply because they have very shitty energy, and some of them are psychic vampires without their awareness...
  142. L

    I'll need your help :D

    Hello! :D Soooooo I've been creating somethiiiing (I'm not going to say what; it's a surprise! You'll see it when finished) and I need to use some Ancient Pagan symbols. I want some symbols, which may "awaken some of our souls' memories" but I don't want symbols that are too obvious and will be...
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    The STRONGEST aura of protection !! :D

    Well... I haven't counted. xD I never do them all at once. I usually do one aura of protection, then do another meditation (the RAUM meditation, or anything), then another aura of protection, then another meditation etc. :P Of course, you only clean your aura and chakras once, before you go on...
  144. L

    2015 or 2012, which was worst for you

    By the way, you should check your astrology chart and planetwatcher.com to see if there are planets troubling you. Στις 10:10 μ.μ. Πέμπτη, 26 Νοεμβρίου 2015, ο/η Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... έγραψε: I think it's 2012 when I started meditating seriously. :PSo, obviously, I was...
  145. L

    2015 or 2012, which was worst for you

    I think it's 2012 when I started meditating seriously. :PSo, obviously, I was receiving some attacks back then, but I wouldn't call it a "bad" year.As for 2015, it's been amazing... amazing.... and like fake name said, it only keeps getting better. :D Στις 5:19 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 26 Νοεμβρίου...
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    The STRONGEST aura of protection !! :D

    Hello! :DSo, I've been meaning to write this message for a while now... This is the aura of protection that I'm doing and I literally feel invincible! :D First of all, I do three auras of protection (for now lol) but the main aura of protection (the one written on the site) I do it at least...
  147. L

    The STRONGEST aura of protection !! :D

    Hello! :DSo, I've been meaning to write this message for a while now... This is the aura of protection that I'm doing and I literally feel invincible! :D First of all, I do three auras of protection (for now lol) but the main aura of protection (the one written on the site) I do it at least...
  148. L

    can someone help me or guide me??

    How do you know that you have a curse on you? Even if someone verbally curses you, they do not have enough power to do anything to you.Have you done the dedication ritual? Clean your aura and chakras, and build an aura of protection around you daily, at least twice a day. Στις 8:35 μ.μ...
  149. L

    Ok what the FUCK is this! I HATE potheads!

    @fake name dude! You have all this aggression within you... Just let it all out! (eh, not on your neighbors... :P)I don't know about your living situation (hence I don't know how much free time you have and such) but if you do the reverse torah rituals, you can direct all your hatred into them...
  150. L


    Wooooow there.. Take a step back. :PFirst of all "Love and Light"? :P Secondly, the vast majority of our Brothers and Sisters here have parents that are against their beliefs. The smart thing is to NOT tell them about your beliefs! If you did tell them, and are telling you shit about it, then...
  151. L


    @d[/IMG]Adobe Flash[/B] is recommended. :P But I'm sure there are other programs that have already made images for use (instead of you starting from scratch). But I don't know these programs, if anyone else knows, I hope they'll help. :) Στις 1:42 π.μ. Σάββατο, 21 Νοεμβρίου 2015, ο/η...
  152. L

    {Some advice}

    *how black magick affects HER not us. We'll be okay don't worry. XDDD Στις 9:25 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 20 Νοεμβρίου 2015, ο/η Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... έγραψε: I entirely agree with Aldric.Also, it is very very disgusting to be NEAR a jew... I can't even comprehend having a...
  153. L

    {Some advice}

    I entirely agree with Aldric.Also, it is very very disgusting to be NEAR a jew... I can't even comprehend having a relationship with them! This is very sick. So, what if she is rich and stupid? (or at least, stupid is what you believe she is... History has taught us whether jews are stupid or...
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    MAJOR astral projection issue, i need your help guys please!

    Keep practising? :PTry to find what's preventing you from fully getting out of your physical body. Στις 1:39 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 13 Νοεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "Micalzo Ors m.o13045@... [HellsArmy666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   Hi, like...
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    How to get help from satan and channel him for my artworks

    It can greatly influence *you* or humanity? :P From my own experiences, I find that we naturally send out our energy whenever we create music/art or, just speaking, you know? So, the more you meditate, the closer you come to Satan and the more Satanic energy you have to give through your music...
  156. L

    Strange astral "knot" in the stomach/navel region?

    I would suggest two things.1: Maybe someone connected to your sacral chakra? (I've explained about such situations in an older post here: http://twinss-r.tumblr.com/tired2. You could also try burning your sacral chakra with electric blue fire (like how we do for the sixth chakra). Personally...
  157. L

    Stupid STUPID dream interpretations!!!

    @discipleoftheGods ah... I know got what you were saying. The way you wrote it in your last message, you sort of said things that supported that everyone who watches anime... is stupid. :P (well, the whole "Anime insights childlike behavoir, and childlike mentalities" hit the spot) This is why I...
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    Stupid STUPID dream interpretations!!!

    *dances along with Aldric* XDD Στις 3:29 μ.μ. Παρασκευή, 6 Νοεμβρίου 2015, ο/η Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@... έγραψε: @fake name, the person yc28 is an infiltrator, don't take his posts seriously (don't even respond because you'll waste your time :) ). Στις 10:32...
  159. L

    Stupid STUPID dream interpretations!!!

    @fake name, the person yc28 is an infiltrator, don't take his posts seriously (don't even respond because you'll waste your time :) ). Στις 10:32 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 6 Νοεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:  ...
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    Stupid STUPID dream interpretations!!!

    Oh god, @descipleofthegods your response made me very very angry, but moekcrocell responded nicely.The reason your response made me EXTREMELY angry is because, you sort of treat everyone like they are 5 years old and do not have the abilitiy to THINK and to JUDGE what they're watching etc. I can...
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    Whaaat could this beee? Inspiration ?

    Hello! :OThis experience had happened to me before, but I am now realizing that... it's not a coincidence? :P Today I was meditating (I was doing healing but I do not believe the meditation is of any importance) and I was trying to visualize the Sun and breathe in energy from the Sun into the...
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    Hmmm....Well, I had once done a working for a relative of mine. I was using runes and did white magick on her, to help her overcome some issues in her life. Before I would start vibrating the runes, I would visualize her aura being a powerful white-gold color (basically I'd clean her aura) and I...
  163. L

    What is actually happening to me?

    @arch_enemy it could honestly be a million things. :PAre you eating well? Do you drink water?The pain could either be caused by physical reasons or spirituals. Do you cut the link in your third eye after having conversations with others? Στις 8:02 μ.μ. Παρασκευή, 30 Οκτωβρίου 2015, ο/η...
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    About The Reverse Torah Rituals

    Hm, I do not believe it is recommended to do all of them in one night (as your energies will not be fully directed into the rituals, as you will have to sort of "share" your energies and powers for all four of them; can't remember the english word!). Yes, doing them for 13 days each is...
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    About The Reverse Torah Rituals

    Hey. :)HP Maxine just gave us a blast with 4 Reverse Torah Rituals (yay)! :D But... when to do which??! I know we can repeat them more than once but must we do this __(second/third/first)__ reverse ritual for this __ date? Or, does it not matter?Would it be good if I did each of the rituals...
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    Fuck you too Deviantart

    Eh, personally I use tumblr.com in order to upload my drawings and such. So far no one has reported me (yay) regardless of what I post. In the end, there's also the option to make it "NSFW" (not safe for work) so you can upload all kinds of material. :PDamn, there are some tumblr pages that...
  167. L

    Stupid STUPID dream interpretations!!!

    @moekcrocell we are talking about anime on television and such that IS CONTROLLED by the jews. Obviously if you made something on your own, that has no jewish influence, then you have our support. Στις 2:14 π.μ. Τρίτη, 27 Οκτωβρίου 2015, ο/η "moekcrocell@... [JoyofSatan666]"...
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    What blackmoon said. :)Also, do not forget to use an affirmation after you finish with vibrating the mantra for the Venus square. (and use "nama" instead of "svaha") Στις 11:11 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 26 Οκτωβρίου 2015, ο/η "blackmoon0343@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]...
  169. L

    Re: The Little Jew

    Hahaha nice XDI could easily visualize a "little jew" running up and down and ordering us. Ordering US, THE GIANTS!!I am so looking forward to their downfall. It will be so much fun to crash that little jew! :D And in the end, they really are little jews. They hold no fucking power compared to...
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    Although I don't post much lately, I do read the messages and I will agree with Sam. In the beginning, seeing how yc28 responded in regards to "women Viking Warriors" I thought that he/she/it could either be a man with too much brainwashing, or a woman who has too many complexes and believes...
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    Important Request

    @etyrell91 if you wanna know about the biblical curses either:1. Read the fucking bible or 2. Study www.exposingchristianity.comHP Maxine has written MANY of the biblical curses they have in there. I am totally against HP Maxine writing the english translation of the jewish curses because then...
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    Stupid STUPID dream interpretations!!!

    @discipleoftheGods this was a very irrelevant thing to say in this post about dream interpretations... :O(unless yahoo fucked up again?)But, I am veeery aware of how jewish infested the majority of anime are. It is a sad truth... Which is why I have such a hard time finding a good anime to...
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    @S.S. yeah sure, let's blame the jews for everything!! :) :)YOU DO understand that when a FUCKING PERSON WHO IS GENTILE is cutting off trees, is polluting the environment either with their OLD CAR that leaves a ton of polluted gas behind, or in other, more disturbing ways, THERE ARE NO FUCKING...
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    How can Spiritual Satanists believe that humans have NOT harmed the planet??? Στις 3:30 π.μ. Σάββατο, 24 Οκτωβρίου 2015, ο/η "Sims Motal simsmotal@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   Man IS messing up the environment...
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    about shape shifting

    @S.S. 666 nice response. :) I agree with you. Στις 12:15 μ.μ. Παρασκευή, 2 Οκτωβρίου 2015, ο/η "michaelsloan666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   Your a troll get out
  176. L

    about shape shifting

    The wings I understand although I don't know how is what possible when one reaches Godhood.Well, most likely everything is possible, but you will have grown mentally a lot until that time comes so you will not be looking for ways to change your appearance to something that doesn't even resemble...
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    about shape shifting

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, this may not be trolling but it is very... immature? :P I understand how people are so into the fantasy world etc but to actually want to be anything other than what you are right now.... To want to be anything than a human, it makes it look like you have underestimated human...
  178. L

    Let the jews fight their own wars. (and lose) Don't join the militar

    I agree with Egon... Whatsmore, when the Israelis come knocking on your door with fucking firearms, who do you think is going to save you? Your martial art skills? I do not think so... Military is very important. Of course, UNFORTUNATELY military has been.... very jewish influenced, and they...
  179. L

    Stupid STUPID dream interpretations!!!

    Hello! D:<This is a post mostly to inform (although the old members amongst you are probably well aware of it) how disguuustingly the dream interpretations have been distorted!I had a dream about a black cat and so I decided to check what the dream interpretations/meanings on the Internet have...
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    Reverse Torah Ritual for the Last Week of September 2015

    @desciple, no it is not necessary to do the RAUM meditation. Just do whatever meditation raises your energy and is comfortable for you. :) Στις 11:05 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:  ...
  181. L

    About the Void of Course Moon.

    No, it does not cancel the working (which is why you read on the site to continue your working).It is important not to *start* a working (the first day of the working) when it is a void moon. The rest of the days don't matter. Maybe some days you will not feel your energy the same powerful, but...
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    Greek joyofSatan site

    Agh... When I try to download the pdf of the site in Greek http://satanismgr.webs.com/ it says the page was not found. :[Is there a way for this to be corrected?
  183. L

    Taking Requests For Videos

    Ooooooh, I'm really looking forward to that! :DDI remember very characteristically one specific video you had made about self-confidence... I really liked it! I believe it would be awesome if you did videos of this nature, that motivate others, or talk about your experiences that can help others...
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    Lack Of Desire

    First of all, you should do a power meditation program daily, so that you raise your energies and they do not drop. :) Secondly, maybe you have a weakened solar plexus chakra? Have you opened your chakras yet? Maybe your solar plexus is blocked? Or maybe the Sun in your astrology chart is...
  185. L

    LOL she's at it again. She's so good at ripping on the kikes! xD

    @Thomas a High Priest responded too, and his response is much better and accurate than mine. :P And I agree with you... I actually watched some more of her videos and she has one where, with the same kind of sarcasm etc, she talks about mixing races, and although I agree that it pretty much is...
  186. L

    LOL she's at it again. She's so good at ripping on the kikes! xD

    @Thomas I believe she talks about the way the television (a jewish media) is constantly pushing "fags" and I say "fags/faggots" instead of homosexuals, because we all know that homosexuality is something normal and natural... but what they show on tv is NOT.So, "not all white men have turned to...
  187. L

    Online Warfare- please rate up!

    I would also suggest to respond to other most rated comments and write what your comments were about and give links (to joS or whatever you had written in your comments). Some of these people have not "muted" or "unsubscribe" from getting notifications from other responses to their comment (or...
  188. L

    awakening both sides of the brain?

    Maybe you need to have a bit more spiritual power in order to make a strong enough servitor? :) http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.htmlhttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.htmlwww.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/3rd666.html    http://www.angelfire.com/hailtosatansvi...
  189. L

    Im starting a Satanic Meditation center in europe

    You will go public, being a Satanist and starting a "Satanic meditation center".....? Will you also charge for it?Stop and think. Στις 8:07 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "messengerdemon@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:  ...
  190. L

    awakening both sides of the brain?

    Well, both sides of our brains are awakened. :PCreativity is also connected with your pineal gland, if I am not mistaken. So, if I were you, I'd be doing meditations to empower my pineal gland. For example vibrating GAUM into your pineal gland or doing other meditations written on the site would...
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    Warfare Gift Preparation for our Fellow Jooz (23 September)

    @kyle to state with conviction means to state with intent. :)Say it with your whole might, with your whole inner strength. *Feel* your words/statement. Στις 11:26 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "kylehenderson2892@... kylehenderson2892@... [JoyofSatan666]"...
  192. L

    Warfare Gift Preparation for our Fellow Jooz (23 September)

    I have a question in regards to the rituals, and I hope it will be answered. x___xWhen we are doing the "AUM" - affirmation- "AUM" part (x9 times).Personally, I inhale, on the exhale vibrate AUM, then inhale, state the affirmation and on the exhale vibrate AUM. This concludes one repetition.Is...
  193. L

    Destruction And Creation Are In Your Hands [drawing]

    It's not really the snake of medicine. :PIt's swords with snakes on them. But I'm not going to analyze my drawing. xD Each can interpret as they will. I have my own interpretation as well. xP Στις 2:16 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "eu caseu lion666lion66688@...
  194. L

    Destruction And Creation Are In Your Hands [drawing]

    @discipleoftheGods repay me?? Haha, I am not doing this to be repaid in any way or form! :P...Actually, you saying that this post helped you out is enough for a repayment. :)Honestly, as long a I can motivate and inspire people in any way, to keep strong in our Fight, and to embrace their own...
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    Destruction And Creation Are In Your Hands [drawing]

    *Oh, I forgot to write my inspiration music. :P8Dawn - This Is Why I Was Born Στις 9:51 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 30 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:   TwinsS R. : Photo <[/IMG]...
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    Destruction And Creation Are In Your Hands [drawing]

    TwinsS R. : Photo <[/IMG] [/[/IMG]Destruct[/IMG]Do not be afraid to do these things. Until the time comes where these things have found more peaceable means you must keep the Earth in balance. Do not be afraid to destroy. Do not be afraid to create. LISTEN to Me. Create with all of your being...
  197. L

    Im new. Somthing is wrong.

    Hello. :)What you experience is most likely an enemy attack. I do not have much time to respond in detail but I advice you to watch this video: Information + Tips on Meditation and cut the links with electric blue. You also give a read here: Do you feel tired, headaches or even stomachaches for...
  198. L

    Fuck you too Deviantart

    Dude, I 100% get you, but listen here...Take a deep breath and relax. Create a new account. Don't waste your time by searching for who is admin or what. Just a create a new account.Do not name it anything that has to do with Satan or Hitler etc. Name it something like "truth" or you know...
  199. L

    Why the gas chambers are a hoax GREEK SUBTITLES

    FINALLY!!https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... sVUAO5Zesh Share it share it share it with all you've got. :')If there are any mistakes tell me and I will "correct" them with youtube annotations. :P <b [/IMG]My next project: [/B]to translate http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic2297.html...
  200. L

    Why the gas chambers are a hoax GREEK SUBTITLES

    FINALLY!!https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... sVUAO5Zesh Share it share it share it with all you've got. :')If there are any mistakes tell me and I will "correct" them with youtube annotations. :P <b [/IMG]My next project: [/B]to translate http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic2297.html...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
