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Israel's execution of American teen


Oct 2, 2012
June 4, 2010

American Citizen Furkan Dogan Executed by Israel during Attack on Gaza Flotilla


An American teenager was murdered by Israel commandos, pirates really, this
week. He was shot in the abdomen and, instead of being given medical aid,
he was held down on the deck of a ship, probably by multiple pairs of combat
boots and shot four times in the back of the head at close range. Reports
from the Israeli Knesset have Israeli boats approaching the unarmed
flotilla, machine guns pouring lead across the decks. These facts won' t be
in any American or British newspaper or on the television news, not the
corporate networks anyway. Israel dictates what is reported, even by the
BBC, an organization they control entirely. This isn't the first time this
has happened, an Israeli military force has gone after a ship in the
Mediterranean. The most glaring case is the attack on the USS Liberty in
1967. With President Lyndon Johnson agreeing to support the Israeli
invasion of Egypt and Syria, a quick land grab started by a Pearl Harbor
type sneak attack,

it wasn't certain that the American military would support this kind of
cowardly aggression. Thus, the American monitoring ship, the USS Liberty,
had to be sunk and its entire crew wiped out to a man. President Johnson
approved, Admiral Sidney McCain agreed to cover it up and Israel sent wave
after wave of bombers, torpedo boats and fighter aircraft out but the USS
Liberty never went down. 34 Americans were murdered by Israel that day.
The USS Liberty incident should have taken down the Johnson presidency,
ended the "special relationship" with Israel and opened the 6 Day War to
real scrutiny for what it was, Israeli expansionism. If the United States
had reacted then, there would have been no 1974 oil embargo, no Ayatollah in
Iran, no "war on terror," no 9/11 and no world economic collapse. A single
act of treason 43 years ago changed the world for the worse, erasing our
triumphs in World War 2 and erasing the economic boon the collapse of the
Soviet Union should have brought the world.


-The current attack against the
Freedom Flotilla deeply parallels the USS Liberty attack. The attack on the
Liberty was an act of war against the United States. This required
retaliation. There was none. What it wasn't was an "accident." Israel now
calls the murder of an American teenager " Allowing Israel to get away with
this, an attack on a US Navy ship in international waters was one of the
worst acts of treason and cowardice in American history but it was also a
more significant error. America gave up its sovereignty to Israel. Johnson
had been bought and paid for long before, years of sexcapades in Hollywood,
arranged by studio heads and, at the time of the USS Liberty attack, bedding
an Irgun operative, Matilda Krim. Johnson had seen "the outfit" get rid of
President Kennedy and knew he had to "toe the line." Another Kennedy would
die and, after that,

no American leader would oppose Israel again, not without a plane crash, sex
scandal or being removed from office through a massive deluge of cash.
MURDER - When an American citizen is murdered anywhere in the world, our
embassy is involved, the FBI asks to assist in the investigation and the
State Department monitors the case from beginning to end. In 1812, we went
to war over the kidnapping of Americans from ships at sea. We entered World
War I because of a German attack that killed Americans, an attack on a ship
carrying arms during a war. Were a soldier from any army or police force in
the world to shoot an unarmed American on their own territory, an apology
would be offered immediately, reparations made and still, they would face
military retaliation. Such an incident is state terrorism by definition.

The idea of a member of a military group murdering an American, not an
accidental shooting but an execution, not within their sovereign borders
but during an act of piracy in international waters, America would have an
obligation to respond militarily to a terrorist attack. However, not only
was nothing done, nothing has been said. America is only admitting that it
is no longer a sovereign nation. It can't, it won't protect its citizens,
it won't even act in concert with the international community. America is a
colony of a police state, a colony of a terrorist evildoer.

Finkelstein vs Pollak: War of words over Gaza Flotilla attack
http://www.youtube com/watch? v=szWSsMo54no


- The message Obama, Biden, Schumer,
McCain and Lieberman sent out is clear. If you want to spit on an American
soldier in Germany or Italy, we don't care. If you rape an American woman
in a hotel, kidnap an American child anywhere in the world, America isn't
concerned, not unless the child is a Jew. America is obsessed with one
thing and one thing only, protecting Jews, Israeli, American,

it doesn't matter. Why is this? Only a kidnapped Jew gets news exposure.
Anyone else "had it coming." How can a large nation allow racial
discrimination against its own majority Christian population? If we didn't
see it, who would believe it. We even allow our own military to be murdered
and say nothing. How can such a little country have so much power. Did
America really surrender her national sovereignty to Israel so many years


- It is the American military that is reacting to
this latest provocation with the most anger. After years of conditioning to
see Muslims as a less than human, years of deployments in Iraq and
Afghanistan have mellowed even the most strident "Zionist Evangelical"
crusaders bent on killing every Arab they could get their hands on, products
of Rumsfeld's Department of Defense propaganda machine. The America that
only knew of the Middle East from watching villainous "greasy" Arab
terrorist and Nordic looking Israeli "freedom fighters" with their blonde
hair and aquiline features play out "comic book melodramas' on television.

Each show always ends the same, credits that look like an Anti-Defamation
League or AIPAC membership list, producers, directors, writers, editors,
even the caterers. Decade after decade Americans were being fed a constant
diet, are being fed a constant diet of race hatred.

Now Americans, particularly American soldiers, many of whom have spent years
living with tribesmen in Afghanistan or playing with kids on the dusty
streets of Iraq, our kids, our soldiers know better. The picture now in
their minds is that of an American teenager being executed by a criminal
gang, protected by the Israel lobby in the United States, protected by
cowards like Barak Hussein Obama, protected by a nation that has lived for
decades above any law. Executing an American on a ship on the high seas is
spitting on our flag. This is how we see it. This was a high school
student planning a career in medicine, out on international waters, kept
safe by the US Navy, traveling with a former crew member of the USS Liberty.
Prior to the terrorist attack on the Freedom Flotilla, a remembrance of the
USS Liberty, honoring the American martyrs to this earlier act of terrorism,
was held. Remembrance is no longer enough. Years ago Americans were
promised that their government would go anywhere in the world to find
terrorists who attacked Americans. It is time to keep that promise.

http://www.veterans today.com/ 2010/06/04/ gordon-duff- what-israels- execution- of-an-american- teen-means/

Strip Israel of UN membership

http://www.petition online.com/ is050110/

To: UN General Assembly
Dear UN General Assembly Members:

We, the undersigned citizens of the world, call on the United Nations General Assembly to rescind Israel's membership in the UN, as a step toward ending Zionist apartheid.

Israel's attack on a humanitarian aid fleet on Monday June 31, 2010, its murder of 19 human rights activists in international waters and wounding 50 others demonstrate that Israel rejects the structural tenets of our shared humanity, manifested in a global moral consensus and international law.

Countless UN resolutions call on Israel to respect international law. It abides by none of them. It should therefore lose its place among the global family of nations.

Israel has been violating international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention in its building of settlements, displacement of the indigenous population of Palestine, invasion of surrounding countries, killing and ethnically cleansing civilians systematically through the use of massacres. Israel has never been held accountable for the massacres of Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, and Jenin, for murdering Rachel Corrie, nor, as of today, for its massacre on the flotilla of international peace activists hoping to break Israel's siege on the Palestinian people. As of 2007, Gaza has been turned into an open air prison housing 1.5 million people. Since 1948, Palestinians who carry Israeli citizenship do not enjoy equal protection or rights under Israeli law for not being classified as "Jewish Nationals." Palestinian survivors of ethnic cleansing are denied the right to return.

We, the citizens of the world, call upon you to shape the 21st century with a new ethic, already enshrined in the United Nations. We call upon you to end Zionist apartheid and racial injustice by stripping Israel of its UN membership.


The Undersigned

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <hecatemother@... wrote:


Strip Israel of UN membership

http://www.petition online.com/ is050110/

To: UN General Assembly
Dear UN General Assembly Members:

We, the undersigned citizens of the world, call on the United Nations General Assembly to rescind Israel's membership in the UN, as a step toward ending Zionist apartheid.

Israel's attack on a humanitarian aid fleet on Monday June 31, 2010, its murder of 19 human rights activists in international waters and wounding 50 others demonstrate that Israel rejects the structural tenets of our shared humanity, manifested in a global moral consensus and international law.

Countless UN resolutions call on Israel to respect international law. It abides by none of them. It should therefore lose its place among the global family of nations.

Israel has been violating international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention in its building of settlements, displacement of the indigenous population of Palestine, invasion of surrounding countries, killing and ethnically cleansing civilians systematically through the use of massacres. Israel has never been held accountable for the massacres of Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, and Jenin, for murdering Rachel Corrie, nor, as of today, for its massacre on the flotilla of international peace activists hoping to break Israel's siege on the Palestinian people. As of 2007, Gaza has been turned into an open air prison housing 1.5 million people. Since 1948, Palestinians who carry Israeli citizenship do not enjoy equal protection or rights under Israeli law for not being classified as "Jewish Nationals." Palestinian survivors of ethnic cleansing are denied the right to return.

We, the citizens of the world, call upon you to shape the 21st century with a new ethic, already enshrined in the United Nations. We call upon you to end Zionist apartheid and racial injustice by stripping Israel of its UN membership.


The Undersigned
Just another reason to destroy Israel and Christianity,

From: searchingeast666 <searchingeast666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, 8 June, 2010 6:57:55 AM
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Israel's execution of American teen


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <hecatemother@... wrote:


Strip Israel of UN membership

http://www.petition online.com/ is050110/

To: UN General Assembly
Dear UN General Assembly Members:

We, the undersigned citizens of the world, call on the United Nations General Assembly to rescind Israel's membership in the UN, as a step toward ending Zionist apartheid.

Israel's attack on a humanitarian aid fleet on Monday June 31, 2010, its murder of 19 human rights activists in international waters and wounding 50 others demonstrate that Israel rejects the structural tenets of our shared humanity, manifested in a global moral consensus and international law.

Countless UN resolutions call on Israel to respect international law. It abides by none of them. It should therefore lose its place among the global family of nations.

Israel has been violating international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention in its building of settlements, displacement of the indigenous population of Palestine, invasion of surrounding countries, killing and ethnically cleansing civilians systematically through the use of massacres. Israel has never been held accountable for the massacres of Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, and Jenin, for murdering Rachel Corrie, nor, as of today, for its massacre on the flotilla of international peace activists hoping to break Israel's siege on the Palestinian people. As of 2007, Gaza has been turned into an open air prison housing 1.5 million people. Since 1948, Palestinians who carry Israeli citizenship do not enjoy equal protection or rights under Israeli law for not being classified as "Jewish Nationals." Palestinian survivors of ethnic cleansing are denied the right to return.

We, the citizens of the world, call upon you to shape the 21st century with a new ethic, already enshrined in the United Nations. We call upon you to end Zionist apartheid and racial injustice by stripping Israel of its UN membership.


The Undersigned
That's fucking sick, poor kid. I can't wait until we exterminate every jew and rid gentiles of it's cancer.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <hecatemother@... wrote:

June 4, 2010

American Citizen Furkan Dogan Executed by Israel during Attack on Gaza Flotilla


An American teenager was murdered by Israel commandos, pirates really, this
week. He was shot in the abdomen and, instead of being given medical aid,
he was held down on the deck of a ship, probably by multiple pairs of combat
boots and shot four times in the back of the head at close range. Reports
from the Israeli Knesset have Israeli boats approaching the unarmed
flotilla, machine guns pouring lead across the decks. These facts won' t be
in any American or British newspaper or on the television news, not the
corporate networks anyway. Israel dictates what is reported, even by the
BBC, an organization they control entirely. This isn't the first time this
has happened, an Israeli military force has gone after a ship in the
Mediterranean. The most glaring case is the attack on the USS Liberty in
1967. With President Lyndon Johnson agreeing to support the Israeli
invasion of Egypt and Syria, a quick land grab started by a Pearl Harbor
type sneak attack,

it wasn't certain that the American military would support this kind of
cowardly aggression. Thus, the American monitoring ship, the USS Liberty,
had to be sunk and its entire crew wiped out to a man. President Johnson
approved, Admiral Sidney McCain agreed to cover it up and Israel sent wave
after wave of bombers, torpedo boats and fighter aircraft out but the USS
Liberty never went down. 34 Americans were murdered by Israel that day.
The USS Liberty incident should have taken down the Johnson presidency,
ended the "special relationship" with Israel and opened the 6 Day War to
real scrutiny for what it was, Israeli expansionism. If the United States
had reacted then, there would have been no 1974 oil embargo, no Ayatollah in
Iran, no "war on terror," no 9/11 and no world economic collapse. A single
act of treason 43 years ago changed the world for the worse, erasing our
triumphs in World War 2 and erasing the economic boon the collapse of the
Soviet Union should have brought the world.


-The current attack against the
Freedom Flotilla deeply parallels the USS Liberty attack. The attack on the
Liberty was an act of war against the United States. This required
retaliation. There was none. What it wasn't was an "accident." Israel now
calls the murder of an American teenager " Allowing Israel to get away with
this, an attack on a US Navy ship in international waters was one of the
worst acts of treason and cowardice in American history but it was also a
more significant error. America gave up its sovereignty to Israel. Johnson
had been bought and paid for long before, years of sexcapades in Hollywood,
arranged by studio heads and, at the time of the USS Liberty attack, bedding
an Irgun operative, Matilda Krim. Johnson had seen "the outfit" get rid of
President Kennedy and knew he had to "toe the line." Another Kennedy would
die and, after that,

no American leader would oppose Israel again, not without a plane crash, sex
scandal or being removed from office through a massive deluge of cash.
MURDER - When an American citizen is murdered anywhere in the world, our
embassy is involved, the FBI asks to assist in the investigation and the
State Department monitors the case from beginning to end. In 1812, we went
to war over the kidnapping of Americans from ships at sea. We entered World
War I because of a German attack that killed Americans, an attack on a ship
carrying arms during a war. Were a soldier from any army or police force in
the world to shoot an unarmed American on their own territory, an apology
would be offered immediately, reparations made and still, they would face
military retaliation. Such an incident is state terrorism by definition.

The idea of a member of a military group murdering an American, not an
accidental shooting but an execution, not within their sovereign borders
but during an act of piracy in international waters, America would have an
obligation to respond militarily to a terrorist attack. However, not only
was nothing done, nothing has been said. America is only admitting that it
is no longer a sovereign nation. It can't, it won't protect its citizens,
it won't even act in concert with the international community. America is a
colony of a police state, a colony of a terrorist evildoer.

Finkelstein vs Pollak: War of words over Gaza Flotilla attack
http://www.youtube com/watch? v=szWSsMo54no


- The message Obama, Biden, Schumer,
McCain and Lieberman sent out is clear. If you want to spit on an American
soldier in Germany or Italy, we don't care. If you rape an American woman
in a hotel, kidnap an American child anywhere in the world, America isn't
concerned, not unless the child is a Jew. America is obsessed with one
thing and one thing only, protecting Jews, Israeli, American,

it doesn't matter. Why is this? Only a kidnapped Jew gets news exposure.
Anyone else "had it coming." How can a large nation allow racial
discrimination against its own majority Christian population? If we didn't
see it, who would believe it. We even allow our own military to be murdered
and say nothing. How can such a little country have so much power. Did
America really surrender her national sovereignty to Israel so many years


- It is the American military that is reacting to
this latest provocation with the most anger. After years of conditioning to
see Muslims as a less than human, years of deployments in Iraq and
Afghanistan have mellowed even the most strident "Zionist Evangelical"
crusaders bent on killing every Arab they could get their hands on, products
of Rumsfeld's Department of Defense propaganda machine. The America that
only knew of the Middle East from watching villainous "greasy" Arab
terrorist and Nordic looking Israeli "freedom fighters" with their blonde
hair and aquiline features play out "comic book melodramas' on television.

Each show always ends the same, credits that look like an Anti-Defamation
League or AIPAC membership list, producers, directors, writers, editors,
even the caterers. Decade after decade Americans were being fed a constant
diet, are being fed a constant diet of race hatred.

Now Americans, particularly American soldiers, many of whom have spent years
living with tribesmen in Afghanistan or playing with kids on the dusty
streets of Iraq, our kids, our soldiers know better. The picture now in
their minds is that of an American teenager being executed by a criminal
gang, protected by the Israel lobby in the United States, protected by
cowards like Barak Hussein Obama, protected by a nation that has lived for
decades above any law. Executing an American on a ship on the high seas is
spitting on our flag. This is how we see it. This was a high school
student planning a career in medicine, out on international waters, kept
safe by the US Navy, traveling with a former crew member of the USS Liberty.
Prior to the terrorist attack on the Freedom Flotilla, a remembrance of the
USS Liberty, honoring the American martyrs to this earlier act of terrorism,
was held. Remembrance is no longer enough. Years ago Americans were
promised that their government would go anywhere in the world to find
terrorists who attacked Americans. It is time to keep that promise.

http://www.veterans today.com/ 2010/06/04/ gordon-duff- what-israels- execution- of-an-american- teen-means/
We need to spread this information more widely. These fuckers cannot be allowed to get away with this crime.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <hecatemother@... wrote:

June 4, 2010

American Citizen Furkan Dogan Executed by Israel during Attack on Gaza Flotilla


An American teenager was murdered by Israel commandos, pirates really, this
week. He was shot in the abdomen and, instead of being given medical aid,
he was held down on the deck of a ship, probably by multiple pairs of combat
boots and shot four times in the back of the head at close range. Reports
from the Israeli Knesset have Israeli boats approaching the unarmed
flotilla, machine guns pouring lead across the decks. These facts won' t be
in any American or British newspaper or on the television news, not the
corporate networks anyway. Israel dictates what is reported, even by the
BBC, an organization they control entirely. This isn't the first time this
has happened, an Israeli military force has gone after a ship in the
Mediterranean. The most glaring case is the attack on the USS Liberty in
1967. With President Lyndon Johnson agreeing to support the Israeli
invasion of Egypt and Syria, a quick land grab started by a Pearl Harbor
type sneak attack,

it wasn't certain that the American military would support this kind of
cowardly aggression. Thus, the American monitoring ship, the USS Liberty,
had to be sunk and its entire crew wiped out to a man. President Johnson
approved, Admiral Sidney McCain agreed to cover it up and Israel sent wave
after wave of bombers, torpedo boats and fighter aircraft out but the USS
Liberty never went down. 34 Americans were murdered by Israel that day.
The USS Liberty incident should have taken down the Johnson presidency,
ended the "special relationship" with Israel and opened the 6 Day War to
real scrutiny for what it was, Israeli expansionism. If the United States
had reacted then, there would have been no 1974 oil embargo, no Ayatollah in
Iran, no "war on terror," no 9/11 and no world economic collapse. A single
act of treason 43 years ago changed the world for the worse, erasing our
triumphs in World War 2 and erasing the economic boon the collapse of the
Soviet Union should have brought the world.


-The current attack against the
Freedom Flotilla deeply parallels the USS Liberty attack. The attack on the
Liberty was an act of war against the United States. This required
retaliation. There was none. What it wasn't was an "accident." Israel now
calls the murder of an American teenager " Allowing Israel to get away with
this, an attack on a US Navy ship in international waters was one of the
worst acts of treason and cowardice in American history but it was also a
more significant error. America gave up its sovereignty to Israel. Johnson
had been bought and paid for long before, years of sexcapades in Hollywood,
arranged by studio heads and, at the time of the USS Liberty attack, bedding
an Irgun operative, Matilda Krim. Johnson had seen "the outfit" get rid of
President Kennedy and knew he had to "toe the line." Another Kennedy would
die and, after that,

no American leader would oppose Israel again, not without a plane crash, sex
scandal or being removed from office through a massive deluge of cash.
MURDER - When an American citizen is murdered anywhere in the world, our
embassy is involved, the FBI asks to assist in the investigation and the
State Department monitors the case from beginning to end. In 1812, we went
to war over the kidnapping of Americans from ships at sea. We entered World
War I because of a German attack that killed Americans, an attack on a ship
carrying arms during a war. Were a soldier from any army or police force in
the world to shoot an unarmed American on their own territory, an apology
would be offered immediately, reparations made and still, they would face
military retaliation. Such an incident is state terrorism by definition.

The idea of a member of a military group murdering an American, not an
accidental shooting but an execution, not within their sovereign borders
but during an act of piracy in international waters, America would have an
obligation to respond militarily to a terrorist attack. However, not only
was nothing done, nothing has been said. America is only admitting that it
is no longer a sovereign nation. It can't, it won't protect its citizens,
it won't even act in concert with the international community. America is a
colony of a police state, a colony of a terrorist evildoer.

Finkelstein vs Pollak: War of words over Gaza Flotilla attack
http://www.youtube com/watch? v=szWSsMo54no


- The message Obama, Biden, Schumer,
McCain and Lieberman sent out is clear. If you want to spit on an American
soldier in Germany or Italy, we don't care. If you rape an American woman
in a hotel, kidnap an American child anywhere in the world, America isn't
concerned, not unless the child is a Jew. America is obsessed with one
thing and one thing only, protecting Jews, Israeli, American,

it doesn't matter. Why is this? Only a kidnapped Jew gets news exposure.
Anyone else "had it coming." How can a large nation allow racial
discrimination against its own majority Christian population? If we didn't
see it, who would believe it. We even allow our own military to be murdered
and say nothing. How can such a little country have so much power. Did
America really surrender her national sovereignty to Israel so many years


- It is the American military that is reacting to
this latest provocation with the most anger. After years of conditioning to
see Muslims as a less than human, years of deployments in Iraq and
Afghanistan have mellowed even the most strident "Zionist Evangelical"
crusaders bent on killing every Arab they could get their hands on, products
of Rumsfeld's Department of Defense propaganda machine. The America that
only knew of the Middle East from watching villainous "greasy" Arab
terrorist and Nordic looking Israeli "freedom fighters" with their blonde
hair and aquiline features play out "comic book melodramas' on television.

Each show always ends the same, credits that look like an Anti-Defamation
League or AIPAC membership list, producers, directors, writers, editors,
even the caterers. Decade after decade Americans were being fed a constant
diet, are being fed a constant diet of race hatred.

Now Americans, particularly American soldiers, many of whom have spent years
living with tribesmen in Afghanistan or playing with kids on the dusty
streets of Iraq, our kids, our soldiers know better. The picture now in
their minds is that of an American teenager being executed by a criminal
gang, protected by the Israel lobby in the United States, protected by
cowards like Barak Hussein Obama, protected by a nation that has lived for
decades above any law. Executing an American on a ship on the high seas is
spitting on our flag. This is how we see it. This was a high school
student planning a career in medicine, out on international waters, kept
safe by the US Navy, traveling with a former crew member of the USS Liberty.
Prior to the terrorist attack on the Freedom Flotilla, a remembrance of the
USS Liberty, honoring the American martyrs to this earlier act of terrorism,
was held. Remembrance is no longer enough. Years ago Americans were
promised that their government would go anywhere in the world to find
terrorists who attacked Americans. It is time to keep that promise.

http://www.veterans today.com/ 2010/06/04/ gordon-duff- what-israels- execution- of-an-american- teen-means/
We need to show our disgust with these reptiles.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <hecatemother@... wrote:


Strip Israel of UN membership

http://www.petition online.com/ is050110/

To: UN General Assembly
Dear UN General Assembly Members:

We, the undersigned citizens of the world, call on the United Nations General Assembly to rescind Israel's membership in the UN, as a step toward ending Zionist apartheid.

Israel's attack on a humanitarian aid fleet on Monday June 31, 2010, its murder of 19 human rights activists in international waters and wounding 50 others demonstrate that Israel rejects the structural tenets of our shared humanity, manifested in a global moral consensus and international law.

Countless UN resolutions call on Israel to respect international law. It abides by none of them. It should therefore lose its place among the global family of nations.

Israel has been violating international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention in its building of settlements, displacement of the indigenous population of Palestine, invasion of surrounding countries, killing and ethnically cleansing civilians systematically through the use of massacres. Israel has never been held accountable for the massacres of Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, and Jenin, for murdering Rachel Corrie, nor, as of today, for its massacre on the flotilla of international peace activists hoping to break Israel's siege on the Palestinian people. As of 2007, Gaza has been turned into an open air prison housing 1.5 million people. Since 1948, Palestinians who carry Israeli citizenship do not enjoy equal protection or rights under Israeli law for not being classified as "Jewish Nationals." Palestinian survivors of ethnic cleansing are denied the right to return.

We, the citizens of the world, call upon you to shape the 21st century with a new ethic, already enshrined in the United Nations. We call upon you to end Zionist apartheid and racial injustice by stripping Israel of its UN membership.


The Undersigned
Signed also.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <hecatemother@... wrote:


Strip Israel of UN membership

http://www.petition online.com/ is050110/

To: UN General Assembly
Dear UN General Assembly Members:

We, the undersigned citizens of the world, call on the United Nations General Assembly to rescind Israel's membership in the UN, as a step toward ending Zionist apartheid.

Israel's attack on a humanitarian aid fleet on Monday June 31, 2010, its murder of 19 human rights activists in international waters and wounding 50 others demonstrate that Israel rejects the structural tenets of our shared humanity, manifested in a global moral consensus and international law.

Countless UN resolutions call on Israel to respect international law. It abides by none of them. It should therefore lose its place among the global family of nations.

Israel has been violating international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention in its building of settlements, displacement of the indigenous population of Palestine, invasion of surrounding countries, killing and ethnically cleansing civilians systematically through the use of massacres. Israel has never been held accountable for the massacres of Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, and Jenin, for murdering Rachel Corrie, nor, as of today, for its massacre on the flotilla of international peace activists hoping to break Israel's siege on the Palestinian people. As of 2007, Gaza has been turned into an open air prison housing 1.5 million people. Since 1948, Palestinians who carry Israeli citizenship do not enjoy equal protection or rights under Israeli law for not being classified as "Jewish Nationals." Palestinian survivors of ethnic cleansing are denied the right to return.

We, the citizens of the world, call upon you to shape the 21st century with a new ethic, already enshrined in the United Nations. We call upon you to end Zionist apartheid and racial injustice by stripping Israel of its UN membership.


The Undersigned
I'm a bit late but signed it too :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@... wrote:

Signed also.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <hecatemother@ wrote:


Strip Israel of UN membership

http://www.petition online.com/ is050110/

To: UN General Assembly
Dear UN General Assembly Members:

We, the undersigned citizens of the world, call on the United Nations General Assembly to rescind Israel's membership in the UN, as a step toward ending Zionist apartheid.

Israel's attack on a humanitarian aid fleet on Monday June 31, 2010, its murder of 19 human rights activists in international waters and wounding 50 others demonstrate that Israel rejects the structural tenets of our shared humanity, manifested in a global moral consensus and international law.

Countless UN resolutions call on Israel to respect international law. It abides by none of them. It should therefore lose its place among the global family of nations.

Israel has been violating international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention in its building of settlements, displacement of the indigenous population of Palestine, invasion of surrounding countries, killing and ethnically cleansing civilians systematically through the use of massacres. Israel has never been held accountable for the massacres of Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, and Jenin, for murdering Rachel Corrie, nor, as of today, for its massacre on the flotilla of international peace activists hoping to break Israel's siege on the Palestinian people. As of 2007, Gaza has been turned into an open air prison housing 1.5 million people. Since 1948, Palestinians who carry Israeli citizenship do not enjoy equal protection or rights under Israeli law for not being classified as "Jewish Nationals." Palestinian survivors of ethnic cleansing are denied the right to return.

We, the citizens of the world, call upon you to shape the 21st century with a new ethic, already enshrined in the United Nations. We call upon you to end Zionist apartheid and racial injustice by stripping Israel of its UN membership.


The Undersigned

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
