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#132 Black Magick on one's parent's


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
If, for whatever reason, they needed to be """removed""", would this create permanent negative karma into one's next life?
Please do not make hasty decisions. I'm sure they hurt you a lot but you have to realize that what you need to fix is your mental state first; what happens if they "get removed"? You would stay alone with all of that trauma and wouldn't move on, that is a huge problem. Focus on your own mental health instead of revenge on others, especially with people who were supposed to give you the love you deserve. Check out some of the stuff have written in my article if you are worried about balancing your life and mental state, there is seriously no shame in any of that. All the best, I hope you get the love you always deserved to get!
Do a binding spell and protection. Death spells are complicated, if you need protection now against a parent do what I said.
The reason has to be justified for real, not just based on emotions, otherwise there is unnecessary harm for both them and you.
Please do not make hasty decisions. I'm sure they hurt you a lot but you have to realize that what you need to fix is your mental state first; what happens if they "get removed"? You would stay alone with all of that trauma and wouldn't move on, that is a huge problem. Focus on your own mental health instead of revenge on others, especially with people who were supposed to give you the love you deserve. Check out some of the stuff have written in my article if you are worried about balancing your life and mental state, there is seriously no shame in any of that. All the best, I hope you get the love you always deserved to get!

My father is an extreme andrapod. He spends 12hrs a day watching TV or superficially "praying" 5x a day. He doesn't (and hasn't ever) payed any attention to his family, and neglect's all of his children, except when he feels compelled to rigidly enforce some Xian/Muslim crap on to them. Otherwise, they don't exist to him, or at least he prefer's it that way. He abuses all of my pets too, and I had to let them go because of this when I was younger.

He doesn't care about us and has refused to form even a most basic relationship or interest since a young age, preferring to drown himself in entertainment. Not an inkling of affection or proper guidance. ALL he does is mindless fodder activities of an andrapod, and this isn't hyperbole. However, I can tell there is going to be serious problems in the future for my siblings because of him. If he isn't dealt with, he'll ruin their lives as he already is on this trajectory.

My mother will just follow my lead, but he's going to be a problem. She's a heavy Pisces, and lowkey believes in the occult but has deluded herself otherwise for fear of ostracization. I've seen in all of my sibling's natal chart's that a parent is going to die early on in their lives, including my chart, so it's very likely anyway's.

I would feel zero emotion or remorse, I promise you. Except maybe some minor feeling of "wishing things could've been different". Otherwise, I'm more concerned with the future of the rest of my family at his expense.

I can already dominate him, he's weak and gives up easily against my will/opposition, but I obviously don't have legal custody of my siblings. And I need him out of the picture or completely disabled.

My father is an extreme andrapod. He spends 12hrs a day watching TV or superficially "praying" 5x a day. He doesn't (and hasn't ever) payed any attention to his family, and neglect's all of his children, except when he feels compelled to rigidly enforce some Xian/Muslim crap on to them. Otherwise, they don't exist to him, or at least he prefer's it that way. He abuses all of my pets too, and I had to let them go because of this when I was younger.

He doesn't care about us and has refused to form even a most basic relationship or interest since a young age, preferring to drown himself in entertainment. Not an inkling of affection or proper guidance. ALL he does is mindless fodder activities of an andrapod, and this isn't hyperbole. However, I can tell there is going to be serious problems in the future for my siblings because of him. If he isn't dealt with, he'll ruin their lives as he already is on this trajectory.

My mother will just follow my lead, but he's going to be a problem. She's a heavy Pisces, and lowkey believes in the occult but has deluded herself otherwise for fear of ostracization. I've seen in all of my sibling's natal chart's that a parent is going to die early on in their lives, including my chart, so it's very likely anyway's.

I would feel zero emotion or remorse, I promise you. Except maybe some minor feeling of "wishing things could've been different". Otherwise, I'm more concerned with the future of the rest of my family at his expense.

I can already dominate him, he's weak and gives up easily against my will/opposition, but I obviously don't have legal custody of my siblings. And I need him out of the picture or completely disabled.
That is a very tough situation and I'm honestly very conflicted on what to tell you—what I can tell you though is that you NEED to stay close to your mother and siblings. Focus on improving their spiritual and mental health while going through all of this—remember, they will get very traumatized and this WILL have lasting consequences on their mental health if you don't figure out a proper way to negate that.
You should not neglect the impact of those experiences, your childhood shapes the way you think, perceiving the experience from a point of self-improvement is very crucial. Those were parts of your life that made you into what you are today and it will continue to direct your life unless you change your way of perceiving it.

You've grown up to become a very powerful and positive figure for your family but also have to remember that you cannot neglect yourself.
I can tell that you are very good person but it's heartbreaking for me that you have to deal with all of that on your own, please try to get support from people you can trust.
Are there any options to contact a government agency for child neglect? There is a high change that you could distance him from your family that way.
And focus on slowly but steadily redpill-ing your mother and encourage her spiritual growth, you need to break the social conditioning which is the core of her fear.

Accept and love yourself, all the best 💙
If, for whatever reason, they needed to be """removed""", would this create permanent negative karma into one's next life?
Black magic must be weighed and justified, first of all you must be sure of the correctness of your actions, otherwise magic can harm you.
I would feel zero emotion or remorse, I promise you. Except maybe some minor feeling of "wishing things could've been different". Otherwise, I'm more concerned with the future of the rest of my family at his expense.

I can already dominate him, he's weak and gives up easily against my will/opposition, but I obviously don't have legal custody of my siblings. And I need him out of the picture or completely disabled.
This here is what I suspected in the first place. The problem is not the other person even though they are not a good person, but the fact that you justify the death of another person based on something so trivial in the bigger picture. This is not to belittle your situation but to indicate that death for something like this is excessive.

The justification goes deeper than "I would feel zero emotion or remorse", and that statement alone tells us a whole story about yourself. I suggest that you find another route because the consequences of an unjustified death sentence go deeper than your feelings about it.
The situation doesn't warrant a death spell in my opinion. He's just an andrapod. Let him be an andrapod on his own after you do a binding spell.

If push comes to show, you can completely cut off astral ties between him and your siblings so he'll have no claim to them.

It doesn't look like a case where a positive intervention would turn him into a real father, even if his will is weak. Question is: are you willing to take responsibility for raising your siblings alongside your mother until they come of age?

Children need both a mother and a father figure, and you can be a positive father figure for them, maybe. Don't let them grow into 'adults' that won't be able to have functional relationships with members of the male sex, because that's what happens when people grow up with a reliable father figure.

I'm assuming here you're a male. If you aren't, things are more complicated. Either way, a death spell is not for this type of situations.
Please do not make hasty decisions. I'm sure they hurt you a lot but you have to realize that what you need to fix is your mental state first; what happens if they "get removed"? You would stay alone with all of that trauma and wouldn't move on, that is a huge problem. Focus on your own mental health instead of revenge on others, especially with people who were supposed to give you the love you deserve. Check out some of the stuff have written in my article if you are worried about balancing your life and mental state, there is seriously no shame in any of that. All the best, I hope you get the love you always deserved to get!
I agree with you April. Harming people on a whim, can cause alot of regret latter on. In many cases it's not worth the revenge. Forgiveness can sometimes be beneficial to even yourself. However you should not tolerate constant abuse, from anyone.
In addition to some of the excellent replies here, the gods don't smite people for being andrapoda, why should you?

It's not your place to make extreme judgements on people and destroy them simply because they live an ignorant and empty life.

Your father may be a piece of furniture and it's understandable to resent him for that, but it is important to have an understanding of why he is this way and understand that there are more lives to consider than just his, as there are likely people, including family, who love and care about him, not to mention he is your blood. What you consider neglect may not even be intentional, either.

In addition you say that he doesn't oppose you, so it is difficult to see exactly what problem he's causing besides being passive.

Why don't you focus on constructive things and building a better life instead of ruminating on the destruction of your family member?
He doesn't (and hasn't ever) payed any attention to his family, and neglect's all of his children, except when he feels compelled to rigidly enforce some Xian/Muslim crap on to them.
Neglecting child and denying emotional care, is a form of abuse and can really left deep scars in children's' minds.
This in my opinion would not justify death, but rather full detachment - it's you who will neglect him now for a good reason.
Unless :

I would feel zero emotion or remorse, I promise you. Except maybe some minor feeling of "wishing things could've been different".
This leads me to think, you are repressing your emotions. I experienced this on myself, feeling zero emotions may mean you are trying to bury some very negative feelings that, as a neglected child, you most probably have.
I also felt intense desire of death for my father, for no apparent reason. Until I have been able to remind all the trauma and abuse I suffered, that I did not even remember (the mind may delete too painful memories). But the unconscious did remember and desire of death emerged. Watch out, if this is your case or not.

I can already dominate him, he's weak and gives up easily against my will/opposition, but I obviously don't have legal custody of my siblings. And I need him out of the picture or completely disabled.
Him as weak is a good sign, it seems if you had traumas you overcome them as a neglecting/abusing father usually have control over the child emotions. Beware, some people "play the weak" to avoid conflicts while they emotionally manipulate you. I was also unaware of this process until I found out.

Long story short, If I were you I would check if desire for death is coming from some buried heavier trauma. Otherwise a simpler binding spell, repeated for many days in row, should keep him out of the game. Just my 2 cents.
If you desire death for him, there should be a deeper reason, in your subconscious.
It is also noble you want to help your siblings out of that situation. I haven't been able to help other family members/relatives involved in this shut and I sometimes regret that.
This here is what I suspected in the first place. The problem is not the other person even though they are not a good person, but the fact that you justify the death of another person based on something so trivial in the bigger picture. This is not to belittle your situation but to indicate that death for something like this is excessive.

The justification goes deeper than "I would feel zero emotion or remorse", and that statement alone tells us a whole story about yourself. I suggest that you find another route because the consequences of an unjustified death sentence go deeper than your feelings about it.
Ideally, I do not want him to die, because I'd rather not put my sibling's through the trauma of losing their father, even if he is a deadbeat. He's not a terrible human being, just an irrelevant part of our lives and one who brings those around him to a lower level of existence. I asked this question more so as a last resort, to find out further information before taking action, not because I haven't considered alternative option's.
The situation doesn't warrant a death spell in my opinion. He's just an andrapod. Let him be an andrapod on his own after you do a binding spell.

If push comes to show, you can completely cut off astral ties between him and your siblings so he'll have no claim to them.

It doesn't look like a case where a positive intervention would turn him into a real father, even if his will is weak. Question is: are you willing to take responsibility for raising your siblings alongside your mother until they come of age?

Children need both a mother and a father figure, and you can be a positive father figure for them, maybe. Don't let them grow into 'adults' that won't be able to have functional relationships with members of the male sex, because that's what happens when people grow up with a reliable father figure.

I'm assuming here you're a male. If you aren't, things are more complicated. Either way, a death spell is not for this type of situations.
I'm willing to take responsibility for them. I think it's because of a South Node in Aquarius/4th House, but I can't seem to avoid the desire to either way. There's a strong pull, even if I try to avoid responsibility, that I feel "called" to it here. And I believe they already see me as their "father figure". They come to me with their problems, question's, advice, etc. and there's a "loving respect" between us rather than authoritarianism.

"Don't let them grow into 'adults' that won't be able to have functional relationships with members of the male sex" this is actually what prompted this question to begin with.

My sister is a very beautiful Venusian soul, and still forming these perception's as she grow's up in school. But she's forced to wear this ugly hijab, and taught all sorts of heinous muslim teachings related to sexuality and human relationships. And I can see this in her chart has led to a certain "disability" of asexuality due to this Xian-enforced confusion. The Libran nature only make's this worse, as she's prevented from any expression/outlet through art, music, or any sort of conception of fashion or beauty, as well as a restrictive social life.

In her chart what I'm seeing, is if my father is allowed to have his way, she will end up with a very physically abusive marriage... My brother will have similar problem's. "Much interference in the love life and relationships of these people from parents". I'm not sure if he is gay or not, but I wouldn't be surprised. He has Sag/Scorpio stellium's so it could just be his personality, but either way.

What is the most appropriate approach to this situation?
This here is what I suspected in the first place. The problem is not the other person even though they are not a good person, but the fact that you justify the death of another person based on something so trivial in the bigger picture. This is not to belittle your situation but to indicate that death for something like this is excessive.

The justification goes deeper than "I would feel zero emotion or remorse", and that statement alone tells us a whole story about yourself. I suggest that you find another route because the consequences of an unjustified death sentence go deeper than your feelings about it.
"And that statement alone tells us a whole story about yourself" - it tell's you only what you want it to tell you.
Neglecting child and denying emotional care, is a form of abuse and can really left deep scars in children's' minds.
This in my opinion would not justify death, but rather full detachment - it's you who will neglect him now for a good reason.
Unless :

This leads me to think, you are repressing your emotions. I experienced this on myself, feeling zero emotions may mean you are trying to bury some very negative feelings that, as a neglected child, you most probably have.
I also felt intense desire of death for my father, for no apparent reason. Until I have been able to remind all the trauma and abuse I suffered, that I did not even remember (the mind may delete too painful memories). But the unconscious did remember and desire of death emerged. Watch out, if this is your case or not.

Him as weak is a good sign, it seems if you had traumas you overcome them as a neglecting/abusing father usually have control over the child emotions. Beware, some people "play the weak" to avoid conflicts while they emotionally manipulate you. I was also unaware of this process until I found out.

Long story short, If I were you I would check if desire for death is coming from some buried heavier trauma. Otherwise a simpler binding spell, repeated for many days in row, should keep him out of the game. Just my 2 cents.
If you desire death for him, there should be a deeper reason, in your subconscious.
It is also noble you want to help your siblings out of that situation. I haven't been able to help other family members/relatives involved in this shut and I sometimes regret that.
Both parent's neglected me even as a newborn baby, but my mother's circumstances were at least excusable. My father, on the other hand, actively tried to destroy my self-esteem apparently "by accident". He's enough of an imbecile that I could actually believe it being the case, but rather, I think it's just in his nature to be a low life.

The one time I allowed myself to feel vulnerable and confided in him about something personal I was going through, he used it to belittle me literally not even 2mins later. And this is a 9 year old we're talking about. This the consistent "theme" of our interaction's.

So yes, there's probably some emotional repression, but I didn't bury any of my memories. On the contrary, I remember everything quite vividly.

Everytime I forgive him, the next day he give's me another reason to undo it. It's beyond that point, he's too much of a fool for me to even comprehend. His behaviour is just senseless emotional reaction's to which he destroy's everything around him "by accident". A castrated raging bull is the perfect image here. It may be neutered, but it's still going to cause some serious damage by virtue of what it is.
Ideally, I do not want him to die, because I'd rather not put my sibling's through the trauma of losing their father, even if he is a deadbeat. He's not a terrible human being, just an irrelevant part of our lives and one who brings those around him to a lower level of existence. I asked this question more so as a last resort, to find out further information before taking action, not because I haven't considered alternative option's.

I'm willing to take responsibility for them. I think it's because of a South Node in Aquarius/4th House, but I can't seem to avoid the desire to either way. There's a strong pull, even if I try to avoid responsibility, that I feel "called" to it here. And I believe they already see me as their "father figure". They come to me with their problems, question's, advice, etc. and there's a "loving respect" between us rather than authoritarianism.

"Don't let them grow into 'adults' that won't be able to have functional relationships with members of the male sex" this is actually what prompted this question to begin with.

My sister is a very beautiful Venusian soul, and still forming these perception's as she grow's up in school. But she's forced to wear this ugly hijab, and taught all sorts of heinous muslim teachings related to sexuality and human relationships. And I can see this in her chart has led to a certain "disability" of asexuality due to this Xian-enforced confusion. The Libran nature only make's this worse, as she's prevented from any expression/outlet through art, music, or any sort of conception of fashion or beauty, as well as a restrictive social life.

In her chart what I'm seeing, is if my father is allowed to have his way, she will end up with a very physically abusive marriage... My brother will have similar problem's. "Much interference in the love life and relationships of these people from parents". I'm not sure if he is gay or not, but I wouldn't be surprised. He has Sag/Scorpio stellium's so it could just be his personality, but either way.

What is the most appropriate approach to this situation?
I hope my first comment that I posted doesn't get posted because it was wrong, the moment I posted it I got a strong sign from the Gods that I had misled you, I cannot say which is the correct choice in this situation but when I asked for clarification as to what advice to give I got strong signs suggesting that your perform Alastor's power ritual, he is an archon of justice and protection, he will know what to do, when you have finished the ritual focus on his sigil and explain the situation in full to him, trust in him to handle this, if the situation does not improve binding your father with a safe affirmation such as "x is completely and unable to harm, abuse or control me or my loved ones, he obeys my will at all times and in every way" could be a safe suggestion as it would not generate much if any negative karma and may in fact actually work to make your father a better father and perhaps work towards improving your relationship with him by making him less abusive.

This is a situation that calls on the Gods and Demons its a deeply moral issue at its core and many of us here are likely underequipped to answer it, but they do know the correct path.
"x is completely and *permanently unable to harm, abuse or control me or my loved ones, he obeys my will at all times and in every way" I forgot the permanence in the affirmation.
"And that statement alone tells us a whole story about yourself" - it tell's you only what you want it to tell you.

Both parent's neglected me even as a newborn baby, but my mother's circumstances were at least excusable. My father, on the other hand, actively tried to destroy my self-esteem apparently "by accident". He's enough of an imbecile that I could actually believe it being the case, but rather, I think it's just in his nature to be a low life.

The one time I allowed myself to feel vulnerable and confided in him about something personal I was going through, he used it to belittle me literally not even 2mins later. And this is a 9 year old we're talking about. This the consistent "theme" of our interaction's.

So yes, there's probably some emotional repression, but I didn't bury any of my memories. On the contrary, I remember everything quite vividly.

Everytime I forgive him, the next day he give's me another reason to undo it. It's beyond that point, he's too much of a fool for me to even comprehend. His behaviour is just senseless emotional reaction's to which he destroy's everything around him "by accident". A castrated raging bull is the perfect image here. It may be neutered, but it's still going to cause some serious damage by virtue of what it is.

Your relationship with your parents reflects in your own astrology in the planets which relate to them. This means there is an opportunity to heal your karma through them by working to resolve the problems which they had inflicted upon yourself.

What they did to you is not right by any means and they should repay this in the future, but overreacting towards them would be destructive of many aspects in your life and others, as mentioned above, plus it would remove one "platform" by which you could heal.

In the short-term, simply reflect his negativity back onto him. In the long term, you can use runes like Ansuz to permanently remove his negative influence on you. This may result in events where both of you change your behaviors in ways which ultimately contributes to a higher form of relationship between you. Alternatively, maybe it helps you simply detach from him, or both. Either way, this is better than just trying to end him.

Gebo and Tiwaz can be used to drive fairness and justice, respectively and can also be used in various options. Tiwaz can be incorporated into reflecting both current and past negativity back onto him in the form of punishment. Gebo can be used to establish diplomacy, such as making him willing to right his wrongs, or feel obligated to help you in some way. There can be other runes or energies which can help this situation, too.

Jumping to death as the only solution can suggest a subconscious belief that the situation may not resolve otherwise. Perhaps there can be a sense of powerlessness towards him, based on the treatment he inflicted on you. However, the magical opportunity for a better outcome exists and should be taken, and it will result in a true resolution over time, where you are able to receive a sense of justice that actually resolves your anger, instead of what you may currently feel.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
