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  1. AskSatanOperator

    #276 Is this a test?

    Yes, you're right Henu. I was just bringing tanning up to illustrate how white I am, I don't tan to attract girls. I do go outside relatively often even during summer, but I only get sunburnt xD. You bring up some really interesting points, I have thought about it and maybe you are right...
  2. AskSatanOperator

    #329 How to evoke energy in someone

    when invoking energy such cleaning my aura, programming my ajra to protect me, i feel the energy and i have full control over it an my intention is to be connected to it. On the other hand for working for example on influencing someone elses aura, i have trouble understaning the process. How...
  3. AskSatanOperator

    #328 Eye sight

    how to fix nearsightedness with magick? im so blind. i cant see past my forearms everything is blurry.
  4. AskSatanOperator

    #327 İs breathing in energy method powerful as vibrating runes when it comes to raise the energy?

    "I'm living with my family and I can't vibrate the runes. Can I just use the breathing method while visualizing colors? And is it possible to evoke energy into an energy ball in front of you by breathing energy into it (not connecting with energy)
  5. AskSatanOperator

    #324 How to get rid of unwanted hair on certain body parts?

    I understand that having hair on certain body parts is necessary, like pubic hair to prevent infections and less irritation on the vulva. But how to get rid of leg hair permanently? • I don't want to look like a gorilla every time I want to wear a dress. I'm tired of shaving and my hair...
  6. AskSatanOperator

    #323 Venus square affirmation correction

    Was doing a Venus square. Was saying the affirmation and I was about to say the wrong word. For example, [...] ap-attractiveness" but corrected myself instead of saying "appearance". I cancelled the energies anyway, just in case. But if I continued like this, would it have ruined the square?
  7. AskSatanOperator

    #322 Spells solar eclipses oct2

    What kind of spells can one do on this date
  8. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #321 the god Ocean

    I was reading a book on Greek mythology and I came across the god of the ocean. so I have asked myself if he actually exists and if he is part of the Gods of Hell. thank you
  9. AskSatanOperator

    #319 Does timing still matter in magick if you are extremely advanced and powerful

    When you have an extremely powerful soul, do power meditations daily, have an extremely powerful aura, and have mastered the 5 elements, do you still need to wait for the target person to sleep to influence them by pulling out their light body and commanding them? Or can you cast a money spell...
  10. AskSatanOperator

    #318 When did HP Cobra and HPS lydia join JoS

    i was going through the archives and it seemed so empty. no replies. is this cos it didnt get saved or was it rrly this empty? which made me wonder how ever did they feel motivated talking to *few people. and how long they been with JoS
  11. AskSatanOperator

    #317 Donor Tier's

    I hope this isn't considered a crude, but how much money do you have to donate to go upto the higher tier's? Or is it more than just monetary contribution? It say's "substantial amount" - how much would that imply as a rough range? Thousands, tens of thousands?
  12. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #316 Where can I find information about taroon

    I can’t find any information about a diety? Demon ? Taroon and her sister rashoon
  13. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #308 Transiting pluto fears

    #315 Pluto transit Grand Cross Same person with the question about pluto earlier I just found out that i have Grand Cross between Jupiter in 15 Leo, Venus in 12 Scorpio, Ascendant in 19 Aquarius, and Moon in 15 Taurus. All the fixed signs and 15 degrees on two important planet. What is in store...
  14. AskSatanOperator

    #314 New project ideas

    Are there anyone can I mail about project ideas and their details?
  15. AskSatanOperator

    #313 Learning methods

    İs there a well-known studying method for those who are into higher education that has been used by ancient philosophers or specific tips that makes studying easier ?
  16. AskSatanOperator

    #304 Skincare/Hair [to HPS Lydia]

    Heyyy I am not the OP but I would like to ask also this, what can I do to make my eyelashes grow healthy and beautifully? Using false eyelashes tires my eyes in the long run. Rosemary, argan oil and more, I guess it could be harmful to use them for eyelashes but I want them to grow immediately...
  17. AskSatanOperator

    #311 can birth certificate be wrong

    I used to use the brith time on the birth certificate. The natal made senses but but it usually did not in solar return and transiting charts. I tried to rectify it now it matched the events in solar return. But there was totally one hour difference and the ASC also changed. I was not sure...
  18. AskSatanOperator

    #310 The stories

    There are stories of our gods, of our witch ancestors and those who followed the path of the devil. But I think the papers have been destroyed. I want to read them. But how...
  19. AskSatanOperator

    #307 Jews made ww1?

    #309 Why usa entered ww1 You guys say it was the jews but wasn't it because of the Zimmerman telegram? And other atrocities comited by Germans in the war
  20. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #308 Transiting pluto fears

    What should I do to prepare for this pluto entering into the sign of Aquarius for the next 20 years. Aquarius is my chart ruler, with the planets Uranus and Neptune residing in it, based on this I know these next two decades are going to be quite intense for me, in what way can I prepare for...
  21. AskSatanOperator

    #307 Jews made ww1?

    One of you guys showed me a documentary Europa the last battle, on it says the jews brought the us into ww1 with the balfour declaration, and that in 1916 Germany was well on the way to win the war, but... The Americans joined prior to the balfour declaration And Germany even in 1916 suffered...
  22. AskSatanOperator

    #306 Is it just me or is this a hint at Spiritual Satanism?

    Hello. I came across a music group called "Mono Inc." I really liked their songs, they have great music... But I'm picky about "Jewish/non-Jewish". And then I saw that they have a song called "Children of the Dark". It attracted me. I listened to it, and it seemed to me that this is a hint at...
  23. AskSatanOperator

    #305 affirm

    In a square i said solar plex instead of plexus, is it still valid?
  24. AskSatanOperator

    #304 Skincare/Hair [to HPS Lydia]

    What are some material thing's one can do to improve these factor's to help with a Venus square's manifestation? Also, what are some good alternatives to traditional shampoo?
  25. AskSatanOperator

    #303 Do I have diabetes?

    Hello. Lately I've been eating whenever I can (and whatever, by the way). It also happens that I only eat a little sweet for breakfast, and the next meal is only at night. But I had this before too... If I don't eat, I'll go hungry, then my hands will start shaking badly (I won't be able to draw...
  26. AskSatanOperator

    #302 planets

    Do the gods live in the orion in this universe or in the orion in another dimension? And we know that there is life on other planets, but why can't we find each other?
  27. AskSatanOperator

    #301 How can you tell if a person is gay or bi?

    How can you tell if a person is gay or bi? how to seduce a straight man?
  28. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #300 How to open the third eye

    Meditations did not work for me and I think that meditation is not the right path
  29. AskSatanOperator

    #299 Is taking Propecia/Finastride bad for you spiritually?

    I'm taking this hair loss medication called Finastride I haven't really experienced any negative side effects that I know of after taking this. But I was wondering if there are any negative effects on the aura or chakras because of taking this hair loss prevention medicine?
  30. AskSatanOperator

    #283 I need an advice

    I will explain the situation. I am in a relationship with a person who has a physical business. A person with whom I am not comfortable, but for some reason I cannot detach myself from this situation. I am not a prone person to develop emotional addictions, on the contrary, I have detached...
  31. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #295 So is Dionysus an aspect of Zeus or Satan?

    #298 Apollo and Dionysus There is a clear connection between Dionysus and Apollo. They were considered to be polar opposites of eachother, Half-brothers like Zeus and Satan, both were worshipped at the Oracle of Delphi, Dionysus would take over during the winter. In symbolism, we have the...
  32. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #296 Sexual energy

    If i’m doing a love spell using runes and sexual energy during the night,could i relese it also during the day unreleted to the spell just pure plesure or would it interfere with the spell or like make the energy weeker.
  33. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #295 So is Dionysus an aspect of Zeus or Satan?

    Based off what Hoodedcobra said recently, "Dionysus is supposed to represent the conjoiment of Zeus (Dion - Son of Zeus) and the latter part of the word, yes, does point out to Satan's identity. Dionysus in particular was the teacher of the Ancient mysteries as a God, sent by Zeus to teach...
  34. AskSatanOperator

    #294 terrible nightmare

    I woke up at dawn because a cockroach was in my bed (yes it went through my foot) I have an extreme level of cleanliness so I just couldn't go back to sleep in bed, I went to sleep on the sofa in the living room...the minute I lay down, I already had a strange feeling but I was very sleepy and I...
  35. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #290 Is Vishnu Really Satan?

    I thought that Vishnu was more like Enlil or Apollo being a solar deity and protecter of the universe rather than Enki, Shiva or Satan being "outside" of the universe. Is this correct?
  36. AskSatanOperator

    #289 Can i do obliterating working for more than 90 days, such as 100 or 111

    I'm doing Nauthiz for discipline regarding certain habits and a very bad 6th House transit. Can I do it for over 90 day's? And does the same principles of using Munka apply here for removing negative karma with Nauthiz, or is it more like "applying a layer of paint" over the karma, so to speak
  37. AskSatanOperator

    #288 Helping my Close Friend

    My close friend has several health problems. Asthma, a joint disease, and a congenital disorder. She's also awaiting results from a cancer test. Despite these, she smokes and drinks and uses drugs ocassionally. I know I will outlive her, and it pains me. Can I do anything spiritually to help...
  38. AskSatanOperator

    #259 Retarded Relatives

    Thank you for your answers! https://ancient-forums.com/threads/259-retarded-relatives.292826/post-1093889 I also thank you, Dear High Priestess! I would love to see it as such a motivation and I am trying, but the economy in my country is in a terrible state, anyone who wants to buy a house...
  39. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #286 African witchcraft (zombies)

    Do you have any opinions? I saw a video of a man reporting that after 2 months of his sister's death, his uncle brought his sister back to life with witchcraft After that I started reading some reports of African witchcraft, things from movies, from people coming back from the dead...
  40. AskSatanOperator

    #285 leaning English and other languages

    Can someone help me how I can become truly fluent in English? It's advanced, but it doesn't get any further. I have no one to practice with to expand my vocabulary and I also have difficulty writing.
  41. AskSatanOperator

    #284 Wanting to save people but their stubbornness (brainwashed.)

    Oh it really gets really frustrating. people who are deceived, people who call them “love” “compassion” and believe them. not being able to tell them that what they believe is wrong. and when others tell them, they never believe them. then there are all these weird things like “our mighty allah...
  42. AskSatanOperator

    #283 I need an advice

    I'd like to have an advice from one of our Gods. There is a particular personal situation, that involves finances. I don't know if to leave a place, or remain in it. Every time I feel like leaving this place what comes in my mind is "just wait". I don't want to blindly trust my intuition in...
  43. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #282 How to combat saturn in retrograde

    I actually used Isa against saturn and it works but not enough. My finances are suffering, my health doesn't look good either, both are of the things that used to be fine before saturn went into retrograde. Even my relationship with my Guardian Demon became strained because of saturn, I cursed...
  44. AskSatanOperator

    #281 Posthumous marriage/suicidal thoughts

    Hi, I have autism and I’m just wondering if any of you have a relative (woman) who I can posthumously marry and that she was never married but wanted to be. I’m suicidal and I need a wife to be married so badly. I’m in pain so much it’s too much.
  45. AskSatanOperator

    #280 Sacral chakra & porn

    Will empowering the sacral chakra reduce likelihood of acting on porn cravings or will it exacerbate the negative karma that's already present there, and increase the likelihood instead?
  46. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #279 Is Krishna Hercules?

    "According to Arrian, Diodorus, and Strabo, Megasthenes described an Indian tribe called Sourasenoi, who especially worshipped Herakles in their land, and this land had two cities, Methora and Kleisobora, and a navigable river, the Jobares. As was common in the ancient period, the Greeks...
  47. AskSatanOperator

    #278 IOEA meditation

    I/Ignis=fire O/Origo=Earth A/Aqua=Water What about E is it an alternative spelling for elemental air or is it together like Æther ?
  48. AskSatanOperator

    #277 Failure to stop

    I saw a picture with the spirits and chakras of Jews or reptilians. they had ears like wings. and I can't get this picture out of my mind and I visualize wings in my ears. I can't stop it and it bothers me. is there any harm? After all, it doesn't change the system of my soul.
  49. AskSatanOperator

    #276 Is this a test?

    I wish I was trolling. When I talk to women of other races, literally any other race, I always get listened to and usually have a decent time. I haven't had any issues with any woman whether she was black, arab, asian or latina (this last group of women are particularly talkative in my...
  50. AskSatanOperator

    #275 live in another country

    I'm not Asian, but I really like Japan and would like to live there one day... would that be a problem? I don't plan on dating Asian people, just living there.
  51. AskSatanOperator

    #274 Yoga Routine

    Would changing the yoga routine every 1-3 days affect my progress negatively? Let's say I wish to experiment and try more Asanas.
  52. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #273 Kundalini through yoga only?

    I am currently inside a christian household, and can the kundalini awaken through yoga only?
  53. AskSatanOperator

    #272 What should I do about hunting, and the ethics of treating wild animals?

    Hello brothers and sisters! There is a question that I have always wondered about. Does hunting conform to the morality of Satanists? If you are not hungry, not for money, and the wild animals do not pose a threat, is hunting moral?There is a wild mountain around my home, and it is not a nature...
  54. AskSatanOperator

    #267 Can I start a Working in a non perfect astrological moment?

    Let's suppose I start a working today, even though the signs are not the most favorable for it. But this way I already get the energy going, and when a perfect date is approaching, I just take a 1-2 days break from the working started in the not so favorable date.
  55. AskSatanOperator

    #266 I've had obsessive dreams about Jews almost every night since I started practicing RTR

    Should I stop RTR for a while? Or what should I do to stop dreaming about them? Speaking of dreams, every time they show me that I am a Jew and that I work for both sides at the same time. There have been dreams where a crowd of Hasidim greet me as one of their own or where I speak Hebrew...
  56. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #265 seeing 666 and 111 everywhere

    After I did a ritual to Lucifius Focalor, I keep seeing the number's 666 and 111 everywhere since. Prior to this i also kept seeing 222. what mean? Is he trying to tell me something more, or is it just a general good sign?
  57. AskSatanOperator

    #264 The occult tarot deck

    I had an occult tarot deck. I bought it a long time ago. I was ignorant then and it had Hebrew things on it, the seal of Solomon, bad pictures of gods, can I still use it?
  58. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #263 The GODS

    What do the gods do in a day? Without human activity. And do gods get sick?
  59. AskSatanOperator

    #262 squares

    if i start a square today in a neutral sign today, and tommmorow it went to its fall, should i still continue it?
  60. AskSatanOperator

    #261 Am I really dedicated or do I need to do it again?

    I did my dedication ritual about 15 months ago. I followed the instructions, however, when I signed my name in blood, I nicked my finger with a razor blade and used a small pencil to sign the paper. The only problem is, I think the graphite absorbed most of the blood, so that the First letter...
  61. AskSatanOperator

    #260 Venus beauty square when will i see results?

    Am i supposed to see linear progress? Cos i look the same, but my Heart/Venus debilitation and negative stuff feels a lot better but i kinda look the same. i am tryna fix facial scars from acne, so maybe its harder? how long to see results usually?
  62. AskSatanOperator

    #259 Retarded Relatives

    In the last three months, they have made about 11 visits, which they announced on their departure. They stayed for one day, five days, ten days, twenty days. But they stayed all the time. Renting a room is never an option, of course they preferred this place because it was a thousand times the...
  63. AskSatanOperator

    #258 Divine Counterparts, Twin Flames

    Can a demon be a counterpart to a human? As far as going beyond a typical romantic relationship, a soul love that is?
  64. AskSatanOperator

    #257 Which god is Kalki?

    When Kalki incarnates on this earth which god will it be, Zeus, Satan, Apollo? I can't seem to figure out who vishnu/kalki is because he is seperate from Shiva (Satan)
  65. AskSatanOperator

    #256 I don't wanna be the ugly one

    I envy my friend, she has a very beautiful body and hair... I know it's her structure, it's natural like that, and her hair is natural too... ugh, what do I do?
  66. AskSatanOperator

    #255 this is not normal

    What to do when you start to feel attracted to a different race than your own? I know that finding someone of a different race than mine pretty, is normal, but what happens when it reaches the level of attraction? I don't see myself having sex, but I see myself having affectionate moments... I...
  67. AskSatanOperator

    #254 If I am short on time

    Can I instead of laying down 1 minute after each asana, lay sequentially like after every 3-4 asanas. Or do all of them in a sequence like in a yoga class and then lay down in corpse pose 10-15 minutes?
  68. AskSatanOperator

    #253 I have k*ller anger !! [Help Trigger Warning: Violence]

    Can someone help me, i have been very psychic since childhood and now that i meditate often i see people for what they are and it is very disturbing I feel like this anger is from a righteous place but when i turn to look at things from a more open biew i know it’s the domino effect from the...
  69. AskSatanOperator

    #252 I believe muhammad the islamic figure was a jew!! Does anyone feel this way?

    I believe muhammad was a jew and i have been feeling this after i noticed that pagan arabia was much more richer than accredited. After the coming of islam thos nasty mujaheed and others who feel entitled to slander the pagans as if they were backwards and totally incapable of anything but in a...
  70. AskSatanOperator

    #251 Nail biting.

    What do you recommend for nail biting? My nail beds are showing. I've tried a lot of things like psychologists and dermatologists. And i've done everything you can think of. I envy long nails, so I'm asking for your help.
  71. AskSatanOperator

    #250 Why do we not attract very high influential people.

    Like deploying a ton of energy in group to attract an individual person, so he studies and sees the truth and helps share it further with his or her huge community.
  72. AskSatanOperator

    #249 Is fall equinox day good to start money/love spells?

    According to the Jos Astro calendar, tomorrow is the Fall Equinox in my timezone. Is this day good for starting new workings?
  73. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #248 If I start a Project.

    Will the time I start it, or the time I release it to the public be the influence of its results?
  74. AskSatanOperator

    #247 Do you need to into trance when working with runes an then affirming?

    Should vibrating runes and affirmation be done in trance?
  75. AskSatanOperator

    #246 Digital Thoughtform

    Can I make a thoughtform and appoint it to a digital sigil then use it to attract clients on social media? Let's suppose I make a tiktok page, can I use the thoughtform's sigil digitally to make the watchers prone to being interested in my products?
  76. AskSatanOperator

    #245 Forced change to the soul

    Can the race of a man's soul be changed against his will? If so then why would someone do that?
  77. AskSatanOperator

    #244 New Member

    Now that I have finished my initiation process, how should I start living my life about. What are the does and don't in JOY, what are my expectations, how long will it take for me to see changes in my life. Thanks
  78. AskSatanOperator

    #242 how to overcome

    how to overcome addiction to strippers?
  79. AskSatanOperator

    #239 Occult ability seen in astrology, Mercury in Scorpio

    Edit: Question #239 Sorry, I forgot to mention the main point: Mercury in Scorpio is the only planet in Scorpio and the sole planet in its respective house. Would that sole planet with those aspects have a similar effect as a Scorpio/8th House stelium?
  80. AskSatanOperator

    #239 Occult ability seen in astrology, Mercury in Scorpio

    If a Mercury in Scorpio is making hard aspects (Squares and Opposition's) to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and softer aspects to Venus, Pluto and Mars, and with a Saturn in the 8th house, can this pertain to occult power or one being an adept in a past life? Similar to a Scorpio stellium for...
  81. AskSatanOperator

    #238 Size difference

    I don't know if it's natural or not, but I feel a strong attraction for tall men, VERY tall, over 2 meters or even 3; but I wouldn't like it to be because of a disease, I would like it to be natural, that his real and genuine size is that and that it doesn't bring him health problems. The idea...
  82. AskSatanOperator

    #237 i think i am the antichrist.is that true?

    im from hungary. and im born at 20080808 ,8am,the eighth room and when my parents brought me home a light beam fell into our garden and birds circled in the sky above our house i have proof contact me for more info in email please
  83. AskSatanOperator

    #236 DO I HAVE JEWISH BLOOD? (I think not)

    Do I HAVE JEWISH BLOOD? I am in a country far away from Jews. close to the Ottoman Empire. a Muslim country but free. I haven't talked to gods. I haven't experienced any paranormal phenomena. I can't feel much love for gods. I get tingling in my third eye. I don't feel bad doing frtr and...
  84. AskSatanOperator

    #235 Sexual orientation and thoughts

    I'm gay, I wear y2k style. unlike today's men, I'm wear a bit more feministic. and sometimes I have thoughts that I would feel or be better if I were a girl, if I were born a girl. but I never want hormonal or surgical things. I just wish I'd been born. is it normal for me to think like that? I...
  85. AskSatanOperator

    #234 FRTR, I'm doing this right? plz i need some answers

    Except for relief and fatigue after the ritual I feel little, maybe dizzy, sometimes euphoria, but how do I know that the ritual really works against the enemy? how can I check it? my mind does not give me peace, says - this is a waste of time. And I understand him, he wants to see the results...
  86. AskSatanOperator

    #233 Racial Jews are not welcome, but what about religious ones?

    I'm talking about those who converted to Judaism later in life, but have no Jewish ancestry. If one was to convert to Judaism, and then see the truth later, would they be welcomed?
  87. AskSatanOperator

    #232 Synastry Tip - Saturn aspect on someone's Sun?

    Does it make sense to continue a relationship with a person who has Saturn on both my Sun and Mercury? Both are minor aspects. I understand that there is no perfect birth chart and that somehow someone's Saturn will always touch some personal planet, but I was curious about this particular aspect.
  88. AskSatanOperator

    #231 Why is this?

    Hello. I am a high school student, and I have a high workload. And from time to time I fall into a state that everyone around calls "memory lapses", and they have already wanted to take me to a psychologist or psychiatrist (I don't want to lose progress in developing my chakras!!!...). At that...
  89. AskSatanOperator

    #230 How to talk to satan

    Hi, how do I do it, just focus on sigil after meditation? Can the sigil be a drawing or an image on a device? Or do I need a full ritual to do it?
  90. AskSatanOperator

    #229 What is the most powerful crying meditation?

    I need the most intense meditation where I can face myself. I just stay silent because there are things I want to say to someone who is no longer in my life but I can't talk to him anymore I am so full. I just want to cry and face it when I close my eyes. Do you have any suggestions?
  91. AskSatanOperator

    #228 Is there someone on the Turkish forums with whom I can share resources?

    Is there anyone with whom I can share my analysis about Tamgas, one of the Turkish forms?
  92. AskSatanOperator

    #227 Some questions

    If one's lifespan is found to be limited( like a span of 6 months to a year) what would be the best working to do? removing negative karma or empowerment?
  93. AskSatanOperator

    #226 Solar Plexus?

    What does it mean if my solar plexus is hot and full of molten gold? Thanks.
  94. AskSatanOperator

    #225 I would join you guys if it weren't for this

    I've read through your website and I resonate with most of it. What keeps me on the fence about joining Joy of Satan is the fact that you believe in the vacuum of space and the globe earth. Why is this such a fundamental part of your ideology? Large bodies of water can't display convexity...
  95. AskSatanOperator

    Family #224 Gay marriage

    What is the general opinion on gay marriage here? I've seen people for it and against it, but no official stance or consensus as far as I can tell. As a gay man I am for it, and cannot understand why one would be against it. I know some argue that marriage is for children but we cannot deny that...
  96. AskSatanOperator

    #223 How to use elements in your spells

    l searched about it in jos but didn't find anything.
  97. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #222 Šammaš meditation

    Why this meditation is deleted? According to gentile tree of life (chakra system) has 3 Chakras with extensions (Base,heart and 6th) and 3 letters that are used in this meditation corresponds very well with these points but the problem is that M letter is vibrated on Crown instead 6th chakra...
  98. AskSatanOperator

    #221 Is it possible to recover and repair the body after weight loss, using magic?

    Greetings to all my Brothers and Sisters, I hope all of you have a very pleasant day. May Satan and the Gods bless all of you! I've started my weight loss journey approximately 6-7 months ago, and have lost 30 kgs /66 lbs. I have still a lot to go, but I've reached the halfway point in my...
  99. AskSatanOperator

    #220 Female JGs? Hps Lydia please answer

    Hi everyone. As far as I am aware there are no female [JG]'s. I am female and wondering if our Hps Lydia has any advice for us who are looking to advance in the Joy of Satan. Thank you for your time. Hail Satanas
  100. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #219 When To Know You Need And Or Require A Familiar

    Hi, Are familiars necessary for every SS to have or is it something only advanced mages/SS need/require to further their progress? Familiars need to be treated with utmost respect and kept safe and loved and appreciated, etc. (like any other animal, of course). But how do you know that you...
  101. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #218 are these voices just in my head?

    i don't understand what's happening, and i don't believe this is astral hearing (maybe it is, but i can't tell), so i'm coming here to the forums for advice. ever since i talked to father satan and the gods, i've been hearing them all day non-stop. i can't tell if it's because i don't want to...
  102. AskSatanOperator

    #217 Hungry Snake?

    I am practicing Kundali Yoga, and every day I feel the serpent in the middle of my spine, and it seems like it talks to me every time I delay the practice (kundalini yoga). It literally feels like a hungry animal, and if I don't feed it I feel a kind of anguish throughout my spine... Is this crazy?
  103. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #216 Other alien races

    We know of our gods, the enemy (Reptillians, grays, etc.) but are there any other races out there? Races maybe not even involved in this conflict?
  104. AskSatanOperator

    #215 Question about the pentagram

    According to Joy of Satan, what is the symbolical difference between the upright pentagram and the inverted pentagram? Do they both serve a purpose within Spiritual Satanism?
  105. AskSatanOperator

    #213 What women can I aspire to with relatively weak genetics?

    For the record, I'm white, not very tall (180cm), a bit skinny, my face is not unpleasant to look at but my side profile is really weak like not a great jawline despite my posture being decent. And well, i'm not gifted down there either. So I say this because I always wanted to date a bautiful...
  106. AskSatanOperator

    #214 Using the Mercury square to improve intelligence: spiritual or material?

    Here is a copy paste from this issue from the "List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares". I think it would be beneficial to know if working to enhancing the intelligence (with the Mercury square) is more inclined towards spiritual or material working. Academic Scholar said: Mercury...
  107. AskSatanOperator

    #212 Mirror

    Why do i see smoke or haze in mirror by doing mirror gazing with candle
  108. AskSatanOperator

    #211 why this happens?

    Every time I try to imagine something for myself, as if it were a law of attraction, I put everything of myself into it and it simply ends up happening to someone else...If I imagine that I'm recording an advertisement for Chanel by throwing myself off a cliff, a few days or months later the...
  109. AskSatanOperator

    #210 The meaning of peace, change and leadership. When we don't use them, what use is the power in we're hands?

    Hm i'm not perfect. I am not Jewish. I am aware that my development is slow. the people around us also influence us. i can't do things like chakra development and aura cleansing very strictly every day because of my work. if there are god rituals i do them. i couldn't communicate with the gods...
  110. AskSatanOperator

    #209 Hatha Yoga Related Question

    Sometimes I enjoy doing a Full Hatha Yoga Session in One Go, and sometimes I enjoy doing it in split parts, meaning : - 1-3 Asanas - House Chore / or meditation - 1-3 Asanas And so on, I find this model quite benefic for me and efficient especially when my schedule is tight, is it okay to keep...
  111. AskSatanOperator

    #206 aop

    I used creating instead of building in the aura of protection, does it work?
  112. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #205 Does the spell day end when the Moon changes signs during the day?

    On September 18, there is a favorable time for spells related to the Moon in Pisces. However, on that day the Moon is in a void for a short time and then the Moon moves into Aries. Does this mean that we can cast a spell on Pisces Moon all day? Or can't we do it all day because the Moon leaves...
  113. AskSatanOperator

    #204 How can I keep (or stay truly, in touch) with myself?

    Dear readers, I would appreciate it if you had some advice for me. For the past years I've struggled in my personal life with expectations and projections, vs my inner world. I don't know if I can explain it properly, but I will try. I started off in a rough patch here, and the...
  114. AskSatanOperator

    #203 How old is the African race?

    We know they're the newest/youngest race, but how old actually are they? And Asian's?
  115. AskSatanOperator

    #173 Mother's youthful appearance related to spiritual development?

    Post in thread '#173 Mother's youthful appearance related to spiritual development?' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/173-mothers-youthful-appearance-related-to-spiritual-development.292644/post-1092549 Both of her parent's as well as her grandfather were physically youthful and fit well into...
  116. AskSatanOperator

    #201 The name Solomon?

    My question, is on the Surname. Solomon? IS it really a Jewish name, or is it made up? On purpose by the Jews to use for Prestige, and power. Considering, how popular it is among jews and non-jews alike. And the history of the name itself...has me baffled? And curious . The very name is a...
  117. AskSatanOperator

    #200 Why is this happening all of a sudden?

    I have been attracted to girls all of my life. Since starting classes in college a few weeks ago, I have become attracted to a guy, and he is feminine and looks like a girl. At the same time, I am disgusted by this behavior (presumably because of my Christian influence, which I dislike now since...
  118. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #197 What are trickster spirits/clown entities and what is their relation to our gods?

    Are trickster/jester/clown looking entities on our side or are these Jewish beings? For example the Heyokas worshipped these beings and were considered incarnations of the Wakinyan “Thunder spirits” Considering all the slander in the media and Hollywood about clowns and especially Jew Stephen...
  119. AskSatanOperator

    #196 Third eye

    What is the difference on the third eye when I do the thoh chant or do the thaum chant?
  120. AskSatanOperator

    #195 my knee

    I was probably born with this problem, my mother always says that my foot and knee were more crooked (the right side) the problem is that they never caused me any discomfort... but now it's causing, I'm almost 20 years old and my knee is starting to hurt, does any yoga help with this? I know...
  121. AskSatanOperator

    #194 Withdrawal symptoms

    Are there any method's such as TCM which relieve the physical pain of withdrawal symptoms (specifically headaches/migraines)?
  122. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #193 Earth element and feeling energies

    Does heavy Earth element in one's soul, even if it's not the dominant element, making it more difficult to feel energies or have a greater tolerance to them? Does this affect spiritual power overall?
  123. AskSatanOperator

    #192 Harold Wallace Rosenthal -

    Why this Joo said they are Lucifer's chosen people? Why they openly claim Satan to be their god? Doesnt make sense to me
  124. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #191 Anxiety before Venus Square

    Greetings to everyone, I desperately need to ask for a piece of advice. Venus will enter Taurus on Friday and I will begin to square Venus on a personal matter. I am convinced of what I want to do, I just have a little problem: anxiety. I get intrusive thoughts in my head, like "what if it...
  125. AskSatanOperator

    #190 I want to feel naked

    I want to feel pure love, pure compassion and pure respect. The simplest case, I am feeding a cat on the street and starting to thinking about "Do the Gods and Goddesses love me more now, what do they think of me?" and I feel like this situation makes what I'm doing not worth doing at all...
  126. AskSatanOperator

    #132 Black Magick on one's parent's

    "And that statement alone tells us a whole story about yourself" - it tell's you only what you want it to tell you. Both parent's neglected me even as a newborn baby, but my mother's circumstances were at least excusable. My father, on the other hand, actively tried to destroy my self-esteem...
  127. AskSatanOperator

    #188 Self improvement

    Hello, I'm seeking advice, I have a serious anger issues and would like to improve my anxiety be more organized and disciplined, can anyone sharw some advice, thank you
  128. AskSatanOperator

    #187 Membership

    Hello, am Marc how can l be a member of satanic group
  129. AskSatanOperator

    #186 What do I do?

    I don't know what to do with my life and I need Satan in my life to guide me and tell me what I should be doing with my life. I just lost my best friend and I have no one to talk to anymore. I don't know how to meditate or contact Satan and I just feel so lost. My family doesn't want me to...
  130. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #185 Affirmation Fail

    On Affirmation #1, I said the wrong word in the sentence and then immediately cancelled the energies before I completed the affirmation. Does this work? Or is my entire working screwed?
  131. AskSatanOperator

    #184 Is it better to breath through your nose or mouth when doing either yoga or general breath work?

    Is there a difference? Is one more efficient than the other, have different uses, or utilise energy in a different way? Affect different body parts?
  132. AskSatanOperator

    #183 me, myself & I

    I don't think there's an option to post photos here, or at least I don't know lol. I'm mixed race, but not in the "pure" way when one father is of one exclusive race and the mother of another.( I know that mixed races are not pure but that was the only thing I found to describe it, because here...
  133. AskSatanOperator

    #182 how to change thought and action patterns

    I stress quite a lot, I wrecked my mental health years ago and ended up with weird thought patterns with obsessive compulsive behavior after years of not taking care of it . How do I change it? meditation and magic has only made it easier for me but I still find it hard to keep it up for a full...
  134. AskSatanOperator

    #181 What to do with my gf?

    Hey there! I’m just thinking of what to do with my non-SS gf. We have 1 kid together, it happened when we were younger. Should I break up with her? All she wants to do is live in the Matrix. She won’t join Satanism. I remember when HPS Maxine wrote in a sermon that “wasted days, and wasted...
  135. AskSatanOperator

    #179 after death..

    Should the human body be cremated after death (like Hinduism)?
  136. AskSatanOperator

    #177 Glowing eyes

    Why do my eyes sparkle inhumanly when i meditate or when i consume even a little sweet food ,i was born with very sparkling star like eyes which lost its sparkle when i grew up but suddenly after my dedication ritual to satan it started glowing and sparklibg again so much that i need to...
  137. AskSatanOperator

    #132 Black Magick on one's parent's

    Ideally, I do not want him to die, because I'd rather not put my sibling's through the trauma of losing their father, even if he is a deadbeat. He's not a terrible human being, just an irrelevant part of our lives and one who brings those around him to a lower level of existence. I asked this...
  138. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #174 Teleportation/Walking Through The Dimension's [Siddhi]

    What make's this so difficult? If one devoted much of their time to developing this power, is it possible to obtain? Or is it only for "special" people who already have a proclivity for this in their natal chart? Why was there only 3 people in recorded history who accomplished this?
  139. AskSatanOperator

    #173 Mother's youthful appearance related to spiritual development?

    My mother is 45, but very often still get's confused as being my sister or wife. I'm 25, but even when I was 13 this would happen where people always thought she was my sister. She looks permanently stuck at ages 28-33~. What would cause this sort of slow ageing process and preservation of...
  140. AskSatanOperator

    #172 Appropriate decoration

    Greetings Il, I just printed some pictures of Satan sigils swastika etc but my printer is not of great condition and the quality of the pictures is somewhat degraded and in black and white, I decorated further by manually adding color to the pictures , us this appropriate for altar decorations...
  141. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #168 Is this page useful for something?

    I found this page https://www.prophet666.com that contains mantras, I thought it was useful, so I want the opinion of people with experience. [Mod note: Please use caution when testing unknown mantras/energies. Check with the Clergy or your GD]
  142. AskSatanOperator

    #170 The trance

    What this mean breath in the color blue in the blue light medetion I need to like what feel that I breath into me can someone one give me good example?
  143. AskSatanOperator

    #169 what's it like with an incubus/succubus?

    i'm curious as to how someone communicates with them. do the satanists that have these astral relationships sometimes meditate on their astral partner when they're in a park so that they feel as if they're enjoying nature together? can they be clingy? can the interactions last all day? i'm...
  144. AskSatanOperator

    #167 What was this?

    Hello, I had a vision of being lifted up into outerspace while in my bed, and then a giant pale head with crazy bright flaming red hair was looking at me with giant fangs and was laughing. This entity looked sort of like the clowns from the movie killer klowns from outer space. Does anyone have...
  145. AskSatanOperator

    #166 How to Vibrate

    One of the newest rituel ''Rituel of the Great Ancestors''. How to vibrate IAEO and Sat An Sat Ya Sat Eel Satanu, Sat-Ana, IAEO, Zeus, Pantokrator Also SAT, SATYA, SATANAMA for the ''Satan's Absolution Rituel'' Thank you.
  146. AskSatanOperator

    #165 Meaning in Life?

    Hi. I've been meditating and doing some things (god rituals, personal magic work, RTRs, etc.) for a few years now, but I've hit a wall, a very thick wall... I think it's been 7~8 years since I started the path, many ups and downs, but I keep moving forward... Although I never achieved great...
  147. AskSatanOperator

    #164 Feeling Overwhelmed and Unsafe, Help???

    Hi, I don't wish to bother anyone about this, but I must ask for help. I'm currently living in a better environment than I had years ago, yet I still have this fear that my family will find me and force me back and abuse me again.. The other thing is this debt I've been forced into by my so...
  148. AskSatanOperator

    #163 They are forcing me to read bible and quran

    My parents are forcing me to read bible and quran, my father is a muslim and he wants to convert me to izlam, and my mother is christian and she wants to convert me to christianity. Will satan be mad @ me for reading those books?
  149. AskSatanOperator

    #162 who knows the ancient mantra in Sanskrit for healing another

    tell me the most powerful mantra for healing. you have to do the impossible)
  150. AskSatanOperator

    #161 I need to express this

    What I plan to write now is not a question, but an anonymous vent and comment. I was reading HPHC's recent sermon on rituals and future site modifications, and many people were writing "defenses" (I think another word would be better, but I don't know which one) to the English language about it...
  151. AskSatanOperator

    #160 Shaping and moving energy (by visualizing.)

    I don't know how to explain it, but you can understand me more or less. can I visualize the energy in my eyes and move it, for example, in the form of a line and the color blue, which eliminates negativity? let's say I bring the blue energy in the form of a line around my house and turn it into...
  152. AskSatanOperator

    #159 Off the wagon

    I need to get this off my chest. Recently I've had no motivation to meditate. I feel burned out stressed and depressed from my job and everyday life. I'm back to using my drugs of choice (not going to be specific because I've talked about it in the forum). I've tried quitting multiple times but...
  153. AskSatanOperator

    #158 changing my life

    I want to be famous, I know that the industry, especially the cinema industry, is full of Jews, so I thought: why not be one of those advertising models (I'm not tall enough)..I would need to be very active on Instagram because that's where they find these people, I don't even know if I'm pretty...
  154. AskSatanOperator

    #157 Are Jews a race or a religion?

    In the ancient world, people were not divided into nations or races, but only into castes, religious and cultural-linguistic communities. As far as I know, anyone could convert to Judaism without any barriers, so it was not a biologically determined phenomenon, but a cultural-religious one...
  155. AskSatanOperator

    #156 What does Satan think of me? Can I rejoin the gods? Also, about affirmation

    I was a churchgoer since I was born, and there were quite a few days when I believed in fake gods. Then when I turned 17, I had doubts about fake gods and suddenly I wanted to just believe in Satan and get close to him, so I searched for information about Satan. But before I got to know the jos...
  156. AskSatanOperator

    #155 beauty and Venus

    Can venus square help me with wrinkles? I'm very young and I have smile lines, it's genetic, everyone in my family has them since they were 25, but I'm not even 20 yet...I have fair skin so this makes them more pronounced, they are a little darker than the rest of my skin
  157. AskSatanOperator

    #154 Love spell

    Fastest working love spell? I know about JOS love spell but it’s not working(the sexual enegry one) Should i do Gebo? Or is there any more thing i could add. I need a fast acting one it dosent need to be overnight but the faster the better as i have maybe a month till my chance with this female...
  158. AskSatanOperator

    #153 Cosmology question

    Why does Joy of Satan believe we live on a globe earth?
  159. AskSatanOperator

    #132 Black Magick on one's parent's

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/132-black-magick-on-ones-parents.292447/post-1091701 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/132-black-magick-on-ones-parents.292447/post-1091704 My father is an extreme andrapod. He spends 12hrs a day watching TV or superficially "praying" 5x a day. He doesn't...
  160. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #151 disrespect

    if i disrespected some of our gods and high priest in the past or did something inappropriate and feel shamefull about it, should i ask for their forgivness? they usually understand peoples struggle?
  161. AskSatanOperator

    #150 panic attacks

    how to manage panic attacks?
  162. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #149 Can AoP defend you from death spell and misfortune?

    Can the Aura of Protection (AoP) defend you from death spells and misfortune? How powerful is the AoP, and what are its limits? Thanks
  163. AskSatanOperator

    #148 spiritual implications of taking female hormones as an 18yo

    i have recently turned 18 and wanted to ask what the spiritual implications of taking estrogen and testosterone blockers are for someone who was born as a male. the reason for this is partly because i do not want to age like a male, i am proud of the fact that i grew up as a male and that i...
  164. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #147 Saturn is the worst (URGENT)

    Before saturn went into retrograde i was getting rid of my problems. but after it began, it made my problems alot worse as if all my work went undone. saturn takes my bad traits and makes them worse. it looks like my guardian demon is quite usless when saturn is in retrograde. I ask my...
  165. AskSatanOperator

    #145 Can i do the Rituels for Satan and other gods for help while i am still not active spiritually ?

    I need to ged rid of my big problems its holding me back. But im at my own so i hope Satan and gods will hold my hang. Can i do rituels before starting meditating/ect. .
  166. AskSatanOperator

    #144 Random Blissful Crown Chakra Feelings

    Hi, Whenever I read somebody's post or an email directed to me or just spend time with my partner, I get this very blissful feeling in my crown chakra that makes me feel like I just wanna let go and focus on it. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. But when I am able to focus on it, it sort...
  167. AskSatanOperator

    #143 about me

    I think I'm very ugly, is that low self-esteem or am I really ugly? in my chart (I'm a layman in astrology) it says that ugliness could be part of my life until a certain time or something like that...since I was a child I've hated myself and I think I'm ugly...I want to have plastic surgery but...
  168. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #142 Who is the sun god?

    Is the Sun god Azazel, or Lucifer/Satan?
  169. AskSatanOperator

    #116 Can Jupiter in Gemini Square currently be used to increase learning?

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/116-can-jupiter-in-gemini-square-currently-be-used-to-increase-learning.292405/post-1091465 The affair's of my 3rd House are already good. The problem is, I want to become more scholarly in my studies, like a 9th House way. I usually get bored of something...
  170. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #138 Why am I having negative thoughts

    Why am I having negative/harassing thoughts about Satan? I hope he’s not mad at me or anything. It’s like repeating the same words towards him inside my head. I’ve been a dedicated satanist for several years now and this is the first time thinking like this. I’m not trying to be...
  171. AskSatanOperator

    #137 Dreaming/apparition

    I dreamed a pale face with black tar eyes and an open stiff like mouth. Who can I associate it with and what can it mean?
  172. AskSatanOperator

    #136 Who will you vote for?

    https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMheq5ve5/ Could Kamala really destroy Israel? I was thinking of supporting Trump but after some conclusions I don't think it's the best option, he talked a lot of crap in the debate Who do you support and why?
  173. AskSatanOperator

    #135 Is there a primary God of the universe?

    Ok so forum member Lanius on here said, in a nutshell, it doesn't matter, as you are interested in the Gods and ascension. Not bowing down to one god who just hands down laws to blindly follow. But still I am curious. Is there one? The Greek texts say Chaos or Kaos is at the top. Who do the...
  174. AskSatanOperator

    #134 Adjustments to square visualisation

    Is it ok if you slightly change the visualisation within the first few day's of a Square? At first I read each affirmation then visualised. But then I start to read each quickly but with intent, then visualise afterwards. Is it reduce effectiveness to do this?
  175. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #133 Why do i feel so distant from satan?

    I have been an ss for ten yearsh, When i was a teen i was too immature to approach the gods and i was focusing on some important problems that i had, now that i have a time of peace i am indeed getting closer to satan. I know this my sound like a paradox but when i opened the left hand door i...
  176. AskSatanOperator

    #132 Black Magick on one's parent's

    If, for whatever reason, they needed to be """removed""", would this create permanent negative karma into one's next life?
  177. AskSatanOperator

    #131 Jupiter and Biokinesis

    Can the energies of Jupiter be used to "expand" certain feature's alongside trance meditations?
  178. AskSatanOperator

    #116 Can Jupiter in Gemini Square currently be used to increase learning?

    #130 reply poj Post in thread '#116 Can Jupiter in Gemini Square currently be used to increase learning?' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/116-can-jupiter-in-gemini-square-currently-be-used-to-increase-learning.292405/post-1091386 Why is it bad in Gemini tho? What's the spiritual...
  179. AskSatanOperator

    #129 The new weird guidance counselor (?)

    Our previous guidance counselor left, and I talked to our new guidance counselor (who believes in Islam and wears a headscarf) about my sexual orientation and issues. I was torn between whether to mention it or not, but I did. While talking, I also mentioned that I’m interested in tarot reading...
  180. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #128 Colour of Aura of Protection

    It alway's say's "white-gold" but when I Google it, it's a silver type of colour. Is the aura meant to be like a bright gold colour, or this silver colour?
  181. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #127 Problems with the ritual of power to Lord Beelzebul

    Hello to all, Recently I did a power ritual to Lord Zeus because I wanted some help on how to solve an important problem in my life. (now it is solved thanks to all the Deities who contributed). While I was performing the ritual of power of Zeus, I began to feel sick: gagging of vomiting...
  182. AskSatanOperator

    #126 it could be kundalini?

    Hello to all brothers and sisters, I wanted to ask you a question. Last night I used the sexual energy for kundalini and at one point I felt such a strong pain at the height of the second chakra. It was a very strong pain, so much that I had tears. I know many of you will think that maybe the...
  183. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #124 Pluto Transits and Moon Nodes

    Does a Pluto transit also affect our Lunar nodes in our natal chart whenever it contacts them? I just wanted to ask
  184. AskSatanOperator

    #122 How do I become a member

    I wanted to be a member of this family
  185. AskSatanOperator

    #121 Should I Do The Standart Rituel To Satan

    I'm dedicated since 2 months but because im not free i can't work on my self ( meditations, ect. ) i have so many problems . Can i ask gods and Satan for help only to hold my hand at the beggining on this path ? I never done a yoga, meditation, aura protection, ect. but its not my fault.
  186. AskSatanOperator

    #120 Moon Chart Ruler

    I have an 8th house Aquarian moon as my chart ruler. No other planets were aspecting it when I was born. Does this make the moon extra strong in my personality?
  187. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #119 Yod question, MC

    Pluto and Uranus, with MC at the head of the yod. What is the interpretation of this in regards to career?
  188. AskSatanOperator

    #118 A Jew at work prevents me from taking a position in the leadership for which I am applying. Jews hold senior positions in the company.

    I am currently working on becoming my deputy boss at my job. To do this, I perform magical and spiritual work, using the Planetary Square of the Sun, Runes and Green Energy. Unfortunately, at my job I see such a picture that stupid, very stupid and incompetent Jews, of whom there are few...
  189. AskSatanOperator

    #117 Working to create peace in household

    Both parent's are serious nagger's. Half their personality is to be a nag, and this isn't an exaggeration. It's so annoying. Everytime they open their mouth it's to nag or criticise about extremely minor things. But my mother wasn't always like this, she was influenced by my father. It's...
  190. AskSatanOperator

    #116 Can Jupiter in Gemini Square currently be used to increase learning?

    A higher intelligence for the affairs of gemini or 9th house stuff, quicker learning, desire in thid area or something
  191. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #115 how can i help JoS ? I have specific skills

    Im a computer science professor , I’ve alot of free time these days, Im confused about what can i do using my computer skills ?
  192. AskSatanOperator

    #114 Pineal gland

    what does it mean if my pineal glands is beating and vibrating like a heart/heartbeat?
  193. AskSatanOperator

    #113 what planets and signs rules the hands and feet?

    what can give someone pretty hands, large hands, small hands/feet etc. i know aldeberan rules the hands and fingers, but what does that mean or how does it manifest
  194. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #112 trance

    In this blue light medetion I vizulze my self with the blue color and than what I need to do believing I'm floating at the aime time I vizulze the blue light sorrunding me?
  195. AskSatanOperator

    #111 Eddie Erickson and the Tao of Chaos

    What do you think of Eddie Erickson and the Tao of Chaos I don't really like that he extols Tiamat, etc. it seems to me that Marduk is a blessing and this whole topic is like the murder of Ymir votano = the possibility of life and our worlds
  196. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #110 Anxiety about Venus Square

    I started the venus square last friday, with the upmost care, I was doing that in the garden, for full concentration, for not being disturbed and messing up the reps like last time, this time the exact same thing happened on the first day (just now being my mom instead of my dad), this time I...
  197. AskSatanOperator

    #109 How did universe come onto existence ?

    Please explain at least little bit

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
