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  1. D


    The cat has to take charge! Hail Satan!
  2. D


    Cats are *never* yours. You always belong to them.
  3. D

    I think i did it

    I completely agree with you. hidden_hatred should feel no guilt, but praise Satan for His intervention.
  4. D

    I think i did it

    Yes, exactly.
  5. D

    Read this and weep...

    Right. The stinking jews suck up all the wealth that we work to produce.
  6. D

    Read this and weep...

    Right. Someone always benefit. That someone's name always seems to end in "berg" or "stein."
  7. D

    My question

    Because he fooled the kikes, instead of the other way round?
  8. D

    My question

    A point!
  9. D

    My question

    Because they're not the ones raping.
  10. D

    My question

    There's no logic to it. If their "god" invented sex, then why would he complain if people have it?
  11. D

    My question

    He out-jewed the jew bitch.
  12. D

    My question

    Why is this guy being charged with rape? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2 ... salem.html
  13. D


    That's true.
  14. D

    More discrimination

    I like that!
  15. D

    More discrimination

    Try this website: http://evolvefish.com/fish/emblems.html
  16. D

    More discrimination

    It fits with the typical unhealthy RHP hatred of the spiritual and the sensual.
  17. D

    Advice for those studying astrology...

    That would be a good start, all of them killing themselves.
  18. D

    Advice for those studying astrology...

    Since there's no such thing as an honest xtian, anyway. All xtians are hypocrites.
  19. D

    Advice for those studying astrology...

    Speak of a contradiction in terms.
  20. D

    More discrimination

  21. D

    More discrimination

    You have a point. But what they do is seek to focus the masses on the "hereafter" and the "pie in the sky by and by", which means that all enjoyment of life will be deferred until after death. Neat trick.
  22. D

    More discrimination

    That too. Most definitely.
  23. D

    More discrimination

    Isn't it obvious? The "greater good" is whatever prevents someone from enjoying their life.
  24. D

    More discrimination

    You did say "mock human sacrifice." The lizard is clearly a mock human.
  25. D

    Hefaistos, who is he?

  26. D

    More discrimination

    As long as we can feel self-righteous about it!
  27. D

    How do you get over sexual hang-ups?

    Exactly right.
  28. D

    More discrimination

    Or any xtian prayer: "Dear dog, please help me get what I want in the name of jewsus."
  29. D

    How do you get over sexual hang-ups?

    Joe DiMaggio.
  30. D

    More discrimination

    This is from an atheist blog, but it's interesting to see how a public school system discriminates:http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2010 ... g_some.php
  31. D

    How do you get over sexual hang-ups?

    It's fucking ridiculous. And it gets worse and worse.
  32. D

    How do you get over sexual hang-ups?

    Yet she was stunning.
  33. D

    How do you get over sexual hang-ups?

    The standard keeps getting more restrictive too. I seem to recall reading that Marilyn Monroe would now be considered too fat.
  34. D

    Satan 2 jewsus 0

  35. D

    Now who could it be...?

    You know it!
  36. D

    Now who could it be...?

    Just as you thought it was safe to get into the politics... http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010 ... ?ref=fpblg
  37. D

    Satan 2 jewsus 0

    Rocks are smarter than xtians.
  38. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Now, that's the truth.
  39. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    It's so much easier than thinking. It makes it much easier for their programmers too.
  40. D

    Something I use against younger xians

    Now that's pretty good. Thanks.
  41. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Yup. You're right.
  42. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Exactly. I don't need to give my energy to them.
  43. D


    Their god is not strong, but weak. So he needs to get rid of the competition and force everyone to declare how great he is. Sort of like the dictator of North Korea.
  44. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Exactly. I passed a church recently that had a sign that said that people were supposed to live in order to praise god. That's insane.
  45. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    The Romans had paintings representing jewsus as a donkey. That might be the best target of their erections.
  46. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    That's what you get for worshipping a god who hates you.
  47. D


    So why should anyone tolerate theirs?
  48. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    There's always an escape clause. It can't be because the whole fucking religion is just a jewish lie.
  49. D

    Sermon 7/07/10

    I think this is a very important teaching.
  50. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Are you suggestion that they might want to try a different kind of erection?
  51. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Much easier to train the sheep to walk into the kosher butcher shop.
  52. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    You should leave everything in the hands of jewhova. You're supposed to suffer here on earth, and be happy in heaven because he "loves" you. If someone loves me, he or she isn't going to put me through shit all the time. That's the way I see it.
  53. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

  54. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Oh good. Stupid and mean describes most xtians.
  55. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Instead of logic, he prays to a jew whore?
  56. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Now that's a nice idea.
  57. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    I've come up with an answer for "You'll burn in Hell." It's to ask, "Are you going to be there?" Since they're going to say no, I then say, "then I'll be happy to go there." Haven't seen one explode yet, but I'm hoping.
  58. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Remove the words between "sick" and "worship jewhova" to answer the question. Why a god would want you to suffer, I don't know? Some idiot told me that jewssus died to save me. I said "Okay so you're telling me that he was god, and he sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for the...
  59. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Actually, you should worry about taking *too many* pain pills. Not because dealing with pain is bad in itself, if I get a headache I'll take a tylenol, but because some painkillers can have unwanted effects. I know an older gentleman who was taking Naproxen for arthritis. He was in good...
  60. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Jewhovah's wickedness kingdom halls don't have those. They tend to go for really ugly architecture.
  61. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    If you think about it, the big M is more a breast symbol than anything else. Smother me, Mother McDonalds........
  62. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    You must be a Satanist. You'll spend eternity in Hell with Satan and His Demons for such thoughts! Hail Satan to that!
  63. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Well, that's no reason. If Arnold can do it... LOL (Xtian illogic, after all is immune to facts.)
  64. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Quite a few heterosexuals probably have humped sheep, goats, dogs and other animals. Some will even admit it. At least one bisexual has (Xaviera Hollander in *The Happy Hooker*).
  65. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?
  66. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    How come I've never got pregnant from going on buses? I'm going to complain to the bus companies.
  67. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    In the dark, so that our parents couldn't see what they were doing. Ugh.
  68. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Many thanks for this powerful sermon, Maxine. There is much wisdom in it.
  69. D

    Re: The xtian view: rape and incest are what their false program...

    If you follow her "logic" to the end, that would be the conclusion, yes. --- In [email protected], "waltermassey1" <walter_massey@... wrote: So, according to her and her god's plan, if i were to get a fatal disease, completely curable by today's medicinal standards, i should not be...
  70. D

    Re: The xtian view: rape and incest are what their false pro...

    Indeed. They are eager to avoid taking responsibility for their actions too.
  71. D

    Re: The xtian view: rape and incest are what their false program...

    It's always the victims fault? You're right these people are sick.
  72. D

    Re: The xtian view: rape and incest are what their false program...

    I'd be interested to see how she'd react to that! --- In [email protected], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote: Better show her some buybull verses where her "god" orders the kikes to rip open pregnant women and dash their babies against stones, as in Hosea 13:16. And ask her if she's...
  73. D

    Re: The xtian view: rape and incest are what their false program...

    Or they think that the victims were "asking for it". That sort of person is into victim blaming and "slut-shaming" in a big way.  There's some real hatred of women at the bottom of much of RHP religion. That's truly sickening. --- In [email protected], fwlrcj@... wrote: that is going...
  74. D

    The xtian view: rape and incest are what their false program needs

    I thought it was so weird for the bitch to say, in effect, that it was dog's plan for a little child to get pregnant if her bastard father raped her. That's a real loving jew god there. --- In [email protected], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote: This is all too typical of...
  75. D

    The xtian view: rape and incest are what their false program needs

    A good xtian politician lays it out: http://thinkprogress.org/2010/06/29/angle-abortion-god/
  76. D

    Budhism SUCKS

    You can't even have the desire not to have desires. That sounds, ahem, seriously fucked up to me.
  77. D

    Budhism SUCKS

    I love the way you sum up the value of Spiritual Satanism -- the good parts of both Buddhism and atheism. Not to mention the complete rejection of any right-hand path religion.
  78. D


    Hail Satan to that!
  79. D

    Anti-jewish/muslime tracts

    I like the anti-xtian tracts, but I wonder if there are any brief anti-kike or anti muslime tracts that we could use in a similar way? Ave Satanas!
  80. D

    That Parker woman...

    My parents grew up in the Depression. They taught me to save and reuse. I find the idea of throwing things like milk bottles away strange to this day.
  81. D

    That Parker woman...

    That's true for so many of us.
  82. D

    That Parker woman...

    Perhaps the convert's ancestors were raped by jews.
  83. D

    That Parker woman...

    The old pickpocket trick of distracting the victim.
  84. D

    That Parker woman...

    That was my thought too.
  85. D

    That Parker woman...

    Absolutely! Hail Satan to that.
  86. D

    That Parker woman...

    Probably look actively for them too. If you've seen what streetwalkers look like, they're still a lot better looking than jewesses.
  87. D

    That Parker woman...

    Nor I frankly.
  88. D

    That Parker woman...

    Nor I frankly.
  89. D

    That Parker woman...

    From Wikipedia: "Parker's father, a native of Brooklyn, was of Eastern European Jewish background; his family's original surname was "Bar-Kahn" ("son of Kohen").[2][6] Parker has identified culturally and ethnically with her father's religion, Judaism". So, yes, she's a jew bitch.
  90. D


    Wow. This is a powerful tale. Thanks for sharing it, bro. Ave! --- In [email protected], "sonofenki" <sonofenki@... wrote: Darkest greetings to all brothers and sisters, This is my first post on this group. I have been a member of earlier JOS groups also. I have been a...
  91. D


    Nothing that is of Satan would mislead you.
  92. D

    Satan did it! Satan did it!

    Satan wins!
  93. D

    Re: The Music Industry Exposed... WTF? [MORE]

    This is totally disgusting. I wonder how that fucker Madoff is doing?
  94. D

    How nice

    It's so nice to see a story like this: http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/day ... 62245.html
  95. D


    This is disgusting, Maxine. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
  96. D

    Satanic Track

    LOL. I think most of us share those feelings at least some of the time!
  97. D

    More xian plagiarism

    Originality isn't something we can expect from them.
  98. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    Would the jew media say otherwise? Look how long it took before they would countenance the revelations of pedophilia in the church.
  99. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    Creationism isn't a theory, it isn't even a hypothesis (take one imaginary kike dog and claim it scratched some fleas...). Gravity is. Because the theory works, we take it as fact (something concrete), but the equations are actually quite complex). Evolution is a theory, but because the process...
  100. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    You're right. To a scientist a theory is an explanation that puts the facts together into a coherent whole. Gravity is a theory, for example. It explains the facts and provides a coherent set of explanations (and equations) which explains how it works.
  101. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    A scientific theory isn't speculation. It's explanation. It's based on fact, unlike the "theology" of the xtians, kikes, and muslims. Science is provisional. It's based on taking what we know and building on it. In that regard, it is truly Satanic, unlike the work of our enemies.
  102. D

    Israel's execution of American teen

    Signed also.
  103. D

    Israel's execution of American teen

    We need to show our disgust with these reptiles.
  104. D

    I am pissed

    I am deeply upset that veteran journalist Helen Thomas has been forced to retire because she told the truth about the criminal acts of the Zionist thugs. Is there nothing that is protected from these scum?
  105. D

    Israel's execution of American teen

    We need to spread this information more widely. These fuckers cannot be allowed to get away with this crime.
  106. D


    Your sexuality is about you. You shouldn't do anything you don't want to,nor anything you don't want to do till you're ready. Desert religions are about guilt. Healthy sexuality is about joy.
  107. D

    Satanists in University and Colleges!

    Hail Satan to that!  Anything that breaks the effect of the filth that the xtians are trying to pour on us is helpful. Building true spirituality is important work.
  108. D

    Satanists in University and Colleges!

    Thanks. Hail Satan to that! That's helpful too. I never bow my head to the fucking nazarene.
  109. D

    Satanists in University and Colleges!

    Thank you. That's truly helpful. Next time I have to deal with an idiot like that, I'll follow your advice to the tee. I work in a context where I don't normally expect xtian prayer, and I find it very disruptive and disrespectful. Fuck jesus. Hail Father Satan!
  110. D

    Satanists in University and Colleges!

    I was at a meeting at work today, where an xtian prayer began the meeting. Because I work for a private employer I didn't dare say anything , but is there something I can do -- beyond my usual ritual -- to help remove the filthy feeling?
  111. D

    A Very Revealing Quote

    That's true.
  112. D

    Ref.: Satanic Rosary

    I'd like to know this too.
  113. D

    This Path We Walk: We Are All Connected

    This is truly beautiful Thank you.
  114. D

    The need for a Satanic Conspiracy

    OK. I see your point, HP. It's a powerful term. Fuck god. Hail Satan to what you say.
  115. D

    The need for a Satanic Conspiracy

    I dislike the term "devil worshippers" being applied to Satanists. It is the xtians, kikes, and muslimes who are the real devil worshippers.
  116. D

    Re: Has anyone encountered a male daemon with white shoulder length

    Don't fuck them. Fuck with them. Destroy them.
  117. D

    Satanic priests and priestesses...

    No kikes allowed should be obvious.
  118. D

    Has anyone encountered a male daemon with white shoulder length hair

    Doesn't sound like any demon I've encountered. Sounds suspiciously like someone from the other side. Especially since he won't talk.
  119. D

    Hi all

    Hail Satan to that.
  120. D

    hello brothers and sisters

    Hail Satan! It's been a long time since I've seen you online.
  121. D


    Thanks for this group. Hail Satan.
  122. D

    Fw: The idiocy of some Xians...

    This is so true and beautiful. I agree with every word you say.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
