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Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Symbols of Christianity Part 1

Alexandros Iowno [TG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
Ichthys , Fish and Anchor

"...let our seals be either a dove, or a fish, or a ship scudding before the wind, or a musical lyre, which Polycrates used, or a ship's anchor, which Seleucus got engraved as a device; and if there be one fishing, he will remember the apostle, and the children drawn out of the water." [4] - Clement of Alexandria

One of the early symbology used by the Jewish forces in ritualizing warfare against the Gentiles and assimilating this into their creation of Christianity has been known as the Fish and Anchor. This symbology further as Dolphin, Fish, Human and Anchor in different permutations has been internalized by the Jewish movement as a new identity and direct basis for propaganda, forming later into the "Avatar of Age of Pisces" concept that Christianity used directly for propaganda and ideology. The cross came much later and the early Christians were the product of Jewish continuous effort of hybridization and identity forming, of course, not based on any actual "messianic" or biblical event occurring, being fictious.

The "Christian" Stolen Symbols and Use of Apollo and Mystery Schools Symbols:
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The Dolphin and Anchor are in fact, of Apollo and stolen, signifying deep spiritual allegories. This symbolism predated extensively any Christian theft, and there are numerous historical evidences of this, besides the spiritual meanings which are explained here below. Different personalities like Selucus and Polycrates, who were known as worshipers of Apollo, and in the case of Selucus, was the first to use these symbols in form of identity, to show his love and position as "Son of Apollo", symbol of the Dolphin and the Anchor, long before any Jewish theft (the second picture). The enemy admit this in the above quote, directly naming the sources they used to establish their identity.

"Because I first appeared to you
from out of the sea
— murky-and-roiling-like-a-storm-cloud–
jumping onto your swift ship
in the form of a
you will address your prayer to me
as Apollo
Delphinian.” - Homeric Hymns to Apollo

A level one understanding: the sea of existence/consciousness is being paralleled here as drowning people, by endlessly submerging humans in darkness and lack of guidance. Dolphins here are known to save humans, and are illustrative of the external helping force of centering humans towards the anchor, the Gods and our own powers, forming the grounding one needs in a conceptual and allegorical sea. Here God Azazel-Apollo is known to transform in a Dolphin in the quest of helping humans and save them from damnation. Here deeply, we have the code of the Dolphins as sexual energy or active kinetic/expansive energy, the sea as the waters of the body as code word of womb, and the anchor as the base chakra, which is the pillar of ground. In the formless sea, one has a form to rely on and a womb.

Delphis, the Greek word for dolphin, is a very similar word to delplys, meaning womb, relating again to the womb of the waters and body. More over than this they called them philomousoi, music lovers, from the nature of elevating desire and manifestation of the joy of life, resonating and having a purifying nature, which in turn engages these systems, relating to the Sacral Chakra. It also defines the 3 lower domains of the humans that must be mastered over before embarking towards the divinatory states. One without grounding cannot advance in the height of spirituality and see the Sun above, one will rather enter the deep sea in darkness.

Delphi was also an ancient sacred precinct and the seat of Pythia, the highest oracle and divinatory holder, who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient world.

The illustrations here also depict more spiritual direct information, that relate about catching the "Dolphin", as in descending and ascending this force, which is a initiatory ritual and phenomenon in performing work on the soul.

The Anchor as seen illustrated, shows the diagram of the path of the body by which certain energetic connections form. This also has been attempted to be decoded by the enemy and masonic lodges to no avail, since these processes and actual meditations are given directly to the disciples of the Gods, by Gods such as God Azazel.

This understanding long predating Christianity has been altered in the psyche of the followers, following also a purposeful deviation to fit into more occult design of the "Age of Pisces". This was done in a high order to form a spiritual authority and "validity" in the dimensions of our existence regarding the propagation and inception of a "new" religion at the time, all stolen from universal designs.

Tertullian, "the founder of Western theology", referred to the Church as a ship in De Baptismo (On Baptism):

"...the apostles then served the turn of baptism when in their little ship, were sprinkled and covered with the waves: that Peter himself also was immersed enough when he walked on the sea."[8] It is, however, as I think, one thing to be sprinkled or intercepted by the violence of the sea; another thing to be baptized in obedience to the discipline of religion. But that little ship did present a figure of the Church, in that she is disquieted "in the sea", that is, in the world,[9] "by the waves", that is, by persecutions and temptations; the Lord, through patience, sleeping as it were, until, roused in their last extremities by the prayers of the saints, He checks the world,[10] and restores tranquility to His own."[3]

In their own words, and in far actual spiritual understanding of the sea and other symbology they stole, themselves being a product of the Jewish mind, most of the times unaware, they related the ship of Jesus Christ followers as going against the imaginary persecutions and temptations, concluding and forming here not much better than the capacity of a Netflix writer intern for conceptualization, an unprompted mentality of "us against the world" , creating a divisive and aggressive typical character of the christian. But this is due to a need to adapt and form the relations in regards to the Neptunian force, being key in the occult formation of the Christians.

"Africanus’ translation of The Narrative of Events that supposedly happened in Persia at the time of Christ’s birth when the statues cried out: “(Mary) bears in her womb, as in the deep, a vessel of myriad talents’ burden….This stream of water sends forth the perennial stream of spirit, a stream containing a single fish, taken with the hook of Divinity, and sustaining the whole world with its flesh as though it were in the sea.”

Here above we see the narrative being told directly, as an occult mythical event, stolen from the basis of the Apollo mysteries. Sacral Chakra and the waters symbolizing the sexual energy, the fish as the spermatozoid forming the spirit born from the sea of life, and the birth of Divinity, as the spark that formed the "flesh".

More deep than this we also have the correspondence of sins with that of waters, extremely emphasized as a tool of control by fear, by insidious nature forming extreme curses upon the people following "Jesus Christ". One to be "saved" by Christian ideology, must become "sinless" or atone for their sins by ritualistic death and denial of life which is of course, non-sense and antithesis. Here the waters of the womb as we know now the symbol, is relating to the dimensional dross and karmic build up in the waters of the soul, being amplified as guilt and as a "sin", one stays in a perpetual darkness. The original teaching here was that one needs to clean with the Sun the Waters of the body, and with the waters of the body, one gets cleaned from "sin", impurities, becoming free and saved from darkness.

From these sacred symbols the jews used and then transmuted the Dolphin and Anchor into a Fish and Anchor, which they used with a completely different meaning and aim, following the lower nature of these beings.

Unfortunately, deviating extremely from the natural law and the universal symbol of the fish, this has been used as a sympathetic ritual to signify "Jesus Christ" figure as an embodiment of the Age of Pisces in Solar attainment, his "followers" fishing humans in to the cult program, as well as to relate energetically to the self-created martyrdom in ritualistic manner of the Neptunian Piscean sacrifice: weakness and dissolution. Neptune is where one is weak, undecided, prone to fantasy and impressionable and is used here as a gate justification of the entire Christian religion, lies, suffering, and victimization, sacrifice with Non-evidence of any factuality to the religion itself, becoming a veil into the psyche of Christians as perceived substantial. Something that the original symbol warned and taught to guard against, here becomes an active force weaponry.

Fishes are used to signify the mind state of the followers as insult, as stolen from "the-one-who-observes-from-above", "The early Christians were called “Pisciculi”—“little fishes.”".

The Alpha and Omega

Revelation 22:13 - "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

"Jesus identifies Himself as the Alpha and the Omega: the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. He explains He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Previously in Revelation Jesus employed this same description of Himself (Revelation 1:8; 21:6). As the Alpha and Omega, He existed before creation and was with God in the beginning (John 1:1). He is, therefore, eternal."

This saying of "Jesus Christ" is stolen from the pagan philosophical and occult arts, specifically it relates to the human comprehension of the Aether, the "God", that is fully encoded into the holy language as buffer of our consciousness.

Human mind relates notions based on a fundamental chronology, the consciousness finds manifestation in the material realm by the language used, and therefore the First letter symbolizes the beginning of consciousness, Alpha, which is the principle of the Sun, birth, and Omega the Lunar principle, death, forming the "All" cycle of existence by union.

Goddess Isis, in temple at Sais, Egypt, we find carved, “I am all that has been, that is, and that will be, No mortal has yet been able to lift the veil that covers me."

“Alpha and omega, were frequently applied to the Goddess who united in birth and death.”
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Wow, this is S tier quality. It's extremely eye opening, it really helps to explain why xians are so spell driven to their own destruction, they are guilt tied to 'sin'.
Once again.. they took everything from us and used it against us. I'd say my hatred for the jews is maxed out, but as we go deeper and learn these specifics I can't help but get some more FRTR fuel 💪. Thank you JG NakedPluto, for all the research and effort put into this, I look forward to part two. Hail Satan!! Hail Azazel!!
Thank you very much for writing this series of lectures, JG NakedPluto.

It's interesting, I have recently been reading a book titled "Creating Christ - How the Roman Emperor's created Christianity" by James S Valliant. In this book it talks about anchor and dolphin symbols and how it appeared on the coins at that time.

Obviously, it is secularly written and doesn't provide the spiritual insights that you have elaborated on here.

I look forward to reading your next article.
Ichthys , Fish and Anchor

"...let our seals be either a dove, or a fish, or a ship scudding before the wind, or a musical lyre, which Polycrates used, or a ship's anchor, which Seleucus got engraved as a device; and if there be one fishing, he will remember the apostle, and the children drawn out of the water." [4] - Clement of Alexandria

One of the early symbology used by the Jewish forces in ritualizing warfare against the Gentiles and assimilating this into their creation of Christianity has been known as the Fish and Anchor. This symbology further as Dolphin, Fish, Human and Anchor in different permutations has been internalized by the Jewish movement as a new identity and direct basis for propaganda, forming later into the "Avatar of Age of Pisces" concept that Christianity used directly for propaganda and ideology. The cross came much later and the early Christians were the product of Jewish continuous effort of hybridization and identity forming, of course, not based on any actual "messianic" or biblical event occurring, being fictious.

The "Christian" Stolen Symbols and Use of Apollo and Mystery Schools Symbols:
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The Dolphin and Anchor are in fact, of Apollo and stolen, signifying deep spiritual allegories. This symbolism predated extensively any Christian theft, and there are numerous historical evidences of this, besides the spiritual meanings which are explained here below. Different personalities like Selucus and Polycrates, who were known as worshipers of Apollo, and in the case of Selucus, was the first to use these symbols in form of identity, to show his love and position as "Son of Apollo", symbol of the Dolphin and the Anchor, long before any Jewish theft (the second picture). The enemy admit this in the above quote, directly naming the sources they used to establish their identity.

"Because I first appeared to you
from out of the sea
— murky-and-roiling-like-a-storm-cloud–
jumping onto your swift ship
in the form of a
you will address your prayer to me
as Apollo
Delphinian.” - Homeric Hymns to Apollo

A level one understanding: the sea of existence/consciousness is being paralleled here as drowning people, by endlessly submerging humans in darkness and lack of guidance. Dolphins here are known to save humans, and are illustrative of the external helping force of centering humans towards the anchor, the Gods and our own powers, forming the grounding one needs in a conceptual and allegorical sea. Here God Azazel-Apollo is known to transform in a Dolphin in the quest of helping humans and save them from damnation. Here deeply, we have the code of the Dolphins as sexual energy or active kinetic/expansive energy, the sea as the waters of the body as code word of womb, and the anchor as the base chakra, which is the pillar of ground. In the formless sea, one has a form to rely on and a womb.

Delphis, the Greek word for dolphin, is a very similar word to delplys, meaning womb, relating again to the womb of the waters and body. More over than this they called them philomousoi, music lovers, from the nature of elevating desire and manifestation of the joy of life, resonating and having a purifying nature, which in turn engages these systems, relating to the Sacral Chakra. It also defines the 3 lower domains of the humans that must be mastered over before embarking towards the divinatory states. One without grounding cannot advance in the height of spirituality and see the Sun above, one will rather enter the deep sea in darkness.

Delphi was also an ancient sacred precinct and the seat of Pythia, the highest oracle and divinatory holder, who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient world.

The illustrations here also depict more spiritual direct information, that relate about catching the "Dolphin", as in descending and ascending this force, which is a initiatory ritual and phenomenon in performing work on the soul.

The Anchor as seen illustrated, shows the diagram of the path of the body by which certain energetic connections form. This also has been attempted to be decoded by the enemy and masonic lodges to no avail, since these processes and actual meditations are given directly to the disciples of the Gods, by Gods such as God Azazel.

This understanding long predating Christianity has been altered in the psyche of the followers, following also a purposeful deviation to fit into more occult design of the "Age of Pisces". This was done in a high order to form a spiritual authority and "validity" in the dimensions of our existence regarding the propagation and inception of a "new" religion at the time, all stolen from universal designs.

Tertullian, "the founder of Western theology", referred to the Church as a ship in De Baptismo (On Baptism):

"...the apostles then served the turn of baptism when in their little ship, were sprinkled and covered with the waves: that Peter himself also was immersed enough when he walked on the sea."[8] It is, however, as I think, one thing to be sprinkled or intercepted by the violence of the sea; another thing to be baptized in obedience to the discipline of religion. But that little ship did present a figure of the Church, in that she is disquieted "in the sea", that is, in the world,[9] "by the waves", that is, by persecutions and temptations; the Lord, through patience, sleeping as it were, until, roused in their last extremities by the prayers of the saints, He checks the world,[10] and restores tranquility to His own."[3]

In their own words, and in far actual spiritual understanding of the sea and other symbology they stole, themselves being a product of the Jewish mind, most of the times unaware, they related the ship of Jesus Christ followers as going against the imaginary persecutions and temptations, concluding and forming here not much better than the capacity of a Netflix writer intern for conceptualization, an unprompted mentality of "us against the world" , creating a divisive and aggressive typical character of the christian. But this is due to a need to adapt and form the relations in regards to the Neptunian force, being key in the occult formation of the Christians.

"Africanus’ translation of The Narrative of Events that supposedly happened in Persia at the time of Christ’s birth when the statues cried out: “(Mary) bears in her womb, as in the deep, a vessel of myriad talents’ burden….This stream of water sends forth the perennial stream of spirit, a stream containing a single fish, taken with the hook of Divinity, and sustaining the whole world with its flesh as though it were in the sea.”

Here above we see the narrative being told directly, as an occult mythical event, stolen from the basis of the Apollo mysteries. Sacral Chakra and the waters symbolizing the sexual energy, the fish as the spermatozoid forming the spirit born from the sea of life, and the birth of Divinity, as the spark that formed the "flesh".

More deep than this we also have the correspondence of sins with that of waters, extremely emphasized as a tool of control by fear, by insidious nature forming extreme curses upon the people following "Jesus Christ". One to be "saved" by Christian ideology, must become "sinless" or atone for their sins by ritualistic death and denial of life which is of course, non-sense and antithesis. Here the waters of the womb as we know now the symbol, is relating to the dimensional dross and karmic build up in the waters of the soul, being amplified as guilt and as a "sin", one stays in a perpetual darkness. The original teaching here was that one needs to clean with the Sun the Waters of the body, and with the waters of the body, one gets cleaned from "sin", impurities, becoming free and saved from darkness.

From these sacred symbols the jews used and then transmuted the Dolphin and Anchor into a Fish and Anchor, which they used with a completely different meaning and aim, following the lower nature of these beings.

Unfortunately, deviating extremely from the natural law and the universal symbol of the fish, this has been used as a sympathetic ritual to signify "Jesus Christ" figure as an embodiment of the Age of Pisces in Solar attainment, his "followers" fishing humans in to the cult program, as well as to relate energetically to the self-created martyrdom in ritualistic manner of the Neptunian Piscean sacrifice: weakness and dissolution. Neptune is where one is weak, undecided, prone to fantasy and impressionable and is used here as a gate justification of the entire Christian religion, lies, suffering, and victimization, sacrifice with Non-evidence of any factuality to the religion itself, becoming a veil into the psyche of Christians as perceived substantial. Something that the original symbol warned and taught to guard against, here becomes an active force weaponry.

Fishes are used to signify the mind state of the followers as insult, as stolen from "the-one-who-observes-from-above", "The early Christians were called “Pisciculi”—“little fishes.”".

The Alpha and Omega

Revelation 22:13 - "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

"Jesus identifies Himself as the Alpha and the Omega: the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. He explains He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Previously in Revelation Jesus employed this same description of Himself (Revelation 1:8; 21:6). As the Alpha and Omega, He existed before creation and was with God in the beginning (John 1:1). He is, therefore, eternal."

This saying of "Jesus Christ" is stolen from the pagan philosophical and occult arts, specifically it relates to the human comprehension of the Aether, the "God", that is fully encoded into the holy language as buffer of our consciousness.

Human mind relates notions based on a fundamental chronology, the consciousness finds manifestation in the material realm by the language used, and therefore the First letter symbolizes the beginning of consciousness, Alpha, which is the principle of the Sun, birth, and Omega the Lunar principle, death, forming the "All" cycle of existence by union.

Goddess Isis, in temple at Sais, Egypt, we find carved, “I am all that has been, that is, and that will be, No mortal has yet been able to lift the veil that covers me."

“Alpha and omega, were frequently applied to the Goddess who united in birth and death.”
Ο Σατανας = 823
A+Ω+22 (rest of the alphabet)
Thank you for your time in bringing this to us. It is very much appreciated!! :)
Ichthys , Fish and Anchor

"...let our seals be either a dove, or a fish, or a ship scudding before the wind, or a musical lyre, which Polycrates used, or a ship's anchor, which Seleucus got engraved as a device; and if there be one fishing, he will remember the apostle, and the children drawn out of the water." [4] - Clement of Alexandria

One of the early symbology used by the Jewish forces in ritualizing warfare against the Gentiles and assimilating this into their creation of Christianity has been known as the Fish and Anchor. This symbology further as Dolphin, Fish, Human and Anchor in different permutations has been internalized by the Jewish movement as a new identity and direct basis for propaganda, forming later into the "Avatar of Age of Pisces" concept that Christianity used directly for propaganda and ideology. The cross came much later and the early Christians were the product of Jewish continuous effort of hybridization and identity forming, of course, not based on any actual "messianic" or biblical event occurring, being fictious.

The "Christian" Stolen Symbols and Use of Apollo and Mystery Schools Symbols:
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The Dolphin and Anchor are in fact, of Apollo and stolen, signifying deep spiritual allegories. This symbolism predated extensively any Christian theft, and there are numerous historical evidences of this, besides the spiritual meanings which are explained here below. Different personalities like Selucus and Polycrates, who were known as worshipers of Apollo, and in the case of Selucus, was the first to use these symbols in form of identity, to show his love and position as "Son of Apollo", symbol of the Dolphin and the Anchor, long before any Jewish theft (the second picture). The enemy admit this in the above quote, directly naming the sources they used to establish their identity.

"Because I first appeared to you
from out of the sea
— murky-and-roiling-like-a-storm-cloud–
jumping onto your swift ship
in the form of a
you will address your prayer to me
as Apollo
Delphinian.” - Homeric Hymns to Apollo

A level one understanding: the sea of existence/consciousness is being paralleled here as drowning people, by endlessly submerging humans in darkness and lack of guidance. Dolphins here are known to save humans, and are illustrative of the external helping force of centering humans towards the anchor, the Gods and our own powers, forming the grounding one needs in a conceptual and allegorical sea. Here God Azazel-Apollo is known to transform in a Dolphin in the quest of helping humans and save them from damnation. Here deeply, we have the code of the Dolphins as sexual energy or active kinetic/expansive energy, the sea as the waters of the body as code word of womb, and the anchor as the base chakra, which is the pillar of ground. In the formless sea, one has a form to rely on and a womb.

Delphis, the Greek word for dolphin, is a very similar word to delplys, meaning womb, relating again to the womb of the waters and body. More over than this they called them philomousoi, music lovers, from the nature of elevating desire and manifestation of the joy of life, resonating and having a purifying nature, which in turn engages these systems, relating to the Sacral Chakra. It also defines the 3 lower domains of the humans that must be mastered over before embarking towards the divinatory states. One without grounding cannot advance in the height of spirituality and see the Sun above, one will rather enter the deep sea in darkness.

Delphi was also an ancient sacred precinct and the seat of Pythia, the highest oracle and divinatory holder, who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient world.

The illustrations here also depict more spiritual direct information, that relate about catching the "Dolphin", as in descending and ascending this force, which is a initiatory ritual and phenomenon in performing work on the soul.

The Anchor as seen illustrated, shows the diagram of the path of the body by which certain energetic connections form. This also has been attempted to be decoded by the enemy and masonic lodges to no avail, since these processes and actual meditations are given directly to the disciples of the Gods, by Gods such as God Azazel.

This understanding long predating Christianity has been altered in the psyche of the followers, following also a purposeful deviation to fit into more occult design of the "Age of Pisces". This was done in a high order to form a spiritual authority and "validity" in the dimensions of our existence regarding the propagation and inception of a "new" religion at the time, all stolen from universal designs.

Tertullian, "the founder of Western theology", referred to the Church as a ship in De Baptismo (On Baptism):

"...the apostles then served the turn of baptism when in their little ship, were sprinkled and covered with the waves: that Peter himself also was immersed enough when he walked on the sea."[8] It is, however, as I think, one thing to be sprinkled or intercepted by the violence of the sea; another thing to be baptized in obedience to the discipline of religion. But that little ship did present a figure of the Church, in that she is disquieted "in the sea", that is, in the world,[9] "by the waves", that is, by persecutions and temptations; the Lord, through patience, sleeping as it were, until, roused in their last extremities by the prayers of the saints, He checks the world,[10] and restores tranquility to His own."[3]

In their own words, and in far actual spiritual understanding of the sea and other symbology they stole, themselves being a product of the Jewish mind, most of the times unaware, they related the ship of Jesus Christ followers as going against the imaginary persecutions and temptations, concluding and forming here not much better than the capacity of a Netflix writer intern for conceptualization, an unprompted mentality of "us against the world" , creating a divisive and aggressive typical character of the christian. But this is due to a need to adapt and form the relations in regards to the Neptunian force, being key in the occult formation of the Christians.

"Africanus’ translation of The Narrative of Events that supposedly happened in Persia at the time of Christ’s birth when the statues cried out: “(Mary) bears in her womb, as in the deep, a vessel of myriad talents’ burden….This stream of water sends forth the perennial stream of spirit, a stream containing a single fish, taken with the hook of Divinity, and sustaining the whole world with its flesh as though it were in the sea.”

Here above we see the narrative being told directly, as an occult mythical event, stolen from the basis of the Apollo mysteries. Sacral Chakra and the waters symbolizing the sexual energy, the fish as the spermatozoid forming the spirit born from the sea of life, and the birth of Divinity, as the spark that formed the "flesh".

More deep than this we also have the correspondence of sins with that of waters, extremely emphasized as a tool of control by fear, by insidious nature forming extreme curses upon the people following "Jesus Christ". One to be "saved" by Christian ideology, must become "sinless" or atone for their sins by ritualistic death and denial of life which is of course, non-sense and antithesis. Here the waters of the womb as we know now the symbol, is relating to the dimensional dross and karmic build up in the waters of the soul, being amplified as guilt and as a "sin", one stays in a perpetual darkness. The original teaching here was that one needs to clean with the Sun the Waters of the body, and with the waters of the body, one gets cleaned from "sin", impurities, becoming free and saved from darkness.

From these sacred symbols the jews used and then transmuted the Dolphin and Anchor into a Fish and Anchor, which they used with a completely different meaning and aim, following the lower nature of these beings.

Unfortunately, deviating extremely from the natural law and the universal symbol of the fish, this has been used as a sympathetic ritual to signify "Jesus Christ" figure as an embodiment of the Age of Pisces in Solar attainment, his "followers" fishing humans in to the cult program, as well as to relate energetically to the self-created martyrdom in ritualistic manner of the Neptunian Piscean sacrifice: weakness and dissolution. Neptune is where one is weak, undecided, prone to fantasy and impressionable and is used here as a gate justification of the entire Christian religion, lies, suffering, and victimization, sacrifice with Non-evidence of any factuality to the religion itself, becoming a veil into the psyche of Christians as perceived substantial. Something that the original symbol warned and taught to guard against, here becomes an active force weaponry.

Fishes are used to signify the mind state of the followers as insult, as stolen from "the-one-who-observes-from-above", "The early Christians were called “Pisciculi”—“little fishes.”".

The Alpha and Omega

Revelation 22:13 - "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

"Jesus identifies Himself as the Alpha and the Omega: the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. He explains He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Previously in Revelation Jesus employed this same description of Himself (Revelation 1:8; 21:6). As the Alpha and Omega, He existed before creation and was with God in the beginning (John 1:1). He is, therefore, eternal."

This saying of "Jesus Christ" is stolen from the pagan philosophical and occult arts, specifically it relates to the human comprehension of the Aether, the "God", that is fully encoded into the holy language as buffer of our consciousness.

Human mind relates notions based on a fundamental chronology, the consciousness finds manifestation in the material realm by the language used, and therefore the First letter symbolizes the beginning of consciousness, Alpha, which is the principle of the Sun, birth, and Omega the Lunar principle, death, forming the "All" cycle of existence by union.

Goddess Isis, in temple at Sais, Egypt, we find carved, “I am all that has been, that is, and that will be, No mortal has yet been able to lift the veil that covers me."

“Alpha and omega, were frequently applied to the Goddess who united in birth and death.”

Thanks for this very useful and insightful article.

Can't wait to see more of them 😍
Ichthys , Fish and Anchor

"...let our seals be either a dove, or a fish, or a ship scudding before the wind, or a musical lyre, which Polycrates used, or a ship's anchor, which Seleucus got engraved as a device; and if there be one fishing, he will remember the apostle, and the children drawn out of the water." [4] - Clement of Alexandria

One of the early symbology used by the Jewish forces in ritualizing warfare against the Gentiles and assimilating this into their creation of Christianity has been known as the Fish and Anchor. This symbology further as Dolphin, Fish, Human and Anchor in different permutations has been internalized by the Jewish movement as a new identity and direct basis for propaganda, forming later into the "Avatar of Age of Pisces" concept that Christianity used directly for propaganda and ideology. The cross came much later and the early Christians were the product of Jewish continuous effort of hybridization and identity forming, of course, not based on any actual "messianic" or biblical event occurring, being fictious.

The "Christian" Stolen Symbols and Use of Apollo and Mystery Schools Symbols:
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The Dolphin and Anchor are in fact, of Apollo and stolen, signifying deep spiritual allegories. This symbolism predated extensively any Christian theft, and there are numerous historical evidences of this, besides the spiritual meanings which are explained here below. Different personalities like Selucus and Polycrates, who were known as worshipers of Apollo, and in the case of Selucus, was the first to use these symbols in form of identity, to show his love and position as "Son of Apollo", symbol of the Dolphin and the Anchor, long before any Jewish theft (the second picture). The enemy admit this in the above quote, directly naming the sources they used to establish their identity.

"Because I first appeared to you
from out of the sea
— murky-and-roiling-like-a-storm-cloud–
jumping onto your swift ship
in the form of a
you will address your prayer to me
as Apollo
Delphinian.” - Homeric Hymns to Apollo

A level one understanding: the sea of existence/consciousness is being paralleled here as drowning people, by endlessly submerging humans in darkness and lack of guidance. Dolphins here are known to save humans, and are illustrative of the external helping force of centering humans towards the anchor, the Gods and our own powers, forming the grounding one needs in a conceptual and allegorical sea. Here God Azazel-Apollo is known to transform in a Dolphin in the quest of helping humans and save them from damnation. Here deeply, we have the code of the Dolphins as sexual energy or active kinetic/expansive energy, the sea as the waters of the body as code word of womb, and the anchor as the base chakra, which is the pillar of ground. In the formless sea, one has a form to rely on and a womb.

Delphis, the Greek word for dolphin, is a very similar word to delplys, meaning womb, relating again to the womb of the waters and body. More over than this they called them philomousoi, music lovers, from the nature of elevating desire and manifestation of the joy of life, resonating and having a purifying nature, which in turn engages these systems, relating to the Sacral Chakra. It also defines the 3 lower domains of the humans that must be mastered over before embarking towards the divinatory states. One without grounding cannot advance in the height of spirituality and see the Sun above, one will rather enter the deep sea in darkness.

Delphi was also an ancient sacred precinct and the seat of Pythia, the highest oracle and divinatory holder, who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient world.

The illustrations here also depict more spiritual direct information, that relate about catching the "Dolphin", as in descending and ascending this force, which is a initiatory ritual and phenomenon in performing work on the soul.

The Anchor as seen illustrated, shows the diagram of the path of the body by which certain energetic connections form. This also has been attempted to be decoded by the enemy and masonic lodges to no avail, since these processes and actual meditations are given directly to the disciples of the Gods, by Gods such as God Azazel.

This understanding long predating Christianity has been altered in the psyche of the followers, following also a purposeful deviation to fit into more occult design of the "Age of Pisces". This was done in a high order to form a spiritual authority and "validity" in the dimensions of our existence regarding the propagation and inception of a "new" religion at the time, all stolen from universal designs.

Tertullian, "the founder of Western theology", referred to the Church as a ship in De Baptismo (On Baptism):

"...the apostles then served the turn of baptism when in their little ship, were sprinkled and covered with the waves: that Peter himself also was immersed enough when he walked on the sea."[8] It is, however, as I think, one thing to be sprinkled or intercepted by the violence of the sea; another thing to be baptized in obedience to the discipline of religion. But that little ship did present a figure of the Church, in that she is disquieted "in the sea", that is, in the world,[9] "by the waves", that is, by persecutions and temptations; the Lord, through patience, sleeping as it were, until, roused in their last extremities by the prayers of the saints, He checks the world,[10] and restores tranquility to His own."[3]

In their own words, and in far actual spiritual understanding of the sea and other symbology they stole, themselves being a product of the Jewish mind, most of the times unaware, they related the ship of Jesus Christ followers as going against the imaginary persecutions and temptations, concluding and forming here not much better than the capacity of a Netflix writer intern for conceptualization, an unprompted mentality of "us against the world" , creating a divisive and aggressive typical character of the christian. But this is due to a need to adapt and form the relations in regards to the Neptunian force, being key in the occult formation of the Christians.

"Africanus’ translation of The Narrative of Events that supposedly happened in Persia at the time of Christ’s birth when the statues cried out: “(Mary) bears in her womb, as in the deep, a vessel of myriad talents’ burden….This stream of water sends forth the perennial stream of spirit, a stream containing a single fish, taken with the hook of Divinity, and sustaining the whole world with its flesh as though it were in the sea.”

Here above we see the narrative being told directly, as an occult mythical event, stolen from the basis of the Apollo mysteries. Sacral Chakra and the waters symbolizing the sexual energy, the fish as the spermatozoid forming the spirit born from the sea of life, and the birth of Divinity, as the spark that formed the "flesh".

More deep than this we also have the correspondence of sins with that of waters, extremely emphasized as a tool of control by fear, by insidious nature forming extreme curses upon the people following "Jesus Christ". One to be "saved" by Christian ideology, must become "sinless" or atone for their sins by ritualistic death and denial of life which is of course, non-sense and antithesis. Here the waters of the womb as we know now the symbol, is relating to the dimensional dross and karmic build up in the waters of the soul, being amplified as guilt and as a "sin", one stays in a perpetual darkness. The original teaching here was that one needs to clean with the Sun the Waters of the body, and with the waters of the body, one gets cleaned from "sin", impurities, becoming free and saved from darkness.

From these sacred symbols the jews used and then transmuted the Dolphin and Anchor into a Fish and Anchor, which they used with a completely different meaning and aim, following the lower nature of these beings.

Unfortunately, deviating extremely from the natural law and the universal symbol of the fish, this has been used as a sympathetic ritual to signify "Jesus Christ" figure as an embodiment of the Age of Pisces in Solar attainment, his "followers" fishing humans in to the cult program, as well as to relate energetically to the self-created martyrdom in ritualistic manner of the Neptunian Piscean sacrifice: weakness and dissolution. Neptune is where one is weak, undecided, prone to fantasy and impressionable and is used here as a gate justification of the entire Christian religion, lies, suffering, and victimization, sacrifice with Non-evidence of any factuality to the religion itself, becoming a veil into the psyche of Christians as perceived substantial. Something that the original symbol warned and taught to guard against, here becomes an active force weaponry.

Fishes are used to signify the mind state of the followers as insult, as stolen from "the-one-who-observes-from-above", "The early Christians were called “Pisciculi”—“little fishes.”".

The Alpha and Omega

Revelation 22:13 - "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

"Jesus identifies Himself as the Alpha and the Omega: the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. He explains He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Previously in Revelation Jesus employed this same description of Himself (Revelation 1:8; 21:6). As the Alpha and Omega, He existed before creation and was with God in the beginning (John 1:1). He is, therefore, eternal."

This saying of "Jesus Christ" is stolen from the pagan philosophical and occult arts, specifically it relates to the human comprehension of the Aether, the "God", that is fully encoded into the holy language as buffer of our consciousness.

Human mind relates notions based on a fundamental chronology, the consciousness finds manifestation in the material realm by the language used, and therefore the First letter symbolizes the beginning of consciousness, Alpha, which is the principle of the Sun, birth, and Omega the Lunar principle, death, forming the "All" cycle of existence by union.

Goddess Isis, in temple at Sais, Egypt, we find carved, “I am all that has been, that is, and that will be, No mortal has yet been able to lift the veil that covers me."

“Alpha and omega, were frequently applied to the Goddess who united in birth and death.”

What do you think about these?
It's good sharing the truth about the occult and the God's and the symbolistic world as well onto the world.
Thank you for sharing this knowledge with everyone. Keep up the good work! Together we can make a better world by being together and sharing the truth onto more people . I can't wait for the grand finale.
Hail Satan!
Ichthys , Fish and Anchor

"...let our seals be either a dove, or a fish, or a ship scudding before the wind, or a musical lyre, which Polycrates used, or a ship's anchor, which Seleucus got engraved as a device; and if there be one fishing, he will remember the apostle, and the children drawn out of the water." [4] - Clement of Alexandria

One of the early symbology used by the Jewish forces in ritualizing warfare against the Gentiles and assimilating this into their creation of Christianity has been known as the Fish and Anchor. This symbology further as Dolphin, Fish, Human and Anchor in different permutations has been internalized by the Jewish movement as a new identity and direct basis for propaganda, forming later into the "Avatar of Age of Pisces" concept that Christianity used directly for propaganda and ideology. The cross came much later and the early Christians were the product of Jewish continuous effort of hybridization and identity forming, of course, not based on any actual "messianic" or biblical event occurring, being fictious.

The "Christian" Stolen Symbols and Use of Apollo and Mystery Schools Symbols:
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The Dolphin and Anchor are in fact, of Apollo and stolen, signifying deep spiritual allegories. This symbolism predated extensively any Christian theft, and there are numerous historical evidences of this, besides the spiritual meanings which are explained here below. Different personalities like Selucus and Polycrates, who were known as worshipers of Apollo, and in the case of Selucus, was the first to use these symbols in form of identity, to show his love and position as "Son of Apollo", symbol of the Dolphin and the Anchor, long before any Jewish theft (the second picture). The enemy admit this in the above quote, directly naming the sources they used to establish their identity.

"Because I first appeared to you
from out of the sea
— murky-and-roiling-like-a-storm-cloud–
jumping onto your swift ship
in the form of a
you will address your prayer to me
as Apollo
Delphinian.” - Homeric Hymns to Apollo

A level one understanding: the sea of existence/consciousness is being paralleled here as drowning people, by endlessly submerging humans in darkness and lack of guidance. Dolphins here are known to save humans, and are illustrative of the external helping force of centering humans towards the anchor, the Gods and our own powers, forming the grounding one needs in a conceptual and allegorical sea. Here God Azazel-Apollo is known to transform in a Dolphin in the quest of helping humans and save them from damnation. Here deeply, we have the code of the Dolphins as sexual energy or active kinetic/expansive energy, the sea as the waters of the body as code word of womb, and the anchor as the base chakra, which is the pillar of ground. In the formless sea, one has a form to rely on and a womb.

Delphis, the Greek word for dolphin, is a very similar word to delplys, meaning womb, relating again to the womb of the waters and body. More over than this they called them philomousoi, music lovers, from the nature of elevating desire and manifestation of the joy of life, resonating and having a purifying nature, which in turn engages these systems, relating to the Sacral Chakra. It also defines the 3 lower domains of the humans that must be mastered over before embarking towards the divinatory states. One without grounding cannot advance in the height of spirituality and see the Sun above, one will rather enter the deep sea in darkness.

Delphi was also an ancient sacred precinct and the seat of Pythia, the highest oracle and divinatory holder, who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient world.

The illustrations here also depict more spiritual direct information, that relate about catching the "Dolphin", as in descending and ascending this force, which is a initiatory ritual and phenomenon in performing work on the soul.

The Anchor as seen illustrated, shows the diagram of the path of the body by which certain energetic connections form. This also has been attempted to be decoded by the enemy and masonic lodges to no avail, since these processes and actual meditations are given directly to the disciples of the Gods, by Gods such as God Azazel.

This understanding long predating Christianity has been altered in the psyche of the followers, following also a purposeful deviation to fit into more occult design of the "Age of Pisces". This was done in a high order to form a spiritual authority and "validity" in the dimensions of our existence regarding the propagation and inception of a "new" religion at the time, all stolen from universal designs.

Tertullian, "the founder of Western theology", referred to the Church as a ship in De Baptismo (On Baptism):

"...the apostles then served the turn of baptism when in their little ship, were sprinkled and covered with the waves: that Peter himself also was immersed enough when he walked on the sea."[8] It is, however, as I think, one thing to be sprinkled or intercepted by the violence of the sea; another thing to be baptized in obedience to the discipline of religion. But that little ship did present a figure of the Church, in that she is disquieted "in the sea", that is, in the world,[9] "by the waves", that is, by persecutions and temptations; the Lord, through patience, sleeping as it were, until, roused in their last extremities by the prayers of the saints, He checks the world,[10] and restores tranquility to His own."[3]

In their own words, and in far actual spiritual understanding of the sea and other symbology they stole, themselves being a product of the Jewish mind, most of the times unaware, they related the ship of Jesus Christ followers as going against the imaginary persecutions and temptations, concluding and forming here not much better than the capacity of a Netflix writer intern for conceptualization, an unprompted mentality of "us against the world" , creating a divisive and aggressive typical character of the christian. But this is due to a need to adapt and form the relations in regards to the Neptunian force, being key in the occult formation of the Christians.

"Africanus’ translation of The Narrative of Events that supposedly happened in Persia at the time of Christ’s birth when the statues cried out: “(Mary) bears in her womb, as in the deep, a vessel of myriad talents’ burden….This stream of water sends forth the perennial stream of spirit, a stream containing a single fish, taken with the hook of Divinity, and sustaining the whole world with its flesh as though it were in the sea.”

Here above we see the narrative being told directly, as an occult mythical event, stolen from the basis of the Apollo mysteries. Sacral Chakra and the waters symbolizing the sexual energy, the fish as the spermatozoid forming the spirit born from the sea of life, and the birth of Divinity, as the spark that formed the "flesh".

More deep than this we also have the correspondence of sins with that of waters, extremely emphasized as a tool of control by fear, by insidious nature forming extreme curses upon the people following "Jesus Christ". One to be "saved" by Christian ideology, must become "sinless" or atone for their sins by ritualistic death and denial of life which is of course, non-sense and antithesis. Here the waters of the womb as we know now the symbol, is relating to the dimensional dross and karmic build up in the waters of the soul, being amplified as guilt and as a "sin", one stays in a perpetual darkness. The original teaching here was that one needs to clean with the Sun the Waters of the body, and with the waters of the body, one gets cleaned from "sin", impurities, becoming free and saved from darkness.

From these sacred symbols the jews used and then transmuted the Dolphin and Anchor into a Fish and Anchor, which they used with a completely different meaning and aim, following the lower nature of these beings.

Unfortunately, deviating extremely from the natural law and the universal symbol of the fish, this has been used as a sympathetic ritual to signify "Jesus Christ" figure as an embodiment of the Age of Pisces in Solar attainment, his "followers" fishing humans in to the cult program, as well as to relate energetically to the self-created martyrdom in ritualistic manner of the Neptunian Piscean sacrifice: weakness and dissolution. Neptune is where one is weak, undecided, prone to fantasy and impressionable and is used here as a gate justification of the entire Christian religion, lies, suffering, and victimization, sacrifice with Non-evidence of any factuality to the religion itself, becoming a veil into the psyche of Christians as perceived substantial. Something that the original symbol warned and taught to guard against, here becomes an active force weaponry.

Fishes are used to signify the mind state of the followers as insult, as stolen from "the-one-who-observes-from-above", "The early Christians were called “Pisciculi”—“little fishes.”".

The Alpha and Omega

Revelation 22:13 - "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

"Jesus identifies Himself as the Alpha and the Omega: the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. He explains He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Previously in Revelation Jesus employed this same description of Himself (Revelation 1:8; 21:6). As the Alpha and Omega, He existed before creation and was with God in the beginning (John 1:1). He is, therefore, eternal."

This saying of "Jesus Christ" is stolen from the pagan philosophical and occult arts, specifically it relates to the human comprehension of the Aether, the "God", that is fully encoded into the holy language as buffer of our consciousness.

Human mind relates notions based on a fundamental chronology, the consciousness finds manifestation in the material realm by the language used, and therefore the First letter symbolizes the beginning of consciousness, Alpha, which is the principle of the Sun, birth, and Omega the Lunar principle, death, forming the "All" cycle of existence by union.

Goddess Isis, in temple at Sais, Egypt, we find carved, “I am all that has been, that is, and that will be, No mortal has yet been able to lift the veil that covers me."

“Alpha and omega, were frequently applied to the Goddess who united in birth and death.”
Brother, this is just Great (y)
Thank you very much ;)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
