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  1. S

    A phrase and a odd dream.

    Do any of you know if this phrase Anu-kil-Ari or Eri means anything? Also I've had an interesting dream We attacked the enemy I believe a main strike against them, I'm not sure if it was from the past or was in the present, Me and another were on a ship of sorts and there was throne and then Me...
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    the enemy

    --- In [email protected], Airris Barron <thatbemeacb@... wrote: You're full of shit, The Gods of Hell are The True Gods and Goddesses of Humanity, All throughout Gentile Pagan religions each deity is similar in each culture, Satanism is truth, Laveyan Satanism is nothing but a narrow...
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    The "Magic Powder" That May Help You Stop Drinking Alcohol

    --- In [email protected], "keeperofstone" wrote: I'm going sober and some things I can suggest is using void meditation to block the thoughts and still the mind, The other is green tea and eating foods that help to increase brain activity. I can kind of understand the beer gut...
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    9.6 Earthquake predicted for California & Australia?

    --- In [email protected], "MrKorea123" <nshayaun@... wrote: Is this the same person that also thinks Atlantis is in The Atlantic and will rise from the sea or some such non-sense? If so it's BS Atlantis is Very close to India.
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    Using runes when under attack

    --- In [email protected], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote: What I've found to help me when I need a boost is to first Visualise Uruz, Thurisaz and Sowillo beside each other glowing as bright as the sun but enough where you can still see them. I thought I would share this.
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    Is anyone else enjoying the legalization of gay marriage?

    --- In [email protected], "THEB!GBOWSSS" <nshayaun@... wrote: I'm not Gay myself but do have family that are so yes I support marriage same as anyone else as long as someone loves another. I think it is a victory for us as Satanist. Hail Satan and The Gods of Hell forever! -Scorned
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    WOW This is true Bullshit

    --- In [email protected], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote: You know you are doing something right when the jew go against you, They show what they really are, opposition of The Truth.
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    Can someone answer this?

    --- In [email protected], "landytristen@..." <landytristen@... wrote: You can be born with the "favor" of a God or Goddess depending on what you did in the last life, A oath to The Gods of Humanity, Means you are one of us forever in which case, Whatever of any you pleased favours you...
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    --- In [email protected], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote: We need to unite on The Astral when we are are strongest and deal with this once and for all.
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    Whatever anyone thinks

    I shall fight for myself I have been fighting against xtianity within the Nationalist movements and I shall continue fighting under Father Satan's name until the End of Time. AVE SATANAS! Scorned
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    THe Media

    I ndon't know how many of you work in the media, What I want to know is if you would be willing to stick up for one of your own regardless of what our enemies say in their propaganda. I work in music and interview Various metal people and rock, We must unite to overwhelm the enemy in the...
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    Help am growing thin

    --- In [email protected], mukk_man123@... wrote: Try Whey Protein and focus on a bright gold as the sun for your aura, If it does get serious please consider going to the hospital is my only other recomendation. -Hail Satan!- Scorned
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    all satanists

    --- In [email protected], "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@... wrote: Just curious where do us Satanists go if we die in battle or combat? This has been bugging me very much lately Thanks in advance. -Cordially- Scorned
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    enemy attacking using police

    --- In [email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote: I agree 100% with what you said in this last post Brian thank you this brightens up my day where all hope has almost vanished. :) Cordially, Hail Satan and The Gods of Hell...
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    Kundalini Reiki

    --- In [email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote: I've been useing a bright gold like the sun to heal myself and direct it through the hands if that helps at all as I have injured myself stretching quite annoying when you live an active amd fit lifestyle...
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    --- In [email protected], "emerald_midori@..." <emerald_midori@... wrote: Welcome glad to see more interested in True Satanism http://www.joyofsatan.org/ will tell you basically everything you need to know if you need more advice just seek it back here...
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    Doubt about Satanism

    --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote: I'm kind of wondering this myself as Don pointed out a True Satanist would know Our Gods are The Annunaki the ones that supported Humanity and still do. -Ave...
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    --- In [email protected], "mo mo" <precious8590@... wrote: THat's no true friend besides taht hell means The Base Chakra and, Duat xtians are delusional and often times rude.
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    What's with the Illuminatie???

    --- In [email protected], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote: I'm still somewhat undecided about her Her music is bland to me same rehashed pop tunes but what message she is trying to promote something I'll have to look into the lyrics and imagery.
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    A Call To All Gentiles

    --- In [email protected], "purplenurplei" <purplenurplei@... wrote: Your message made a great smile on my face thanks for that truelly inspirational. -Ave Satanas- Scorned
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    Prophetic Dream or Overactive Imagination?

    --- In [email protected], "High Priest Jake Carlson" <hammerofthegods_666@... wrote: Sorry for the confsuion I wrote this late at night/early morning and was very tired sorry and I meant, "I personally would not have" sorry about the misunderstanding all and it won't happen in the...
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    Prophetic Dream or Overactive Imagination?

    --- In [email protected], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote: It would be nice to know if it was me. As I personally would have reason to go with the enemy. -Ave Satanas- Scorned
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    A Prophetic Dream

    --- In [email protected], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote: I never felt at home here either on this planet and like you was put on drugs at an early age to numb and dumb down everything the jewish medicine and psychology that I'll never forget what they did to me treated me...
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    --- In [email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote: I do as well and keep them polished as well as having runes engraved on them and charging them as well been looking at some more pricier ones but thinking in the future more so. Hail Satan and the...
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    The witch trials continue in Africa

    --- In [email protected], "firebird894" <firebird894@... wrote: This makes me want to curse every church and every stian I meet and curse the slowest most painful feath on them I wish this on all xtian for them to be pulled apart as they have done to us in the best to be set on fire...
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    --- In [email protected], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote: I wasn't even aware we had a chat feature much less know how to get on it any tips and I'd talk if you could send me a link or whatever. TY in advance Hail Satan -Scorned-
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    Enochian Spelling?

    --- In [email protected], Priestess Atheron <priestessatheron@... wrote: I think I got what info was on the site a couple years back concerning enochian I'm pretty sure it was from our perspective and not our nemeies as I always would curse xtianity and usch made me always feel happy...
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    Thoroughly Appalling

    --- In [email protected], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote: Bad idea to go there any sign you are a NS they can raid you if they think you're radical and, there are many there sadlly, there are still some freedoms in the red white and blue. Ave Satanas...
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    Its My Birthday

    --- In [email protected], "Brian" <briangibbons20@... wrote: Happy Birthday Brian I hope you and your's are doing well and hope you the best in the future. -Cordially- Scorned
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    When Enemies Attack.....

    --- In [email protected], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@... wrote: Truelly inspirational Brother/Sister I commend your valiance against our enemy their weakness for wanting our attention is pathetic and hilarious. It's good to see other old members come back...
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    Can't people read?

    --- In [email protected], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@... wrote: I agree with this it makes wonder how they came about the groups if they haven't even read the site. -Cordially- Scorned
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    Programming the aura

    --- In [email protected], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote: I wonder if one could use this to make ones muscles bigger as well never hurts to try. Hail Satan
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    --- In [email protected], Hot Guy <hotstudman95@... wrote: I listen to a variety Gorgoroth, Burzum, Absurd, Manson, Rammstein, Dimmu, Mayhem, Early Sepultura, Black Sabbath, Bach, Acheron, and others to many to count hehe. Hail Satan
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    what i get for not reading directions

    --- In [email protected], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote: I remember opening all mine several years ago Back when I only Worshipped Ares and Satan I felt power more than I felt in my current life I do think I may have been soemthing greater at one point in the past not sure...
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    Tarot cards and other invoking materials

    --- In [email protected], "anaxium" <anaxium@... wrote: I use regular playing cards as these are the most easiest to get Red equals a positive response and black equals a negative I hope this helps I would suggest making your own Satanic Tarroti as it would draw in buisness as more...
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    --- In [email protected], eremoslukos8@... wrote: I hope you the best Brother in fighting for your ights as The U.S. Constitutuion consists of. May you find peace and equality in these courts filled full of kike sukum and Gentile Traitors if nothing elese this may open up the...
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    New, Skeptical, Understanding but Scared

    --- In [email protected], "asad4908" <asadtareen38@... wrote: When I went ina deep trance once was in a garden of Sorts I don't have my chakras open all the time(to avoid unwanted beings) but when I did for this setting was in a place where I describe as extremely beautiful it was a...
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    New, Skeptical, Understanding but Scared

    --- In [email protected], "asad4908" <asadtareen38@... wrote: Seeing as how you are new welcome!:) First off seeing as you are of Pakistani Descent you should know how much the israelites lie about situations in the Middle East Satan and The Demons of Hell are Actually The Gods of...
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    12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

    --- In [email protected], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote: I'm all for us doing rituals it's just everyone has different opinions and like it or not we are going to disagree on things besides that I could care less about the enemy they must be defeated regardless...
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    Active membership

    --- In [email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote: Welcome Brother/Sister The first thing you should probably do is go to http://www.joyofsatan.org/ and study. Also you are already a member basically so no need for anything else, alsways good to see another join us...
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    --- In [email protected], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@... wrote: Very true can't lead sheep that are unwilling to become mighty Rams. -Cordially- Scorned
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    --- In [email protected], "sandijs40" <sandijs40@... wrote: It is really up to you if you, yourself wants to nobody else can decide what you want but to be honest from me go for itjust make sure you go somewhere that is steril and is freindlly. -Cordially-...
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    --- In [email protected], Brionna Malone <brionna.malone@... wrote: Happy Imbolc to all my Brothers and Sisters in Satan. Hail Satan and The Gods of Hell
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    --- In [email protected], "givemethetruth90" <givemethetruth90@... wrote: Welcome and krishna is basically like the xtians christ in a simular term and No Satan doesn't care what race you are. He created all of us and as far as leaving I've no idea...
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    Addictions, etc....

    --- In [email protected], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote: Thank you for this Sermon H.P. Maxine it helps answer many questions related to caffeine and eating what you enjoy. Hail Satan and The Gods of Hell Forever -Scorned-
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    Jew Paper Owner Openly Calls for Murder Of American President

    --- In [email protected], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote: Didn't someone from isreal say if Obama would not follow their orders they would kill him or some such? I forgot where I read this could have been an alternate news web site. -Cordially-...
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    12 Group Rituals Version 12.1

    --- In [email protected], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@... wrote: I'm sort of uneasy as well as here in the North me being of Keltoi (Arverni) and, Sweboz (Cherusci descent I beleive) it is very hard to find someone of your own race to even notice you let alone care about you, such a jew...
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    --- In [email protected], eremoslukos8@... wrote: Useing vampirism is a whole 'nother type of magick and is very dangerous although it may feel good at first you always want more to drain other people of their Chi. I travelled this path somewhat when I was without and am better off...
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    --- In [email protected], "swaygaddam" <swaygaddam@... wrote: I beleive he is my Guardian Demon as well when I would ask I would get Amun like sounds it Amoon the pronounciation I also have another GD that is also high ranking helping me out although He tends not to talk much as he...
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    --- In [email protected], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: He could use more than that a good curse up his ass should unplug him from being such a callused dickhead. Fuck them Satan has already won the war they may as well give up. Brother don't let this bastard with fake pasty...
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    --- In [email protected], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote: Well me I never grew up in a xtian household we are more or less have natural ablities from the get go, anyway I was looking for something intresting as all the teens at my school threw a fit about wicca being so good so...
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    Tax time again

    --- In [email protected], "Brian" <briangibbons20@... wrote: My family and I got a couple thousand back so happy thank you Satan and the Gods of Hell truelly wonderful gift that I am going to spend well making books and such as well as investing in a multivitamin and fitness...
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    V Day

    --- In [email protected], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote: Not my favorite holiday for personal reasons, however good knowledge to right down, thanks. -Cordially- Scorned
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    --- In [email protected], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote: For the basic meditation there really is no limit for advanced and the other one(forgot name) you should only do some so many times as it may have negative results if you breath in to much of one element. I did this...
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    Mars Retrograde

    --- In [email protected], "jeannepritchett" <jeannepritchett@... wrote: I was honestlly wondering the same in regards to white magick beneficial to ones self such as physical activity and empowering yourself with the energy of Mars.
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    things i can't explain.

    --- In [email protected], "lhdf101" <lhdf101@... wrote: I sometimes get this except a very hot feeling simular to being burned with a open flame after i focus on my hand chakras my GD even told me not to do so much at once. I guess maybe your hand chakras are working good or it...
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    new routine

    --- In [email protected], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote: Might I sugest something? Have you ever considered a workout routine or other such plan? I myself still have somewhat depression it's more of a thing I get jsut watching TV and such BS. but regardless Physical activity...
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    Are you an overt Satanist?

    --- In [email protected], "luciferlover22" <luciferlover22@... wrote: I am a muscian so yes I am open in that regards although my family jsut thinks it's for props not that I do anything odd but where Kohl a good many times in the traditional style, Not only that but I have plenty to...
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    The New world order

    --- In [email protected], Hot Guy <hotstudman95@... wrote: I and various other Gentiles are already spreading propoganda in various games and forums if nothing else it will raise some questions of one's self and, the world powers I feel this is my talent to lead if nothing else I can...
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    Re: My story

    --- In [email protected], "Lily" <dolliesque@... wrote: I've been getting better thank you for caring :) It's a good feeling to talk to someone else that can understand from a simular view point. Just with me it comes and goes enemies try to effect me in negative ways such as people...
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    Re: My story

    --- In [email protected], Lily <dolliesque@... wrote: It's nice to hear about you and how you conquered life. I myself am doing much of the same currently was on meds, Psycological counseler and had very severe depression I think we actually might be of the same age around 20 or so...
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    West Michigan Satanists?

    --- In [email protected], "Henry Nav" <berlandohank@... wrote: It's good to know that there other Satanists in this politically correct state. Just goes to show great leaders think alike.
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    public notice of true love

    --- In [email protected], "Brian" <briangibbons20@... wrote: I am happy for both of you wishing you both the best in life. :) Avve Satanas
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    Father Satan returning to Earth.

    --- In [email protected], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote: I personally hope to reach Godhead it's hard on a stressful busy schedule but something we should strive for and as far as Our Gods returning it may be awhile I was hoping sooner as it would make a lot of problems in life...
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    The year to come, really shows that this is the year of a great chan

    --- In [email protected], "anaxium" <anaxium@... wrote: The Asian arts and, metaphysical as well as Herbal have always intrigued me greatly, Thank you for the link.
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    what is this bullshit??? SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    --- In [email protected], Gene Maninger <genemaninger@... wrote: Let's get shit fucking straight xtians can never create anything close to Black metal because it is a form of music that embraces various ethnic Paganism within it, they cannot nor, shall they ever create anything that...
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    This Generation

    --- In [email protected], "brianw052497" <brianw0524@... wrote: That it is look at the ghetto and sleep around culture that seems to be affluent in the current media. Yet it is always the poor jew that is oppressed(sarcastic) don't let them fool you they promote absolute rubbish like...
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    Fighting xianity

    --- In [email protected], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote: Things are bad here in The North you see idiots mainly Republicans pandering to the jew and it's monetary game that and, the xtians always the damn xtians! wiping the ass of this marxist world several good things in...
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    For those with PTSD: You're Not Alone

    --- In [email protected], Lilith Crowley <lilylavycrowley@... wrote: I can understand depression and and not feeling love for others anymore it's a thing I know all to well I've been how do you say betrayed in the past by exes and it taught me lessons not to love just anyone. As far...
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    United States President

    --- In [email protected], dvdpst <dvdposton@... wrote: I would not put to much faith in any politician the heart is weak in the face of much money and power. What we need is a real leader, an organized leader would be the best sort that can inspire others. Just my thoughts on the...
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    --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote: I agree trust is a key issue for me and it can a long way of understanding who you can and can't trust like get a vibe of them this applies to the real world as well like a slimy feeling...
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    according to SS, whats an indigo?

    --- In [email protected], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote: I think I might be one as well could see auras from a very early age can trace my lineage back to Early Ireland Can tell if people like me or not based on being around them the aura gives off a energy kind of like a...
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    Some bullshit i keep seeing about Hitler

    --- In [email protected], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@... wrote: Adolf Hitler was perhaps one of the greatest men in three thousand year or so to be in the German area. He united a entire nation from the events for the first world war , and events from a failed communist uprising, as...
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    --- In [email protected], High Priest Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote: I wonder when they'll hand out arrest warrants? It would so be hilarious for the top papal elite to be thrown in a cell with bubba
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    I have another Gaurdian

    --- In [email protected], "DemonW" <satansgirl66@... wrote: I have a question about guardians Is their one on our side called Amon? That goes by Amoun something along those lines? The sound of the name is like Amoon
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    Ironic isn't it

    --- In [email protected], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Hey it Says that the link was not found for the link you posted can you find another please? I would love to read it.
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    why won't he call me back..?A BIT OF RELATIONSHIP ADVICE NEEDED

    --- In [email protected], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@... wrote: This guy sounds like someone wanting drug money, Seriously though I would never do anything like that , though I may be nothing but a warrior a warrior still has honor enough to say if they like you or not with truth...
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    Psychic Vampires

    --- In [email protected], High Priest Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote: There are those that have beenn dedicated in the best that have done this not sure of consequence but I stay away from it personally I don't like the guilt of other's mistake's on my hands.
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    Newbie Questions

    --- In [email protected], High Priest Mac Friday <macfriday@... wrote: It's post smell's of pure monotheism. It is just the feeling I'm getting off how it is written not sure what the rest of you think . -Scorned Hero AVE IMPERIVS LVCIFER
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    Mahatma energy

    --- In [email protected], "avemerodak" <avemerodak@... wrote: For one there is no such thing as bad or good Karma It is a illusion true Karma is where you develop your Abilities and then after you reincarnate you re-gain those abilities then you must work them always. Don not let go to...
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    An Idea I Had What Does Everyone Think

    --- In [email protected], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote: Maybe we should bind the wnemy gods ? I don't know if we can do that and destruction rituals as well it may ease or effort though not sure what anyone else thinks this just passed my mind. ScornedHero AVE...
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    --- In [email protected], Al Reyes <alreyes57@... wrote: I have been using such for many years nothing steroidal at all just mainly lots of milk fat free and here and their a bar or coffee to pick me up as not everyone is rich and as far as the not feeling emotion issue I had that...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
