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Sermon 7/05/10

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Many thanks for this, Maxine!

It is infuriating when we realize the extent to which Gentiles have been deceived and manipulated into becoming the agents of their own destruction, even turning on their fellow Gentiles in order to advance the heinous jew agenda.

The war against sexuality was/is one of the enemy's most nefarious and insidious deeds; removing the very underpinnings of creative force so that only a few freaks at the top retain all the power.

When people complain about how those who commit horrible crimes against the innocent and vulnerable get off with little more than a gentle slap on the wrist, I used to try to explain why that was -- that humanity is being manipulated into a state where they would eventually welcome draconian measures with thunderous applause; anything to bring the crime under control. All to no avail of course; it's not what they want to hear as it flies in the face of their conditioning.

I no longer bother with these dunderheads; it's like staring at a lump of coal and and thinking that if you keep staring at it long enough you'll eventually end up with a diamond. Instead of banging my head against the proverbial wall, I long ago decided to put my energies to better use: for spiritual warfare, where they can do the most good.

Surrounded by this cesspool and living on a planet in an isolated backwater of the galaxy, we might get discouraged at times, but we can never stop, never look back. This war will be won!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Many thanks for this powerful sermon, Maxine. There is much wisdom in it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@... wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
In the dark, so that our parents couldn't see what they were doing. Ugh.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@... wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
The following is humorous but 100 percent true! I know for a fact because it was stated by a jehova's witness relative in my presence ...

Her teenaged daughter's high school music class was arranging a class trip to Disneyland. They were traveling via a chartered bus from Vancouver, Canada to Disneyland in California. Being underage, of course, the kids all had to have the written permission of their parents. Her daughter, sadly, was the only student in the class who was denied permission to take this highly anticipated trip.

The reason? "If you go on a bus you'll get pregnant."

(Who can argue with that kind of 'logic'? Talk about crazy ... I said something like, "I guess that's how we got mini-vans," and the old gal was furious, but she stuck by her guns & the poor girl missed out on a fun time with her class -- & it seemed the bus had one of those "not tonight dear, I have a headache" moments, for no one returned pregnant.)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86" (fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the "phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments located elsewhere. Go figure ...
your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@... wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
How come I've never got pregnant from going on buses? I'm going to complain to the bus companies.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@... wrote:

The following is humorous but 100 percent true! I know for a fact because it was stated by a jehova's witness relative in my presence ...

Her teenaged daughter's high school music class was arranging a class trip to Disneyland. They were traveling via a chartered bus from Vancouver, Canada to Disneyland in California. Being underage, of course, the kids all had to have the written permission of their parents. Her daughter, sadly, was the only student in the class who was denied permission to take this highly anticipated trip.

The reason? "If you go on a bus you'll get pregnant."

(Who can argue with that kind of 'logic'? Talk about crazy ... I said something like, "I guess that's how we got mini-vans," and the old gal was furious, but she stuck by her guns & the poor girl missed out on a fun time with her class -- & it seemed the bus had one of those "not tonight dear, I have a headache" moments, for no one returned pregnant.)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@... wrote:

I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86" (fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the "phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments located elsewhere. Go figure ...
Quite a few heterosexuals probably have humped sheep, goats, dogs and other animals. Some will even admit it.

At least one bisexual has (Xaviera Hollander in *The Happy Hooker*).

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@... wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Maybe 'cause you're not a girl? LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@... wrote:

How come I've never got pregnant from going on buses? I'm going to complain to the bus companies.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

The following is humorous but 100 percent true! I know for a fact because it was stated by a jehova's witness relative in my presence ...

Her teenaged daughter's high school music class was arranging a class trip to Disneyland. They were traveling via a chartered bus from Vancouver, Canada to Disneyland in California. Being underage, of course, the kids all had to have the written permission of their parents. Her daughter, sadly, was the only student in the class who was denied permission to take this highly anticipated trip.

The reason? "If you go on a bus you'll get pregnant."

(Who can argue with that kind of 'logic'? Talk about crazy ... I said something like, "I guess that's how we got mini-vans," and the old gal was furious, but she stuck by her guns & the poor girl missed out on a fun time with her class -- & it seemed the bus had one of those "not tonight dear, I have a headache" moments, for no one returned pregnant.)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Now you've really got me going ... LOL ... I'm WAY too visual for my own good !!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@... wrote:

Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86" (fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the "phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments located elsewhere. Go figure ...
Well, that's no reason. If Arnold can do it... LOL (Xtian illogic, after all is immune to facts.)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@... wrote:

Maybe 'cause you're not a girl? LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@ wrote:

How come I've never got pregnant from going on buses? I'm going to complain to the bus companies.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

The following is humorous but 100 percent true! I know for a fact because it was stated by a jehova's witness relative in my presence ...

Her teenaged daughter's high school music class was arranging a class trip to Disneyland. They were traveling via a chartered bus from Vancouver, Canada to Disneyland in California. Being underage, of course, the kids all had to have the written permission of their parents. Her daughter, sadly, was the only student in the class who was denied permission to take this highly anticipated trip.

The reason? "If you go on a bus you'll get pregnant."

(Who can argue with that kind of 'logic'? Talk about crazy ... I said something like, "I guess that's how we got mini-vans," and the old gal was furious, but she stuck by her guns & the poor girl missed out on a fun time with her class -- & it seemed the bus had one of those "not tonight dear, I have a headache" moments, for no one returned pregnant.)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
You must be a Satanist. You'll spend eternity in Hell with Satan and His Demons for such thoughts! Hail Satan to that!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@... wrote:

Now you've really got me going ... LOL ... I'm WAY too visual for my own good !!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@ wrote:

Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86" (fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the "phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments located elsewhere. Go figure ...
Do those people ever go anywhere.  Everywhere we look is phallic  symbols.  Tall office buildings, for example, the Eiffel Tower and the Empire state building.    In a message dated 7/6/2010 5:33:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, davidcommer@... writes:
  Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@... wrote:

I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86" (fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the "phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments located elsewhere. Go figure ...
Not to mention their stolen church steeples, LOL.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], fwlrcj@... wrote:

Do those people ever go anywhere. Everywhere we look is phallic symbols.
Tall office buildings, for example, the Eiffel Tower and the Empire state

In a message dated 7/6/2010 5:33:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
davidcommer@... writes:

Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup
as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]_ (mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]) ,
"chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because
it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of
the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in
Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86"
(fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was
not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the
answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the
"phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden
arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their
jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments
located elsewhere. Go figure ...
If you think about it, the big M is more a breast symbol than anything else. Smother me, Mother McDonalds........

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], fwlrcj@... wrote:

Do those people ever go anywhere. Everywhere we look is phallic symbols.
Tall office buildings, for example, the Eiffel Tower and the Empire state

In a message dated 7/6/2010 5:33:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
davidcommer@... writes:

Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup
as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]_ (mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]) ,
"chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because
it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of
the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in
Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86"
(fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was
not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the
answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the
"phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden
arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their
jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments
located elsewhere. Go figure ...
Jewhovah's wickedness kingdom halls don't have those. They tend to go for really ugly architecture.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

Not to mention their stolen church steeples, LOL.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], fwlrcj@ wrote:

Do those people ever go anywhere. Everywhere we look is phallic symbols.
Tall office buildings, for example, the Eiffel Tower and the Empire state

In a message dated 7/6/2010 5:33:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
davidcommer@ writes:

Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup
as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]_ (mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]) ,
"chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because
it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of
the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in
Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86"
(fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was
not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the
answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the
"phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden
arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their
jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments
located elsewhere. Go figure ...
Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Actually, you should worry about taking *too many* pain pills. Not because dealing with pain is bad in itself, if I get a headache I'll take a tylenol, but because some painkillers can have unwanted effects.

I know an older gentleman who was taking Naproxen for arthritis. He was in good shape generally, but the Naproxen ate a hole in his stomach and came close to killing him.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
There are fundie xians who believe diseases are punishments from "god" and they should heal them only by "praying". If i'm not mistaken, a while ago a fundie xian let his daughter die and he refused to take her to a hospital, he just prayed for her. This just goes to show how sick xianity is.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Remove the words between "sick" and "worship jewhova" to answer the question. Why a god would want you to suffer, I don't know?

Some idiot told me that jewssus died to save me. I said "Okay so you're telling me that he was god, and he sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for the 'sins" of beings he'd created? Sins he knew that they were going to commit before he created them? Why should I worship a god like that?" I wonder why the idiot walked away in a huff telling me I was going to Hell? I must be a very bad person.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Here's a short xian dictionary:

"You'll burn in hell" ---- translation: "I'm pissed off because you debunked all my stupid arguments and i've nothing else to say".
"I'll pray for you" ---- translation same as above. It could also mean "f**k you"
"god works in mysterious ways" ---- translation: "I don't care what you say, I'm a sheep and want to believe what others tell me and follow xianity blindly"

If you are successful in debating a xian and he's too brainwashed to realize he's following a hoax, he'll probably spout one of the phrases above.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@... wrote:

Remove the words between "sick" and "worship jewhova" to answer the question. Why a god would want you to suffer, I don't know?

Some idiot told me that jewssus died to save me. I said "Okay so you're telling me that he was god, and he sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for the 'sins" of beings he'd created? Sins he knew that they were going to commit before he created them? Why should I worship a god like that?" I wonder why the idiot walked away in a huff telling me I was going to Hell? I must be a very bad person.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
When he's walking away saying you're going to Hell, that's when you make the sign of the horns and yell HAIL SATAN!!! They can't stand that, they can't think of a comeback to someone who WANTS to go to Hell.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@... wrote:

Remove the words between "sick" and "worship jewhova" to answer the question. Why a god would want you to suffer, I don't know?

Some idiot told me that jewssus died to save me. I said "Okay so you're telling me that he was god, and he sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for the 'sins" of beings he'd created? Sins he knew that they were going to commit before he created them? Why should I worship a god like that?" I wonder why the idiot walked away in a huff telling me I was going to Hell? I must be a very bad person.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I'm careful. I only take them when necessary. Yes she is a sick person alright, but she isn't just stupid, she is mean--she just wanted me to suffer because she is hateful. But to hear her tell it, she's a "good Christian"--an oxymoron if ever there was one!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@... wrote:

Actually, you should worry about taking *too many* pain pills. Not because dealing with pain is bad in itself, if I get a headache I'll take a tylenol, but because some painkillers can have unwanted effects.

I know an older gentleman who was taking Naproxen for arthritis. He was in good shape generally, but the Naproxen ate a hole in his stomach and came close to killing him.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I was debating a Catholic once and he started reciting the Hail Mary! Talk about someone who can't argue logically...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

Here's a short xian dictionary:

"You'll burn in hell" ---- translation: "I'm pissed off because you debunked all my stupid arguments and i've nothing else to say".
"I'll pray for you" ---- translation same as above. It could also mean "f**k you"
"god works in mysterious ways" ---- translation: "I don't care what you say, I'm a sheep and want to believe what others tell me and follow xianity blindly"

If you are successful in debating a xian and he's too brainwashed to realize he's following a hoax, he'll probably spout one of the phrases above.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@ wrote:

Remove the words between "sick" and "worship jewhova" to answer the question. Why a god would want you to suffer, I don't know?

Some idiot told me that jewssus died to save me. I said "Okay so you're telling me that he was god, and he sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for the 'sins" of beings he'd created? Sins he knew that they were going to commit before he created them? Why should I worship a god like that?" I wonder why the idiot walked away in a huff telling me I was going to Hell? I must be a very bad person.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I've come up with an answer for "You'll burn in Hell." It's to ask, "Are you going to be there?" Since they're going to say no, I then say, "then I'll be happy to go there." Haven't seen one explode yet, but I'm hoping.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

Here's a short xian dictionary:

"You'll burn in hell" ---- translation: "I'm pissed off because you debunked all my stupid arguments and i've nothing else to say".
"I'll pray for you" ---- translation same as above. It could also mean "f**k you"
"god works in mysterious ways" ---- translation: "I don't care what you say, I'm a sheep and want to believe what others tell me and follow xianity blindly"

If you are successful in debating a xian and he's too brainwashed to realize he's following a hoax, he'll probably spout one of the phrases above.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@ wrote:

Remove the words between "sick" and "worship jewhova" to answer the question. Why a god would want you to suffer, I don't know?

Some idiot told me that jewssus died to save me. I said "Okay so you're telling me that he was god, and he sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for the 'sins" of beings he'd created? Sins he knew that they were going to commit before he created them? Why should I worship a god like that?" I wonder why the idiot walked away in a huff telling me I was going to Hell? I must be a very bad person.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Now that's a nice idea.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

When he's walking away saying you're going to Hell, that's when you make the sign of the horns and yell HAIL SATAN!!! They can't stand that, they can't think of a comeback to someone who WANTS to go to Hell.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@ wrote:

Remove the words between "sick" and "worship jewhova" to answer the question. Why a god would want you to suffer, I don't know?

Some idiot told me that jewssus died to save me. I said "Okay so you're telling me that he was god, and he sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for the 'sins" of beings he'd created? Sins he knew that they were going to commit before he created them? Why should I worship a god like that?" I wonder why the idiot walked away in a huff telling me I was going to Hell? I must be a very bad person.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Instead of logic, he prays to a jew whore?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

I was debating a Catholic once and he started reciting the Hail Mary! Talk about someone who can't argue logically...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Here's a short xian dictionary:

"You'll burn in hell" ---- translation: "I'm pissed off because you debunked all my stupid arguments and i've nothing else to say".
"I'll pray for you" ---- translation same as above. It could also mean "f**k you"
"god works in mysterious ways" ---- translation: "I don't care what you say, I'm a sheep and want to believe what others tell me and follow xianity blindly"

If you are successful in debating a xian and he's too brainwashed to realize he's following a hoax, he'll probably spout one of the phrases above.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@ wrote:

Remove the words between "sick" and "worship jewhova" to answer the question. Why a god would want you to suffer, I don't know?

Some idiot told me that jewssus died to save me. I said "Okay so you're telling me that he was god, and he sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for the 'sins" of beings he'd created? Sins he knew that they were going to commit before he created them? Why should I worship a god like that?" I wonder why the idiot walked away in a huff telling me I was going to Hell? I must be a very bad person.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Oh good.

Stupid and mean describes most xtians.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@..." <moonshadow48@... wrote:

I'm careful. I only take them when necessary. Yes she is a sick person alright, but she isn't just stupid, she is mean--she just wanted me to suffer because she is hateful. But to hear her tell it, she's a "good Christian"--an oxymoron if ever there was one!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "davidcommer" <davidcommer@ wrote:

Actually, you should worry about taking *too many* pain pills. Not because dealing with pain is bad in itself, if I get a headache I'll take a tylenol, but because some painkillers can have unwanted effects.

I know an older gentleman who was taking Naproxen for arthritis. He was in good shape generally, but the Naproxen ate a hole in his stomach and came close to killing him.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I wondered about that being they are arches.   In a message dated 7/7/2010 6:41:44 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, davidcommer@... writes:
If you think about it, the big M is more a breast symbol than anything else. Smother me, Mother McDonalds........

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], fwlrcj@... wrote:

Do those people ever go anywhere. Everywhere we look is phallic symbols.
Tall office buildings, for example, the Eiffel Tower and the Empire state

In a message dated 7/6/2010 5:33:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
davidcommer@... writes:

Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup
as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]_ (mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]) ,
"chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because
it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of
the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in
Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86"
(fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was
not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the
answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the
"phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden
arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their
jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments
located elsewhere. Go figure ...
Well if the nonexistent christ died for our sins, then why is there sin?  And they were only sins because he said they were.   In a message dated 7/7/2010 12:56:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, davidcommer@... writes:
  Remove the words between "sick" and "worship jewhova" to answer the question. Why a god would want you to suffer, I don't know?

Some idiot told me that jewssus died to save me. I said "Okay so you're telling me that he was god, and he sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself for the 'sins" of beings he'd created? Sins he knew that they were going to commit before he created them? Why should I worship a god like that?" I wonder why the idiot walked away in a huff telling me I was going to Hell? I must be a very bad person.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
If they can only be healed by prayer, then why do they die?  Pray for healing, but you are only going to die and suffer anyway.  How sick is that?   In a message dated 7/7/2010 12:45:55 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, daitsun88@... writes:
  There are fundie xians who believe diseases are punishments from "god" and they should heal them only by "praying". If i'm not mistaken, a while ago a fundie xian let his daughter die and he refused to take her to a hospital, he just prayed for her. This just goes to show how sick xianity is.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@... wrote:

A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?"

Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Do you want to know what MY lovely Xian mom said to me when I started my menses and had cramps? She said I couldn't take aspirin or any pain reliever because "when you have a baby you'll have to suffer for the Lord so you don't need any pain pills for your period." I now have NO children, thanks very much, and I take handfuls of pain pills for cramps. It's my stepmom and thanks be that she isn't blood related to me, she's insane.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Reliant" <darthxilon@ wrote:

your mom actually said that?
forgive me but thats the best laugh ive had in a while.
dammit, im in a library. trying to keep quiet here. lol.
I think its amazing that she thinks homosexuals are comparable to people with sexual attractions to animals HAHAHAHA
fuck. thats ridiculous.
just to clarify, someone actually said that? even thought that?
homosexuality is just another type, or maybe direction, of sexual attraction. your mom is illogical. the way her 'logic' plays out to me, one might say that if someone is heterosexual, whats stopping them from humping goats. for that matter, if one is heterosexual, whats to stop them from humping another of there gender? you like what you like, i just... dont get the rhp. at all. they make me laugh. they really do. unless something directly involves me or is super fucked up.
she has to see homosexuality as unnatural then.

hail satan, hail hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "daitsun88" <daitsun88@ wrote:

It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why there're those kinds of perverts.

My mother said "what's stopping you from humping goats and raping children if you become a homosexual?". Amazing, she thinks gays are comparable to catholic priests!!

Contrary to what xians say, our behavior rules don't come from a kike book or a non-existent spook in the air. But from observing nature and a part of the brain that deals with morals as scientific research has shown. Of course stupid xians are too stupid to know that they believe morals come from "god" and non-xians don't have any.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I know what you mean ... with all the xtian sexual taboos, it's amazing any of us were even conceived! LOL

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "moonshadow48@" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Yes, thanks Maxine--great sermon. My dad used to be a Christian and he is STILL hung up about sex. I once was telling him where a restaurant was, and casually mentioned "it's next door to a sex shop" and he just about choked. It is pathetic Xians are taught anti-sex...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The jewish bulwark and root of power is in the programs of christianity and islam. The jews [orthodox] know this at the upper levels. The jews have had a fixation on, and have worked relentlessly throughout their history to attack, degrade, and defile sexuality. The Ancient Pagan [Gentile] religions never had a problem with sexuality. They pretty much left it alone.

Their latest attacks [past 40 years] have been used via their control of the media. The key goal is to create within humanity, as many sexual hang-ups as they can, with the ultimate goal of a huge backlash where all freedoms are lost and christianity/communism emerges as all powerful- this being the funeral wreath of humanity. By pushing sexuality [on the one side of it, their programs which masquerade and imposter as 'spirituality' such as christianity, are obsessed with everyone's sex lives and controlling sex at every turn; on the other side, the political aspects of their crap- jewish communism, again, is obsessed at sexually oppressing the populace which they control]. Christianity and communism- jewish twins. BOTH have an agenda against free sexuality and work to control sexuality- [for the reasons why- see the article below this statement].

The Third Reich discreetly promoted sexual freedoms, in their focus on a return to Ancient Pagan ways, while also promoting a healthy family focused environment. Hitler had brothels [houses of prostitution] for his SS officers, un-wed mothers were honored, along with a return to the ancient ways. Who bitched the loudest against this?? The fucking jews!

One CANNOT oppress the sex drive or deny it. Ancient Pagan religions had no problem with it. The jews have not obtained their power and hung onto it for centuries by being stupid. Gentiles have underestimated them, now we are paying the price. EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THE JEWS PLAY BOTH SIDES- SIDES THAT SEEMINGLY OPPOSE EACH OTHER.

Push what most regard as 'free sexuality' too far, as what the jews are doing today [this is not TRUE sexual freedom, it is only dirtying and defiling sex] and with natural law, there will be a backlash, which is their ultimate goal. They control BOTH sides. They are hoping for a backlash of their programs of christianity and its stepping off point of communism. They make a relentless effort to push pornography and all sorts of other adult entertainment on underage children, using the media, and even in some cases in the schools, doing this all insidiously [little by little- two steps forward and one step back]. This is in an attempt to provoke a strong reaction against adult entertainment and sexual freedoms- sending everyone back to square one with christian 'morals' and a backlash of christian control. The same is being done with homosexuality, where it should be left alone. One's sex life is one's own personal, private business. The jews keep pushing
this to provoke a violent reaction.

For more on this, visit the GBLT website: http://gblt.webs.com/index.htm

This is no different from how they run the court/legal systems and government. Their agenda is to let crime get so out of hand, people will be begging for ultra-strict laws where all freedoms will be lost. The psychology here is people will be more than grateful to give up their civil liberties and rights just to get the crime under control. Jews are masters of deception and know psychiatry and human psychology. They are adepts at confusing their enemies, and getting them to fall into their traps. They have manipulated the Gentiles for centuries- into fighting their wars and working for our own damnation [blatant in their programs of christianity and islam].

The same is with the 'morality' issue. The unknowing populace again falls victim to the program of christianity, only this time- fundamental christianity with total control, ideally from a one all-powerful church center, like the catholic church- THE KGB OF THE MIDDLE AGES. This is what the jesuits are working for. These criminals work the 'spiritual' side, while the others work the political side. ALL RUN BY JEWS.

Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality

The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.

There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.

"WE SHALL DESTROY GOD" - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries.

Now, when I mention "the Church" I am referring to those on top, not the average pedophile priest or minister. The Catholic priesthood is a prime example of the level of indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity all the way down the line with blind obedience. The child raping and molestations are chief illustrations of what occurs when one consciously suppresses the powerful sex drive, which is the life force, itself.

Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

All of this is the use of black magick at the top levels that has been handed down through the centuries. The new age movement teaches helplessness, and strongly discourages any forms of black magick to ensure this power only remains in the hands of a few. Justice and righteousness are strongly discouraged and attacked. People are being indoctrinated to be victims and slaves. Fear is used incessantly, no different from Jewish communism, which is where Christianity eventually leads.

The new agers who dabble in magick are also imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magick. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.

The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in two's for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denegrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.

What then occurs is a total loss of a much needed sense, also known as "the sixth sense." Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can't even see it coming, and doesn't even know. This way, the Jews become "God."

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Reading through your comments, although a great laugh, Xianity itself is nothing to laugh about and is a serious threat to the well being of people as of humanity as well. To realize just how vicious Xianity is takes a special kind of consciousness to see through the spell if you ask me.

Atheists complain that Xianity is just herd mentality in the manner of some kind of trend and that fundies are nothing more than nuisances, i used to look at it like this when I was an Atheist but becoming a Satanist you come to see with a second set of eyes almost, it's amazing.

Hail Satan
LOL Never thought about that.  Someone should mention it to them.   In a message dated 7/7/2010 4:00:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, daitsun88@... writes:
  Not to mention their stolen church steeples, LOL.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], fwlrcj@... wrote:

Do those people ever go anywhere. Everywhere we look is phallic symbols.
Tall office buildings, for example, the Eiffel Tower and the Empire state

In a message dated 7/6/2010 5:33:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
davidcommer@... writes:

Those sexy, sexy hamburgers? Or is it the fries? Or maybe it's the ketchup
as it spurrrrrrts out of the packets?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]_ (mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]) ,
"chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@ wrote:

I should have added this at the same time as my previous post because
it's along the same humorous lines & may be even funnier than the "tale of
the bus with the perpetual hard-on."

Way back in 1986 when "Expo 86"-- the World's Fair -- was held in
Vancouver, Canada, he same woman and her husband referred to it as "Sexpo 86"
(fundies do things like this all the time) & refused to attend. Attendance was
not compulsory so there was no one to give a damn whether they went or not.

When asked to explain what, exactly, they were taking exception to, the
answer was "those arches. They're a phallic symbol." Turned out that the
"phallic symbol" in question was the huge yellow letter "M", the golden
arches, for which McDonald's Restaurants are famous! Somehow however their
jehova's witness "logic" didn't seem to extend to McDonald's establishments
located elsewhere. Go figure ...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
