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  1. kaelgr

    How to get out of the funk?

    These may be due to planetary influences. Or because you push yourself too hard, our body is used to it and reacts exactly the opposite. You can develop your protection aura and create a separate work for planetary influences. The Nauthiz rune is good for will and order. Also cleanse your...
  2. kaelgr

    Planets Chakras, and the human soul

    Satan is the god of humanity. Pure and strong humanity. Yes, there are planets named after our gods. And the planets are related to the human soul. So also with the gods. I think gods are much more than planetary energies. They must have solved planetary problems
  3. kaelgr

    About workings

    I don't quite understand your question, so I'll answer from every possibility. Yes, a regular practice of five or one mantra can be done every day, but it will be much weaker than doing x40. 40 is not a large number actually, it does not take much time. Try to do your work without interrupting...
  4. kaelgr

    Drawing of Thoth

    This looks so beautiful😍
  5. kaelgr

    Question #4167: Butterfly

    Butterflies are a symbol of change, freedom and elegant beauty.
  6. kaelgr

    Question #4169: Gods Rituals

    You can make 5, I think it would be better
  7. kaelgr

    Question #4172: Pregnancy

    RTRs may be suspended. I think it would be useful to cast lots of purification and healing spells.
  8. kaelgr

    Why is the Kundalini Serpent Feminine?

    Two snakes rise upward, feminine and masculine. The power of creation, which consists of the emergence of feminine and masculine, elevates us to divinity.
  9. kaelgr

    Do the little things always matter in life?

    This is something that varies from case to case. There are some minor details that are of no use and just confuse. Some details help create something huge. It is important to see which ones are important and which are not
  10. kaelgr

    Gelişmiş büyü

    Bütün enerji kaynaklarını karıştırmak gelişmiş bir büyü yaratmaz aslında. Yine sadece sizinle alakalıdır. Ruhunuz ne kadar güçlüyse büyünüz aynı şekilde.
  11. kaelgr

    Soru: Gardiyan Demonumla iliskim

    İletişimlerin hepsi farklı etki bırakır ve farklı enerji seviyelerinde olabilir. Üst çakralarınızı geliştirin, varlıklarla iletişimde üst çakralar önemli rol oynar. Gerçek bir invokenin nasıl hissettirdiğini deneyimlediğinizde eminim meditasyonlarınızı her gün daha da severek yapacaksınız
  12. kaelgr

    Hatha Yoga İle İlgili

    Herhangi bir yoga hareketini ne kadar yapmaya karar veriyorsanız, o hareket anında kaç nefes alıp verdiğiniz o kadar da önemli değildir. Belki çok gelişmiş ve kundaliniyi uyandırmaya başlayan insanlar bunu yapıyordur, bilgim yok. Nefes alış verişinizin düzenli olması önemlidir, bir hızlı bir...
  13. kaelgr

    Cleaning- strange thing

    The feeling in any one chakra may be greater than the other. This could be for a negative or positive reason, but you say it doesn't feel bad. The energy in that chakrasa may be greater than the others. But we try to balance them. The balance of the chakras is important. There's no problem here...
  14. kaelgr

    Hatha Yoga İle İlgili

    Kaç nefesten çok düzenli nefes alıp vermek önemlidir
  15. kaelgr

    Revenge of the Angels

    Don't bother with this, because dealing with them directly and contacting them personally (albeit in a bad way) could have a bad effect on you. Be assured that if one ends, the other will begin. Just protect yourself. Strengthen your aura of protection, cleanse yourself of bad energies, and ask...
  16. kaelgr

    How do we know ourselves more?

    The elements, animals and much more represented by the gods are not just that. The details about demons given in Jos are very specific, and to recognize a demon, it is necessary not only to know them, but to connect them all. Establishing the connection between these and experiencing the...
  17. kaelgr

    Help Cleansing Self & Home After Sex With Unhealthy Soul

    Cleanse all your chakras, your aura, especially your sacral chakra, and strengthen your protection aura. Clearing the room of bad energies is not difficult, just visualize it. Also, the more you believe in something, the more impact it has. It's not hard to clear these energies, don't worry, but...
  18. kaelgr

    Human soul

    After death, if the soul does not have sufficient strength and consciousness, it may disperse.
  19. kaelgr

    Question #4128: Demon Thought forms by Maxine? and Allegories

    Demons existed long before maxine and jos. Long before humanity and the world. There is no possibility that they are thought forms. Knowledge of demons did not come to us in Maxine or later times. However, Jos sanctified the names of the demons and their way of commemoration in a very beautiful...
  20. kaelgr


    Maybe you shouldn't do anything. If people want to have good relationships, they do it. He who intends to love you and start something with you will do so. Why are you trying for someone who doesn't do this?
  21. kaelgr

    Question #4136: Do I need to Reverse Vibrate a rune for Black Magic?

    To use runes of destruction, use the appropriate runes and simply visualize the rune creating that energy with your intention or your preferred energy creation method.
  22. kaelgr

    Question #4137: Do Gods Cry?

    The gods understand us because they understand our feelings. Gods know emotions in depth and more professionally than we can imagine. They just know this with wisdom, not uncontrollably like humans.
  23. kaelgr

    Ego karma

    Thread 'What Is An "Ego" ?' https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/what-is-an-ego.64365/
  24. kaelgr

    Question #3996: Love spell rune question

    You can use perception to protect the spell and purify the bad energies in between. İngwaz is not the best option. Gebo, Laguz, Wunjo, Eys are easier for love spells
  25. kaelgr

    Question #4121: about life decisions and regrets, changing certain decisions or going back on them

    Decide what's best for you. There are and always will be changes in life. Change is necessary. This is not wrong, it should be
  26. kaelgr

    Question #4111: does satan love me still if im trans?

    Your choices will only harm you, or they will only heal you. Satan and Jos respect such choices. But my opinion about transsexuality is that it is a matter of meaning. Feminine and masculine energies have manifested in our bodies as they should and our body has taken shape. But it is common to...
  27. kaelgr

    Birkaç Soru

    1- Bu her zaman gerekmeyebilir. Her enerji bedeninizde tezahür etmez, kendini hissettirmez ama siz o enerjiyi ruhunuza aldığınız için onu hissedersiniz. 2- Bunu deneyimleyip kendiniz görebilirsiniz. Ama negatif frekanslar dünyanın şu anki halinde daha fazladır. 3- Manevi uygulamalarla...
  28. kaelgr

    Headache every Monday.

    I have pain in those areas from time to time.This usually happens when I stay in the cold and the wind hits that area for a long time. It can also hurt if I stress myself out by thinking too much about something. The method I use spiritually to numb the pain is blue energy, I visualize green...
  29. kaelgr

    Why do people fail/mistakes in Satanism

    Make planetary squares and work on your chakras to elevate the positive aspects of your soul and heal the harmful aspects.
  30. kaelgr

    Question #4093: Sex Magic

    Yes. But orgasmic energy is your very essence, and transforming it can be more challenging than casting money-focused spells for money. Using runes and certain mantras for money can be more effective than sex magic
  31. kaelgr

    Question #4106: Advancing without Gods?

    Trust is a necessary feeling for people. Most people reject the feeling of belonging somewhere but are still attached to something. This could be a substance, a human, or a god. All of them will have different effects. Communicate with the Gods and decide for yourself. You do not need to be a...
  32. kaelgr

    Question #4107: Suicide

    By committing suicide, you only punish yourself. Satan does not punish people for their own choices and for something that affects only them.
  33. kaelgr

    Corrupt beings who try to disguise themselves as Satan can never defeat our consciousness.

    Although the feeling of fear is a manifestation of a defense mechanism, there are also many people who magnify it and turn it into an emotion that tries to prevent things. Fear is an illusion. If something makes you feel bad, and has bad effects, it is. Most likely it will do just that, it is...
  34. kaelgr

    How much time for trance training each day?

    Any indication of time regarding progress in meditations may reflect badly on someone. Even if it is a much higher goal for your current power, your subconscious can set limits for you when you reach that goal. Believe me, there is no need for this. Some souls are more prone to this. Water sign...
  35. kaelgr

    I need some help - invocation and anger management

    Dagaz may not be sufficient or suitable for the third eye when used alone. In order for your aura to be pitch black, you must be in a very bad mood or do special work while meditating. What you saw was most likely a part of the astral. Also, even if it is a reflection of a bad mood, it would...
  36. kaelgr

    I need some help - invocation and anger management

    You allow your subconscious to control your visions. You must create something yourself, because your subconscious, which gives you these visions, can also reveal the negative aspects to which your soul is prone. To manage, to create. You should focus on these. Manage colors and how they feel
  37. kaelgr

    Question #4084: Mythology

    Because this isn't for everyone. While some good things are presented to the world, some things can be done about their privacy. Those who want to see will see
  38. kaelgr

    Question #4072: How to attract someone that is far away

    You shouldn't cast a sex spell on everyone, especially someone you haven't seen and don't know well enough. Because orgasm energy is a creative energy, it creates a psychic connection. Gebo is good for binding. Lögr/Laguz can be used to evoke attraction. Using the Laguz rune around your aura...
  39. kaelgr

    Question #4064: Estate company name

    You should only do this with the request/permission of the god or goddess to be named.
  40. kaelgr

    Question #4070: Do I offend the Gods if I meditate on their sigil or talk to them?

    If you feel that you are covered in mud and do not want to communicate with the gods in this way, you can get rid of your mud and pass with peace of mind. You are aware of your feelings, that is beautiful. It is very important to repay the gods for what they have done. You are aware of this and...
  41. kaelgr

    Question #4060: Binding spell

    The best method is the one my friend above gave you. Also, what I will say about wanting to cast spells without wanting to bother is; The energy that one person creates in a long time, another can create in a shorter time. Willpower, belief and focus are important in magic. Research the runes a...
  42. kaelgr

    I need some help - invocation and anger management

    Anger is not something that needs to be completely eliminated, there can be a place where you can channel it to achieve balance and be separate from the source of the anger. Rtrs are suitable for this. Also, using the color blue in your meditations will give you calmness and peace, my dear...
  43. kaelgr

    Question #4067: Touched?

    When you feel that your deck is dirty, you can purify it again with energy. But still, for the bond to be permanent, it must be filled with your energy again.
  44. kaelgr

    Black magic

    Depending on the event, any emotion that harms the person at that moment. This is often, and most easily, fear. But we can't just address the emotion of fear
  45. kaelgr

    Matching Energy

    You are absolutely right. When it comes to energy matching, I think that psychic connections with people should also be paid close attention to. Even if this is initiated with positive intentions... Creating a voluntary or unintentional psychic connection with a person you do not fully trust or...
  46. kaelgr

    Mars square and the element of fire

    For this, it would be better to work and practice directly with the fire element. Mars remains a little more comprehensive
  47. kaelgr

    How to improve your coordination and dexterity and stop being clumsy?

    I also think that dexterity is somewhat related to art. So Venus may also be related to this.
  48. kaelgr

    Black magic

    The Jewish God is not entirely composed of negative energy. It consists of a vampiric gray color that is disgusting to Satanic spirits. And sometimes a pale white. The best way to send negative energy to a person is to do it directly to that person. I think the more intermediaries used...
  49. kaelgr

    Hail Beelzebul!

    These nice comments warm my heart, my friends🙏
  50. kaelgr

    Hail Beelzebul!

    You made me very happy HP Cobra, thank you!
  51. kaelgr

    Question #4010: Is everything possible with yoga?

    You can change your weight and physique with sports and necessary physical activities. But there are some points that are innate and are the structure of our body and may not change. See your own beauty from within yourself, not by comparing it to others. In this way, you will gain weight in a...
  52. kaelgr

    Question #4016: Planet earth chakra

    The root chakra governs our perspective on the world and our lives. At the same time, Saturn coincides with the root chakra. As a human being, the state of all our chakras actually affects our life on earth. This is our nature and the world suits our nature. Even if we consider the root chakra...
  53. kaelgr

    Question #4025: Who is Ares?

    He is Andras. https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Andras_Power_Ritual.html
  54. kaelgr

    Question #3985: Question on Public Image

    I see what you mean. It doesn't change you if the people around you look at you like people who only listen to metal, drink alcohol and use the mask of satanism. You know yourself. It's okay to have a gothic look. But when you choose to show yourself, even in some way, you also accept negative...
  55. kaelgr

    Question #3987: I do not even know why I feel like this

    This is just a reflection of the human mind, the subconscious. There is nothing bad about this. Instead of trying to fight it, just go with the flow and let the energies be comfortable. Your thoughts do not harm your birds. There is no need to be worried, these are normal things.
  56. kaelgr

    My brother has done something unspeakable

    If you are sure about this incident, yes you can take revenge on him. You are a soldier of the Satan who has this opportunity. And rest easy. Do what you can. But don't take this as a burden. You shouldn't feel bad, and it's not your responsibility
  57. kaelgr

    Question #3966: " stop controlling everything, and just let go "

    Invoking ether into your soul can help keep your emotions in balance.
  58. kaelgr

    Question #3963: How to use the Jera Rune?

    Saturn is most compatible with thurisaz and hagalaz. However, you cannot have much impact on Saturn by using these. These can create the energies of that planet apart from your Saturn Saturn cannot be studied suddenly and completely. The things you do financially and spiritually throughout your...
  59. kaelgr

    Question #3952: Remember all things after death

    It's actually what's best for your current life. There is a beautiful side to death. Imagine knowing your old life completely, all your pain, memories, family, friends and their deaths. When you are strong enough to handle it, it will come to you automatically. Be sure that when there is...
  60. kaelgr

    Getting to know Lady Astarte a little more.

    When the gods give us a message, they don't just give us a message. It makes my eyes sparkle to see how much answers and wisdom come out of one message. And I admire their speed. I admire the speed with which they hear us and the speed with which they respond. This article is very beautiful...
  61. kaelgr

    My birthday is coming up

    Give yourself a thank you. And to your protector if you want. Happy birthday. Thank yourself for every day you keep living 💙
  62. kaelgr

    Hail Beelzebul!

    Beelzebul, who gives me strength in all the battles within and without May honor and power be attributed to you forever
  63. kaelgr

    Hatha yoga

    Daha fazla kötü geri dönüş almak istemiyorsanız saçma sapan konulardan bahsetmeyi kesin. Kişisel meselelere de yardımcı olunuyor burada. Bu topluluğun amacı kötü değil. Ve size de söylenecek çoğu şey söylendi.
  64. kaelgr

    People with disabilities

    The obstacle may occur as a result of karma or simply a physical accident. Both can be fixed. I think it's like a physical manifestation of bad karma. But like everything, it can be overcome During reincarnation, a soul will not be treated any differently than other souls because of a...
  65. kaelgr

    Question #3891: cleaning after "black magic"

    When black magic is done really effectively, it only creates a negative effect on the other party, not on you. You also give yourself negative energy with your visualizations. If this doesn't really benefit you, you don't have to do it. If you want to improve in black magic, you must strengthen...
  66. kaelgr

    Question #3902: Thoughtforms

    Yes, you can use it more than once depending on the energy and strength of the thought form. It needs to be constantly charged with energy for its continued existence, and it is a job that requires labor. By reading the thought form articles on the site, you will understand the logic very much.
  67. kaelgr

    Demon Ritüelleri hakkında

    Evet dilediğiniz zaman yapabilirsiniz. Toplu yapıldığı zamanlarda yapmanız enerjiyi güçlendirir
  68. kaelgr

    Question #3751: what is this thing called?

    People is creative. Our thoughts create certain energies. The best example of the manifestation of these energies is the effects of emotions. Tears are a way our emotions come out. Our emotions also contain energy. These energies that we create with our thoughts can manifest as an event. And...
  69. kaelgr

    Question #3873: Ritual

    One of the most beautiful colors of the Satan is blue. We use this frequently in meditations and spells. This is nice, but the effects of yellow and blue are different. In mass rituals, we visualize the shen ring as yellow.
  70. kaelgr

    Question #3869: Energi Ripping

    Causing negativity in his/her life*
  71. kaelgr

    Question #3869: Energi Ripping

    When you temporarily drain a person's energy, it may make them feel negative, but the energy will be renewed and it does not have much of an effect. Here, what energies you draw from his soul also plays an important role. Attracting the negative can cleanse him of negativity and make him happy...
  72. kaelgr

    Question #3861: Mother abuse

    Since she is a problematic mother, there may not even be a possibility of sending her to a psychologist. It's a bad situation if you really don't have any of the simplest ways out, if you're not old enough or financially able to break up with her. Try to fake it, pretend to keep up with her...
  73. kaelgr

    Çakraların yanması

    Ayrıca biz kendi kurtarıcımız olmaya çalışıyoruz. Hayat ne kadar berbat olursa olsun sona gelsek bile sadece kendi çabalarımız ile kurtulabiliriz. Sonsuz merhamete sahip tek tanrı algısından çıkın. Gerçekler size güçsüz hissettirebilir ancak bunu aşma kapasitesine de sahipsiniz. Gerçeklerin...
  74. kaelgr

    Satanic Prayer for the Goddess Astarte

    This is so beautiful, magical🌟
  75. kaelgr

    Esenlikler, Astral Tapınak hakkında bir sorum

    Tapınağın kalıcılığı için enerjisinin sürekli yenilenmesi lazım. Küçük görüntülerle başlayıp zamanla büyütün, bir ev gibi düşünün. Ev ne kadar büyük ve ayrıntılı olursa temizlemesi ve güzel bir hale gelmesi o kadar zor olacaktır. Hatırlamak için özel bir şey yapmanıza veya herhangi bir taktik...
  76. kaelgr

    Question #3851: Can gods influence the weather

    If there's a reason for it, yes they can. There must be a purpose
  77. kaelgr

    Çakraların yanması

    İki durumda da hiç hoş görünmüyor. Koruma auranıza önem verin ve bilinçaltındaki olumsuzluklar için 6.çakranızı arındırın. Kötü hissettiren olaylar devam ederse bir süre, Şeytan'a bu konuda danışabilirsiniz. İçiniz rahat olsun, gri pislikler bize bir şey yapamaz.
  78. kaelgr

    Çakraların yanması

    Olumsuz hissettirmiyor ise bu geliştiğinizin göstergesidir.
  79. kaelgr

    Responsibly Opening Chakras

    You don't need a specific day or time for your chakra to open. What matters is the strength of your spirit and your ability to focus. It's great that you're trying to proceed in a planned manner, don't worry about anything. It's okay as long as you don't feel negativity and continue to open your...
  80. kaelgr

    About spiritual routine

    This may be due to overdoing it, as my friend above said, because our soul should rise in a balanced way and in accordance with our capacity. I also recommend cleansing your chakras. If there is any problem, it can be solved this way.
  81. kaelgr

    Non-white gods and how to deal with them

    If what you mean by gods here is Satan and demons, don't worry, my friend. I'm sure they will make fewer mistakes than you. Don't worry about stupid things
  82. kaelgr

    Question #3816: Do Squares Influence Fixed Stars and/or Critical Degrees?

    If you add this to your affirmation, yes, planetary energies are powerful and can affect more than one area.
  83. kaelgr

    Question #3816: Do Squares Influence Fixed Stars and/or Critical Degrees?

    Onayınıza bunu da eklerseniz, evet gezegen enerjileri güçlüdür ve birden fazla alanı etkileyebilir.
  84. kaelgr


    Sorry for the language, the website translates it itself, so I'm writing it again. They say 66 is a Jewish number, but I can't fully agree with that. They might just be possessive, so maybe it has bad energy. Like the word angel, its etymological meaning is "messenger". You can get information...
  85. kaelgr


    66'nın Yahudi numarası olduğunu söylüyorlar ama ben buna tam olarak katılmıyorum. Sadece sahiplenici olabilirler, bu yüzden belki de kötü enerjiye sahiptirler. Melek kelimesi gibi etimolojik anlamı da "elçi"dir. Arama motorundan 66 sayısı hakkında bilgi alabilirsiniz. Pembe de öyle
  86. kaelgr


  87. kaelgr

    Question #3798: Yoga

    Please do not put yourself on the profile, it is best to remain anonymous for your safety
  88. kaelgr

    Question #3798: Yoga

    And yes, Jos is again the best site for this. I can't say that all the sites out there are corrupt, but the ones that are healthiest for kundalini, human soul and body are here.
  89. kaelgr

    Doing Spells for Money

    This is not right in my opinion. While everyone has the potential to do magic, saying "give me money and I will do it for you" instead of suggesting that they reveal it is doing harm to humanity.
  90. kaelgr


    There are many people who have to live with brainwashed people. Since I don't know your financial situation and life, I can't give you advice on leaving them. If these people are members of your family, you do not need to become their enemy, a more mature perspective is always good. But we...
  91. kaelgr


    If it makes you feel good, you can do as much as you deem necessary. If this seal is a demon seal, maybe you can also thank it. Don't feel guilty, you deserve nice things
  92. kaelgr

    Yeller esiyor şimdi ruhumun karanlığından, Zifiri gecenin ardından tüm parlaklığıyla göklerin...

    Yeller esiyor şimdi ruhumun karanlığından, Zifiri gecenin ardından tüm parlaklığıyla göklerin arasından ışıldayan güneş gibi Bu dünyanın değil, evrenin güneşi gibi yıldızlarımı ısıtıyorsun. Gökyüzünün değil, kaderimin yıldızlarını Isıtıyorsun. İşte senin eline sunuyorum Güvenle tanrısallığına...
  93. kaelgr

    Fertility working

    The Berkano rune is good for increasing women's fertility. Also, İngwuz is about pregnancy, gathering, pregnant, it is suitable for both men and women.
  94. kaelgr

    Question #3751: what is this thing called?

    This can be called creating that event, casting a spell. You create a certain energy with your thoughts and the energy manifests.
  95. kaelgr

    About money working

    I know that Jupiter is in Taurus right now, which is good for finances. You can get faster results with runes, but the planetary square also affects your soul and is more permanent. The ganesha mantra I used to break down the obstacles to materiality was the most effective money work I did, my...
  96. kaelgr

    If 108 vibrations no longer ideal to use then how many should I do?... And about "7-day workings".

    40 is the number of Satan. Therefore, 40 and its multiples are always appropriate. I also like to use 33 and its multiples. I think these numbers may change depending on the work you do. 7 is also suitable as it is the number of our chakras. The main thing is focus, as long as you do it with...
  97. kaelgr

    Will Partial square have effects

    Some mantras can also be used outside the square. But this never has the same effect as the square and it is difficult to serve a specific purpose, the energies can be dispersed. You will just absorb some of that planet's energy.
  98. kaelgr

    Hail Satan!

    Your swords are blessed with the power of fire. Protector of our gods, Anubis, to whom I have entrusted every particle of my soul's Ka, has infinite respect for you. To you who show us that we are not alone We have endless respect Lord Satan.
  99. kaelgr

    For Understanding Ourselves Better

    Becoming god does not mean being complete and finishing development. It means starting a new development, bigger and higher. If we want to be eternal, we must accept eternal development and struggle.
  100. kaelgr

    Help with lucid dreaming

    Based on my lucid dreaming experiences, I will say that this is mostly related to the third eye. And again, an advice from myself, I can create dreams for hours, sometimes they last very short time. The long ones were always when my body was tired. My body is tired, my soul is energetic. And...
  101. kaelgr

    Pyrography seals

    My blood, only in good faith💙
  102. kaelgr

    Tips on communicating with gods

    He has many names. At the same time, I would like to say that in some teachings and mythologies, since any name does not mean exactly one thing, it can be a combination of many gods or a combination of several concepts...
  103. kaelgr


    Üst bir varlıktan size bir ispat göstermesini istiyorsunuz. Siz kimsiniz ki bu ispatı size göstersinler? Böyle düşünün. Kendinizi yükseltir ve gelişirseniz sizinle iletişime açık olurlar. Enerjiyi görme konusu üçüncü gözle alakalıdır. Üçüncü göz başta olmak üzere çakralarınız üzerinde çalışın...
  104. kaelgr


    Böyle bir şey yok. Kimse kimse için ricada bulunmayacak. Yaptığınız da saygısızlık ayrıca hem kendinize hem tanrılara. Neyin ispatını görmek istiyorsunuz tam olarak? Enerjinin mi? Tanrıların mı? Hepsini kendiniz yapmak zorundasınız. En basit yerden başlayın ve adam akıllı meditasyon yapın...
  105. kaelgr

    Tips on communicating with gods

    In addition to having the spiritual clarity and power necessary to communicate with them, I think having a purpose is one of the most important conditions. If you call them for a reason that you think will improve you and really help you, your chances of getting a response increase. Shiva is...
  106. kaelgr

    What are the spiritual properties of the color PINK?

    One more thing about love spells. There is no need to use a single color. Because there are many emotions in relationships and if you want to arouse all of them at once, pink, green and red can be used together.
  107. kaelgr

    What are the spiritual properties of the color PINK?

    I don't think the chakras consist of a complete color. For example, although the crown chakra is predominantly purple, there may be pink sparkles and more. Pink reminds me to look positive. Childlike innocence, healing and purifying. When it comes to love spells, it can be used to heal someone...
  108. kaelgr

    I am tired of wasting time...!!

    When we know that your soul is valuable, we want to constantly strive to improve it. This is the best thing you can do for yourself and the gods. Take care of your health. And about what you can contribute to this community. Talking less does not mean that you are worthless. Talking a lot does...
  109. kaelgr

    About negative people in my life / enemies

    Mars energies are warriors and situations may occur in our lives that we cannot avoid. Even though trying to stay away from them is your first choice, reveal your warrior side and create a spirit that can resist them no matter what situation and with what people you are. Coming to your problem...
  110. kaelgr

    China creates a A brain virus that has a 100% kill rate.

    Of course, there are parts and purposes that we cannot see. But I think the reason for this is to create fear in people. Fear is one of the strongest emotions, and people look at the state of the world and are driven to despair. Or they just failed to hide it. Or they don't have the strength to...
  111. kaelgr

    China creates a A brain virus that has a 100% kill rate.

    As always, the aim of these filthy spirits is to destroy humanity and drag it back spiritually and physically. Taking control. Do RTR whenever you can. It would be nice to have a new collective ritual.
  112. kaelgr

    Anlamlandıramdım olay

    Büyüler karşı tarafın içinde bir his veya duygu uyandırsa da bunu dışarıya yansıtmaları gönderdiğiniz enerjinin amacından dışarıya çıkabilir. Ne kadar dürtüsel hareket ettiğine, kişiliğine ve iletişim tercihlerine göre değişir.
  113. kaelgr

    New Satanist dude

    You can start the protection aura with runes. The Algiz/Elgr rune is the rune of protection. The Satan numbers and completion numbers of 40 and their multiples are good for the magic order. I recommend doing this every day possible, not 40 days. When working with runes, you can use their number...
  114. kaelgr

    Astroloji kafamı karıştırıyor

    Her gezegenin bulunduğu konumda zararlı, yararlı olması mümkündür. Evet doğum haritamızın olumlu ve olumsuz kısımlarını hayatımız boyunca yönlendirebiliriz. Negatif yönleri görüp, onlar üzerinde çalışmak daha önceliklidir. Ayrıca Venüs balık - bulunduğu evi ele alamam - bu gezegen için iyi bir...
  115. kaelgr

    Korkularımız direndiklerimiz

    İlk olarak, Satan özel isimdir. Korktuklarınızın başınıza gelmesi, korkunuzun sizin iradenizden daha kuvvetli olmasından kaynaklıdır. Diğer gönderinizde annenize benzemek istemediğinizi söylemişsiniz. Bunun bilincindesiniz ve bu, korkmanız için sebepleri ortadan kaldırır. Ama bilmek ve uygulamak...
  116. kaelgr

    Question #3691: Rape and fate

    It's not all about fate. The will of the people creates a new destiny. Many negative new things happen in our lives, such as problems that may occur in the sacral chakra of the person who has been raped. We cannot know exactly whether this event is that person's "fate" or not. I will explain...
  117. kaelgr

    Question #3687: Criyng

    Crying often means letting go of something inside you, purifying yourself. If this doesn't make you feel negative, it's normal.
  118. kaelgr

    A little art

    Ataturk is not a secret Jew. This would be an insult to the Turks.
  119. kaelgr

    Resim, Şiir ve Sanat

    Kocaman duvarlarım senin karşında bir rüzgar esintisinden daha hafiftir. Dünyanın siyah beyaz olmadığını gösterdiğin zamanı silme hafızamdan lordum. İki gözümün yetmediğini gösterdiğin zamanı silme. Bir mezarlık çiçeğinin asilliği ve suskunluğunu kadardır mutluluğum, Sonsuzluğa açılan...
  120. kaelgr

    About RTR

    Like everything else, RTR's effects depend on your strength. The ritual has been presented to us in the most effective way, but if you do not do the second part due to time and energy, the part you do will still have the effect.
  121. kaelgr


    İçinizde en ufak bir şeyler yapma isteği varsa, önerimi dikkate alın ve bir süre alt çakralarınız üstünde çalışın.
  122. kaelgr

    Hello my friend☀️💙

    Hello my friend☀️💙
  123. kaelgr

    Clarification and guidance on some problems and doubts

    Your birth chart largely shows you all your problems, including past lives. You can solve the problems in your past life in this life. Our soul is safe. This world is ours and we work for it as much as we can. It has seen some pretty good times in the past, why not again? Even if we "fail" our...
  124. kaelgr

    Curse Israel ritual

    Agree with this. It may not be suitable for people who do not have protection and a certain spiritual background. Even if they do this, it may not be as effective as a satanist. Also, I don't think they will do this, I would prefer it to be done more consciously.
  125. kaelgr

    Satanists' protector in death

    Ah yes, the arm is a little crooked, I draw very quickly and with spontaneous energy. Thank you! Everything, good or bad, teaches me something.
  126. kaelgr

    Satanists' protector in death

    Hail Anubis!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
